Prevo was referring to blue light emergency call boxes . 3m ago. Used to secure lines, such as mooring lines. Liberty Risk - Someone with a reputation for getting into trouble while on liberty. Coner - aka 'Noseconer'. Joe As in "cup of Joe," refers to coffee. and the aircrafts wing. So called because they can wreak havoc on the shins of those new to shipboard life. This is the normal daylight underway material condition, and represents a minimal condition of watertight integrity. Milk Bottle Shoulders Refers to someone who is unwilling or unable to shoulder responsibility. Killick Stoker, Killick Bunting Tosser. Blonde and Sweet Coffee with cream and sugar. The receiving aircraft then plugs into the drogue (also called the basket) and receives fuel. Boarding Rate - The percentage of carrier approaches that result in successful arrestments. "He screwed the pooch bigtime and they beached him.". FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Improves the BOARDING RATE but costs at the GREENIE BOARD. ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical. Anchor Pool The betting pool on the hour and minute the ship will drop anchor or tie up. Liberty Boat Various small craft used to shuttle personnel ashore and back aboard when the ship is anchored out rather than moored alongside. Generally made up of three short lines, each with three knotted ends, spliced to a short rope or wooden handle. This reduces the drag of the stopped propeller by a tremendous amount. Depart, Departure (Aviation) (1) More properly, Standard Instrument Departure (SID). Like the mountains that bear its logo, Liberty University is a substantial presence. G (Aviation) The acceleration forces felt by aircrews when maneuvering. The traditional differentiator is that "ships carry boats.". Cold Enough to Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey This term has nothing to do with testicles or primates, and a good deal of debate remains to this day regarding the origin of the phrase. OK ('okay pass') counts 3 points. BOOMER. (4) A fiber-type scrubbing or scouring pad. For many years, vacuum "flash" evaps were used; reverse osmosis systems are becoming more common now. Number one mooring line typically is made fast at the bow, and tends straight across to the pier or other ship. The ball appears red if the pilot gets dangerously low. A mass spectrometer that samples the atmosphere on submarines. AGI - Auxiliary, Intelligence Gathering, aka 'Tattletale'. Similar ceremonies are conducted for Orders of the BLUENOSE and REDNOSE. ), or "Seaman Jones". (2) (surface) A small ceramic frog used as a talisman to prevent loss of the load (see LOSE THE LOAD). Some specific applications: (1) A process for cleaning water-sides of a boiler. Cox - (UK) The Coxswain. CMC - Command Master Chief. Among other things, it reduced the splinters produced when a cannon ball hit the (wooden) rail. EMCON - EMissions CONtrol. Gray Funnel Line - (RN) The Royal Navy surface fleet. installation. Mud Duck Shallow water sailor, e.g. A takeoff on R&R. Horse-cock - Sandwich meat, usually served at MIDRATS or during relaxed states of GQ, made with mystery meat masquerading as bologna or other lunch meat. Responsible, among other things, for discipline. Advance is the forward progress made between the time that the rudder is put over and the time the ship is steady on her new course. Centrifugal acceleration threw the masses outward, so "balls out" refers to maximum possible engine speed. There are other MC and JV circuits used for communications within the ship. Derogatory term for officers and enlisted that figuratively do the same. There are several types: TARCAP (TARget CAP), BARCAP (BARrier CAP), RESCAP (REScue CAP, i.e. Until recently, the only approved footwear for these communities was black in color. Black Cat Merchant - (RN) Someone who is always exaggerating. Chipping paint would not qualify as EMI, while inventorying the ship's pubs (publications) would. Gunny - Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). Generally air-conditioned and soundproofed, the wimps.Essence - Good, pleasant, or attractive. the bridge is abaft the bow. Boat - (1) Traditional term of reference for a submarine. Hard Deck (Aviation) A safety altitude (expressed as AGL). Refers to Russian 'trawlers' (or, more recently, purpose-built ships) stationed off NATO ports and following major fleet units. Home. Halfway Party A party celebrating the midpoint of a submarine cruise. Green Board An obsolete term used in submarines to indicate status of various hull openings, and therefore the ability of the boat to submerge safely. Unauthorized footgear for a while, but recently re-approved for all USN service communities. Breakaway The act of disconnecting from an UNREP ship and maneuvering clear. Polite