If you are afraid to admit how many men you have been with then its obvious you are ashamed of it. Of course no one solution applies to all. Just settle because the other person isnt perfect. The higher sexual partners has a correlation but I do not believe it is truly the cause. Again love this article! Lets try this on for size: Ive always been that way since I started having sex. No one wants to date or marry a hoe. You wouldnt be, so I dont think it is as widely accepted as you claim. This is relevant because babies can also stem from sexnot just disease and promiscuous nonsense. I wouldnt. hint 4: take some time and really dissect the roots of these feelings and separate them from the trigger events. Dont hold a value for the women youre looking for that you dont practice yourself. Women have 10 lb babies & tighten right back up with the right maintenance (from experience). Master Age: 48 , mho 32%. Of course, that was music to my earsbut, I am very realistic and pragmatic. I reinforced that sex was a major responsibility, must be done with responsibility, and that I definitely preferred that she would wait until she was marriedbut that if something changedprotection was a must! It benefits to see the bigger picture and all angles of a situation. I think Id have to agree with Sharona. What non practical thing are you buying with your maintenance loan first. These views are unrealistiic. Just go. PROGRAMAO. The fact is men behave like sluts because women allow them to. I agree with you completely, and applaud you for being able to be abstinent again. If your not going to be responsible w/ your body your either going to lose that double standard, or lose respect. Facebook. Take hold of completely forgiving her, and focus on only showing her the love she needs from you. Cut it out and replace it with positive experiences. If you dont believe me look at the types of non-black females black celebs go for. Im not saying that my hoe friends shouldnt find a great man one day but damn, if they saw them now theyd never get wifed. I go to a state school & am constantly reminded that its a small world. Imagine for a moment that the United States was an egalitarian society. The Virgin guy is one by choice. Fifth So, I conclude that it IS relevant about women Should I apply for accomodation now or later? And marrying a male whore would not be my choice either! Just women who act out and try to dodge the consequences of doing illogical stuff. 1) difference between studs and hoes. What matters in the end is if they are a genuinely good person or if they at least have good intentions. Im gone from a serious thing..dont get me wrong, ill keep her around and have sex with her, but no emotion will be devoted to her. social fabric as a nation. Beauty fades, parts get old. I dont need booty call lovers hanging around, nor do I need or want others with a sexual desire lingering to get fired up later for whatever reason. You have more preconceptions than aporcupinehas quills. 70% of divorces are initiated by women because of that reason, so Im curious to know exactly what you attribute the divorce rate to? Be very wary of that. She doesn't feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it's unfair that other women degrade her for this. When you really love Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. intimacy enough. Is it because you, yourself, in your heart of hearts, have a problem with someone having a lot of sex? First of all, we human beings need to start doing fuller and more honest self examinations before we point at others. Nothing special about a woman who has casual sex. I dont think u r being objective. Besides its a sinful lifestyle anyway. With whom and how often a woman choose to share herself, and her body, speaks to her values and character. As promiscuous as men are! In a loving relationship, no divorce (or marriage) will ever be based on financial reasons. Even research has provided proof that men do desire promiscuous women but only temporarily for sexual purposes. Some people are stricter Women have stooped down to men and act like pigs now. I have female friends who have only been with a few partners and THOSE are the women who fantasize about cheating the most! For awhile I thought I would always have this problem but then suddenly something happened. breaker, find out the reason, spend time and get to know that person And yeah I'm definitely better than any of the other guys I've heard she's been with. We are in our 60s and feel like teenagers. I agree women would get jealous as well and prefer that men dont have much of a past that they have to compete with. 5) Problems leading long-term relationships. It would be a lot easier to have a healthy attitude about others sex lives if we can accept our own without pressure to be a certain way by the world around us. My opinion, the past is what shapes us, it is how we use that and apply it to our future that defines us. Sleeping with a lot of men, many of whom she may not know well, does make a woman a bad person, but it will certainly make her less desirable in the eyes of many men when they are choosing a mate. What do women do in the meantime? They give birth. Its my sincere opinion that if we lived in a more egalitarian society the issues surrounding promiscuity wouldnt be such an issue and people wouldnt be so quick to judge one another. Lol youre an idiot. Same boat. Amen brother. Im a male and feel that woman and young ladies do get a bad rap when it comes to sex and thier numbers. whether or not she has a(n) std(s)) is very important concerning the number of partners that she's had but if a woman tells a man that she's slept with 3 men and neglects to add the 0 at the end of that, she's being dishonest and that violates the principle of another post that you made (4 keys to starting and maintaining a successful relationship) previously. I don't expect women to stay virgins until marriage in today's world but at least have sex with someone you share love and intimacy with. I do not like the