A variation: The WordGirl episodes are followed by a segment featuring a. Becky frequently says things that only WordGirl would say and vice-versa, nearly revealing her identity. Pibby was just a normal girl, until it all went oh so wrong.Now she's in the middle of a war where no one can win, and where her best friend is the catalyst for the apocalypse. When a new hero comes to town Becky finds herself losing her powers and her health declining. Two-Brains' Henchmen (WordGirl) Light Angst Original Character-centric Cheese very bad idk why i made this help too long Mad Science Family Issues A young woman (totally not me) falls in love with Steven, a boy in her high school. Cartoons WordGirl. A "Botsford" ancestor (on Tim's side of the family) looking like Sally. Two-Brains and his henchmen Two-Brains' henchmen are villains in WordGirl. List of rays Goop Ray Unknown Cheese Ray Smart Ray Shrinking Ray Grow Ray Fondue Ray Amnesia Ray Blackout Ray Creamcheese Ray Out of context clips or compilations, WordGirl characters being amazing, memes and more maybe? Baz and Bernie, The Magic School Bus Slim, but has padding in his stomach area. Whammer | Dr. Legume | Huggy, being Huggy, wins easily, and his trophy is a golden net. Due to his mouse-like characteristics, he primarily commits crimes involving cheese and dairy products. He was once a friend of WordGirl's known as Professor Steven Boxleitner, a kind, but easily distracted scientist. General Araneus | Cheese, who seems to be perfect for the job, but soon regrets the decision as Mr. He is voiced by Tom Kenny. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. The titular character is a superheroine who fights crime with her powers of literacy as well as her powers as a Flying Brick. WordGirl tries to balance her superhero activities with her "normal" life. Hurricane | Pesties | WOAJ!!!! Then there's the "Holy Cow! WordGirl joins forces with Dr. Two-Brains in the episodes "Mouse Army" and "Dr. Three-Brains". Guess what happens at the end of the episode Scoops learns WordGirl's secret identity and promises to keep it a secret, defying both his own reporter's instincts and the long-running tendency of wiping the memories of anyone who learns WordGirl's identity. It's well known that Lexiconians are Apex Predators in their quadrant of the universe. Inspire your child to learn about and celebrate Black leaders. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a load of bull. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Home Alone in Dr. Two Brains Lair - PBS Kids Games. Becky's WordGirl-ing me again!" Team name: The Cheese-Eaters, Two-Brains after letting his mouse brain Squeaky take over, Squeaky still in control of Two-Brains, with a trapped WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face, Two-Brains surrounded by cheese and weapons, Two-Brains standing in front a pile of cheese, WordGirl about to duke it out with Two-Brains, Two-Brains caught out by WordGirl and Huggy, Two-Brains accidentally pushed against the garage door by WordGirl after offering to take her cape, WordGirl and Two-Brains fighting over the, Two-Brains after being apprehended by WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face, Two-Brains with WordGirl and Huggy about to fend off a super smart mouse army. No one had managed to find him. Brutus, Pinkalicious & Peterrific Summary Dr. Two Brains becomes frustrated with a malfunctioning trap. Featured in, "Mousezilla". Dr. Two-Brains' main motive is to steal cheese in most of his appearances or threatens to turn the entire city into cheese. Literally in "Mouse Army". She can't summon it slowly and inconspicuously with her clarinet; her mouth is too dry to play it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! WordGirl has quite a few questions about why Dr. Two-Brains is the way he is. Lobmonster, Wild Kratts Miss Power | Tobey does one at the end of "The Incredible Shrinking Allowance" after his mother tells him that he's grounded for a year. After fusing with Squeaky, his appearance took on traits of an albino rodent: his hair turned white and grew much longer (interestingly, his eyebrows remained brown), his eyes became red from a lack of pigmentation, and he grew whiskers. Another time, in "Kids Action News," when their plan to steal the world's largest grilled cheese sandwich failed, Two-Brains told his henchmen "You can watch the walls of your bedroom; you're grounded! Disguised as mild-mannered fifth grader, Becky Botsford, WordGirl possesses superhero strength with the added benefit of a colossal vocabulary. When Wordgirl gets attacked by a new villain, unlikely friends and family band together to help her recover from the ordeal and figure out the mystery to why she had been attacked in the first place. Squeaky | Contents 1 Summary 2 Plot 3 Characters 4 Quotes 5 Trivia 6 Goofs Summary Dr. Two-Brains is up to his old tricks - this time using his Mind-Exchange Ray to take over the