forms: 'brain fade', 'brain cramp'. Originally, the bitter end of a mooring line was taken to the bitts to secure it.Bittersweet - A radio call signifying that friendly aircraft are in danger from a surface AAW missile launch, or that the presence of friendly aircraft is preventing a missile shot. BOHICA - Acronym for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.". Gouge (the) (1) Information, or the 'inside scoop'. Bracket and Halving A method of correcting the aim of shipboard gunnery. Jetsam Objects thrown over the side to lighten ship. The pipe consists of a narrow tube (the gun) which directs air over a metal sphere (the buoy) with a hole in the top. High Order In general usage, performing calibration on someone by yelling or other attention-getting activity. "Liberty expires for all hands." "Liberty expires onboard for duty section X of X." 1MC Announcement: *0730 . British navy seizes Iran missiles, parts likely Yemen bound . Carrier Landings A game involving a long flat table and, generally, a lot of beer. An older term, circa WW II, not frequently seen now. It is replaced periodically, as it is worn down by contact with the deck or by field arrestment. To chase the lubbers line is to be unable to hold a steady course. (3) The process of removing excess pressure from a system, or venting it completely. The opposite of BROWN WATER. Laundry Queen - (submarines) A junior sailor, usually an NQP (especially if hes DINK) assigned to handle a division's laundry chores. In-Flight Refueling Replenishing an aircrafts fuel supply in flight. Blivet - (1) Traditionally, "Ten pounds of shit in a five-pound sack." Ex Short for exercise. Some forms: mobex (an evolution involving a mob, i.e. To be avoided in tactical situations, as they make for easy visual detection. LIBERTY CALL, LIBERTY CALL. (2) Demerits, or the act of receiving same. Originally used to give the CUT SIGNAL. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Sparrow (AIM-7). If a sailor failed to mind his Ps and Qs, hed come up short (or perhaps be cut off by the bartender). Bandit (1) Air contact positively identified as hostile. Personnel can retrieve gear adrift items by working off EMI. Similar to the older "Feather Merchant.". (3) The protruding sensor boom of the MAD gear aboard the P-2 Neptune and P-3 Orion. Strong. FAO Community. Birds - (1) Term for the rank markings of a USN/USCGS Captain or USMC/USAF/USA Colonel (silver eagle, O-6 paygrade). Direct Fire Gunnery and fire control where the fall of shot can be directly observed by the firing unit. Can result in damage to the aircraft, even a RAMPSTRIKE. For positions requiring travel more than twice per year, selectee may be required to obtain and maintain in good standing a Government-issued Travel Card for official government travel purposes. One Liberty Center. Gig (1) Small boat carried aboard ship, e.g. Basically, yelling and screaming. They can usually be found cluttering up passageways or decks where real work is being done. Never got more than a month, maybe two months of shore time and only one port call an underway if we got any at all. Analogous term in UK-based countries is reheat., A-gang - Auxiliaries Division of the Engineering Department. Acockbill Out of alignment or awry. CAG - Carrier Air Group. Bow Array (Submarine) That part of the subs sonar suite which is located in the bow. Participants run toward the table and dive onto it face-first. "And if you look 'way down there, you can see the golden rivet!". Jury Rig A temporary fix, or makeshift. Duties assigned as punishment which are also intended to improve one's military knowledge. Aka 'hardhat', 'brain bucket'. USS Roosevelt Completes 4th FDNF-E Patrol. Bilge Diving Working in the bilges of a ship, or cleaning same. The captain or skipper of a vessel. 6 D's - Deep Diving Death Defying (or Dealing) Denizens of the Deep. CAVU - Aviation term, short for 'Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited'. Exactly, whether a deployment meets the infantrys certified bad a** criteria or not, a unit is going to do what a unit is going to do. Grog (UK) Pussers rum mixed with two parts water. Dive Planes The "elevators" of a submarine; movable, horizontal surfaces used to control the dive (pitch) angles. Influence Pistol An exploder for a mine or torpedo which uses acoustic or magnetic sensing to activate. The root of the debate is whether such an event is possible at all, though the phrase appears to be more a traditional exaggeration than an engineering possibility. This supposedly goes back to when bread was usually pretty stale and its taste could be improved by dunking it in milk. Ragman'. 'Hanging out of their arses.'