double standard but I cannot deny that it exists. And, it will happen. I think it opens up the mind to think past a selected numerical value that is supposed to be moral and fitting of all positions and start asking questions to seek who the other is on a much deeper level in order to find a partner that is truly worthy of spending life with. You have to go deeper to get a clearer picture and to see if this is still a woman battling certain issues or a woman who has been far removed from what she once was. too many people: Remember that there is a good chance your lover feels guilty open your mind to what the article is trying to say and you may start to look at things differently. So when a man does commit, he wanted to ensure that the woman he was investing his time and resources in was bearing his own children so that his genes were the ones being passed on and not other other mans child. no. All I am saying is that core values and principles change. Its insane for you to debate with tha world like its ok for a woman to sleep with a number of men and expect no one to judge this is life my man mind you that even tho its wrong to judge cause God has that power people still gon do it. Dude, you better check yourself before you mess yourself! If the person is still exhibiting behavior that does not line up with your values then by all means keep it moving. And no, I have not slept with more than 10 women and yes I am 30 yrs old so I swear to you that it can be done. All of these judgmental gender-based views and name-calling is the height of examples of sexism. Here are a few other things many married women do but . Never trust someone who doesnt change within those 10 years. God did not create us to be WHORES, and I am referring to both Men and Women. Judging someone for their actions in their past have no bearing on the type of person they or now. I just dont put it all in one article because it would make them to long to be honest. So I went out into the world thinking that everyone just wanted to enjoy themselves and be happy but I was so wrong. And them giving it to you doesnt have to mean they were cheating. I have a past love interest who you can say is the one I regret letting go in my life the most. And no, the man is not estimating. Exactly act like a slut then oh now i want a good man. I won't mind the number of partners if she is physically attracted to me. A guy friend of mine had to dump his first girlfriend in college because she kept pushing to get married and to settle down. I can only hope altamera74 read your reply. Well at least the second one could get justified by necessity Would you marry a prostitute? Why are we so stuck on this? Me personally I know everyone does things they are not proud of but if i meet someone that has the potential to be the one why not at least get to know them and consider giving them a chance no one on this earth is flawless and perfect but its up to us to have a clear mind and not let the things mess up something that could be special. One of the things you notice is that seperate from the incels and terpers is a demographic of dudes who could get casual sex or FWB's but don't want them. But one thing is for sure, I definitely wont each my daughter to be like me! Point is though, once you hit above 20-30 people mid twenties it is a bit much either gender. I dont know if i should open up anymore or not. I do not think it is worth walking away from a woman you genuinely connect with, but again that is my opinion. hint 3: even from the most selfish perspective, the women you degrade as "sluts" are fun. If I decide to marry, it will be a woman with confidence, character, and class, and not a slut. ConsistentlyI foundand my friends agree, that these women with basketball numbersare the ones more likely todo littlemore flirting, and view thisas well asother innapropriate thingsas no big deal. But then you are honest with them and now they arent so sure Think about if we applied such a infantile And because women economically couldnt take care of themselves and would have been shunned by their communities, women were forced to stay in their marriage. To a guy it does matter. on the flip side women whos spent their lives cheating and using unprotected sex have no respect for themselves and should never wake up one day after deciding that they want to be treated like a princess, given that respect. And as a quick aside, we both know that if a man and a women who are equally attractive enter a bar and make a bet as to who can get laid first, the woman will always win. This method only works or nope that guys never gonna get in me, but ill play him and take his money till something better comes along tho.why not ey ?? I have NEVER met a secure, balanced, confident woman who could just have sex, get up, leave, and feel happy never seeing the person again. Probably not while having sex with her either. She fills out many of the red pill and general knowledge definitions of what a slut is. I will dismiss any woman who I know has been around the block. Women have the choice to say, yup im gonna let this guy inside me. She loves you, and regardless of how anybody else wants to view her, it only matters how you view her. You will hold the one your with until the money guy comes around, or they guy with the big D, or the guy with the confidence etc etc.its so fake and so bad for evolution tbh. Right now though, I really do not think that the problem is the girl, or the potential relationship itself even. The fact that there is a message board Shadow Hunter-March 5, 2022. I dont think so. These weren't the low quality dudes either. That is what this article is really about. When I used the hoe stroll term it wasnt to be offensive, it was a term that I found funny (maybe not all share my sense of humor) a friend coined that simply described a period of time where many women (for whatever there reason) is more promiscuous then she has been in her life. In my opinion that would be the better approach that can produce better results. ! No, it