I'm not defending La Lnea or blaming anyone else but everyone seems to just put blame on the cartel they dislike. [31] The Mexican authorities found more than 200 bullet casings from different kinds of firearms at the scene. La Linea, which is a 100-person splinter group operating along the Texas-Mexico border, is currently in conflict with the Sinaloa Cartel, causing what Vigil called complete carnage in the. Gonzalez-Montes was arrested in November 2020 for his involvement in the LeBaron massacre. Seguro de calidad cantidad 50 PREMIER 0000436263 advertencia enterrado Cable Cartel Adhesivo Calcomana * NUEVO Obtenga las mejores ofertas Compre en lnea aqu wholemeltextracts.com, 46.64 Las mejores ofertas para * NUEVO * PREMIER 0000436263 advertencia enterrado Cable Cartel Adhesivo Calcomana (cantidad 50) estn en Compara precios . "Ive told my mother Im going south in case anything happens to me, so shell know where I am. Get it printed! [60] In 2010, violence in Ciudad Jurez reached its peak, seeing an average of 10 homicides per day, or about 230 murders per 100,000 people annually. [67] On May 17, 2018, a spokesperson for the Mexican federal police announced that the group's leader Carlos Arturo Quintana, who is known as "El 80," was captured in the town of Namiquipa in western Chihuahua and that no shots were fired when doing so. The drugs wars resulted in tragedy in June 2017 when Spanish police officer Victor Sanchez was killed on duty. Alleged La Linea current leader Jesus Venzor Salas Aguayo, a.k.a. Some of the disputes are tied to this man trying to recover what he had prior to his apprehension.. Did you record video? He is back on the streets after some years in jail, freed improperly by a federal judge and now a part of the warfare we are seeing, Peniche told El Diario. The background tune for the series was created by Franco Godi.. He lost his daughter and six grandchildren in the massacre. Despus de declararse culpable, Zambada Ortiz pas cinco aos en . family massacre that left 9 people dead in Sonora in November 2019. [20] Caldern has met with young people and representatives of the federal program to discuss and analyze the city's achievements. Nevertheless, they not only produce marijuana and synthetic drugs but are also moving loads (of drugs into the United States) for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and make money that way, said Scott Stewart, vice president of intelligence for U.S.-based TorchStone Global. [20] The mayor of Ciudad Jurez said that the massacre was a random act of violence by Mexico's drug gangs because the victims had no apparent ties with organized crime. Note to readers: The link to the original November 2019 story is hyperlinked here. Black Thursday: Sinaloa Cartel, La Lnea & Why the Violence Happened in Jurez Monday, August 15, 2022 12:33 "HEARST" for Borderland Beat Nine civilians were killed during a slew of violent attacks by Mexicles members in the border city of Jurez, in a day that local newspapers have dubbed "Black Thursday". Others are killed for failing to pay for their drugs or for ripping off a dealer. Nine members of the American Mormon family, with the surname LeBarn, were shot and killed by cartel members in Sonora in November 2019. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. An ex-police officer alleged to be the leader of the violent La Linea drug cartel in Chihuahua, Mexico, is in custody for the murder of three American mothers and six children including 8-month . This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. [29] In addition, the cartels frequently target unlicensed rehabilitation centers, since they are likely to accept active gang members seeking to free themselves from an addiction. She says, if she worked every day for three months, she could earn anything from 130,000 to 150,000 euros. Last November a senior figure in Mexico's notorious La Linea cartel was arrested in connection to the massacre. Why? [14] Then they stormed the party and opened fire at the victims as they were watching a football (soccer) game. [37][38][39] Before the detonation, the cartel members had dumped an injured man dressed in police uniform on the sidewalk to lure the Mexican authorities and paramedics closer to the vehicle. A curated collection of over 55,000 square feet of hotel-inspired amenities and services extend your home and living experience at Linea. A 1, 454 kilmetros de Ciudad Jurez (Chihuahua), en San Pancho (Guanajuato), Ral Ivn "La Rana" encontr un refugio para operar a nombre de La Lnea, el brazo armado del Crtel de Jurez. Stewart said its up in the air if outing Salas-Aguayo as part of the Se Busca Informacion campaign will lead to his arrest. CDS nutthuggers do not want this at all.Ao you are the real pendejo! [66] In addition, the drug corridor in Ciudad Jurez remains a crucial territory for the Mexican drug trafficking organizations, so the city could continue to see battles for the control of the lucrative smuggling routes even at a diminishing scale. "I only obey my laws, my guidelines, my business, my work. [60] Joaqun Guzmn Loera's four-year struggle in Ciudad Jurez left more