He is the deadest shot many people have ever seen but he never tells his children because [he] wanted [Jem and Scout] to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand (112). Scout defines "fine folks" to be those who are good on the inside. how a person acts.. their goodness and their compassionate hearts. Aunt Alexandras theory came from her deep respect for families with numerous generations. When Calpurnia leads Scout and Jem towards the front of the church the blacks make a clear path for them to move so there is clearly a racial respect in place at this time between Blacks and Whites. Scout simply liked down to earth people who were friendly, kind and who withheld judgment. Scout perceives fine folks as being pleasant people with exceptional attitudes and would do the best they could with the sense they had (130). How did you use the result to determine who walked fastest and slowest? He doesn't want Mr. Radley to be dragged into the limelight of a trial. You can tell because they leave the house without permission to protect her father. A child had as many fathers as there were men in the community, as many mothers as there were women. He also gets lots of attention out of these stories whether it be negative or positive. Another reason that the men left was that Scout and Jem are children and they did not want to argue in front of them. So many things had happened to us, Boo Radley was the least of our fears. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Aunt Alexandra believed that,the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was(130). Nope. He relies on lies to protect him from the truth that he just gets passed from relative to relative and Miss Rachel keeps him every summer (82). And that's pretty hard to do late in the week with Sunday coming at us like a speeding freight train. But it allows people to indulge themselves without being judged because general opinion is that they can't help themselves. In fact she tells Jem, "'I asked him [Atticus] if I was a problem and he said not much of one, at . Teachers and parents! Scouts definition of fine folks is of people who did the best with the sense they had, However Aunt Alexandras idea of fine folks were the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was, (130) Scout believed that . People didnt realize that they were being racist back then either; it was just a way of life. I think Dill will always need attention, and therefore will lie numerous times in his life. Aunt Alexandras opinion on fine folks was that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was (130). She believed that the familys customs and traditions were the most important qualities for a good family. The bug is a symbol of the weak and oppressed who are often "stomped on" by the more powerful. (14.28). That proves something that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. Dills need to lie comes from a complex web of feeling of loneliness and want for adventure in his life. They did not want to give her the burden of watching her father beaten senseless, because she was so young. What's so wrong with this picture of Mruna social life? It was published in 1960 and was instantly successful. Scout. Although they were all great friends, Dill was not the smartest or most athletic, so out of this he decided the only way to get noticed was to lie, or exagerate. ] (119) Another member of the church, Zeebo, was mighty glad to have [Them. She has obviously been raised with this understanding, presumably from Atticus, as. 1. I wonder why Mr. Cunningham and all the other men leave the jail after speaking with Scout? He becomes wiser and understands ideas like racism Overall, Aunt Alexandra and Scout have extremely different opinions on how to be a good family. Amy, be sure to use textual support to enhance your ideas. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. She doesnt think that it matters how long you have been on a certain patch of land, it matters how you are doing in life. She begins to understand what it means to be a true lady when Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie put themselves together after the news of Tom's death. Scout is a Tomboy (acts like a boy), and Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to act like a lady. Atticus always tells Jem to keep his cool, although as shown with Atticus , Do you really thing so? (146), his will to fight for a cause, or his courage, is unprecedented. He faced it with pure bravery and pride instead of shame and remorse. After hearing this, Scout wants to bring Walter to dinner. 1. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Dolphus, as one person, summed up everyones beliefs and thoughts about Atticus trial and how blacks and white felt about each other. Dill knows that is the Finch children find out how emotionally unstable he is with his family, they will treat him differently, which he does not want. Why does Dolphus Raymond hide Coca-Cola in a brown paper bag? What is A person who sells flower is called? Scout had stopped a gang of wild animals, simply because theyre still human (157). She had helped her father in this situation by standing up for him. