The day Bernardo turned 15, for example, he was serenaded with Happy Birthday by Nobel Laureate David Baltimore and about 30 other prominent scientists. As recently as late 2020 early 2021, on information and belief, Sabatini spent () WebJessica Spinelli is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member David Sabatinis lab studying how mitochondria function in low oxygen environments. When they encounter difficult problems, they each respond the same way: They invent their way to a solution. If she ran out, she would lose his support and gain hisongoing ire. She viewed these and other comments as part of a toxic culture, Just as Bar-Sagi supports Schlessinger and Levine. At a time when her He ultimately said that he was so aroused that she either needed to submit or get out.[X] felt trapped. For instance, Sabatini asked women in his lab to pick up a visiting post-doc The article is interesting but not detailed enough to comment properly. I assembled two examples in this article. communicated about this fact and she noted that she would miss his talk. Sabatini, the court must know, has been busy curing cancer and diabetes , while his mTOR research also has implications for obesity, aging, and neurological disease. Scientific results are kicked to the curb, people treated as objects, etc. Both Levine and the participating student were intoxicated, the sources say, and she is said to have told university officials that the encounter was consensual. Timothy R. Peterson, Mathieu Laplante, Carson C. Thoreen, Yasemin Sancak, Seong A. Kang , W. Michael Kuehl, Nathanael S. Gray, David M. Sabatini DEPTOR is an mTOR inhibitor frequently overexpressed in multiple myeloma cells and required for their survival Cell (2009) doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.03.046, One of the most creative and unique scientists I have ever had in my lab, @timrpeterson, is moderating this discussion tomorrow. Luckily, research fraudsters often take other liberties. days. First of all, X may have had her own research grants to start her own lab, but Sabatini was her host and her boss, even listed officially on Xs fellowship grants as her mentor. [], The fear of retribution was real: Sabatini made sure members of his Labunderstood that he would remain in place, telling them that he had spoken with senior faculty at MIT and members of Whiteheads Board of Directors claiming that they had told him that whatever the findings he would remain in place. fellow aside and asked her to choose between two male postdoctoral fellows for sex. As documents setting out communications and reactions within the lab as they occurred in real-time confirm, the Sabatini Lab was a highly sexualized work environment where Sabatini himself set the tone. It is the man who had outlined the relationship he sought with her as one where he could have casual sex[] without responsibility.1 And it is the man who had made it clear throughout her training and employment with the Whitehead that he would ruin anyone who dared to speak against him.. The ability of a senior male professor to rally the resources to file suit and publicly shame a Whitehead Fellow/MIT junior faculty member who has complained about his conduct, particularly while an investigation is ongoing, will effectively end the ability of educational institutions to enforce Title IX and/orobligations under Chapter 151B., Dohoon Kim, Brian P. Fiske , Kivanc Birsoy , Elizaveta Freinkman , Kenjiro Kami , Richard L. Possemato , Yakov Chudnovsky , Michael E. Pacold , Walter W. Chen , Jason R. Cantor, Laura M. Shelton , Dan Y. Gui , Manjae Kwon , Shakti H. Ramkissoon , Keith L. Ligon , Seong Woo Kang , Matija Snuderl , Matthew G. Vander Heiden, David M. Sabatini SHMT2 drives glioma cell survival in ischaemia but imposes a dependence on glycine clearance Nature (2015) doi: 10.1038/nature14363. I believe that Whitehead is fiscally and administratively distinct from MIT. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you are interested to support my work, you can leave here a small tip of $5. He was, he wanted to convey, just too big to fail. Visiting Postdoc 1 was also terminated by the Whitehead as a result of the Report. I do know I was always obsessed with showing accurate and honest data (I was implicitly called out by name above, in one of the figures shown), and so were my all my friends cited above, and 100% so was David. She followed him. At some point, Sabatinis brother, a scientist at Harvard University, attendedalcohol tastings in the Sabatini Lab, where conversations quite frequently veered to the sexual. Academic Misconduct Database links to this 2006 article in Yale Daily News: Mary Beth Garceau filed a complaint last week with the U.S. District Court alleging that her supervisor, chair of pharmacology Joseph Schlessinger, made repeated lewd observations and suggestions to her, from telling jokes about penis size to showing her hard-core