You can get it. Yeah, kind of. Twitter at Miss M.S. 200K views 1 year ago Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino stopped by the Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify for JRE #1675 and Joe Rogan brought up the topic of movies you can't make today.. There's a narrow band. Does anybody have a roadmap of how they expect all this to play out? Yes. Items included in the Television News search service. Man, I wish they had that confidence. Well, it is all a perspective issue, right? Know, I'm a market like well, saying like when I say I'm in support of a lot of people like Bernie and people that go with him because I think they want good things. You're smarter. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood5. Had a great point about that, too. And it and if you had zoomed out, you would see that this wasn't a problem. Great. While it's kind of crazy that it's kind of crazy. You know, interesting, this this this particular issue of affirmative action is really driven. You're very funny. Episode 215 - Week of December 5th - 11th. So we have to ban like Harry Potter books are banned in my household. Yeah. If kids grew up with lady had a black friend growing up legs. people to do karaoke. Okay. But they they still they actually hang for drugs. So that's their way to lure these people in. Right. And he he was released. What's going on is, first of all, there's a lot of those people that are mentally ill. That's part of the problem. Well, we have a in a vastly expanded understanding of human beings. That. And it's causing the Democratic Party to split. The fact that he did it repeatedly and was conscious and knew I think that is being racist, India Arie said of Joe Rogan saying the N-word. There are like 11 different Law and Order shows that have run for a collective 10,000 seasons and every god damned show has the same plot line. You know, we treasure civil liberties too much in a way which I personally came here for that reason. You're going to be a contributing member of this social. It's definitely not a role. Watch or Listen to JRE #1675 Guest Categories: Directors, , #1674 - Clay Newcomb #1676 - Jesse Griffiths Yeah, it's it's silly. Yeah. And now with the whole coronavirus flaring up there, it's highlighting a lot of issues with the with the Chinese government. Yeah. You just arrested the head of the chemistry department at Harvard. We're both educated about what we're talking about. But that doesnt stoppeople fromtheorizing about it, and fans even have a wish list ofactors who should return for his final movie. Maybe even a touch better. And in fact, I kind of grew up with some people that that lived that lifestyle. I don't know if you have to be an insider or an outsider. These are three things that absolute no go, no go zones. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me. Yeah, whatever far will happen. I really enjoyed it, actually. And, you know, in in a way, they were kind of pining for the good old times, the good old times when they were under a colonial, you know, an English colonial master, which was one of those like moment for anyone on the left. You're getting more energy that goes in a negative way from the right. Of course. OK. How good? Every time someone wants an example of overuse of the N-word, they go to Quentin its unfair, he added. I think the Internet in general is like most things. It was like, wow, this is not like trans people using the bathroom. It's judgey. So it permeates culture from a very, very young age. And why is the response that this needs police protection? The new one. Yes. It's a it's a way to force people to integrate and have, you know, neighbors that are just not not your own kind. And they have every question for you. Steve Perry. Jamie is with you with the eating. You can see it in, you know, what happened with the U.N., passed this resolution condemning China's treatment of the weaker Muslims in Sinjar. podcast with Sal Vulcano. You know, he was that. Just just throw some money around. Right. When you say punch a Nazi, you might be talking about your granny, who's a Republican, because she likes Trump, because Trump believes in God. What color are they? No one told you. No. Logan listen you tell her. You can't access Facebook, Wikipedia. That's a human story. This is a non social way of interacting through social media. You think that you just going to shut down speech and deep platform people that have marginally offensive views. Yeah, but I understand what you're saying. Ironically, a place of love. Right. Yeah. And it makes it easy to map out what you're probably gonna do and how you gonna react. I believe he's Japanese, isn't he? But Singapore is billed as this is the country that protects rule of law. Thanks for contacting us., Matt Taibbi is a journalist and author. Well, the drifting to the left. Maybe this really is a fringe. Yes. That's very strong. A Nazi people. And the joke is in his mocking. We don't care. So, you know, a pluralism when I see that as as, you know, that's what we're doing, promoting pluralism, this idea that you can have all these competing narratives. Right. Having fun watching Quentin school Joe even on all things comedian. So that one was an American version is right, because the studios, they're all going in on these deals with China. If you're willing to put your privacy in the hands of an entity like that, you know, go ahead. I'll be saying we ink contracts with them, working with publishers, agents. You would be hard pressed to get a lot of it wrong. Some people get withdrawls, too. That's actually true of even skier's. And if you do that, that's the American dream, and if you achieve a certain level of happiness, you achieve. In a recent interview, the actor shared his thoughts on who can and cannot use the N-word. Pro wrestling. And it's this thing that gets. Like people are immune. For example, on The Ringer podcast, he brought up that one glaring issue that he had with Boogie Night. Exactly. Like move to a place that all this stuff was possible and that we could laugh at ourselves again. Both. So I'm like, oh, shit. Right. Maybe. And I think that when you see these this WOAK stuff, you know, it goes amuck. It's really funny. Exactly. Steve Perry, 5 years. This is the uncuffed the wall, you know, this is the part where we just you know, I don't want to say to you, I don't know, because they kick ass, they work harder. I read an article recently that Andrew Yang was kind of dragging Asian-Americans back to, you know, to the left. 1675 Quentin Tarantino The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Full Video Episode Speaking on Joe Rogan's podcast, the 57-year-old explained how he responded to the idea of censorship and political correctness in his earlier days. Exactly. So several I think World War Z was affected. 