"Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature | Reuyl", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Reuyl_(crater)&oldid=998864518, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 10:50. Fig. The curious central mound within the craters can be explained by Hertzian and spallation fracturing on collision with the hard hailstones. Explain how you can tell. The larger size gives the foliation a slighly shiny appearance. u u u # ( u u u u u u u u u : HNRT 227 Laboratory Experiment #8 with Ms. Crowell FALL 2015 The Rocks of Earth and the Surface of Mars Purpose: To understand the rocks of terrestrial planets and how they are formed, and to interpret and analyze the surface of planets and what that teaches us about the conditions that exist today and may have existed eons ago. Justify your answer? The texture of an igneous rock does not refer to the roughness or smoothness of the surface. 4). Small craters often are simple bowl-shaped depressions. Metamorphic Rock Identification ChartTEXTUREFOLIATIONCOMPOSITIONTYPEPARENT ROCKROCK NAMEFoliatedslatymicaRegionalMudstoneSlatephylliticquartz, mica, chloriteRegionalMudstonePhylliteschistosemica, quartzRegionalSlateSchistschistoseamphibole, plagioclaseRegionalBasalt or GabbroAmphibolitegneissic bandingfeldspar, mica, quartzRegionalSchistGneissNon-FoliatedcarbonContact or RegionalBituminous CoalAnthracite Coalquartz, rock fragmentsContact or RegionalConglomerateMetaconglomeratecalciteContact or RegionalLimestoneMarblequartzContact or RegionalSandstoneQuartzite Mars Surface Introduction In many ways Mars is similar to Earth. endobj The Measurer should measure from the ground to how high the rock is, and ask the Recorder to write down that height under the heading "Meteor 1, Trial 1". Topography from echo sounder measurements. Typically, materials from space hit Earth at about 20 kilometers (slightly more than 12 miles) per second. Obsidian is volcanic glass which erupts as a lava flow. Craters are the most common surface features on many solid planets and moonsMercury and our Moon are covered with craters. And so far, the crater formation process has only lasted a few seconds. Reuyl Crater is approximately 86 kilometers in diameter and was named after Dirk Reuyl, a Dutch-American physicist and astronomer (19061972) who made astronomical measurements of the diameter . When an asteroidal or cometary object strikes a planetary surface, it is traveling typically at several tens of kilometres per secondmany times the speed of sound.A collision at such extreme speeds is called a hypervelocity impact. Tychos diameter is 85 km. Craters produced by the collision of a meteorite with the Earth (or another planet or moon) are called impact craters. What process do you think formed Reuyl crater (marked B on Figure 11)? Large crustal blocks were merging together to create the . The force can catapult chunks of molten and solid rock hundreds of miles from the impact site this material is known as ejecta flow. Reuyl Crater Central Peak, as seen by HiRISE. This suggests that the transient crater collapse in the modification stage is largely driven by gravity (gMoon ~ 1/6 gEarth). <> 2) we may think it somehow formed from an identical mechanism. Further identification of non-foliated rocks is dependent on the composition of the minerals or components in the rock. The insets in the black boxes show close-ups of some of the structures that lava can form: (left) branched channels, (middle) a snaking channel and (right) rootless vents; the rootless vents are also marked by yellow spots on the main image. 3. Reuyl crater is at the southern edge of a region known to be blanketed in thick dust based on its high albedo (brightness) and low thermal inertia values. Therefore, crisp craters with upraised rims and steep sides are young, while less distinct and eroded craters with partial rims are probably older. Ds8d9B nNPS,*_y\v`/>wou__]ewPcLkUU$~z-S|lj O/#lr 9]_nc5u$9a4GVKwsaG|4ot6%?F3Xa:K1r=1\Sw Statistically, impact trajectories most abundantly form an oblique 45 angle with the target surface. JI,ZbXr}n9=^,eIgtU_=F#-K}_^(qyk1bZe|}elK)&Hc:GVtOd~Y@0IA$2i hvF~/_?g@-)(|#)s5.eK%x]G4;kY|^B8I(JY4+Tl7l1Q)>.ux92BfiYnWy%:./#5*j?hv`SEzY8D7\I&RdEO)I[G*ZGy7HjkvKXE@tiYrG:f3' uoiTK"EF]d[59qqgrP~ "UJ|gmPBO(+aS7Gj{k}xeET]A EIx-X]28dy,}Isx.cepq 7rbr:^v4>iHJgEqA&`DA.FYle1}7#W;G-+h Fig. must an impactor be to produce a given size impact structure? Different chemical compositions result in different minerals. You will have to calculate an approximate image scale from the height of the peak in the foreground.) In either case, the conditions of a hypervelocity impact and propagation of shock waves are crucial for the formation of these geologically extraordinary structures. <> Igneous Rock Identification ChartCOMPOSITION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TEXTURE\\\\\\\FelsicIntermediateMaficUltramaficPegmatiticGranite PegmatiteDiorite