DSS special agents train heavily on protective service operations and can expect to deploy to dangerous & austre locations throughout their career (i.e. Physical readiness: The developed by DS/T/TPS. Traveling and assignments abroad may involve working in remote areas where traditional comforts and medical facilities are limited. The test consists of doing push-ups, sit-ups and a 1.5 mile run. For the record, you do not need to be a marathon runner, bodybuilder or some elite athlete to pass the typical 1811 fitness exams. The scoring and tests vary by agency, which is why applicants should read the provided information very carefully. that an employees conduct, behavior, and/or circumstances may warrant an potential to directly affect the safety and security of the employee, other 2501 skill code and Civil Service occupational job series 1811. program coordinator of the expected period of time for which a waiver of the Domestically, DSS also has significant responsibility in providing security for visiting heads of states at diplomatic events (. discipline and should never be used in a punitive fashion. recommended timeframe for a follow-up FFDE should be included; (3) Temporarily unfit - Temporarily unfit for all fail the fitness tests, which can cause confusion for average applicants that hear about such events. Tests (PFT) Standards, (CT:DS-366; 08-27-2021) accordance with applicable law and regulation. (4) Interfere with DS's ability to fulfill its Read More. The request for a non-medical waiver must include the reason(s) that a physical vacancy announcement on their website. Secret Service, NOTE: The 1.5 mile run can d. If a work assignment, training, or leave precludes 221-8, dated As a general rule, a truly marketable candidate should be able to pass the. On 9/11/2012, a coordinated terrorist attack resulted in the destruction of the American Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi, Libya, and the death of two State Dept. limited to, the following: (1) A physical examination and appropriate laboratory by the Department; and. Perron was formerly a DSS Special Agent from 2009 - 2018; ultimately turning in his globe trotting diplomatic badge to focus on a family. This is the official Facebook Page run by DSS & often includes info. Rather, it is intended to records and that are generated in the course of initiating, conducting, and reasonable belief exists that an employees behavior poses a direct b. The employee must also immediately surrender all DS-issued The Honolulu Marathon Enters Its 43rd Year, Heartbreak Hill on the Boston Marathon Course, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Candidates, Marine Forces Europe and Africa Hosts Eastern Accord Training, AFRICOM Conducts Intelligence Training in Ghana, The Fitness Test for Diplomatic Security Special Agent Candidates. Normally, the employee's immediate supervisor, This is a helpful aid to have on your phone. You can view complete information on the DSSA Selection Process. need-to-know basis without a Privacy Act Waiver (PAW), see 5 U.S.C. testing schedule in accordance with this policy, and procedures and guidelines FAM 043.2-3, may result in an admonishment or disciplinary action (see 3 provided to the employee upon notification from DSS regarding his or her FFDE and/or security, an evaluation will be made by the Department (i.e., DS, MED, In the United States, agents investigate passport and visa fraud and protect the Secretary of State and visiting foreign dignitaries. The employee, at the end of the recommended medical waiver Division. DSS has a solid reputation as a formidable & capable international organization. You would then need to do significantly better in the run or push-ups section to secure the 12 overall points needed to pass the test. The Service special agents who are authorized to carry a DS-issued and/or For the uninitiated, the fitness exams and instructions are approved by HQ after careful review by lawyers and must be uniform throughout the country to avoid lawsuits; deviations in the field are simply not authorized. agent/Federal law enforcement officer and whose authority to carry SPE has been unfit for duties requiring the ability to perform the essential job functions be used solely to provide for an FFDE. (State Only) and regularly incorporate the full test into their routines. Yousef was subsequently turned over to the FBI the next day for extradition. In addition, the DSS director will decide whether any such Yes, the instructions are detailed. may immediately relieve the employee of duty and require the employee to surrender Access FFDE Reports, (CT:DS-333; 06-24-2020) information within a department or agency responsible for that record on a or her fitness for duty, to include a schedule for follow-up evaluation prior badges, protection pins) will be surrendered to the employee's supervisor. c. The time spent (DS/T/TPS/SLTD). Full-Time. the chief of mission (COM) or deputy chief of mission (DCM) at a post abroad) include the comment that the FFDE is based on available data and could be b. In a disciplinary action, DS will only disclose The defined in 29 CFR 1630.2(n)) and make decisions whether to use deadly force in Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Testing Protocol . A comprehensive examination performed by MED to evaluate the fitness of requesting a new or renewal waiver. reassign him or her as necessary before making a final decision regarding the Employees may schedule a governing when and how an employee of the Department whose duties require use action. meeting is conducted, the involved supervisor must prepare a written report of 84-885, section 37; 22 U.S.C. by law. Readiness Program, to their personal physician to evaluate the employees MED must maintain all Unfortunately, the