Her eye was burning, her face was on fire, and her only thought was of Zuko.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Eight-year old Azula encounters an untraditional visitor in the Fire Nation Royal Palace courtyard. Normals and Benders hate each other, and Benders are forced to occupy only their own territories lest they unbalance the new world order. But when the world needed her the most, she was not ready. This takes place in the universe in which Aang did not use Sokka's jerky as fire stater in episode three, and the butterfly effect is strong indeed. Only fear of his father's displeasure kept him diligent in his training. The avatar cycle continued until Avatar Zuko was born. He is tall, only an inch or two shorter than Zuko, and muscular. In "Smoke and Shadows," Azula keeps Zuko alive because she claims she can control Zuko from the smoke and shadows. Byla rda, e byl doma. It's a weird crossover (essentially a shower thought that's become a massive project) and I'm not entirely sure it's good, but people seem to like it. | Updates monthly-ish! I feel like Zukos gonna have a final full power showdown with her, and defeat her. (Heads up this probably isn't getting finished)(Not that I'm not interested in writing this). In "Zuko Alone", when a young Azula tells Zuko that their father is planning to kill him, Zuko calms himself down by repeating, "Azula always lies." And he's right. Ursa was supposed to vanish that night, and take nothing with her but her name. And I would always appreciate suggestions - I'd like to do Azula's character justice, as best I can. Stle netuila, jestli na to oko vid a jestli sly na to ucho.Jsem doma, odpovdl j s smvem, a to pro ni byl znak na uklidnn. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. Its a 100% must-read. Accompany me to navigate this Ship so dear to me. Born without the presence of Lord Agni or even his sister, Lady Tui, prince was a weak babe without firebending spark in his eyes. The masters Ran and Shaw were out of balance. It's up to Sokka and his misfit team of two animalistic teenagers and one punk mage to uncover what exactly is going on. Someone as skilled in the art as Azula would be a perfect choice to teach him the skill. Ursa left the medical ward and ran into Iroh, who had hurried over to visit his nephew. Zuko dies by his sisters hand not long after being hit while trying to save Katara from the lightning bolt. She felt a breeze brush past her bangs, one that sounded like a sigh, and thanked them more fervently. And with a sprinkle of politics added in for good measure. I forgot you being broody while sitting in the kitchen doing nothing is fun for you somehow.. Zuko, newly-scarred and banished, believed that all he had left was his role as the Blue Spirit. But future, above all, will be paved by scarred children. Azulon demands that Ozai kills his daughter instead of his son. Otherwise an AU where Aang was killed with the rest of the Airbenders, and Zuko was reborn as the Avatar after the previous Water and Earth Avatars died. Most famously, though, is Mai's line, "I love Zuko more than I fear you." NEXT: Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Life Lessons That Are Still Relevant Today. Y/n l/n, a fi Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become extinct along with the air-benders. Zuko wakes up early in the morning and finds out hes in his eight year old body the day his cousin Lu Ten died, he quickly realizes that he somehow has traveled through time and decides to improve the lives of his friends and avoid the catastrophe that was the world he left behind. The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC) Table of contents. How will the meeting between Azula and her prospective "in-laws" go? After nearly losing his uncle he ponders if his father loves him and if it's all worth it. He rethinks his decisions and helps the gaang in Ba sing se but this gets him thrown into the boiling rock. On the day of that fateful Agni Kai, Zuko stands, bright and proud. A dragon and a sea serpent, they dont have much of a place in human society but all the loneliness was worth the wait to find each other and people who would accept them. Azula (Avatar)/Original Male Character(s), Ambassador Sokka and Firelord Zuko (Avatar), children fighting a war messes them up a lot just saying, strange, how it turns the tide (never thought I could change my mind), Ozai is still terrible just on a more low scale. Bad sign, silently whispered scared servants. Azula pushes Zuko off the roof. Or. I would suggest reading it, but it isn't plot heavy and I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. 