PegmatiteGabbro PegmatitePhaneriticGraniteDioriteGabbroDuniteAphaniticRhyoliteAndesiteBasaltPorphyriticRhyoliteAndesiteBasaltGlassyObsidianBasaltic GlassVesicularPumiceScoriaPyroclasticVolcanic Tuff Composition of igneous rocks is properly identified by determination of the rocks chemical composition. Sand is clasts between 1/16 and 2 mm in size, and gravel is greater than 2 mm. The result is a "bubbly" appearance. It measures 85.9 kilometers in diameter and was named after Dirk Reuyl , a Dutch-American physicist and astronomer (1906-1972) who made astronomical measurements of the diameter of Mars in the 1940s. Pretty much any tiny dent made on the Moon's surface is going to stay there. Which is larger, and by how much? Large impact basins are also found on other planets, including Mars and Mercury. Posted by: Soderman/NLSI Staff 12. More elongate craters can be produced if an impactor strikes the surface at a very low angle less than 20 degrees. This "period of heavy bombardment" ended by about 3.9 billion years ago. 20. e. Justify your answer. Image source: NASA. Phaneritic texture is composed of crystals that are large enough to see but smaller than pegmatitic texture, and the entire rock is composed of crystals. The somewhat blurred contours are not surprising giventhe impact happened into water and a soft, water-saturated target rock. Scientists record the size and number of impact craters and how eroded they are to determine the ages and histories of different planetary surfaces. Since tectonic plate movements has erased much of Earths crater record, the answers to the lingering questions about crater formation and timelines lie in the exquisitely preserved craters on the moon. (Hint: remember that wind direction refers to the direction from which the wind blows.) 8. Consider the relationship between Ma'adim Vallis and Gusev, the 160 km diameter crater marked D. Explain what could be the origin of the material that comprises the floor of Gusev? This crater is believed to have formed when an asteroid struck Earth 65 million years ago. It is the oldest and largest impact crater recognized on Earth's surface. 245 pp, Oxford Univ. The four major geologic processes (gradation, impact cratering, tectonism, and volcanism) each produce distinct landforms. American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA, 788 p. Igneous rocks are rocks that solidify from molten material (magma). stream endstream h_X CJ$ h_X H* h_X 5h_X h_X 5>* h=X@ 5CJ he > 5CJ h_X 5CJ h 5CJ h 5CJ. April 8, 2015. (b) Contour map derived from the MOLA 463m/pixel DTM, with the . They concluded this from the already mentioned prevailing frequency of oblique impact trajectories leading in the majority, in their opinion, to craters of elliptical shape. Different crystalline structures, or how the atoms and molecules are arranged, result in different minerals. Consider the relationship between Ma'adim Vallis and Gusev, the 160 km . Justify your answer. xTO@~^^g!$(01D=l{t endobj Reuyl is a crater in the Aeolis quadrangle of Mars, located at 9.8 south latitude and 193.2 west longitude. Sometimes lots of particles strike at one time, creating meteor showers. 10 0 obj Why does the Moon have so many craters while Earth has so few? endobj That means it is more likely it will cool into hexagonal chunks. What are the different kinds of craters? 4) What process do you think formed Apollinaris Patera, marked A? 6). 23. Nevertheless, the resulting impact crater is more or less circular unless the angle of incidence is very low, less than 10. Clay and silt are less than 1/256 mm. These are impact craters, each of which was formed when an asteroid or comet collided with the Moon's surface. This is clearly different from normal, endogenetic geological processes such as volcanism, earthquakes, tsunamis or other tectonic events. Nrdlinger Ries. When first we see images of the famous one-kilometer (0.75-mile) bowl-shaped Barringer meteorite crater in Arizona (Fig. The same chemical composition, but two different crystalline structures - therefore, two different minerals. Phyllitic foliation is composed of platy minerals that are slightly larger than those found in slaty cleavage, but generally are still too small to see with the unaided eye. h_X CJ h_X 5B* CJ ph h \ This depends on how large the crater is. The transition from simple to complex craters occurs at about 1.5 to 4 km (depending on the target rocks) final diameter for terrestrial craters and is much larger (c. 15 km) for craters on the Moon. Quartzite is composed of quartz sand grains. The impactor is shattered into small pieces and may melt or vaporize. Felsic compositions are rich in silica (SiO2). HYPERLINK "../Honors227/Images/10_3.jpg"Figure 3. The large circular dark areas in the image are impact basins, created as huge impactors struck the Moon. Dark colors, such as black and dark brown, indicate a mafic or ultramafic composition. Jackson (eds. Privacy Policy| Source: Google Earth. endobj Like snow accumulation on Earth, Martian dust can become so thick that it eventually slides down the . The shock wave fractures the rock and excavates a large cavity (much larger than the impactor). 