A complete application includes the online application form, official test scores, an essay, an application fee, two letters of recommendation and official transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended. This area of marketing shares theories and methodologies with economics, mathematics, and statistics. The Marshall Ph.D. program offers you the opportunity to explore your research interests and take advantage of the classes, centers and programs offered both within and outside of Marshall. The post-master's degree certificates are designed for professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in a field. As mentors, they encourage students to identify their own interests and develop the analytic and methodological skills to pursue their own research questions. Marshall Ph.D. students are provided with a discretionary account for teaching and research activities. After advancing to candidacy, students become eligible for competitive research awards open exclusively to USC Marshall Ph.D. students. He also serves as Associate Editor of the Review of Financial Studies. View the list of current masters degrees offered. If you have any questions about the impact on your financial aid, please contact the School of Pharmacy Financial Aid Office at (323) 442-1466 or by email at pharmfao@usc.edu. For more information see Business Analytics (MS)and visit marshall.usc.edu/MSAnalytics. The program focuses on teaching the necessary knowledge and skills in areas like inventory management; sustainable supply chains; strategic procurement; outsourcing; logistics and distribution; information technology and its role in managing global supply chains; and supply chain optimization. Journal of Consumer Research 46, no. Once a class is full, you may request to be placed on the waitlist for the class. The program is intended for students seeking to pursue careers in entrepreneurship, corporate venturing and innovation, or technology commercialization. USC Graduate School is actively striving to diversify the graduate student body, to promote equity in our graduate programs, and to support the full inclusion of all students as they progress toward their professional goals. Contact USC Provost IT Faculty Advisor (s): Eileen Crimmins, Hussein Yassine. The program can be completed in one year (full-time students) or two or more years (part-time students). The field stresses quantitative techniques ranging from applied probability to optimization and game theory. Examples of outside funding sources include the Ph.D. Project, foreign governments, and the Accounting Doctoral Scholars program. (9) Proof of financial support is required of admitted international applicants. In some cases, the relationship may involve the student working on their own research project, in which case the research mentor serves as an advisor. Occasionally a student brings outside funding to replace or supplement the funding from the USC Marshall School of Business. Journal of Marketing Research (2020): 0022243720915467. - Students have unmatched exposure to global cultures as USC is home to more international students than any other university in the United States. Submit a Waitlist Request Form here. For more information see Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MS)and visit marshall.usc.edu/msei. By the end of year two, students should have identified a primary research mentor who will guide them until completion of the dissertation, i.e., their faculty advisor. September: Application OpensDecember 15 Application Deadline: Accounting and Management and Organization*January 15 Application Deadline: Data Sciences & Operations, Finance & Business Economics and MarketingFebruary 15 Decision Notifications BeginApril 15 Admit Decision DeadlineThe Fall 2023 application is open!The link to the PhD Program application is available on the Admissions page and the next opportunity to apply is for Fall 2023 admission. His research investigates issues in auditing, international accounting, and earnings management. degrees are granted in the arts, humanities and social sciences, while Master of Science (M.S.) Ph.D. in Marketing. For additional information and application instructions,click here. Our students come from all of over the world. USC is a distinguished R1 research university that provides a wide range of academic programs. For more information see Optimization and Supply Chain Management Graduate Certificateand visit marshall.usc.edu/oscm. USC is a diverse community of scholars in the heart of Los Angeles a dynamic center for technology, health services, media and the arts. For more information see Master of Public Health/Master of Science, Social Entrepreneurship (MPH/MS). Specific topics in asset pricing include the determinants of asset returns, pricing of risk, behavior of investors, and trading mechanisms. Prospective students apply for admission to begin the program in the summer term. 2 advisor-approved electives in the areas of optimization . Past awards have been sponsored by the USC Graduate School, the Ford Foundation, the USC Marshall Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurship and the USC Marshall James S. Ford Award. Academic research in marketing draws upon theories and methodology from a wide variety of fields, including psychology, sociology, mathematics, statistics, and economics. 4 (2018): 489-506. 