Henry Singleton, Beverly Hills CA, 1,200,000 acres, 2. One bill would By JO LUTZ The adobe wing opens onto the Spanish Room (opening image seen at top). The owners home is a new, 3-bedroom, 2-bath manufactured home, with a 30 ft. x 12 ft. wrap-around porch providing nice views of the sunrise each morning. William P. Barrett is the Special Projects Editor of Crosswinds. These ranchers are descendants of the Kohn family who established the original mercantile and ranching operation, headquartering at Montoya, N.M., in 1902. on land that maintains the borders of its 1832 land grant by the Republic of Mexico, under the ownership of Silver Spur Ranches, Steward of the Southwest: The Bell Ranchs Albert K. Mitchell, Once included in the largest land grant in history, Cowboy Community Rallies for Singleton Ranch Kiddo. But the U.S. Senate refused to ratify a provision that would have vested grantees merely in the process. Thatcher of Pueblo, CO, as a subsidiary operation to the Bloom Land and Cattle Company. An article published nationally in 1885, ``Land Stealing in New Mexico,'' caused a sensation. Other useful sources included the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and the New Mexico State Library and the State Corporation Commission, both in Santa Fe. He now owns upwards of 1.2 million acres of New Mexico, at least 50,000 acres more than Turner. We won't try to detail the tortured overall history of land ownership in New Mexico, except to note a few basic facts. this region. As part of our research, we talked with county tax assessors, appraisers and other land experts. Set on 120,000 acres in the arid lands of northeastern New Mexico, Diamond A Ranch is a working sheep ranch with a long history and a series of owners who each added to its expansive plan. Whittenburg III, Dallas TX and Amarillo TX, 85,000 acres, 17. The Diamond A currently runs a remuda of 75 working saddle horses, 30 broodmares, 3 stallions, and 35 young geldings and fillies. Lane family, Solano NM, Lake Forest IL, elsewhere, 290,000 acres, 5. 36 to 40. The Ranch lies at 5100' elevation, just west of the Continental Divide in southwest New Mexico. In 1997, a district judge ordered Hadley to remove the padlock he put on a cattle gate on County Road 2 near Cloverdale. In 1916, Joe Lane established the 9 Ranch, headquarters for his far-flung operations in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Prescott, Ariz. The Diamond A Ranch, near Roswell, New Mexico, is a historic ranch. At Mondays Silver Consolidated Schools Board of Education By JUNO OGLE National or out-of-state publications include Forbes, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Muncie Star-Press. Raton, N.M. Temperatures stretch from subzero cold in the high canyons to a low broil on the summer flats. The Diamond A Cattle Company collection contains business records of Diamond A Cattle Company ranching operations. The owner reports both water quantity and quality is good. My adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit has guided me to work in many places like the WYO Quarter Horse Ranch in Thermopolis, Wyoming, a working cattle ranch in Seligman, Arizona, and many places in between. The 40 families or individuals on our list own a total of 5.5 million acres of New Mexico. Ted Turner: 2 million acres in New Mexico, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Georgia. Originally part of the VVV ranch which operates many ranches in northern AZ and once ran 30,000 cows and 1,500 horses, also known as the Boquillas ranch it was purchased by the Navajo Nation in 1987 in which they still own today. The horses and cowboys of the Diamond A are part of an old cowboy tradition that continues to live on throughout the southwest and with a strong dedication to people, cattle, and horses the Diamond A strives to continue as a leader in the industry. Part of his legend, in fact, seems to be that he owns more land that any other individual in this state. Now called the Diamond A Ranch and operated by Seth Hadley, a descendant of Anheuser-Busch founder Adolphus Busch, the large holding that straddles the New Mexico-Arizona border has been. Elevations on the approximately 272 square miles of the ranch range from 6,000 feet along the Gila River's East Fork to Diamond Peak at 10,000 feet. At that time, The Bloom Land and Cattle Company acquired the Diamond A Ranch in Chaves County, New Mexico and the Circle Diamond Ranch in Lincoln County, N.M., combining the two ranches into a large cattle and sheep ranching outfit called the Diamond A Cattle Company. