Our branch has two full time members of staff and is your friend at work. They include manual and white collar staff working full or part time. Assistant Branch Treasurer supports the Branch Treasurer. [14] UNISON also carries out research and campaigns on public service issues, such as the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Please tick Yes If so please outline the number and their roles 2 staff: Office manager and caseworker Get instant job matches for companies hiring now for Part Time Employee Customer Service Desk Part Time jobs near Unison Business Park from Customer Service, Advising to Consulting and more. #I" Liaises with the Branch staff in extracting information from the Regional/Branch membership systems to help target recruitment activities. Young members and retired members also have their own sections within the union. [34][31] It is anticipated that interviews will be held on 2nd and 3rd September 2021. The Branch International Officer develops and leads on international solidarity activities including campaigns, twinnings and support for projects abroad. The Branch Resources Review is tasked with reviewing the branch funding regime, how resources are applied and how this might be improved to provide more effective allocation of funds and use of resources. to ensure the proper management and direction of any branch employed staff. A great support during tickmill indonesia hearings.". The branch secretary should seek to meet with each steward on a one-to-one basis, to discuss issues and workplace organisation, on a six-monthly basis l to ensure that members and stewards are aware, and take advantage, of educational and training opportunities within UNISON, to ensure that appropriate publicity activities are developed and co-ordinated by the branch, to act as spokesperson for the branch when in contact with other levels of the union and external organisations, to ensure that members receive the benefits, rights and services to which they are entitled, to co-ordinate all branch negotiations and industrial relations matters, to ensure, in conjunction with the branch committee, that the branch observes the unions rules, supports UNISON campaigns and works towards achieving UNISONs objectives. Question 2 of 25 . Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview and written test on Monday 3rd September 2018 at our Exeter regional office. The staff were approachable and welcoming. The Branch Black Members Officer provides support for black members and takes the lead on any issues specific to this group. You may visit the branch from 8:45am to 5pm. The branch Equality Co-Ordinator works on equal rights issues including sex, race, disability and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. Terms and conditions. The Wakefield District Branch of UNISON has thousands of members organised across WMDC and over 80 other employers. Its members work predominantly in public services, including local government, education, health and outsourced services. The first National Branch Employed Staff Forum was held at the UNISON Regional Office at Arena Point Manchester on 27th September 2018. Branch Officers Contact Us #BringThemIn On the 17th December 2018, UNISON submitted a series of claims to UCL, Sodexo and Axis to bring outsourced workers at UCL back in house on the same terms as directly employed staff. These can also elect officers to the branch committee. Payment is taken by Direct Debit if the member joins online, if the member specifically requests it, or if there is no DOCAS arrangement with the employer. The LGBT staff network is one of the many staff associations within Lancashire Constabulary and is open to any staff member (police officer, police staff, special, volunteer or police cadet) who self-identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans*, regardless of gender, role or rank. We use cookies on our website to ensure you find the information you need in the simplest way. UNISON is the UKs leading public services trade union, with over 1.3 million members working in the public sector, private, voluntary and community sectors and in the energy services. UNISON own and operate a holiday resort, UNISON Croyde Bay Resort, in North Devon. Its 2010 campaign was entitled "Million Voices for Public Services".[24]. About the branch We employ approximately 1,200 staff, with around 370 at our national centre in Euston in central London and the remainder in our 12 regions across the UK, including Northern Ireland. Follow us on Twitter, UNISON Lincolnshire|Lincolnshire County, 34 Orchard Street, Lincoln, LN1 1XX Tel: 01522 554 910, Privacy Policy|Cookie Policy|Terms of Use |Web design by Optima, . This is the annual general meeting, which is held between 1 January and 31 March. Undertake the payroll process for Branch Employed Staff with payroll provider Required Skills Good general level of education, ideally to A level standard or equivalent Ability to use & develop IT systems Experience of managing office procedures, systems and people Excellent Communication skills The branch is looking for members interested in the following positions: Chair Communications Officer Equalities Officer Union Learning Representatives Women's Officer LGBT+ Members Officer Disabled Members Officer Black Members Officer Young Members Officer Retired Members Officer International Officer Environmental & Sustainability Officer We are here to take the voice of staff to management and to facilitate positive change which is of benefit to all. Membership costs from as little as 1.30 a month. The Disability Officer works on equal rights issues including sex, race, disability and lesbian and gay issues. UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. These members also deliver key services to the public, some of these members are from the Meat Hygiene Service, Colleges, Probation, West Yorkshire Joint Services, the Voluntary Sector, Housing Associations, the caring fields, Wakefield & District Housing, car parks and areas of . UNISON Insurance Broking Services Pvt Ltd in Boydton, VA Expand search. Registering Branch delegation details can be submitted using UNISON's Online Conference System (OCS). Please note that if you do not hear form us you have not been shortlisted on this occasion. to arrange for the minutes of meetings to be kept in a proper manner and circulated to all branch officers and stewards, to arrange for branch records to be kept in a proper manner, to ensure regular communication with the members of the branch with news of campaigns, negotiations, issues, branch developments and activities, to communicate with the unions regional and head offices on behalf of the branch, to ensure that branch members are aware of opportunities to participate in the activities of the wider union, or within self-organisation if appropriate. The report, commissioned by UNISON and based on a survey of members, reveals the extensive role which the union can play in addressing climate change issues. Any person who has entered the UL and who is found to be under 16 years of age will automatically forfeit any prize. Visible Anyone can find this group. Organises retired UNISON members and represents them at branch, Regional and National level. Kingston Unison Local Government Branch. Local Government staff kept our communities safe, clean and accessible, working throughout the pandemic, putting ourselves on the line, yet apart from a weekly hand clap, there was or no recognition for our hard work afterwards. The Royal Devon & Exeter Health branch is currently recruiting a Branch Administrator/Organiser to the Exeter area and Community Hospitals across Devon. 