'No. However, as they grew older, the siblings eventually grew apart. , , , . If Azula were a true friend, she would have forgiven Mai for protecting her boyfriend. He is on his own, living, doing whatever it was that needs to be done, when he accidentally ends up saving the Avatar. As one of the show's cruelest villains, second only to the likes of Fire Lord Ozai himself, many fans consider her to be thoroughly irredeemable. Al conocer su destino deber huir de su matrimonio arreglado con el prncipe Zuko y de su propio hogar para cumplir con su deber como protectora del mundo. And he's right. A spirit encounter leaves Zuko transformed into a dragon. That is why after the fateful Agni Kai, Fire Lord Ozai made a deal with an unnamed spirit. The door to Azula's cell. Unlike Zuko, Azula was Ozai's pride, sharing her father's disposition toward cruelty and violence.Ozai always favored Azula, saying she was born lucky. His friend Aang wants to teach him, but he still hasn't been able to make a single gust of wind. It's really good, lots of detail on how Azula acts as Ozai's heir as well as how her view of the fire nation changes. " " It takes place in a world where the hundred-year war hasnt happened. Grandfather never met the next avatar. But when fire touched his face, his dragon form begged to differ. Though his nephew tried to hide it, Iroh had caught the young man giving the ostrich-horse a kiss on the head more than once. She hesitated, then continued with the request that had been resting heavily upon her heart. Be aware that it does contain some pretty explicit scenes. But he's also just another young boy, struggling to find his footing in a world that keeps demanding more from him, trying to navigate the dissonance between the person he is discovering and the one he is expected to become. what will happen to the world with an avatar that doesnt even want to save the world? She a year after the final fight with Ozai, the gaang are living a peaceful life in Ba Sing Se, until Suki has to go back to her island, so she breaks up with Sokka. In reality, one's self is split into three parts; the mind, the spirit, and the body. Together, me and my brother have found the new Avatar, prince Zuko of the fire nation. Updates Sundays every other Sunday sometimes. Her overprotective father keeps her out of public eye, they don't talk about his other family, and it's like her mother never existed. A purple light pulsed at its bulging, split-barked core. El Agni-kai desde el punto de vista de un espectador. Its hard to say man idk. For once, just stop being so stubborn and let me in." Zuko flew into the sky, thoughts fuzzy, rushing to escape the too hot too hot flames that threatened to melt his skin. Fire sibling dynamics including trauma and drama. This is a series, I have posted a summary at the end of the 1st part if you don't want to read Zuko's recovery arc. Normally Azula is less foolhardy than Zuko (albeit she still does take what the fuck tier risks) - but push her hard enough and she explodes just as badly as Zuko, if not worse, Also Zuko bein like "hol up hol up HOL UP" when he sees her is pretty funny. When Zuko strikes up an unlikely friendship with a displaced member of the Natoyi tribe, an unseen darkness looms over them. Keys lay in his hands, their slight weight unbearably heavy, and Zuko stared at them, unsure of what to do. Ou aquele do dia da famlia 4 anos depois da guerra. Zuko also strives to realize his true destiny, which he originally misconstrues. She calls herself Kiyi and says that she was looking for adventure. Zuko and Ursa would visit Azula often, and over a long time she would slowly regain her sanity, she would start to lose her craze, and start to act normal, and begin to see her mother as her mother. it's a very beautiful fic. Can chaos and order learn to coexist? Power will be in my hands(and it won't go to my head). It's not as bad as it sounds. I imagine if she'd have killed him, she'd be like "ah damn. Sokka's idea to bolster his popularity & school involvement in an attempt to keep up with his powerhouse little sister by trying out for the football team goes a little too well. Only key to her goal is princess Azula ___ I had horrible writer block and that is reason why there weren't updates in last 4 days. "My father says she was born lucky. Please consider turning it on! The other remained now, and Azula fell alone. In the end, children will always unavoidably take after their parents to some degree. As always, I wrote this for myself but you can read it, too, if you'd like. "You don't know me! It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. says Aang, "Yes he's super cute when he's not actively trying to kill us" Sokka deadpans, who is big and scaly and wants to be friends. Aang never woke up from the iceberg. Book Name- The Burning Truth Peace.~. Azula makes a great avatar. Who else is there to go to except their mother? Fortunately, Azula remembers a near forgotten story from a near forgotten time when her father still saw her as his daughter first. Ozai and Azula are nowhere in sight. In theAvatargraphic novelThe Search, we see that Zuko desires a relationship with Azula similar to the one that Sokka has with Katara. He has his head shaved and he has bright blue arrow tattoos running down his head and arms. We can just go straight to the capital and-". The General is going to be livid. Vlasy ml po zadek dlouh del ne ona, uvdomila si a vrek vlas ml sthnut do drdolu, zatmco zbytek mu splval podl tla a pr pramen mu z drdolu utkaly a padaly do tve. The absolute best Azula fic, and maybe the best fic I've read in general is the Salt and Ashes series by Ultranos. Canon proceeds to implode. The author doesn't just write the same story and swap roles but instead makes the appropriate changes that would lead Azula to that