Fatal-(95-100), Yellow Chondro Python Warrior Cats Comics. Esteban Maroto continues his enchanting tales of Dax the Warrior, and Shreck struggles for survival on a dangerous, irradiated alternate world!. Positive personality traits - pick two or three numbers between 1-40, Negative personality traits - pick three or four numbers between 1-40. PackClan and ClanPack RP with Cats and Dogs! Then continue exploring: You earned a coin! In addition, the cats must face the dangers of disease, hunger, and hostile Clans in their struggle to survive and safeguard their own. :) Competition Warriors & Cats - RP Open! As a kit in the nursery, what's your favorite thing to do? All numbers 1-10 stand for the number of items needed to fix that particular injury/illness/ problem. - the bug where the textbox w/ the link to the background site changes to true/false when generating a cat, it was used to test some features and I forgot to remove it ._. Click download now to get access to the following files: there will be one useable in browser, so it'll also work on mobile:), Sorry, but sadly no. Each Clan specializes in a certain skill, e.g. Cat Generators Hub. -Little Island- Ok, I got literally the EXACT same one as Duckie, can anyone explain that?? Add warrior cats animations,games and fanarts! Leader: Leafstar-a beautiful calico longhair she cat with jade green eyes/Lives left:8. Major Injury/Poisoned (for jellyfish)- (85-94) Their full name will be Dacethorn. Sabina. RiverClan cats are great swimmers and WindClan cats excel at running. Also if your wondering why the medicine cat has a mate it's because he has a forbidden relationship. Graystripes Adventure. Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International, added russian topaz white spotting (associated with the topaz eye colors), added ability to reload prefixes and suffixes (see install instructions), added ability to re-randomize cats in roles independently from others by double-clicking the text-box of the role. Warrior Cat Games! Mama Sky's Warrior Cat Generator - Perchance. Warrior Cat Generator. Lets Get 1000 Warrior Cats Fans In This Studio!!!!!! The last 3 names in this generator are tribe names.Lastly, clan names are very straight forward. Neutral (61-85), (50-79), (35-75), (26-49), Bad (86-100), (80-100), (76-100), (50-100). Try out my Warrior Cat maker now and find out! character-design LEADER LABURNUMSTARa short haired, red classic tabby molly, with yellow eyes. | JuniperClan - Part 1 Munaca Cair 1.84K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 26K views 6 months ago The Generator:. Warrior Cats Books. Virtual Happy Hour Invitations Wording, Fonts. Warriors WindClan Luna Lovegood Llamas!!! A note - this was heavily inspired by this warrior cat generator: How to make a Fantastic Warrior Cat (And Other Tips) - Another! 1st: Book Name Generator 2nd: Name Generator Many of the names have a tribal feel to them, similar to stereotypical Native American names. what character are u, are u snakebite,wolfheart,echostar or mapledapple find out in warrior cat life generator(everyone is alowed)..enjoy!note that this is my fist quiz on GoToQuiz, so please no hateenjoyWhat is GotoQuiz? We are experiencing a disruption with email delivery. 188 followers. #1 Seri! Its nice! My favorite projects that may or may not be helpful. by A warrior. To learn all about the series, I recommend picking it up for reading or at least checking out the Wikipedia page. Warrior Callous and Unfriendly. by Happyprincessgirl. The Clan is Saved by a RESCUE Kit?! What do you do? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. With a multitude of colors and markings, you can create a cool warrior cat or recreate a favorite pet! For example if its greenleaf, and a good food outcome is rolled, it could be interpreted as an abundance of prey or a new territory being discovered. Warrior cats clan generator scratch. Designing a Warrior Cat Clan from a Generator | Part 2 Nefali 12K. Actblue Charities Financial Statements, Padre Luis Toro, Character Generator! You are Bluestream, Queen of Shadowclan! Join us, Warrior! Their names are pretty much in between clan names and tribe cat names (see below) in terms of style.The 'other names' option will give you Kittypets, rogue cat and tribe cat names.Rogue cats are lone cats, either because they're exiled or because they choose to live that way. is anything else your are looking? Currently apprentice medicine cat, used to be a warrior apprentice. Ravenpaw, a ThunderClan cat, is yet another notable character. Warrior cat Generator (2.0 ver.) Hamburger and fries with a milkshake. Medicine Cat. Two of the traits should be positive, like being kind and one of the traits should be negative, like being dishonest. Warrior cats clan generator scratch. This needs to be rolled if something other than Nothing Happens is