3601 Trousdale Parkway, Student Union 301 The replacement must be requested in an attachment to the application for admission. Participants complete the equivalent of two years of intensive MBA study and return to their careers in 12 months. PhD students are junior colleagues encouraged to participate in academic research with faculty from the very beginning. In addition internal brown bag seminars and reading groups allow students and faculty to exchange ideas and receive feedback on research topics. MOR research includes the study of human behavior in organizational settings, the design of organizational structures and the relationship of organizations to their environments. For more information see Global Supply Chain Management for Executives (MS) (Online)and visit marshall.usc.edu/MSGSCM. Degree Requirements The Graduate Certificate in Marketing requires 15 units including one required course and 500-level MKT electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the certificate. A faculty mentor and other faculty members from marketing and from outside the department form the qualifying exam committee that guides the students process. Master of Arts (M.A.) They have strong academic backgrounds and bring with them a variety of experiences prior to joining the program. Monday Friday The certificate can be completed on either a full- or part-time basis, and classes are available during both daytime and evening hours. The annual funding increases as the student progresses in the program into more research activities in the later years. Marshall faculty are top-tier professionals with a passion for academia and research. "Do consumers always spend more when coupon face value is larger? This program uses a non-traditional, interdisciplinary approach to executive and management education through themes that integrate various functional areas and address classic, yet dynamic business issues. The small size of the program allows for close collaborations between students and faculty and for students to tailor their program of study to fit their background and research interests. A minimum of 30 units is required for the MS in Financial Engineering degree. degrees are granted in the natural sciences and professional fields. MKT 613: Marketing Models in Consumer and Business-to-Business Markets, MKT 616: Consumer Behavior Theory and Research, MKT 615 Strategic and Marketing Mix Models, MKT 618: Consumer Behavior and Decision Making. From the very beginning of the program, students collaborate with faculty on research projects with the goal of producing research that will be published in the top journals. The Marshall School of Business and the Keck School of Medicine leverage resources and expertise with this program designed for students who want to gain the skills to make sustainable change in the field of public health. The degree focuses on theories and applications of consumer behavior in marketing, as well as psychological, social, cultural and ethnic factors influencing consumer behavior. USC is a diverse community of scholars in the heart of Los Angeles a dynamic center for technology, health services, media and the arts. The Master of Science in Marketing (Marketing Analytics) provides students with tools, concepts, frameworks and critical thinking and innovative skills needed to position themselves as leaders in quantitative marketing methods, gaining exposure to in-demand programming languages such as R and Python for marketers, as well as strategies and techniques for predictive modeling, consumer analysis, customer segmentation and micro-targeting. The Marshall School of Business offers six graduate degrees: The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); the Master of Business Administration (MBA); the Master of Science (MS) in Business Administration, Business Analytics, Business Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, Food Industry Leadership, Global Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Social Entrepreneurship; the Master of Business for Veterans (MBV); the Master of Management in Library and Information Science (MMLIS); and the Master of Management Studies (MMS). Examples of professional doctorates not conferred by the Graduate School include: View a list of current professional doctoral degrees offered organized by School. PhD students at USC are supported by fellowships, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, or a combination of these funding sources. Two international travel experiences to global distribution hubs are included in the program. By combining fundamental business and entrepreneurship skills with the expertise gained through the Master of Public Health, graduates will be uniquely equipped to address global health challenges. Marketing Science 38, no. If all college or postgraduate work has not been completed, transcripts must be sent again when work in progress is completed and the degree posted. Admission criteria for applicants to dual degree programs co-sponsored by the Marshall School of Business are the same as Master of Business Administration program admission criteria. Every plan of study requires prior written approval by the contact faculty of the program. The Master of Science in Marketing provides students with tools, concepts, frameworks and critical thinking and innovation skills needed for more effective development, enhancement and refinement of marketing techniques critical to the success of local and global businesses. In the first two years, students work with different faculty member each semester, in order to expose students to different researchers and research approaches. They were Lilian Aluri, Chloe Arriaga, James Compagno, and Chenchen Sun. Classes are available during both daytime and evening hours. The degree can be completed on full-time basis in one calendar year or part-time. The more than 240faculty members at the school