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property. . Tucumcari, N.M. In addition to an outstanding cattle and recreational ranch, the Diamond A offers the perfect get-away retreat, with a new, 2,000 sq. Juliet Casey, Daniel J. Chacon, Nick Kryloff, Dan McCay, Susan Montoya and Martin Salazar are Special Projects Reporters for Crosswinds. This month Barrett rejoins Forbes magazine as an associate editor. One of three ranches making up the 134,000-acre Campwood Cattle Company, founded in the early 1970s by W.A. It is open concept, with a separate dining area and a stone fireplace in the living room. For more than a decade Singleton has been quietly buying far smaller ranches between Santa Fe and Roswell--but a whole lot of them. Southwestern ranchers are hardy people. The ranch is nicely improved with a new owners home, fencing, cattle guards and dirt tanks. With 640 acres to a square mile, our minimum is about 55 square miles -- roughly a square 7 1/2 miles along each side. The Southern boundary fence, comprising only approximately 2/3 mile, is older fence but is suitable and being used in the livestock operation. We worked with Peter Pennoyer to restore the paneling and added the plaster friezes and ceiling to complement the style of the paneling and give the room more classical proportions. 2021 Chas S Middleton and Son. The ranch is comprised of 1,579.94 acres and boasts excellent cattle grazing, an outstanding wildlife habitat and wide-open scenic views. These documents include warranty deeds between the Bloom Land and Cattle Corporation and Burton C. Mossman and a small map of their land holdings. Beyond re-ride stories and stories passed down from the generations, we were able to snag some time with Ranch Manager and Cattle Operations Owner, Rick Kieckhefer, who let us in on some of the details of the Diamond A Ranch. Spires family, Cliff NM, Ruidoso NM, Snyder TX, 40,000 acres, 38. Diamond A Cattle Company | Seligman AZ Global sites represent either regional branches of The Nature Conservancy or local affiliates of The Nature Conservancy that are separate entities. Jay Taylor family, Albuquerque NM, Amarillo TX, 60,000 acres, 21. Consisting of 725,000 acres spanning 75 miles from north to south. The Diamond A still continues with the theme of a spring/fall works wagon. Were friendly with them but its been an ongoing battle.. CNN founder Ted Turner owns 2 million acres of land largely in New Mexico, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Georgia. Architect Peter Pennoyer added extensions to this historic ranch house and adobe buildings to create a cohesive compound of a series of courtyards. Kryloff and Barrett last wrote for, in October when they and Ray Langley co-authored. Following the Coronado Expedition of 1540, cattle ranching took hold in the Southwest in the 1600s, providing the region with more than 300 years of ranching history and traditions. What can people expect when they get a horse from the ranch? There are a total of 10 submersible and solar wells on the property, with 5 wells being newly installed. The Nature Conservancy is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 53-0242652) under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. He usually gets his way.. Diamond A Ranch Seligman, Ariz. All home furnishings are included in this offering, including living room and bedroom furniture, and all televisions and appliances. That honor falls to Henry Singleton, a corporate executive from Beverly Hills CA. Parks Creek is a seasonal creek that traverses the ranch from North to South for almost 3 miles and contains a variety of vegetation and cover. The RO lies northwest of Prescott, consisting of 257,000 acres, acquired in 1936 by the Greene Cattle Company. But you have to give New Mexico ranch operators considerable credit for perseverance. https://nmarchives.unm.edu/repositories/22/resources/1563 Accessed March 01, 2023. Floyd W. Lee worked for the 300,000-acre Fernandez Ranch from the end of WWI, until purchasing it around 1939. CNN founder Ted Turner, 4. logging industry Reed Family, 5 . An early-19th-century American tester bed in the attic bedroom is dressed with green linen bed hangings lined with stripes. The chandelier is an English Victorian gasolier by S. & C. Osler. Access to the ranch is provided by State Highway 291 and County Road 22 on the West side, and County Road 23 and B on the North. The Diamond A Ranch offers some of the best hunting in the Texas Panhandle with both whitetail and mule deer found on the ranch. Set on 120,000 acres in the arid lands of northeastern New Mexico, Diamond A Ranch is a working sheep ranch with a long history and a series of owners who each added to its expansive plan. The rest of the room is arranged with antique quilts, hooked rugs, and a wing chair. The 81,000-acre San Cristobal is the flagship of the 1.2-million-acre accumulation of ranches across New Mexico owned by the Singleton Trust. Lamy, N.M. Other useful sources included the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and the New Mexico State Library and the State Corporation Commission, both in Santa Fe. We don't know of anyone today with 2 million acres of New Mexico, although oilman Robert O. Anderson, now of Roswell, may have been in that league until his fortune collapsed a few years ago. If you think the O Brother Where Out Thou soundtrack is pure gold and Our partners CKP Insurance play a huge role in giving back to the communities Bar MC Media was founded in 2018 by an equal partnership between Meagan McElya Do you have extra sports gear in your garage or closets that you dont CKP Insurance Sponsors the First Annual Great Basin Bull Sale, Earnhardt, ABC15 co-sponsor 2nd Chance Sports Drive for Boys & Girls Clubs, Lone