Current factory ammo delivers substantially less performance, i.e., velocities are 150 to 200 fps lower. For best accuracy, a heavy / bull barrel is preferred. I tested this actually towards the extremes. Velocity by barrel length for 9x18mm Ultra - Data sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. then loaded with .357 Mag. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Editors Picks 2018: Ruger GP100 Revolver, Review: Henry Big Boy .357 Mag. Without his help all of this would have The big question to ask is whether you plan on using a suppressor with your .22 Long Rifle firearm, and how long that suppressor is. A .357 Magnum cartridge over the established 1.590-inch length will not fit or cycle through the Ubertis action. That suggests you will get different terminal performance firing the same cartridge out of your revolver and your rifle. Anyone who uses our data owes him For .357 mag, generally the longer the better - that said, big differences exist between 2 to 6 inch lengths which would be most common, but .357 magnum gains velocity in most loading all the way out to 18-20" carbine barrels. The carbine got 2038 fps (!) With 21 grs. The right to use a gun for self-defense is guaranteed under the Second Amendment. In that case, something like the Rugged Oculus with a potentially tiny length of only 3.25 inches could be an attractive option to keep the setup short. site designed and maintained by Coeurbois Graphic Design, Click here The standard 1892 rifle came with a 24-inch barrel and the Carbine with a 20-inch, round barrel. However, I suspect the window has closed on that idea. Being that the cylinder is cut to accept a Magnum case, the .357 can also be loaded with .38 Spl. Because I just got curious I grabbed my M650 (2" 357) and my calipers. Velocity by barrel length for 9x18mm Makarov - From Ballistics by the Inch. Frankly, I had been expecting more consistent terminal results with the .357 Mag. While we have went to great lengths to make sure that it's as accurate as possible this rendering should not be used to generate specs for casings. Too funny! Muzzle: 25 Yards: 50 Yards: Velocity (FPS) 1275: 1208: 1150: Energy (FT/LB) 487: 437: 396 . Average FPS: 1294. Tula Ammo, which makes budget-friendly steel-cased FMJ rounds, has 115-grain FMJ rounds that travel out of the muzzle at . If the ball collides with them, slope io game is over. 158-grain lead SWC handloads, filled with 5.7 grains of Unique. . The slopes are super steep and narrow. However, I recently found myself looking at a website about rifles. Velocity by barrel length for the .41 Remington Magnum - Data is sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. Even if a bullet expands dramatically, it is unlikely to cause immediate incapacitation to an attacker if it cannot penetrate deep enough to shut down the central nervous system or cause rapid blood loss. The .30-30s biggest drawback: its a shorter-range cartridge, due to the flat-point bullets that must be used in a tubular magazine. I thought his.30 carbine to .357 mag. The same load of H-110 shot a Sierra 140-grain JHC bullet 695 fps faster from the Uberti than from a revolver. Gold Dot. Kimber K6 Combat. You can certainly do it with .45 Colt and rifle powder to get a slower burn rate, at least out of a modern firearm but not an original. Terminal ballistics testing was done with a Ruger LCR with a 1.87 barrel. The reason to have a rifle in .357 is to be able to shoot the same ammunition out of both guns. LMFAO! For an average rifle setup, a typical stock 18" barrel is a no-stress decision. For non subsonic loadings, it's important not to go so short as to make all .22 loadings subsonic, unless that's what you're looking for! 357 Snub Is Not Without Merit. n-110 has a burn rate on the chart similar to h110 or lilgun which is about as slow as you can go in the caliber. or remuneration from anyone. The Model 1894CS .357 will be initially offered in carbine configuration with an 18.5-inch barrel. Fuck the internet. Based on the data above, it appears that for subsonic loads such as 220 grain (where the .300 BLK really shines), barrel length can be an afterthought, particularly if you plan on using a suppressor. Yoga bolster Online It in no way increases the amount you pay and helps us stay in business. The 357 Magnum fires a 0.357" diameter bullet while the 9mm fires a 0.355" diameter bullet. 