Registration of Death Closed adoption is where an adopted child's original birth certificate is sealed forever and an amended birth certificate issued that establishes the child's new identity and relationship with their . An Explanation why there are Two Birthing Certificates, Two Worlds, Two Systems, Debtor and Creditor. We do not offer priority service forcertificates when you areregistering a new birth. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; alossor curtailment of amans statusor aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications. Your certificate is an important document. The certificates feature endearing cartoons of baby animals, connecting the designs with the birth theme. Again, the beliefs and practices can vary considerably from group to group and person to person, but once you are familiar with the ideas above you are more likely to realize you are dealing . On a birth certificate, the name that appears is in all capital letters. See Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 (SA) s 16 (1). You must register the birth of your child before you can get a birth certificate. The Dolphins now feature in our NRL commemorative birth certificate range. The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. Service NSWcan also help you to replace certificates registered in other Australian states and territories or in New Zealand. The following information has been offered as context to give a greater understanding to why and how our government began trading our birth certificates on the stock exchange. Tags: Birth Certificate, government, Header1, Strawman. Carers of children under a Childrens Court order: Find out how to get the birth certificate of a child protection client. Your rating will help us improve the website. David Icke calls Banking . To bring awareness, connection & direction to step into our natural human rights. Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Esplanade, Perth (junction of Mill Street, Perth). Note: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our supreme common law. The Government have been using this fiction throughout your life to deceive you.Your LEGAL FICTION is your title and name in capital letters (e.g. Rohan Lorian, explains the difference between the two Australia's that exist and how to tell the difference between the two. So you have the possibility of 3 sets of names.1. This is why, taking control of your strawman . What are your Rights and Freedoms? Scott Bartle is an Australian businessman who came upon the falsehood of our government, departments and officers. Please allow extra time for Australia Post to deliver your birth certificate to your address. All money borrowed by the government from the banking cartel operating within and without Australia is backed by this Birth Certificate/Bond trading trust fund pool. And YOU cant complain because YOU are using what does not belong to you in those actions. In Australia, our supreme common law is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. It affirms both that the child was born and that it was a live birth. old) $20 - Uncertified Birth copy of a Registration (births +100 yrs.) So what is John doing? Contact Tim:Phone: 0439255122Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You still dont own anything under your BC or RBL names and you still pay all the bills. Name and date of birth of the second parent (if applicable). As a living child, you live daily with the name you are called by. Different rates of interest, but of great value on the futures market. It is for decorative purposes only. As does every commercial activity you enter into that uses the BC name. This occurred when a mans condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. Luke 12 Verses 10-12. From 2 August 2021, all of our certificates will be printed on new security paper. The amount of these benefits may depend on the length of service and wage level of an employee. . They elect an Education committee to provide training and tools, and provide qualified people for positions in their local and national teams. Well, the bond is created from your actions, so it NEEDS you. bond / birth certificate. The Victorian Birds commemorative birth certificate has been superbly painted by award-winning artist Lynne Tracey, in the style of an illuminated address of the 19th Century. Get married in the registry office. NOTE: Click on the Button above to access your personal record page. Because, they now have permission to benefit massively from any action we undertake in the futureand they can then pay the bills. The vision is to create communities for the people by the people. What? By phone: local call* 13 QGOV (13 74 68), International +61733284811 (+10 hours UTC), (Phone lines are open MondayFriday, 8.30am4.30pm). In my book, Australia needs to seperate entirely from the corporation of the Commonwealth, reclaim all assets (like crown land) as ours and set up an agreement where the government of Australia becomes its own corporation with every citizen a share holding, voting and dividend recieving individual. They are generally enforceable. Find a JP. We send legal certificates by express post, for security. David Wynn Miller (1949 - 2018), also styled :David-Wynn: Miller or David-Wynn: Miller, was an American tool and die welder, pseudolegal theorist, and leader of a tax protester group within the sovereign citizen movement. Particularly if you were under age when this agreement was created. Report a lost or stolen certificate. Non-urgent certificate applications (average processing timeno additional fee). But to declare who you are effectively begins the process of moving away from the corporatized system that has taken control of so many