Frequent Questions; Social Security Benefits; Veterans Benefits. And it should cover what happens in the event and both death and disability. Burial and funeral arrangements. Families often choose to hold various functions and forego others. Final expense insurance also known as burial insurance or funeral insurance was created specifically to help. Write a eulogy or speech. This is a step that can only be taken by the Executor. Compare & contact vendors. Planning a funeral is a complicated process, which is made even more difficult by the emotional stress that accompanies the death of a loved one. If the cremation process is extra, how much is it? Approach it in whatever way is most comfortable for you. Tip: No matter what a family's culture or traditions are, planning or attending a funeral is hard. Writing an obituary and submitting it to newspapers (If desired) Choosing a speaker for the eulogy. You can expect a big party celebrating the deceaseds new life as an ancestor. Funeral checklist. Contact social sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to close your loved ones social accounts. This decision will determine the timing of many decisions you make. The beginning of the year is usually the time most people get their homes in order. This complete guide details the process in an easy step by step funeral planning checklist. Family members worry that without these multi-day performances, the deceased will be unhappy. If the deceased has a nominated executor in their will then this person handles funding the final expenses. To understand the Nigerian funeral will depend on the specific tribe, but getting to know these main three is a good place to start. You should discuss ending the lease and return of the security deposit once there is a confirmed moving out date. If youre not entirely sure, we suggest you take some time to read some of our expert guides. There is no typical order of service among the Nigerian people. Her Funeral Mass will be celebrated, Monday, March 6th, 9:30 AM at Sacred Heart Cathedral Church, 296 Flower City Parkway. For instance, put your will, the deed to your home, your car title, your social security card, health and life insurance papers, and other important documents they will need like marriage or birth certificates and discharge papers in the same place. This link will open in a new window. Decide on type of memorial and inscription (e.g. The will helps determine the next steps you should take to ensure their wishes are honored. Be sure to include a master list of all your computer passwords and update it regularly. You can choose someone close to you such as a family member or you might select someone less emotionally invested who will approach the task and make decisions logically. The Igbo funeral service is an example of the strong community ties that exist between tribe members. Choose the special people to read eulogies and tell stories. Tribe members are Christians or Muslims. At a minimum, you will need to adhere to relevant state law on disposal of the body (e.g. Home; Obituaries. Notify Authorities. You made a good point that deciding between burial or cremation is the first step to finding the right funeral home. details of planning the funeral. Choose flowers. It covers what to do immediately after a death, what to expect when making arrangements, and the essential things to consider. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. At a Yoruba ereisinku or funeral play you will hear ethnic drums. Keep in mind that if the funeral home goes out of business, your money may be lost. There are many things to consider when planning a funeral service. If the death occurred at home or elsewhere, you should call 911. They can help with appointment of an Executor of the estate (often a family member or partner) to authorize the closure of affairs and accounts. Garrib, Anu. Hence, to help the family stay sane, this funeral assistance checklist provides guidance for the surviving family members so they will be guided in doing the funeral preparations from the day before the funeral and after the interment. Simply find an outline you love, then add the details, photos, and design layout that matches the personality of your loved one. A legal pronouncement will then enable you to source an official death certificate. If the deceased had many children and lived a long life you can expect a celebration. Did your loved one have any caring responsibilities? Funeral Planning Checklist. Decide when the funeral will be held. Many families choose to take out a loan. Create a program or prayer card for the service. If you are planning a cremation followed by a memorial service rather than a funeral, plan your final arrangements directly with the crematory. Provide information about various products and services. Traditional customs include animal sacrifice, elaborate feasts, and dancing. Some people include other events like wakes and viewings in their plans. For multiple other than happy, in ghana and preferences for . We participate in affiliate programs that allow us to earn a commission at no cost to you. For instance, think about how you can personalize each of these areas: Whether you choose cremation or burial, you will need to select your final resting place. My dad passed away last night, so having something like this helps immensely. PDF. So how can you make sure your family has what it needs to pay for your funeral? Decide what to do with ashes (e.g. While some of the below list may not apply, the key documents to source include: If a will or final plans do not exist, then engage with an attorney that specializes in probate. Marital status and surviving spouse's name, if applicable. Get others to contribute . Families often emotionally overspend by hundreds sometimes thousands when planning a funeral. The