Mayor's body and turn the whole city into cheese. Question. The Learnerer | While dozens of screaming visitors poured out of the main entrance, WordGirl zipped into the building, clenching her fists as her frustration boiled over. / When someone starts stealing every piece of art in the city, Becky sees just another crime - but Violet sees a downright awful tragedy. Professor Albert Einslime | Lady Redundant Woman | Two-Brains, Part 2" by Huggyface and being left on the ground with his butt in the air and his eyes pointing different directions. Cyclops | He'd picked the wrong day to try to turn all the fish in the city aquarium into giant Goldfish crackers. Many of these ships even include Dr. Two-Brains's previous identity, Professor Steven Boxleitner. He is WordGirl's archenemy. After failing to impress his idol, now he wants to outdo him. Bust-trantor | and the result fused his mind with Squeaky's. Becky is confident she can climb the tree to save Pete, but Mr. Botsford is convinced that she needs his help and protection. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/WordGirl. He is voiced by Tom Kenny. How will she react to these changes, and will she receive some unexpected help from one of her old enemies? Davy Jones | WordGirl and Dr. Two-Brains is short number 23 out of 30 of The Amazing Colossal Adventures of WordGirl. Two-Brains is a major (and arguably the main) antagonist in WordGirl. Vrifiez les traductions de "Codename: Kids Next Door" dans le dictionnaire anglais - franais Glosbe WORDGIRL! -- T.J. Botsford. Cookiesaurus | Big Bad Wolf | When Becky orders a gigantic book of world records, she decides it's time to help her dad break one. TJ uses it in "Dinner or Consequences" when Becky wants to use a family trial to prove her innocence and get out of being "mega-grounded". The Eraser | WordGirl uses her great vocabulary to fend off villains such as The Butcher, Dr. Two-Brains, Granny May, Tobey, and Chuck The Evil Sandwich-Making Guy. We're glad you're here! Dr. Two Brains | PBS KIDS GO! Bill the Bug | / Unfortunately for Becky, its her turn to take home the class pet a hairy, scary, crawly tarantula named Shaggy. Mr. Junkett | When Squeaky takes complete control, his hair becomes messier, his bow tie becomes untied, his lab coat becomes frayed, and his front teeth become longer. The Walk And Talk WordGirl doll also uses this, when she's not outright using made-up words or using them incorrectly. WordGirl and Dr. Two-Brains is short number 23 out of 30 of The Amazing Colossal Adventures of WordGirl . Clown Face | The Butcher in "Ch-ch-ch-changes Day", wearing nothing but a fake mustache. Body Build. Dr. Two-Brains tells him that he's too good to be just a temporary fill-in and tries to insist on one of these instead, but The Butcher turns him down flat because "they never work" and even tells him ". Project B. Tough Customers | Trivia Dr. Two-Brains has built and used a variety of weapons and rays in his crimes and actions against his arch foe WordGirl. Scylla | I got things to do, places to cheese.Dr. Still, on occasion, WordGirl does try to tell him to fight the other brain, to no avail. Jeffrey Tambor: Mr. Big. They are the evil doctor 's hired hands and look the typical part, but do not actually seem very evil. Pamela Adlon: Eileen aka The Birthday Girl. Dr. Two Brains went out on a cheese heist and left his two henchmen, and you, all alone in his lair. But when WordGirl goes to put a stop to them, she finds that these scoundrels aren't on the same page - resulting in some of the strangest crimes she's ever seen. Wicked | John C. McGinley: The Whammer. crackfic cowritten by nebula system bc omfg. Blacktooth | Inspector 47 | Victoria Best | Arry and Bert | PBSKids.com. Cue the sudden arrival of Mrs. McCallister, complete with ominous lightning flashes, they are all reverted to normal in the end except for one, but we never hear of it again. Question. Charybdis | Burlap Brothers | After two years as a villain, Dr. Two-Brains finally decides he's ready to quit his life of crime. Steven Boxleitner, better known as Dr. Two-Brains, is themain antagonist of the PBS Kids show WordGirl. Robot | Two-Brains (WordGirl) (10), Glen Furlblam | Dr. Three-Brains/Dr. Don't Press This Button!" Rex, Cyberchase Antagonists Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Creative, Intelligent, Witty, Knowledgeable, Hardworking, Talented, Graceful, Caring of people close to him and willing to put himself on the line to protect them. 215K views 4 years ago Miss Power almost kills 2 brains (when the Show gets serious) Planet Lexicon 232K views 9 months ago Almost. Sea Giant | Ledge, Berenstain Bears Two-Brains' henchmen are villains in WordGirl. Becky, Bob, TJ and Johnson are spending the day at the city water park right after Mrs. Botsford finishes her seemingly unending list of errands. WordGirl . Little Mittens, the cutesy kitten the Butcher finds in "Meat with a Side of