33 . The three TS, you can't really talk about China now. I'm surprised he was comparing the way they handled drug dealers in China with swift support. These kind of conversations like trying to figure out if the person who opposes your philosophy or your perspective is right and you're wrong., Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti are political commentators and hosts of the YouTube show and podcast "Breaking Points." I mean, their actions in the South China Sea have shown that. A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food It's called me what myth persists myth? We're definitely in the in a Cold War right now, which China feels. And they did it on some, you know, on the backs of on the back trade with other countries through very unfair practices, actually, in many cases. You have Malay Muslims, Indians, Hindus, Chinese who are Buddhists, Christians and, you know, Caucasians all living in a on an island city state. The head of the chemistry department at Harvard was found to have lied about receiving money from the Chinese government. Did that spark this desire to help other people sort of expand their their their ideas and what they're exposed to? The Joe Rogan Experience Experience is sponsored by BetterHelp. No, no answers. Because a lot of those things you get through, you Google News Feed and you know, you have to click through to the paywall if you want to read it. Did you see that video that kids scream in and saying, how fucking fascist you fucking trump drought cut? I don't think that's true. Hello, Joe. It like were drinking. I don't know too much about that. No, I don't. I love when people like obviously fake. jerrod carmichael 8 transcript. And Tarantino clearly has a lot more he wants to do with the characters of Reservoir Dogs, As he mentioned that a novelization of his directorial debut might be the Hollywood follow-up. Thanks. Episodes. You know what? I'm not surprised he spoke, you know, a really good thing. Probably, yes. Like I understand my my at the end of the day, you know where that's coming from. And he's doing obviously that's not real race. Well, I don't agree with him on a lot of things. That's one of the problems I think we should not give, you know, like we shouldn't give the right legitimate reasons to be complaining about disparate coverage. So discouraging you from being funny to me is like, why would you do that? UFC fat and talking to him about like, wow, Matt Damon, UFC fan. And I've gotten so much shit for saying that I like the guy, you know, I need more of that. It's a gillion dialectic. Right. I wouldn't I didn't know what I shouldn't like. So it's infantilizing. Quentin Tarantino decided to go to the safest place there is for a cishet white man, the warm embrace of the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. But but, you know, I don't think that that either of us ever doubted that she loved her. I know. I can feel it. Okay. Treat this country like a community, like try to do our best to help the people that are in a disenfranchised position because there are so many try to do our best to in some way economically uplift all these deeply impoverished sections of our country. Just one of my favorite things. But you're dying. Really? 1675 Quentin Tarantino The Joe Rogan Experience Full Podcast He goes, you see that? Rae rigorously and they're doing it. Yeah. You're dead. I mean, to me, to be honest, like, you know, when I was in college, I only did my first Jell-O shot like two weeks ago and couple weeks. Any. 1675 - Quentin Tarantino - The official podcast of comedian Joe . I understand that people are really worried that people getting addicted to drugs ruin their lives, devastates families, people dying of overdoses from fentanyl and all these different hazards that are associated with drug use and drug drug dealing. So I think was pretty conformist in terms of talk about monocultures. This is not like, you know, you have Christina Hoff Sommers and she has this discussion and and they pulled fire alarms and and yell that she's a Nazi, like she's a feminist. Yes. That was a really bad hit piece on Andrew Yang in The New York Times. The reason is what happened is the 1950s when American g.i. China's financing all these movies now. Such a nice mea culpa. You do? And his fans think it's hilarious. As he was struggling to get funding for the movie, he was considering producing it himself with a micro-budget of $30,000. And they've been doing that for years. And it's like in fact, it's a policy that we don't even ask for. When you have these debates online and people discuss these things online, it benefits millions of people. So what do they do? Published Jul 02, 2021. And the fact is, is all taking place at universities is so discouraging. Follow The Joe Rogan Clips show page for some of the best moments from the episodes. So, you know, we we thought, you know, we spent like, what, eight trillion dollars in the war on terror. And that's why I think, you know, people of Asian descent generally have pretty primed to to to buy into the Republican politics. Yes. And yeah, I mean, it's a step in the right direction. So it's just a giant part of the market. I like leave. She's hilarious. You know, the other movie was Dr. It's that I just want to live in a world where being ignorant is a choice for everyone, because there's a choice for us. Lot of fun. Rocky Mountain Boys stuff is they don't taste bad. That's what I feel about ideas. This is just the transition. Well, and you know, without it, I we couldn't be reaching part of the world that that censors things right out of you. Who's telling the truth? Exactly. Now Hollywood Shuffle is a classic, Remember that Harry Styles Spitgate drama? "While we were rehearsing Django Unchained, Leo [. Tarantinos movies are so incredibly detailed, not just when it comes to the dialogue or the costume design, but every vehicle that each character drives is so specific to them. No. You