Created by Rigby Digital Their healing works in all dimensions of space and time so that a healing in the now will ripple out to all of your lifetimes across all dimensions. You will feel a pressure from the inward vortex of energy. Please look them up, they are very powerful and transforming. Each time you receive a healing the Arcturians will continue to work on your problem areas and ensure all subtle energy bodies are maintained and remain energised. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Cease your struggles and rest in what is. You can specify what part(s) you want a particular focus of healing. One day, my body couldnt handle all the stress anymore and I found myself bed ridden, experiencing seizures, fainting, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, extreme sensitivities, severe depression, increased HR, brain fog, chronic fatigue, pain and inflammation. Fair Use Notice can be found in this link. Meditate upon the numbers 9 and 5 with the forms of the pentagram and pentacle. You are not alone and dont have to go through this alone.. The divine feminine energy there is very anchored, with a huge plate of quartz Crystal beneath so Divine Love was able to be channelled through in huge quantities and received by Gaia, increasing the amount of Love on the planet. In 2017, at the age of 30. Attend live and/or receive the And much more. Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience in the app. You may never feel spiritual. It is lowered down over you. Learn to Meditate upon the symbols of the rhomboid and the vesica. Cease struggling to become what you already are. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I lost my job, was tangled in a nasty divorce, gave up all my money and possessions, including my home and was faced with a million-dollar lawsuit. I will be using the Omega Light to transform my body into higher luminosity that will all my physical body to ascend with me., Gevurah is the sword of strength of the Kaballistic Tree of Life. The combination of these two methods completely clears your energy field of all stuck and stagnant energies. The Arcturian healing chambers are available any time that you need the energetic/sound/light support for emotional, spiritual, chakral, mental, and physical healing. It also aids in the facilitation of the teleportation of your etheric and your physical body by converting matter into etheric energy and back again at the point of bilocation. Am tired of being put into one category with the evil humans. Dont know if they are clones, demons or possessed but the fact is whatever the case they are of no use unless one wants to live in misery. This lattice work can then be used for emotional healing by Dr Lorphan of Andromeda together with the Sirians. Great results have been achieved. We sometimes travel there in guided meditations. This painless procedure improves and amplifies your connection with your higher self and helps with psychic development including telepathy, psychokinesis, and bilocation. It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are . Therefore, the energies coming in for the month of March are very supportive of you making that final release of the heaviness of an attachment, and we are talking about attachment to anything at all, even having a fairy tale romance. Copyright 2021 Presence Healing Inc - All Rights Reserved. In order to receive healing from these technologies you must simply ask and allow. Even death is simply a concept, the process of moving from one form and place to another. As the cylinder is lifted up off the body, it pulls out any remaining residue. (by joint meditation) This is a major activation session that targets the third eye, crown chakra, fourth eye (back of the head/global vision), and sacral chakra, clearing and . This went on for 2+ years with no hope. Arcturian healing. I didnt know where to turn, I didnt have anyone to talk to, I didnt have the tools. SoulFullHeart provides a bridge of loving guidance, wayshowing, and community support to parts of your 3D Self and Metasoul/other lifetimes through sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, writings, videos, and virtual group calls. In this meditation the Arcturians create three Protective Blue Healing Spheres. The light it generates fills your entire being with an intense frequency of love and joy in meditation, often lasting throughout your day. Divine consciousness did not create the world that most believe to be the real world. Are you trolling? Now, let us move to spiritual alchemy, that is, the spiritual technology for . Utilizing the state of tranquility and open space for the mind to dwell over material matter. We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. We all know that the keys to unlocking the codes of Ascension lie within the heart. For more information on his work refer to websiteDavid Miller Group of Forty. The degree of focus required is normally gained through many years of meditating, learning and remembering how to do so. My upbringing was dark and for most of my life I felt misunderstood. Request this healing technology while in the Light Synthesis Chamber. Practice simple meditationMoon Breath, while saying mentally the word Aum (Moon breath is through the left nostril only). We are seen with deep love, devotion, admiration and unconditional love by these Arcturian mothers. Do meditation practices upon minerals and crystals. Arcturian Angel Healing By Ro, an attuned Reiki Master and Channel located in Los Angeles, Ca. The misuse of psychic energy became popular long ago when some realized that these abilities provided them with an easy way to gain control, financial gain, and power over others. Need help? They have been with us for so long, as they have birthed us and have been watching us from afar. It is all about letting go at this point, and what you are mostly letting go of are perspectives, beliefs, identities, things that have no place in the fifth dimension. I quickly shifted into the victim mindset and blamed everything on the outside. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. Never fear anything outside of yourSelf. The journey of the evolution of the soul which humanity is engaged in is, of course, the opening of the heart. Once the room is completely filled, sit in silence. You will begin to feel energy radiate from your hands. The Arcturians are the guardians of the Stargate and work under the direction of Archangel Metatron. I was depressed, I was in so much pain and I was hurting deeply. These are again sealed with Golden-White light from the Christ Grid. The purpose and intent of this is anchoring higher light and activating the Ascension Timeline on Earth now. NOTE: Our work is connected to the work of David Miller with the Arcturians. It is good to be sitting with others in the Ring of Ascension. I was so scared, with no way out in sight. All sessions must be used within 120 Days of purchase. I was in abusive relationships, experienced infidelity more than once and sexual harassment in the workplace. Then draw a cube. We gratefully accept donations to support our offerings and through our Shop page. We couldn't find the page you were looking for. 400-Mile-Thick Solid Metallic Ball Found Inside Earths Core: Underground World? The golden cylinder will remove all kinds of toxic energies including unwanted implants, elementals, etheric mucous, shadow parasites, and other imbalances on any level. They wish to help us to fulfil our soul mission as Lightworkers and Starseeds. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: I picked up the book, read one paragraph and decided I needed to meditate with the information. Those of you who do send your wonderful comments, would you consider putting them up on Facebook please? As you know, the first step is the intellectual knowledge of truth which may come from a book, another person, or simply from within. I grew up in an abusive household and struggled with severe depression, never really knowing how to cope. I will put our Zoom details in the description and look forward to many more people joining us live. As you engage in selfless service you clear your karma and are given more assistance.Exchange: 10 via PaypalCLICK HERETO JOIN LIVEZoom pass: Arcturus, SATURDAY 18TH AND SUNDAY 19TH FEBRUARY 2023 Please e-mail me for details. Arcturian Remote Healing - this is a healing session. . Meditation Suitable for Everyone Plays 22k The Arcturian Super-Immune Booster Frequency balances and heals all aspects of the immune system. Greetings. These seals are designed for you, the adult self as well as your inner , This meditation has introduced a large amount of new and mys, Love is the key. You can do this meditation lying down or seated. I am more than happy to collaborate with you and assist you in facilitating a beautiful healing circle, cacao ceremony, plant medicine journey, all led and guided by the beautiful healing and transformative energies of the crystal singing bowls. But if you're looking to make a podcast of your own, that's something we can help you with. Meditation. Im with you on this journey, should you choose me and thank you for taking the time to read a piece of my story. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Arcturian healing technologies are used for healing of the physical, etheric emotional/astral, mental and spiritual bodies. In this 50 minute healing session we work with the Arcturian Energies and Consciousness to upgrade our brain structure, subtle bodies, and consciousness in order to think better, sharper, and faster. 2023 Carol Nayach Website created by Keri Dawn. Arcturians help us shape synarchic consciousness that theyve spread throughout the solar system. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. The healing session upgrades and balances 12 main brain structures in the nervous system. Little did I know was my awakening. It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. Ive manifested an incredible life partner who loves me unconditionally and together we have created a beautiful and abundant life for ourselves and my daughter. Deepen your breath to strengthen prana, become the One-ness of the All. The Arcturians are the most helpful in clearing lower densities and also in helping us to activate and shift our vibration from dense 3D into higher states of light and love. I find myself living what I now like to call my best life! Make notes of the pictures that arise in your mind. The Arcturian Healing Chamber Transmission: Clearing 'Negative' Alien Interference/Manipulation Watch on Arcturian Healing. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I will put our Zoom details in the description and look forward to many more people joining us live. Users who like Arcturian Activation Meditation, Users who reposted Arcturian Activation Meditation, Playlists containing Arcturian Activation Meditation, More tracks like Arcturian Activation Meditation. The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. Run as often as necessary. You will ascend, and this will be the lifetime in which you do it. Alternatively, you can ask for the energies of this technology to be sent to your body on Earth. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is time. Looking out on the universe from this standpoint, identify with the earth spirits in love and sympathy. Spiritually, mentally and physically. This is the synthesis of liberation, enlightenment and full body to energy ascension without any amnesia. At night while one sleeps and bi-locates, ask to be taken to this chamber whilst in your own soul body. This special chamber contains advanced light technology that builds up your energy bodies and hence your light quotient. This is just one of them. This part of the journey may continue for many years and it is during this time that some begin to lose hope in the belief that they will ever achieve what they have believed to be spirituality. In this meditation, we receive crystalline starlight to activate our hearts and our lightbodies, in a form of psychic surgery as energetic blocks are removed from our bodies. Matthew Ward Message: Effects of Intensifying Light, The 9D Arcturian Council: The March 2023 Energies. I havent fainted in over a year or had a single seizure since 2019 and all of my symptoms are now being managed holistically. You can also call on the Arcturians for clearing emotional, mental and physical trauma, stimulation of the immune system, to help facilitate healing of cancer, heart imbalances of any kind, increased vision, losing weight, clearance of addictions, and for treating skin and digestive disorders. Merging the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves. The session involves a large injection of chakra block removal energy. Arcturian Healing Method Podcast A podcast on Anchor 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! Learn more about Anchor Arcturian Love and Joy Chamber: This healing involves a chamber on an Arcturian Starship that one can connect to in meditation that can fill one's being with an intense frequency of Love and Joy. Thanks for submitting, I will be in touch in the next 48 hours. The Golden Dawn Mediation offers an fundamental learning curves towards peaceful awakening. This is the time for all of you to be preparing yourselves for the completion of the shift in consciousness, and we say that not because its going to happen tomorrow or next month or even next year. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We will work with the New energies as as we continue to work with the partial intersection of 5D and 3DPersonal and major planetary work in Wiltshire. The Arcturian healing chambers are available any time that you need the energetic/sound/light support for emotional, spiritual, chakral, mental, and physical healing. It is your Higher Self, the YOU that never left full awareness, and not how many certificates of spiritual achievement you may have accumulated that determines when you are ready to shift to a more fully ascended state of consciousness. To the outsider everything appeared to be perfect, but on the inside, I was dying, I was lost, unhappy and afraid. Those of you who do send your wonderful comments, would you consider putting them up on Facebook please? Identify oneself with the powers of water, considering water triplicity in all its aspects.This spiritual meditation is to feel the core within you. At the start of the meditation you may wish to send this healing to a certain part of your body or simply just receive it and allow it to go wherever it needs to. The Arcturians are very advanced healers who use a number of elegant techniques to reactivate forgotten and dormant chakras, and fully heal damaged and forgotten strands of DNA. They are there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, and for you to release resistance to those that you dont find so enjoyable. My spiritual journey over the last few years has been the most rewarding period of my life and I feel such love and appreciation for the Arcturians, guides and teachers who have supported me, loved me, guided me and accelerated my growth and evolution. This is usually the start of a metaphysical phase in which the truth student seeks out different methods and techniques for attaining spirituality. The level 3 of the Arcturian Healing Method works on two levels. Be smart and wise as a person living on earth, but never forget who you really are. Join our online portal as a member with exclusive content and a community forum! Ask to be taken to this emotional healing chamber on an Arcturian lightship, through meditation. Learn more about Anchor A huge amount of energy came through for Gaia and even out into the Galaxy. For visiting Era of Light. This is an advanced light technology which is anchored into a chakra, usually the solar plexus chakra. Music by Chris Kemp White ( And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. This reflects high vibrational light, aligns you with your higher self-aspects, and increases your capacity for magical power. I later discovered that I am an Arcturian Starseed with a soul connection with Helio-Ah. It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are standing by the empty chambers waiting for their human counterparts to join them! Meditate upon the numbers 9 and 5 with the forms of the pentagram and pentacle. A useful tip to boost your connection with the Arcturians is to spend a few minutes daily clearly visualising with your heart and all your senses that you are greeted by the Arcturians and you are then taken to a healing area on their spaceship Athena or to their temple on Arcturus. Lord Arcturus has constructed this chamber uniquely to work on physical health issues and ascension symptoms. I havent taken a single prescription pill since 2019! I am here for you no matter what, in person or in the virtual realm! And there are many of you who are spiritually awake; there are more than there ever has been there on Earth. You also meet your Arcturian guide/aspect who offers messages/visions for you to take in. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This is a DNA activation and energetic healing meditation that channels Arcturian energy to help us align and clear. 01:48:27. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. You will most likely fall asleep at some point (as the conscious mind shuts off to let the unconscious mind be recoded), so its good to be in a comfortable position when you listen to it. Thank You. Recognize that everyone is playing their roles perfectly right now to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and you can enjoy what you are receiving from those who guide and teach you, and let that be enough for now. "EXTREMELY POWERFUL" Infinity Wisdom 1.14K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K 43K views 1 year ago Arcturians Meditation to activate galactic DNA Get. For more information on his work refer to David Miller Group of Forty. You need not fear these types of things for even though you may feel the presence of dark energy at times and in certain circumstances, know that low resonating dark energy cannot align with Light energy. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the perspective or beliefs of the Era of Light staff. Then mentally formulate the cube, and endeavor to discover the significance of this figure and its correspondances. Request to be transported to an Arcturian lightship, such as the starship Athena which is currently in our solar system. But if you're looking to make a podcast of your own, that's something we can help you with. Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies such as the Metatron, Melchizedek, & Arcturian Mandala Healing Frequencies are added to fully empower the transmission. We come to you with open hearts. Also avoid, like the plague, any foods that are over-cooked, over-processed, mouldy and genetically engineered food. Arcturian Prana Wind-clearing Device: These methods involve cosmic codes of consciousness, which work together with Star Magic, that act as keys the unlock portals to all 13 Chakras and all of the 7 subtle bodies. Our thanks to him for the enormous volume of material he has channelled and published from the Arcturians. Channelled material in the main body of the website is taken from David's many books. Dark, low resonating energy cannot enter into, align with, or affect high resonating Light energy which is why you need not concern yourself with or fear the demons and evil that some individuals and groups tell you to fear and protect yourself against. Call on them for help as you would call on the Arcturians for healing. Ready to get started or have additional questions? What could it be made from if IT is all that exists? It requires superhuman effort to teleport your etheric and physical bodies. Let yourself realize the mental world where mind rules over matter, and let yourself meditate upon the ideas of appearance and reality with Golden Dawn Meditation. They have also asked for people to put on my Facebook their experiences from the meditations. In this meditation the Arcturians create three Protective Blue Healing Spheres. You will witness many of these ideas, rules, laws, religious beliefs, and traditions dissolving into the nothingness that they really are, which will allow higher forms of these same things to manifest. Practice simple meditationMoon Breath, while saying mentally the word Aum (Moon breath is through the left nostril only). The energy transmission starts at 11 minutes. It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are . This is a DNA activation and energetic healing meditation thatchannels Arcturian energy to help us align and clear. Over eons of time world consciousness has become one in which generation after generation continues to believe in and promote the idea that pain, suffering, lack, war, disease, limitation, death, and separation between God, people, and all life forms is Gods creation. Super Quick Crystal-Rose Shield Meditation: Neutralising Negative Energetic Projections. Through Marmura's skill as a translator and his extensive annotations, Avicenna's touchstone of Islamic philosophy is more accessible than ever before. Use to purify a new area of meditation and healing, Slowly fill the room with the pool of violet flames. I will soon be spending a lot of time in and around Shaftsbury which is as important as Glastonbury, holding the female aspect of Gaias heart chakra. Ask and you will receive. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We are the Arcturian Council. Many become aware of truth and are ready for it, but choose instead to ignore it in the realization that it would interfere with their present comfortable and well established belief system. They have been asking me for some time to do this and it was the lockdown that forced me to get it together. They study, take classes, do rituals, get healing work, have readings, while continuing to believe that they have not yet attained because they dont feel spiritual and their concepts of spirituality have not manifested. All meditations go out on my YouTube channel Carol Nayach Arcturian Light More info here. The violet flame has been firmly anchored in Tregura, Spanish Pyrenees and is echoeing around the planet. . Think of the tone in your head before sounding aloud. For donating, please view the following page by clicking here. AMAZING ARCTURIANS HEALING FHZ MEDITATION! elevated state of mind, coherent heart body in alignment with inner universe for ultimate expansion. To make things a little easier you can ask the Arcturians to place an invisible superconducting crystal plate to be anchored into the third eye. All our Meditations, Q&As and Teachings now go out Live on Zoom. Because your consciousness goes with you wherever you go, your Light automatically and without conscious thought or effort affects your work, play, gatherings of family and friends as well as everything you focus attention onthe world, news, etc. Higher Density Living All Rights Reserved. There are a total of six frequencies in this session. Healing is powerful and the meditative state where its full potential is reached is deep meditation or the twilight zone between waking and sleeping. Thank you to everyone who participated in such sacred work, in service to Mother Earth. We are talking about your attachments to having a lot of money in the bank or your attachments to being at the frontline of the consciousness evolution movement. Seeks out different methods and techniques for attaining spirituality also use third-party cookies that help analyze! In order to receive healing from these technologies you must simply ask and allow i needed meditate! 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arcturian healing meditation
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