rolled on the Daily Events Generator. This generator was created on Perchance. Etchells 22 Phrf Rating, Also Pumpkinleaf retired early because her leg was crushed. The warrior cat name generator tool works around a reservoir of plenty of warrior cat and clan names that can be used to mix and match in such a way that it may . I want 100 followers for this studio plz. - Wattpad, Just a quick note - there will be a rank bit of this later, so if you receive kit, apprentice or leader from that, just add the correct suffix to whatever prefix you got. Ravenpaw is a shy and timid cat at first, but he grows into a brave and revered warrior thanks to his loyalty to his friends. And finally, Starclan has told you that you will die in a moon. B. I got tawnybraken but I want a skyclan cat! What do you do? There is action, suspense, and political intrigue throughout their adventure. Live out your dream warrior cat life! Quest for apprentices, exploring territory etc. Iridescent Shieldtail Snake, *roll every time dangerous water prey is caught* Warrior Cat Clan Generator FIRECLAN. !The Generator: https://perchance.org/warrior-cat-clansI'm so excited to create even more of these cats!Apps used: IbisPaintX(Sub co. What do you look forward to doing as an apprentice? Hey warriors fans! 30 For some drama, have another Clan steal one of the kits. You may need to update the web application. LEADER FROSTSTARa white tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.DEPUTY ROSEEARa long haired, black and red, classic tortoiseshell she-cat, with amber eyes.MEDICINE CAT SOOTLEAFa black tom, with long fur, and gold eyes.WARRIORS . 46 followers. Warrior cat name generator . ( Two-legs / Coyotes / a stray cat / a clan cat / a dog / A badger ) and has been terrified of them ever since. Which Protagonist of The Broken Code are you? She-cat SEXUALITY Asexual BODY SHAPE: Cobby PELT: Light ginger tabby EYE COLOR: Amber / Blue AGE: 40 moons PERSONALITY: Dependable, Gregarious & Confident FRIENDS: Brightfrost and Duskthroat PHSYICAL FEATURES: scar on right eyebrow APPRENTICE: none MATE: Meadowswipe FAMILY Father: Snailbee Mother: Snailsky Littermates: Cindermist and Blackleaf . Recent Updates: Modified some outcomes, began work on culture. Or if a neutral medicine outcome is rolled it could be the medicine cat wants a specific number of herbs by the end of the day (determined by the severity generator) that arent required to save a cats life but would make the clan stronger if they had them. A note - this was heavily inspired by this warrior cat generator: How to make a Fantastic Warrior Cat (And Other Tips) - Another! Schwinn Elm Girls Bike Instructions, Fatal-(95-100) The series is an exciting and thought-provoking read, and readers will remember its beloved characters long after finishing the last book. If you are not receiving emails from us, please try after 8am EST. Each wild cat is part of a different clan and has their own skills, abilities and beliefs. I got Leaf whisker; this other message is random because it needed to be greater than 19 characters. Also Tangerine used to be a kittypet, that is why her name is so un-warriory. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Hello! Yeah, I'd like that too, but I'd need to reconstruct the whole app, as the cats after initial generation are stored as strings of text, and it would be tedious to turn them back into a set of values ;-; Also, if you follow me you'll get info if and when I update/upload new stuff, Also, also, I checked your profile, we're into similar stuff, wc and gacha, XD Sorry for the late answer aswell, i've been working on some giveaways on wcue discords, yk. There are five clans, in each clan there is a Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, and many Warriors. :) It was great, I usually get StoneHeart or something or FeatherTail idk I forgot the names but how about OceanSeek as a name too? You've caught your best friend breaking the warrior code - what do you do? Warrior cats clan generator very much inspired by the clan generator challenge amongst the wc art community, but completly original code. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What are good warrior cat names? From here, it's one giant mystery the apprentice solves. Cats that don't belong to a clan and live on their own. Gang Related Full Movie 123, Warrior cats is about clans of feral cats surviving in the wild. Fatal-(95-100). LEADER SOOTSTARa short haired, blue mackerel tabby tom, with yellow eyes.DEPUTY CORMORANTNOSEa short haired, white she-cat, with a black and red mackerel calico tail and ears, and hazel eyes.MEDICINE CAT HOLLYCLOUDa short haired, chocolate and red, ticked calico-tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes. Options. I love them! Now you can generate a clan that is suited to your needs, and is not totally random! The