pornography. David Sabatini (MIT) April 5, 2022 10:29 AM EDT. When asked about his relationship with a young undergraduate woman in hisLab, Sabatini would simply double down on his bizarre defense: It was a member of his Lab, he asserted, who had engaged in sexual relations with the undergraduate and so it was she a scorned woman who had begun bogus rumors suggesting that Sabatini had acted inappropriately.This was false, and Sabatini knew it. Vdeo completo y ms informacin: Each time, Amon told her not to do anything until she could get out of Whitehead. As recently as late 2020 early 2021, on information and belief, Sabatini spentseveral hours, over time, with another young woman who had reached out about the possibility of working in his lab, although she was not a student at MITfar from his standard practice.She was excited and honored to be in conversations about science with such animportant scientific leader. David Sabatini (MIT) October 22, 2021 07:47 AM EDT. Any accused senior figure with enough cash can willy-nilly sue their critics during ongoing institutional investigation and thus achieve an acquittal because nobody will dare to talk. The Report asserted Dr. Sabatini failed to properly address the comments made by Visiting Post Doc 1, while in the same sentence conceding that Dr. Sabatini had warn[ed] him to act professionally. While she did not stand alone, as several men and women spoke to investigators about troubling conduct in the Sabatini Lab, Sabatini focuses on her. He has been stripped of his position as an American Cancer Society Research Professor, and he may lose his status as a corresponding author for several forthcoming publications., After the announcement of his termination was made, Dr. Sabatini lost an award that would have provided him with over $200,000., El #PremioFronteras en #Biomedicina es para Michael Hall y @DMSabatini por descubrir el mecanismo que regula el crecimiento celular y abre nuevas vas teraputicas contra el cncer, la diabetes y el envejecimiento Sabatini persisted in his advances and got angry as she continued to tell him whyhe should not proceed. And he looks to avoid responsibility for the retaliatory threats he has repeatedly made to members of his own lab, by arguing that he never had to make good on those threats., Do-Hyung Kim , Dos D. Sarbassov , Siraj M. Ali , Jessie E. King , Robert R. Latek , Hediye Erdjument-Bromage , Paul Tempst , David M. Sabatini mTOR interacts with raptor to form a nutrient-sensitive complex that signals to the cell growth machinery Cell (2002) doi: 10.1016/s0092-8674(02)00808-5. Superior Court/Middlesex County then search for the relevant parties. All victims and witnesses have now been warned what they can expect if they dare to speak out. The conversations occurred during one-on-one meetings that were supposed to provide her an News of his potential hiring had sparked a protest. In addition to the sexualized nature of discussions within his Lab, Sabatini also Its much easier to sack someone for a title IX violation where there is essentially no due process than it is for research misconduct where there is an over abundance of due process. And the Whitehead/MIT investigations and processes are not court proceedings. Ultimately, she felt dirtied, embarrassed and demeaned. why arent these two issues related? Thanks again, all fixed now (I hope). In an email to the NYU Grossman School of Medicine community Tuesday morning, administrators announced that the former tenured Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor The two devolved into discussions about sexual relationships in the Lab. The program he wrote is now used by labs across the world. [], After the dinner, Sabatini suggested that [X] come with him to his room tocontinue a scientific conversation they were having. So yes, the fact he lied in so many science papers is relevant to the case of sexual harassment. Without consulting Dr. Sabatini, the Whitehead and Dr. Lehmann took the position that he was not in a position to execute the responsibilities as a corresponding author because Dr. Sabatini was no longer at the Whitehead.The Whitehead and Dr. Lehmann also expressed their conviction that Dr. Sabatini should not have any direct contact with lab members.. Imperial Irishman Hugh Brady (and his Dublin leprechauns), What Elsa Flores and Tyler Jacks taught each other, Schneider Shorts 24.02.2023 - Peer-reviewed Ruscism, Losing research ethics and mental health in Daley lab, New JACS EiC Erick Carreira: "correct your work-ethic immediately", Predatory conferences and other scams of false Swedish professor Ashutosh Tiwari, Citizens For Responsible Care and Research (CIRCARE). It must have been the 12th Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, issued by the Spanish Foundation BBVA (Bank Bilbao Vizcaya). Yet he was sacked for sexual harassment. 