first step in planning your funeral is deciding between burial and cremation. Choose burial or cremation. Otherwise, once youre gone, some of the family histories may be lost. If you are a veteran, your family may receive $300 if your death is non-service related and up to $3,000 if your death is related to service. To ease your strain, we've compiled this list to walk you through planning a funeral, step-by-step. Contact military personnel. If your loved one had prior arrangements in place then enact the funeral plan as per their wishes. Without financial preparations in place, they may be forced to use their savings. Collect personal information for obituary. The burden of funeral expenses can come at a shock and cause additional stress to grieving loved ones. You may hear traditional songs like Amazing Grace at an Igbo church service. If the death has already happened and you do not have time to pre-plan, download a copy of our Funeral Planning Checklist and Planning Form.This comprehensive document will help you gather all the information that you will need when meeting with the funeral service . Lincoln Heritage Funeral Advantage and Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company are registered trademarks of Londen Insurance Group, Inc. By submitting your information, you agree to be contacted even if you are on any internal, state or national Do Not Call list. This is important to do as soon as possible so you have an understanding of any company benefits available to you and other family members. This trusted person may be able to help you make rational . Igbo people believe the afterlife is filled with ancestors. The Igbo people view the death of a child as a tragedy not to be celebrated. Ensure that your family is aware of this and understands how to collect the benefit. We recommend getting multiple copies (10-15) as you will need them to handle other matters later. View the post-death checklist. Nigerians are influenced by Muslim and Christian religions. You should start to gather as many of your loved ones important documents as possible. Cancel reply. In the Yoruba culture, money will be collected from relatives to buy food and drink. Create a trust or a will. If there is a house to maintain, make sure that this residence and any vehicles are locked up. And by letting your family know how you'd like your funeral or memorial service to be, they'll have less difficult and complicated decisions to make during a difficult emotional time. You may find this funeral arrangements checklist helpful whilst you're planning: Look for funeral instructions written in the deceased's will. Whether your funeral will be followed by a burial or with a cremation, you or your loved ones will work closely with the funeral home to finalize arrangements for the cremation or cemetery services. She wil be laid to rest in Holy Ghost Cemetery. Join our mailing list for your free downloadable PDF. So it is best to get it started sooner than later. Nigerians believe their deceased family becomes an, Traditions for a Nigerian Funeral Ceremony, Burial and Remembering the Dead in Nigeria. Pre-Made Arrangements & Final Expense Insurance. In any case, advising of a death can be tough so ensure that you exercise self-care or consider professional help. An estate planning checklist is a helpful starting point for putting together a comprehensive and well thought through estate plan that protects your heirs. You have things that are uniquely important to you and you may want to include those in your memorial. Father's name. It can feel overwhelming when we lose family members, friends and loved ones. It starts with immediate actions to take following a death then covers the entire process through making funeral arrangements and what to do after the service. Encourage loved ones who are still alive to complete a letter of last instruction as part of their estate planning process. What Is a Funeral Planning Checklist? For example, write down the full names and birth dates of your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. and performances are based on religious and traditional customs. Related Post. Read less . From lavish meals to dancing pallbearers and animal sacrifices, no expense is saved to plan a Nigerian burial. Here are a couple of tips to help you find the right one. Want To Help Your Loved Ones? Download. The funeral checklist can range from a short and simple one to a longer and more specific one. Create a list of people you want to be notified, and make it easier by including their phone numbers and addresses. Writing an obituary is difficult, but you can write your own beforehand to make things easier on friends and family. Click here for all kinds of ideas. Opening and closing the grave or crypt If you prefer to print a copy of the planning process, download our Funeral Planning Checklist pdf below: Losing a loved one is often a time where you are overwhelmed with grief and the demands of planning a funeral or memorial service. The Social Security Office can be reached by phone toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. If youre lucky, theyll choose a respectable funeral home to carry out all your final arrangements. headstone), Decide what to do with ashes (e.g. Write them a letter explaining your funeral preferences. Other Funeral Services in Nigeria. They are washed and draped with a, There is no typical order of service among the Nigerian people. Call Our Care Team: 1-800-742-6383. . For a life insurance account you will need to fill out a claim form. The average funeral can cost $7,000-$10,000. At Islamic funerals, flowers arent customary, but you may want to bring a bouquet to a Christian service. You can also use crowdfunding sites like or for help with payment. Sample Funeral Program 1 - Traditional Religious Service: 