River Ranch Water has Officially Landed in Arizona, Looking to Getaway? Butler heirs, Massachusetts, elsewhere, 95,000 acres, 15. The initiatives look promising on paper. Believe or not, evaluating large landholdings is almost as much art as science. The Diamond A is located in Northern Donley County, just to the South of the community of Alanreed, Texas. We are pleased to have obtained an exclusive listing on the Diamond A Ranch. In that time, rangelands were destroyed and recovered, giving deep roots to the regions culture of stewardship. The operations have also moved into the beef business with GourmetBeef.com providing consumers with Diamond A/K4 Ranch, single-sourced, local, hormone-free, and USDA graded Prime/Choice beef that is available at many local retail partners and online at GourmetBeef.com. Description The Diamond A Ranch is a 500-square-mile gem nestled in the boot heel of New Mexico. The Santa Fe New Mexican The Ranch consist of 49,351+ acres of State Lease and 185+ deeded acres. To our knowledge, such a project concentrating exclusively on New Mexico never before has been published. Looking forward to hearing from you! Rancher Seth Hadley, whose family owns the sprawling Diamond A Ranch, has agreed to construct a road on the northern side of the ranch to the national forest boundary. For this 100,000 acre ranch in New Mexicos high mountains, Quennell Rothschild & Partners carefully augmented the existing vegetation and mature trees to create outdoor spaces that accentuate views of the nearby hills, the Hondo River and surrounding apple orchards. The company was created in 1885 by Frank G. Bloom of Trinidad, Colorado, and M.D. It is an integrated operation, raising quality cattle and top-performing horses. Once included in the largest land grant in history (the 1,714,765-acre Maxwell Land Grant), this semi-arid ranchland contributes greatly to the production of Express Ranches 6,000 registered Angus, Limousin, and Lim-Flex cattle. The 1,200-cow outfit is an exemplar of the Western tradition. The Diamond A Cattle Company was a nationally-known ranching outfit based in New Mexico and Colorado between 1885 and 1939. You can experience one of the Diamond A ranch horses by participating in their upcoming Legacy Ranch Horse Sale on September 18th. That's a lot of land. The horses that the ranch offers for sale at the Legacy Ranch Horse Sale (in partnership with Cholla Livestock) are really broke, solid ranch horses that can continue to be ranch horses or end up in some of the highest levels of performance horses competitions in the country. The room features a bronze sculpture of two cowboys shaking hands as a gesture of hospitality in a room intended for entertaining large groups of guests. | Floyd Blackburn, Dumas TX, 35,000 acres, 40. By 1977, much of the Diamond A land in New Mexico was owned by Robert O. Anderson, Arco oil tycoon. By thirty The landscape of the ranch is comprised of mostly rolling native grassland, accentuated with broken draws and valleys, and Parks Creek on the eastern side. The Flying W Diamond Ranch, Inc. is a privately owned, working cattle ranch in Southern New Mexico. Now in their eighth decade of ownership, the Brophy family operates the 28,000 acres that comprise Arizonas largest contiguous private land parcel. Senator and a county on the Arizona border is named for him--partly due to his uncanny ability to defend old land claims, often in exchange for a piece of the action. $5,900,000.00. A portion of the ranch less than one acre in size, including two contributing buildings dating from the late 1880s or early 1890s, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988. | Visit ArchivesSpace.org Recently, architect Peter Pennoyer, working with its new owner, was able to bridge the disparate parts together, adding a commodious dining room, leather-paneled bar, and handsome courtyards. As you would expect, all of these holdings are essentially livestock ranches, cattle or sheep or horses, with some farming and other uses. There is an attractive mix of hardwood trees along the creek, including very large cottonwoods on the Southern end of the ranch. The Lucy Ranch in Torrance County New Mexico $ 5,500,000 The Lucy Ranch is located in the center of New Mexico just off HWY 60 in Torrance County. With its vast landscapes, varying terrains, and dry winds, todays ranchers learn early that, for the land to take care of them, they must take care of it first. Not every grant recipient fulfilled the specified conditions to get clear title, such as taking up residence and engaging in agriculture. Other parcels were sold to parties in Roswell, New Mexico. One big caveat: While clearly we have identified the overwhelming bulk of the largest individual and family landholdings in the state, we really can't guarantee that we have found them all. It is knowledge passed down from the preceding generations, for many of the ranching families of the Southwest have as much history as the cattle, and their operations can be traced back many decades. D.R. To be a little more specific, the west is still alive in Seligman, Arizona, home to Arizonas largest and oldest cattle operations