include authorities recognized around the world for their contributions to business theory and practice. MOR research draws on the basic disciplines of psychology, sociology and economics to investigate research questions in three general areas: organizational behavior, organizational theory and strategic management. The certificate can be completed on either a full- or part-time basis, and classes are available during both daytime and evening hours. The program takes advantage of distinctive educational opportunities offered by online technologies, both in terms of teaching methods and content and helps students to increase their effectiveness as business leaders, corporate managers and entrepreneurs. For more information see Food Industry Leadership (MS)and visit marshall.usc.edu/fil. Peer Fiss, Jill and Frank Fertitta Chair in Business Administration, explains how a "poison pill" strategy works in a Los Angeles Times piece on Elon Musk's Twitter bid. 4 (2018): 641-660. Working with USC scientists and engineers, students have the potential to become stakeholders in a new technology venture. Valsesia*, Francesca, Davide Proserpio, and Joseph C. Nunes. The combination of fellowship and graduate assistantship is guaranteed for five years for those who maintain satisfactory degree progress. The program provides students with tools, ideas and frameworks that will aid them in making business decisions in a scientific manner, based on actual data, to improve the performance of their organization. Anyone who holds a four-year bachelors degree is welcome to apply. Student research proposals have been funded by the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) and the Institute for The Study of Business Markets (ISBM). Content is delivered by faculty members with strong backgrounds in practice and research from different disciplines teaching in a team format to integrate understanding of business fundamentals, internal and external operations, business environments and leadership. The Executive MBA program provides those with significant work experience, particularly mid- to senior-level professionals who have high potential as business and industry leaders, a chance to complete an MBA on Fridays and Saturdays over a two-year period without interrupting their careers. Xu*, Zibin, and Anthony Dukes. As a world-class, private research institution, USC offers more than 400 top-ranked programs across a broad array of disciplines and fosters one of the most diverse, dynamic campus populations in the U.S. Our students graduate uniquely prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The degree can be completed on either a full- or part-time basis, and classes are available during both daytime and evening hours. Students MUST be enrolled in a graduate degree program at USC prior to applying for the certificate. Students work with different research mentors over the course of the program. Many of our faculty are thought leaders in their profession, conducting innovative and influential research, serving as editors at top journals, and taking leadership roles in research bodies and associations. The Accounting PhD program includes research focused on several accounting disciplines, including Financial, Managerial, and Auditing and Corporate Governance Accounting. Marshalls PhD program in marketing is highly selective. (Photo by Philip Salata) After an overwhelming vote to form a union earlier this month, USC graduate students are preparing for their next steps in the process of officially signing a contract. GMAT or GRE scores are required. For more information seeBusiness Taxation (Data and Analytics) (MBT). "Product line design under preference uncertainty using aggregate consumer data." Please enable Javascript for full functionality. For more information see the Full-time MBA Programpage and ftmba.marshall.usc.edu. Online students will complete 32 credits hours (approximately 8 courses). - Our curriculum includes numerous electives that can be taken within Marshall, at USC schools outside of Marshall and at other universities. For a list of pre-approved courses, visit the program web page here. The Optimization and Supply Chain Management Program is offered by the Marshall School of Business in partnership with the Viterbi School of Engineering. Faculty with similar areas of knowledge and interest are grouped together to form schools (such as the Keck School of Medicine of USC, the USC Thornton School of Music and the USC Viterbi School of Engineering) and academic departments within the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences (such as Biology, English and Sociology). The Master of Science in Business Research is designed to provide an alternative for Marshall PhD students. The Master of Management in Library and Information Science program is designed to educate professional librarians for leadership from every level of the organization in academic, urban and corporate environments. Accepted students receive a competitive fellowship and/or graduate assistantship package. Marshall is ranked 6th in the world in research for the years 20152019 by the UT-Dallas Research Rankings. thesisdc@usc.edu. The program is particularly well suited to those in science, engineering and business. For more information see Library and Information Science (MMLIS)and visit librarysciencedegree.usc.edu. The degrees should be in similar fields of study, in the same or different department(s). The Master of Science in Food Industry Leadership provides tools, concepts, frameworks and practical hands-on projects in areas such as new/current technologies, strategic planning and managing change as a senior leader. Courses are broadcast via distance learning technologies so that, with the exception of two international travel experiences, the degree can be completed through the Internet. Students can work through much of the material on a flexible schedule customized to their own needs, making the program especially convenient to students who are currently employed and wish to remain at their jobs while enrolled. 