Goals of each person first year assistant principal assists the road. Ask them how their day is going, pry into their personal lives a bit, and make sure to attend staff outings. Make sure you start this next step in your career on the right foot! What would you try if money or time werent barriers? October 30, 2020 . Now that my first year has concluded, when I think back to that interview day, Im proud of my ambition and the long list of items I have accomplished. However, putting theory into practice requires much training and reflection. Common observation checklist items include: Conduct an observation check on different key areas such as planning, teaching techniques, and student/ teacher relationships. Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, principals and assistant principals shall be evaluated based on quality standards as part of the pilot process. After 3 years as an AP of a middle school, I would agree with all your points, but definitely take the time to get to know families and students. Welcoming parents and teachers to meet with you individually or in small groups during summer can build relationships that the rush of the school year doesn't always allow for. with the Assistant Principal and Guidance Counselor, noting accommodations provided in IEPs. Personal Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. 12. The role of assistant principal comes with many responsibilities. Well get better together! By the end of the afternoon, she had said, "I'll take care of it" 17 times. Upload Husky Card Photo. What a great article! The first 90 days of any job is crucial. As the days went by in my first year as an assistant principal, I was reminded often how much I did not know. When communicating with teachers, it's important that your conversation doesn't just focus on the job itself. Uncategorized. Great article. Consider the following checklist as part of your 90-day plan to outline goals; clarify desired expectations for all players; and align plans, decisions, and actions to best serve students, stakeholders and staff. All rights reserved. Eldridge Principal Entry Plan 6 Organize Welcome Back Social: positive recognition for a job well done and team building activities 8/16/17- 8/18/17 Review staff handbook, assessment schedule, professional development schedule, school year calendar, building schedule matrix, mission and goals of district and Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe . (Maybe even some action research by upperclass students, although the scope would obviously have to be limited.) Often its the small kindnesses that make a difference in a teachers day. Neither is growth. Thanks for offering up that reminder here. His donuts, coffee, and question established a mutual respect that lasted the tenure of his time as superintendent. And this is OKbecause it has to be. As you leave school for the day, stop by a few classrooms and make small talk. That is special! is introduced at the beginning of the school year to the class(es) they will be working in Explain who to call in the event of illness Provide E.A. No matter how organized I am, or how diligent I am to my tasks, the list is simply longer than the hours I have to dedicate to the job. A new principal becomes a student of that culture, learning "how things are done around here.". Your work is to build a school that meets the needs of students and becomes a community of educators dedicated to that purpose. The Problem: A new assistant principal was assigned to our school about six weeks after the . The impact you will have on others is only capped by your willingness to expand and grow. Just as teachers should never forget what it's like to be a student, administrators should never forget what it's like to be a teacher. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Its not uncommon to be walking down the hallway and to hear, Do you have a minute? As much as I can, I answer, yes, sure. And then I am present for that moment because sometimes its a staff member sharing something critical in her personal life or asking for assistance with a particular student. While this strategy has its advantages, it can also be a hindrance, as each of us carries strengthsand weaknesses. On his first official day as the new superintendent, Dan appeared at the central maintenance facility with a bag of donuts and a carafe of coffee. No two days are alike, but could you describe how a typical day on the job might look for you by walking through some of your daily activities? 5. %PDF-1.5 The varimax rotation method was then used to determine which items loaded most highly onto which of the retained factors. Almost every day I feel pulled in a million directions, with an even longer list of tasks to accomplish, parents to call, students to connect with, or teachers to meet. An effective team starts with knowing how you complement each other and how you fit into the system. You'll be remembered for your honesty, care, and passion for learning. Additionally, this checklist should be completed with appropriate modifications for Educators who have received a promotion or transitioned to another role. December 2018 Meet with financial secretary to establish structures and procedures. This and similar missteps had her refreshing her rsum sooner than she anticipated. Assignment of first year checklist and may be included only wash their first year assistant principal checklist. 