automated warrior cat name generator tool is configured to come up with warrior cat names that may depict heroic and adventurous stories for high fantasy, fun or fiction purposes. Well bye bye and SUPER BOWL!!!! I hope that some of you guys use it! I'm Rainbowshine, and I love Warrior Cats! Aer fur is medium length and rather patchy, and ae is currently questioning aer sexuality. What do you do? Also Moonkit is blind (but he becomes a warrior). The Stolen Movie Wikipedia, Welcome to r/WarriorCats! Moonbeam Hamato here! Warriors is a very popular book series about the adventures of 4 clans of cats, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan. Spanish Moss Chiggers Bites, So have you ever wanted to see what Warrior Cat YOU would be? [ADD ANYTHING], *-- EagleClan and DandelionClan --* Gathering Place, WonderClan, DeerClan, AshClan, & StarClan RP, BACON LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/282590509/. Edit Content. What do you do? If you suddenly found out you were a half-clan, what would you do? The Normal and Dextrous. The description includes coat color, coat length, coat pattern, gender, eye color, and a special trait! The Supercilious and Long-winded. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Warriors By ErinHunter. I was 50/50?It said I was Tawny braken and leafwhisker. Fine- (1-59) Chevy Cucv M1028 For Sale, A detailed character that you go on to make stories about - not, of course, assuming that you'll actually use anything this generates for you. For 50% you are: So, what warrior cat would you be? If you're wondering, the cat I generated was Lionfeather, a solid cinnamon trans tom who serves as a loyal warrior of WindClan. Ravenpaws Path. Press J to jump to the feed. Thank you for commenting! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Some Personal Favourite Generators and Games. Shadowgrass silvery gray tom. I copy/pasted it exactly how it looked in the generator. And one day, you might lead your clan to greatness. I found this cool game on scratch where you can make a clan of Warrior cats. Tigerstar, a leader of the ShadowClan, is yet another significant character. Clan generator. In order to safeguard their families and communities, the cats must learn to cooperate, trust one another, and make difficult choices through these conflicts. C . Finally I found this game again after such time! All rights reserved. Tribe cats take their inspiration from traditional Native American naming conventions and describe what a mother sees when a kitten is born. random AWESOME CATS Thunderstar Club (warriors) My recent views (add yours) The Warrior Cat Chat Studio And RP Welcome To The Dark Forest Warrior cats! Magpul Aics Magazine 450 Bushmaster, Cat Character. Apprentice Warning: Pretty Long!! A Warrior's Life . I have made a generator that generates a Warrior Cat name, and a description! We.Kill.The.Earth.And.Do.Nothing.To.Save.It, User blog:We.Kill.The.Earth.And.Do.Nothing.To.Save.It, almost all white, just a few coloured patches, all white except tail and spots over eyes. animals. 12 Questions - Developed by: Stary - Updated on: 2020-06-07 - Developed on: 2018-12-01 - 56.348 taken - User Rating: 4.09 of 5.0 - 11 votes - 114 people like it Hello there, Warrior Cat Dacepaw's mentor is named Sprucebreeze. sunclan,moonclan, blood moon clan member,Generations, "Eevee's Destiny as a Human" Studio (Archived), Sunclan RP,Moonclan members welcome to join to. Ravenshine is average-sized and has green eyes. Or OceanGlitter, OceanGrace, GracefulWalk. Warrior Cats Random Generators: In this document I will include all the random generators I use in my Warrior Cats Challenge Series to keep the game challenging and interesting. Warrior Cat Prophecy Generator by Twichoid-Chan. From pelt color to clan rank, you are sure to make an original oc that you will. 69 Camaros For Sale In Ga, i simply was too annoyed with the issues the perchance one had so made my own. Which warrior cat are you from the journey? So have you ever wanted to see what Warrior Cat YOU would be? Major Injury/Poisoned (for jellyfish)- (80-94) I'm Raggedflight. This generator has errors (click here) . The cats must navigate the complicated politics and power struggles within and between the Clans, each with its own culture and way of life. M Raggedflight if your wondering why the medicine cat, and ae is currently questioning aer.. Leader, Deputy, medicine cat, and Shreck struggles for survival on a dangerous, alternate.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-40, Negative personality traits - pick three or four numbers between 1-40, personality! Iridescent Shieldtail Snake, * roll every time dangerous water prey is caught * Warrior cat would... 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warrior cat clan generator perchance
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