19. Look for areas where the light reflects from planar surfaces. When first we see images of the famous one-kilometer (0.75-mile) bowl-shaped Barringer meteorite crater in Arizona (Fig. <> Planet Earth holds some of the strangest, natural tourist . . Olympus Mons is only one of four huge volcanoes in a 3000 km-wide region called Tharsis. More about these experiments can be read on the Chiemgau impact website where a hypervelocity impact video may be downloaded. 17 0 obj <> Kaali Crater Field. Determine and record the diameter of Apollinaris Patera? The composition of clastic sedimentary rocks is divided into three types - clay/silt, sand and gravel. Continue doing this with harder or softer minerals from the kit until the hardness is determined.LusterCharacter of the light reflected by a mineral.Look at the sample to determine if the mineral is metallic in appearance (looks like a chunk of metal) or non-metallic (doesn't look like a chunk of metal).MagnetismElectromagnetic force generated by an object or electrical field.Use a magnet to determine if the magnet is attracted to the sample.Reaction to HClChemical interaction of hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate (CaCO3).Place one small drop of HCl on a sample a watch for a reaction - effervesces (bubbles).Specific GravityRatio of the mass of a mineral to the mass of an equal volume of water.Generally not determined in an introductory lab. Determine and record the diameter of the caldera structure (include the over all caldera structure in this measurement). Texture will still be used but in a different sense than for igneous rocks. 6. [Hint: use the principle of cross-cutting relations to justify your answer.] Justify your answer. Note: This is a large Adobe Acrobat PDF file: "craters_activity.pdf" (8.5 Mb), so you may want to download to your computer. Roter Kamm Crater. The Earth used to look just like that.. These are fragments or pieces of rock or minerals. Where were really going to get the answers the gold standards of answers is when we go back to the moon, Kring said. Driven by the hypervelocity impact deformation, melted and fractured rocks will be accelerated behind the shock front initiating in the second stage the excavation mass flow. %PDF-1.5 Therefore, older surfaces have more impact craters. Color is often an indicator of the composition of a rock or mineral and can be effectively used to identify the composition of most igneous rocks. % b. But until NASA returns to the lunar landscape, researchers must rely on shockwave simulators, mathematical models and the well-worn geological formations on Earth to estimate how and when another impact event might occur. Image from the Mars Global Surveyor, courtesy of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. d. Maadim Vallis is the channel in the southeast part of the photograph, marked C. Which of the four processes do you think formed Maadim Vallis? At the edges of lunar maria, there are often damaged walls of craters formed before the maria. The Moon does not. Dunite is composed almost entirely of the mineral olivine which usually contains both iron and magnesium. 4 0 obj For instance, the famous Chicxulub crater in Yucatan, Mexico, is thought to be the site of the meteor impact that instigated the K-T event, which wiped out the dinosaurs in a mass extinction that affected much of life on Earth. Craters come in two flavors: those that arent caused by asteroids or comets, impact craters, are formed by powerful volcanic explosions. Hailstones and even raindrops may produce on harder ground small craters as well (Fig. endobj Based on the number and morphology of craters, is this a relatively old or young region of Mars? A compressive shock pulse is not only reflected at the free target surface but also always when it impinges on a boundary of material with reduced impedance (equivalent to the product of density and sound velocity) where part of the energy is reflected as a rarefaction pulse. The crater retention age on the ejecta of the unnamed crater is 3.7 Ga which suggests that the crater likely formed during the Noachian-Hesperian period boundary or earlier. The inner walls of the crater have collapsed to form a series of step-like terraces, and a central peak is visible in the center of the image. Apollinaris Patera and surrounding region centered at 10S, 190W. Anthracite coal is generally shiny in appearance and breaks with a conchoidal fracture (broken glass also shows this type of fracture). (Hint: the region slopes to the north.) <> Meteors incorrectly called shooting stars are the streaks of light created as particles of dust and ice vaporize in our atmosphere. 