know, the population gets cowered in fear. I do too. Hes just telling the story and the characters do talk like that. Yes. And, you know, just the sort of like the habits of a free mind are not really cultivated. I mean, he and I had a long conversation about it on the podcast where I was like, I think it's ridiculous. Yeah. I know people are really raking him over the coals for apparently like his. Whoa. Entertainment, entertainment, wrestling. Yeah. Right. And he's not convincing me. In Singapore. And OK, that's one level of it. Look, what is what are your thoughts on it? Very much so. He's handsome and he's a veteran. Apparently, the reason why he was deterred from the profession was because he was great at impressions, but he didnt want to be looked at as the impressions guy. Am I wrong about Japanese? The point is to say the wrong word. I want The Boston Globe when I landed in Logan and we were taking that drive to, you know, like at the time I was going to be living in Cambridge. My issue is felt like there was no freedom of thought, freedom of speech in Singapore. Right. And you know, your your average person living in a Syrian refugee camp isn't going to learn that quickly. But why is everybody who is associated with the conference also lumped in with this? Yeah. But abook version of any of his movies would suffice, as there are manycharacters he could explore in future novels. But for him, it was he ended up almost being killed by al-Qaida for just like starting a blog, talking about, you know, the importance of secularism and countering violent extremism. They go on there. And that dub wasn't necessarily a joke. But I. I so far have been unable to respond to. The goal should be a cohesive society where people are comfortable with being around each other with all their differences and just nice people. I think I've always felt like that's one of the things that New York has a large advantage over. Yeah. I think he tried to get Quentin Tarantino changes movie for China. He was my guy. The Hateful Eight9. It's this is a dumb way to communicate. And, you know, it was it was a good it was a bunch of people. It's it's effective governance. What you have to read this. You know, any form of dictatorship or control or propaganda or control by the state or by industry, that stuff that you see in other countries as human beings in 2020. Okay, okay. Ari is the host of "The Skeptic Tank" and "You Be Trippin'" podcasts. I know. The person who wrote this article who, you know, was like saying, oh, he's uncomfortable with language. I need a downer. And that's where comedy comes in. You know, the spotlight being on them to realize how ridiculous what you guys are supposed to be. Yeah, well, thank you. Weinstein argued that the movie wouldnt appeal to women if the scene was left in there, but Tarantino held his ground and refused to cut it out. That's the official name of this long, drawn game to, you know, institute market reforms, usher in riches for them for the middle class, lift a lot of people out of poverty, but in a very controlled way and in a way that's like he doesn't think about the Asian culture. That's what it feels like living in Singapore. We're headed there. Right. Samuel L. Jackson is dismissing Joe Rogan's apology for using the N-word several times on episodes of Rogan's podcast. Right. This is one of the reasons why I don't completely hate this whole WOAK ideology. Now I be kind of hot. That's the thing. Well done. He wouldn't have. I didn't fucking cover band. Yes. Tucker. Yeah. Right. See, it's wow. And if we just did a rotation in the newspapers where every everybody from the from the lifestyle or culture desk has to do a stint in, you know, Saudi Arabia or something, reporting from the front, like maybe they'll just maybe they'll have some perspective on shore. Yeah. She's my sister. Actually, Elizabeth Warren said it. What is business like crazy? They want to release from this restrictive way of thinking and talk. You're probably in the White House right now doing that. And and I get the sense that like, oh, shit, like the consequence of seeing what you think there is like at least in my case was just like, hey, maybe I might go to jail. And if you like, you should mock that. So all your credits would just transfer kind of more easily to university in England, for example, Australia. You know, and all that stuff I hear about him just doesn't make any sense to me. Like you want to be taken seriously with these people, people that are running things. And it's also there's a fear to it that it's going to come back on you. The only topic off limits is politics. And the Hong Kong protesters have been added since July of last year, 2019. And they were like, just keep her out. That's what. So then we go deep into the hole with why morally. They're the ones who are like, really? She yeah, I dirty old crazy religious lady way I dirty melfi religiously I guess is fairly pretty isn't she. I mean, Trump used to be the WWE. And that's why it kind of you know, it follows you over time. Fair trial. Now, we don't even, like think twice about it. They do outor all together. They'll kill you for it. Fuck yeah, I actually he would. Would be nice, right? I think he tried to get Quentin Tarantino changes movie for China. And if you say grow up in the Middle East, asking a question could be death. But what are these religious reasons? Neil Diamond sells entire song catalog to Universal Music 11-year-old reads aloud from 'pornographic' book he checked out from library at school board meeting, Influencer refuses to switch business class seats so family can sit together, Ousted Chicago mayor blames loss on racism, gender but not her tepid response to crime, Top NFL prospect racing, driving recklessly in crash that killed teammate, staffer: cops, Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax unravels actors shocking downfall, Hailey Bieber trolled after posting PDA-filled pics for Justin Biebers birthday, Puma announces return of Fenty x Puma collaboration with Rihanna: Shes back, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry have first night out since bombshell 'Spare' released. You from being funny to me being around each other with all their differences just... 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joe rogan quentin tarantino transcript
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