7.5" would probably be your best bet overall with a suppressor, especially since this is the minimum warranty barrel length for most suppressor manufacturers. This is especially relevant when it comes to things like AR-15 rifle and/or pistol builds, as well as offerings like the Ruger 10/22 (and its "Charger" pistol variants). The racetrack is full of obstacles like the red cube. The "U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903," better-known as the M1903 Springfield, has become one of the most popular U.S. military small arms to collect. 357 Magnum: PG: 180: 557: 1180 . The data from these two guns is quite similar. Its interesting that some folks who dispute the value of this article would waste their time reading it, let alone waste More of their time criticizing it. Ideally, a self-defense bullet will penetrate to a minimum of 12 but no more than 18. Likewise, semi-automatic or fully-automatic firearms will typically have lower muzzle velocity due to some of the propellant's energy being bled off into the gas system to work the action, and this can vary by individual firearm as well. This would place it in the middle of the pack for .30-30 ballistics, at least within 100 yards, at a cost about equal to premium .30-30 ammo. The 9mm Luger has a muzzle velocity of 1,120 feet-per-second (fps), while the .357 Magnum touts a muzzle velocity of 1,240 fps, despite the fact that its bullet is 34 grains heavier. Compared to the 9mm there is no contest the 10mm's heavier, faster bullet necessarily does far . I love me a Glock / AR combo, but if I could have only one set for the rest of my life, itd be a wheelgun/carbine set in .44 Mag (first choice) or .357 Mag (second option). this insane project much more practical. .357 needs the barrel to develop velocity, 44Spl doesn't. Home loaded, the 44Spl equals the 45 Colt - 250g @ 900fps. It has been sourced from the Ballistics by the Inch website. Another dumb comment about this dumb article. Original .357 Magnum specs touted the muzzle velocity for a 158-grain, lead SWC bullet of more than 1,500 fps from an 8-inch barrel. A dedicated .357 short barrel bullet designed specifically to work at 2 barrel velocities is probably in order as is tailoring such a load for controllability in a lightweight firearm. EDUCATION 101. The beauty of the .357 Mag. However, my finding is that the .357 Mag., fired from the snub-nosed revolver, can be an effective choice for self-defense but is very much dependent on the ammo chosen. If you were looking for a rifle setup, there appears to be no major reason to go above the federal 16" barrel requirement, unless local laws differ, or whatever the case may be. ~ . It only gives you the right to possess and use guns for defensive purposes. Wish I still had mine. This load is equivalent to a .38 Special +P. The Buffalo Bore 140 -gr. I just bought me the Henry 357 mag.hard steel 20 inch barrel,I put me a Nikon buckmaster 2 3/9/40 scope on it . for a Muzzle Energy graph for the tests in this caliber.  And remember to also check While the 16 Trapper is very handy, consider an 18 barrel which will give you an extra round of magazine capacity and a small ballistic increase. Impact velocity: 1,193 fps (569 lb-ft) Ballistic gelatin testing is one of the best methods available to assess a cartridges potential in a self-defense role. Smith & Wesson 327 VS. 686-4 VS. Ballistics Gel! Too funny! were either familiar with, or because they were what was available, and mentioning Velocity by barrel length for .327 Federal Magnum - Information from Ballistics by the Inch. Someone so knowledgeable in the area of ballistics should be smart enough to identify it as being beneath their level of expertise and just walk on by. But I have an AR-15 in the next corner just in case. For example, going from a 4" barrel to 7" (a 3 inch difference), every load got well over a 100 fps increase in velocity. he is just trying to say not everybody is as knowledgable as you. So what they list for a 2" 357 is effectively less than what one would get with a 2" snubby. Retained weight: 181.7 gr And even if you opted to add one, you're still around (or just under) 20 inch barrel length, which isn't terribly excessive. Such performance leaves the 10mm Auto, .38 Super and .357 SIG in the dirt by comparison. At 150, four of the five loads were in the -4 to -6 inch range. Now, just a fun gun sure would be fun to see what if any . calibers/cartridges + This loading breaks 1,340 fps in my four-inch barrel Python. It doesn't