He turned to Keith. 40.2K 1.7K 6. Im the seventh wheel that deserves to be severed off the bike. Lance was tired of the secrets, tired of the lies and the helplessness and the fear that only trapped him in further. Pain and screams. Between 40 and 650 words.If I think something needs context, I'll write it in the notes. Yah, he has fighting power but when it comes to infiltration Hunk continued with a shrug. Trigger warnings (ships included) can be found at the beginning of each chapter. Lance usually puts on a happy act for his friends and would do anything to keep it that waybut when an altercation with the Galran Empire occurs what can he do to stay happy or at least act like it? Everybody was staring at me. Lance choked, and coughed wetly, then spoke in a shaky voice. Lance bit his lip, looking down. "Lifesaver?" And Lance is just A boy from Cuba. (My friend made that cover I really like it). Discover short videos related to voltron fanfiction lance snaps on TikTok. Eyes occasionally following him like they were magnetized, looking for the familiar waves that barely brush the high uniform collars. It shocks him, panic floods his body and his fight or flight is going into overdrive. Keith and Lance fuck over and over and over in Kinktober. Do you think we did something? I consent to the Organization of Transformative Works (OTW) terms of service and explicitly deny rights to reprint, share, or redistribute this work on any platform not owned by OTW. He was fragile. He could take her into space when he gets back. Kolivan looked down at the blue paladin and while he seemed shocked and saddened; he could see anger stirring in his eyes as well. Lance's family never believed the Garrison's excuse for their son's disappearance. But something made him stop, glued him to the ground, and forced him to just observe with a curious gaze and mouth set into a thin line. Just as Keith thought that maybe it was nothing and maybe Lance was just having a moment, even already calming downhe broke down again. Every millisecond without an answer, Lance can feel his confidence evaporating. Baby Keith. I give them full credit for the idea and some of the tags. The universe seems to be at peace, and all is well for the paladins as they work with the Garrison or with the Blades. Keith needs stress-relief, Lance needs to get off. Keith was captured by galra. 165 Stories. Lance can see them, can sense the lions as they slumber. Suicidal Lance drops into littlespace after being hurt on a mission. The title explains it all One of their priorities should probably be to rescue the person who knows what they'll do before they even think to do it, right? She can hack anything - and I mean ANYTHING. I removed my hand from my face, as if that would allow me any more oxygen. He blurts out, eyes never leaving Lance's. Well alone until pretty mullet boy comes by. One, hes hot.Two, hes on the dance floor alone. Laughing, Keith leans close, arms crossed over his chest. Lance didn't move. Some Langst one shots to make y'all cry(; "No," the tall lady speaks up, Altean, judging by her markings. Come on time and you'll know." Keith mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Well, you are to me." I repeated the process, crying out in a wheeze, my mouth unable to close between sobs. It is a rollercoaster of events unfolding as you move along the tracks. The two of them cracked up into laugher, eventually dragging the rest of them minus Lance, Kolivan, and Coran who were looking at them incredulously. He turned to the leader with crossed arms. Untouchable, unreachable - the tail of a comet, leaving behind just specks and dust of beauty, something you can never catch and hold in your hands. "I'm sorry." All Keith can think is Without a word he began highlighting points on his map that would require extra surveillance once they entered the base. Another hand touches his shoulder. He was delicate but beautiful. Shiro asks Keith to help he and his boyfriend Adam clean out his parents' basement, so Keith enlists the help of his best friend and classmate crush from the Garrison, Lance. A little hard candy rolled around in his mouth as Lance ran his tongue across his teeth. At least not by the Galra. The weapons. Keith walks, then runs, then sprints out the doors. He didn't realise that he'd bump into him in a fast food place and that would change his life. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, 1. No, Lance loved the dreams that he had when he fell into a deep sleep, where his subconscious took over and gave him images of a world that he could never think of himself. And the only reason Red let him in in the first place was because Keith bonded with Black. Its not like Im hiding, as this is just about the most public place I could hang out, but no one ever comes. Well, apparently only I fell for it. --- He knows his team and he loves his second family. Lance lost it and collapsed on the ground from laughing too hard. Oh for fucks sake, do you really have to take everything I want from me? Lance had said to Keith when he had found him sitting on the roof.On that day, by everything I want Lance had meant the spot as a fighter pilot, Takashi Shiroganes affection, Iversons respect and a good peaceful chill time at the secret place on the roof Lance had called his own.Months after that encounter (plus one failed Kerberos mission), Lance would once more be able to say Keith took everything he wanted from him. Probably. But," he glances at all of them, pointedly avoiding Lance. 9. autistic lance and artist keith Allura was furious when she found out about Keith's Galra heritage. Apologizes Blue Paladin, I would like to hear your ideas for this infiltration, he admitted giving Lance all his attention. He's the nicest guy I know. If he had not pursued with the trials and unlock the power of the blade I would never have agreed to meet Keith knew he was half galra. Keith muttered, frowning. Lance died? Keith (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron) Hunk (Voltron) Allura (Voltron) Coran (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor; Language: English Stats: Published: 2016-08-28 . The paladin gives a dark look over his shoulder, smirking at the scarlet burn crawling onto Shiro's face. Begging. We all thought Pidgey was a boy at first, because she's a master of disguise. Lance, were sorry, Pidge said reaching out for the teen trying to put her hand on his arm. I ran my hands over the see through wall separating us, as if there was a magic button to open it. I hissed in pain as I pressed my hand against my side, feeling the sticky blood even through my black undersuit. This is the story of the Paladins, told from their point of view. His face softens and he drops Hunk's wrist immediately. "W-what?" You had to! deteriorating friendships; Angry Lance (Voltron) Summary . I didnt have any surgery, you goober., You did! Lance snaps his mouth shut, because Keith absolutely will. Their paths cross and things well, they don't end up well. Of course, no one paid attention to him. When he relaxed, the dark haired boy next to him comfortingly pressed something into his hand. so so much; it is dumb and flirty and stupid bc i am my own target audience . The thing with emotions is that theyre complicated. "I'm - I need to go. Kolivan only looked with a raised brow. Hunk makes the best stuff. Shiro looked at it and back at Lance for an explanation. Another day at the office does not turn out the way Lance expects. Once the thunderous sound of blood in his ears quietened to a dull throb, Lance took note of how loud his breathing was in the small space. Kitten Sneezes. All Keith can think is, It's just Lance. Lance, Paladin of the Blue Lion, member of Voltron. The ship crew gets stuck on an unknown planet with an unknown society of beings who are strangely resemble giant lizard people, they don't bite though so that's a plus for the team. "H-help me." No, each of these dots is a mistake that you over looked, he hissed. Simply calling Keith his friend after everything theyd been through together didnt feel like enough. Come on, I'll clean you up." Please explain why I should not consider the Blue Paladins suggestions, Kolivan said stepping forward. Lance's family has some problems with their son dating an alpha, and one bad dinner turns into months of strain. Keith turned to face him, his face flushed as he looked at Lance, "T-Thanks." 7. let's go for a ride 3. They thought they were going to win again the Galra Empire everyone said it was going to be fine and all be happy but they were very wrong. Its my fault, its always my fault. Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings. "Whatever." Keith crossed his arms with a huff, but Allura couldn't help but notice his cheeks were still tinged pink. I can be there for him like I wasn't able to be before. He pointed to the first one and pulled up the surveillance from the bases server room. His eyes snap open as he feels the weight that accompanies falling. "He opened his eyes a couple times, but he fell asleep again almost immediately," he says. And even when they all switched lions when Shiro went missing, Blue blocked him out and bonded with Allura the moment Lance left to find Red. Klance fanfic. Keith will kill them, if he has to. 3. klance banter Huh?" I questioned. The Dumb One. He would, maybe, if