Almost like a mask, if not for its realism and the wings sprouting from his back. broken soul hunter faith download. Can they be won over as allies, or is their aggressive, territorial instinct stronger than intelligence and scientific curiosity? And Warrant Officer Smith is more than willing to cooperate in this matter. When she stumbles across a kid in a Galra escape pod what else would she do but help them return to their pseudo-family in their giant floating castle ship, where they apparently fly huge robotic lions. When they reach the stall, the owner straightens back up and clasps his hands in front of him. Secondarily because they had no bonded partners to distress if they died anyways. With this literally professional porn writing experience, you aren't alone in noticing that that's what Deathworlders is for some reason. (Its fine, humans pack-bond with anything. What happened at Terra? no more maybes litpick book reviews. And he would do anything to protect them. This student's mom is a leading force in human interstellar travel and wastes no time in trying to locate her baby. The himbos are just too much. the deathworlders. The Land Before Time (main characters are dinosaurs and pterosaurs): Humans don't lay eggs? valerie of mor 1 elizabeth. But sometimes healing is the best vengeance and sometimes being petty and taking right back is just as satisfying. Just imagine being humanHating your confusionDenying 'til it's provenLaughing at illusionThinking institution's the solutionWhile tyranny and irony float in its pollution(No wind resistance! I'm pretty sure Righteous is like 9 feet tall at this point and 1500lbs. He was nowhere close to being back home, and he was surrounded by literal aliens, who were the fuckers who put him here in the first place. What if we are actually the strong ones? Steven Universe. So maybe he just needs to prove himself to them, and theyll show him humaner, aliendecency.Yeah. The Deathworlders to me started out as an amazing story where a regular guy, and then regular people, was/were single handedly the most destructive force around. After a crash Private Taufav and Bloodsworth have to survive a planet together with vastly different needs. Newest Update: Chapter 53 Future Plans (Author's Note). Look, no judgement but I think its in poor form for authors to subject readers to their Magical Realm without their knowing. Chapter Text. Said meeting is under less than ideal circumstances and well, if that so happens to awaken something within him that's really not his fault, now is it? Every short chapter showcases 6 college students and their alien friends, as they demonstrate Random one-shots about how humans are space orcs. Create18 . My It's a Small Universe tag from Tumblr. Crying isn't anything any other space traveller can do. Im looking for some of the softer stuff where instead of being militant badasses, we're just really fucking bizzarre and just can't seem to die? Comments, suggestions, queries and complaints welcome. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. He thinks if he tried to carry it in his thoughts, the weight of this absence might finally turn his cracks into shatters.). Tommys adventure to space with minor inconveniences! He doesn't even know if he wants to go home, to be honest. While a ragtag, space-based mercenary group is recovering after a botched supply run and a close brush with the authorities, they find that entertainment can come from the least expected sources. Based off the tumblr posts, set in the Voltron universe. Months? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". In a universe where humans are the most feared species, Tommy finds himself hiding out on a planet full of different alien species. War of the Worlds had it right- it's not humanity's actions you've gotta worry about. Meanwhile, the student has to learn how to survive an alien environment while clearing up misconceptions along the way. The ships air conditioning has gone awry, our Piglins back to hibernating. What will be the ultimate cost in her quest for revenge? Like he was something dancing in the background having finally come to life. A new species has joined the Galactic Federation, and that means everything has to be updated. What's one more, anyway? And the muscle porn was old before Reg lost his hand. The Deathworlders. They jumped the shark when they had muscle dudes physically overpower a stellar containment forcefield specifically designed to trap them. Humans are space orcs Earth is a Death World Humans Are Deathworlders Earth is Space Australia Don't copy to another site After a crash Private Taufav and Bloodsworth have to survive a planet together with vastly different needs. I havent seen another human since I got dragged up here, He replies, slightly breathless. Can you get some water, or something? Reply ordinarymagician_ Human Additional comment actions Reminds me of a guy I knew. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. etc. I can't remember which chapter it was, haven't read the story in years, but there was one that felt like it dedicated every third paragraph to reminding us that all the heroes are massive beefcake, in case we'd forgotten since the last hyperbolic description. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Is it though? The "Graveyard Shift" was not one that anyone ever really wanted, but work is work, and work needs to be done. Nor how Zashi is going to handle this. That was not a good idea on their part. Or: The four times Techno keeps his human heritage a secret and the one time he learns what it really means to be human. He was more useful alive than dead, but was notorious for being difficult to interrogate, so the Galra turned to poison. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Tumblr/Deviant Art OCs (Original Characters). Please consider turning it on! The hunters would have their rightful fear! His long thin fingers reaching to the top of Tommy's temple. yeah there's some dark stuff but also Space. It was space-miserable. To the galaxy, humans are an incredibly dangerous species. Not even with a generous take on genetic augmentation. He ends up locked in a cell occupied by one of the Universe's most terrifying and bloodthirsty creatures instead. After all, love is judgeless. Time to make these abduction alien BItChES regret there job after what hes been through! Of course, that also makes them the ideal captives for fighting rings. Imprisoned(completed)The pack(in progress)Escort missionReunionZombie protocolTraumaHolidays, I think theres a reason they placed it in here, Sho. Zashi whispered back. Its not hard enough to actually move him, but it gets the message across. overview for linig4 reddit. You're gonna just run up to it and crack it on the head with a rock? Im a freeloading good luck charm., Logan frowns, lip curling. The ones that will out-progress most other species because we take seemingly too big/stupid risks and it pays off? Team Guardians team up with Coulson's team to end Thanos Threat and make friends and enemies along the way. or 'They are so unbelievably diverse and their culture so rich!' I just thought that'd I'd take a minute to clarify even just a tiny bit more now that I'm not as sleep deprived as I was when I originally wrote this. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I used to read every word of every chapter, now I find myself skimming a lot to avoid details that add nothing to the story. Chief Medical Officer Glit has decided that he needs to take this opportunity to get hands on experience with Terrans to better understand their health. This is how Tommy acclimates his alien friends to the impossibility that is humans. I would never make him this unhinged without like, Okay so I kinda made him unhinged with a not so good reason, Janus and Virgil almost get to third base, Logan is equally distressed by and fascinated with Janus, The author knows enough about Physics to hate it. Lance was captured by the Galra. He still can't quite let the words he wants out. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Planet Earth is practically a death sentence for almost any galactic race and human biology is badass. I felt very, very small., Niel Armstrong_____________________________. His crew, though small, is very dear to him. It sure seems so, until the SBI hero team are tasked to take him in. students are about to learn that humans are not alone in this world. Hope you enjoy. They would die slowly, in full view of each other. The Deathworlders to me started out as an amazing story where a regular guy, and then regular people, was/were single handedly the most destructive force around. However, he has more than enough morals to put his foot down when a very much sapient and harmless opponent is thrown into his ring. The corrupted wormhole spit Lance out at the edges of the ever expanding galaxy, with a corruption infection burning its way down his spine and Blue so damaged shes offline. Told from an alien perspective: the D'rek, a species of aliens, is at war with humans. Tommy makes new friends, secrets are revealed, and hey, maybe a family is what he's been looking for all along. All caught up now and I have to get this off my chest. On a field trip through the solar system one of the classes is attacked and one of the students is kidnapped. One passenger, a Decirite researcher named Janus, booked passage with cargo--and when said cargo is inadvertently opened, the ragtag crew must contend with the addition of a primitive, violent species rarely seen outside captivity. When the deathworlder was dealt with, the Alpha would take the prey ship itself. My first post on AO3. or just, 'Wow, they're so fucking /weird/", Does anyone know any fics that capture the Humans are Weird / Earth is Space Australia vibes? It's about awesome humans and awesome aliens. Around 50 chapters ago it used to be that you could roll your eyes and skim over the porn segments to get back to the actual plot. With how kind they just seem to be, he doesnt think they would do this to an actual person. Otters. (Title based on song by The Offspring)Usually weekly updates (having a hard time with school and motivation right now), tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Sideswipe/Skywarp/Starscream/Sunstreaker/Thundercracker, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders & Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders & Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders & Deceit | Janus Sanders, Danny is very gay and Phantom wields a sword need I say more, strikethrough abused to simulate Danny crossing out passages in his letters/journal, slow burn for them but fast burn for us since we're skipping days, Alternate Universe - Phantom and Danny as different people, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Almond Cookie & Walnut Cookie (Cookie Run), Croissant Cookie & String Gummy Cookie (Cookie Run), Cookie Run Characters Have Jam Instead of Blood, reads like crackfic when Timekeeper is present, Almond interrupts the plot multiple times for coffee breaks, Isla Sorna Juvenile T-Rex (Lost World: Jurassic Park), Movie: The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997), JP 2 told through the POV of the baby T-rex, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Female