20 years ago, Levine resigned as president of the Rockefeller University because he filled up a student with alcohol and then had sex with her. At the end of the event, Sabatini put out all of the bottles for people to finish off.Predictably, drunken and inappropriate conversation followed, with Sabatini asits cheerleader. When the young woman started in the Lab, she was greeted with advice as tohow to get Sabatinis attention and approval: She was told to play hard to get, entertain him a little then push him away. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Samantha W. Alvarez , Vladislav O. Sviderskiy , Erdem M. Terzi , Thales Papagiannakopoulos , Andre L. Moreira , Sylvia Adams , David M. Sabatini, Kvan Birsoy, Richard Possemato NFS1 undergoes positive selection in lung tumours and protects cells from ferroptosis Nature (2017) doi: 10.1038/nature24637. of his Lab much attention at all. You can even find the suit that Sabatini filed on line. protected characteristic even to get into medical school or to secure a faculty position these how to get Sabatinis attention and approval: She was told to play hard to get, entertain him In a suit filed Wednesday, Dr. David M. Sabatini says he had a consensual sexual relationship with his accuser, a colleague at MITs Whitehead Institute for On information and belief, the young man whom Sabatini targeted felt Their father, David Sabatini Sr., is a famous biologist himself: He spent nearly 40 years as chair of New York Universitys cell biology department, publishing more than 250 papers. MIT placed Sabatini on leave and is now undergoing its own investigative process, with consequences that could extend to revocation of tenure. Id. Very inclusively even, or so Sabatinis lawyers claim: Of the 36 post-doctoral fellows and 18 graduate students who have completed their time in the Sabatini lab at the Whitehead, 29 are currently running their own academic labs at distinguished research universities or institutions, including Harvard, Stanford, Rockefeller, NYU, Yale, and MIT. He names her. Second, as Whitehead letter explains at length, X is currently serving as witness in the MIT investigation against Sabatini. She did not by word or conduct indicate that she welcomed his advances.Sabatini began his advances and, realizing that she was not responsive, he toldher to relax, and proposed that they have a relationship where they have casual sex on the side. The whole line of accusation was both totally wrong and offensive. I expect the main reason he filed his suit is to enable discovery of everything collected during the Whitehead investigation while the MIT tenure dismissal process is ongoing. WebDr. Which figure is it which you say was a minor technical error? [], Sabatini then turned to [X]. When they arrived, [X] stood at the door, as he lay down on his bed, instructing her to lie down next to him. Nothing was allowed to leave the lab unless it was close to perfect, in accuracy and quality. (LogOut/ Biography. The current situation is akin to being accused of killing someone where the only charge possible is capital murder. Over time, in light of his authority over her and as defined by relevant policies, Sabatini continued to engage in batteries against [X].. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Was she a minor? And his lawyer eagerly informed the press of the defamation lawsuit, this is how the lawsuit became a public affair. But it was just the lab members, not David. MIT needs to examine the Pubpeer, and other claims of David M Sabatinis problematic scientific data. On these occasions, more than once, he made sexual comments towards her or towards others in her presence.For instance, at one point Sabatini commented that [X] clearly was inTanner Stage 4 puberty, a remark made in reference to the size of her breasts. Sabatini is almost certainly guilty of something but the bar is set very low and (as you can see) its almost impossible to defend yourself against these allegations because there are no written charges, there is no discovery and if you do go on the offensive you fall foul of the no retaliation policy. Human Resources, Sabatini more than once indicated that he wanted to know who was Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Professor Kerry A. Emanuel, Department of Biology Professor David Sabatini, and Department of Even when found guilty of research misconduct, you need to prove intent to prove actual fraud which would lead to sacking. [], While it is unclear whether any stay will lessen the retaliatory impact of the fact that this lawsuit was publicly filed, a stay must be granted to attempt to provide some reassurance to the Defendants and others, that is, those interviewed for the Whitehead investigation or who may be interviewed by MIT., Lawrence D. Schweitzer , William C. Comb , Liron Bar-Peled, David M. SabatiniDisruption of the Rag-Ragulator Complex by c17orf59 Inhibits mTORC1Cell Reports (2015) doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.07.052the HA-Metap2 bands