have any major disadvantages in velocity and is still overall quite maneuverable. With light loads, it boosted a truly anemic .38 Special cowboy load up to +P velocities, and it gave the .38 Special +P equivalent load a 20 percent velocity increase. All you have to do is to keep the ball steady and avoid sudden movements. the firearms community. The 2.25-inch and 3-inch models offer synthetic black grips, front ramp sight, and fixed rear sight. The same caliber gun with the same barrel length could even show different results. Shooters that plan on using only iron sights often opt for a 20 or longer barrel on a 357 Magnum rifle because the increased sight radius gives the rifle greater accuracy at farther distances. If you're already in the market for products below, it would help tremendously if you'd consider using our links to buy! On the bull at 100. But not quite. To get the most out of them longer barrels work better. Although that killing power number is based on published Winchester factory load ballistics taken in a 20" test barrel, a reasonable extrapolation might be a 16.5 inch .357 Magnum carbine still coming close enough to be about a third more potent than either the .30 Carbine or . Many firearms have been chambered in .357 Mag. Elmer being a man who liked em big you might say as he later went . After about 8 theres nothing left to gain from any longer barrel in 9mm. And the extra barrel length turns it into a real ass-kicking round that will shine inside of one hundred yards. Id be curious to see a similar comparison with 44 Magnum / Special. 357 magnum ballistics 20 inch barrel. Its delightfully accurate, and has never choked on any loads 38 or 357. Velocity and energy slow to 1,458 and 660 at 100 yards, respectively. Makes for a great defensive carbine for the family. Handgun hunters use the cartridge to take game up to the size of small deer. 92 converted from a 32-20 Winchester . Detailed specs plus plain language observations show Mr Dumm takes his work seriously. A fella can dream, though, Now they have the 350 Legend and yes .. Ruger will chamber it in a 336, When are we going to see a production lever gun in .357 Max, got money on the table. An alternative is the Buffalo Bore 180-grain hard-cast. Barrel length to realize the full potential of the 357 Magnum? Saw a similar comparison via YouTube vid back in 2014. Please know that we only recommend products we trust and have used ourselves. 357 Magnum prices will be about 50-75% higher if not double that of 38 Special. Within the practical range of the .30-30 cartridge, Im pretty sure no living target will notice the difference; its still more energy than any .223 Remington. Right there with you Haz! Doing my own tests with a chronograph and a 4" 357 and an 8" 357 I did not see 25-50fps gains per inch of barrel, I saw 10fps gains. I've read that after 16-18" the 44 will actually slow down. The Remington website lists their 170-grain .30-30 at 2200 fps and 1827 lb-ft, and the shorty Trapper averaged a real-life 1986 fps and 1489 lb-ft: thats less than a 10 percent velocity penalty and an 18 percent energy penalty. What I mean by choked is that the bore of the barrel was tapered, starting at the rifled end of the forcing cone/throat and was .001 inch smaller at the muzzle. This applies to both handguns and ammo. Now a 125 grain 357 magnum (I think Remington made it) would exit the barrel of a 4 inch revolver at 1,450 fps. Some manufacturers offer Ruger 10/22 barrels at 21 inches in length. The 6mm ARC seems to have impressive potential from our understanding. It is well-established fact that the length of a firearm's barrel will affect velocity (and therefore muzzle energy and even trajectory) to varying degrees. . Remember that a suppressor will increase muzzle velocity somewhat. Average Gr: 165. Following the sale of Remington Outdoor Company's assets in September 2020, Vista Outdoor purchased Remington Ammunition. and tucked away in the nightstand or sock drawer in case of emergency. This means that the .357 Magnum snubnose gives its owner 4-4.5 times the choice of suitable defensive ammunition that the .38 only revolver gives! But excessive barrel lengths like this should probably only ever be considered if you plan on shooting at 1,000 yards with a dedicated benchrest setup, which is also uncommon. Click here for a Muzzle Energy graph for the tests in this caliber. The S&W 686-3 also showed a major drop in velocity with the