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. For more information see Business Administration (MS)and visit marshall.usc.edu/ms-busad. degrees and many of the M.S. Summer internships help students apply their knowledge in practice and prepare for the job market. They have strong academic backgrounds and bring with them a variety of experiences prior to joining the program. Marshall Graduate Student Resources. All international students who did not earn a four-year bachelors degree from a college or university in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand must submit (8) recent scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE). If not yet done, the student will start developing their own research projects and agenda. Most classes applicable to the program are offered during both daytime and evening hours. The Master of Business Taxation (MBT) program is designed for accountants, attorneys and business professionals who wish to learn or improve skills and knowledge through participation in advanced tax study. Graduate certificates are also offered in business analytics, business fundamentals, financial analysis and valuation, library and information management, management studies, marketing, optimization and supply chain management, strategy and management consulting, sustainability and business, and technology commercialization. Year 5: In year 5, the research mentor serves to advise the student on completion of the dissertation. For more information see the International MBA Programand theInternational Management Science (STEM) MBA Programpages and visit marshall.usc.edu/ibear. Pursuing Ph.D. in Economics Entered program in 2020 Bachelor of Science, Economics University of South Carolina, 2019 Magna Cum Laude, Honors Recipient, Graduation with Leadership Distinction ACADEMIC RESEARCH INTERESTS Health Economics, Public Finance Email Milton Straw EDUCATION Pursuing Ph.D. in Economics Entered program in 2020 Kaleigh Strohl Dukes, Anthony and Yi Zhu* (2019) Why Customer Service Frustrates Consumers: Exploiting Hassel Costs by a Tiered Customer Service Organization, Marketing Science, 38(3): 500-515. USC's University Park Campus currently operates 15 libraries. Career Insight Seminars improve students functional and industry awareness and as a result enhance decision-making in the areas critical to career development, satisfaction and success. The Master of Science in Finance is designed to provide individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become experts in finance and thus advance their careers in business. ", Roshni Raveendhran, Nate Fast, Peter Carnevale (2020), "Theorizing the Multiplicity of Digital Phenomena: The Ecology of Configurations, Causal Recipes, and Guidelines for Applying QCA", YoungKi Park, Peer Fiss, Omar El Sawy (2020), "Director Networks and Innovation Herding", "Product Life Cycles in Corporate Finance", Gerard Hoberg, Vojislav Maksimovic (2021), Op-Ed: If Roe Is Overturned, Democracy Could Be the Best Path Forward on Abortion. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. An Examination of Law Firm Networks and Stock Option Backdating", "Implied Equity Duration: A Measure of Pandemic Shutdown Risk", Patty Dechow, Ryan Erhard, Richard Sloan, Mark Soliman (2021), Journal of Accounting Research 59, 243-281, "Is It a Home Run? The Graduate Certificate in Strategy and Management consulting is designed for individuals who want to develop the analytical skills needed to consult on complex strategic and organizational issues in support of effective business renewal. Students also serve as colleagues and mentors to each other and often develop papers together. 4 (2019): 1-20. The results of the vote mean that graduate student . If you . Elective course work is completed mainly on the University Park Campus. The program is especially valuable for those who have completed the first year of a traditional MBA at another institution and those who completed a one-year MBA program and wish to enhance their knowledge in specialized areas of business. We encourage students from all backgrounds to apply: Earned bachelor's degree with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher International students only: TOEFL (minimum score 90) or IELTS (minimums score: 6.5) How to Apply Online Application Submit your application using the USC Graduate Online Application System. Get to know your fellow students The communication doctorate program enrolls students from diverse backgrounds, nationalities and educational experiences. The Master of Science in Marketing requires 30 units including 19.5 units of required course work and 10.5 units of electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the degree. Welcome to Graduate Study at the University of Southern California. For more information see Management Studies (MMS) and visit marshall.usc.edu/MMS. View open positions. Certain areas of study are based on broad areas of interdisciplinary knowledge and draw faculty from several departments. The certificate may be completed on either a full- or part-time basis. Complete at least 10.5units of 500-level ACCT, BAEP, BUCO, DSO, FBE, GSBA, MKT or MOR course work to reach the total number of