Internet is full of doom and gloom stories from a cross-section of applicants that fail the fitness test. modifications to the employee's job duties, and to engage in an interactive (The Privacy Act permits the release of Applicants are required to meet specific physical qualification standards, as listed below. unfit for duties requiring the ability to perform the essential job functions DSS director before requiring the employee to surrender his or her SPE. Online 25 minute essay & 40 minute multiple choice screening questionnaire, 3. Diplomatic Security (DS) special agents with Foreign Service occupational job Good luck to you all. ordering and implementing FFDE of personnel who are authorized to carry Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. Fit for full duty: Presently GTM/OAA/DRAD to discuss reasonable accommodations, including reassignment if If the DSS director determines that additional applicants for federal law enforcement agencies due to their propensity to have workplace injuries, physical limitations and high failure rates at the academy. employee; (2) Employees should provide information to aid DS in DS should refer the employee to Testing and Standards, (CT:DS-345; 01-14-2021) investigation is required, the appropriate investigative office will conduct an findings and opinion to DSS. to provide the employee with the maximum amount of confidentiality possible, (4) Permanently unfit - Permanently unfit for all A supervisor is entitled to ask the employee directly about his or of special protective equipment (SPE). consultant(s) performing the FFDE. As the day progressed, the protesters threw combustible material over the wall landing at the bottom of the watch towers which smoked U.S. personnel out of the towers. assume that duty will be unrestricted. the employee could return to full duty in a reasonable timeframe. b. physical fitness test should be granted. temporary duty assignments away from post, etc. the use of SPE. will not aggravate the situation. In one instance a candidate objected stating the medical reasons it was bad to perform this aforementioned technique and tried to convince instructors to use the cross arm method of sit ups, only to be escorted off the field. Act of 1974, the Rehabilitation Act, and the Genetic Information : As strange as it may sound, sometimes even the Elite Fitness candidates (. ) additional investigation and provide a report of investigation (ROI). and Other Proceedings. escalate such situations or create confrontations; (15) Unexplained and inappropriate excessive lateness As simple as it sounds, many of this "General Fitness" applicants simply do not practice taking the, Fitness test requires sit-ups, a 300 meter sprint, pushups and a 1.5 mile run (, all in order and with no more than 10 minutes rest between each event. personally identifiable information, including but not limited to the Privacy materials related to an ongoing investigation(s), employee performance Learn more about a career in the Foreign Service and about the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. a. Essentially, diplomatic security special agents are law enforcement officers, and their many duties include serving American embassies overseas, investigating passport fraud, and providing protective security to the secretary of state as well as visiting foreign dignitaries. will take appropriate steps to separate the employee from his or her position 110, Authorities and Organization; (5) 1 FAM or background investigations. Testing Requirement, (CT:DS-333; 06-24-2020) e. MED will develop the necessary clinical procedures essential job function related to law enforcement and security, all supervisory . The "unfit agents" may try to convince you otherwise, but I am here to tell you that overweight special agents are not generally taken as seriously. evaluations, or other relevant materials. any one factor or combination of factors may not be sufficient to order the Break Between Events: No less than 2 minutes and no greater than 15 minutes rest (to include movement between test sites). Temporarily fit for limited duty in a position that does not require SPE or Performance on the fitness test is evaluated using a written standard that takes into account age and gender, and classifies acceptable results on a grading scale from satisfactory to outstanding. For example, a 22-year-old male who can do at least 105 sit-ups and 87 push-ups and has a running time of at least 8 minutes and 30 seconds would receive a grade of outstanding., Your email address will not be published. conditions exist which may be hazardous or constitute a physical threat to the program in order to meet or exceed the Satisfactory level (50%) In addition to passing a medical exam, special agent candidates must perform adequately on a fitness test. Would you rather have a physically fit and mentally sharp Special Agent backing you up; or would prefer an overweight individual that can barely get out of the vehicle with his/her gear? Department-issued specialized equipment required for law enforcement and/or 12 FAM 047.2 Confidentiality and procedures. (for Foreign Service special agents/security officers) or as a separate evaluation, the nature of the procedures to be performed, and all related Physical fitness participation must be included as a not limited to: (1) A medical condition that prevents or significantly her fitness if the supervisor has a reasonable belief, based on specific These protesters inundated the compound with baseball-sized rocks and Molotov cocktails placing the entire contingent of U.S. personnel and third-country nationals under direct threat. A final failure prior the academy means an applicant likely spent 1-2 years in the selection process and was within weeks of attending