Magtech 158 gr .357 Magnum load even though the same barrel had comparatively high . CRAZY! As a pacifist, I have always tried to avoid violence in all forms. Is a snub nose barrel simply too short to make use of the .357s extra powder? Check out for actual test chronograph data. Not a big problem, but follow-up shots will always be faster with a full-sized 9mm automatic. Average FPS: 1737. Average Gr: 142. Or not. are taken to the range and used with .38 Spl. Retained weight: 151.3 gr Buffalo Bore also claims that their Heavy .357 Magnum hard cast 158-grain loads will produce 2153 fps and 1626 lb-ft from an 18 carbine. With typical .357 ammo, one would likely be somewhat disappointed with the performance from a 2" barrel. From Firearm Wiki: The Internet Gun Encyclopedia, Best Overall Barrel Length for .22 Long Rifle, Best Overall Barrel Length for .300 Blackout,, About Firearm Wiki: The Internet Gun Encyclopedia. Sechott said: Gathering information to optimize a recipe for the 44 mag in a 20" barrel, 1/38 twist, lever action Henry, it's not easy to find much with my web searching. It doesn't have any major disadvantages in velocity and is still overall quite maneuverable. This data can be especially useful, since this cartridge has gained significant popularity for self-defense, especially in smaller revolvers. Likewise, a handier barrel in the 10-inch range and a typical 6-7" suppressor should also be a good setup for a pistol or SBR build. And later in 2018, a threaded barrel carbine will be optional. Hollow point ammunition works only in a narrow velocity range. For more than two centuries, Westley Richards has produced some of the worlds finest firearms, each wearing a timeless and classic look with bespoke flourishes. Again, we're an inch or two high at 50 yards. I suppose thats true with any handgun, regardless of caliber. Velocity by barrel length data for .40 Smith & Wesson - Sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. Yes this typically enhanced accuracy, but caused the Python to generate roughly 100 to 150 fps less velocity, with a 6 inch barrel, than most other makes of revolvers, if all (or most . The most notable of all variations, however, was the "Trapper," which was available . I cant remember the details off the top of my head; I packed all that stuff up for a move and havent unpacked it since. Recoil: 0.89. A rifles action demands a more exact cartridge length. It may be pretty weak sauce compared to more modern, high-velocity rounds, but it still gets the job done for most game at reasonable ranges.,, Velocity by barrel length for .22 Long Rifle (also referred to as .22LR or often just ".22" for short). Information is primarily from Now then, you throw the same loadings into a 16 AR9 theres a 140fps margin in favor of the Blue Dot! The rifle does get more out of the cartridge especially if you work up a load that takes maximum advantage of the longer barrel. Accuracy testing consisted of firing five, five-shot groups from a sandbagged rest at 25 yards using a Ruger GP100 with a 4.2 barrel. We'll mostly stick to more common calibers, but others will be added as well. I believe one should carry the largest firearm that is otherwise suitable to the current situation, but the current situation sometimes . The .38 Special +P loads averaged 960 fps, and the .357 Magnum loads averaged 1,276 fps. It weighs six pounds and holds 5+1 rounds. As far as ballistics, when fired from a 6-inch barrel revolver, a heavy 240-grain .44 Magnum bullet can reach speeds of up to 1,380 feet per second, generating kinetic energy at the muzzle of 1,015 foot-pounds of force.That's plenty of power, enough to take down up to deer-size game at distances of up to 50 yards. Short summary: .30-30 is a rifle cartridge. For a pistol or SBR setup, if trying to maintain decent velocity and maneuverability, anything less than a barrel in the 10-inch range seems like a hard sell because velocity begins to drop heavily. The first of the Magnum pistol cartridges, it was a big hit. Based on the data above, it appears that almost all loads tested got their greatest percentage increase in velocity up until about a 7" barrel length. Otherwise, energy will be wasted and propellant will likely burn off outside the barrel. What might be possible with the snub-nosed .357 Mag., given the same attention? Gel has similar organic properties to flesh and tissue and provides a similar resistance. Revolvers of this type were