16. i~4?7Z"UJmiCwbes%7Vo}bf_iK4Ev, u4J_8(Vjj#W]^`:*I23SPPEX `p-1sU?"_F4I=?^i(.i]V On Mars, meteor storms 100 million years ago may have literally shaken the Red Planet to the core and destroyed its magnetic field. First, the impactor rushes toward the surface. Fig. Valley systems cut through many of the cratered terrains of Mars and have characteristics analogous to water-cut valleys on Earth. A projectile (like the small plastic sphere) produced the crater in a laboratory hypervelocity impact experiment. 13. The two most notable are obsidian and dunite. Explain their similarities and their differences. The reflected tensile stresses are insofar crucial as the tensile strength of rocks is much lower than the compressive strength. What process do you think formed Reuyl crater (marked B on Figure 5)? Some water probably seeped into the ground and is frozen there today as ice, and some likely escaped into space over time. Over the course of a few hundred million years, the planet began to cool and oceans of liquid water formed. Impact basins are very large impact structures that are more than 300 kilometers (185 miles) in diameter. Meteor Crater is 1.2km wide and 175m deep. Gosses Bluff (Tnorala) Pingualuit Crater. The so-called Meteor Crater in Arizona previously held the record for largest impact crater less than 100,000 years old; it's about 49,000 to 50,000 years old and measures 0.75 miles (1.2 km) in . The crater has been extensively eroded, but is believed to originally have been as much as 300 kilometers (185 miles) across. Image credit: NASA. Impact craters allow scientists to study a planet's geological historyeven when the records are buried beneath the surface. On impact of a cosmic body, shock waves start from the contact point and propagate into both the underground target rocks and into the impactor. Craters come in two flavors: those that aren't caused by asteroids or comets, impact craters, are formed by powerful volcanic explosions. 14. Aphanitic texture is a fine grained texture but the crystals are too small to see. The impact sprays material ejecta out in all directions. An experimental hypervelocity impact in the laboratory (click the respective article) recorded with a high speed camera may be seen by clicking on the image: The term impact structure is often used synonymous with impact crater. Explain your answer. Hb```,6 u!b`0pT 9, ",8FRc g3g86y~D#*}So ". Impacts are instantaneous events. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 17 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> However, impacts still occur across our solar system, but at a reduced rate. When an impactor strikes the solid surface of a planet, a shock wave spreads out from the site of the impact. Very large impact craters greater than 300 kilometers (185 miles) across are called impact basins. The three stages of impact crater formation. The image shows ring-like structures that extend to about 280 kilometers (175 miles) from the center. Complex craters are large craters with complicated features. Near the footprint in the above picture, you can see many small "pock-marks." These marks are the craters made by microscopic particles that hit the surface moving at speeds of several kilometers per second. In fact, the differences between craters provide a lot of information about how the craters formed, when they formed, and why. Procedures and Lab Questions to be Turned In: Part 1 Olympus Mons is a shield volcano 600 km in diameter, towering 25 km above the surrounding plain. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars would have formed last, when the Sun was far calmer. Ma'adim Vallis is the channel in the southeast part of the photograph, marked C. Which of the four processes do you think formed Ma'adim Vallis? How can craters be used to determine the age of a planet or moon? The image to the left is a very simple, bowl shaped crater on the Moon and is typical of small craters that have formed relatively recently. 10 12 exemplify typical terrestrial structures. Around its base is a steep cliff as high as 6 km. Sinuous Ridge Materials in Reuyl Crater. Fig. Non-foliated textures are identified by their lack of planar character. These craters are, however, decidedly not impact structures. Material Type: Lab; Class: Sci Thought/Processes I; Subject: Honors Program; University: George Mason University; Term: Unknown 1989; This lab is an adaptation of an adaptation by Richard Harwood based upon the original NASA resource: A Teacher's Guide with Activities in Physical and Earth Sciences for Planetary Geology,: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1998, EG-1998-03-109, p. 238. rBqf]&&3|sz!g8zGci3;U%SK@~hvOg[-=A'c'Z/m~V;;Y=7V99Z}kc|O;7'1m C73C?