When all three of them entered the pool, the full moon became aligned with the moon pool, causing it to bubble and glow a mystic blue glow and emitting small orbs of magical light particles into the air. Portrayed by: She also at some point befriended Emma Gilbert. Even before she became a mermaid and overcame her fear of water, Cleo showed great compassion for animals, particularly aquatic ones. Extensive, research-backed profiles of 16 personality types: learn how different personalities approach romantic relationships, career choices, friendships, parenthood, and more. Cleo's parents got divorced later in season 1, and in season 3 her father develops a relationship and eventually marries a woman named Samantha Sertori. Her powers allow her to make a tube from water, and creating more water than the original amount of water by manypulating the water monucules, and let the tube grow as big and high as she wants. Her friendship with Lewis remains platonic, although Lewis developed a crush on her later in season one. Cleo's parents split up after Season 1 and in Season 3, Donald got married toSamantha(Sam). Presumably, she and Emma switched their lockets before Emma left to travel the world with her family as a symbol of their friendship. Mermaid Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Performance & security by Cloudflare. In her appearance, she is voiced by Sonja Ball in English and Ziyi Qin in Mandarin version. they both understood each other and both their families get along well. Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T) personality types, known for their rationality, impartiality, and intellectual excellence She wears a lot of colorful clothes based on her ability on moving water into shapes similar to the colors of the wind. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! I really hope you guys like it, cause I'm so proud of this one. Of all the main girls in the series, including Emma's replacement, Cleo has cried the most. Cleo was the first to discover her power over water. He then apologizes for hurting her and admits his true feelings for Cleo and they both got back together. To her surprise, she transformed into a mermaid with a large tail hanging at the edge of her bath tub only ten seconds after touching water. When she was a little older, she met Emma and the two of them became good friends. Her favorite color is pink, and her based colors: purple, lavender, etc. Cleo was born in Dolphin City to her parents and few years later became an big sister to Kim. Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new. Another sea mammal that she is mostly empathetic to are the dolphins. In the morning Cleo was on the bath when appeared a tail. In series three, she wore a darker navy blue and black wet suit whenever she was training dolphins for shows. When Isabella Hartley arrived at the Gold Coast just after Emma's departure, Cleo and Rikki realized how beautiful her crystal necklace was. She tries to annoy Cleo and Kim without letting them know and even let the marine park believe that Cleo stole one of the birds they have there. Cleo Sertori (Morena del mar) See Photos. Cleo also gets a pair a glasses towards the end of the third series. To shape the water, she makes a water ball that is floating in the air, and after that, she can shape it into anything like a miniature mermaid figure. As a mermaid, Cleo has the ability to swim at super speed of 600km/h, hold her breath for more than fifteen minutes, and dive at a depth lower than any ordinary human being is capable of. Cleo Sertori grew up in a family that consisted of herself, her fatherDonald Sertori, her motherBev Sertori, and her youngersisterKim. Find your friends on Facebook. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a116461ea0f0dab She is the most empathetic of the mermaids and often takes the role of mediator when Emma and Rikki clash. Cleo Sertoriis one of the main protagonists inH2O: Just Add Water. Each mermaid's power is the same as in the first season of H2O: Just Add Water. they both understood each other and both their families get along well. Cleo becomes a mermaid in first episode "Metamorphosis" of season one. Towards the end of season 3 she wears a crystal necklace that she got from Will. She wasn't able to transform into a mermaid until she made contact with the water of the Moon Pool at Mako Island 12 hours after the contact. I'm 'Cleo71' and I'm here to bring your monthly H2O: Just add water *Magazine!!!*. In the second season in the episode "Stormy Weather", a special full moon upgrades the mermaids ther powers. Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Phoebe Jane Elizabeth Tonkin (born 12 July 1989) is an Australian actress. Cleo can be described as shy, awkward, patient, trusting, gullible and a loyal friend. Who is a shy girl that is very interested in studying marine biology. Once ashore on the deserted island, Cleo and her friends pondered on how they should call for help. This is largely due to the fact that Cleo always regretted breaking up with Lewis. Along with Emma Gilbert and Rikki Chadwick, Cleo discovered her powers after her trip to Mako Island. With this power, Cleo can control and manipulate the air and wind in her favor. Cleo then leaves Lewis a message expressing her heartbreak and disappointment in him for abandoning her before running away from home. Responsible and analytical, she approaches life from a practical perspective. Trapped. Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists. She has wavy-curly brown hair that stops mid-back and hazel-green eyes. Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic people life is never boring around them. Cleo Sertori is an ISFJ personality type. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When Lewis begins hanging out with Charlotte, Cleo grew very jealous. When she transformed, she now is susceptible to all the weaknesses of a mermaid. At times, she would swim with the dolphins behind the other staff members' back. This almost causes Cleo to become fired, but Angela gets in trouble, and must promise Cleo to never ever do stupid things anymore to annoy people, and Cleo forces her to do free work at the Marine park by cleaning up the birds home at the Marine park. Also in the season 2 intro, the two clips from Metamorphosis where Cleo does have the bangs is in there. Her stepmother works as a geologist and ship-inspector. Cleo was the first to discover her power over water. Cleo is the last person to embrace her new life as a mermaid while the other two are excited, despite the obvious downside. It is ironic that Cleo, both before and after she became a mermaid, was always close to water even though she had to be careful. Later they were rescued by the police. They argue very frequently, which oftentimes requires their parents intervention to reach a medium. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! Examine our regional and country personality profiles. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Sometimes she doesn't listen to people, mostly her sister, and this would often lead her into various troubling or embarrassing situations. It's revealed in "Moon Spell" that Cleo is an lactose intolerant. Kim encourages her to date Ryan, but Cleo decided to remain loyal to Lewis. Rinse it well. Cleo doesn't respond to his crush until the end of season one, but she continues to show an caring attitude towards him and would encourage him many times whenever he was feeling down. Cleo Sertori one of the three main protagonists in the television series H20: Just Add Water. First Appearance: though she seems to wear different shades of blue throughout season 3, and even tries bolder colors like red and black. Read all 0 posts on Cleo Sertori and meet 0 like-minded members here. She isolated Cleo from Lewis and broke her spirit by making her believe that she's pathetic and that Lewis not seeing her anymore was his own choice. Her hair also becomes slightly longer, even though her hair is already naturally long. It is unknown if Cleo still wears hers or not. Due to entering the Moon Pool with Emma and Rikki, Cleo was only gifted with the power of Hydrokinesis, and didn't receive all merpeople powers like a person who enters the Moon Pool alone. However, she also possesses great strength and courage. Ceo Sertori is one of the main character of H2O: Just Add Water. Near the series end - episodes seventeen and onwards - when Rikki develops a connection to the water tentacle (unbeknownst to Cleo and Bella), Rikki verbally hurts Cleo by accusing her of being irresponsible with their mermaid identity in front of Ryan. Each mermaid's power is the same as in the first season of H2O: Just Add Water. Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F) personality types, known for their empathy, diplomatic skills, and passionate idealism. She would put too much of her faith into people even in situations when it seemed to be hopeless. Oblivious to what was happening to them, the girls ventured out into open sea where they were rescued by the local water-police. After the diploma ceremony, Cleo herself,Bellaand Rikki see Lewis coming down the steps of theschoolto see Cleo, who is still in love with him. Unlike her Just Add Water counterpart, Cleo does not rely on a specific hand gesture to use her powers. Cleo is the most naive and tends to play with her fingers when she gets nervous. Cleo and Rikki then take the boat for a joyride. This article is about Cleo Sertori from H2O: Just Add Water. Fictional Characters Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. All in all, Cleo would believe in her friends and family right up to the end. Purple After he leaves to study in America, Cleo tried to study by herself and was able to achieve an honorable diploma. In fact, she is so l. There they tried to call someone but the signal was weak so they tried to fin a place where they could have signal. Cleo was introduced as shy but became more confident in Season 2 and 3. Cleo also gets a pair a glasses towards the end of the third series. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. silverwing66 1 Deviation Featured: H2O: Just Add Water - Cleo. Cleo's personality is also very similar to her H2O: Just Add Water self, meaning she is still more awkward and insecure compared to Emma and Rikki . At the beginning of Season 2, after Cleo got her new powers, Lewis becomes clingy and doesn't give her enough space. Thanks! Featured: Cleo Sertori from H2O: Just Add Water. Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. cleo sertori | cool me down 67,880 views Nov 13, 2018 2.6K Dislike Share Save tamiswift 34.1K subscribers most of us know cleo as the innocent, cute girl in h2o so I wanted to make something. It will also give you your Ultimate Guide on how to look like Phoebe Tonkin (NOT Cleo Sertori [Although they're the same person, Phoebe -In real life- has a different style than Cleo Sertori] So there you are!) Cleo was born in Dolphin City to her parents and few years later became an big sister to Kim. When Lewis tried to divert Charlotte's attention away from Cleo on Mako Island, Charlotte took her opportunity to kiss him and making them an official couple. She turns back into a human along with the clothes she was wearing before she transformed when she's dry. She could project powerful water blasts, summon enough water to carry a baby whale back into the sea, move nearly anything that is submerged in liquid, including a heavy sea gate and create huge tidal waves capable of carrying ships over gigantic rocks and swallowing a jetty. Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. Rikki reveals that Cleo eventually moved from the Gold Coast after succeeding high school. Her loyalty is her most prominent feature. When she was a little older, she met Emma and the two of them became good friends. She also briefly became bitter to Lewis as well, by treating him as if he was betraying her by hanging out with Charlotte, acting as if they had never broken up and that she was being cheated on. A video that shows you how to be like Cleo Sertori from H2O: Just Add Water (Seasons 1 & 2), A video that shows you how to be like Emma Gilbert from H2O: Just Add Water (Seasons 1 & 2), H2O: Just Add Water (Series 3) From The Left: Rikki Chadwick (Cariba Heine), Cleo Sertori (Phoebe Tonkin), & Bella Hartley (Indiana Evans), Hello! Cleo's parents split up after Season 1, but in Season 3, Donald got married to Samantha (Sam). Mako: Island of Secrets: Season 3: Episode 16: Homecoming, Lead Singer of Nate and Bella's Band (never performed). It was there that Cleo met Ronnie the dolphin and the two began to become friends and share a deep friendly and playful bond (although at first, she thought that Ronnie had a crush on her after seeing her as a mermaid). The three girl got trapped on the ocean because the boat was out of fuel and they were very far from land.They paddled to a close island, the Mako Island. As a mermaid, she gains a long fish-like tail covered in shimmering scales and a top made from the same scales and fins. Cleo forces her to do free work at the Marine park by cleaning up the birds home at the Marine park. Mermaid-Girl-13 1 Deviation Featured: Cleo with pink tail. DoctorEvil06 1 Deviation Featured: Cleo. Caring and loyal, she has a strong sense of what is right and wrong. Unlike her live-action counterpart, Cleo has purple hair and tail. Hello! Her power is not only strong but precise. In Greek mythology, Clio refers to 3 figures: A Muse and goddess of history and poetry; a Nereid (sea nymphs); and an Oceanid (another sea nymph and each was an individual patroness of particular spring, river, sea, lake, pond, pasture, flower or cloud). At the end of Season 3, Lewis comes back from America to visit Cleo at her graduation. The other two followed her and continued to pursue a way out of the underground cave. Log In. Cleo and the girls agreed to protect the secret about mermaids, however, Cleo wanted to tell Lewis about the powers and that he could find a way to help them. Being the most prepared one in the group, Emma brought out her mobile phone but only to find that it couldnt get a signal. Whenever a friend or a family member of hers is accused of something, Cleo wouldn't hesitate to defend that person. After he leaves to study in America, Cleo tried to study by herself and was able to achieve an honorable diploma. Before they can leave, the pool glows and bubbles, transforming each of the girls' legs into tails. In both forms, she has multi-colored beads braided into pieces of her hair. Throughout the series, Cleo would often arrange her hair in various styles ranging from simple buns, braided, loose, or pony-tailed. Cleo, one of the few girls' names to boast the cool-yet-lively o ending, is of course short for Cleopatra, the name of one of the most powerful women in history. She can also be very clumsy many times! When she worked part time at the marine park, Cleo would wear a light blue polo shirt with a name tag and a navy blue baseball cap. Lewis: "Cleo, everybody is scared of something. While Don works a lot at the harbor, Cleo's . She also seems to rely on Lewis for academic success in the first two seasons. Also in Season 2, while working in the Marine Park, the dolphin trainer who is Cleo's boss, helps her train the dolphins. Her skin is clear and is an extremely light tan color. Discover and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Rikki then jumps aboard the boat and places the spark plug, which she stole to "get under Zane's skin", into the engine, rescuing her. Making a working mermaid potion can be very difficult but it is possible to turn yourself into a mermaid if you get it right. Because Emma's family does associate with Zane's family, Unlike Emma, Cleo takes more distance of Zane, especially due of the fact that he kept pulling pranks on her in season 1. In "A Strange Phenomenon" her fear for her dad's safety caused her to activate her powers in her sleep, like sleep walking and conjure large balls of water from over a mile away out in the sea. Cleo is the most naive and tends to play with her fingers when she gets nervous. Unlike Rikki, Cleo believes that fish are just like people that live, eat, and play underwater. Shortly after Lewis' departure, Cleo develops a crush on Ryan Tate, a geologist who works with her step-mother, Samantha. When she was working, she got water on her a woman helped her and when talked to her she knew that the woman knew something. Enemies: She became friends with Emma, Rikki and Lewis in grade school. Status: In fact, she is so loyal that it can make her easily manipulated at times as she sees the good in people first and foremost and refuses to see the bad. -M-NUva. Shai-Chai 1 Deviation Featured: Swimming in the abyss. In season 1, she had bangs, but did not in mermaid form. Cleo claims that she knewLewis McCartneysince they were five years old, and she never became angry or frustrated on him ever since she met him. mariska hargitay voice change, Mermaid and overcame her fear of Water, Cleo develops a crush Ryan! Park by cleaning up the birds home at the harbor, Cleo grew very jealous sense... Sister, and this would often lead her into various troubling or embarrassing cleo sertori personality type end of season 3, comes... 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