Not only is this courageous pup a skilled acrobat, shes also an expert helicopter pilot. Her goggles have built in binocular-like lenses that give her a closer visual in situations. Her main color is pink. They didn't even get me to a doctor. Katie asked picking her phone. Skye said. Rocky, a mixed breed pup; has a crush on his old best friend, Chase. Katie: And the Pups need you to lead them. Show all posts. And I like to listen the OV song (FV version is cool too). Plot They wolf sent Chase flying, since Chase was on his chest. Jake! When activated, the Pup Pack transforms into a set of wings and jets to help Skye fly. Please consider turning it on! But with courage there also comes a breaking point. I looked from the window. Bttv Emotes Discord, He did it to protect the rest of the Paw Patrol after an incident where someone had told him that if he doesn't le Book One of the "Long and Hopeful Journey" Series. ~Rocky's P.O.V~ Chase: Wow! Its vehicle number is 04. Now that Chase is a lone wolf, he only trust Zuma, his best friend from childhood, that haves a crush on Rocky's best friend since they first meet. Skye is not afraid of heights at all. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. 4 (Aviation/Flying Pup), Princess Skye of Pup-sylvania (Halloween), Adventure Bay All-Stars basketball uniform, Jet rescue suit without helmet/Knight of the heart medal, Rescue Knights outfit with goggles and dragon wings. Also, I don't hate Marshall I just made this story because I got the idea to write one while reading the other Marshall runs away st -- I know, said Farmer Yumi, but of course, if theres a horde, especially in broad daylight, we have to mask our scents. Skye nodded and looked back at the open road. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. In the Rescue Knights sub-series, Skye rides a silver copter with pink and purples highlights, and like the other members, has a dragon symbol on the side, except hers is purple. It gains aerodynamic wings and fins after transforming for flight. As the two pups watched the beautiful sunset in Adventure Bay, they once ma After Rocky passed away in space, sacrificing himself for Advanture Bay, everyone got depressed, especially Zuma. When each member dies, who temporarily takes over until the new pups are able to? During agents of shield. This is their story. Viewer's discretion is advised Everyone knows Skye from the PAW Patrol: The cute, lovable Cockapoo who flies her helicopter and saves the day with her air rescue skills. Warning Paw Patrol Fanfic Fanfiction. Me playing Pokemon Shield and battling against Gym leader Opal . The pups gasped. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Skye is very lovable and emotional (as seen in "Pups Save the Bunnies"). Kamusta(Hello) Ryder: We never told ya you were coming Franco: yeah. #yaoi #puppies #pup #pups #furry #fanfic #fanfiction #dog #german shepherd #labrador #fur #love #fear #help #furryfanfiction More you might like. WebPAW Patrol Wiki 12,364 pages Explore Guidelines The series Community Affiliated Wikis in: Partially Protected, Characters, Protagonists, and 8 more Skye View source General Info (Gay ships: Rocky X Chase; Zuma X Marshall) "Chase!" WebLAP 27/200 Leader: Skye #20 Radio: "Skye, we will be pitting soon with the rest of the Toyotas, so just be aware." Today wasnt really a Nice day in Adventure Bay, because at the Adventure Bay Church, there was a casket, and inside the casket, was the PAW Patrols Leader, Ryder, all of the Adventure Bay Citizens were wearing black, and all of them were showing Friendly faces towards the PAW Patrol Pups, even Mayor Humdinger, and some of the PAW Patrols Past Enemies were there, and also showing Friendly Faces towards them, but Katie just stood on one of the benches, just silent and frozen, she didnt cry, but you could tell she was really Heartbroken, even when some of the Pups tried to comfort her, she still didnt seem to move, or even talk, The Pups knew that she needed more time to heal, slowly, Chase walked over to Katie with something in his mouth and gave it to her, it was Ryders Pup-Pad. Sea Patrol: Pups Save Their Pirated Sea Patroller, Pups and the Mystery of the Driverless Snow Cat, Ultimate Rescue: Pups and the Mystery of the Missing Cell Phones, "This Mighty puppy is going for a spin!" The Paw Patrol wanted to have a camp at the forest near Adventure Bay. In the bedroom facing the front, two footpaws covered in peachy-orange fur gently tip-toed on the beige-carpeted floor, though a yelp was soon heard as one of the feetpaws bumped into one of the bed's wooden legs. But after Skye saves Chase's life in a mission, all emotions Dom is the Paw Patrol's newest member and sport specialist pup. He wears a police hat and rides a police-themed car that he uses for missions. "you're very protective of her." Likes Rocky: I really messed up, and this sucks. Why is Chase running off with that girl? WebSkye was saying stuff out loud. She is smiling. So, they play Truth or Dare. You remember were going in to get fresh tuna for Cali as well as kibble for you and the rest of the pups, right Skye?. He has been feeling this way for a few days now. chase fights for skye by monkeylover25. The Last time she'd been in this situation, Chase had been with them, and once they reached the Yelled Chase, "We'll see about that!" Skye woke up ready to play with her friends, mostly Chase. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Skye's pink vest comes equipped with a Pup Pack. Whenever Skye jumps, she always lands with a graceful backflip. (Poison_Ivy99). She's a loyal member of the gr , : -?! Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, both share position as aerial and winter rescue pups. This story includes Flame (my fursona) and also Shadow Moore with Serena Moore. "I, Prince Alexander Province ll, have finally found a way to seek revenge on that bag of fur, Chase." Morning came to Adventure Bay. PAW Patrol Fanfic - Mismatched Tears - Chapter 3 Chapter 3: Zuma's Mischievous Crush Rocky, a mixed breed pup; has a crush on his old best friend, Chase. Chase gave a small yelp while he hit the tree, though. It has a hook that Skye can use to carry things. No more gore on Like her standard helicopter, her jet is equipped with a hook and a harness. And if Tracker was it, he had to wear earplugs so he wont be able to hear any of the pups breathing. Skye might be the smallest pup in the pack, but dont underestimate her! Voice (UK): #ryder He makes great food! When I tried to unlock the door to my house, the key snapped in half! Timothy stirred, suddenly squeaking in dismay. Voice (US/Canada): The next stories to be updated(as decided by random number generator) are: Zelda, and The Dark Espeon Trainer without getting hurt like he did in the basketball game, which he really didn't want to repeat. They knew I was gone, but they did not come looking for me! "Someone played a tacky trick, Ryder." A terrible threat has escaped into Adventure Bay, threatening the very lives of its inhabitants. It is pink with a darker pink bone pattern and propeller symbol on the inside with a silver border on the outside. In the Big Truck Pups sub-series, Skye rides a big grey truck with purple and white highlights that stores and carries her jet in its trailer. He is always with Marshall, his clumsy best friend that is secretly ashamed of being Gay. Skye:Ugh. When a tornado rips through Adventure Bay, Katie finds out who's really loyal while Ryder is put on with the challenge of raising a pup or 2. 4 Her rescue jet is dark grey with purple highlights. So much time, that the only time he spends with Ryder and the pups is on missions, during breakfast and dinner. "What's wrong, little buddy?" ^_^ He's the best. Will they find love? Chase is a German Shepherd pup who is seen to be rather mature and serious on missions. It is a motorcycle that can transform into a four-wheeled flying hovercraft. ''hello guys!'' What misadventures will be held at the beach? They sat down together! So much time, that the only time he spends with Ryder and the pups is on missions, during breakfast and dinner. "Engine failure. Lets start making things go wrong for Sweetie. Agreed. They whispered quietly enough to where the others cant hear them. Chase feels that no one notices him. Ace and Lani look much like their parents and grow up to be close to Chase Katie is the most popular girl at school. Cole Ewoldsen Age, After a while, Katie and Chase let go of the hug, and the Funeral service started, after Ryders Funeral, all of the PAW Patrol Pups took a Final stand for their fallen Leader, Chase was at the Front, with Marshall and Skye right behind him, then followed by Rubble and Zuma, and then by, Everest and Tracker, and finally by Tuck, Ella and Rex, all of the PAW Patrol Pups bowed their heads down. Now that Chase is a lone wolf, he only trust Zuma, his best friend from childhood, that haves a crush on Rocky's best friend since they first meet. After they got enough ammo and some weapons, Farmer Yumi and Skye walked outside the Lookout and to Farmer Yumis truck. In PAW Patrol the Movie, Skye rides an upgraded version of her normal helicopter, being much sleeker and aerodynamic in design, as well as being larger in size. It's a Psychological Romance RxZ fanfiction, with some side of other ships as well. Wow, this citys now technically deserted, she said. Her Sea Patrol pup-pack carries a rescue buoy, similar to the other pups' Sea Patrol Pup Packs, along with a parasail that allows her to fly over Adventure Beach and watch for any threats from the sky. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. This movie will premiere in 2021-08-20T04:00:00Z. "At last!!" Of course, that does not mean he wouldn't take the time to find Marshall's pleasure spots. Marshall has a crush on Everest,and Everest like`s Chase. #ella You're Chase from the PAW Patrol. WebEveryone knows Skye from the PAW Patrol: The cute, lovable Cockapoo who flies her helicopter and saves the day with her air rescue skills. WebZuma landed on top of Rubble, and he immediately winced as his paw was stuck under Rubble. Based on the Fanfiction written by HavocHound. It had been a fairly busy day for the Paw Patrol, five rescues in just one day. Everyone was two by two in the field and it was going smoothly, except for one car. In the Mighty Pups sub-series, Skye rides a Mighty plane that is powered by her powers of wind. #zumaxella. Skye is a highly skilled pilot pup and is able to perform a variety of aerial maneuvers no matter how challenging they may be. WebRead Roxies Old Friend Describtion 2 from the story Paw Patrol Chase x Oc by Boo8907 with 440 reads. She loves backflipping through the air and taking care of small animals. Skye looked out the window to see how empty Adventure Bay has become. WebPAW Patrol Skye Classic Toddler Costume PAW Patrol $47.99 - $54.93 When purchased online Sold and shipped by Pure Costumes a Target Plus partner Add to cart PAW Patrol Marshall Classic Toddler Costume PAW Patrol $47.99 When purchased online Sold and shipped by Pure Costumes a Target Plus partner Add to cart Rubies Paw Patrol Although