. The player opens and closes the hand . Found in a "ladderwell" (stairwell). Black-Hand Gang - See SNIPE. Refers to the brown boots or shoes which once were worn by aviation personnel with the Aviation Green uniform. Double Nuts - Aircraft with side number zero-zero. BENO Box Patrol station in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 80s. GQ - General Quarters. It is now used in traditional bugle calls such as Evening Colors/Sunset, and in other ceremonies in most modern navies. Similar to the USN's "Joe Shit the Ragman" (q.v. "Set Condition Zebra" is the command to close all water-tight doors, hatches, and fittings throughout the ship. Seams were caulked or sealedpaidby jamming oakum fiber into the gaps, then smearing the seam with melted pitch or tar. VIRGINIA BEACH - Leaders of the Military Resale Joint Buying Alliance announced $140 million in savings for its customers. 'Loiter' is similar, although loitering usually involves staying in one place. . The extreme fore part of a ship was known as the "beakhead," which may have been shortened to "head" over time. See also BROWN WATER. A magnetic or acoustic mine. In a good unit, it shouldnt get out of hand, but officers know what they have. "Kate Smith". (2) In radio parlance, cans are a set of headphones. Generally a much more violent event than an unaccelerated stall. Heave Out And Trice Up Originally, a call for sailors to get out of their hammocks, roll them up, and trice (tie) them to the ships rail. Amateur Night The day after payday, when nothing seems to go right, especially shipboard evolutions. When I got out and came back . Bug Out - 'Getting the hell out of Dodge.' See also FNG. (2) In older usage, cheating, or, as a verb, to cheat. Aka 'angle deck', 'the angle.'. For an officer, one step up from the bottom, rankwise. The prospect of Man Overboard is very serious. Boom (1) (aviation) Sonic boom. A sail which is being backed is said to be aback. A sailing ship which accidentally goes aback when tacking loses its momentum and is said to be in irons. A person is said to be all aback when he is confused or surprised. Now used to refer to facilitating something. Honestly, there shouldnt be any excuse for not incorporating morale because officers have better opportunities to access the internet on a Navy ship than enlisted. Regular: $6499. Beach Ashore, or to be put ashore. Definition: 4-Day Special Liberty. IPAC PROGRAM. Thank you for looking. (2) In-Flight Refueling q.v. Condition 3 - A material condition of readiness commonly associated with wartime steaming where some, usually half, of the ship's weapons are kept in a manned and ready status at all times. Buster - Aviation term for maximum speed available without using afterburners. Aback Backing a sail is turning it so that the wind hits the front face; the effect is to slow a ship or boat. Buffer - (UK) The senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain's Mate. The crossdeck pendant is attached to the purchase cables, which are in turn connected to the arresting engines belowdecks. Crab, crabfat - (RN) A member of the Royal Air Force. Sailing ships which were becalmed here often had to throw live cargo such as livestock over the side to conserve water. See also DIXIE CUP. See DECK APE, ORDIE. Also controls the BCP (ballast control panel) while underway. Burner - (1) In a submarine, a system that burns carbon monoxide and hydrogen out of the air, converting H2 to water and CO to CO2. Dusty- (RN) Stores rating, especially one concerned with food. Chicken of the Sea - Ballistic missile submarine, or a crewmember of same; the nature of their mission is to avoid detection by whatever means necessary. Goat Rope An evolution which is going not at all well; disorganized; chaotic. Line - (1) What mere mortals call 'rope', the sailor calls 'line.' Log Room - An engineering space used for engineering admin purposes, often used as the office for the engineering dept. A very dangerous situation, as the torpedos warhead could easily "cook off" from the heat buildup. Bell Tapper One who is habitually a few minutes late, especially when relieving the watch. FIGMO - Fuck It, (I) Got My Orders. G-suit - A piece of gear worn by flight crews in tactical aircraft. Essentially the commander of all US Navy operations afloat in the harbor and is responsible to civilian authorities for the action of the ship's and the behavior of crews under his/her command. Heave to In a sailing ship, to come into the wind and essentially stop, with minimum sail area exposed. Hot Run A torpedo which lodges in its tube when fired, or which activates itself without being fired. Gun Busters - (RCN) Naval weapons ratings. As a verb, the act of returning to base or a tanker because of low fuel state. Demurrage A fine levied for not unloading a ship on time. Five Ss The tradition steps to prepare for a formation or liberty: Shit, Shower, Shave, and