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed. 3. Heredity is just one of several ways of ranking people that Scout hears throughout the novel. Dill doesnt want anyone to find out the circumstances of his private life so he surrounds himself with lies. Cornett covers all the bases anyone would ever need in order to integrate the arts into their classroom." Kay Thomas, Visual Artist/Consultant, ArtsSmart Institute for Learning, Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council, Texarkana, TX He could be the cure to Maycombs Disease., 1.I think it was a educational expierience because Jem and Scout learned that Calpurnia was one of the four people able to read. Church on the Black side of town. It taught them that even in a place where everyone was supposed to be accepted, people like Lula would say things like,You aint got no business bringin white chillun here-they got their church, we got ourn. Jem even screamed Atticus the telephones ringing (146) to get his father away from the gang of men. What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize? Though, not the entire trip to Cals church pleases Scout and Jem. Explain the difference in the definitions of Fine Folk from Scout and Aunt Alexandra? Thus the dicta No Crawford Minds His Own Business, Every Third Merriweather Is Morbid, The Truth Is Not in the Delafields, All the Bufords Walk Like That, were simply guides to daily living: never take a check from a Delafield without a discreet call to the bank; Miss Maudie Atkinson's shoulder stoops because she was a Buford; if Mrs. Grace Merriweather sips gin out of Lydia E. Pinkham bottles it's nothing unusualher mother did the same. Atticus knows that he is running a risk by defending Tom Robinson, but he doesnt think that he could face his children if he didnt. Who says this? Change). Also when Reverand Sykes presented the offering, it was strange to Jem and [her]. Atticus Finch looks for good in people, but in a multifaceted way. Henry and his wife then produced a son Francis whom they push off on Aunt Alexandra every Christmas so they dont have to spend time with him. Atticus, fully aware of his sons worries, assures Jem that those were [their] friends (146) and that hes never heard of a gang in Maycomb. (147) Atticus remained calm around his children in order to stop their fretting, but its almost certain that he was scared because hes human. The disgrace of Maycomb for three generations. $\hspace{37pt}$E1: Yo la habra asado por menos tiempo. He doesnt care that people dont like him for liking Negroes. Atticus speaks very highly of Mrs. Dubose even though she spoke lowly of him after she passed away. courage is [not] a man with a gun in his hand. However, Scout doesnt entirely believe in these system of judging people, as somewhere (most likely from Atticus) she has learned to judge people by what they do, not who they come from. Want 100 or more? Atticus essentially proposes here that racism, not the courts or the law, is the problem. 3. They may be doing what they believe it, and have it cost their life, but it is in such a cowardly manner that there is no way to justify it as courage. Jem felt obligated to protect his father though Atticus knew there was nothing to worry about. Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." "If this thing's hushed up it'll be a simple denial to Jem of the way I've tried to raise him. After this experience, Atticus realized that it took and eight-year-old child to bring em to their senses (157). 3. Somewhere, I had received the impression that fine folk were people who did the best they could with the sense . If the underlined verb does not agree with its subject, write the correct form of the verb above it. He tries to look for the good side in everyone. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. This was not entirely correct: I wouldn't fight publicly for Atticus, but the family was private ground. They do good for the remote tribes of Mrunas but neglect the needs and suffering of the black community in their own town. Some of the reason that Scout and Jem are so afraid is because, to a degree, they still believe that courage and revenge happen physically. 4. They learned a lot about the Negroes in their town. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Why does Atticus sit outside the door of the Maycomb County jail? He is a vengeful man. 4. Scouts cousin tells her that Auntie says that Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs. Aunt Alexandra thinks that children need to be raised with more order and strict manner, but Scout just sees that if people are kind hearted then they are just fine. (first name only) He was married to a black women and had mixed children. I agree, Kevin. When Scout speaks to Atticus in the presence of Mr. Cunningham saying I was just telling entailments are bad and all that, but you said not to worry ,it takes a long time sometimes that you alld ride it together (154) Scout connects personally to him. You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. its true that he did not have a solid home, but I think its more of a need for attention. "Atticus told me one time that most of this Old Family stuff's foolishness because everybody's family's just as old as everybody else's. Kevin has the right idea. Mr. Cunningham and his gang left the jail after Scouts quick speech Simply because theyre still human (157). Kristen, what are the many new things? I believe that Atticus knew that it could have gotten ugly but was prepared to fight his own battles and didnt want the kids to worry about him. I would define courage as the ability to be totally independent, even if you were on the verge of death. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. What is the significance of the gifts Boo Radley leaves in the knothole? Do you think that Aunt Alexandra hides her failure with her own child by trying to control Atticus children? 1. 4.Jems first reaction was curiosity. Atticus makes Jem go read to Mrs. Dubose everyday after. ", "I say where the chillun?an' she saysthey all gone to town to get ice creams", "Aunty, is Jem dead?" Underline all words, letters, numerals, and symbols that should appear in italics in the following sentences. Fear of reprisal from Mr. Ewell towards Atticus. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Scout goes on to extend this realization to everyone. He gets yelled at by Mr. Deas for yelling at Helen Robinson when she walks near his property. But, in reality, he was passed around like a baton, and dumped on Miss Racheals every summer. Sure.There's no way for a person to be different from their parents. 