A small degree of knowledge is not sufficient for a preacher of the Gospel. Pearls were highly prized in that time and place. The person who finds the treasure joyfully "sells all" to buy the field (13:44). These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. It is right that you should pursue it. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Jesus is speaking in parables to describe the kingdom of heaven. b. Main Point: The Kingdom of God is worth far more than anything else. Say: The hard path was a symbol for people who hear Gods word but ignore it. Application: The point of these two parables is the great value of being a part of Gods kingdom. Such that have ability and leisure, may consult a controversy in Philostratus (l), between two persons, the buyer and seller of a field; in which, after the purchase, a treasure was found, when the seller claimed it as his; urging, that had he known of it, he would never have sold him the field: the buyer, on the other hand, insisted on its being his property; alleging that all was his which was contained in the land bought by him. ii. Instead, they are a call for us to desire the kingdom above all else. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. So, through the course of history, there has been a counterfeit Christianity, a sham religion, a phony, a fake, which bears the name of Christianity but which is absolutely false. So did Jesus himself, at the utmost cost, buy the world to gain his church, which was the treasure which he desired. (Spurgeon), Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.. He was very happy. Hard path, rocky places, thorny, and good soil. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Julian the apostate, as he is called, once asked a certain Christian, What do you think the carpenters son is doing now? Making coffins for you and for all his enemies, was the prompt reply. (Spurgeon). Yesterday I spent a few hours with Dr.Billy Graham. a. When the man found the treasure, he could have covered it back up, gone about his business, and forgotten all about it. And the queen's heart melted and she said, "I didn't believe the reports until I had seen all this with my own eyes, but the half has never been told me," (1Kings 10:7). Jesus wants it to grow! This parable and the one following are different in character than the previous three. Israel, therefore is not a unique, select people, but rather is a people chosen to demonstrate the kind of relationship that God wants to have with every other people on earth. She was a great queen in her own right. Or we can see Gods kingdom, full of peace, love, forgiveness, freedom, and joy, and want that more than anything else. We have nothing to offer him, nothing that we can give in return. i. (Matthew uses the phrase kingdom of heaven while the other authors use kingdom of God, but they are one and the same.) Message transcript and recording 1971 by Ray Stedman Ministries, owner of sole copyright by assignment from the author. And then he went and gave all that he had and bought the field in which it is hidden. There are banners and placards everywhere you go in America, crying out for peace. It is the best life possible. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field: The field is the world, but the man does not represent the believer, because we have nothing to buy this treasure with. The reference, as in the weeds, is not primarily to a mixed church, but to the division among mankind in general which the last judgment will bring to light. (France), Jesus said to them, Have you understood all these things? They said to Him, Yes, Lord. Then He said to them, Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. The treasure is the secret of international peace, of harmony among the nations. You need only read the book of Deuteronomy to know that God set aside this people, the Jews, in order that they should be a showcase of theocracy to all the other nations of the world. He promises that it will grow - and God ALWAYS keeps His promises! As we can imagine, he was afraid that when people heard about his discovery, they would sneak onto his land and grab whatever pieces of emerald they could find. Matthew 13:45 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. (Matthew 13:44). The usual interpretation of these parables is that Christ is the hidden treasure and that he is the pearl of great price. The kingdom of God is wherever the will of God is done. This casts special scorn upon the great evil angel. He was in Israel not long ago. He covered it up again, buried it again. The field is the world: Significantly, this parable illustrates not necessarily that there will be false believers among true believers in the church (though that is also true to some extent); otherwise Jesus would have explained that the field is thechurch. 36-43 This parable represents the present and future state of the gospel church; Christ's care of it, the devil's enmity against it, the mixture there is in it of good and bad in this world, and the separation between them in the other world. Jesus is not pointing out what we must give up to enter His kingdom. As opposition began to mount against him and resistance to his message increased, our Lord withdrew from Jerusalem and went out into the desert. Matthew 13:44-46 The Word of God . which is to be understood not in an ill sense, as the man hid his talent in a napkin, and in the earth; but in a good sense, and designs his care of it; his laying it up in his heart, that he might not lose it, and that it might not be taken away from him: and for joy thereof; a. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" The Jewish or the Greek "seekers after God," possessing many pearls, but still dissatisfied, sought others yet more choice, and finding one, true to the simplicity in Christ, renounce all for that; the one his legalism, the other his philosophy. It is not full life because it is life that is separate from God (Isaiah 59:2). It sure was, and it was right in the mans own backyard! Whatever the reason he was there, he found an amazing treasure, maybe similar to the emeralds. Why? And when we know the value of what we have as members of the kingdom, shouldnt we share it with everyone we know? But such is not the case; God did not choose Israel for that purpose. When they were cut and polished, they were worth millions of dollars. Ultimately it is not the job of the church to weed out those who appear to be Christians but actually are not; that is Gods job at the end of this age. 2007 BibleLessons4Kidz.com All rights reserved worldwide. But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. Then