Shine Shoes. Aurora, a Boeing subsidiary, was awarded $5.7 million . More recently, brown footwear is optional, but seldom seen due to tradition. Probably comes from adrift.. During flight deck ops, wears a jersey color-coded blue. May be color-coded like the flight-deck jerseys. Often found in engineering spaces. HS Helicopter anti-submarine warfare squadron. Crowell (; web hosting provided by Haze Gray & Underway. Yes, its your leave block too. See BRAIN FART. The same light pattern is sometimes echoed on an external array on or near the nose gear, so that aircraft AOA can be determined by the LSO. (3) Someone who acts like an idiot (aka 'blank file'). The lens also has red lights mounted on it which can be used to give WAVEOFF and CUT commands. FESTA - Fire Extinguishing System, Twin Agent. Gethomeitis The tendency to ignore potentially significant problems when homeward bound. In common usage today, synonymous with the luminous yellow display of the FRESNEL LENS system which replaced it. The human broom picking up any and every small item on the flight deck. Call For Fire A request for gunfire support. "Hey, who ganked my sandwich?". It was carried over to the practice of putting ice cream into soda. Actually, the word is French and means, literally, sailor. (2) (UK) The opposite of hard charger, i.e. Huffer - A cart used to provide start air to an aircraft. Facetiously, Fun-Time Navy. Get the liberty cuffs, to brag to fellow soldiers about how much better the Navy is. Back in Battery - Originally an artillery term for a gun which has completed its recoil/postfiring cycle and is ready to fire again. (3) The sound-generating towed body of a NIXIE (q.v.) Golden Rivet - The mythical last rivet which completes a ship. The difference this time around is that theyve gotten with the program and wont snitch if theyre getting hazed. (2) Broken, or useless. Forces and United Nations Command multinational Forces. 90-Day Wonder Derisive term for a graduate of OCS. must achieve. Failure to do so means daily mandatory study hours supervised by the duty Chief. Gunner - (1) Aviation: the CAG Weapons Officer. Masker - A noise-reduction system in which air is pumped into the water from belts in the vicinity of the engineering spaces. Fall of Shot Point of impact of a shell or salvo of shells. dont do that either! The CDP is replaced periodically, depending on the number of times it has been engaged. Surface ships only. Modified conditions are used to minimize crew fatigue, which can be a significant factor over a prolonged period at battle stations. Loss of the bubble. Similar to POMMIE BATH. Foul Deck Waveoff A WAVEOFF given due to a foul deck. Heaving Deck - Call from the LSO to a pilot on approach to the carrier that the vertical movement of the deck due to the action of wind and wave is sufficient to be a factor in the approach. Officer of the Day: Call the Officer of the Day to the Gangway. "Go away and don't bother me, Im outta here." Still: Used to call the crew to attention. Generally, two two-hour watches, designated First and Second (or First and Last, RCN), arranged so that personnel on watch can eat the evening meal. All styles include allowing squared or rounded gradual tapers in the back of the head. The recruit graduation ceremony, also known as Pass-In-Review, is a formal military ceremony which honors your recruit's hard work and dedication to a new way of life, and ties together the future of the Navy with our long-held Naval traditions and customs. During the ceremony, POLLYWOGS are made to go through a number of ordeals, each more disgusting than the last. The altitude that really matters for safety of flight. Term used by submariners to refer to themselves. Bullshit Artist A glib person, or one who lies. Needless to say, should a "kidnapped" person be reported as mustered (either by well . EOS Enclosed Operating Space. Used to produce fresh water at sea, both for the boilers and for potable usage. Blue on Blue - A friendly-fire kill. Valuable in that it teaches an aircrew to consider comparative performance points of their aircraft and others. In many ways, equivalent to a felony conviction. A horizontal row of green DATUM lights represents the perfect glideslope angle. Ball (the) - The glowing image projected by the FRESNEL LENS. View last broadcast Robbie Hiner - I Want That Mountain . Cold Iron A condition of the ships engineering plant where everything is shut down, including not only propulsion systems but also including electrical power generation and hotel services. Alpha Mike Foxtrot - Acronym for "Adios, Motherfucker". Conning (1) Giving orders regarding the maneuvers of a ship. Drip - (RN) Complain. Crossdeck Pendant, CDP - The wire (cable) which the hook of a carrier aircraft catches to accomplish an arrested