The first noticeable sign may be slurred speech or a crooked smile as the nerve is responsible for controlling facial expressions, taste, eye tearing, and even hearing. For those who have had Bell's Palsy the aftereffects can be mild to severe. 1-3 In 1821, the Scottish surgeon and anatomist Sir Charles Bell was the first to the describe this syndrome, as well as the function and anatomy of the facial nerve. (8). Gabapentin is a drug treatment rarely tried in the Bell's palsy community. Ethnicity and genetics have not been found to increase risk, except for those with recurrent episodes, where researchers believe there may be a genetic predisposition. 0000013212 00000 n Vitamins such as vitamin B-12, B-6, and zinc can greatly speed up Bell's palsy recovery . Bell's palsy treatment options. The facial nerve has both an intracranial, intratemporal, and extratemporal course as its branches. 2. Bells palsy is a mysterious condition. Surgery is rarely an option for Bell's palsy. All Rights Reserved. Once or twice a day, sit down in a quiet space, close your eyes, focus on the facial muscles, and relax them one at a time until the entire face is relaxed. The cause of Bell palsy is not clear. Supranuclear (central) lesions affecting the facial nerve will not paralyze the forehead on the affected side, resulting in a unilateral facial paralysis with forehead sparing. Learn from their experiences about effectiveness, side effects and cost. The phase IV clinical study analyzes which people take Gabapentin and have Bell's palsy. The biggest difference between Bell's palsy and stroke has to do with the involvement of the brain. Most people make a full recovery within 9 months, but it can take longer. They can also reduce muscle activity in the unaffected side of your face to maintain a balance. Elsevier; 2022. And for others, it may occur in concert with weepy eyes, sensitivity to sounds, change in taste, headache, and possibly pain behind the ear. nor a Medicare prescription drug plan. Acyclovir and valacyclovir are similar medications, so patients may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Is this condition likely temporary or long lasting? Preparing a list of questions will help you make the most of your time with your provider. It begins suddenly and worsens over 48 hours. 0000003654 00000 n Evidence for other types of neuropathic pain is very limited. pregabalin and gabapentin - also used to treat epilepsy, headaches or anxiety; There are also some additional medications that can be used to relieve pain in a specific area of the body or to relieve particularly severe pain for short periods. It may develop suddenly, or develop more gradually over a period of 24 to 48 hours. Here's some information to help you get ready. A condition that mimics a stroke (like Bell's palsy) is a condition that has similar signs and symptoms as strokes, such as those described below.. Affected patients develop unilateral facial paralysis over one to three days with forehead involvement and no other neurologic abnormalities. Either acyclovir 400 mg can be given five times per day for seven days or valacyclovir 1 g can be given three times per day for seven days. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Ferri FF. 419 0 obj <>stream Laboratory testing is not usually indicated. Patients who present with complete facial nerve paralysis have a lower rate of spontaneous recovery and may be more likely to benefit from treatment.13,19, In the past, surgical decompression within three weeks of onset has been recommended for patients who have persistent loss of function (greater than 90 percent loss on electroneurography) at two weeks. Patients with Bell's palsy usually progress from onset of symptoms to maximal weakness within three days and almost always within one week. 0000003122 00000 n Codeine Codeine-acetaminophen (paracetamol) Gabapentin. Bell palsy. Many conditions can produce isolated facial nerve palsy identical to Bell's palsy. Treatment, then, is conservative and usually involves a few days of oral corticosteroids. Those muscles are controlled by the trigeminal nerve, whereas Bells palsy results from compression of the seventh cranial nerve. (9). To relieve tension and promote restful sleep, add one or more of my favorite essential oils for anxiety like lavender, rose, ylang ylang or chamomile. 0000014809 00000 n Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) was the third most common stroke mimic seen in the emergency department in the same study. If the eyelid doesnt close, dry eye can then cause tears and ulcers. Acetaminophen does not affect blood clotting, so the most serious side effect is an overdose which can damage the liver. ; ; Gentle massage also effectively reduces pain and discomfort and loosens overly tight muscles. Taking over-the-counter medications. Other side effects include confusion, memory problems, thinning skin, and bruising. We ask about general symptoms (anxious mood, depressed mood, fatigue, pain, and . Elderberry is considered safe. Although these conditions can present as isolated facial nerve palsies, they usually have additional features that distinguish them from Bell's palsy. Over-the-counter pain relievers are very safe. 0000005457 00000 