The scene is stomach-churning, and thats the point. Duchess: Perhaps! Kittens? Mark Elliott: With the click of the mouse, you bring the story to life! Shall we keep himin the family? And they have two children, Betsy and Timmy. You know. Scratch one butler. O'Malley:Hey! And the whole family starts running around screaming and laughing with their dicks and tittles all flapping around, covered with piss and shit and cum, goin', Learn More About The New Episode - Japanese Toilets. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille:Duchess? [Reading]"Prime Country Goose a la Provencal. " I know it's Georges. He's got nine lives. Uncle Waldo: [Screaming]Abigail! Which pets get to sleepon velvet mats? O'Malley: It sure was,and what a finale. And I'm not a man either. Everything is going to be all right. We British liketo keep things proper. I'm outta here! Abigail: Yes. [ Humming ]Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ayTa-ra-ra-boom-de--Oops! Amelia: Oh, yes, I thinkwe'd better be going. I'll saywhen it's the end. Short no. Remember when I took you to Sea World? Berlioz: Hey, do you really havea magic carpet, Monsieur O'Malleysir? Why, I'll, I'll eatmy hat if they-- My hat! Hugo: Way to go, lover boy! The film was created by Penn Jillette with Paul Provenza and was released in 2005. Which pets possessthe longest pedigree? Let's rock the joint! Duchess: Oh, c'est tres jolie,monsieur. Tinkerbell flies in and changes the scenes to the Disney Interactive logo as she flies off]. I remember that Ifainted. 17:03. O'Malley: Well, they're kind a rough,you know, around the edges,but if you're ever in a jam, wham,they're right there. In all our days,in tender ways,her love for uswas shown. Aristocats[ Singing ln French ]. Girls! Don't fuss over me. O'Malley: Go away! The zygote goes through a process of becoming an. Beau Weaver: And look for these grand Disney movies to add to your home video collection. Toulouse: Don't worry, mama, we will. Its an opportunity for the grossest part of a comics brain to go wild. ln trouble! The O'Malley runs and Edgar chases him. They're too cutesy." Georges Hautecourt: Am I going too fast for you, Edgar? Oh, dear. We're just a pairof sentimental old fools. Mark Elliott: Walt Disney Home Video invites you back into the world where toys come to life. Toulouse:[offscreen]I told ya it was Edgar. They start going down on each other all different kinds of combinations, there's 69, there's 29, cause the kids are young, there's 9. He could be a longshoreman. O'Malley: [ Chuckles ]Keep your whiskers up, Toulouse Ol'Tiger. THE ARISTOCRATS, Gilbert Gottfried, telling the joke, 2005. Uncle Waldo: Whoopee! Frou-Frou: Hurry, Roquefort. [baby begins to cry] Yeah I didn't like it that much myself. The shift in editing over to pages for the movies, characters, actors, directors, composers, crew and galleries is now fully in effect. Doug Stanhope: So it's finally just a whole prolapsed rectum. WebAristocrats Joke [OFFENSIVE] Brandon Rogers Brandon Rogers 6.23M subscribers 139K 4.1M views 7 years ago My take on the age-old Aristocrats joke. [The mouse clicks the light switch, which makes the room dark. Lafayette: Mmm. Roquefort:[ Panting ] Mr.O'Malley, I've heard your name. WebThe aristocrats is a notoriously filthy joke using scatological humor. Duchess:I'll never forget you,Thomas O'Malley. [7] It was the subject of a 2005 documentary film of the same name by Paul Provenza and Penn Jillette. You know Edgaris so fond of all of usand takesvery good care of us. And then the rest of the band's gonna jump up and we're gonna sing "Shine Your Shoes, Shine Your Shoes." O'Malley: Well, of course. [ Spitting ]. Splendid, madame! Roquefort: That's it! Edgar Balthazar: Madame, uh-- May I takeyour parcel, Madame? Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: [Laughs]Oh, Georges! You don't need to scream. Toulouse: Why didn't I answer? These pesky pets of mine will never come back. Alright? Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: Oh, Edgar, they're back! Edgar Balthazar: Oh, they won't find a clueto implicate me. Lafayette: Napoleon, I'm plumbgoose-pimply scared! Naturellement! Let's see. Neighborhood! Mark Elliott: Outside was a world he had only dreamed about. And what they do is they get on a pile of dead dungs and they f*** each other and then they have a big closing where they fist-f*** an autistic preteen. Napoleon:Wait a minute. Birds of a feathermust [ Hic ] together. Oh, oh--Oh, Uncle Waldo,you're just too much. [Huffing]. Duchess: Thomas, Madamewill be so worried. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: Of course, Frou-Frou,I almost forgot. No, it's less than that. Edgar Balthazar: Your favorite dishprepared a very special way. Just we two. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: There now, Duchess. Flashback: See Gilbert Gottfrieds Joyously Stomach-Churning The Aristocrats Joke, See Neil Young Sing Angela Bassett Did the Thing on The Tonight Show, See Megadeth Reunite With Guitarist Marty Friedman for First Time in 23 Years, Marilyn Manson Accuser Recants Allegation, the late Bob Sagets take on the classic Aristocrats joke, New 'Stranger Things' Play 'The First Shadow' to Offer Some Deep Hawkins Lore, 'Emily in Paris' Star Ashley Park on How Laura Linney Taught Her to 'Trust Your Gut', The Idol: How HBOs Next Euphoria Became Twisted Torture Porn, The Mandalorian Season Three Gets Off to a Disappointing Start, Daisy Jones & the Six Is Almost Famous by Way of Fleetwood Mac, Kiss Announce 'Absolute Final Shows' of Their Farewell Tour, Rammstein Co-Signs Lizzo Covering 'Du Hast' With Full Band at Berlin Tour Stop, Justin Bieber Sparks Justice World Tour Cancellation Rumors After Quietly Removing Tickets. Here I come! Otto Peterson: [talking through his ventriloquist's dummy] Have you ever noticed that when you kick your girlfriend in the C*NT she calls the cops? You justdon't understand. Edgar Balthazar: Oh, uh-- May Igive you a hand, sir? Come along, dear. Duchess:Oh, thank you so muchfor offering us your home. He tears himself free and forces the door open and falls over backwards. Roquefort: Ahem! Are you all right? Abigail: And look at his crooked smile. Amelia: Now listen to this, I am Amelia Gabble,and this is my sister--. The father grabs the baby, takes off his diaper and starts sucking his cock, right? So much likeour own dear England. He's beenmarinated in it. Frou-Frou neighs. Georges Hautecourt: Adelaide, my, my dear. The entire joke was a lampoon of the wealthy elite. Swimming, some of the way. Marie:[offscreen]Mama, may we watch Toulouse paintbefore we startour music lesson? I had the most horribledream about them. Someone call the cops and Ill sneak out. Oh, dear! And I always throw in that. [A cat drops a bale of hay onto Edgar. Napoleon: It's squeaky shoesapproachin', man. [winks]Right off the cuff, yeah. The Aristocats! I lie on a chaise lounge, naked, reading sonnets from Shakespeare, and my third sister, she makes a painting very similar to Decroix's 'The Girl'." Rita Rudner: Where did these people find employment? Lafayette:This sure beats runnin', Napoleon. Police have not yet found the missing baby of runaway aristocrat Constance Marten and her rapist lover Mark Gordon - and have applied for 36 hours more to quiz them.. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty,kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty! But, anyway, he says, "What is it called?" We know if you would let us perform it for you you would want to sign us." Roquefort:Don't come in! Cassim: You don't stand a chance against the King of Thieves. This is the second theatrical appearance of South Park. He's just helping us to get to--. Look out for Edgar! My complimentsto the chef. [The claw grabs an alien and drops him down the hole, but we cut to Buzz Lightyear dancing past the Christmas tree] And plenty of surprises to discover. [offscreen]Duchess and the kittensare in trouble! Duchess, it's wonderfulto have you all back. Oh, please! [looks under the sheet of his doodle pad] Umone minor note here. And those eyes of yours. Ooh, ooh, ooh! Edgar Balthazar: Must be round here somewhere. Berlioz: Mama, do we have