in the state, Diamond A Ranch. Leon E. Williams, New York businessman, acquired the Wagon Mound and South Dakota ranches. The livestock pens are good quality steel pipe and guardrail construction and contain 4 pens, an alley way, load out ramp, and a concrete slab working area. The program is designed to provide insurance coverage on your pasture, rangeland, or forage acres. Lee family, San Mateo NM, 300,000 acres, 4. J.A. As the nation's fifth-largest state, New Mexico contains 121,335 square miles, or 77.7 million acres. ? He has since relocated to the Los Angeles area. $1,500,000.00. I am passionate about preserving the western way of life and working with different brands and rodeos to make that happen. Environmentalists immediately praised the ranching foundation for preserving and improving the ecosystem of the large ranch and for providing pastures for nearby droughtstricken ranches in a unique Grassbank arrangement that lets ranchers graze their cattle on the ranch in return for an agreement never to subdivide their own land. In addition to restoring the Jacobean library, PPA added a new connecting bar with studded leather panels and rebuilt the pool pavilion in the Greek Revival style. In 1870, however, Dameron sold it, along with his herd, to the brothers Jim C. and William R. Curtis in Jack County. Please enter a valid email address (formatted as name@company.com). Usually, the grants were unsurveyed and they often overlapped one another. Youve already signed up with this email address. Two double-car carports and two storage containers are located at the homesite. Read: 9 Successful Money-Making 'Schemes' That Are Actually Legal 49. Terms of Use In many ways, however, the histories are more important than the numbers. [1] [2] Graham County, Ariz. With CKP Insurance on your side, theyare dedicated to providing you with insight, information, and alternative-risk solutions that are custom-fitted to your business and personal needs. It's not surprising that only two persons on this listWilliam D. Sanders and John Yatesmade the. The company was created in 1885 by Frank G. Bloom of Trinidad, Colorado, and M.D. Until recently, it was owned by Harvey Dietrich and the Cholla Cattle Company. In 1894 The Santa Fe New Mexican reported he owned about 2 million acres and was part-owner or lawyer for owners of another 4 million acres. Turner's land is utilized by greater than 50,000 head of buffalo for grazing - the biggest non-public herd of bison on the earth. About the MRDS Data: All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. All those moves, ranchers say, are slowly changing the way of life in the Bootheel as areas long visited by hunters, ranchers and originally by homesteaders are being shut out. Ranches For Sale: 20 Head - Rainbird Ranch - Ash Creek AZ. The Diamond A ranch is the largest cattle ranch in AZ. Since 1886, Babbit Ranches has been guided by cowboy values, now outline in the ranchs Constitution. Part of his legend, in fact, seems to be that he owns more land that any other individual in this state. One well is dedicated to the home, and a separate well is utilized for the sprinkler system, which has been installed surrounding the home and also at the front entrance gate. Contents1 Who owns the largest ranch in New Mexico?2 How big is the [] Historically, houses in New Mexico were furnished with a combination of locally made furniture, often in the Hispanic tradition, decorative arts from Europe and Asia and, after the establishment of railroads to the eastern United States, furniture manufactured there. A Diamond A Ranch spokeswoman declined to comment for this story. From the guide to the Diamond A Cattle Company Records, 1878-1956, (University of New Mexico. provide an honest assessment and discourage you from purchasing unnecessary coverage. U.S. National Register of Historic Places, "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Diamond A Ranch", property in New Mexico on the National Register of Historic Places, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diamond_A_Ranch_(Roswell,_New_Mexico)&oldid=1009889267, This page was last edited on 2 March 2021, at 20:10. Caprock, N.M. You can see what theyve been able to accomplish with the Navajo Nation here. The 9 continues under third- and fourth-generation ownership, exemplifying the ranching heritage and tradition. The Hadley family, heirs of the Anheuser-Busch beer company fortune, own 260,000 acres, including the massive Diamond A Ranch, which makes up a substantial part of New Mexico's southwestern tip. Herbert Bayer, an abstract artist and architect who was one of Walter Gropiuss favorite students at the Bauhaus, designed the ranchs territorial-style main building in 1964 for New Mexico oilman and art collector Robert O. Anderson. Moreover, a full 30% of our list live outside New Mexico, where, perhaps, capital is easier to come by. This article about a property in New Mexico on the National Register of Historic Places is a stub. Michael Mechenbier, Albuquerque NM, 135,000 acres, 9. This program is designed to give you the ability to buy insurance protection for losses of forage produced for grazing or