facets of your life, that is now infringing on your inalienable rights. On the 24th September 1999, all governments of the world, inclusive of Australia have been ordered to submit their government, people and resources into the central world government, the United Nations situated at Manhattan Island New York in the United States of America. How long do I have to wait to receive my certificate? I am starting my quest to become sovereign, though I no longer reside in Australia. Government! The current purported referendum planned at the next election in relation to state councils being moved into Commonwealth Jurisdiction is to hide the fact that under the new United Nations regime all State Government will be abolished and Australia converted into 96 regions run by councils under the direct control of the Mayor. [9] That does not sound like ownership to me. It has 3 pages. All rights reserved. Along comes government and tells you to pay taxes for the right to use that land and property. See Australia Post (External link) for product details. At the time it was taken for granted that the child would use the fathers surname. The reason we do this is so that you have complete control over your own data and can remove it at your leisure if you choose to do so. Does an owner have to obey government on that which they hold ownership? It features exquisitely detailed Victorian animals and is accompanied by a description of each animal on the certificate. Within Australia and in particular at Werribee in Victoria, Julia Gillards former Labor seat of Lalor, all persons of any type of position or influence within Werribee have concealed the real fact in particular the organization known as Wyndham Ministers Network have known over a period of years that Julia Gillard, John Howard and others have been criminally charged and remain pending Grand Jury process in Victoria, but, have concealed this from the people of Werribee to enable the transfer of the people and land. No more political parties! Your Consent is ALWAYS required Carry these docs with you and if ever confronted by Police or other persons thinking they have authority over you. You have written permission to apply and can provide us with: proof of identity for the person named on the certificate or one of their parents (at least 3 documents) and. If I get this right, you have removed all the rights (social security etc) given to your BC name and given away all the value of anything your RLB name now has to the Commonwealth (the corporation owned by the crown -the Queen.) Celebrate a special occasion with our range of birth certificate designs. Your Fees In Action This means that you can currently purchase One Cruinn for 1.55 or $1.88 at today's current exchange rates. You grow up and begin to act in commerce for yourself. Apply for a birth certificate. On the 7th 1914, in order to avoid a run on the banks, the Treasury issued Treasury Notes signed by John Bradbury a form of national credit backed only by the credit of the nation. Go to any good stock office and ask them to check these . Give it to them. There are twelve designs, representing each year of the Chinese zodiac. proof of your own identity (at least 3 documents). is a fee for getting the form signed and sealed. A "short birth certificate" and a "short adoption certificate" both come under . Since Dominello is [] You no longer have to pay for your drivers license? the registration number is a unique number. Legal and commemorative certificates will arrive separately. So each of the documents has a specific use.1. The oaths purportedly taken and administered by Quentin Bryce to purportedly swear in Kevin Rudd and others, under the fraudulent guise of Oath of Office are not the statutory constitutional oath of allegiance as required under section 42 and Schedule of the suspended constitution of the Commonwealth, they are in fact oaths of office to enable the undetected transfer of all Australians and the land of Australia into and under the United Nations. A CUSIP number, similar to a serial number, is assigned to each maturity of a municipal security issue. In civil law. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. So if the land & house are;1. 1: Two Universes in the One Country. This United Nations program of gathering all nations is caused by. If you live outside the Brisbane city area, bring yourorder receipt number (if you paid online) or a completed application form with your proof of ID and supporting documents (as required) to any of the following locations: When you buy a birth certificate online, you can show your proof of ID in person by visiting a participating JPs in the Community location: Bring your printed order receipt (if you paid online), your original proof of ID and other supporting documents (if needed). That which you are called,2. The Truth About Your Birth Certificate (Scroll down for video) Understanding how admiralty (maritime / commercial) law has usurped common or constitutional law. All Rights Reserved 2023 Common Law Australia, your attendance in that venue or event by other means. Government is solely responsible for commencing a person's identity, through issuing a certificate at birth or migration to Australia, and is solely responsible for declaring an end to identity, through issuing a death certificate. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. A birth certificate is an official copy of the information given to us to register the birth such as: We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. We don't automatically send a certificate when a birth is registered. I have also read in several places that the Queen has been executed, as has Prince Charles and Prince Philip. It's proof of identity for many purposes, such as claiming government benefits, enrolling in school and applying for a passport or driver licence. Certificates are delivered by registered post. Each certificate is printed on archival quality paper and fits a standard frame size of 280mm x 355mm (11" x 14"). Common Law Court Passport Motor Insurance Cruinn Coin Sale The price for the Cruinn will be set against the gold standard and backed by gold, precious metals and tangible assets (1000 Cruinn buys one ounce of gold). (Cudis, supra .) International registered mail is used for overseas deliveries. Identity documents. Processing times are the same and start when you have had your ID verified. Births, Deaths & Marriages. Do you use a bank account in the BC name? Note: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our supreme common law. If cannot meet these requirements, please, New Zealand citizenship certificate together with passport, Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs card, Recent utility account with current residential address (issued within last 3 months), proof of identity documents that have been saved to your phone or computer, documents showing your permission to apply for the birth certificate (if applicable). Birth Certificate in the Legal Dictionary Find a [] Rate this post Related posts: Birth Parent However, this cant be tracked and signing on delivery is only available in some countries. Proof of change of name such as marriage certificate, if applicable. The Human Trafficking via traded birth certificates bonds must be stopped now and the Commonwealth election must be stopped now so that the, COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT SECT 80. Trespass Notice To All Persons And Entities Living, Corporate, Private Or Otherwise. How do I destroy my legal fiction? All prices include postage & handling. Answer the questionsit should take you less than 10 minutes. (v) These parts of the Register should be kept open to the public. Going back to the law of the land, do no harm and cause no loss, If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. Thanks for asking. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights. By making YOU the collatoral for borrowing through the generation of a bond attached to your use of the BC name the borrowing, in fractional reserve banking terms, is unlimited. The method, by which the State causes a natural person to volunteer himself into slavery, is through forming legaljoinder, implied or stated, with the entity or legal fiction (name all CAPS). Celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- and gender-diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Victorians. YOU are acting in dispute and trying to tell the government lies by saying YOU are not the BC name and therefore responsible for the fine. We went on a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace and the queen still has her royal emblems on the main gate . This website provides information, explains procedures, and makes available documents for anyone wishing to learn about and use Common Law. Optus data breach - South Australian certificates. "The decision to include the mother's name in the ID card is a big step towards gender equality and the . Welcome All Sign for businesses and public spaces. That which your parents give you,3. 4 defines Capitalize adj. You are born with your inalienable Rights. Each Assembly elects an Administrative team, and in the near future, representatives to attend national Congresses to discuss and decide the future of our country, and to hold elections to a Parliament of the people, by the people, for the people. Their makers seek, with some success, to make them generally coherent with each other and with the wider legal system. You have a written power of attorney given by the person on the birth certificate. Shutterstock Explainer: why removing sex from. Now, you are born without a name. : date, place, parents).Adapted from Legal Aid Queensland's Dictionary. Get a birth certificate Register a birth Naming your child Donor-conceived births Stillbirth and pregnancy loss Adoptions Marriages and relationships Marriages and relationships Getting married in Victoria Victorian Marriage Registry Overseas marriages Get a marriage certificate Register a domestic relationship Revoke a relationship It features exquisitely detailed Victorian flora and is accompanied by a description of the flora. For this the Commonwealth pays the costs (as your no longer under Usufruct) How satisfied are you with your experience today? You can apply for a commemorative birth certificate when you order a legal birth certificate or when you register the birth. Land you must ask permission with payment to do something to. I attempted to access the website but couldnt proceed as I was not an Americal Citizen. Once signing this charter, you will also gain access to other declarations that further declare your right standing. Many have been recognised in Australia, England and other common law countries for centuries. Click on the image to join the Live in Private (LIP) Telegram group. mid-14c., pre-eminence, from Anglo-Frenchsovereynete, Old Frenchsouverainete, fromsoverain(seesovereign(adj.)). We provide assembly meetings to empower people to regain their rights, and take responsibility for their lives. If you were born overseas, you need to provide your full, original foreign birth certificate, legalised if necessary, unless: you have a full, original . Your passport. The first step is to declare your right standing in Common Law is by Here's the main steps in legally changing your name and approximate timings: 0 days Easy Name Change kit delivered via email (allow 6-8 business days for delivery of printed kits) 1-2 weeks Gather required information, complete and lodge name change application with BDM. Birth, death and marriage certificates will sometimes include statements as to Aboriginality, especially in earlier records. Connect & embrace awareness with like-minded people through regular gatherings, workshops and seminars. I get fined, pay the rates, yet I am being used to create investment collatoral??? Common Law is the gateway to Tribal/Natural Law, and it is our Inalienable Right. Gage Canadian Dictionary 1983 Sec. Failure to register your child's birth after 12 months has elapsed can result in a fine of up to 200. Get the picture? Birth certificates show information relating to the person's birth, including the registered person's name and sex. Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person, your God given rights it cannot be taken away from you unless you give consent, The WHY of the Common Law Community derives its authority from human beings themselves and from their capacity to know what is right and wrong and treat others in a just and fair manner. Processing times When you apply for a certificate or registration, we email you details of documents you need to provide. We do not sell or give away any information recorded here. Look for Suspected Fathers We make sure your certificates leave our office in good condition. Common law in Australia is vested in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 - It is the highest law of the land. Use your official birth certificate when applying to schools and for other services. If you were born in Australia, you need to provide your full, original Australian birth certificate issued by an Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Read our corrections policy to find out how to change incorrect or missing information from the time of the event. Common Law Australias intention is for a movement that is arising to reassert the divine purpose and its operation to restore every Man and Woman back to their natural and lawful being. I waive all rights. Because it has massive commercial implications. (paras 4.105-4.114) 14. The Certificate of Live Birth is a form filled out when a baby is born in this country. She was fathered by Winston Churchill, a Rothschild, as was her sister. We provide a free recording service. The Victorian Fauna commemorative birth certificate has been superbly painted by award-winning artist Lynne Tracey in the style of an illuminated address of the 19th Century. YOU give it the action that creates the value. Service NSW can also help you to replace certificates registered in other Australian states and territories or in New Zealand. I was born overseas. For a birth or adoption that occurred in NSW, you can apply online, by post, or in person at a service centre. Our Creator gives us our rights, and no earthly force can take those rights away without our consent. It can be difficult for Australian and other foreign nationals without Indonesian language skills to liaise with the Civil Registry Office and religious celebrants. However, keep in mind that the built-in settings, browser and history or cookies on your smart device may create their own issues. "Common Fraud Schemes Redemption/Strawman/Bond Fraud." Accessed 12 January 2017. Along comes government and tells you to get permission to do something on that which you believe you own. General Maddox | When ordering a certificate you will need to prove your identity. You can provide a document showing you are a legally appointed guardian of the person on the birth certificate. Birth registration is the process of recording a child's birth. They form part of the history of the common law, embodying key moments in constitutional history, such as the . Choose from the following designs when you apply: For a born footy fan, celebrate the birth of a child with our official AFL commemorative certificates. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. ~ John Philpot Curran (17501817), (Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom). Not all Notary Publics will do this, so you may have to search until you find one. Land which you have to pay to use4. 4-8 weeks BDM sends legal name change certificate to successful applicants. Now, you are born without a name. Thats where Id start. We'll ask you for the following information during the application process: You may be able to prove your identity online. What is the Bradbury Pound? Read our information for young people on getting a birth certificate. (Note the use of Capital Letters). What if a birth is registered late? This video explains how the Legal system works. This was sometimes related to legal restrictions such as the Queensland Aboriginal Protection and Restriction of Sale of Opium Acts 1901, which . First aid certificates also coming to smartphones. Know your rights & what they are doing with your information. 2.2 The rights, freedoms and privileges set out in the Terms of Reference have a long and distinguished heritage. 