34 Orchard Street For an application form and further details please request a pack by emailing unison@kent.gov.uk or by calling 03000 421019. Click here. Evaluates the outcome of recruitment activities to build an understanding of what works. The meeting elected Sue McDiarmid as the BES Forum Convenor unfortunately she had to decline. ***************************************************************************. Responding to claims to day (Wednesday) that Matt Hancock rejected advice to test everyone going into care homes at the height of the pandemic, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: "C are homes were on Matt Hancock's watch but he failed to protect them from the virus. Learn More Where branches do employ staff, its important for the branch to be able to carry out normal employers responsibilities properly and with the minimum fuss. The General Political Fund has also funded: In the run-up to several general or local elections, the fund has been used for advertising campaigns to ensure that issues of importance to UNISON are high on the agenda. Welcome to the UNISON Centre branch page, here you can find details of upcoming branch meetings, the names of your reps, and any local news specific to the Centre. IBM are on a mission to change this. Officers report back to representatives at the Branch Consultation Meetings which are held bi-monthly. Self Organised Group Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Members, How to Express an Interest in a Course and Apply, Branches without Branch Education Coordinators, Click here to register your interest online, to guide the branchs development through the preparation and implementation of a branch organisation and development plan, to ensure the representation of members within the branch in accordance with national guidance (see. Successful candidates will bring their experience and skills in assisting the branch to develop systems and general administrative support, they will also recruit, map membership density, develop new activists, organise and drive forward our campaigning work. Members of UNISON are typically from industries within the public sector and generally cover both full-time and part-time support and administrative staff. Much of the recruitment within organisations takes place at a local level, with stewards and branches directly engaging with the staff within their remit. Contributes to the development of recruitment campaigns. The Branch Communications Officer is reponsible for publicity, dealing with the media and developing electronic communication and the Branch website. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. TheVice Chair supports the Chair and facilitates branch and committee meetings in the Chairs absence. Sep 2001 - Sep 20065 years 1 month. The Womens Officer supports the Womens Self Organised Group. Join UNISON and get essential cover wherever you work. In Higher Education, members can be employed by universities directly, or work for a Student Union or contractor supplying services. [36][37] McAnea was an Assistant General Secretary for UNISON and previously the head of its NHS division. Branch Secretary - Luke Ruby / Steve Elsey Chair - Gail Adams / Emily Cramp BME officer - Calvin Smeda Education Officer - Steve Elsey Women's Officer - Emily Cramp The Branch Life-long learning co-coordinator takes the lead on learning and development issues for the branch; recruits, supports and liaises with Union Learning Representatives (ULRs); promotes lifelong learning opportunities among members and seeks to raise the profile of learning and development with employers. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. An application pack will be sent to you by email. Please return a copy of the Recruitment Monitoring Forms with your application. Branch Administration Staff Louise Bromfield - Administrator Dorinda Hudson - Administrative Assistant Contact: 01522 554910 or email info@lincunison.org.uk With more than 1.3 million members working across the public services, being part of UNISON means you have the full weight of the UK's leading trade union behind you. Previous experience as a trade union representative and knowledge of local government terms and conditions would be desirable. UNISON response to National Care Service Bill, Members experiencing financial and emotional difficulties can contact our welfare charity, There for You, which provides a confidential advice and support service for members and their dependants. The stewards receive training in workplace issues and are then able to co-ordinate and represent members both on an individual basis and collectively. As part of it, UNISON Welfare are launching the Energy Support Fund to help, The joint TU pay claim for local government workers covered by the Scottish Joint Council for 2023 has now been submitted to COSLA. Find out more Media contact: Sophie Goodchild M: 07767 325595 E: s.goodchild@unison.co.uk This is where the employer deducts the contribution from the employee's salary on behalf of the union. Full time, term time only Main Purpose To provide cover for a range of classes from Year 1 to Year 6. [32] Four candidates received enough nominations to be on the ballot: Paul Holmes, Christina McAnea, Roger McKenzie and Hugo Pierre. They also followed up with me after the meeting, which was extremely useful. To apply for this opportunity, please contact the branch office email unison@surreycc.gov.ukfor an application pack. To undertake this role you must have good interpersonal and IT skills, excellent administrative and organisational skills and a good understanding and knowledge of the trade union movement. Stewards in each section then meet as a section steward committee and have their own representatives directly elected onto the main branch committee. Commenting on the retirement of Police Scotland's chief constable Iain Livingstone, UNISON police staff branch secretary, Michelle Brewster said: . in community and voluntary organisations. Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email and invited to attend an interview on 18th November in Kingston and may be asked to make a short presentation to our branch committee on 20th November, also in Kingston. Read more. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/*
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