he went and gave all that he had and bought that field of humanity. iv. So according to the parable he hid the treasure again. He told me that this congressman had said that the House of Representatives today is struggling with the question: What is the relationship between peace in the individual heart and peace between nations -- world peace -- and how do you move from one to the other? So they were offended at Him. What would it be? It was hidden when our Lord came. The truth often lies buried: it is like rich veins of ore in the sacred Scriptures; it must be searched out with diligence, and its discovery will repay a man for all his sacrifices, Luke 14:33; Philippians 3:8. the which when a man hath foundthat is, unexpectedly found. These parables afford us a glimpse behind the scenes of history into factors and forces which are at work today but which we would never find reported on the pages of the newspaper. When our Lord came into the world and came to Israel he found that this treasure had been lost to the world. If you want to see how God will act with you as an individual then look at the way he has been acting with Israel as a nation. When our Lord covered the treasure over it was hidden completely in the field of humanity again. i. And our Lord found the nation in bondage, the temple overrun with moneychangers, commercial charlatans making a fast buck by preying upon the worship of the people. In these two parables our Lord is telling us the reasons for the cross. The man in Jesus parable found a very valuable pearl. And then our Lord said in the third parable that there would be an abnormal and an unnatural growth of the seed that he planted. But in that same parable he said that an enemy would come and sow tares, or weeds, are that these would grow up right alongside the wheat. Then she asked him for the secret and Solomon took her to the temple and there he showed her the worship of Jehovah, showed her how this nation was related to the God of glory and that it was their understanding of God which produced the magnificence she had seen. It is hidden from most people. So they were offended at Him: When we think of how strongly Jesus is identified with Nazareth (see at Matthew 2:23), it is even more surprising to note that the people of Nazareth did not appreciate it. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Maybe he was a hired helper for the man who owned the field, or maybe he was just passing through. All this has happened exactly as our Lord said and all of it is visible in history. But even that partial realization was a magnificent model of what God could do with any nation. Earlier he had pronounced judgment on the outlying cities: "Woe to you, Chorazin! God has his buried treasures and he is speaking of them in this parable. 3. a. You remember the story of the Queen of Sheba who, as Jesus had said earlier this very day, came "from the ends of the earth" Matthew 12:42) because she had heard of Solomon's glory and she wanted to find the secret of this man's prestige and power and wisdom and majesty. Jesus makes it clear that we should not let anything keep us from entering the kingdom of God. You can also change some of your preferences. Nations are right to try to solve their problems and reconcile their differences. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. His conscience is uneasy. There is an honest cry from the harassed heart of a statesman who is desperately trying to find the treasure that is hidden in man, the secret of world peace. The reason he joyfully goes and sells all that he has and buys that field, is that the man understands its true value. A crowd of children and humble folk were the only ones who recognized him and went ahead of him waving palm branches and crying, "Hosanna! b. Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. Ask: Who can remember the four different soils Jesus talked about? Yet He carefully said that the field is the world. After you have been instructed by me, you have the knowledge, not only of the things you used to know, but of things you never knew before, and even the knowledge which you had before is illuminated by what I have told to you. (Barclay), iv. Of greater importance in the history of the church has been the view that this actually means that the field is the church. The conduct of the man would be dishonest. And the field, he has told us, is the world, the world of humanity, the human race, all of society. And the nations of earth will never learn this righteousness finally, until Israel stands once again as a nation before God, recognizing the presence of God in their midst and providing a working model of how every nation ultimately shall be run by the provision and power of God. No! Under rabbinic law if a workman came on a treasure in a field and lifted it out, it would belong to his master, the fields owner; but here the man is careful not to lift the treasure out till he has bought the field. (Carson). For Israel, even in rejection, even in failure, is still an example to the people of the world. He revealed for a brief flash of time the glory that was Israel. Magistrates and churches may remove the openly wicked from their society; the outwardly good who are inwardly worthless they must leave; for the judging of hearts is beyond their sphere. (Spurgeon), iv. And there it remains until our Lord's return. And as we go through life we are the people who some day discover him. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.. Instantly, the man knew that the treasure was incredibly valuable. The one thing they have in common is that they were sown of the Lord, and from the good seed of His Word. Well, is it not obvious that there is something lost with relation to humanity, something every human being seems to be seeking, consciously or unconsciously, something every thinking person in this room and throughout the world is searching for and longing for with an ache that is almost physical? But in our own time we are facing an amazing wonder, one of the most remarkable things that has ever taken place in the annals of men, and one of the most dramatic demonstrations of the truth of the Word of God! They know there is some kind of tie between them, but they don't know what it is. iii. They concern things which are not quite as easily seen in the historical process. And in those words, "he gave all that he had," the mystery of the darkness of the cross of Jesus Christ is implied. Is this not the carpenters son: This question was asked out of ignorant prejudice. He probably laid awake each night thinking about the treasure until it was his. This powerfully shows how Jesus gave everything to redeem the whole world to preserve a treasure in it, and the treasure is His people. This man was like the people who had listened to Gods promises of long ago, and were waiting for the Messiah, the Savior, to come. The success and glory of Jesus seemed only to make them more resentful towards Him. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. In the interpretation of the parable, the case described is that of a man who, not having started in the pursuit of holiness or truth, is brought by the seeming accidents of lifea chance meeting, a word spoken in season, the example of a living holinessto the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, i.e., to Christ Himself, and who, finding in Him a peace and joy above all earthly treasure, is ready to sacrifice the lower wealth in order to obtain the higher. I hope you never open your Bibles without the sense that here is a book which gives you vital, inside information which you can get from no other source and which will help you to understand yourself, and life, and the mystery of history, more than you possibly could in any other way. This parable may be understood of Christ's seeking, finding, and purchasing his elect: for, certain it is, that he has sought after them; which implies, that they were lost and going astray; expresses his great love to them, value for them, and desire after them; in doing which, he took much pains, and used much diligence: and certain it also is, Matthew 13:44 Meaning of Heaven Is like Treasure Hidden in a Field Oct 15, 2020 by Editor in Chief Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. Therefore, we will not spend any more time on that misinterpretation, but will come right to the heart of what the story of the treasure hidden in the field really means. But the wonderful thing the Lord tells us here is that he has not given up his purpose. That means obedience. - Matthew 13:44, Props: Small plate of fruit, dark glasses, bandana; Strand of pearls (artificial is fine). In a land as frequently ravaged as Palestine, many people doubtless buried their treasures; butto actually find a treasure would happen once in a thousand lifetimes. And yet they are extremely controlling of human events. (Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34). But with those dark glasses on, you cant see all the nice colors. Yet they had lost the secret of their own lives. What a beautiful dream. Jesus told a parable about a man who found something in a field that he did not own. His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas: Jesus plainly had many brothers and sisters; the Roman Catholic idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary is in contradiction to the plain meaning of the Bible. In Verses44 and45 Jesus says. He is not weary of the old; he is not afraid of the new. (Spurgeon), i. He found poverty and misery stalking the land. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44) "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure 1 hidden 2 in a field. In this little parable he reveals that he came and found this treasure, the secret of world peace and prosperity, hidden in this nation. ii. With a view of obtaining this, Jesus says that a man would go and sell his property and buy the field. The person has a change of heart, and he or she truly wants to do Gods will. I want to read these twin parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price because they link so closely together, although we will look only at the first one this morning. Yet the point is clear, both in the world and in the kingdom community. The story of a God who wanted to rescue you and me so badly that he left the royal courts of heaven, and lived on this earth as a humble human being. We ask it in Jesus' name, Amen. Brought to you by KidzLife, Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Readers Version, (NIrV). Then it is up to us to sell all that we have, give it all up, and buy him at any cost. So he unfolded it and unveiled it again. But I submit to you that that is false, and obviously so. And it is hidden within that human field so that Jesus had to buy the field in order to get the treasure. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. And the crowds who had followed him, the multitudes who had hung upon his words faded away. The kingdom of God is FAR more valuable than anything in this world. 44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. Justin Martyr, an ancient writer, testifieth, that our Saviour, ere he entered upon the ministry, made ploughs, yokes, and so forth. MATTHEW 13:45-46. It is a visible example to all mankind of the way God deals with humanity. But then the parable says, "Then in his joy the man went and gave all that he had and bought the field." In the short course of the three and a half years of our Lord's ministry he uncovered the treasure of Israel, the secret of this nation's life. a. The word peace is on everyone's lips today. Eventually, after several years, it ends up looking like a beautiful, shiny stone called a pearl. he said (Matthew 23:13, et al). Treasure seekers searched the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Indian Ocean to find oysters with pearls inside. A great misinterpretation of these parables has developed, quite without any basis in the systematic interpretation of symbols in Scripture, which has hidden their true meaning. New American Standard Version He was full of joy over this discovery. The bigger and more perfectly round the pearl, the more valuable it is. The kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet: Jesus shows that the world will remain divided right up until the end, and the Church will not reform the world, ushering in the kingdom. It is having His peace, His joy, His love, and His power. But we need to recognize that the parable of the treasure hidden in the field is the first of a series of three which our Lord gave in connection with the other four and on the same day, but, as Matthew is careful to tell us, he gave these to the disciples alone after they had gone back into the house. This week, well look at a parable in which Jesus told how much the kingdom of God is worth. A buried treasure and a pricy pearl Matthew 13:44-46 44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. He knew the aching loneliness, the heartache, the misery, the rejection, the sense of despair, of self-loathing, of emptiness and worthlessness and meaninglessness, and the awful hostility that sin engenders. 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matthew 13:44 45 explained
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