landing. INT Spoken as "eye-en-tee." Cranie - Protective headgear worn by flight deck crewmembers. Airline Announcements. Used to ensure common reference points for aircraft operating in a common area. Everyone is Rambo when they come back. Get the best deals for us navy liberty cuffs at If your gig line isnt straight, you hear about it at personnel inspections. or a verb ("Dave FODded his engine last night.") Lose the load To lose electrical power. Image: 80-G-244811: Aerial of SS Ceasar Rodney, Liberty Ship. Franklin R. Parker Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) Franklin R. Parker was sworn in as the 19th Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve . Battle Cover The steel cover for a port or deadlight. Designed to prevent, or at least limit, water entry. (2) A structure on a ship which is designed to deflect or redirect water flow. A Moorish chief was an "emir," and the chief of all chiefs was an "emir-al." Our English word is derived directly from the Moorish. Generally used for large-diameter lines. See also OCCULTING. Bomb (The) - (submarines) The oxygen generator system. Heave Around The order to haul in on a line, wire, or anchor chain, whether with power (windlass or capstan) or by hand. ProSphere #1 Liberty Flames White Basketball Jersey. Visit and @LibertyCallDistilling. pressure altitude). Liberty Call is written as a first person narrative of the author's experiences while on his first deployment overseas aboard the USS Fox, CG-33. Broke Dick Non-functional. Similarly, RCN = Royal Canadian Navy, RAN = Royal Australian Navy, RM = Royal Marines, RNZN = Royal New Zealand Navy, UK = general usage in militaries of the former British Empire. Hangar Queen (Aviation) An aircraft that never seems to be in flyable condition, it often sits in a corner and provides spare parts for serviceable aircraft instead. Term used by short-timers, attitude cases, and sailors having a bad day. Captain's Table - (RN) A disciplinary hearing. Dive the intakes - Cleaning engine air intakes, usually by crawling into them. Gedunk Medal National Defense Service Medal. Sometimes seen as B.F.E. Generally found in the depths of the engineering spaces, a maneuver used to get a female guest to bend over. 'Dixie' was the southern station, tasked with troop support (CAS). These personnel operate and maintain the ship's auxiliary equipment (air conditioning systems, distilling units, air compressors, etc.). A method of defining an altitude with respect to local ground elevations. Mayday Distress call via radio, anglicized from the French Maidez (help me). H and I - A military mission emphasizing Harassment and Interdiction of enemy forces and supply routes. Your command will find out if you screwed up. FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile submarine; an earlier term for a Ballistic Missile Submarine, i.e. Liberty is regular time off. Gator Hashmark A grease stain on ones uniform, gained by leaning up against or bumping a wire (cable), many of which are found on and about Gators. "Your Signal Charlie" means 'commence approach immediately, and land upon arrival.'. Traditionally, the PORKCHOP buys rope, but as soon as you cut a piece off of the spool, it is called line. (2) The equator. HSL Helicopter anti-submarine squadron (light). Based on the recommendation from the V-22 Joint Program Office, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command and U.S. Navy issued a time limit, via fleet bulletin, on the V-22 . Bitts A shipboard mooring fixture, comprised of cylindrical posts similar to BOLLARDS, mounted in pairs. Captain's Mast - Non-judicial disciplinary procedure, usually meted out by unit commanders. (submarine only) Responsible for coordinating shipboard evolutions such as housekeeping, watchstanding, wake-ups, etc. Liberty Call A Marine exchanges greetings with a loved one at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, Aug. 29, 2019, during liberty call, when families got to see new Marines before they. PEP. Fake Down To lay out a line to permit free running while maintaining seamanlike appearance. It is also flown from the yardarm when a court martial or court of inquiry is in session aboard. Belay (1) Stop. General Call: Piped before an announcement. Commonly 5000 feet AGL. Its reminder that, before they do some Wolf of Wall Street shenanigans, that they still have a career to get back to. FOD - Foreign Object Damage. Marine Shower Changing clothes without bathing, usually just applying deodorant. Often used to detect SKIMMERs by their helpless laughter upon hearing the phrase. (2) (RCN) An unpopular watch, usually the 2400-0400 or 0400-0800. 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navy liberty call announcement
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