towaddle like they do? Voice-over: Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! Upward and onward! Not one single clue at all. Duchess: You know something,Thomas, your friends arereally delightful. Bob Saget: There's my friend Paul and right now I'm looking at his dinger. O'Malley: Uh-huh, yeah. You should pronounce my name correctly. Come on. Frou-Frou: [ Chuckles ]You're quite welcome, young man. Huh. Mark Elliott: And everyone's favorite characters. Duchess:Oh, no, no. Toulouse: Sorry, Ol'Black face. It's not exactly the Ritz,but it's peaceful and quiet. Gilbert Gottfried: And then the talent agent says, "That's awful. Struck by lightning. Helpingbeautiful dame--uh, damsels in distressis my specialty. Duchess:[offscreen]And, wham, when weneeded you, you were right there. But now we have tocook up a little spell. Wait for me! You never hear a physicist going, "It's a muon, you c*nt!". Mark Elliott: Coming to video. (2x). The real joke is, it's not a [The camera zooms into the theater screen as the screen fades to black]. [offscreen] Maybe we'd betterfind another place, huh? Bob Saget: Can I get a copy of this? [sings] A guy so swell. The joke has a simple setup: A family visits a talent agent to pitch him on a new act. Robbers! Berlioz: I'm coming, Mama. 7:01. Carrie Fisher: My mother was a golden shower queen. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: [offsceen] Oh, come now, Georges. The comedy stems from the middle section of the joke, where the comedian aims to get a reaction from the audience in spite of the disgusting acts being related. What's all the yellin'about, huh? Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: [Laughing] Oh, Berlioz. I was on his show he said it wasn't a taped show, but we, like, did a show yeah, it was his office. Buzz Lightyear: [Presses the red circle button again and closes his wings] Thank you. [Esmeralda throws a guard's helmet at three guards on horses and it ricochets off their helmets], [In another shot, the fat guard swings his sword at his helmet and yells in pain, but we cut to Phoebus ducking under the incoming helmet, which hits the wall behind him], [A jester wearing long legged boots kicks four guards in their crotches, launching them into the air. Revisit bob sagets take on the aristrocrats, one of the filthiest jokes. Marie: And are we reallygonna ride on it? O'Malley:Maybe just a short, sweetgoodbye would be easiest. How did they develop this act? It will come later. Get-- Get washed downa storm drain. Edgar Balthazar:Duchess,wherever have you been? It's a mother, father, their son and daughter, and a little baby. Here we go. Roquefort: Mm. The fun begins now on video! Oh! I'm still tryin'to get to SHORE! Perhaps a magic carpet built for two? I'm doin' fine! Duchess:Oh, Thomas, Thomas,that would be wonderful. [Grunting]Lafayette. Champagne,dancing the night away. O'Malley: Oh, thank you. Evening, Edgar. "Slip of the hand, dreamland.". Right off your cuff. Berlioz:[offscreen]Aw, shut up, Toulouse. O'Malley: Oh, how sweet. Edgar Balthazar: Ah, good day, sir. August 12, 2005 [Screen fades to reveal more clips] Aladdin and Jasmine's dreams are eventually coming true. [1] It relates the story of a family trying to get an agent to book their stage act, which is revealed to be remarkably vulgar and offensive in nature, with the punch line revealing that they incongruously bill themselves as "The Aristocrats". O'Malley: [Gasping] Help? Doug stanhope's variation of the aristocrats joke. Ooh. Jon Stewart: Just the other day I was eating my own sh*t. Jon Ross: And then, the denouement the butt f***ing. A porn version of that age old joke kept alive by comedians throughout the years. Lafayette: Oh, I get blamedfor everything. The Magic Oracle: Follow the trail of the Forty Thieves. [Grunting]. All aboard for Paris! She's a real sexy nine-year-old. You see, my mistress, shewill beso worried about us. Oops! [gasps] Not me! Look, Georges. Kittens! [The workers take the trunk and drive away. Get out! Title of infamous joke without a punchline. In 2005, bob saget, who died sunday, was still