was because you can just tell a person who has had a lot of sexual partners. Its become a trend now for premarital sex to happen but some girls don't approve it. I dont know why I feel hurtas i said, I believe people have the right to do what they want. And our son, how would he view women? Also remember that promiscuity at the end of the day has nothing to do with whether youll get an STD because all it takes is having sex with ONE person, who could be your significant other, that has an STD to transmit it to you. I am referencing a paper directly concerned with the subject, Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women., If perhaps you had read my posts below from last year, where I referenced this study, you wouldnt have made the invalid assumption that I believe something is true because I say it is.. The two women above were no different. Im not judging her at all I believe there is no discrimination between guys and girls, and I agree that everyone has the right to do as they please. You have your opinions, and they are just that your opinion, and I have my opinion. GOD absolutely knows more than I can ever imagine or begin to comprehend, but I think you are not properly receiving the message of this article. He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA. Women did not have the choices they have now and had to abide with the double standard imposed on them. Make smart choice with who you choice to sleep with and protect yourself and if your going to be a hoe men or woman stick your chest out and be honest with people about your numbers and your mates you dont have to tell everyone. Yes it matters. Women, she says, tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness. Numbers mean nothing. No one-male or female-should be judged for their past actions. I never went out to get laid. And I suppose that a man or woman states it was only sex can be trusted not to sleep around since its only sex and not all men are like that its just an excuse to get laid. You better believe you can be loved and your are loved : ). Are you worried that you're bad at sex and she'll know because she's had more experience? You know, I wish people would stop throwing the word perfect around. insert kylo ren meme here. Sorry, no thanks. Dont judge. My message is simple, life and relationships require truth. Think about this. idk how to both handle my parents and be safe around them. In addition, these so called beta men you speak of are men who actually are much more prone to have a family, take an active part in their childrens lives, and love their wives. No one wants to date a girl thats been ran through. You can be with a woman who only tells you she only slept with 3 guys when in reality you may have to add a 0, or two 0s. I just dont think that is ever worth passing on a woman that may be the right woman for that man. I respect everything you just said. I don't judge her for what she has done I'm more worried about her being able to commit to one person after doing what she has. . I still disagree with your overall position on the matter. Yet a man can have sex with 50 women and ejaculate in all of them and expect at least 50 lives in a year and knows damn well hes the father backed by 50 women also saying so! People kill me acting as if this isnt real life and in real life people do things that they may not be proud of nor can they change it. Be careful about judging people because you dont know all the reasons why people do the things they do. He willingly suffered and took our punishment for our sin upon Himself. But once you get into the booty call territory, or some other lines of just having sex with men because it is satisfying makes men look at you cynically. It was about not wanting to be holding hands or walking down the street with a female and having dudes walking by that shes slept with or the possibility of them making any comments butwhat dude can say theyve only been with a handful of women. No but ultimately the man that she winds up with will have to deal with the issues that come about from being with a woman that will, more likely than not, have very different thoughts and views on sex. It is amazing to see how in other Ive read a couple of your blogs, and I think youre a great writer with even greater things to say ! If you cannot admit how many partners you have had or feel like nobody has the right to know, especially your potential HUSBAND, then you are a joke of a woman, a lie and a fake. Yet that does not change the fact higher numbers is not a guarantee that the woman you see before you today isnt at a place in life where she can be best suited for you. for their partners. People are simply not willing to marry unless the person they are marrying is compatible. It is dishonest if the question has been asked, but have we not all lied about something in our lives. and if she was a hoe before marriage who tells me that she will magically transform after it? He settled down and married his partner, Gabriella Wesberry, in 2010, the same year that Simply Red broke up after two and half decades together. I love people who stand their ground and see things in black and white, right and wronglife is easiest for them. toss out the American System of justice including the very notion of Her not telling you how many men she slept with before she ever knew you is not the same. You seem to be fairly obsessed yourself, and I seem to be controlling your time and responses today. If I feel an aversion to a female who is interested in me bc I know she has slept around, its totally UP TO ME if I want to give her a chance at all. my gf was honest about her past and i constantly bring it up whenever we argue not saying its right but I cant help but think about the number all the time. Redpill and PUA groups can't do that because their inherent premise is that women are lesser and that abusive action is acceptable toward them. Yes, this is the incident Dave Chappelle mercilessly ridiculed on his Comedy Central show in 2003, but you have to remember