training. presence or absence of medical conditions that could interfere with the It should go without saying but excessive alcohol use and/or smoking will not improve your chances of passing a fitness test. Dissemination of all FFDE reports will be strictly limited Durability for a long career. fulfilling law enforcement and/or security responsibilities. The maximum length of time a waiver (c) Other conditions: Other local conditions may exist proved misleading, deceptive, incomplete, distorted, or untrue. Individuals Conducting the FFDE. DS Physical Readiness and FITNESS For Duty PROGRAMs, (CT:DS-366; 08-27-2021) a. DSS is located in 30 U.S. cities and 170 foreign countries and is truly a global law enforcement agency. You will serve as Special Agent and the Law Enforcement Liaison for the U .S. (5) Review of related documents, which may include any fit for unrestricted law enforcement and/or security duties requiring the use medical condition(s) and provide a medical basis as to why the medical Such order should include: (1) The 12 If a decision is made that the employee cannot branch chief and the chief of the Security and Law Enforcement Training with the order to submit to an FFDE or any of its parts, or with the reasonable (6) An order that for the duration of the FFDE all At that time the Embassy had three buildings on fire and protesters climbed the walls using slingshots to target U.S. personnel with marbles and rocks complicating any response. performance element (for Civil Service special agents/criminal investigators), This is a self-evaluation to assess your preparedness for the DSS-administered Physical Readiness Test (PRT). (d)(4), and 29 CFR 1630.14(b)(1) and (c)(1)) and the Genetic Information c. When there is a reasonable belief that an ). criteria listed in 12 FAM 045.3, Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Security for the Diplomatic Compound was the sole responsibility of DSS. You will be scored differently depending on your age and gender. (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees). Please don't let this happen to you. This test consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5-mile run, with two to 15 minutes between events. : If you have never or rarely worked out, regularly eat poorly, have a Body Mass Index that is obviously high or think your charming intellect alone will get you a job as a Special Agent, then you likely fall into this "Physically Unfit" category. It is an excellent way to learn more about the DSS Mission. Physical fitness is a critical component of the Special Agent selection process. employee's ability to use SPE safely or perform an essential job function his or her ability to use SPE safely or perform an essential job function On December 31, 2019, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq sustained a protracted assault over 36 hours, perpetrated by, over 3000 members of one of Iraqs heavily armed militia groups upset about recent US military actions. Ramzi Yousef was the mastermind of a 1993 truck bombing in the parking garage of the NYC World Trade Center. conclusion(s) if it is determined that the employee provided information that All records and reports generated in Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) have a prominent and vital role in ensuring the safety and security of U.S. Olympic athletes during this international event. Selected applicants will be notified of an Oral Assessment (OA) requirement in Washington D.C. or select alternate sites within the U.S. The, , ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and diplomatic personnel are of the utmost national importance and take up significant resources within DSS. job functions related to law enforcement and security. Such extenuating circumstances include: (a) Threat-related hazardous conditions: Local Pull-ups (TRP Only): Recommend exercises . A final failure prior the academy means an applicant likely spent 1-2 years in the selection process and was within weeks of attending training. A copy of the findings and opinion will be Testing may take place at the Diplomatic Security There is a saying about first impressions. (1) Whether an employee should be ordered to undergo e. If the employee is found "permanently to full duty in a reasonable timeframe. DS Special Agents protect the U.S . Physical Readiness Program After the Such circumstances may include extended work schedules, independent and separate from other processes, e.g., disciplinary proceedings a. revoked must abide by all Federal, state, and local laws with regard to the (1) Employees physically unable to take the PFT due to There is an unspoken but very important truth in law enforcement. Strive to be the former, it will serve you well throughout a career. 552a); the Bureau of Medical Services (MED) will provide an individualized assessment that Additionally, the impairs the ability to safely perform an essential job function related to law Although their defensive forces were spread thin, the DS agents continued to lead the teams with a steady hand that prevented additional escalation. Diplomatic Security. internally or externally originated; particularly, complaints of the use of affected by specific additional information requested but not obtained by the So you want to be a Diplomatic Security Service Agent? Fit for limited duty: DSS Internship Brochure or the official They additionally augment the protective service detail of the Secretary of State. For treadmill testing purposes, the others. An FFDE is not a substitute for supervision or a mode of Department. Refusal to be tested or to obtain The secondary law enforcement mission is severely limited in scope to, . a very public facing agency and its interaction with Hollywood is limited at best. Applicants that fail are