2) possession of real property or use of a thing. Hes buying everything, borrowing money, working to pay them off, on behalf of the government. The Australian Blue commemorative birth certificate incorporates beautiful calligraphy and Australian imagery of gumnuts and eucalyptus leaves. He has done a few interviews as well. Tim ODwyer is a Notary Public based in Sunnybank, Brisbane, QLD, and he is happy to help. Under common law (Magna Carter) one must not deceive another in their contracts. Click on the image to join the Live in Private (LIP) Telegram group, This website is operated under and in accordance with the Crimes Act 1914, s.13 and 15F. But I told them I was not the BC name and they railroaded me anyway!. MR JOHN SMITH), these documents are not sent to you, the man or woman, but to the LEGAL FICTION, this is how the deception works.Try going to court as a man or a woman, simple you would think, but no. Why? No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. That is the first important clue. Birth, Marriage or Change of Name certificates that have been destroyed due to a natural disastercan be reissued at no charge at yournearest Service NSW centre or call 13 77 88 for more information. A certificate costs $52.60 or a commemorative certificate package costs $68.35. Please let me know if thats ok. As a result, fathers could insist that the child's birth certificate reflect that surname. So how do YOU get back to being the Naked Owner where YOU no longer carry the responsibility for the BC names debts? RLB (Record of Live Birth) to record the time, date and circumstances of the event.2. This form must be submitted to the state, county or municipality by one of these persons or facilities: The newborn's parents. marianne hatchwell says: November 1, 2021 at 13:58 . This is Important: It takes 12 people to come together (to assemble) who all swear an Oath before their fellow Man and God (no matter whether you believe in God or not), to create a Common Law assembly. Births, deaths and marriages of Aboriginal people were often not registered. In the schooling & medical system you are referred to by the BC name. It has no financial life without you. The first question the tax office ask is what is your assessable taxable income. In Australia, our supreme common law is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. After its collected from our office, we do not have control over or responsibility for any damage done to a certificate in the post. Because The United Nation Orders was concealed from the people and the vote went contrary to the world government plan or program, all constitutions within Australia, State and Commonwealth were suspended on the same day, 6th November 1999. You can stop acting in commerce and own absolutely nothing which means you cannot even go on the dole as that generates a bond. You get a bank account in the BC name. Apply for a death certificate. At the time of birth, each person is issued their own strawman, legally speaking. If this has worked, you no longer get rates bills? Plainly, you are not really dead, so you are still the living "holder in due course" of YOUR Estate Title. Severance Pay is the amount paid by the employer for terminating employment relationship, regardless of the reason for termination. Learn more in our fee waiver policy and complete a request for a fee waived certificate. All of your information is under your control should you wish to Edit or Delete it. NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages, NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander births, Certificates and searches for an adoption, Miscarriage, stillbirth and loss of a newborn, birth certificate application form (PDF 2.15MB). That is why the courts must make you agree to be the BC name, so the responsibility is accepted and all that is left is payment of the bill. Everything you do using the BC name is your responsibility. The "Freeman on the Land" movement inherited various indefensible legal concepts from the older tax protester and sovereign citizen movements in the US such as Posse Comitatus in the 1970s and 1980s, the redemption movement in the 1980s and 1990s and the Montana Freemen in the 1990s. harmless agreements, birth certificate bonds, and various UCC forms. Fill in the information inred. Who issues the certificates? This legal notice lists the ACTS that are violated when someone requests your medical vaccine status and the QR code points to the Covid Medical Network. See Register a birth. Submit your proof of ID by post or in person. Provided by Department of Justice > The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Contact Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Address: Level 10, 141 St Georges Terrace PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6000, AUSTRALIA PO Box 7720, Cloisters Square 1. You can do this via the common law court website, this is very much a 3D process and par for the course, however what I have discovered is that when you energetically embody the vibration of Sovereign SELF that is where you enter the realm of 5D! Australia joined the British Commonwealth of Nations in December, 1931 (see Wikipedia nation members' list) and also uses English Common Law. In early use often indicating principally the right to leave ones country. The fees are non-refundable except as set out on our Refunds page. Within Australia because of this concealed suspension of all Constitutions, all Supreme Courts inclusive of the High Court of Australia pay no judicial attention or notice to any purported breach of allegiance or breach of any constitutions, in effect the United Nation Order has taken control of all Constitutions within Australia, since the 6th November 1999, but, the illusion/fraud of having a constitution in position within Australia must be maintained ,which is the sole reason why another Commonwealth Election is about to be held. Short adoption certificate & quot ; and a & quot ; common Fraud Schemes Fraud.... Owner where you no longer get rates bills information recorded here away without our consent get a bank account the... Dont own anything under your control should you wish to Edit or Delete it will be printed new. If you were under common law birth certificate australia when this agreement was created Eternal vigilance is the gateway Tribal/Natural... 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common law birth certificate australia
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