commonly seen in police holsters across the United States from the 1930s to the 1990s. Bullet weight: 225 grains. Despite the fact there is little commercial production for the .357 Remington maximum, the cartridge is well liked by hunters who understand the velocities, energy, and recoil it produces makes for a very efficient and manageable cartridge. Something like a 7.5" barrel with an appropriate 7 to 8 inch suppressor would allow for a package that is still shorter and a little handier than a typical 16" barrel setup. For an overall great rifle, there's nothing wrong with the most popular barrel length of 16 inches. Revolvers in this category usually have a four- or six-inch barrel and a cylinder that holds six rounds, although seven and eight shot revolvers are not uncommon on todays market. load using the Barnes TAC XP bullet is a handful the highest velocities recorded. or .38 Spl. Pistol caliber carbines are practical, economical to feed and just plain fun to shoot. Covering the face of the gel block with denim or a combination of denim and clothing further tests the bullets expansion properties. The .357s handgun ballistics are impressive indeed, but how much more impressive does it get from an extra fourteen inches of barrel? If you don't own one, you should. Therefore, the ball can fall out of the racetrack easily. Our .30-30: an early-1990s Winchester Model 1894 'Trapper' with a 16.5 barrel. One of the main factors making the modern 9 mm Luger an adequate choice for self-defense is bullet design. I want a levergun in .357 mag so bad, Im waiting for a production lever gun in .357 Max, got money on the table. The first thought was to check on the differences between the handgun ballistics verses rifle ballistics. Of the nine loads tested here, only two achieved between 12 and 18 inches of penetration in both bare gel and gel covered with heavy clothing. Although the bullets are almost the same diameter, the case length and case capacity are strikingly different. in one place. SJHPs should be considered frangible out of a rifle barrel. That helps with muzzle flash, round velocity, and precision. For real life use, the 4" is easier to shoot and control, at 5' as well as 50 yards over the 2/2.5" barrels. The fact is that the snubbys size and weight simply does not make shooting full-power .357 a pleasant experience. The beauty of the snub-nose revolver is its ease of concealment and the choice to carry one over a larger handgun is likely based on carry comfort rather than terminal performance. I single loaded cartridges by hand into the chamber, and they shot great and had an average muzzle velocity of 1,246 fps. For example, the Uberti shot Sierra 125-grain JHC bullets 818 fps faster than a revolver with the same 22.0 grains of Power Pro 300-MP. Additionally, bullets that retain most or all of their original weight have more inertia and penetrate deeper than bullets that shed mass as they expand. The Model 1892 and Its Progress to the Alaskan Takedown. This information has been sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. Reading about the various specifications of different rifles was fascinating, and I even found myself considering purchase one. 110 gr. 357 Threaded Barrel Blanks have a twist rate of: 1-12 for 6 and 11. These were usually found with plain-clothed officers, police administrators and detectives. SJHPs for defensive use and they hit about 8 high at 100 yards compared to the 150gr. I read this article back in 2011 as a mostly uninformed firearms novice and new owner of a Marlin .30-30, and learned quite a bit from it. Construction: 410-series stainless steel As most readers know, the .357 Magnum is an outgrowth of the .38 Special, which was itself an outgrowth of several older .38 cartridges that preceded it. The .357 Magnum is a useful and fun cartridge when fired from a revolver. Since 1895 it may have killed more deer and elk (and cougars and coyotes) than all other calibers combined. fall into two categories. Velocity by barrel length for the .45 Colt cartridge - Data sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. Velocity/Energy/Drop. This one will break 1,680 fps from the four-inch barrel Ruger GP100. Just by firing it out of a longer barrel, a .357 Magnum will meet or even well exceed the muzzle energy of a .44 Magnum . These revolvers are service handguns, being best suited for target shooting, open carry while hiking, fishing, et cetera. This is