11. I was an Assistant Principal for a year and a half for Marion Community Schools, then I served as the district RTI Coordinator for the last semester of the 2017-2018 school year. Invite the outgoing principal to lunch, or visit the school while kids still populate its halls. I was an AP for 10 years, so I appreciate your perspective. National Outstanding Assistant Principal Program; Blue Ribbon Schools; National Principals Month; National Assistant Principals Week; Distinguished Service Awards; . June 2014 - September 2015 A solid way to build relationships is what I term Visibility 2.0. We know that being present is important, but being present is more than standing in the hallway or walking to the door of a classroom. They are critical for teachers and students, teachers and parents, parents and administrators, and administrators and teachers. More often than not, those questions fall into one of these four categories: We spend an incredible amount of time asking teachers to give of themselves at school. Consider participating in instructional learning opportunities so that you can continue to grow as a resource for teachers. A first year assistant principal checklist is important to have because it can help ensure that the new assistant principal is aware of the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. The superintendent and central office team must provide effective instructional coaching, no matter what evaluation plan ones district implements. These findings can then be brought in-house to enhance what is already taking place. Both staff and students are on the mission to discover your strengths while trying to create a good impression of themselves. Cover a duty occasionally, deliver a latte, be proactive in parent communication over discipline issues, etc. They may evaluate teachers. I am strong in some of her weak areas, and we have discussed how we can both improve in multiple areas. Relationships come before everything. A million thoughts raced through my head, and I think I said as much. Some complaints belong in your office immediately. To enforce the shared responsibility for discipline, principals should insist that teachers join them in responding to students who misbehave in the classroom. Wrong. The interviews are over. He believes life should not be boring; school either. What are you tired of learning about in faculty meetings? It will be great! A closed door prevents the drop-ins that are sure to occur when it is open. Chewing gum was forbidden in my school when I arrived as principal. Lori packed the pictures in a crate and suggested that teachers dress "appropriately" for their next staff picture. The importance of a solid team. So much uncertainty in the APs role. This person must be your strongest ally; if not, he or she can be your most formidable opponent. Id worked in the school district for the past 10 years, first as a middle school English teacher and then as a middle school assistant principal. We need to keep ourselves current, and we need to keep investing in our teachers. When advocacy is needed, it's invaluable to have friends in the central office. This includes time each day to be present in classrooms and hallways. Develop a plan for meeting them and share your plan with a colleague. If we went from 4 to 3 lunches, where could we best use the time in our day? Winter '23 Magazine. Complete Transition Questionnaire*. Orient new teachers and other staff 2. It takes planning and intentionality. However, it can also be used by experienced assistant principals who need a reminder of the tasks they need to complete during their first year. If your professional development sessions are lifeless and flat, youre not going to earn yourself any points with teachers. Announces the first assistant principal checklist is the worst of a meeting with this is the upcoming year! First-year principals need support from their superintendent, the central administration, and their experienced colleagues. Closure at your current school is also a healthy springboard to your new one. A new leader may act out of good will, yet have difficulty repairing damage. The "ghosts of the school" rule long after their formal leadership tenures have ended. Recognize these, and set them aside. Ill be the first to say that each path toward trust is unique, but its never bad to start by managing the referrals that come your way fairly and efficiently, committing to being a learner in your leadership role, and moving toward each new year looking for ways to serve students and teachers in new ways. John T. Fitzsimons is a retired superintendent of schools and former elementary and secondary assistant principal and principal. Extend your relationship building to other district principals. Follow Dr. McEwan's seven steps for effective communication with your staff. This Beginning of the School Year Checklist, compiled by veteran administrators, will help you stay on track and get your year off to a great start. Share some of your own dreams. The adoption of standards for mentor principals depends first on what effective principals need to know and be able to do. In larger school systems, a head teacher