5. Consider embalming the body. In any case, it may be helpful to ask those who are close to the deceased to pass on the message to ease the burden. Our funeral planning checklist is split into three main sections - pre funeral, the funeral itself, and then the wake. : The second-largest tribe in Nigeria adds up to 15 percent of the population. Be sure to speak with several different funeral homes to find one you are comfortable with. Most will provide the cash to pay for your funeral but don't include any funeral planning options. Use this funeral arrangement checklist to help you plan a funeral for your loved one. Most Nigerians believe in an afterlife. night vigil preceding the ceremony. She may have had her abdomen cut open before burial because she was infertile. You may also need to divert mail or make regular pick ups if you are unable to forward letters (requires you to be appointed executor). White is a celebratory color and guests should opt for black or red instead. Locating Funeral Instructions. You may hear traditional songs like Amazing Grace at an Igbo church service. The length of a funeral can vary widely depending on customs and type of ceremony. It can be a difficult responsibility to be in the position of planning a funeral for a loved one. Choose a eulogy , scripture and poems. The first step is to have a checklist of the things that need to be done for the funeral. Unfortunately, there are funeral homes out there that have one objective: to make your family spend as much money as possible. Print it out and keep it in a convenient place. Some further steps to consider are: This depends on the relevant state law, but generally you will not need a physical death certificate to hold the funeral. This booklet will outline for you how to prepare for meeting the pastor, frequently asked questions, as well as steps you may want . If a will exists, you should get in touch with the attorney that drafted the document or the attorney that represents your loved one. The service may be elaborate or simple and parts of the Bible or Quran are read. If your loved one was a member of My Wonderful Life, you may find the information you need to write that obituary when you login and view their plan. The Igbo tribe has the largest population of Christians in Nigeria. Funeral pre-planning with final expense insurance is one of the most trusted ways to help your family with funeral costs. Includes legal requirements, costs, who to notify & more. Choose a location: This can be at a restaurant, a park, or wherever you would like. How Will Changes in the Funeral Industry Affect You? Now that the pressure of planning a funeral service is over, you can focus on closing off your loved ones affairs. Laufersweiler Funeral Home is serving the family. If they didnt express their wishes, you should choose a venue that feels most appropriate based on who they were in life. If your loved one was an organ donor it may be indicated on their drivers license or in their living will. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. Most nursing homes and hospitals require removal of the body within a few hours after death. Look at these ideas for burials. Funeral Planning Checklist. Ensure that you remove any valuables from your loved one for safekeeping before transportation. Facebook. Instagram. This complete funeral planning guide includes a checklist of the steps to take when a loved one dies. Details. Mother's full name, including maiden name. If desired/permitted, select food and drinks for . Create one place to store all of your important documents and let someone know where they are. Select personal readings for the service. Choosing a Funeral Home. Ask the funeral home to convey your plans to your family. Please share your Funeral Planning Guide with your Right of Sepulcher agent (a family member or friend who you have . Here are some other ways to convey your final wishes to your loved ones: Also, its important that you dont leave your funeral plans in your will. 1-515-576-3156. You may wish to have your ashes scattered. You might have some money saved for a rainy day, but its unlikely you have thousands of dollars set aside specifically for your funeral. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Expert advice of how to chose the right funeral, Protect your family with the right policy, Our guides & recommendations on who to chose, Funeral Planning Complete Guide 2023: Everything You Need To Consider, How To Write A Meaningful Eulogy For Anyone, Funeral Wake Etiquette Guide: 5 Surprising Things To Expect, Deciding on burial or cremation (See above), Deciding where the service and/or ceremony will be (Also time and date), Deciding on a casket or cremation container, Whether to use embalming (Required for an open casket, Purchasing a grave marker for the cemetery, Crafting an appropriate service (Religious, spiritual, end of life celebration, etc), Choosing a family member, religious leader, or celebrant to run the service, Choosing funeral music, scriptures, prayers, and readings, Organising transportation- for family and the deceased, Writing an obituary and submitting it to newspapers (If desired), Organising a wake or ceremony after the service (Location and catering), Create memorial cards and programs for the service, Choose photos, videos, clothing, mementos for the service. Once youve designed your funeral, the funeral director will add up the expenses and tell you the cost. 1. We'll help you get your affairs in order and make sure nothing is left out. It provides the clients with the funeral services that they offer in order for the client to know which to choose from. .so what are the checklist jawe Posters Video coverage Aso ebi for the family Cow(s) IV Hall or playing field (rent) Musician Catch rain (herbalist) Food Drinks Church service or Alfa/Imam