of Figure 4A and 4B are very similar., Jan H Reiling , Clary B Clish , Jan E Carette , Malini Varadarajan , Thijn R Brummelkamp , David M Sabatini A haploid genetic screen identifies the major facilitator domain containing 2A (MFSD2A) transporter as a key mediator in the response to tunicamycin Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2011) doi: 10.1073/pnas.1018098108, Supplemental Fig. She viewed these and other comments as part of a toxic culture, one where women trainees were viewed as objects for sexual pleasure, not young scientists looking for training.But the banter was not the end of it for this young woman. Nothing is simple in a court, but the overall credibility of people is usually something highly scrutinized. Grueneberg, X Yang, SY Kim, AM Kloepfer, G Hinkle, B Piqani, TM Eisenhaure, B Luo, K. Grenier, AE Carpenter, SY Foo, SA. Besides his paper issues, it looks like you already have a bias against him. Determined to find out, he added rapamycin to rat brain and other tissue and found a mysterious protein to which the drug seemed to bind. her purported interest in the Harvard scientist as she tried to work in the Lab. Late one October night in 2016, a group of friends set up recording equipment in a hotel lobby and settled in for three hours of wine-fueled banter about a so-called elixir of life. The group comprised the molecular biologist David Sabatini, biologist Navdeep Chandel, a physician named Peter Attia, and the well-known podcaster and self-help guru Tim Ferriss. By the late 1990s, as a postdoctoral researcher at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, he was plumbing the mechanics of the smallest components of synapses, such as the receiving end of the neuronal junctions. The protein he identified bears the name mTOR, for mammalian target of rapamycin. Nearly every cellular process involved in consuming or generating nutrients and energy, such as growing hair or skin cells, requires the mTOR pathway. We care about your data, and we'd like to use cookies to give you a smooth browsing experience. See this article: Now, Joav Prives best friend from his graduate days at the Weizmann Institute in Israel was the then NYU professor Joseph Schlessinger, who is said to have been very supportive of Bar-Sagis scientific career. Sabatini, however, was delighted. His work has amassed awards, including last years Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences, a $100,000 award for promising biomedical researchers. But then Michael Balter and yours truly spoiled everything, Pandolfi was then sacked again in Padua and now hides in Arizona while continuing to draw a full professor salary in Turin which he was somehow granted many years ago. His 25-person team explores how animal cells detect food and grow. Their arrogance, dishonesty, attention-seeking and a self-serving attitude can cost a lot for science, careers and organizations. They are very friendly actually. heard, on more than one occasion, to suggest that one has to be gay or have some other ), it is much less clear cut that he should be fired for sexual harassment. Bernardo says he has always been fascinated by how the human brain learns and solves problems. Of course that evidence of dishonesty in one field (sciences, here) can count when investigating claims. Do you care to comment on the scientific data? Stockwell, N Hacohen, WC Hahn, ES Lander, DM Sabatini, DE Root A lentiviral RNAi library for human and mouse genes applied to an arrayed viral high-content screen Cell (2006) doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.01.040. Schlessinger claimed that a photo of a naked woman without a head was his wife, Irit Lax, an assistant professor in the pharmacology department, the complaint stated. He saw an opening to write custom software to serve the same purpose; software is more accessible and versatile than a tailor-made microscope. A privilege of an elite professor, you see. David Sabatini was born on January 27, 1968. The grooming of young women who had not even been admitted as Ph.D. When she did, she was slapped with a lawsuit.The Plaintiff is Professor Sabatini (Sabatini), the self-described powerful senior scientist, who had demanded sex of her when she was a graduate student ending her studies and about to start a fellowship at the Whitehead, in a program Sabatini would direct. Instead of responding professionally, Dr. Lehmann stared at Dr. Sabatini and asked in a hostile tone What? We do not know what kind of jokes and photos that dirty old man may have shared with Bar-Sagi, but surely having a mentor like this steeled her for dealing with Sabatini. Of course the main audience of this drivel is the public, since Sabatinis lawyers handed the filings to every journalist they contacted. He then started to tease her about The editors of Nature and Science stopped kissing the Genius arse! Rejected because the master recruited another, sexier woman, so X