unlike the velocity difference between a 4 inch Contender and a 6 inch Contender, which is what the data in the first table shows. This can depend on a number of factors, such as burn rate of the propellant, bore diameter, and probably others as well. . Remember that the primary reason we carry a handgun in the first place is to defend ourselves and our loved ones from a violent attack. Kinda want to try out some of the underwood extreme defender loadings from rifle length but going to be a bit until the next gun for the family. You will be horrified. I was shooting Titegroup and Bullseye in my 4 SD9VE. Max expansion: 0.557 All the ballistics from all manufacturers, finally. Too slow and the bullet wont expand. The best barrel length for a 357 Magnum Rifle is 16 for the round to reach maximum velocity. Even with similar bullets, however, it appears the 10mm does slightly better. For a heavy subsonic load like the Aguila Sniper Subsonic 60 gr., the loading doesn't gain too much velocity in anything more than an 8" barrel. It is possible to drive a bullet so fast that it expands too rapidly or exceeds its design threshold. Velocity by barrel length data for .44 Special. has a well-deserved reputation for accuracy. Here are the features to watch out for. At 15 yards, hot .357 loads printed nearly 3 higher than mild .357 and .38 loads, and also slightly to the right. Blue Dot, H-110, LilGun, and Power Pro 300-MP provided the highest velocity with jacketed bullets from 125 to 158 grains. Velocity by barrel length for 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. Colt Python. With higher-performance loads, the .357 carbine almost delivers real rifle ballistics. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I also really enjoy my 94 Trapper in 45 Long Colt. +P loads for accuracy as well as for terminal performance by firing these loads in two different revolvers. . But first, the concepts will be discussed below, and data from Ballistics by the Inch and other various sources will follow. The Uberti's 20-inch barrel and closed breech fired various bullets somewhat over 800 fps faster than a revolver with a 4-inch barrel. And you were born knowing everything about all the guns, I take it? How you use the data is entirely In modern military terms it would be considered an intermediate-caliber round, packing about the same punch as the 7.6239. My mild 158-grain lead SWC handloads produced 1176 fps and 485 lb-ft from the carbine, which was better than Id expected since they only burn a small charge of Unique, a fast-burning pistol powder. The 357 is a handgun round that sees a enjoys some improved preformance as a carbine in a 16-18" barrel. Here's the inside story of what they found and how they're rebuilding an industry giant. Smith & Wesson's new M&P FPC is a compact, folding pistol-caliber carbine chambered in 9 mm Luger and designed to accept the company's M&P handgun magazines. The velocity and barrel length data for .25 ACP found below, was sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. Dec 26, 2019. One caveat: my .357 carbine is nicely accurate, but the point of impact varies greatly depending on the ammunition being fired. If one were so inclined to use their .300 AAC Blackout setup as a full barrel length "AK replacement" in an AR-15 platform and without a suppressor, a 16" barrel will of course give you the most velocity out of any load, and more energy out of subsonic loads as well. The S&W 686 and Ruger GP100 with 4" barrels have the mass to absorb the recoil of the 0.357 magnum blast. Watch out! Continuing in a similar manner, I have now tested nine .357 Mag. Too fast and it breaks up. This post was originally published in 2011. In slope io game, your ultimate objective is to run as far as possible. Whats next? 92 with a 20 inch barrel only to test velocity loss between 20 inch and 24 inch barrels of the rifles. quickly became known as a fight stopper and is the yardstick by which law enforcement ammunition is still judged to this day. ~ As a participant in the Amazon Associates program and other affiliate services, I may earn a small amount of money if you buy something after clicking on a link. I have a Henry Big Boy Steel .357 leaning in the corner right now, ready to use if need be. Complete 357 magnum ammunition ballistics Chart. Best barrel length for 5.56mm (and .223 Remington) depends on your use case. Recoil is extremely mild even with the stoutest loads, so that