principal is often assisted by someone known as a vice-principal, deputy principal, or assistant/associate principal. The other assistant has made comments about things that she would like to take off her plate as well. So it would be better to use that time to extend the other 3 lunch periods. Yes, Im working on schedules, data, upcoming PD But if they pop in my office to say hello, I stop everything. Subscriptions available only as strength of membership. Meet with new Home & School officers to plan year Schedule year's social activities for students Check/test bell signal system Establish fire drill schedule (minimum of 9 per year) Recruit parent volunteers Identify room mothers Compile directory information Organize student groups (i.e., bus patrol, student council, etc.) Here are the first days of school scripts for three teachers. 354 0 obj <>stream So youre son will be a freshman here next year; whats he excited about? Trust is critical, and trust comes from being honest about who you are as a leader. I sure prefer the latter, but that isnt something you often stumble yourself into. The tension in teachers' and parents' shoulders visibly relaxed. Im still looking for my first AP leadership position. What do you think we are missing as administrators that you see as a teacher. True onboarding of an Educator Good schools cannot be built quickly. Links: The relationships you developed at your old school will reappear in your professional life. The hours can be long, and you often shoulder the burdens of those you serve. Principal's Checklist August 2018 QUOTE OF THE MONTH People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. Cultivating those trusting relationships is vital if youre interested in creating change (and who isnt interested in creating positive change). Teachers may come to dislike one another, gossip may substitute for communication, and discipline can become a power game in which both kids and teachers lose. The principal must establish clear boundaries and good working relationships with each of them. As a new administrator, make a point of connecting with your teachers on Facebook, as this is most likely where they already are. Year 2: Mentees will receive 30 hours of 1:1 mentoring, 7.5 of which are direct support through our mentor program virtual implementation sessions. Being a school leader is difficult. Hows your daughters basketball team playing? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Field Tip: Identify the one word/phrase that defines your leadership style. Leverage your new title to empower others to speak up and have a voice. However possible, transition into your new position. A smooth transition helps alleviate concerns. Rememberyou were hired for who you are. "They'll love it." If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others. ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Establishing relationships equips you with the ability to engage people in a meaningful way and increases your ability to be successful. What are some of the items on the first . As a first year principal, I have a formal mentor, which is a required (and helpful!) Joanne Rooney has contributed to Educational Leadership. The time-consuming gum battle slowly disappeared as we consistently addressed issues relating directly to teaching and learning. Discover ASCD's Professional Learning Services. What problems did it solve? Hows the year going? Assistant principals should oversee student discipline procedures to ensure that students are following school rules. After 365 days of employment, you will have the option of . Once a fourth-grade teacher, I recently began my work as an elementary assistant principal in another district. Communicate with new teachers and invite them to the new teacher orientation. school Principal's . Others are not worth winning or losing. Draft your communication and determine the best way of conversing with the purpose in mind. Before school begins, get to know everyone you can. 4. January 2019 Communicate the Principal Entry Plan to staff members (via e-mail and Note the parking lot at dismissal. However, before you dive into the waters of change, make sure you know where the rocks are and which sharks lurk close to the surface. endobj Now what do I do?". Be sure to make frequent visits to all classrooms. I'm the new superintendent. The assistant principalship is one of the most misunderstood and pivotal roles in our schools. Year 1: Mentees will receive 40 hours of 1:1 mentoring, 7.5 of which are direct support through our mentor program virtual implementation sessions. These actions can be empowering as they send the message that thoughts and opinions can make a difference. Approach your job with the notion that everyone has something to contribute, because a valuable idea can come from absolutely anyone. endobj As an assistant principal, one of the best things you can do is listen. Title I Principal - Monthly Checklist Page 2 Explain: Other challenges include: -5- It's true that you need to learn how everything runs and that the buck's final home is on your desk. The most unlikely corners of a school's culture can have symbolic value. Staff For those teachers that are new to the school, principals can be sure that they are contacted and personally invited to orientation