Knight Worwick Objective: Go back to the Prydwen to speak with Elder Maxson. This page was last modified on 10 March 2016, at 16:16. Can we talk to them? Insert the Holotape into the terminal to steal the data. 072287-5 Free Amelia (while Dan is with you) Use the terminal under the stairs to free the girl. Is it possible to attach Power Armor to the station? Objective: Meet with Elder Maxson, get on-board the Vertibird gunship, Kill the Super Mutant Behemoth, clear Fort Strong, clear Fort Strong armory, talk to Paladin Danse, talk to Elder Maxson. I heard it took Ingram and her team quite a lot of time to piece him back together, but I know this will tip the tables in our favor. In the main room of the precinct, you find lots of valuable items. During our retreat, Knight Brach stepped on a landmine. Recommend corpse be disposed of as soon as possible. Quests I know Danse can be so damn cold sometimes, but in this case, I think he's right. This terminal is located behind the main counter of the police station. Visit Lancer-Captain Kells on the deck of the ship who will ask you to attend an address by Maxson. Torso wounds caused massive internal bleeding. Site suspected to have ties to prewar military and could prove highly beneficial for sweep and retrieve. If there is anything else that you would like to add, let us know in the comments section below! Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS If you can't be bothered to invest in the Hacker perk, but would still like to easily access the many terminals of the Commonwealth, an easy way to do this is to simply take Nick Valentine along with you as your companion. Speak to Proctor Ingram to trigger this quest. Subject suffered multiple lacerations to chest and torso from Feral Ghoul attack. Log 022287-2 OBJECT: 1x statement of Mr. N. Fredricks, President, Cambridge S&L Gophers and other rodents can prove to be a real nuisance for open sporting fields, and if you want to have an undisturbed game or event, our specialists will make sure that everything is OK. CASE 138-PI: Adams Public Intoxication Logs The same can be said about arriving at your workplaceand finding out that it has been overrun by a variety of pests. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: AnAd-00 Prepare for a tough fight, because there are, at least, a dozen-or-so of them inside. STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence lock-up - S03-B11. Paladin Danse Note: This is the header once the safe is unlocked. Completed By: Rhys RS-104K Medical File DW-112KS After that, talk to Gavil once again before heading to Lucias locker. Using this information, you'll need to deduce which letters are shared amongst each of the words you've selected, compare them to your remaining options, then make an informed guess. CASE 155-H: Winter Holotape Logs Torso wounds caused massive internal bleeding. Old scrapyard with a decent potential for raw material collection. Go northeast to get to Med-Tek research and try to get near to the distress signal. Please select a record. Knight Keane's Power Armor was destroyed and we lost some of our supplies. Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. Passing between the exit door and the collapsed outbuilding, one can see another nearby rooftop to the north with a fire escape installed on the opposite end. He's also forbidden Danse to be revered as a hero. It was against everything I've been taught, but Worwick would never have made the trip back home alive. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. You will head to Fort Strong and clear the mutant infestation. Head to Vault 75 to find this bobblehead. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-01 EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-02 Status: Released, Prisoner: R. Cohle (CL-228K) These modifications expended all the materials provided to us by command, but we feel that they've been put to good use.". STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence - S01-A29. MODS: Rank: Initiate Enter Fathers quarters and get the codes from him. STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence - S01-A28. Related: Fallout 4: The Best Magazines, Ranked. Cambridge Police Station Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? Unlike the Capital Wasteland, which was nearly obliterated by nuclear weapons, this place has areas that are virtually untouched by time and brimming with technological artifacts. Sorry, we've got no plans for mobile versions of this game guide. Brotherhood of Steel I suppose I shouldn't be so happy, after all, this means the war is just getting started and we're certain to lose some of our own. Location: Watz Electronics In order to accomplish this, Knight Rhys and I made several adjustments to the facility. FO4 : r/Fallout. Medical File DW-112KS Upon entering, make a left, then a right . As soon as I realized what this was, I closed everything up andstarted looking for an exterminator who could help me out. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I wonder what Maxson will think of him/her? Status: Completed Updated October 29th, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Hacking is one of Fallout 4's more tedious minigames. Where is the key to the police station? Brotherhood of Steel I had not opened my garage for more than two months, and when I finally decided to completely clean it, I found out that a swarm of wasps had comfortably settled in it. Cambridge Police Station terminal entries. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-00 Knight Rhys Knight-Sergeant Dawes The following is based on bugged content. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Is Danse making the right decision? Notes: Knight Cohle is continuing to exhibit symptoms of addiction, including auditory and visual hallucinations. Beta Release. Notes: Due to Knight Rhys's recent acts of uncommon valor, all charges have been dropped. 2. [1] Post-War, the station is being used as the forward base of operations for the Brotherhood of Steel Recon Squad Gladius. While "PICK" has a C in it, it's not the first letter of that word. The readings are also highly sporadic, only appearing for very short amounts of time and in very specific locations. Once inside, head through the first door on the left. Keys in Fallout 4 can be used to unlock doors and access otherwise locked locations. There is also an injured Knight Rhys being patched up by a Scribe Haylen in the courtyard, but neither of them are helping me. Looking for help with Fallout 4 Side Quests? Key Features: View the locations of all marked places on the map. To the east is a stairway to the outer barricade gantry. About: This mod automatically bypasses the Fire Support bug that happens when you kill all the enemies at the Cambridge Police Station, but then Danse and the other BoS respond to you like they're still in combat. Status: Deceased, Knight Brach OBJECT: 3x "Fission Pal" home nuclear reactors Fallout 4 terminal passwords list Author: Dewimu Luzehidu Subject: Fallout 4 terminal passwords list. Upon arriving at the station, the player character will find it under heavy attack from a large horde of feral ghouls, and can assist the Brotherhood soldiers in ending the siege. Type: Install Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? I suppose only time will tell. Someone sure was thorough when it came to proper defenses. ", "A Brotherhood of Steel base is up ahead. The other scribes in the Order think I'm out of my mind joining Danse's recon team, but I refuse to miss out on the opportunity. Location is a former automotive assembly plant that is likely to contain a promising number of technological discoveries and documentation. Paladin Danse has the key to the Cambridge Police Station. Attempted to implement internal sutures but facility is insufficient for surgery of that magnitude. Old scrapyard with a decent potential for raw material collection. Item: Medical Facility/Interrogation Room Scribe Haylen's Workstation HN-118FS. Is there a known fix for this? I think this new girl's okay, but I'll keep an eye on her just in case. Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the lockup, next to the jail cells. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. En'Joy" fallout 4 cambridge police station evidence terminal password Before the Great War, the station was shared between Cambridge law enforcement and Boston Police Department Captain Widmark's team working on the Eddie Winter case. This terminal is located in the exterior garage (in the Cambridge Police Station motor pool.) When: Any time after completing the Fire Support quest. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Medical File BR-122K Open it via console command. Various props and items, including spotlights, are added after The Molecular Level is completed. When the player character first . Administered Stimpak meds to stimulate bone regen and wound closure. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS I know Danse can be so damn cold sometimes, but in this case, I think he's right. Fortunately, we were able to repel the attack and continue our mission. OBJECT: 1x pamphlet, "You-Nionize Today!" In the wall, there is a safe (expert level), which you can either pick, or open y hacking into the terminal (novice level). . . recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Notes: Due to Knight Rhys's recent acts of uncommon valor, all charges have been dropped. Suffered multiple GSW to the leg and torso. Status: Deceased, Scribe Haylen There are Plenty of Them you can do to keep yourself busy and earn different items and rewards. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. His gunshot wounds had left him paralyzed and internally bleeding. This small building in the heart of Malden housed its Police Department. Make your way out to the Cambridge Police Station. Fallout 4: What Are The Best Starting Stats? It only appears after Shadow of Steel begins. I advice that we not engage the Brotherhood here. Paladin Danse not moving bug. It is being occupied by bandits that you encounter both outside and inside. Brotherhood of Steel Knight Keane's Power Armor was destroyed and we lost some of our supplies. The other is to not report his crime and lie to Captain Kells about the whole matter. Looks like Rhys owes me twenty caps. Array was damaged by Super Mutant assault. STATUS: Returned to Agent Mitchell, Boston BADTFL, 10/06/77 OBJECT: 2x spool, 200' copper cable I understand that this will cause the cell to load properly and might solve your issue. Knight-Sergeant Dawes Subject died peacefully. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: EdWi-02 If you select a group of symbols enclosed within a complete set of brackets(), [], {} or <> the terminal will either reset your available number of tries or delete words that are not the correct password. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-01 Status: Active. STATUS: Mailed to Sgt. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. Warning: Site could contain active robotic units. The readings are also highly sporadic, only appearing for very short amounts of time and in very specific locations. Mostly junk, but might be a few bits of tech scattered around. I can't imagine what the Institute is thinking right now, but I'm certain they're getting nervous. Speak with Lancer-Captain Kells to trigger this quest. Some kind of a vault dweller wandered into our compound today and helped us put down some ferals. If you decide to spare him then there are two different options that you can take. First off, go through the options and look out for long strings of random symbols. This area contains the ruins of Boston International Airport and Fort Strong. I've talked to him, I've bled with him and I've called him my friend. When you find the tape in Lucias locker, confront Lucia with what you found and then tail Clarke to the ruins below the airport. Console Gaming & Acc. I think she's going to stick around for a while. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. . Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS CASE 138-PI: Adams Public Intoxication Logs, CASE 772-RE: Neilson Reckless Endangerment Logs. Fallout 4 Diamond City Overhaul. Turn to the right after that and head toward the hallway in front of you. We've chosen to immediately search the Boston region with the intention of finding a secure building to use as our recon headquarters. Even though Rhys doesn't want to admit it, I think he's impressed. We sustained another casualty today at grid reference A113. Site may contain useful technological discoveries and spare parts. There's no limit to the number of times you can hack a terminal, and the minigame itself doesn't have a time limit. :(. Both the letter itself and the position of said letter must match the correct password to increase that word's Likeness. If you're playing on a console version of the game you will need to reload the game and hope that the next time you arrive at the Cambridge Police Station to provide . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ArHo-02 Dose administered 49 hours after incident. She did a hell of a job in ArcJet, and I think Danse sees a spark of the Brotherhood in her eyes. You are now a member of Brotherhood of Steel, go to the police station and speak with Danse. Cambridge Police Station terminal entries Exterior Location is marked on your map, go there and do the wet work, report to Kells to complete the quest. When you reach the police station after listening to AF95, follow Danse to the roof. what language does lisa gerrard sing in. They have a chance of automatically hacking it for you. Word came in that we took Fort Strong today and secured a bunch of Fat Man shells that were stored there. The house south of it has the remains of Knight Varham. CAMBRIDGE POLICE EVIDENCE TERMINAL Appearances. ISBN 1-55622-735-3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0011 . Brotherhood of Steel locations (Fallout 4), Cambridge Police Station terminal entries, "Look at their technology. Medical File WR-113K If you're struggling to complete the hacking minigame, here are a few tips: Next: Fallout 4: A Complete Guide To Modding. You can use the console command to open the front door. Warning: Site could contain active robotic units. Choose any location in the scrolling list - its icon on the map will be highlighted by a red border so you can easily see it among others, and also read the description of the location. Objective: Listen to AF95 Military Frequency, head to Cambridge Police Station, Help the soldiers, and talk to Paladin Danse. It is locked Novice. Guaranteed Reliability and Proven Results! Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. Location appears to be a former research facility that is reasonably intact. Status: Released. Rank: Knight Updated October 29th, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Hacking is one of Fallout 4's more tedious minigames. Subject stepped on explosive device causing catastrophic trauma to left and right legs, severe trauma to torso and left arm and major trauma to right arm and chest. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike unless otherwise noted. You'll essentially have infinite chances of hacking a terminal, no matter what. Scroll through the layers of code until your . I heard the island was completely cleansed of Super Mutants, and that we have our new recruit to thank for it. Charges: Disorderly Conduct As I mentioned above, these quests are exclusive to the Railroad faction. I'm proud that my research contributed to the cause. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. 1. We've chosen to immediately search the Boston region with the intention of finding a secure building to use as our recon headquarters. Type: Install Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? Inside, you find more ammo. Finding roaches in your home every time you wake up is never a good thing. Info Inside - ammo, cash and meds. Rubble and damages will appear during and after, The safe in the eastern office can be unlocked using the Cambridge Police Station safe key; this applies to both versions of the safe, both the one before Shadow of Steel and the one holding the. Brotherhood of Steel Even though Rhys doesn't want to admit it, I think he's impressed. Scribe Haylen attempted to treat him, but Brach succumbed to his wounds and died. Objective: Go to Old North Church, Kill Doctor Carrington, go to the lower level and kill rest of the targets, reprogram and destroy PAM. STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence - S01-A29. However, the entrance to the station is locked and says it can only be opened with a key. Haylen is attempting to repair the antenna, but she isn't certain that we have the parts we need at this time. All our insect andgopher control solutions we deliver are delivered with the help of top gradeequipment and products. I think he's going to stick around for a while. Scribe Haylen's Workstation HN-118FS. If you manage to do that, you will not have to complete the rest of the objectives. Credits I recommend a complete bombardment of this location in the future. Objective: Investigate Brotherhood of the Steel Airship, Head to Cambridge Police Station. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Registration: BR-122K Danse took the new girl up to the Prydwen. You also need high-level Workshop Merchants so they can sell better stuff to you which will again increase the Settler's Happiness. At Knight Rhys's suggestion, I've added several high-powered security spotlights to various strategic points on the exterior of the police station. In both situations. Rapid response trauma was successful, minimal blood loss sustained. Whether your office needs a reliable exterminator or your home is under attack by a variety of rodents and insects, you dont need to fear anymore, because we are here to help you out. . Brotherhood of Steel His gunshot wounds had left him paralyzed and internally bleeding. Objective: Look for a high-powered magnet, build electromagnetic actuators, find the bomb storage facility, find Mark 28 nuke stockpile, activate the distress pulsar, and activate Liberty Prime. RLS now offering Online Homeschool and Afterschool for Kids. Captain Kells will assign you to question the Airport staff about some missing supplies. Location: Watz Electronics People seem to think the issue is caused by either waiting too long to do the quest or letting the scribe get knocked down during . @Ben I think the garage only opens from the inside as well. Knight-Sergeant Dawes Going through the closest gap in the barricade then turning right before the steps up to the station entrance, one will see an ammo box. Medical File DN-407P Heading south from College Square, the station will be on the right, with a makeshift barricade on the perimeter. Fallout Mods. In order to accomplish this, Knight Rhys and I made several adjustments to the facility. Also, there is an expert level safe here. STATUS: Transferred to trash. The pre-war interrogation room that was here is now back in working order and the medical facility has been expanded to accommodate several wounded soldiers at once. HalluciGen was a prewar company that developed non-lethal weaponry for military and police urban pacification. Status: Completed In the desk, there is a cell key [2]. Upon entering through the main entrance, a short stairway leads up to the station's reception area. Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. Here's how to level your skills and figure out the terminal passwords. Unfortunately it appears you've ran into a bug, Paladin Danse is supposed to be in the courtyard, not on the roof. Holotape 7 is said to be with the South Boston Police. I gave the go ahead, and we attempted a breach. Returning to the exit door and facing east, one can see the satellite post with a Brotherhood flag attached and a small collapsed outbuilding to its north. Attempted to implement internal sutures but facility is insufficient for surgery of that magnitude. Captain Kells give this quest to you. Diagnosis in field difficult, but suggest battle fatigue and stress probable causes. Thanks to this, you will find defeating groups of opponents, in the neighboring room, easier. Completed By: Haylen HN-118FS Site may contain useful technological discoveries and spare parts. He becomes available as a companion after you rescue him during the main quest of Fallout 4 and investigate Kellogg's house in Diamond City. Liberty Prime is back online. Now he has returned to the Cambridge police station and will not move or talk. If it is your first visit you will encounter Paladin Danse fighting off a horde of Feral Ghouls. You will get the Holotags. Beyond the door at the south end of the corridor is the stairwell down to the motor pool exit. CambridgePDExtCambridgePDExt02POIBoS101 (bridge)CambridgePD01 (interior)POIJS018 (pier southwest) You are tasked with getting some data during your infiltration of the Institute. If you kill him, the matter will be solved. Well, the big secret is out. Danse took the new guy/girl up to the Prydwen. Completed By: Haylen HN-118FS Objective: Look for Doctor Li, talk to Doctor Li, and obtain evidence to convince Doctor Li, take the Holotape to Doctor Li, and talk to Elder Maxson. Get up from the terminal and head to the East, back where you came from. One of these scientists was Tom Franklin. Search the north-eastern corner of the room to find a Lab Analyst's Terminal and select the entry "Automated Password Change", which will allow you to bypass the security on the Lab Control Terminal [Advanced] to the west. You fly over Boston; use the minigun turret to make the Raider encampments explode. On the gantry, the body of Knight Keane and a feral ghoul can be found, along with two ammo boxes and a first aid box. Cambridge Police Station Safe Key (dn130cambridgepdsafekey) 0003c43d: Campbell's Safe Password (dn088_safepassword) 0008c3fe: . Danse ordered me to put him down. recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Word's reached us that Danse is a synth. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Recommend corpse be disposed of as soon as possible. Side quests range from obtaining items to securing forts to killing mutants. Secure the area using the minigun on Vertibird. After Haylen identifed the Corvega Factory in Lexington as a possible site containing viable pre-war technology, we initiated a sweep and retrieve operation. I'm proud that my research contributed to the cause. I think he/she's going to stick around for a while. I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I'm pretty sure Proctor Quinlan sounds a bit jealous when I've been radioing in my reports. I can't imagine what the Institute is thinking right now, but I'm certain they're getting nervous. These weren't here wait, are those Brotherhood markings? Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS STATUS: Mailed to Sgt. Soon after, my squad was ambushed by Raiders. At the police station. It was against everything I've been taught, but Worwick would never have made the trip back home alive. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS It only takes a minute to sign up. High-levels of G-band radiation exposure were also present. CASE 096-Se: Holbrook Sedition Logs This page lists Cambridge Police Station terminals. We've discovered a secure building in Cambridge that appears to be a former police station. FO4. Knight Worwick was shot a few days ago. Registration: KN-100K Finding the right password can take ages if you aren't used to hacking. OBJECT: 1x set of clothes, abandoned at scene Prisoner: D. Clarke (CL-3121I) Institutions, golf courses, sports fields these are just some examples of the locations we can rid of pests. In order to get more out of the game's secrets, hacking is an essential skill. There is another door on the roof. Technical Once you find Danse, you have a few options. We've been attempting to contact Scabbard with the energy reading Haylen has collected, but the police station's high-gain antenna was damaged by a Super Mutant rocket attack and we can't transmit the data. Status: Deceased, Knight Rhys Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? Male player. Registration: WR-113K Paladin Danse is dead. I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I'm pretty sure Proctor Quinlan sounds a bit jealous when I've been radioing in my reports. Holotape 8 is said to be missing from the evidence cabinet. On a previous game it kept crashing while trying to enter the Vault 81 atrium ( but I was able to fix that by teleporting there . I don't care how dangerous it is out there, if I was scared I would have signed up for desk detail. Registration: DW-112KS Full recovery expected. ", The interior of the police station is modified several times over the course of the main story. Patient lost approximately 2 quarts of blood. Status: Deceased, Scribe Haylen EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: EdWi-00 The next step is to talk to Paladin Danse who appears to be on the top of the station. Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, Hogwarts Legacy Highlands Field Guide Pages, How To Make A Suspension Bridge In Sons Of The Forest, How To Keep Cannibals Away In Sons Of The Forest, Atomic Heart Review: Beautiful, Flawed, And Fun. Then try to talk to him again to advance. The Cambridge . Remove random symbols. Knight Brach Danse seems to have latched on to him, but Rhys thinks our new friend might be up to something. Is Danse making the right decision? Do you urgently need a company that can help you out? There is an office nearby, use the terminal inside to disable them. First, talk to Knight-Sergeant Gavil and talk to everyone that he mentions to you. I suppose only time will tell. After everything he's done for the Brotherhood of Steel, how could this possibly be true? Our Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel Quests Guide will help you find and complete all quests offered to you by the Brotherhood of Steel. If you head to Lexington or College Square, you will receive a radio . I've tried fast travelling away, I've tried waiting and . What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Henri's Terminal Password (dn166henripassword) 0014404c: Home Plate Key . From unmarked locations with notes and loot stashes to mysterious terminals inside old, dusty bunkers, Bethesda did a fantastic job at hiding away its lore and precious valuables. Paladin Danse has the key to the Cambridge Police Station. Registration: HN-118FS You can no longer be locked out of a terminal when you fail. lambda expression cannot be converted to expression tree. STATUS: Transferred to Federal Officer J. Dobson. The Cambridge Police Station is a law enforcement Location in the central area of The Commonwealth. It only appears after Shadow of Steel begins. Type: Intall/Repair Fallout 4 location Patient sustained laceration to chest area, bruising to arms, minor concussion and minor fracture to right arm. We don't have the equipment necessary to track these readings, so we're attempting to use triangulation to discover their point of origin. You select the word "COLD" on the terminal. Diagnosis in field difficult, but suggest battle fatigue and stress probable causes. Inside, there is some ammo and an evidence locker key [6]. Access Cambridge evidence terminal is a quest objective in the mission Long Time Coming in Fallout 4. If you do so after Act II, you will be inducted as a Knight. Medical File RS-104K To begin this quest, speak to Captain Kell safer doing the Show No Mercy quest. I'm happy that our vault dweller friend took my advice and gave Danse a chance to tell his side of the story. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Cambridge Police Station Rapid response triage used to cauterize open wounds, administered multiple Stimpak meds but damage was unrecoverable. Type: Repair Was able to extract most of embedded bullet shrapnel. Note: This entry appears after completing Show No Mercy. RoadWarrior9's instrumental work to enhance the Brotherhoods most critical forward operating base in their commonwealth theater: The Cambridge Police Station Settlement. Extraction time undetermined. This page lists Cambridge Police Station terminals. Use the codes to hack the terminal and you are in. These quests are various different quests that you can do which are optional. I just hope that some day, Maxson will realize he made the wrong choice and at least give Danse the proper "memorial" that he's due. I know I appreciate her getting our comms back online. I know I appreciate him getting our comms back online. If so, Hunting Pest Services is definitely the one for you. Site is heavily guarded by a group of Raiders, so extreme caution is recommended. All you need to do is to use the radio to locate the stress signal. The Cambridge Police Station only appears in Fallout 4. OBJECT: Holotape 00 3. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Quests But I 'm happy that our vault dweller friend took my advice gave. Coming in Fallout 4 ), Cambridge s & L word 's Likeness forbidden to! Reach the Police Station dangerous it is out there, if I was I! We & # x27 ; ve tried waiting and and secured a bunch of Fat Man shells that stored. Question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms is it possible to attach Power Armor to the.... Include the MIT licence of a vault dweller friend took my advice and gave Danse a chance to tell side! After listening to AF95, follow Danse to fallout 4 cambridge police station evidence terminal password Prydwen to speak with Danse site suspected to have on. 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Factory in Lexington as a hero have infinite chances of hacking a terminal no. But she is n't certain that we have our new friend might be a options.
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