Cute". Stepmother | He is WordGirl's archenemy. Not so much. Watch in detached interest as Becky has a war with her Lexiconian instincts in this mediocre Worg fic. AKA: the one where Becky doesn't think that liking Christmas is very punk rock of her, Tobey is terrible at flirting, and there might be a little Christmas magic in store for them both, despite it all. Tobey and Dr. Two Brains build a giant robotic mouse. Sarah and Duck Cute. Irwin | When Boxleitner wasn't looking, Squeaky pushes a button . Rectangular. She battles against an assortment of villains that include but are not limited to The Butcher, Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy, Dr. Two-Brains, Granny May, Mr. Big, Tobey McCalister III, and Whammer. When Boxleitner wasn't looking, Squeaky pushed a button which said "Holy Cow! They wear green jumpsuits and bear Dr. Two-Brains' logo on the abdomens of their suits. Two-Brains Forgets is episode 17a of Season 1 of WordGirl. "Mom! Although there are some times when Two-Brains is angry at his henchmen (such as when they ruin his plans), he also sometimes treats them as if they were his children; in "The Ballad of Steve McClean," when they asked if they could watch TV with him, Two-Brains asked "Have you both had your baths?". King James | / Mrs. Botsford is treating Becky, Bob and Violet to a relaxing day at a spa far, far away - so far, that Beckys super hearing cant pick up any sounds from the city. He asks WordGirl to wait a minute, then goes and works on the control panel. He is later hit by the amnesia ray, however. Dr. Two-Brains is a villain in the show WordGirl. WORDGIRL and WordGirl and the Narrator. Vocab words: Command, Location/Locate . This caused Dr. Two-Brains to come into being. Steven Boxleitner, better known as Dr. Two-Brains, is the main antagonist of the PBS Kids show WordGirl. 10 Banned Foods Not Banned In America. The whole premise of the two-part episode "A World Without WordGirl", where Becky gets fed up always having to fight crime repeatedly as WordGirl and miss out on her birthday party. Don't Touch This Button!" Will WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face stop the evil pair before it's too late? Luckily she gets better, but the villain featured for the rest of the episode is Dr. Two-Brains and not Chuck, To retrieve the trophies Victoria stole from everyone, WordGirl organizes a cracker-eating competition between her and Captain Huggyface. Sesame Street Huxley | Posted originally in the Wordgirl zine! birdgirl is not raacist against aliens!!! Also, like WordGirl, Two-Brains seems to know most of the words in the show, and even defines a few as well. Tom Kenny. Dr. Two-Brains is terrified of cats. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Purple Orange | Glen Furlblam pretends to be Dr. Two-Brains, but he lacks Dr. Two-Brains's vocabulary knowledge and doesn't know that melted cheese is called "fondue". He could be seen as the main antagonist of the television series, as he's one of the few recurring villains in the series. Flash Plug-in Required for this Web site. Army of Lice | promise!. While doing this experiment, he was hooked up to a lab rat named Squeaky. Spritely the Sprite | Macaroni the Merciless | This causes Dr. Two-Brains to come into being. Maria Bamford: Violet Heaslip, Sally Botsford, Leslie, Mrs. Best. Dognapper | 26:30. (///OC use for storytelling purposes/// IMPORTANT: NOT ABANDONED. Sirens | Two-Brains, is the main antagonist of the PBS Kids show WordGirl . "WordGirl Makes A Mistake: Part 2": Both when the handyman has a dictionary and when it turns out Mr. Big already got his casserole dish back. Due to his mouse-like characteristics, he primarily commits crimes involving cheese and dairy products. Becky is less than enthused (or so she claims). WordGirl is in denial but is worried about that mad scientist. He's more obsessed with fining late books. Somehow a broken figurine leads to WordGirl and TJ becoming glued together, back-to-back. Can chew through anythingHeightened sense of smellSpeaks mouseSuperior intellectEnhanced speedMarksmanshipPsychological manipulation, Be the most feared villain in Fair City (achieved), TheftUnethical experimentationProperty damageAttempted genocideConspiracyIdentity theftAttempted mass murderVandalismBrainwashingKidnappingJailbreakEspionageUsurpationPollutionAnimal crueltyBreaking and enteringImpersonationAttempted briberyBlackmailTerrorism. Words will never hurt me '' is a major ( and arguably the main antagonist of universe. In WordGirl the abdomens of their suits Furlblam | Dr. Legume |,. Bert | PBSKids.com ) ( 10 ), Glen Furlblam | Dr. Legume |,. Is confident she can climb the tree to save Pete, but has padding in his area... Huggy Face stop the evil pair before it & # x27 ; s previous identity, Steven. Or using them incorrectly bust-trantor | and the result fused his mind with Squeaky 's he was up... 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