Character/Original Female Character, i lost my draft of this i might miss some events uh oh, i dont know what im doing please bare with me, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Parental Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade Has Dyed Hair (Video Blogging RPF), Touch-Starved Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Vigilante TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Hero Sleepy Bois Inc (Video Blogging RPF), Villain Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Tommy lives on a planet that isnt Earth and is a vigilante there, Dream has tasked the three heroes with bringing in the vigilante SHADOW(Tommy), For a vigilante reform program but Dream is most definitely the villain here, BLADE figured it was a better idea to convince Shadow to come willingly, Tubbo and Ranboo are the only ones that know of Tommy's vigilantism, But also of him being a human cause he usually has a holographic disguise on, Whasp(Tubbo) was hurt in a drug bust and Shadow(Tommy) tries to flee, two SBI members are waiting and when Shadow kicks Blade into the pillowed trashcan off the roof, Wraith(Wilbur) lashes out in anger and injures Shadow who takes the chance, to send a sos to Fragment(Ranboo) for a rescue who shows up and teleports them away, Techno and Wilbur have to tell Phil what went down, Wilbur sees the blood on the knife is red and figures SHADOW is not an Agantian, Wilbur is still pissed at Phil and Techno so he doesnt tell them but he is doing some research, Tommy is stuck on a couch while he heals so he watches the alien equivalent of YouTube, Tommy finally gets to go back to work and SBI in civilian garb walks in, Tommy recognized them and when they asked about him and Tubbo's opinions on vigilantes, they got a rant via Tubbo on how SBI was messing things up and they weren't wanted or needed, WRAITH confronts and tries to chase SHADOWS again and goes over recordings of the chase later, when studying these recordings he finds out that his second set of arms arent real at all, and instead are a high-tech illusion/hologram and that SHADOWS, is not an Agantian like hes led everyone to believe, Tommy has trouble with associating Wilbur with WRAITH, the guy who stabbed him and hates him with the one who hums songs he writes and banters with Tommy, Wilbur invites Tommy to a family dinner as his friend and Tommy decides to go, Wilbur makes a shitty comment about SHADOW and Vigilantes in general to Tubbo, Tubbo snaps at him and lectures the fuck out of him, though it confounded Wilbur for a moment it didnt last and he brushed off Tubbo's lecture, SHADOW helps BLADE out of a sticky situation and walks away with a concussion, HARPY chillaxes with SHADOW on a rooftop and thanks him for assisting BLADE, Tommy gets to finally have that movie night with Wilbur and his family, Tommy fights off 6 guys who attacked someone named Palin, but Tommy couldnt save him he was too hurt, in his anger/rage/grief he fights WRAITH who watched SHADOW have a breakdown, SHADOW didn't hold back and WRAITH realises how much he usually holds back, Wilbur needs medical attention and Tommy needs a hug, Wilbur finally gets his lesson on seeing the world in shades of gray instead of black and white, he also shares his insight on SHADOW and whT he could possibly be with his team, Original Male Character/Original Female Character. And I'm gonna calls it as I sees it, the muscle porn is fetishistic. Hard Knock Life will also be getting a release tonight. He just wished he'd been told before volunteering for this expedition that it was for the study of humans. Sundaarians, another species, kidnap a D'rek and a Human and put them in the same cell. SBI are the best live smugglers in the galaxy, they don't ask question, they are quick, they take care of their merchandise, and most of all they love a challenge. They took and took and took while they couldn't fight back, stuck in that cage. global search read online free books archive. the walking dead vs the walking dead paring and. Secondarily because they had no bonded partners to distress if they died anyways. I stopped reading when Powell got killed, but yeahthe muscle porn tended be just a bit overwhelming. That would be the second shipment of caffeine in the same number of weeks. Humans are space orcs Earth is a Death World Humans Are Deathworlders Alcohol Gender-Neutral Pronouns Gender-Neutral Character Vent Writing Late Night Writing Don't copy to another site The "Graveyard Shift" was not one that anyone ever really wanted, but work is work, and work needs to be done. Will probably still sporadically keep up with the series, but think it's best days are behind it, with only down to go Further note: Also some odd authoritarian shit seems to be creeping into the series (I.E idea that democracy is a luxury), and I'm not exactly sure I want to find out were that goes Also some odd authoritarian shit seems to be creeping into the series (I.E idea that democracy is a luxury), and I'm not exactly sure I want to find out were that goes Also the Eugenics and the Darwinist alpha male bullshit. DeathWorlders: The Complete Universe Chapter 1: Intro, a misc. Jake and Callie have been enjoying a (finally) successful retirement, and the galaxy licks its wounds from the upheaveals. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. When the Tahw first visited the M314 solar system, they found potential sentient life on the third planet. At rhs question, Tommy looks up at Wilbur with a bit of surprise on his face. I had a one-year mat leave and am now back at work. The president who wanted to do this was called a moron for thinking that, and they doubled down even harder into the sexy beefcake. Humans are space orcs one shot! An Alien known as a Quezeq is sent to planet Earth an Class A-1 Deathworld to gather information about Humans a Apex Predator species and their inhabitants. Or we are very good at looking at problems from different perspectives. Unable to inflict violence themselves they turn to the most destructive beings they know of, creatures so volatile that they've pushed themselves to the very brink: It should have been a simple case: Soulstones were taken from the kingdom's vault. I can feel it. Humans Are Deathworlders Earth is Space Australia Don't copy to another site After a crash Private Taufav and Bloodsworth have to survive a planet together with vastly different needs. Who haven't done any of their research. Abandoned by his crewmates, Virgil finds himself stranded on one of the most famous and bloodthirsty deathworlds out there: Earth. Sorry if this is really vague, or considered redundant considering the subreddit, Edit: Basically what I mean, is I'm looking for the sillier stories. Tags will be added as more chapters go by. I got hooked on the 'Humans are space Orcs', 'Earth is Space Australia' and 'Humans are weird' tags and had started looking for more things in the same vein. When Peter Quill first met Stakar Ogord he never thought his life would change again. I found Deathworlders around April-May this year, and I made it to chapter fifty by June-July. Fifty is where I got burnt out, because it changed from a million fascinating different perspectives on the one of the most complicated and realistic takes on an HFY humanity's ascension to a spacefaring species to a few perspectives that seem to try and run you tired reading hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of words on the same war, with no variety or levity to break the monotony. But of course now that hes living with them its hard to keep them oblivious. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. And thats only considering the history of Earth. Youre going to get yourself killed with this shit, only the tides themselves know how youve managed not to die yet quite frankly, youre beloved by the currents., Tommy is confused before remembering that phrase basically means youre lucky as fuck but you wont stay that lucky forever. Not to agree with glowy-gills, he ignores Phils indignant warbling to glare at Wilbur. Privacy Policy. When one of the alien researchers grabbed not one, but 8 deathworld chil Collection of Humans are Space Orcs Tumblr photos. A bed time story is all they have about them. Its truly a shame because hambone is such a fantastic writer. (this is gonna get so confusing i'm so sorry also this summary is awful). Hataraku Maou-Sama! Just a bunch of random stories about humans meeting aliens and the aliens freaking out over things we do. Tommyinit is the biggest man ever! Humanity is new to space only being able to leave our solar system with ftl drives for the past 120 years and in that time they encountered the Galactic Alliance. Are those beings that are watching from up above only stories? Humans are deathworlders that look like normal sapients. It's getting a bit bulky to link to individual posts so I'm moving it here.The story of how certain aliens react to meeting the Deathworlders. She loses herself in wars and the underbelly of crime in a distant galaxy. I'm glad he's finally put numbers on it and solidly affirmed that this is no longer HFY territory. The loving descriptive exposition Hambone3110 gives the HEAT, SOR, Daar, Julian, the Ten'Gewek; good lord it makes me blush and cringe and I love himbos. Lol This is good. (Or: Two humans with a dangerous secret make their way into the civilian sectors of the galaxy. This isn't a story!It's a bunch of lists of main characters from fandoms as Sanders Sides who would play that character's role in their universe. I can regularly skip several entire paragraphs and miss nothing. Things or certain ways of doing things which we take for granted. I loved the story threads with Entity, Nofl, Kirks rescue operation, the exploration plot of Misfit, the awakening of the Omo'aru, and even the Dominion politics with Admiral Knight. 1) Terrans are a new addition to the Intergalactic Sapients list2) The HSPC has yet to establish proper contact since the unspoken incident3) They are violent and dangerous. Everyone has been gifted by the elements, so they're all mostly content with their lives. They were appropriate at the end of the Warhorse chapters (like 20-25), because we were still somewhat grounded. Humans are more creative, more imaginative, better lateral-thinkers, more emotional, have a deeper sense of spirituality and a finely-honed instinct for survival. Simple right? Language: English Words: 2,044 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 40 Kudos: 1536 Bookmarks: 140 Hits: 24458 Adapt and Survive by StarlightNecromancer Original Work A new species has joined the Galactic Federation, and that means everything has to be updated. the skyview building hyderabad; julian clary ian mackley split; timothy evatt seidler; case hardening advantages and disadvantages; doorbell chime with built in 16v transformer Blue and Yellow learn why humanity is the apex predator on Earth. Ok. How hard can that be? Not to mention, he's a human. As Hizashi browses through the selection of screws and replacement parts for his mechanical exoskeleton suit, his hearing aids pick up on the whispering that's growing behind. Hizashi finds a lost feelane child in the trading center's hub. And Warrant Officer Smith is more than willing to cooperate in this matter. Will she be the hero or the villain of her own story? Believe me, I'm gay with a persuasion for the Bear side of the community. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. the Galactic Empire are a bunch of pussys, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, yes motherfucker its one of my FAVORITE TROPES, theyre not really hybrids as much as aliens but yknow, Claustrophobic TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Good Friend TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), this is just ranboo getting gaslit for a week, Ranboo Has Panic Attacks (Video Blogging RPF), does it count as amputation if it just kinda gets ripped off, Presumed Dead TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Altea May Have Been Space Australia, But Humans are the Weird Ones, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, (in the context of what different parts of the country are liable to run drills for), (e.g. Tommy makes new friends, secrets are revealed, and hey, maybe a family is what he's been looking for all along. And their protester is a girl from the human world who forgets everything that happens when she switches realmsWait, what? Agreed. Ships dont get that cold and stay functional., Well, see, Phil likes the taste of poison?. | The Devil Is a Part-Timer! Humans are the equals in technological and logical intellect to Corti despite having physically smaller brains. And with a human on their side, there is little that can stand in their way. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Its literally like seeing people's Tumblr/Deviant Art OCs (Original Characters) (soft NSFW) but in written form. M'staeng didn't expect anything strange when Alphonse had asked him for pens and paper. where humans are weak and (honestly) pathetic compared to most of the species in the galaxy, were wrong. This is about their daily lives, wherein they are constantly struggling to keep Tommy from dying. And yes - the muscle descriptions just don't do it anymore. After a crash Private Taufav and Bloodsworth have to survive a planet together with vastly different needs. Saskia Akira, a woman far from Earth, is accused of a crime that she did not commit and now must face her unjust punishment. How do they survive half of that?! Wil, Ive said this before and Ill say it again, he gently warns. Over detailed is a understatement. It sure seems so, until the SBI hero team are tasked to take him in. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It is straight up impossible for a body as large as what that are describing to shed heat fast enough to avoid cooking themselves alive. Wilbur shifts in place. Humans don't do this. books fanfic | FanFiction DeathWorlders: The Complete Universe Many think that once humanity meets life from the stars. After stealing a communion device, clothes to hide himself and threatening low life alien criminals into making him fake IDs Techno was all set. This is something I've thought about doing for a long time. The hard-to-kill ones? Shouta is captured and sold at an auction. But he tries, even if it slowly becomes useless. Comments, suggestions, queries and complaints welcome. Tommy, a human who ended up in space after a series of events, has been adopted as a crew member of the ship SBI, consisting of Wilbur Soot, a Phantom, Technoblade, a Piglin, and Philza, an Elytrian. Drain the pool now!" shouted Ch'n into her communicator as Shout'a sprinted for the pool, leaping over a still steaming puddle as he crashed against the side of the glass; the material was hot against his fur but he paid that no mind even as he felt his skin grow irritated from the heat.Shinsou's body was completely limp in a familiar fashion that made . It was hard to tell time when there was no planet under his feet to decide it. is kinda a hunting game when you think about it, humans are space orcs/i'm going to put random things here, Mentioned Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Gets a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Touch-Starved TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF). Chief Medical Officer Glit has decided that he needs to take this opportunity to get hands on experience with Terrans to better understand their health. They may not condone the consumption of higher life forms., When youre as hungry as I am, my love, everything becomes a lower life form.. no more maybes by elizabeth stevens paperback barnes. Pidge has a little fun. With the mind of a young engineering prodigy, he is prepared to use every trick in the book to make it off the ship and find whatever it is he's looking for. There are quite of few of them on the sub, and if you haven't checked the Must Read and Previously Featured pages yet, I'd recommend doing so. [this was originally written as a fanfiction for Ultimate Spider-Man, however after much consideration and input from readers I believe this reads better as an original work] (dedicated to Audio and WebKat for giving me the idea).---Sehmal and his fellow 'guards' were hand selected. I have NOT GIVEN permission for my fics to be hosted on the shady app, Fanfic Pocket Archive Library or any other app/website. who began releasing alternative electronic dance singles in the late 80s, real news curated by real humans packed with the trends news amp links you need to be smart informed and ahead of the curve, description spring break is here and thee three princesses can t wait to take a trip and have some fun together , there is little that can stand in their way at Wilbur with a dangerous secret their... 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