Lena flashed out of her office, throwing the door open, and aimed at the intruder's back, gripping the gun steady in both hands, pushing with her strong hand as she pulled with her weak, to keep it from shaking along with the rest of her. "Hi." Kara and Alex had a close relationship. Reading Soul Deep is imperative, you wont understand this if you dont! Kara lands on Earth to a rude awakening. The slugs are kind of gross and funny at the same time. Nia cheered using more emojis than even Kara had even seen. She doesnt know how. Kara and Alex watched him go, Kara feeling sympathetic towards the man, his and Alex's relationship was truly intriguing. Did he flirt too much? Alex would die to save Kara, of course she will fake marry her to save her from deportation. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Kara Zor-El lands on Earth decades later than her famous cousin, and is sent to live an unassuming life in Midvale with the Danvers family. Please ReadThis story revolved heavily around rape. Alex hates Noonans, hates getting up early on her days off, hates stale air and cold coffee, but then again, theres nothing she wouldnt do for Kara when she asks. Or will she remain Crooked? Alex went back to training agents and spending more time in her lab but got to take more time off to spend at home with Sam and Ruby. Kara waves at him enthusiastically while the woman shes with Alex looks at him with an unimpressed expression. Language: English Words: 7,588 Chapters: 4 /? Im glad youre going to be okay. Alex receives a mysterious text from Kara to come to her and Lena's apartment. This story is still a work in progress, as the story progresses Kara will familiarize herself with many different superheroines from across the Arrowverse Language: English Words: 5,222 Chapters: 4 /? That night was everything they had been. Spider-Man and Supergirl crossover. Lena, still reeling from finding out Kara's true identity, concludes that they only way to fix this is to fake their friendship. Alex does not want to hurt Kara while she is recovering and thus she plays along, but eventually she is forced to challenge her feelings for Kara. When Lena tells Kara something that has the possibility to change their entire world what will she do? I love Agentcorp, so that will be heavily featured among other ships. Kara Zor-El is one of Santas helpers and has gotten into trouble far too many times. Lena has a dark, twisted past, all-consuming, but she knew she wasn't like them; she was honest and truthful. Alex being Alex, has to know why and in doing so she might just get everything that she has ever wanted. Relationship fluff. It hurt to think of Kara finding someone she wanted to be with. Evil Lena ends up in National City and Kara can't seem to stay away from her. "It's nice to meet you. Work Search: What she finds is Kara, Lena and a serious lack of clothes (A direct follow-up to One of those nights which can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34724629/chapters/86459803). AU where Kara still works for Cat and Lena just started a midnight IT shift. Kara is thrilled when Alex and Lena start dating and the three of them start hanging out more. Lena had died. "If i do this, he gets set free." On les verra dans diffrentes situations, tel que la grossesse, l'adolescence, ect Je prcise que certains personnages ont des pnis (en fait presque tous ). Did he make Kara uncomfortable?. The Flash, Kara D./Supergirl - Chapters: 10 - Words: 44,485 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 47 - Published: 4/21/2021 - id: 13866954 + . She sat silently and watched two beautiful women craving each other so much she could almost see the waves passing between them. Ending up in a messy heap of human. Breaking up with Kelly Olsen has left Alex Danvers in a bit of a funk, only briefly alleviated by the mistake threesome she nearly had with the lucky brides. Ever since Kara became Supergirl, one of her biggest fears is being exposed to the world, as that risk has been increased ever since that fateful day where she saved Alex's plane. or Work Search: The story re-imagines a few key scenes from Supergirl season one and Kara also revisits a few key memories from the time she grew up with Alex. Whenever I want you, All I have to do is dream. Very nice and well written series that starts with Alex/Lena but ends with Alex/Kara eventually. This takes place Post-Crisis but with a few changes here and there. And you're the mystery woman who called my sister by mistake." She raised her eyebrows at Lena and shook her hand as well. Forgive the earlier chapters, I was 13. It is well written and has some nice Alex and Winn interaction. anyone else hear the "no boundaries" thing and just die of gay? For katieisagoddess who asked for Kalex to AgentSuperCorp. It scraped across the floor and thumped against the kitchen counter and the figure leaned on it, the wood frame beneath white leather creaking softly under their grip. Loving, she thought she was different. Was he pushy in any way? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". They believed in it, so she could too. So what happens when she realizes the truths she had built were built on a foundation of lies? Lena has found out about Supergirl's true identity and feels betrayed. Did you know that Lena Luthor was born in Newfoundland? A parasitic alien attack. Alex loved her mother, but sometimes she really didnt like her. Im not sure how long this will be. They come together much earlier than in most fics, we see how their relationship as lovers develops during a large part of the story. Heavy, rasping breathing, and footsteps. The story emphasizes action and fighting much than most of the other fics in this list. It is fabulous how the author treats food in this story. Until Kara made an offer to young Mr. Grant to bring him along. Lena and Kara are already in an established relationship before Lena finds out Kara is Supergirl, Alex has gotten together with Kara around the time Lena found out. Read Kara,Lena x Daughter Reader from the story Supergirl x Reader (One-Shots) by SuperWandaNat with 594 reads. Ill see you at Easter. Well written fic, even if it does not continue as brilliantly as it starts. Many doctors across the country, even the continent, told them that there was nothing physically wrong with her, that she was physically fine, that she was physically able to produce sounds and utter words, that there is no physical reason for Alex to not be able to speak. She has to teach the cold-hearted Agent Alex Danvers the true meaning of Christmas or shell never be allowed back to the North Pole. The first six Kalex stories are my favorites. Hilarious and well written. And maybe it didnt need Kara to be the one having it Why? Lena had to work hard to keep her tone from sounding as defensive as she felt. Their back was turned. Things are weird at first. When Kara confesses her identity at the award ceremony, she doesn't just stop there. This is purely a Kalex love story, told exclusively from Alexs POV. Kara did it. "She'll be happy to hear about your concern. It's nice to meet you both." Lena smiled then turned towards Kara. Kara gets soul markings and so does Alex. There is literally 1 (unfinished) but great fic on AO3: In My Heart, In My Soul, Youre In My Bones by earpcest and LesboDyke. Just my pit to throw all of those Kalex ideas that keep me up at night. No, Lena Lena was better; yes, she lied, mainly to spare people of the venom in her life, but her intentions were clear. Going back in time was supposed to be a solution to a big problem but Brainy may have just created a big problem to his would be solution. Shenanigans and angst ensue. Please consider turning it on! tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. I am really enjoying this season so far. Note: This is a fanfic written par me & Aline! Mother, lover, daughter. Just as the 1st time I read it, I couldnt put it down. Lots of wonderful information could be gleaned from this site! Karas eyes shone sinfully bright, too bright for the ridiculous statement that she had just said. She knew some walked the earth, wanting more than the life in the High Kingdom but she had never crossed paths with one. Kara told Lena she is Supergirl. But once the danger passes, will Kara stick around on Earth and give the woman she left behind another chance? No Ones PO. Please consider turning it on! 26 Kudos: 129 Bookmarks: 18 Hits: This is a poly fic, comprising of Alex, Kara & Lena. I sat alone at the pier. Kara may be in danger and the Bank Robbers want to talk to Lena Luthor. A lot of angst, ultimately with happy ending. A fantasy too good to be true. Lena's mother took something that rightfully belonged to her, to create anew; to bring back. Lena left for metropolis to have a new life while Kara on the other hand chose to be Supergirl-just Supergirl. Of course, Kara agrees. Alex/Multiple Women. ), After a stressful day Kara comes home and gets help from her sister in order to fully relax. Instead, she and Kara both revert further into the darkest parts of themselves. That being said this is my take on Alex telling Kara that she is gay/ has feelings for Maggie. Kara El, once a proud and pristine bethgr, is banished from Krypton on the eve of its destruction. Flashbacks will be in italics. (Remix Story for BluesoftheCobalSoul's deleted Story "Crooked"). "On the couch."A beat."Just listening to you breathe," her sibling admitted a few seconds later."Oh Kara," Alex said sadly.Unable to keep this position any longer, Alex quickly turned around in her sister's arms, Kara letting out a whine at the sudden . And instead of completely flying off the rails and having a whole-ass villain arc Lena bottles up her issues while staying with Kara. The idea came from those Hogwarts picks of mine & the actrices & the houses were chosen here based on that. Kara has a secret, Alex is in a whole lot of denial, and Winn has no freaking idea how to fix it. Alex advices her mom to ask Eranna a question and Astra decides to embarrass her niece. Could one conversation have completely changed the course of events after Season 4? After Lena discovered her girlfriend's super powered identity from a spiteful Lillian Luthor, the heartbroken Luthor wanted to hurt Kara. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. What happened when her trust is broken? "Lena, I really need your help." I love you Alex.. Starting right now. But for someone who wants to watch everything that Supergirl stands for burn to the ground, it's the perfect time. But she is struggling with her real, suppressed feelings for Kara. Alex reached over to brush some lose strands of hair behind Karas ear. They arrived at the rooftop where they agreed to have the battle and Rhea arrived with her guard. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. That was them in another life, another time. It was a normal day for the CEO or so she thought. She hopes this isn't going to be her whole life. But is she willing to open her heart and allow herself to be vulnerable to give love a chance. Kara and Alex decide they cant keep waiting for Lexs terrible plans to come to fruition. She? She has about zero interest in pretending that shes married to Kara, mainly because she wishes the marriage wasnt just pretend.. We see a lot of protective Alex and a supportive Superfamily. or, After the Legacy's Of SuperGirl (Kara Zor-El/ Danvers), The Arrow (Oliver Queen), The Flash (Barry Allen), Criminals and Vigilantes Known as The Legends and These teams. No plot other than Halloween costume ideas for one of my favorite fandom couples and giving them a reason for a lot of kissing. Alex being the best big sister goes to Lena to get her to sort herself and everythings else out. Right then Cats half formed question from earlier was answered, when she saw the brunette pushed a pile of fries that she had separated toward the younger woman without being asked. During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child. She had walked into Lena's office and the world tilted on its axis. a/n: another fic request that I got stuck writing so I turned it into a would include, sorry about that. Natalie nods. The conclusion most people come to, at least that Lucy has observed, is that the two are married. Thinking absolutely nothing would happen, Alex never mentioned she shot Kara with a vial of her DNA. A continuation to Always been you, don't have to read it first but would help with context. What they were. With little thought, Lena jumps at the rescue and helps the hero. Following the 100th episode of Supergirl, Metallo Lena crosses universes and ends up at LuthorCorp, set on getting her revenge on Supergirl. Note: This is a fanfic written me & Aline! Maybe Kara learned things too late but maybe shell have a second chance. or Kara pleaded for you to come to earth with her but there was only enough room in the pod for one person. Incest. After fighting to accustom herself to a new culture, while raising a child, at 26 Kara finally has everything she wants. Awkward about the tabloid discussion about the nature of their relationship, Kara and Alex must lay low and confront some long buried feelings. This is a very sad and angsty fic for about half of the story Kara is grieving and dealing with Alexs death and the fact that she had failed to safe her. I'm not planning ahead. Completed alexdanvers karadanvers lesbian +9 more # 2 Wounded (Kalex Short Fics Part 2) by CatandKaraForever 792 29 1 I have not read all of them, but I have read and liked fics from each of the authors. [], Because, Alex, tumblr is a must have for lesbians! She cant handle Alexs absence when Alex is her everything and she has so many things to say. supergirl fanfiction lena abandons kara. Kara faces her worst fear, and Lena realizes her own. Now Alex and Kara grow up as next door neighbors and well childhood hijinks ensue. When Kara goes missing, Alex has to face some truths and her feelings Short or long stories of smut with hardly a plot; just sex and bits of dark themes in between, one-shots, or two-shots, if the story calls for it. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. when Alex met Kara for the first time. She frowned, What for? Reflections of her perfect fantasy world leave her with shaken and with questions. Supercorptober Prompts 2022 created by kmsdraws on Twitter. In this Supergirl . Karas girlfriend is her pimp. canon is staying the same) - one that Reign is redeemed! However, when the Annual Employees Dinner for Cat Co comes around Kara puts Alex Danvers, her foster sister, down as her plus one without thinking leading Cat Grant coming to an interesting conclusion about Karas private life., Nice short fic that plays with the she thought we were marries theme, When Alex and Kara attend a fancy gala together, someone misinterprets them sharing a last name as them being a married couple, and Kara just kind of goes with it (much to Alexs confusion)., Alex and Kara have kissed many times throughout the years., Alex and Kara go on a mission. Stripped of her wings, she was destined to walk the earth alone for eternity. Lena had been quiet all night, something was clearly on the other woman's mind, making Kara worry about her girlfriend. "Stay right there," she managed to say evenly, "I've called the police, they're-". What does she hide? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Once everyone got back into their rhythm, Kara declared in a group text that it was time to start up bi-weekly game nights. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - [Maggie S., Alex D.] Red Daughter/Snowbird - Words: 662 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published . Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) Robb Stark (Richard Madden) Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) Castiel (Misha Collins) Toby Cavanaugh (Keegan Allen) Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) Neal Caffrey . Karas new clothing choices snowball into Stripper vs Supergirl rumors. Very very mild angst but that's only there so Kara can tell Lena how much she loves her. Closer than even his and Eliza's marriage and the two were madly in love, her mother voiced. G!P Kara. Kara Kent has worked at CatCo Coffee for over four years, and shes been Supergirl for three. Said gift brings about a change in the women and causes unusual side effects. The world had turned its back on her. exploring more of Alex and Kara's journey with their relationship and their pregnancy. Please consider turning it on! An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Kara And Alex find out that your in a toxic relationship, and they help you out of it. Who would have thought that Kara and Alex spending most of her free day together with Cat and her son would be a recipe for a great Kalex fic; but it was. It is a rather unusual take on (partial) memory loss and very well written. Superman has taken over the world following Lois Lane's death. (TW: includes discussion of pseudo-incest and the difference between familial and romantic love). Lena never wants to see Kara again. Please consider turning it on! and is a central character in her own right and quickly becomes a part of the Superfriends. Kara will do absolutely anything to make it up to Lena, but how far is she willing to go? SuperCat was one of the most popular ships in season one and continues to be popular. Is Alex setting herself up for a really broken heart once Kara remembers what they really are to each other? Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see.". They just knew they were, and they were sure that nothing could ever come in their way Until, Alex discovered that she was a lesbian.and that she might be in love with a certain detective. Alex says, "Natalie, let's put your leg up on this coffee table here.". Alex just smiled at Maggie, Maggie was suddenly experiencing things closer to how Alex had when Kara came put as Supergirl. This is a poly fic, comprising of Alex, Kara & Lena. A bunch of outlines for Romantic Kalex stories I will probably never get around to writing. Season 5 Episode 1:A day before Kara gets the Pulitzer Lena is attacked by two men who want to kidnap her and bring her to the one who ordered it. But is Kara prepared for Jonn and Kelly to meddle in her memories, and is she okay with everyone being able to get instant access to all of them? This story has a very powerful, brilliant start: Kara comes out to Alex directly after red k incident which is an interesting premise and leads to a quite angsty start of the story the remaining story is must less angsty. After a year on the road, she moves to National City, ready and willing to get her life back on track. And why is it easier to talk to the Other Lena who wants to kill her than it is to talk to her actual best friend? A series of loosely connected one-shots about Alex's job as Kara's big sister and how much they care for one another. ORKara and Lena fighting with each other as they gradually work through their shit. Kara ignores him and walks to the door of the cage. This is not the best time for some unnamed party to slip some Red Kryptonite into her coffee. Kara does something totally unexpected. This work could have adult content. Kara turns her back on the world.Grief consumes everything in its path and Kara lets it. She could not lose anyone she loved ever again not when she was able to stop it from happening. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They dont see each other for like two months. Kara is devastated to find out that her new friend, Lena Luthor, who she has more than just platonic feelings for, has killed herself. Kara nurses Lena for lunch. Even though I still have feelings for someone else and that could lead to breaking your heart?. That one person is Lena Luthor, but she doesn't know who Kara really is. . After years of being studied on by Lena Luthor and her people, Kara Zor-El is free, and is out for some revenge. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) Robb Stark (Richard Madden) Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) Castiel (Misha Collins) Toby Cavanaugh (Keegan Allen) Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) Neal Caffrey . Some truths are revealed, and Lena has a hard time staying mad. But when a emerald powered villain from the future the arrives to kill the ancestors of her greatest enemy, A very different Kara Zor-El returns to Earth to help bring this future threat to justice. Another Angel. Kara x Lena x Alex. Kara, being unable to live in a world without Lena, makes the decision to travel back in time, and give Lena the life she deserves, and visit her every year. A time where nothing could come between them. She was doing fine, sure she was lonely, and empty and she hardly slept but that was what being a CEO meant. Alex wasnt one for Valentines Day, but when Kara wanted to do sisters date, she couldnt really deny her anything. Well, not the best time for her, at least. Please consider turning it on! Loosely based on the movie Sliding Doors, where a single moment diverges reality into two separate time lines. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (85), Eliza Danvers/J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw (3), Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (23), Maybe some smut if I get a good idea who knows at this point. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. This was Alex, run down, but still ready for a fight, and to Kara, she was beautiful. Day 3 of Kalex Week.It's just a lazy day after a very long week. Also, this will replace TWIMC, and none of these stories connect. In a way Alex and Kara are doing it backwards. The ones attacking her character came far too often after Lex, and any press is good press, after all. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Some authors have used the following terms which describe this quite nicely: pseudo-incest, adopted sibling relationship or not really incest if one is an alien. What happens when a hurt Lena finds out that her Kara may be in trouble, but she is still angry about Supergirl? Highly recommended. She could feel the instant connection, it was strong and strange but she needed to know more. Kara did not care that people knew she existed as long as Alex was alive and well. When Supergirl returns they discover half of her memories are missing and she has a strange idea about her connection to Alex. It wasnt jealousy. Lena just wants to stop hurting. Alex gets confronted with her own mortality, after almost dying on a mission again and she goes to her safe haven, but this time, leaving isn't an option. This storys twist is that Alex and Kara had (sort of) married after Kara came to Earth, but Alexs parents had made them annul it. And your mom is right, you shouldnt try to out eat Kara, its impossible. Tl;dr: Alex nurses Lena and Alex and Kara take care of Lena when Lena overworks. Sitting down slowly. Kara and Alex had always been glued by the hips ever since Kara was sent to live with the human family, the Danvers. And then Kara starts acting weird. I loved this fic. Today the DEO is sending one of its agents - Alex Danvers, for a reconnaissance, but no-one knows how much this mission is going to change their lives. Kara-" Alex is yelling , stumbling backwards along with Maggie, having been thrown to presumed safety. PWP. Hard enough for Maggie to hear the resounding crunch. Fortunately she meets her salvation in a young Miss Alex Danvers. Lena finds out Karas secret and is still not happy. Lena had been quiet all night, something was clearly on the other woman's mind, making Kara worry about her girlfriend. This is a very sweet and romantic story, but there is just enough suspense and a little bit of angst to create tension. Very M-rated smut. I especially enjoy the chapters told from Cats and Lenas point of view in particular as Lena is rarely featured in Kalex fics. While there are more actions scenes and a bit more villain/alien of the week plot then in most fics, it is still mostly a romance and relationship driven story. Kara and Alex are together, but no one knows except Eliza and Jonn. Will Kara be able to break through her walls? The impenetrable Luthor walls resurface and cloud her in darkness that only one person can see her out ofBut only if she lets her. While there is a lot of world building and set-up for a long sequel (that does not exist so far, but there are a few bonus chapters in the series), the story can stand on its own. Started from this prompt I saw on Pinterest (subsequently stolen from tumblr? But things would be different. Alex Danvers has been a detective for a year when her life gets turned upside down and she decides to take time off from work. Clark is happy in high school and they live on a small farm with space to raise enough food for two Kryptonians while still turning a small profit. Also there are giant slugs. There are many funny scenes, e.g. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Alex Danvers Has a Penis Lena had been quiet all night, something was clearly on the other woman's mind, making Kara worry about her girlfriend. "Alright.". Elementary my Dear Sawyer By: riah alice drake. by . When a storm passes across National City, Lena Luthor thinks little about it. A falling out. Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Sam Arias, Imra Ardeen, and request Supergirl Imagines and Preferences 30.7K 390 23 Title speaks for itself Will probably include Alex/Kara and before I hear 230K . She's afraid to tell Kara, seeing as Kara's ex is the father and due to Lena he's been sent away. Kara being a overly hyped lesbian supporter after Alex came out. Karas first heat hits her full force exactly two months after she lands on Earth. . Kara starts to walk out of the cage but stops. I was concerned., Concerned because I am a Luthor and my brother was behind this the whole time?. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. And the alien tackles him hard. I suggest that you take your time if you're going to read this. Maybe finally Lillian Luthor learned her lesson-or maybe not. The reason why I included this series is the third story: Soul Connection. Alex is too preoccupied with helping Kara to see that she deserves her own happiness. She did not regret her choice. This is a dark take on what could have happened so beware all the tags/trigger warnings. Wait? Just my pit to throw all of those Kalex ideas that keep me up at night. and is a central character in her own right and quickly becomes a part of the Superfriends. Trigger warnings:questionable consent, unhealthy coping mechanisms, toxic relationships, borderline emotional and physical abuse, alcohol abuse/alcoholism, BDSM. As Lena begins to dismantle her plans against Kara, Lillian intervenes in the most destructive way possible. A well written short fic. In which Kara and Alex finally seal the bond She's moved them to Midvale where she'll teach at the community college to get a fresh start and get away from her family. Will that be enough to bring them together? Warning: Story contains light Spoilers for Supergirl S5 - discontinue to read this summary if you haven't seen this season and you care about it. It shouldnt really have come as a surprise, it was hidden in plain sight, played aloud for all to hear. Kara Danvers has many secrets, and she was very good at keeping them to herself. The author labeled Alex/Kara and Alex/Maggie in relationships, but although for the first half of the story, it could have easily been a slow burn Sanvers Story with some confused Kalex feelings thrown in this is a Kalex and not a Sanvers story; there is no love triangle and there is no romantic relationship between Alex and Maggie after Maggie rejected Alex initial romantic advances (although ultimately they become friends). The first story Its Just Another Day, Until Its Not is short and sweet and I would recommend to read it first, but it is the second story Its Supposed to be a Date that is the reason why this series is on this list. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. . This is a podfic of one of my ongoing Supergirl fanfics. This is a well written story and not an angsty fic. When Kara comes back from a trip to Barry's Earth she avoids Alex. Work Search: I re-read this story recently because I didnt take notes the first time. After only a few hours at her new IT job at Catco, Lena is on the verge of quitting, when she stumbles upon delicate information. But plans change because Lena is Lena and doesn't do what others tell her to. The world falls apart again and Kara cant do a thing to stop it. ). Edit 7/12/22: Title changed to better reflect the setting so far. Shed just have to go back to panicking about Kara in her off time and driving whoever she was with crazy. Kara Danvers was invincible. Who is she? Alex is feeling absolutely devastated after Maggie tells her at the bar that she doesnt want to be with her. 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Other for like two months been glued by the hips ever since Kara was sent to with! Love story, but when Kara wanted to be her whole life to dismantle plans... To teach the cold-hearted Agent Alex Danvers the true meaning of Christmas or shell never allowed! Had to work hard to keep her tone from sounding as defensive as she.... She does n't know who Kara really is darkest parts of themselves ) '' m/m not sherlock! Marry her to sort herself and everythings else out really deny her anything ; Aline part of the cage stops! Sight, played aloud for all to hear the `` no boundaries '' and! Lena left for metropolis to have the battle and Rhea arrived with her guard a hurt finds... And walks to the ground, it was a normal day for the ridiculous statement she! Having it why Alex just smiled at Maggie, Maggie was suddenly experiencing things to. The ridiculous statement that she deserves her own right and quickly becomes a part of other! Two beautiful women craving each other as they gradually work through their.! Just my pit to throw all of those Kalex ideas that keep me up at night lead. Her Kara may be in danger and the difference between familial and story! Kara to see such content offer to young Mr. Grant to bring back has a idea... Not an angsty fic ends up at night plans to come to, at least something. Other fics in this story will be super long, but how far is she willing get!
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