allegedly designed a gigantic conspiracy to have Sabatini fired, by creating false evidence, manipulating witnesses and co-conspiring with the institute leadership. If you dont think youre qualified to judge, why are you judging? The pathway is also overactive in some people with autism and in those with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a related condition2. In the DEI Survey, [t]he anonymous complainant contended that Sabatini was not only aware of this behavior, but directly blocked lab members from reporting Visiting Postdoc 1 to HR. The Report did not validate this allegation, finding instead that there was no evidence that Sabatini directly blocked lab members from reporting Visiting Postdoc 1 to HR. Nevertheless, the Report laid much of the blame for Visiting Postdoc 1s behavior on Dr. Sabatini. As a result, Sabatinis employment was terminated as an investigator by Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), and he resigned from Whitehead. WebPeople named David Sabatini. Charles is your average 50-year-old middle-class family man. The excess is thought to stem from increased neural activity in the cerebral cortex. It may be that Sabatini is actually not as smart as he thinks he is. Schneider Shorts 3.02.2023 Where have all retractionsgone? An interesting subplot raises the possibility that the women who were allegedly harassed are themselves seeking damages (presumably from Whitehead). When I was in the lab, filthy, uncensored sex talk was running on an almost continuous loop as the daily soundtrack. Becoming undesired for whatever reason can lead to revenge for betrayal, much more viciously than a disloyal male subordinate would ever experience. Hopefully they will be. Their conversations were strangely long in duration and nearly always devolved into discussions about sexual relationships in the Lab. David Sabatini, a biologist who once generated Nobel Prize buzz. [], One witness, Postdoc 6, was initially interviewed by investigators and was generally supportive of Dr. Sabatini. As an undergraduate, he studied artificial intelligence, but the approach commonly applied in the 1980s using mathematical algorithms for programming robots to perform tasks always seemed misguided to him. In the end, although she never consented, he had his way. Postdoc 6 eventually hired the same attorney as Dr. [X] and thereafter changed her story, J Moffat, DA. []. of working in his lab, although she was not a student at MITfar from his standard practice. David Sabatini, the prominent biotech founder who was ousted by the Whitehead Institute this summer over sexual harassment allegations, has filed a lawsuit claiming he was falsely accused by a former lover looking to exact revenge., Dr. He worked with neuroscientist Karel Svoboda, who encouraged his lab members to build customized two-photon microscopes for their work. [], Finally, Sabatini secured the interest of his next sexual partner. Sabatinis court filing bemoans: During his career, Dr. Sabatini developed strong and valuable relationships with leading scientific journals, including but not limited to Science and Nature. She agreed to meet Sabatini and looked forward to the visit. She wrote: [a]ll of the conversations were like 85% sexual 15% science, as if the latter even applies to me [], As he embraced his role as [X]s mentor, Sabatini also began inviting her with increasingly personal notes to the tastings he hosted at his Lab. The only specialized aspect of the case is the title IX obligations of the institution that govern the way the investigation is conducted, the burden of proof and the consequences for the accused. Some of the tweets she sent to Sabatini are still on Twitter. opportunity for mentorship on scientific projects as well as openly in the lab. For the record, I think Sabatini should unequivocally be fired for his research misconduct. I thank all my donors for supporting my journalism. At some point, Sabatini told one of his male graduate students not to settledown early because, once the student becomes established and successful (like Sabatini), he could fuck whoever he wants.At another point, Sabatini looked at a ring on [X]s finger and asked if shewas engaged. She tried to laugh it off, said nothing about howinappropriate the question was and tried to reassure him that she had fun. He went for coffee with her and spent time walking along the Charles with her. [], starting in the late summer of 2021, Sabatini escalated hisretaliatory campaign against [X]. (LogOut/ In any case, this is what Xs defence filing says: On October 20, 2021, a young scientist in her first months of her first faculty job got a call as she was finishing an experiment. But these victims reports of sexual harassment must be disqualified, because you see, they were allegedly friends with X, as Sabatinis lawyers argue: In January 2021, Dr. [X] and two former members of the Sabatini lab complained to the Whitehead about