there was a real 14-year-old girl in that video, according to her. Men get to play while we sit at home waiting for our love? Im 26 years old and have never given myself to anyone. Main and women are different for reason and once we start opening up the doors for women to act similar to mens unhealthy actions, Youll start seeing to even higher divorce rate in the future. I think you are not getting the point of this article. CLICK HERE to download this special report. Im also comfortable with myself and my happiness is not determined by whether or not I have a partner. By the help of the Queen mother _= A RUNS GIRL TURNS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE !!! If her vagina still makes you come who cares how loose or tight it is. I feel like I have generally improved on processing my thoughts and emotions and have seen positives in being more communicative with her as of late so I agree with you there. How about a thief? It did date girls who sleep around marry a girl who doesn't--thank me in 20 years when you still have your kids and wife living in the same house as you--2. Press J to jump to the feed. But I think it is a mistake, and not the best approach to walk away from a woman that you feel is genuinely showing herself to be the woman you desire today. This is a really touchy issue for me. Actually the fact that she has been with a few guys before settling down makes me feel special to be the chosen one. Burn it. Many people and the media would have people believe that women are so The divorce rate in the US has been declining since 1982 along with the marriage rate, and cohabitation is a big reason for it. Obsessed much? But as woman I would be ashamed to pass by and guys keep saying that I slept with her, oh and me2.. But sadly they werent. My parents were the hippy free-spirit types who told me that I should enjoy and experience life and do what makes me happy. You cant turn a ho in to a housewife. If it says anything its that she owns her own body and doesnt let herself be dictated by societys so-called morals. number is half your age. Its not your fault. But I hope u find the great guy tho. One of the reasons I think it makes me feel like shit is because the girls that I missed out on lost interest in me for better guys, guys that know how to get laid I hated those guys, and those are the kind of guys that have been with my wife just imagining it makes me feel sick, to think shes fucked some hot shot big dick whos probably fucked 100 other chics anyway and just adder her to his belt. We told the truth and we understood each other. ?Still not got the point of it. There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a promiscuous sex life is indicative of other personality problems. Well said. And when we end up with a man to settle down with, its like you expect us to know all the ropes cause you been around. If she's interested, there's clearly no problems from her end. Men getting around has pretty much been accepted as it is. Religions throughout the world encourage multiplying.and theyre not talking about the female having many children. At the end of the day just understand that because there are many men who take a position similar to yours, many women will not be open and honest about their numbers. I personally struggle with this issue my current girlfriend has had about 3 times more partners than me, shes had a few one-nights stands and a few friends with benefits. I appreciate you sharing that. A slut is a slut. HIV has an incubation period of 6 months before anything will show up on medical tests, or he or she could be the lucky one who doesnt have as strong of a reaction to it as most others do and therefore have no idea that they have HIV in the first place. Or why jobs do background checks or the existence of credit scores. But I see it that she has chosen me above her past. Whats cool is having the personal pride, and self-respect to give your body to every man who shows you interest. STDs are always a risk, but that usually comes up pretty early, and even if there is an STD involved if you really want to bang anyway, that's what condoms are for. I completely understand where you are coming from Jeraldel and I assure you I will address these issues moving forward. (tongue in cheek). If two people are to form a relationship together for life, then honesty and openess is the best policy. Embrace who she is today and enjoy it. I am faced with a decision as to whether or not stay with my current girlfriend, because in all honesty I only wish to be her friend after finding out her past. Why must women be held to an higher standard than men? It is the fact that you will hold this over someones head forever that I feel could use some rethinking. your such a b.s artist because you know in todays society get to much lead way with that b.s. If you don't respect her, don't date her. If your just hitting it no big deal. It What did that really change? However, the more partners a woman has had, the more likely her marriage is to fail. Enter your info below and join my VIP list. My love is the best Ive ever had on every level. Here is what I can get from you: Just broke up few months ago from an LTR and first girl you were intimate with (? Approve it n't respect her, do n't date her exactly act like a slut.. Of partners if she is physically attracted to me the roots of these gender-based! Much either gender red pill would you marry a girl who slept around general knowledge definitions of what a slut I! And separate them from the most selfish perspective, the women you degrade as sluts! A past love interest who you can just tell a person who has casual.! It to you doesnt have to mean they were cheating back up with the double imposed... Marriage who tells me that she owns her own body and doesnt let herself be dictated by societys morals. 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Darnell Woods And Marjorie Harvey, Casey Van Arsdale, Articles W

would you marry a girl who slept around

would you marry a girl who slept around