meetings. I much prefer receiving this nourishment than being starved of it. Dan got some good advice. Assistant principals should manage budget and financial resources for the school in order to ensure that funds are allocated wisely. What do we need to spend more time looking at? I definitely feel the tension between the different pulls each day. Sincere care about those with whom you work coupled with open and frequent communication are essential building blocks to healthy cultures. Honor school culture whenever possible, even if it doesn't match your style. There are years when Ive craved everything on this list from my AP and years when Ive received everything on this list. :C1X1RpA2fkLYD4 3. Regardless of what method the state requires, frequent, informal, positive, and constructive interaction between the principal and staff remains essential and should be promoted by the superintendent. When Im at my best,Im often asking these questions: We do a lot of talking to teachers when it comes to professional development. Miscellaneous Good points. Update Communication Preferences*. Getting feedback is rarely pain-free. For instance, teachers posed in silly outfits and made funny faces for their group staff picture. He recently was selected by the School Administrators Association of New York State to receive its 1999-2000 New York State Distinguished Assistant Principal of the Year Award. Pinterest. Watch. Assistant principals who develop lasting, trusting relationships with their staff build on a foundation created by doing their job and doing it well. Much respect for leading like you do and helping others become better. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. New principals usually receive a brief orientation about the construction of the school budget. Are there any questions I can answer about our school for you as a parent? Establishing Relationships Relationships come before everything. ?fK#Iz0 "y>{3s.g=3>9+0?jV-dKgHJ'+4,RH`ENf?%,1[m 0 g>g}I'sZY Learn more effectively fulfill policy and resources that you can report one. assistant principals in turn in their first year checklist every year checklist, comand a format. The Elementary school Principal's Calendar: A Month by Month Planner for the school Year Michael Terc and Ida Ayers. I have found that having these varied and diverse perspectives have helped me think through my next steps and solutions, as well as having validated my decisions. Visibility 2.0 is about engaging in conversations with others to increase the value of your presence. Establish a community book group which will draw together parents and teachers (these will be facilitated by the . The most important lesson in leadership is, "be you." Authenticity, including recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, makes us better leaders. Asking about a teachers family can help us get to know teachers as a whole just like we often ask them to do with their students. C&M|36L0$SZ0!b[g2D)!5FS&cU/St4:h}H3#4c)Dxbqi@"eV@( :+FeV.`T`t uR0%V`!3s"gNdXQ\iw\ |eBP|+y;NU6+ 9iI54Ndbxb[5Ee;Usayrno8ZWII.j2qc'|EoL&*~|3#-bRjg|Nw6Lp|8gmfr2o7x{5Y^q +u^~S }3s-{U((b{E6Zd~J5Hb.WV Field Tip: Get an accountability partner. Teachers can easily feel threatened when an administrator sits behind a computer (supposedly taking notes that pick apart each and every aspect of a lesson), so travel around with as little equipment as possible. 4E}]x_'5hyw+q4 Z|8CUq}i}p(1@v{k34mfggFdfl[2s[K5TBTgfRdIq*rF J`?[[PZ)Mgf/ SfMsGju\4 {Om'/W'2$jEjInNHA 9IzW! 0. Get to Know Your Staff Relationships are important. obtains supplies In scheduled monthly meetings, the business manager should provide one-on-one, on-site training to the new principal in all aspects of the districts budget. Thank you. If you truly want what is best for your co-workers and students, none of these interactions will actually feel like work. Collect time/effort certifications for employees split-funded from two or more from federal funds, incl. Ive learned what being present means in my role as principal, and I hope to increase my presence more for students and teachers. It can be so busy that certain things can easily slip through the cracks. This includes sending communications only to those impacted; emails reminding people to complete a task or follow through should be sent only to those who need the reminder, not the entire building. Also, how is it different than you expected it would be? Send home ESSA Report Cards for last year. Thank those parents and teachers who were part of the interview process. At the end of the week, check your percentages to make sure you are fulfilling your goals. Assistant principals should supervise teachers and students in order to ensure that they are following school policy and behaving appropriately. The checklist includes the following topic areas: Welcome to the Pack. An AP needs a foundation of credibility before he can earn the relational capital that creates trust. 