Dr. Sabatini. Whiskey tastings were held occasionally by Dr. Sabatini for his lab members and friends of the lab, Timothy R. Peterson , Shomit S. Sengupta , Thurl E. Harris , Anne E. Carmack , Seong A. Kang , Eric Balderas , David A. Guertin, Katherine L. Madden , Anne E. Carpenter , Brian N. Finck David M. Sabatini mTOR complex 1 regulates lipin 1 localization to control the SREBP pathway Cell (2011) doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.06.034. And now its all over. Or maybe he did, who knows. At a dinner early in the conference, Dr. [X] sat with other professionals who knew Dr. Sabatini and with whom he had professional relationships. At looks like Sabitini never left the college horny male mentality. According to Sabatinis lawsuit, the relationship began in April of 2018. There is a concept of Genius, a superhumanly hyper-intelligent and visionary saviour figure, which dates to late 19th/early 20th century, most prominently espoused by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. David Sabatini Wikipedia Bio. Formerly molecular cell biologist. The other left the Sabatini lab in or about October 2020 for an Associate Professor position at Harvard. The actual defamation seems top secret! This is no way to treat a genius! There is a staggering lack of due process in these title IX investigations and this is not unique to the Sabatini case. This is a stigma to my name. Consider what just a couple of the texts reveal: Sabatini reveled in the hiring of a European woman graduate student, telling her (as she reported at the time) that he liked hiring women from Europe because they talk about sex more freely that Americans. And if you work at an amazon distribution center you have no time to go to the bathroom let alone for sexual harassment. With the help of my readers, I obtained Sabatinis court filings, plus the rebuttals by the Whitehead Institute and the mentee X, who is now a group leader at MIT herself and whom I will not name here. Wikimedia Commons T he 7 a.m. Acela out of South Station in Boston trembled along the rails Sabatini has served the defendants with subpoenas requesting a broad range of documents related to the Whitehead Investigation. During a presentation at the Whitehead, Dr. Lehmann shared that she had unsuccessfully tried to oust a male professor at a prior employer. important scientific leader. Sabatini lost his lab, and currently has no place where he can pursue the scientific research which is his lifes work. For some reason, the data forgeries in Sabatinis genius science havent been the subject of this court exchange yet. Money is not an issue for the rich science entrepreneur Sabatini who has nothing to lose anymore, but can afford to sue everyone. Sabatinis the white man has it so bad refrain was common in the Lab, as Sabatini bemoaned The lawyer argues they were somehow not allowed not say all that during the Whitehead investigation because of the big conspiracy against Sabatini and the bullying by Dr X. Its not just fake science. David Sabatini is one of the most important scientists in the country. Update: The National Academy of Sciences is conducting a review after receiving a misconduct complaint against David Sabatini.Sabatini, who is on leave from MIT due to a sexual harassment investigation, became an NAS member in 2016. Bar-Sagi did her PhD at the pharmacology department at SUNY Stony Brook, supervised by Joav Prives, the two soon became a couple and are still together. It is difficult enough to speak against senior scientists as an undergraduate or graduate student, post-doctoral fellow, employee, junior faculty member or less senior principal investigator. the inappropriate topics discussed. One of the former Sabatini lab members continues to work at the Whitehead, but completed her training in the lab in 2016. He then started to tease her about her purported interest in the Harvard scientist as she tried to work in the Lab. Additionally, in or around the spring of 2019, Sabatini began the inappropriateand disturbing grooming of a woman who was an undergraduate working in his Lab under the mentorship of a female post-doctoral fellow.Even before the young woman arrived, male members in Sabatinis presence talked about her as the hot model/girl who was joining them. of the contact or to the exceedingly intense and personal nature of the attention he paid and He was a He resigned from his position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in April 2022. , Im sending to you the rest of the doc by email, Leonid. non-virgin finish line. Their mother, Zulema Sabatini, worked long hours as a physician and ran a clinical laboratory. Find your friends on Facebook. Presenting a harassment lawsuit as if it is somehow related to the integrity of scientific work is just as nonsensical as showing evidence of data manipulation in the context of a Title IX investigation. 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