point. Then him and his uncle remodel the ship given to him to hunt the Avatar and turn it into a moving tea shop. The young prince is about to roll his eyes at the crowd but then he makes eye contact with him. The Avatars disappearance left a rift between the natural and spirit world. Instead a prince is stripped down to a soldier, an easy disposable to be set in the middle of a war. He comes across the Gaang in the harbor town he has been living in, connecting with them as a healer who still remembers how to fight from what his life used to be, joining their cause before they even reach the Northern Water Tribe. What could it be? Summary: Instead of Zuko, it is Azula that Firelord Azulon demands sacrificed. Really intriguing look at Azulas life, her goals, motivations, etc. cannot recommend it enough, Was working on one but had severe writers block sorry, Well I'd love to read it if you ever finish it. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). They don't understand my thematic talents. taking Zuko and Iroh as prisoner would have kept them from being an X-Factor in the Fire Nation conquest. The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra That was a very, very big tree. Whereas Zuko acknowledges that his subordinates are human, Azula sees them as mere objects. I don't know; there's mixed evidence for it. What if Azula had been shown another way? At first he's devastated. Uncle told me so many stories of how we have caused chaos and wars over land just because we think we have a right to it. Zuko stretched beside her, the burns on his arms almost mocking her. look! Anyone that is unwell deserves to be given help. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The sour feeling of betrayal clenched his chest, but his mind was too dizzy to remember why. She's throwing rocks at turtle ducks just for the fun of hurting them, as well as bullying her friends, Mai and Ty Lee. She has bee this is a sokka x reader and i guess a love triangle with zuko too <3 Then he was declared a traitor, and forbidden to ever return. And then that Water Tribe ship arrived and he knew he would do anything to get them to take him to Ba Sing Se. Shell most likely get a redemption. Tell me one thing you could do thats better than helping an old lady out here. Tan smiles like she won something. Or a short scene of Zuko comforting Azula, Read Part 1 of the series before this one! Thanks a lot!! The Fire Lady's anxious features softened. UPDATE 12/13/22--Scaled Salvage: Instructions Unclear, Left Dragon Alone with Earth Kingdom. Iroh II x femoc Or, the untold story of the closest thing to a true friend that Azula has ever had. "She offered her prayers and thanks to the gods, particularly whichever one had decided to take mercy on her brother's fall. Legend of Korra A brief lesson in history between the time of Roku's death and Zuko's birth. Cocky little, Tan sighs but her smile doesnt fall, Thats on me. What if he met Toph before any of the Gaang did? She felt a breeze brush past her bangs, one that sounded like a sigh, and thanked them more fervently. Later, in "The Day of Black Sun", Azula is shown to be so adept at lying that she can fool Toph's senses. I do hope that she gets a redemption arc though. He tried so hard to lead Zuko to the right way of life and to be good and Zuko did exactly the opposite. Between those two, Jee's probably just as dead as his charge probably is. Since then, he has been on the run from his own Nation for being a traitor, and on the run from his own brother. The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Avatar Studios animated movies and other projects, novels, games, and all other Avatar content. - Azula a campe dos 71 temporadas dos jogos vorazes! The drake wasn't supposed to be in danger, but he was. He said as though it explained everything. And dragons will protect what is theirs. I know its wrong to think, but you are something to me. He let his uncle down, his greatest dishonor. What if Zuko never resurfaces and the crew on the Wani think he died? (The biggest lie she ever told was when she claimed she had never loved him.). Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. "And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons." Good luck with it and anything else. I haven't read any of the comics but by the end if the show she definitely fully hated him, but that was 100% Ozai's influence and abuse. But who actually stuck to their promise? who could really use some safety and a loving parental figure, Azula loves airships and Lu Ten (in no particular order), Azula mispronounces words and it's adorable, Azula & Zuko (Avatar) Have a Good Relationship, Zuko is a precious bean who must be protected, This work is heavily invested in Zuko's inner world, She's literally the Azula that terrifies us just her dad has less influence, This story has been such a process everyone, Zuko (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, but only at the cost of pain and suffering, because he was malnourished and sun-deprived. When she learned Zuko would have to die cause of ozai, (iroh's son died and ozai asked for the throne ,hence making ozai's dad angry and telling him that he will have to loose his firstborn) , Azula flipping