units required to complete the program. Los Angeles, CA 90089-0894 Faculty advising students in this area are experts in a variety of topics such as. Courses are offered on the University Park Campus in downtown Los Angeles in the evenings and on weekends. Students can pursue the first year of study at the University Park Campus or at the USC Orange County Center in Irvine. Generally, masters degrees for proficiency in professional fields are conferred by the professional school. The vote to unionize will affect 3,000 graduate student workers, according to a press release. Along with several other California schools, including the University of California schools, the "yes" vote for USC graduate student union workers means that they could receive benefits through bargaining. Applications of artificial intelligence in marketing, Understanding how businesses manage social interactions, The impact of digital platforms on different industries, Social networks and network structures in markets, Branding and consumers attachments to brands, Consumers strategies to maintain a positive self-evaluations, Emotions and their effects on consumers valuations of products, How the use of technology affects consumers enjoyment and memories of experiences, Consumers' responses to service and product failure, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of experimental Psychology: General, American Marketing Association IO Lifetime Achievement Award, Vijay Mahajan Lifetime Contribution to Marketing Strategy Award, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Long-term Impact Award, Fellow of INFORMS Society for Marketing Science, Fellow of Association of Consumer Research. * Must be taken in the first term/semester or prior to admission. The Online MBA (OMBA) program enables students to develop expertise in business administration, management and leadership through a rigorous course of study, most of which is delivered using flexible online technologies. Search for: Resources Staff Listing; Galaxy; Directory MBA students: You must apply for admission and be admitted to this program in order to earn the certificate and have all 16 units applied to your MBA. Four marketing students graduated with Honors from Marshall and also were recognized as Discover Scholars for producing "exceptional original scholarship while compiling a distinguished overall academic record". Apply Today. Ph.D. ProgramUSC Marshall School of Business3670 Trousdale Parkway, BRI 306Los Angeles, California 90089-0809EMAIL, University of Southern California Marshall School of Business | Copyright 2001 - 2023. The degree can be completed on either a full- or part-time basis, and classes are available during both daytime and evening hours. USC has more than 400 graduate programs offered by the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and over 20 professional schools. Practical hand-on projects in areas such as technology, biotechnology, healthcare, entertainment, sports and marketing start-ups provide students with opportunities to apply the classroom experience to the real world. "How Do Accounting Practices Spread? The Doctor of Philosophy program in business administration is designed to produce research-oriented graduates who, from positions in academia, can advance business practice and enhance the contributions that businesses make to the larger community. The research mentor will primarily serve as an advisor. The critical role of information, emotion, and brand prominence." The Ph.D. in Economics is offered by the Department of Economics. In most cases, the advisor will serve as the students dissertation chair. Transcripts written in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified English translation. Academic research in marketing draws upon theories and methodology from a wide variety of fields, including psychology, sociology, mathematics, statistics, and economics. The Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship gives students the opportunity to learn business and entrepreneurship skills within a framework of combining both financial and social missions. MBA students gain an understanding of the forces confronting business around the world and are encouraged to take an active role in making a difference to seek out opportunities for personal and professional growth and to empower others in the pursuit of shared goals. Programs such as the Juris Doctor/Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Science, and Gerontology/Master of Business Administration, offer students the opportunity to work with faculty from two or more departments or schools. Because Marshall offers a distinct set of advantages that is rarely available at other schools. In addition to an internationalized set of core courses, the program includes elective course offerings on international management, international financial management, global e-business, global marketing strategy, international trade, politics for global management and global strategy. For additional information, visit marshall.usc.edu/MSMkt. If you are receiving financial aid, due to federal financial aid guidelines your award package may be affected through a reduction in your overall award amount. Topics covered include campus services, academic resources, and public safety. Current USC students and USC alumni are not required to submit an application fee, new test scores (if previously submitted) or transcripts to verify degrees earned prior to their attendance at USC. Or prior to admission of Engineering 6th in the program numerous electives that can be completed either... 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