n Bell's palsy is an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis. The most important is the onset of symptoms. Simple exercises include wrinkling your nose, smiling wide, frowning, opening your mouth wide, raising eyebrows, winking and blinking your eyes can help to promote healing. Of the 29 percent of patients with sequelae, 12 percent rated it slight, 13 percent rated it mild, and 4 percent rated it severe.3 Because of these findings, some persons have questioned whether treatment for Bell's palsy should be routinely indicated; however, patients who have incomplete recovery will have obvious cosmetic sequelae and will often be dissatisfied with their outcome.18, Given the safety profile of acyclovir, valacyclovir, and short-course oral corticosteroids, patients who present within three days of the onset of symptoms and who do not have specific contraindications to these medications should be offered combination therapy. Corticosteroids do help speed up recovery. 3. This damage causes partial or total paralysis of one side of the face. For individuals with long-lasting symptoms, plastic surgery to correct facial nerve damage may be recommended. When you smile, only one side of the face may move, you may not be able to frown and speaking clearly may be difficult. Accessed March 3, 2022. For most, symptoms resolve within a month or two; only rarely are they permanent. Today, decompression surgery isn't recommended. information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with sleepiness. The decreased blood flow can cause the brain to exhibit similar signs and symptoms to a stroke. Eye irritation often results from lack of lubrication and constant exposure. Smiles are one-sided, and the eye on the affected side resists closing. This condition results from damage to the facial nerve (the 7th cranial nerve). Performing physical therapy exercises. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. If anything beyond the facial nerve is involved, it's not Bell's palsy. According to the Mayo Clinic, acupuncture stimulates nerves and muscles, providing relief to patients. Botulinum toxin temporarily paralyzes the nerves causing the involuntary facial movements, restoring normal facial function for a few months. Dirty Dozen List: Are You Eating the Most Pesticide-Laden Produce? An aneurysm in the aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body, can lead to a sudden loss of blood pressure and sudden decrease in blood flow to the brain. The symptoms of Bell's palsy usually come on suddenly (over a few hours) and typically worsen over the course of a few days before stabilizing. Overview. Facial reanimation Mayo Clinic; 2020. Classically, Bell's palsy has been defined as idiopathic, and the cause of the inflammatory process in the facial nerve remains uncertain. Facial droop is also a hallmark trait of the asymmetrical symptoms of a stroke. Full recovery typically happens in three weeks, but some people continue to have muscle weakness for several months. This content is owned by the AAFP. No matter what the cause, swelling damages the cranial nerve. With Bell's palsy, your face droops on one side or, rarely, both sides. September 17, 2021. For additional information, including an up-to-date list of pharmacies, or assistance with any problems related to this prescription drug discount plan, please contact customer service toll free at 844-234-3057, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except major holidays). If blinking is not possible because of the weakness or paralysis, you are susceptible to corneal abrasions, and damage to the retina, which may permanently affect your vision. One of the strongest anti-viral herbs available, echinacea boosts immune system function, reduces inflammation, and fights viral infections, including those commonly linked to this condition. Do your exercises a couple of times a day for best results. It's good to prepare for your appointment. Patients with insidious onset or forehead sparing should undergo imaging of the head. Purpose of review: Bell's palsy is a common outpatient problem, and while the diagnosis is usually straightforward, a number of diagnostic pitfalls can occur, and a lengthy differential diagnosis exists. The Copenhagen Facial Nerve Study evaluated 2,570 persons with untreated facial nerve palsy, including 1,701 with idiopathic (Bell's) palsy and 869 with palsy from other causes; 70 percent had complete paralysis. The older a patient is, the more likely he or she is experiencing a stroke with the symptoms listed above. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. #2 Close the eyes & squeeze it. If one of your eyes does not close, it is imperative that you protect it as the doctor recommends. Bell's palsy is also known as acute . 0000038403 00000 n Another outstanding antiviral herb, elderberry has been proven to reduce the duration of colds, lessen flu symptoms, fight sinus infections and respiratory infections all conditions that are linked to common symptoms. The cause of Bell's palsy is not yet known. 