$so/Exa2Eiu8*B,Xh${BN` d&;W;D[-"Ost"/#6N*(#wz]GU At some time in their life nearly every girl, boy (and adult) has thrown pebbles or cobbles into mud and watched nice round form. b.The process that I think formed apollinaris patera is Volcanism, this is because of its characteristics, such as the radial flow patterns, and basal scarp, a craters, large flow trending to the south, and the less complex caldera.. c.The process that I think formed Reuyl crater, is an Impact, the reason for this is by the ejecta pattern and central peak. And again, one might suspect a process similar to rock tossed into mud. Google Earth image. The origins of Uluru (and Kata Tjuta) date back about 500 million years, to around the same time the Australian continent was formed. Sedimentary rocks are rocks composed of sediment. 16. Planetary scientists have established from lunar samples returned by Apollo missions that the rate of large asteroid impacts on the Moon was very high after the Moon formed 4.5 billion years ago and then declined rapidly between 3.8 billion and 3.5 billion years ago. Gneissic banding is the easiest of the foliations to recognize. These fragments or clasts can be very fine (ash) or coarse (lapilli) or very coarse (bombs and blocks). It has a raised rim around the edge, and nice, sharp features. What process do you think formed Apollinaris Patera? The Crater Maker should stand over their sand-filled container and hold their arm out at the height they are going to drop it. As this occurred, Earth became differentiated into layers, with the outermost layer being a solid covering of relatively lighter material while the . Tswaing Crater. The polar caps shrink during local summer and grow during local winter. crater: [noun] the bowl-shaped depression around the orifice of a volcano. Scientists estimate that Earth and the other terrestrial planets are struck by, on average, five asteroids less than 2 kilometers (a little over 1 mile) across every million years. On Earth, impact craters are harder to recognize because of weathering and erosion of its surface. Coal is usually obvious to most students even though few people seem to have ever actually examined it up close. Part of the ejecta of the larger crater was molten, melted rock and formed flows. In concurrence with this result, the crater age . "It is difficult to say exactly . 1 0 obj Marble is composed of calcite and will readily react to a small drop of HCl. Planetary_Geology was published by lavit shetty on 2021-11-18. Such outbursts can be violent enough that once the eruption is over, the volcano collapses in on its empty vacant magma chamber and forms a caldera, or volcanic crater. Meteor Crater formed only 50,000 years ago. How the atoms and molecules are arranged and the strength of the bonding between the atoms result in different physical properties for different minerals. Lava later flowed across the low floors of the basins, giving them a darker, smoother appearance than the surrounding, brighter highlands. : Impact cratering. Scratch the unknown mineral with a known hardness to determine which mineral is harder. Fig. Earth has weather, water, and plants. Image courtesy of V. L. Sharpton through the Lunar and Planetary Institute. 5. Albite and anorthite are two examples. Keep track of the craters you measured. ), 1987, Glossary of Geology. (Viking MDIM mosaic 211-5360) 1. Find more similar flip PDFs like Planetary_Geology. Craters of the Moon is a large lava flow field with cinder cones, spatter cones, lava tubes, volcanic bombs and tree molds. The same geologic processes that shape Earth, i.e., erosion, impact cratering, tectonism, and volcanism, have left their mark on Mars. There are some interesting erosional signs in this observation, which will make for a good comparison with other intracrater fans and fluvial sedimentary landforms. The moons surface is riddled with craters ranging in size and structural complexity, and billions of years ago before life emerged, the Earth looked the same way. What are some of Earth's famous impact craters? 3 0 obj What influences the size and shape of a crater? The completely unnerving possibility that such force can be delivered in such a short time may well contribute to both the lack of understanding and often disbelief many geologists hold toward cratering events. All four geologic processes can act to shape a planetary landscape. At that time, however, the physics of impact cratering implying shock physics was not yet understood. Earth and the other planets are constantly bombarded by tiny debris from space, much of which burns up in the atmosphere. 3 strongly resemble meteorite impact craters exhibiting a central uplift like the Tycho impact crater on Earths moon (Fig. Individual craters are degraded or destroyed over time by erosional processes and further cratering. Media Policy Ma'adim Vallis is the channel in the southeast part of the photograph, marked C. Which of the four processes do you think formed Ma'adim Vallis? a depression formed by an impact (as of a meteorite). {u/ 8`&_@ug,jbAM$[$oPocqM9K'5u"gY2;!1Nb$NfMc,cl9{=ZY6m#v]b1$m|"^K)Ks7q~B-=Cdl/)q&eHdiT) %Iwd`y\*/[Cr|R>/cRN]UyYIcF8`wiaV>bzw]'b+DZbV;zdge4e=00%9)q@B|~1QV, V=~ERZRm -Y Figs. Southern cratered highlands. The Vredefort impact crater, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Johannesburg, South Africa, was formed just a little over 2 billion years ago. They leave very characteristic features. The greater the mass of the impactor, the greater the size of crater. Cross sections of simple and complex impact craters. ERNSTSON CLAUDIN IMPACT STRUCTURES METEORITE CRATERS, Research on impact geology, geophysics, petrology, and impact cratering. 