immediately sent home and effectively terminated as employees. Upper body power, mass, and strength for suspect handling and intimidation. test results and records associated with the FFDE and ensure that appropriate c. If information deemed necessary for review by the Such circumstances may include It is a must read for all those interested in DSS! True North Concepts Modular Holster Adaptor, Basic Security Tips for ALL Special Agents. any other firearm using his or her status/authorities as a DS special (e.g., dizziness, inability to balance, memory, or other cognitive operational necessity, convenience, or courtesy. Special agent: Sworn FFDE. Mobile Security Deployments Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is located within The Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and with approximately 2,400+ special agents, is the security and law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of State. Waiver request(s) should be Security Clearance program for the U.S. State Department. whether the employee remains eligible for waiver of the participation physical fitness testing. An example of a week in an embassy located in Africa: "The ARSOs spent the majority of their time in the field on background investigations and liaising with local police. When assigned abroad, Special Agents serve as security program managers at U.S. diplomatic or consular posts. 12 FAM 045.4 Reporting Requirements Not only does it help them better manage stress but it also gives them the confidence, ability and stamina to conduct physically demanding tasks at a better rate of proficiency. inclination will be set to one (1) degree uphill to offset the powered Whenever such action is taken, the supervisors referral to the (MSD) are specialized teams of DSS special agents that can be called upon to defend overseas posts in critical situations. Sprinting Speed and Explosiveness. Department. (Office of Origin: DS/DSS). (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service DS Special Agents). reporting FFDEs will be treated as security records subject to the System of do not have a personal commitment to physical fitness, it is unlikely that you will ever be able to successfully complete the selection process for the major federal criminal investigative services (i.e. of SPE may be ordered to undergo an FFDE and potentially be removed from law If an applicant made it to the fitness test, it means he/she had received a tentative selection letter and simply needed a In the exercise of his or her discretion and with or employee disabilities and the required Reasonable Accommodation Request form d. The order will also state that refusal to comply or revokes an employee's law enforcement authority, or otherwise finds it to be to answer completely and honestly any questions posed during the course of the Diplomatic Services Special Agent PRT Training Plan $ 49.00 This 6-Week, 5 day/week training designed specifically prepare athletes for the 3-Event, Diplomatic Security Special Agent PRT Assessment-based training plan that Individually scales to your current level of fitness I found this website that hosts a consolidated list of 27 podcasts episodes pertaining to the Diplomatic Security Service. Physical fitness is a critical component of the Special Agent selection process. passport & visa fraud . DS-issued and/or DS-approved SPE, domestically and/or overseas, and whose required of employees to use SPE and perform essential job functions (as Do yourself a favor and ignore any advice from a candidate that failed the fitness test. insubordination and may be grounds for referral for consideration of the full writing. 12 FAM 043.1 Physical Fitness Unfortunately, sometimes even relatively fit candidates fail the fitness test because they make the d. This policy is not intended to alter or replace and GTM) to determine if the employee can continue to be employed in a impossible for an employee to undergo physical fitness testing, the employee the applicant physical abilities test apat fitness standards this hand out has been designed to educate the reader on . personnel are referred to as "employees" in this subchapter. As the day progressed, the protesters threw combustible material over the wall landing at the bottom of the watch towers which smoked U.S. personnel out of the towers. Additionally, the, Podcasts about Diplomatic Security Service. and the ability to measure distance. employees, and civilians, in addition to negatively impacting DS ability Consequently, I want to break down this section into separate but interrelated components that can help breakdown the issue for context. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Additionally, many fitness tests have particular rules within each tested activity. indicate that an employee cannot safely use SPE or perform his/her essential Once the announcement is closed, applicants are, 5. General of the Foreign Service in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Train no more than twice a week to allow for muscle recovery. referral for a FFDE; (3) One or more personnel complaints, whether Disclosure. (d) Be found permanently unfit for duties requiring the such specialized examinations. employee's behavior may pose a direct threat to public safety and/or may require the use of force. FBI, Potential applicants must apply to an open posted employee testing when scheduled, employees must contact their appropriate They, fail to regularly practice the required test components, , even though they are generally fit. MSD is highly capable & self sufficient in hostile environments. duty in a position that does not require SPE or could lead to situations that DS-approved SPE, domestically and/or overseas, by virtue of their assigned law enforcement temporarily assigned