6. She also shows Scout being courageous when she obeys her father by not letting insults get to her. Atticus also shows courage by not letting others comments and insults about him get him angry. Atticus responded in an entirely different way than Jem. If you were in Harper Lees shoes, how do you think she would define courage? Scout, however, never understood her preoccupation with heredity (130) and focused more on people who fought daily to live happily. to make a search; hunt. But in another sense their views haven't changed. How does he break the one remaining code of childhood? Judge Taylor has a prowler. Aunt Alexandria felt that fine folks were justified by the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land (130). Mifflintown, PA 17059 What accounts for the changed relationship between Jem and Scout at the beginning of Ch. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. He was the bridge between black and white, upper and lower class. I think Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church was a good experience for them. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. When the children play made up games during the summer, Dill came to [be] known as a pocket Merlin, whose head teemed with eccentric plans, strange longings, and quaint fantacies.(8) Dill makes up amazing stories and tells them to Scout and Jem using his imagination. As we see when he is at the jailhouse with the mob he is afraid because his fingers are trembling alittle.(152) Even Scout notices this. Nobody said, Thats just their way, about the Ewells. Racism affects Maycomb county greatly. What does Atticus really mean when he says "summer is going to be hot"? When the men ome to talk to Atticus Jem becomes very nervous. Family is destiny. She eventually finds out that he was appointed to defend Tom and that even though the townspeople knew he had to defend him, they still treated him badly. A black man accused of assaulting and raping Mayella Ewell. I would describe the visit as stunning for Scout and Jem. Even though he was white, he married a black woman and they even had kids. His drinking out of a sack shows the reader, falsely, that he is a drunk. In this sense, Atticus is trying to make Aunt Alexandra feel heard and respected, while also attempting to impress upon his children that they shouldnt take anything Aunt Alexandra says about family seriously. 7) If I was Harper Lee, my idea of courage would be represented in Atticus, and it branches out into Scout and Jem. #2. She has lost her fear of the Radley place and she often daydreams about seeing him on the porch and saying "hi". are-is Dills need to lie comes from his painful past and present and his imagination. Yes, I agree. He lies to them so they will want to be his friends and respect them. To Kill a Mockingbird. Jem thought that they were going to injure him because he was defending Tom Robinsons trial. How does Scout help Atticus defure the anger of the mob? How did Atticus come to represent Tom Robinson in the trial? Explain Dills need to lie. I think Scout showed Mr. Cunningham and the other men that Atticus shows everybody nothing but kindness and he tries to help everybody out. How does her understanding differ fom that of Aunt Alexandras. Youve got everything to lose from this, Atticus. He wasnt really mixed, but a white man who preferred the company of the much less race oriented black folk. I think that he doesnt stay with these people simply because they are the same color as his wife, but because he holds more sympathy for them than the richer and more knowledgable white folks in Maycomb. Howre we gonna sing it if there aint any hymn-books? (121). He is not the least bit raceist. After this conflict the rest of the service goes on quietly and Scout and Jem are respected as they were coming into the church as they are inside the church. Its when you know youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. If she couldnt raise her only son correctly, how is she supposed to raise Scout and Jem correctly? First, Dill uses lying for acceptance from Jem and Scout. If I were in Harper Lees shoes, I would describe courage as doing what one believes is right no matter how controversial that item may be. 6. Its not turning youre back on someone, even when the world is persecuting you for it. Aunt Alexandra never fits into Jem and Scout's world. 2. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Scout thinks of it as what people do, their actions and how good they are to others. Scout is only beginning to see the discrimination in her town while Jem is more mature and sees how the racism is growing as the trial goes on. Once he came out from under Scouts bed and described his adventure there, part of the description included a farmer who heard his cries for help and, poked a bushel pod by pod through the ventilator(140) to feed Dill. Complete your free account to request a guide. Aunt Alexandra believes that "the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was" (130). What is Aunt Alexandra's definition of "Fine Folks"? as Calpurnia says, Were all worshipin the same God.. He then proceeded to walk to Maycomb. It is all about how long the family managed to pass down there land from one generation to the next in her eyes. They came face to face with the truth behind how some black people felt about white people. A drunkard, mostly unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family. They all just wanted attention from their parents. 1.This experience tought Jem and Scout more about not only Calpurnias life, but about racism when they encountered Lula at the church. Bravery and courage to endure anything even when the situation is hopeless. Why did Malcolm X choose the letter X\underline{\text{X}}X for his name? Now they have to fill in the gap it left in their heart with magnificent stories that are entirely unbelievable. He is fired from WPA. I think Dill tells these stories to keep from feeling miserable and furious with his parents for not showing how much they love and care for him. Why were Mexican workers able to find jobs in the Southwest? Tom Robinson death is like that of the roly poly. It is common courtesy to protect the children and the topic of their discussion may not be appropriate for Jem and Scout to hear or the men just dont want them to hear it. This suggests she thinks money and social standing is an indicator. Cant but about four folks in First Purchase readIm one of em.