0000006389 00000 n 0000001984 00000 n Common findings on the affected side include: 2. Like a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, a dentist performs an in-depth patient assessment to determine if Bell's palsy dental work is necessary. Using lubricating eye drops during the day and an eye ointment at night will help keep your eye moist. generic drugs) are considered. privacy practices. Strokes occur when the blood supply to any region of the brain is interrupted or reduced. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Older people with pre-existing high blood pressure are at greater . What's the most likely cause of my symptoms? Find treatment reviews for Gabapentin from other patients. Protect the eye. Bells palsy may or may not be related to a viral infection, so severe cases will involve early treatment with antiviral medications and corticosteroids to reduce the risk of complications. The seizure disorder epilepsy was the most common stroke mimic seen in one study of patients in the emergency department. Patients with epilepsy can have one-sided weakness following a seizure, called Todd's paralysis. Bells palsy is nearly always treated with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antiviral agents. It is caused by an inflammation of the seventh cranial nervethe facial nervewhich comes directly from the brain (rather than the spinal cord). For some people, involuntary contractions of muscles may also occur, and not resolve. However, potentially serious complications are possible. Repeat the warm compress whenever pain reappears, or you need to relax. 379 41 Read our, How Bell's Palsy Can Affect Your Eye and Eyelid, Damage to the Corona Radiata After Stroke, Massive Stroke: Types, Recovery, and Long-Term Effects, The neurologist's dilemma: A comprehensive clinical review of Bell's palsy, with emphasis on current management trends, Bell's palsy: Symptoms preceding and accompanying the facial paresis, Clinical features of stroke mimics in the emergency department, Management of Bell palsy: Clinical practice guideline, One-sided weakness or paralysis in the face, arm, or leg, Slurred speech or difficulty understanding speech. It occurs when the nerve that controls the muscles in your face becomes swollen or irritated. Gently warm a tablespoon of castor oil and massage into your face. Most cases of Bells palsy are mild and the symptoms resolve within a month or two. Other possible side effects exist. This ganglion lies in the facial canal at the junction of the labyrinthine and tympanic segments, where the nerve curves sharply toward the stylomastoid foramen. Bell's palsy is named after Sir Charles Bell (17741842), who first described the syndrome along with the anatomy and function of the facial nerve. 0000003691 00000 n But your health care provider may suggest medications or physical therapy to help speed your recovery. A gentle facial massage can help alleviate symptoms and discomfort. In most patients, Bells palsy goes away in less than three weeks. Early treatment with corticosteroids and antiviral medications will help reduce complications. 0000000016 00000 n While Bell's palsy does not involve . Facial pain around your ear on the affected side. If the paralysis is severe, the physician may order nerve conduction studies or an electromyography (EMG) to determine how well facial nerves are working. Authors' conclusions: Gabapentin at doses of 1800 mg to 3600 mg daily (1200 mg to 3600 mg gabapentin encarbil) can provide good levels of pain relief to some people with postherpetic neuralgia and peripheral diabetic neuropathy. The most common are mood and behavior changes, mood swings, aggressiveness, appetite changes, high blood sugar, and elevated blood pressure. #1 Open the eyes. Oral corticosteroids have traditionally been prescribed to reduce facial nerve inflammation in patients with Bell's palsy. It can cause partial or complete facial weakness, including in the forehead, eyelid, cheek, and mouth. Pain and headache can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers. It should be OK: Gabapentin (also known as neurontin) and pregabalin ( also called lyrica) are very similar medines approved by the fda to treat or prevent seizures, also are commmonly prescribed for nerve pain. Other conditions such as a stroke, infections, Lyme disease, inflammatory conditions and tumors can cause facial muscle weakness that mimics Bell's palsy. Nearly all patients will be given a few days of corticosteroids, but more severe cases will include antiviral agents. A physical therapist can provide you with personalized facial exercises that can improve the brain-to-nerve functioning. Some muscles start working before others, so you will notice a gradual return of facial tone and function. (2). Both a stroke and Bell's palsy can cause a facial droop. can gabapentin help with bell's palsy. Bell's palsy is an idiopathic, acute peripheral-nerve palsy involving the facial nerve, which supplies all the muscles of facial expression. Food and saliva can pool in the affected side of the mouth and may spill out from the corner. It results from dysfunction of cranial nerve VII, which connects your brain to the muscles that control facial expression (the nerve also is involved with taste and ear sensation). Ob/Gyn Doctor. Tumors will present with a more insidious onset of symptoms over weeks or months. The range of prescription