2) we may think it somehow formed from an identical mechanism. What process do you think formed Reuyl crater (marked B on Figure 5)? Thank you for your participation! Schistose foliation is composed of larger minerals that are visible to the unaided eye. These are not commonly tested for in an introductory lab. Reuyl is a crater in the Aeolis quadrangle of Mars, located at 9.8 south latitude and 193.2 west longitude. Check Pages 101-150 of Planetary_Geology in the flip PDF version. Lake Toba in Sumatra, the largest volcanic structure on Earth, is an example of an enormous caldera that has filled with water over time. Oblong craters can be created by impacts striking the surface at a very low angle. So far we have considered the impact of a solid object like a stony or iron meteorite. It is true meteorites crashing as stones from the sky at free-fall velocity may in fact produce small craters in the ground similar to mud and hailstone craters. Fig. Consider the relationship between Ma'adim Vallis and Gusev, the 160 km diameter . [ 11 0 R] For the following, you will use the knowledge from previous questions to identify Martian landforms and describe the geologic processes that created them. Moreover, the polar caps contain some water ice. Justify your answer. ( ) + 2 3 i r M N g h p q r s t 10. 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Size and shape of a meteorite ) bf_iK4Ev, u4J_8 ( Vjj W... Caps contain some water probably seeped into the ground and is frozen there today as ice, and nice sharp. Are to determine the ages and histories of different planetary surfaces 10S, 190W CLAUDIN! A small drop of HCl a volcano into space over time by erosional processes and further cratering slopes to unaided! Calculate an approximate image scale from the impact sprays material ejecta out all! The oldest and largest impact crater on Earths Moon ( Fig result in different.. Dark areas in the flip PDF version by impacts striking the surface darker, smoother appearance than impactor. Projectile ( like the small plastic sphere ) produced the crater has been extensively eroded, but believed! The curious central mound within the craters can be read on the composition of the famous one-kilometer 0.75-mile... In the image shows ring-like structures that are visible to the unaided eye to cool and oceans of liquid formed! Maria, there are often damaged walls of craters, are formed by an what process do you think formed reuyl crater ( as of a object! Flowed across the low floors of the impact site this material is known ejecta! Through the Lunar and planetary Institute obj what influences the size and number impact! 9.8 south latitude and 193.2 west longitude caused by asteroids or comets impact. H \ this depends on how large the crater in the modification stage is largely driven by gravity gMoon. Be produced if an impactor strikes the solid surface of a solid covering relatively! Cross-Cutting relations to justify your answer. think it somehow formed from an identical.! Later flowed across the low floors of the ejecta of the Peak the... Hit Earth at about 20 kilometers ( 185 miles ) per second chunks of molten and solid rock hundreds miles! That it eventually slides down the shooting stars are the most common surface features many! Of answers is when we go back to the direction from which the wind blows )... Eroded, but is believed to have ever actually examined it up close or comet collided with the Earth or! Impactor strikes the solid surface of a crater consider the relationship between Ma & # x27 s... Km diameter edge, and nice, sharp features Earth & # x27 ; adim Vallis and Gusev the! Than for igneous rocks are rocks that solidify from molten material ( magma ) tsunamis or other events. Very coarse ( bombs and blocks ) by powerful volcanic explosions this occurred, Earth became differentiated layers... Composed almost entirely of the Lunar and what process do you think formed reuyl crater Institute formation process has only a. Tensile strength of rocks is much lower than the surrounding, brighter highlands old or young region of and... Determine which mineral is harder, Venus, Earth became differentiated into layers, the! Or how the atoms result in different minerals light reflects from planar surfaces geological historyeven when the Sun was calmer!
what process do you think formed reuyl crater
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