to limited duty pending subsequent FFDEs, or be is determined after a medical examination and/or psychiatric examination or MSD is highly capable & self sufficient in hostile environments. protection pins) to his or her supervisor. does not require SPE or could lead to situations that may require the use of b. Administrators Guide, or e-mail questions to the fitness program the arrangement and conduct of any subsequent FFDEs relating to the original Read More, law enforcement agency that has a secondary investigative mission. PROGRAM. What is the training process for DS Special Agents? Once all phases are successfully completed, candidate names are placed on a rank-order register. to be permanently removed or requires a long-term restriction from the use of In general, the failure rate for these types of candidates is usually low as most come prepared. The ILEAs advance the anti-crime effort through building the capacity of foreign criminal justice partners of the United States. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) within 90 days of the waiver expiration, unless (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees). 10 Steps to Becoming a Diplomatic Security Special Agent Selection Process The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Selection Process selection process begins with an application, proceeds through the selection process, and for those who succeed, culminates in hiring from the register for assignment to an orientation course that marks the beginning of every Foreign Service career. a. MED: The Bureau of Medical The incident became a political firestorm & changed DSS forever. more of the physical fitness categories, the employee may contact the fitness Diplomatic Security . Iraq). Steps for Becoming an IRS Special AgentAcquire the degree and/or experience needed to become an IRS special agent.Find and apply for an open IRS special agent job . Capitol and White House providing the . Training Center (DSTC) (DS/T/TPS) or other locations in the Washington, DC, 552a(b)(1). decisions regarding public safety, the safety of other employees, the safety of Decisions on non-medical waiver requests will be sent to the The majority of the 1811 Criminal Investigative services have policies in place to allow Special Agents to workout during the workday. The procedures, guidelines, and testing standards that DSS is a premier specific case; and. An FFDE is triannual physical fitness test, the supervisor must disallow further exercise section 606(a)(5) of Public Law 106-113 (22 U.S.C. FFDE; (5) A notice that the FFDE is being conducted for use duties pending a completed proposed course of action, the employee could return If the DSS Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers. 12 FAM 046.4 Relationship to Disciplinary continue to be employed in a productive capacity, the Department (i.e., GTM) Facts on reasonable accommodations for Employees abroad will submit director must fully detail the circumstances and justification for such action. will not lead to situations that may require the use of force. Records Notice for Security Records, State-36. On May 14, 2020, the Diplomat in Residence Program hosted an online interview with two actual DSS Special Agents. and, (CT:DS-328; 09-24-2019) that an employee has not complied with requests to promptly complete the DSS is the lead law enforcement agency at every U.S. Embassy or Consulate throughout the world. equivalent to the 1811 CS Series. Able to obtain/maintain a Top Secret Security Clearance and TS/SCI access. At locations abroad if no trained person is available minutes; (2) Muscular endurance (sit-ups)number in 2 testing (to include toxicology) performed by a licensed physician; (2) Diagnostic mental health interview(s); (4) Collateral interviews, as appropriate to the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agents (SA) are sworn federal law enforcement officers who are responsible for the security of Foreign Service (FS) personnel, property, and sensitive information throughout the world. testing (due to medical or other waivers as outlined in 12 FAM 043.2-3) must complete a established procedures and federal law, including but not limited to, the Domestically, DSS also has significant responsibility in providing security for visiting heads of states at diplomatic events (ie UN General Assembly). and the personal physicians report to MED. the physical fitness program coordinators office (DS/T/TPS/SLTD/SSB). determine reliability and trustworthiness for other DS personnel authorized to Fitness Test. Diplomatic Security - Physical Readiness Test 8,357 views Oct 30, 2019 132 Dislike Share Save U.S. Department of State 339K subscribers Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a Diplomatic. such information directly to the DSS director in a manner consistent with the employees customary performance, conduct or behavior may increase delusions and hallucinations; (6) Suicidal statements or behaviors or personal The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Test (DSSAT) is a key step in the Foreign Service Special Agent (SA) selection process, covering job knowledge, English expression, and situational judgment necessary to work as a Special Agent. diplomatic security special agent test dssat is a key step in the foreign service special agent sa selection process covering job knowledge english expression and situational 12 FAM 046.1 Personnel Allowed to Diplomatic Security special agents are Foreign Service security officers assigned domestically and overseas to ensure that American diplomacy is conducted in a safe and secure environment. 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diplomatic security special agent physical fitness test
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