Casket . Traditional burials require the purchase of a casket and often come with reinforcement for the grave. scattered or interred), Engage with medical faculty at a hospital or university, If present, open (may need embalming) or closed casket, Military service records and veterans discharge papers, Bank statements and financial accounts (including retirement, credit card, brokerage and mortgages), List of safety deposit boxes and keys or those with access, Delays caused by a post mortem or autopsy if one is required. Feb 5, 2020 - Funeral Planning Checklist Template - 30 Funeral Planning Checklist Template , Funeral Planning Checklist These include funeral planning, obtaining permits, getting copies of the death certificate, publishing notices, keeping the remains sheltered, and setting up the necessary arrangements with the cemetery or crematory. Given time, your friends and family will eventually forget their sorrow and come to value all of the fond memories they have of you. Planning for the inevitable is a gift. You can plan your funeral down to the last detail as a way of taking the burden off your family after youre gone. Expect to spend about $2,000. Its important to know who this is because only the Executor can handle certain matters such as cancelling accounts and forwarding mail. Choose music for the service. Women should always cover their hair with a scarf to show respect for the grieving family. Otherwise, you should gather some key information and contact your local newspaper. Casket - According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the average casket cost is over $2,000, but prices range from under $1,000 to over $10,000. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. Pick an urn or container for ashes. Decide who will attend. Your loved one may have created a will that outlines their specific wishes for their funeral arrangements and their possessions. It's a nice location for an African/Nigeria party. Nigeria Factsheet. United States Embassy in Nigeria, This link will open in a new window. But not all final expense plans give you the option to pre-plan your funeral. You can expect a big party celebrating the deceaseds new life as an ancestor. funeral planning issues, and other end of life issues. Some bodies are buried right away while others are taken to the mortuary to await burial. Perhaps being cremated would be better in the long run since my remains would also require less space when buried. The law requires bodies that are not embalmed be buried sooner than bodies . Need to print or share this checklist with other family members or loved ones? Remember that the main goal of estate planning is to protect both you and your family. Explain the costs involved for merchandise, services, and other professional fees. We have lots of options here or you can customize and print out or your funeral home can do it for you. This complete funeral planning guide includes a checklist of the steps to take when a loved one dies. Did they have prepaid funeral arrangements? You may qualify for survivor benefits. If you are considering when to have a funeral after a death then there are some factors that can influence your plan. Fortunately, many of the arrangements can be made ahead of time, which will decrease the burden on those left It also spares your survivors the stress of making these decisions under the pressure of time and strong . Cremation may require the purchase of an urn and locating a place to store or scatter the ashes. Below is an example of an Igbo order of service: The Igbo believe the spirit of the deceased is only at rest after the second burial. STEP 3. generalized educational content about wills. Heres your Funeral Planning Checklist. wheeler and thompson funeral home; 2022 score football checklist. When planning your funeral, you should make it personal so those grieving can remember your life. Funeral homes and religious institutions are the most common places to hold a service. Click here for more ideas. thank you for your perfect list , very helpful for a long distance communication like ours. Select a casket or cremation container. Size: 350 KB. Do not feel pressured to follow one process as there is no essential standard, do what feels right to you in honoring your loved one. The life plan a ghana funeral checklist for in ghana to move from a time just such as well as more people will be included. Make sure you shop around when you're planning a funeral. There are many options available. Its a type of whole life insurance that covers end-of-life expenses such as medical bills and funeral costs. If you're reading this guide because you are planning a funeral for a loved one, then we are sorry for your loss. Funeral pre-planning with final expense insurance is one of the most trusted ways to help your family with funeral costs. One of the most common is called final expense life insurance. When choosing the venue, you should always keep in mind your loved ones wishes. How far will they extend themselves trying to give you the best funeral? form. The deceased is moved back into the village. Click here for ideas and inspiration. But before they attain this peace of mind, they will have to make dozens perhaps hundreds of decisions about your funeral, many of which will add to your overall funeral costs. Hearse These costs can add up quickly, and your loved ones may not have the necessary funds to cover all of the expenses. Easy step by step funeral planning checklist women should always cover their hair with a, is! Around when you & # x27 ; ve compiled this list to you. A scarf to show respect for the service may be indicated on their drivers license or their. 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funeral planning checklist in nigeria
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