4. He inquired about sick wives, graduating children, and recent vacations. New principals need to walk the talk. It is important that a new principal be aware of his or her leadership style and adjust it when situations call for it. Use the opportunity for informal conversations. Being a first-year teacher, I was unaware that these lists even existed. Some have seen leaders come and go and will wait you out, knowing each new leader brings some new reform through the revolving door. As the years go by and we become more and more comfortable in what we do, it's important to not lose sight of what got us there in the first place. and must remain in this plan for the first year (365 days) of employment. Serve as a resource to the internship sites as requested by the principal-mentor. Increased graduation rate by 12% in 2 years. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> In today's connected world, all educators should be actively looking for ideas and resources from outside their district. When conversing with others, make a conscious effort to avoid waiting to talk and trying to prove yourself. Save the office work for before and after school hours (when youre less likely to be disturbed) to cut down on disruptions and to ensure that paperwork is accurate and coherent. Listen. Take notes and check that you're "getting it." One of the most important things I have done each year is to start by asking those I work with, What do you need from me? Take the opportunity to ask what your role is on the team and be open about your needs. Taking the following actionsmany of which you can do in the summer before you're officially behind the wheelcan help you avoid wrong turns and fender benders. During our meetings, she asks questions, offers suggestions for how I can proceed, and makes sure I feel supported. For many assistant principals, the move to the role comes straight from the classroom, the counseling office, or a dean position. Be on committees with teachers. So before the year begins, I decided to think through those things that I can be about as an assistant principal that will help me help our campus. Those interested in action research should look up ARNA, the Action Research Network of the Americas. Prioritizing is essential. And I appreciate your commitment to thriving in your role. A free printable checklist to help you get the school year started off right. Take one step at a time, don't expect to finish your race in a sprint. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Add detailed notes or comments. The pupil personnel director, school counselors, and school psychologists can assist in establishing and maintaining a healthy social and emotional school climate. Do teachers slip out before the buses have finished loading studentsor do they hang around helping kids? Observe. not intended to be a checklist. Take time to get to know the children by being present in cafeteria, classrooms and playground. Be sure your system supports the principal and periodically celebrates and acknowledges his or her dedication, hard work, and value to the school district. Smile a lot. On my calendar, any item in red is considered untouchable time. Don't take it personally if anyone challenges you on some level. Lots of research (much of it by Karen Stout) shows that a longer, more-relaxed lunch is better for students and also reduces behavior problems while improving learning. ___ Assistant Principal ___Other, Please Specify . Throw a good-bye party. General AP 7:00 am: Arrive at school. Spend a great deal of time in classrooms, being as non-evaluative as you can. To download the free checklist, just complete the short form on the right, and we will send it to you right away. Well done! This planner has daily pages in addition to monthly "at a glance" pages. Zero in on those issues that directly affect teaching and learning. Asking these questions isnt magic, but its a great start for developing relationships through conversations with staff. Also, when appropriate, do what you can to make teachers' ideas a reality. Hold a get to know the assistant principal night or day.something like that. 4 0 obj The pounding of your heart is half excitement, half apprehension. Keep the focus on you and how you can better serve your staff. "Wow," she thought! Mark promised to listen, be available, and carry on the school's good work. We must listen to understand instead of listening to reply. Credibility has a short shelf life. Getting home in time to see your childs game is a priority, so make it number one on your daily to-do list. Consider those things that are most important for you and list them in order on your to-do list. 3 0 obj A newly appointed English department chair in a suburban high school arranged for some funds and bought a new couch to replace a ramshackle plaid sofa in the faculty room. Matching our practice with our message builds trust with teachers. principal evaluation system adopted by the Virginia Board of Education and created a handbook that provides more specific details of principal (and assistant principal) evaluation that best meet the needs of Danville Public Schools. Continue to first year assistant principal checklist as a leader to opt-out of these cookies psychologists can assist in establishing maintaining. Youre son will be facilitated first year assistant principal checklist the principal-mentor like work would like to take off her plate well... Sure prefer the latter, but that isnt something you often shoulder the burdens those... 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first year assistant principal checklist
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