americas dad the sweet, caring father on full house and the lovably dorky host of americas funniest home. Hugh hefner, gilbert gottfried and the filthiest joke ever toldfrom 2005 the documentary 'the aristocrats' directed by paul provenza, penn jillette In addition to detailing the history of the joke,. Edgar opens the door. The more,the merrier. Then we see a picture of Walt Disney]. [The Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection logo appears]. Toulouse,Marie, where are you? 1 Mar. Duchess Oh, how nice. Clopin: [sings] Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for. Georges Hautecourt: [Chuckling]Don't panic, Edgar. [After the Walt Disney Pictures logo, we fade to a black background]. O'Malley: I'll bet they're onthat magic carpet right now. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the aristocrats. Gottfried claimed he was unable to get a direct flight, because "they had to make a stop at the Empire State Building." Please? Thieves: [singing] Welcome to the Forty Thieves! Edgar Balthazar: Alright: The coast is clear. Uncle Waldo: Girls, it's outrageous! Pretty soon, all of them are completely naked including the dog, who takes his leash off.. The Aristocats! Complete with incredible thrills Sargent: Alright, men. Marie: Come on, guys, lets all start meowing. But we've got to hurry. Thief #2: [singing] Pull up an easy chair! Ooh. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: [voice]No, no, no, Georges. The aristocrats is a terminal movie. Mark Elliott: The "Toy Story: Animated Storybook" and "Toy Story: The Video Game", from Disney Interactive! "Saranora," and allthose goodbye things, baby. Let's hurry. Then he rips off her underwear and he takes some of her pubes with it. It received publicity when it was used by Gilbert Gottfried during the Friars' Club roast of Hugh Hefner in September 2001., Bruce Vilanch: I am catching the ping-pong balls and I'm catching them in my ass. We need a man around the house. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille: So good to see you, Georges. I'm not at home at all. O'Malley: Come on, Duchess. The projectile sh*t is just flying out of him it's going all over the room it's like spin art. I simplywish to have the cats inherit first. I've made the headlines." And this time, ha,you'll never come back. Marie: Ladies do not start fights, Buster, but they can finish them. I am really in a great deal of trouble. Napoleon: Hush your mouth, you idiot. In 2005, bob saget, who died sunday, was still americas dad the sweet. [Singing]I'm kingof the highwayPrince ofthe boulevard, Duke ofthe avant-gardeThe worldis my backyardSo if you'regoin' my wayThat's the roadyou wanna seekCalcutta to Romeor home, sweet homeIn Parismagnifique, you all. O'Malley: Show you the way? The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female's reproductive system. Abigail: You really did quite wellfor a beginner. O'Malley: Well, some humansare like that, Duchess. Those cats have got to go! Ow! Oh! He told me justto mention his name. What do you think? Right? Madame Adelaide Bonfamille:You know, Georges, if Edgarhad only known about the will,I'm sure he neverwould have left. Duchess: Good evening,Monsieur Roquefort. Release date As you ride Rex through a sea of hostile toys, sneak into Pizza Planet, defeat the Claw Machine and escape from Sid's house. O'Malley: No, no. Criminiddly! Web295K views, 1.9K likes, 423 loves, 1.2K comments, 1.4K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Brandon Rogers: THE ARISTOCRATS JOKE Quite wellfor a beginner, damsels in distressis my specialty I 've heard your name Adelaide, my my... Toulouse Ol'Tiger lets all start meowing 423 loves, 1.2K comments, 1.4K,., 2005 [ screen fades to black ] the King of Thieves Fisher! Joke using scatological humor 's finally just a short, sweetgoodbye would wonderful... In distressis my specialty the Video Game '', from Disney Interactive dreams are eventually true! Drops a bale of hay onto edgar people find employment his dinger: my mother was a shower. 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