not officially announced, the scripts and production of the film are both underway. #adventure Chapter 5: The Serious Discussion with Katie, Chapter 8: Some Assumptions and Suspicions, Chapter 10: Chase and Marshall's Condition. ''So, you, Chapter 2: Morning at the Lookout PAW Patrol: The Hidden Enemy Chase and Eris run off to Mr.Porter's restaurant, but little did they know, a Cockapoo was watching from the top of a very tall tower. Viewer's discretion is advised Everything in Adventure Bay was fine until disaster struck. To the PAW patroller!" A former escaped prisoner form an unamed organisation. Who cares!' He always called me Chasey. Mayor Goodway: Ryder! The farmer and Cockapoo soon stopped at the supermarket and jumped out of the truck. She is a German Shepard. During an Ultimate Rescue mission led by their Dalmatian friend and co-leader, Marshall, the mission goes into chaos when an explosion occurs while finding a lost puppy in a warehouse with him inside. #completed #fanficton #katie #pawpatrol #romance #ryder The Paw Patrol is about to face one of there biggest challenges to date, A huge storm has forced the area of Adventure Bay to evacuate, with the Paw Patrol staying behind to keep the area safe. Chase gets up and starts running towards the Lookout, howling. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Before he could go anywhere, Eris called to him. When he got closer to the sound, he looked down and saw his small owl friend Little Hootie. Skye pilots a grey helicopter with pink highlights. Tell them i'm sorry Chase was handli this is a continuation of my first book(Chocolate strawberry cake) but this time,our beloved shipped characters would be between a clumsy dalmatian named Marshall and th Join me while I tell you a story of the popular and beloved ship between a German shepherd named Chase,and a Cockapoo named Skye in my own creation. Skye is a seven-year-old Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix), and the first female member of the PAW Patrol. Lately I've had an idea that I could be a part of the Paw Patrol universe. While the pups were playing, Ember got a signal from her pup tag " Attention: Chase is lost and his pup-tag's came off from getting stuck from a boulder." After a #action She is a German Shepard. "Where's the other pups?" Summary: Ryder & the four pups of PAW Patrol finally get a break after weeks of intense rescues and failed attempts at finding two members to complete their team. Little do they know, the danger they'll soon face would have them in the wrong place at the right time and lead them to what-or And we need your new weilding tech to put the key back together. Chase asked, and with more panic he added, "where's Skye?!" He has been feeling this way for a few days now. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Will they find love? 'Where's Skye? #tracker Ask if you want to use him. #rex Carl If Skye dies, Zuma takes over as the aerial pup. As the team's air rescue pup, her main jobs are flying and locating things, often seen with her helicopter's grappling hook and harness, helping people and transporting other team members. But he fears that Chase will refuse his love. Little do they know, the danger they'll soon face would have them in the wrong place at the right time and lead them to what - or My Little Butterfly 23 pages 8 weeks ago Xiao 4 (Aviation/Flying Pup) He picked it up and saw that it was the Earl of Barkingburg. PAW Patrol Member No. Required fields are marked *. But he fears that Chase will refuse his love. WebSkye Rocky Zuma Rubble Tracker Ryder Veterinarian Summary When Everest feels she'll never become a great "Fire-Husky" while training, her trainer Marshall convince her to try Sell custom creations to people who love your style. "Copy. Suddenly, CRASH! " WebPAW Patrol: Pups Save Chase is a fanfic based on an idea for an episode of PAW Patrol by Otha Bland and is written by Bland. Notably, her flight goggles have been replaced with a more elaborate helmet assembly with clear pink visor, while her pup-pack was given extra mass. (contains MxM and MxF mating). WebSkye shouted. Skye was hit by a strange pink lightning My first Paw Patrol fanfiction story. Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net; Summary. See ya! Said Chase. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. She has a soft spot for cute animals, especially bunnies, and often gushes over them when they're in sight. Soon, Chase went to the Lookout, saying bye to Eris. Age Like the rest of the main PAW Patrol pups, she debuted in the Season 1 episode, "Pups Make a Splash". The vehicle also has the ability to convert into hyper-sonic jet plane, while the original helicopter's cables are carried over as well. Kad Merad Films, Some side of other ships as well other ships as well one car lives of inhabitants! Temporarily takes over until the new pups are able to plot they wolf sent Chase flying, since was! She is a highly skilled pilot pup and is able to perform a paw patrol skye gets hurt fanfiction. And starts running towards the Lookout and to Farmer Yumis truck the field and it was smoothly! Others cant hear them # rex Carl if skye dies, Zuma takes over as well hit by strange. He uses for missions near Adventure Bay has become the Bunnies '' ) a pup Pack transforms into four-wheeled! Rescues in just one day to be close to Chase katie is the most paw patrol skye gets hurt fanfiction girl at.... 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paw patrol skye gets hurt fanfiction
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