teased Zuko by the fact he was going to die. Or the Fire Princess his sister, his adversary, his blood? Please consider turning it on! Your sister, ", I mean i dont think she wanted him to actually die. Obviously, it's not normal for someone to see visions of someone that isn't really there. Will the blood stop? This will then secure them a not guilty verdict. Its harder to convince himself this is a nightmare as it continues, hes never had this much control in them before.His mouth doesnt form words, and his body doesnt move. This exemplifies that Zuko cares for his subordinates, and sees them as human. One for his banishment. In "Zuko Alone", when a young Azula tells Zuko that their father is planning to kill him, Zuko calms himself down by repeating, "Azula always lies." And as much as she refuses to admit it, it's grown on her. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. Or how Zuko made friends his own age and toppled an empire. Bad sign, scoffed his grandfather, the man who ravaged the world for decades and gathered power and wealth like dragons, whom he once ordered to slay. Both siblings happily recalled these memories many years later. Completed toph azula firebender +20 more # 13 The Commander's Daughter (Zuko X O. by My Dog Has Become My Life. Zuko is very insistent he doesnt need help, trying to catch the Avatar. Sokka exclaimed as he waved his hands around. Zuko is a Fire Nation royal and firebending master who reigned as Fire Lord from 100 AG until his abdication in 167 AG. At age ten, Azula comes into Zuko's room with panic on her face, screaming about how Father is going to kill him. Ficlets from Tumblr. A subreddit for the discussion, worship, and ogling of Her Highness Firelord Azula, first of her name, descendant of Agni, conqueror of Ba Sing Se, slayer of the Avatar, and firebending prodigy. He is destined for greatness. Aang still masters airbending at the same age. : Lei, granddaughter of the late Azula, has been trained as a firebender since she was a little girl and was taught by her great uncle, Lord Zuko. I would certainly hope so in the one where they're searching for their mother lol, It's hard to tell. Having been tasked with finding the Avatar and returning him to the Fire Nation once and for all, Azula will complete her mission by any means necessary. It was now morning and Jet had received a letter. Touya took a deep breath. That she is the perfect daughter, the prodigy. One of the great overarching themes ofAvataris destiny. Includes bonus content for Towards the Sun and Salvage, Hama Raises Zuko AU, Herbalist!Zuko, Yuyan!Zuko, Chaos Avatar Zuko, and more. I would recommend gladiator on fanfiction.net, it's an azula-sokka pairing that happens before the series, but everyone is a bit older. But with Azula, the pressing question remains: was she ever even good to begin with? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Nothing!" Ou Azula e o vazio que no foi feito por ela. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He cannot call for doctors, he cannot call for help. It goes without saying that someone who's as adept as lying as Azula cannot be trusted easily. When Azula was eleven, her brother was declared missing. Now there is the fire avatar Prince zuko of the fire nation.Upon discovering he was the avatar, he ran away form the wani and search for master to train him. Rivalries, friendships, romances, & complicated family relationships develop & change over the course of the school year at Ember Island University as a group of young adults learn to better understand themselves & each other. Ursa knew this, which is why she knew the Blue Dragon would be her only option for saving Zuko. But not for the reason everyone thinks. Started : 1st April 20 Eziri is the eldest daughter of Ozai and Ursa, Princess of the Fire Nation, and the embodiment of perfection. Who is Zuko supposed to choose? Cuando Ursa seala a su hija como un monstruo, no sabe cuan equivocada estaba. Layer after layer, burying away what she really is. Years after the war, Azula and Sokka are vacationing in the Earth Kingdom with their son, who just learned to speak and ask questions without stopping. At thirteen, Zuko knelt on the Agni Kai field and proclaimed himself his father's loyal son. And he's not a very happy Avatar. When Azula's not straight-up lying to her enemies, she's usually either threatening her friends or dangling half-truths above their heads. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. The robes expose his left shoulder and part of his broad, toned chest. Its a 100% must-read. - Iroh describes Roku and Sozin's blood flowing through Zuko as a war within himself. A single gust avatar fanfiction zuko cares for azula wind with a direct link to it will see message. That was a very, very big tree ; s displeasure kept him diligent in his training el de. Cocky little, Tan sighs but her name friends his own age and toppled an empire: 10 Lessons! Her boyfriend his sister, his adversary, his blood Zuko 's birth x femoc or, the,! Is there to go to my head ) spirit encounter leaves Zuko transformed into a moving tea.... Will be in my hands ( and it wo n't go to my head ) day of that Agni. 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