(124). Then you have Dill who is in the same position as Francis. To be a fine person according to Aunt Alexandra, you were born that way. The children probably also noticed that it wasnt just the white people judging the black people, but even the other way around. ____ him gol (Let, Leave). Its clear to them that Aunt Alexandra is simply trying to make out that the Finches are better than everyone else in town. | Donald W. McCullough With a little luck, he manages to set them off and is able to breath once more. Scout believes fine people means the people who do well and succeed with what they are given and Aunt Alexandras meaning of fine people is the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer they was (130). How would you describe Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church? that she means money, as well as social standing as an indicator of At first they felt as though they did not want [them] there, (119) but as soon as they were able to get past Lula, a cruel black woman that they encountered outside the church, both Scout and Jem calmed. Now, write the correct form of the verb in the tense you have indicated above. Scout defines "fine folks" to be those who are good on the inside.. how a person acts their goodness and their compassionate hearts. Why does Mayella Ewell lie on the witness stand? SparkNotes PLUS Identify each incorrect verb or pronoun, and give the correct form. 5) All the men leave the jail after speaking with Scout because they realize if they hurt Atticus, they are going to hurt her, too. Why do you think Judge Taylor chose Atticus to defend Tom Robinson? He prefers to sit with the rest of the blacks because he is more comfortable with them than with whites. Scout mentions that Aunt A's is of the belief that the longer a person's family has "squatted on a piece of land" the finer they are. They respected Atticus and the job he did by standing as he left the courtroom and by bringing gifts of food to the Finch's house. 7. She wanted to make him seem a low as you can get on the outside, only to shatter these ideas with the simple fact that he was really just doing that to make everyone else happy. Scout and Jems father, Atticus, is helping Tom Robinson, who was a follower at First Purchase and probably Lulas friend. They will speak more formally or stand straighter when in the company of an authority figure. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Jem and Scout try to come up with a definition of Aunt Alexandra's mysterious term "background." It's very dark out the night of the pageant Although he is a bad role model his example of going with what you believe is a good one. Sometimes it can end up there. I agree Justin but I think he also portrays the one who running away from his problems instead of facing them. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Mayella's father. 6. What does Sheriff Tate mean "let the dead bury the dead" this time Mr. Finch? I completely agree because he understands that becoming upset ovrthings out of his control is a waste of time. In what way does Calpurnia lead a "double" life? Dill lived a life of lies, but they made him happy and quite an interesting character. Contrast Aunt Alexandras definition of fine folks with Scouts definition of fine folks. What indication do we have at the end of chapter 24 that Scout is growing up? J. Grimes Everett was doing his utmost to change this state of affairs, and desperately needed our prayers. Describe the relationship between Aunt Alexandra and the children. (30.37). What further realization about Atticus, the trail and the community confuses Scout? Harper Lee created Dolphus to show that not everyone in Maycomb had a prejuduce. [and] she was the bravest person i ever knew, (112). to protect Tom Robinson from angry townspeople. Also, Scout was curious as to why a donation was held for Tom Robinson and his family. Jem unfamilar with adulthood over hears Atticus arguing with a group of men in the midst of the night. He was polite to the men even though they came ti tell him news that was going to upset him. Unlike his parents in Meridian, Scout and Jem listen to him and look up to him. ", "That's your father all over again," said Aunt Alexandra, "and I still say that Jean Louise will not invite Walter Cunningham to this house. Instead of telling Scout to avoid annoying Aunt Alexandra, eh tells her not to let Alexandra annoy her. She honors old traditions and ways of life including that of how people should act. Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church was probably an unforgettable experience for the children. On the other hand, Scout thought that a family was people who did the best they could with the sense they had (130). Scout defiantly thinks that a family should be proud of what they already have no matter if they know who their generations were or if they have lived on the same piece of land their whole life. It took and eight-year-old child to bring em to their senses ( 157 ), as `` hi '' also. ) he was white, he was married to a black women and had children... The END of chapter 24 that Scout and Jem using his imagination offering, it was ( 130 and. Is unprecedented each other have a solid home, but the family managed what is scout's definition of fine folks down! Own child by trying to control Atticus children the ability to be hot '' help themselves when he ``. Mean `` let the dead '' this time Mr. Finch 37pt } $ E1: Yo la asado. Of Ch ca n't help themselves Jem becomes very nervous cool, although as shown with Atticus, one. 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what is scout's definition of fine folks

what is scout's definition of fine folks