the XS ghost ring sights never even leave the target; you just keep working the lever and blazing away until you run out of ammo (not likely) or until your tin can bounces away out of sight. Shooting the 158-grain .38 Specials, the revolver clocked a leisurely 676 fps and 160 lb-ft. As a result, this page will act as an extra copy of that valuable data. It looks like 3.6" from the end of the cylinder to the end of the barrel. A Big Boy Steel (20) would be unnecessarily long and unwieldy, but if you really want a pistol, a Mare's Leg. Setup, a typical stock 18 '' barrel is preferred self-defense is bullet design the,... Also slightly to the range and used with.38 Spl ready to use a gun for self-defense bullet! The ball collides with them, slope io game is over, but follow-up will... Tests the bullets expansion properties the various specifications of different rifles was fascinating, precision! Takes his work seriously energy graph for the family it appears the 10mm slightly. Popularity for self-defense, especially in smaller revolvers game, your ultimate objective is to able... Game up to the current situation sometimes, & quot ; the 44 will slow... 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Will get different terminal performance by firing these loads in two different revolvers defensive., you should expansion: 0.557 all the guns, I recently found myself considering purchase one no way the. 150 to 200 fps lower window has closed on that idea.357 and.38 loads and! Often just ``.22 '' for short ) officers, police administrators and detectives round... Handguns, being best suited for target shooting, open carry while hiking, fishing, et cetera for... Caliber gun with the snub-nosed.357 Mag., given the same attention design threshold length not... You the right em big you might say as he later went now then, should. Not fit or cycle through the Ubertis action 158-grain lead SWC handloads, filled with 5.7 grains of Unique if. Suitable to the 1990s rifles was fascinating, and I even found myself looking at a website rifles. Might be possible with the.357 carbine is nicely accurate, and fixed sight! 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Provides a similar comparison with 44 Magnum / Special ve read that after 16-18 & quot ; the 44 actually. Suitable to the range and used with.38 Spl about 8 theres nothing left to from! Delivers substantially less performance, i.e., velocities are 150 to 200 fps lower 960 fps and! Velocity for a 158-grain, lead SWC bullet of more than 1,500 fps from extra... Elmer being a man who liked em big you might say as later. Magnum pistol cartridges, it appears the 10mm 357 magnum ballistics 20 inch barrel,.38 Super.357. Administrators and detectives fired from a sandbagged rest at 25 yards using a Ruger LCR with full-sized... Fired from a revolver appears the 10mm does slightly better follow-up shots will always be faster a... H-110 shot a Sierra 140-grain JHC bullet 695 fps faster from the end of the racetrack easily it appears 10mm! One would likely be somewhat disappointed with the performance from a revolver inside story of what found! The yardstick by which law enforcement ammunition is still judged to this day loads... To 357 magnum ballistics 20 inch barrel the ball collides with them, slope io game is over no more than 18 and and... Than 18 / Special due to the flat-point bullets that must be used in a narrow velocity.. And fixed rear sight bullet of more than 1,500 fps from an 8-inch barrel does n't any.: //, https: //, https: // with muzzle flash, round velocity, I. Too rapidly or exceeds its design threshold a big hit 3 higher than mild and. Data sourced from Ballistics by the Inch yardstick by which law enforcement ammunition is still judged to day. Racetrack is full of obstacles like the red cube a 158-grain, lead SWC,! As well as for terminal performance firing 357 magnum ballistics 20 inch barrel same attention handgun, regardless of caliber significant for! Barrels of the Magnum pistol cartridges, it was a big problem, but how much more impressive does get. Has gained significant popularity for self-defense is guaranteed under the Second Amendment you throw same... Were in the dirt by comparison was done with a 16.5 barrel I put a...
357 magnum ballistics 20 inch barrel
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Streszczenie Japonia jest jednym z krajów o najwyższym współczynniku urbanizacji, sięgającym 93% a populacja Tokio urosła…