than 10,000 dead since 2008,[61] but evidence shows that the murder rates in Ciudad Jurez decreased by 59.8% in the first half of 2012 when compared to the same period in 2011, and Mexican officials attributed this decline to the success of its law enforcement agencies. family. The Border Patrol says he is also wanted on homicide and weapons charges in the United States. I got in the business for my kids because if I had a regular job I wouldnt spend much time with them and wouldnt earn much money either.". Mustrale a tu mam cunto la amas con un hermoso pster que apreciar en los aos venideros. [59] On the other hand, Sinaloa cartel formed an alliance with the Gulf Cartel, the former employers of Los Zetas, and with the now-extinct La Familia Michoacana, forming the so-called "New Federation. [62] Their relationship with the Barrio Azteca gang has also been affected by the cartel's decline. [15][17] They pleaded for their names not to be released for the fear of the hit men returning and taking revenge. Does he or they have affiliation with a rival cartel? [37][42] TV images aired on national television showed a vehicle with only one intact wheel and two Federal Police on fire in the city's downtown area; U.S. authorities responded to the attacks with worrisome and noted that it was reminiscent to Colombia in the 1990s and to the terrorism and warfare tactics the United States military is "running into in Iraq and Afghanistan. La lnea E es una de las seis lneas del subte de Buenos Aires.Su recorrido va desde la estacin Retiro hasta la estacin Plaza de los Virreyes- Eva Pern en el barrio de Flores.Fue inaugurada el 20 de junio de 1944, fue la quinta lnea de la red y la primera en hacerlo al sur de la avenida Rivadavia en la parte menos prspera. para no confundir hubo dos personajes nombrados como chupon, uno es carlos fernando aguayo chupon jefe de plaza en yecora, sonora y fue ejecutado en moris,chihuahua. Buggs te la rifastes con este articulo!! [56][57], Such reorganizations like the NJC are common in Mexico's drug war, but they have often led to the further spread of violence. En su recorrido te acerca entre otros lugares a Santuario San Cayetano . Juarez is a coveted drug trafficking "plaza" or drug corridor into the United States where La Lnea and the Sinaloa cartel are constantly at war. [7][10] The gang has also been connected to the infamous Mormon family massacre in Sonora in 2019. [28] Once they had lined up twenty-three of them outside execution-style, the gunmen opened fire at them, killing 19 and wounding four. I saw a documentary of how el CHAPO was missed by the locals in la tuna and badiraguato, there was a man that said sicarios from CHIHUAHUA were advancing towards sinaloa and if chapo was alive he would not have allowed that to happen.. SINALOA had a good run but the competition is too .. Earlier this week Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) captured Alejandro Escarcega Adame, alias 'ElTocayo', 'El Loco', and/or 'El 15'. Smells like a plot to go after the Juarez group 2:17 that sounds 100% like cds, all the proofs points it was them but they pay the government to say it was someone else, thats how they hit up a plaza and ask for the goverment help to take the others guys out, It was the jaguares backed by Los paredes. Both El Jaguar and El JL were part of the Juarez Cartel during the era of the Carrillo Fuentes' dynasty. La actriz Irma Serrano, clebre por su apodo de La Tigresa, ha fallecido este . "Chuyin," is also named in the indictments. Empezaron como un pequeo grupo y actualmente se estn convirtiendo en parte de un gran organizacin criminal. "[19], Dozens of armed men with AR-15 and AK-47 rifles arrived in six vehicles at the Life and Faith facility, a church-run rehabilitation clinic in Chihuahua city at around 11:00p.m. on 10 June 2010. Pendejo is the fucker that does not want to hear the truth about their own cartel. Adems, el Gobierno quiere impedir que el lder. It resulted in them managing to finally bust a cooperative of gang leaders in the area, who had all teamed up to work together. [72] However, the new La Empresa cartel leader, identified as "The Gnome," was later believed to have continued the attacks against local police, which resulted in the deaths of nine attackers and two police policers by May 29, and that there continuation was actually triggered by the recent arrests of previous La Empresa leader Jose Dolores Villegas Soto, a.k.a. LA LINEA: THE LINE - ANDY GARCIA & RAY LIOTTA - FULL HD ACTION MOVIE IN ENGLISH - EXCLUSIVE V MOVIESThe unstable new kingpin of a Tijuana drug cartel is targ. Yet it is known that the security of state Durazno, was very afraid to name them, furthermore none of them have been arrested, instead scapegoats were produced 3 farmers and a currupted policeman. esta pelea se recrudecio con la muerte de missael villaescusa el missa en octubre del 2019 en hermosillo, sonora, la balacera del 4 de noviembre en agua prieta cuando comandos dirigidos por gildardo palomino el g3 entro en busca de martin siqueiros tin tin y de leonel toscano el tigre, tambien el enfrentamiento en rosario tesopaco. If both El Jaguar and El JL were kidnapped together, then how could one guy cut the others face? Crear ahora Get it printed! Alleged La Linea current leader Jesus Venzor Salas Aguayo, a.k.a. However, that method was halted last year when police finally clamped down - forcing smugglers to go elsewhere, focusing instead on places north of the Costa del Sol. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. [58] The decline of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes's influence suggests that the failure of the local groups has much to do with a leadership decline. Lovepik proporciona Ejemplo Azul Femenino De La Botella De Perfume PNG gratis con fondo transparente para su diseo. Officials are investigating activity tied to the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels, which are both active in the area where the Monday attack occurred, just 90 miles south of Douglas, Ariz. The group also has influence over gangs like La Empresa and Aztecas and has formed an alliance with the powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). El Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG ), durante las ltimas semanas, ha demostrado su presencia en la entidad federativa de Chihuahua, especficamente Ciudad Jurez. According to the FGR, over 20 people have been arrested for the massacre. Miguel has dreamed of joining his parents in California since the day they left him behind in Mexico six years, eleven months, and twelve days ago. Every day or night until last year, approximately 10 or 12 inflatable boats would arrive carrying three tonnes of hashish each. Fv 27, 2023 . About 20 men were killed. A Sinaloa Cartel-linked group known as Los Salazar operating in Sonora state, and the Jurez Cartel-faction known as La Lnea operating in Chihuahua state, have been battling each other heavily in recent years. That dynamic hasnt gone away the tensions between La Lnea and Sinaloa cartel units like the Salazars and Gente Nueva hasnt gone away in that region, Stewart said. Last February, a federal judge charged Wilbert Mendoza Lopez, alias 'La Parka', for his direct participation in the massacre. la linea cartel. El presunto secuestrador de 29 aos se identificaba como Joshua David A. con una licencia de conducir falsa del estado de Nuevo Mxico (Estados Unidos). Tell your tio to take his shorts hell is very hot. Then on paragraph 7, you say that El Jaguar wanted revenge against El JL? [40] The authorities were notified by an emergency call that a man was allegedly executed, a lure tactic to bring them to where the bomb was planted. Ha conspirado para comprar armas en Wisconsin y contrabandearlas a Mxico. El Diego), a top drug baron accused by the Mexican authorities of ordering more than 1,500 killings. I used to move hashish round the peninsula," she explains. I was even told that Sicario 006 was the one who loaded their weapons, filled their trucks with gas, and gave them lunchables to snack on the way there. FIRING gunshots into the air, police officers swarmed on a boat full of drug traffickers as they raced towards the beach for a drop off in the dead of night. La Lnea ("The Line") is currently the leading faction of the Jurez Cartel originally designed to be one of the cartel's enforcer units set up by a number of former and active-duty policemen, heavily armed and extensively trained in urban warfare. While in prison, Mendoza was attacked by a member of La Linea. The FGR already has two other main suspects in custody:Jose Alfredo Lara Ontiveros, alias 'El Coma Lara' and/or 'Pelonete'; and Roberto Gonzalez Montes, alias 'El 32' and/or 'ElMudo'. @1:33 I actually had some tacos with El 500 a few weeks ago. [54] La Lnea, however, undertook an offensive against the local police in 2010, citing the same reasons that the NJC claims: it perceived that the police forces were favoring Joaqun Guzmn Loera (a.k.a. After amado Carrillo and El viceroy CHIHUAHUA is a mess now that mess is spreading to Sonora. [28][32] Most of the victims' ages ranged from 23 to 65, and included a blind man and a sixteen-year-old. It's a stark reminder of how many believe themselves to be above the law. He also unveiled a billboard facing traffic in El Paso, Texas heading into Mexico that reads "No More Weapons," and criticized the United States for not renewing a ban on the sales of assault weapons that expired in 2004. Its possible fellas, you can fuck up and still make it big out here. [16] When the Mexican authorities arrived, a large crowd gathered at the crime scene as the neighbors and family members of the victims, whose ages ranged from 15 to 20, cried and set down candles. Las autoridades estadunidenses sealan que el bastin del Crtel de Jurez es Chihuahua, en Mxico, y en Texas, Estados Unidos. [58] Hence, the impact of the NJC depends on whether they can reconstitute a force capable of fighting the Sinaloa cartel for a lengthy time, but thus far, the NJC does not pose as a direct threat to the Sinaloa establishment and for a reopening of a new fight for Ciudad Jurez. Santuario San Cayetano will lead to his arrest his shorts hell is very.... 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