discounts provided under this discount plan will vary depending on the prescription and pharmacy where the prescription is purchased and can be up to 80% off the cash price. Patients in the study were given vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) injections, steroids, or vitamin B12 injections and steroids. The neurologist's dilemma: A comprehensive clinical review of Bell's palsy, with emphasis on current management trends. Healthcare professionals use medications primarily to speed recovery and reduce the risk of nerve damage and long-term complications. Personalized facial physical therapy exercises can help improve nerve function. Bell's palsy, or facial palsy, is a paralysis or severe weakness of the facial muscles on one side of the face, causing it to droop or become stiff. If a patient was not already feeling sick prior to the onset of symptoms, there is a higher probability that the sudden symptoms indicate a stroke. Medical tape can keep the eyelid completely closed when you sleep. Towers Administrators LLC (operating as 'SingleCare Administrators') is the authorized prescription discount plan organization with its administrative office located at 4510 Cox Road, Suite 111, Glen Allen, VA 23060. Take Vitamin Supplements. SingleCare Services LLC ('SingleCare') is the vendor of the prescription discount plan, including theirwebsite.websiteat Bell palsy is a sudden weakness or paralysis of one side of your face. A person viewing it online may make one printout of the material and may use that printout only for his or her personal, non-commercial reference. Since Bell's palsy is not affecting actual brain tissue or brain function, there is nothing beyond the facial nerve that can be affected. CMAJ. All Rights Reserved. Accessed March 7, 2022. Pregnant women are more likely to be diagnosed with it, especially during the third trimester. For instance, a person may try to smile, but the eyelid closes instead, Weakness or paralysis of all the muscles on one side of the face, Weakness or paralysis of the forehead on the affected side of the face, Inability to fully close the eyelid on the affected side. 2014;20:83-90. doi:10.12659/MSM.889876, De Seta D, Mancini P, Minni A, et al. Natural treatments focus on combatting stress, fighting active viruses, and triggering a response in the damaged nerve tissue to heal itself. Accessed March 7, 2022. This is such a broad category that it is impossible to narrow down a single type of psychiatric diagnosis as the only cause. 2014;186(12):917-22. doi: 10.1503%2Fcmaj.131801. Acute Med Surg. TREATMENT RANKING. Be prepared to answer questions about medications you are currently on, any recent illnesses youve experienced, foreign travel, and family experience with this condition. Which do you recommend? Bell palsy (BP) is the most common peripheral paralysis of the seventh cranial nerve with an onset that is rapid and unilateral. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the brain that causes bleeding. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin, not only alleviate pain but help to reduce swelling. Medical studies demonstrated that acupuncture combined with vitamin B12 was effective in the treatment of Bell's palsy. However, combination therapy improves outcomes only in a small number of people. JEFFREY D. TIEMSTRA, MD, AND NANDINI KHATKHATE, MD. Patients with Bell's palsy typically complain of weakness or complete paralysis of all the muscles on one side of the face. The facial nerve has a motor and parasympathetic function as well as taste to the anterior two . 70% of patients with Bells palsy experience total remission without treatment in less than three weeks. Deep pain and read more. drowsiness. While Bell's palsy does not involve brain function, it is totally possible for a stroke to only involve facial nerve function. It is intended for general informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Bell's palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. The most common symptoms of stroke, including facial drooping, arm or leg numbness or weakness, and speech difficulties, are . Dry eyes. For patients experiencing pain or headache due to Bells palsy, over-the-counter pain relievers are enough to manage the pain. Function returned within three weeks in 85 percent of patients, with 71 percent of these patients recovering full function. This content does not have an Arabic version. Bells palsy impactsone side of the face, causing weakness and/or paralysis. The key is to find an acupuncture practitioner in your area with expertise in treating Bells palsy. 7. 0000002113 00000 n Doctoral Degree. Stress and worry compromise the processes that the body uses to heal damage. About 30% of people struck with Bells palsy may take a longer time to recover or have long-term complications. are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. X` $9].^>j ,{j/KI}NGo.W:y|. Difficulty closing your eye. Relieve muscle tension and chronic pain with guided meditation, yoga, regular exercise and deep breathing exercises. can gabapentin help with bell's palsy. Have your symptoms been continuous or occasional? Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? Bell's palsy affects one side of the face. Commonly used medications to treat Bell's palsy include: Antiviral drugs. After complete recovery, facial tone and function will be balanced between both sides of the face. Evidence for other types of neuropathic pain is very limited. Both types of stroke can lead to permanent disability. Ranked #17 most tried. DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. Patients who have had one episode of Bell's palsy have an 8 percent risk of recurrence.1,2. Mild ear discomfort may accompany Bell palsy, but does not cause severe, persistent, and refractory neuropathic pain. Since Bell's palsy involves the facial muscles, patients can have difficulties chewing, swallowing, and speaking. All of these signs and symptoms could potentially show up in a stroke as well. However, it should not be used by individuals taking laxatives, TheoDur, some diabetes medications, diuretics, immune-suppressing drugs including Prednisone, and those undergoing chemotherapy. I have other health conditions. Accessed March 7, 2022. By Rod Brouhard, EMT-P Gabapentin in Bell's Palsy. Bell's palsy has been described in patients of all ages, with peak incidence noted in the 40s. It may appear after a cold sore or other viral illness such as the flu or a cold. As B6 is water soluble, supplementation is not typically recommended; it is far better to consume vitamin B6-rich foods like free-range turkey breast, grass-fed beef, blackstrap molasses, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and chickpeas. Try acupuncture as it stimulates nerve function. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of patients will recover spontaneously; however, treatment with a seven-day course of acyclovir or valacyclovir and a tapering course of prednisone, initiated within three days of the onset of symptoms, is recommended to reduce the time to full recovery and increase the likelihood of complete recuperation. For additional information, including an up-to-date list of pharmacies, or assistance with any problems related to this prescription drug discount plan, please contact customer service toll free at 844-234-3057, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except major holidays). 0000009253 00000 n Table 11,68 summarizes the differential diagnosis of Bell's palsy. If you are experiencing facial droop (or any stroke symptoms), it is best to seek help immediately for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Facial reanimation surgery helps make the face look more even and may restore facial movement. If they can reduce the swelling of the facial nerve, the nerve will fit more comfortably within the bony corridor that surrounds it. star ocean 3 private actions. As many of the symptoms mimic symptoms common with stroke and other serious medical conditions, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately at the onset of symptoms. What is Bell's palsy? However, stress does not cause Bells palsy. (13). Sepsis is a complicated condition that can mimic stroke through confusion, dizziness, loss of coordination or balance, headache, and other symptoms. other information we have about you. #5 Wrinkling the forehead vertically. Boosting immune system response with antiviral herbs is essential. A stroke is a brain injury caused by a sudden interruption of blood supply to the brain. 70% of patients with Bell's palsy experience total remission without treatment in less than three weeks. Your smile may look lopsided. Influenza vaccines in the past have been associated with peripheral neuropathies. The body must repair the nerve damage in its own time. NSAIDs reduce the bodys ability to form blood clots and protect the digestive system from stomach acid, so the most common side effects are stomach pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, bruising, and bleeding problems. In rare cases, symptoms may continue for life, or it may reoccur. Patients with Bell's palsy do not have difficulty standing, walking, or using their arms and hands. Recently, attention has focused on infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) as a possible cause because research has found elevated HSV-1 titers in affected patients. It has been reported as tried by 2% of the members. Laboratory evaluation, when indicated by history or risk factors, may include testing for diabetes mellitus and Lyme disease. <<1C5EF55AE610C34F84341C4853B6E464>]>> Like physical therapy, facial massage can help restore function to the area affected by Bell's Palsy, and ease some of the discomfort caused by it. Bell's palsy causes facial weakness or paralysis due to inflammation of the 7 th cranial nerve (the facial nerve) that supplies movement and some sensation to each side of the face. AskMayoExpert. 3. Patients with Bell's palsy should be treated within three days of the onset of symptoms with a seven-day course of oral acyclovir (Zovirax) or valacyclovir (Valtrex), plus a tapering course of oral prednisone. Use these products as instructed and report any soreness, pain, discharge or redness in the eye immediately. AskMayoExpert. Your physician may have MRI, CT or EMG tests run to confirm nerve damage and to rule out other causes of the weakness or paralysis. 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