harvested for hay, which result in increased costs for feed, destocking, depopulating, or other actions. As the founder of Cable News Network and now vice chairman of Time Warner, Ted Turner is famous, even legendary. The property also contains over 200 acres of land that was previously farm ground that has since been planted to improved grasses to enhance grazing capacity. Huning family, Los Lunas NM, 160,000 acres, 8. Elgin, Ariz. Frank Chappell, Waterford CT, 40,000 acres, 34. Thatcher of Pueblo, CO, as a subsidiary operation to the Bloom Land and Cattle Company. The walls are also adobe here, with old-fashioned printed chintz curtains and silk velvet sofas for contrast. Kryloff and Barrett last wrote for Crosswinds in October when they and Ray Langley co-authored The Crosswinds 25, a list of the state's richest persons. | v2.8.1 The ranch is comprised of 1,579.94 acres and boasts excellent cattle grazing, an outstanding wildlife habitat and wide-open scenic views. Dietricha veritable cattle-industry iconpassed away at the age of 84 after contracting COVID-19 in 2020. Staff Interface Indian rights were not always considered. The company was created in 1885 by Frank G. Bloom of Trinidad, Colorado, and M.D. The program is very affordable because the government subsidizes 51%-59% of the premium. Dove, turkey, coyote and bobcats are also seen on the ranch. In addition, there are 5 dirt tanks constructed on the ranch, and 4 constant level ponds fed by well water. Historically, vast chunks of land were granted to private citizens as either a reward for services rendered, a payoff for political support or as a means by which a government solidified its influence over a region. In 1894. reported he owned about 2 million acres and was part-owner or lawyer for owners of another 4 million acres. No adjusters needed. They said the proposed outpost on Diamond A land made the most strategic sense in battling Mexican cartel traffickers who routinely travel through nearby mountains with carpet stuck to the bottoms of their shoes to hide their tracks. Permission is required for publication or distribution. The Animas Foundation is an organization dedicated to protecting the natural values of the Diamond A Ranch while maintaining the cultural and economic heritage of the bootheel country. Our decoration complemented these original features with an appropriate variety of antiques, including a French day bed, Empire mirror, and a side chairthat was made in New Mexico. STAG RANCH Stag Ranch is a 1,000 head cattle ranch located in Elko Co. Nevada. The west is still very much alive in Arizona! Thatcher of Pueblo, CO, as a subsidiary operation to the Bloom Land and Cattle Company. But among the canyons of the Peloncillo Mountains and the serenity of the pinon-juniper woods of the Animas Mountains, Hadley and neighboring area ranchers are locked in an ongoing dispute over traditional ranch land usages and access to public lands and country roads. Mobile Terms & Conditions a reorganized Diamond A Cattle Company, that owned several ranches including the nominated properties. The ranch raises. Electricity is available at multiple locations throughout the ranch. A large and stylistically diverse compound, the ranch included a territorial style main house and cottage, an adobe building that had once served as a way station, an indoor pool, a modernist chapel designed by Herbert Bayer and a freestanding structure housing storage as well as a Jacobean library with historic paneling and mantel, none of which were tied together in coherently. San Mateo, N.M. A Cowboy Tribute Steward of the Southwest: The Bell Ranchs Albert K. Mitchell. magazine as an associate editor. The bloodlines of the ranch are mostly from cow and ranch horse stock and include Tanquery Gin, Doc OLena, Colonel Freckles, Peppy San Badger, Bueno Chex, Driftwood, Zan Parr Bar, PlayGun, Easy Jet, and Doc Tom Tucker. The symbols were used by the Diamond A Cattle Company which once ran a large cattle and sheep ranching outfit in the area from 1885 to 1939. Water, although used sparingly in this dry landscape, has a pervasive dramatic impact throughout the design. Mike & Deborah Smith, Pampa TX, 40,000 acres, 32. Border Patrol officials have called the unforgiving terrain. Mesquite and sage are scattered throughout the property, with areas of shin oak on the southern portion of the ranch providing cover and browse for whitetail and mule deer. Government subsidizes 51 % -59 % of our research, we talked County. Is almost as much art as science summer flats Smith, Pampa TX, 60,000,! The property, with a New owners home, fencing, Cattle guards and dirt tanks Elko Co..... Mike & Deborah Smith, Pampa TX, 40,000 acres, 40 his legend, fact! Mile, is older fence but is suitable and being used in the early by! Hunting in the living room acquired the wagon Mound and South Dakota, Nebraska, and M.D acres! Integrated operation, raising quality Cattle and top-performing horses businessman, acquired the wagon Mound and South Dakota,,! The nominated properties time, rangelands were destroyed and recovered, giving deep roots to the a. 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