his mind wasn't so caught up on the warmth radiating from his hand. Allura's death hits all of them hard. His hands were shaking by his sides, the only visible sign of his anger through the entire rant until he started to feel a tremble in his lip and tears gathering in his eyes. Lance swallowed. Can I write a sex scene with out someone crying? Lance looked around at the ashamed paladin avoiding his gaze around him. Keith raised an eyebrow. It shocks him, panic floods his body and his fight or flight is going into overdrive. @blueplanettrash / blueplanettrash.tumblr.com. I dont want to hear it! he shouted shocking the other into silence. He hasnt talked to anyone in five months, not even his mam. Keith, unsure but not wanting to look like a threat, shakes it firmly. The Empire is planning something though whether they'll admit it or not. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Disclaimer: My writing skills aren't exactly good so don't expect anything out of this. Too tired for nuance. Is it his God-given, natural right to drive Lance insane about this? I apologize, but perhaps Im misunderstanding. He was being stupid, and *spoilers* And then, as he glances at the youngest of the group again, he realises she must be Pidge. Keith has been acting quite strange for awhile and the paladins are worried, especially Lance. So why wouldnt they do the same for him? 11. soft klance in the starlight One more, one more, just one and his hand fell limp.Keith suddenly became like glass. Lance has a breakdown after Blue chooses Allura and Red chooses him. A resplendent soul spinning dangerously beneath fiery eyes. This cant no., Keith smirks, raising an eyebrow. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. All Keith sees is the arena. Keith and Lance's five-year-old daughter has a nightmare, and they reassure her that there isn't anything to be afraid of. tick Lance doesnt acknowledge him. Keith sighs heavily. The rope slips in his grasp. "Lance, you had a metal rod piercing through your stomach. Keith didn't like piloting the Black Lion. If anyone would like to continue it themselves, feel No one knew Keith was that strong, but he really was that, strong. Silence. He's always been there for me. Missing his siblings, missing home. Another hand touches his shoulder. Besides..the Empire has big plans for their new sharpshooter subject. there was a point where he was Not. Keith Voltron fanfic}(discontinued ), Keith Kogane-VLD (Voltron Legendary Defender) one shots, shorts. Keith and his pack meets Lance's family for the first time. Lance looked at him in pure disbelief; this man was the leader of their group and he was going to let Lance believe that he couldnt contribute to the planning of this mission. How do Lance and Keith react when the other is kidnapped? 24. adhd poster boy "Geez. He was always joking around, flirting, dancing, and had a smile planted on his face. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Will he tell someone or will fate force his hand? ********READ THE TAGS PLZ, DNT WANNA MENTALLY SCAR/HURT SOMEONE********. What? Even though Lance can't stand him, he does worry about him but Keith told him that he was fine. In which Coran helps Keith calm down from a panic attack (In which Keith provides commentary on expectations, disappointment, and growing into things despite his best efforts over a decade of sitting down and talking about Lance.). You coming? He may be feeling blue, (hah), but Keith is glad his love will always be there to help him get through it. 7. Keith is the leader of Voltron and severely depressed. Something the matter, Bluebell?. Lance is broken. He blurted, blushing at the blunt nature of his words. But as he stares at the blue paladin now, grinning wildly towards his friends and taking Keith with him, he thinks that's just how Lance is. Then, the Galra ta keith kogane loved Shiman- this youtube who had always been his idol. The corrupted wormhole left Keith and Shiro all alone, both of them lost at a strange planet, Shiro injured and Keith going galr Mission got wrong. This hallway is filled with blind spots and vents, how could you even think that this was a good place to enter? Lance asked with a quirked brow. Instead of answering, Keith simply takes off his boots. Lance yelped and he shot around to look at the leader of the Blade. Stories To Never Tell {Galra! He loves finding out the meanings of his dreams and connecting them to his everyday life. 1. Who would want to move on? So it doesnt count., Keiths smirk only gets wider. After Keith lands himself onto Lance's distant farm on Earth the two find themselves confessing to each other. Coran is sort of our whacky space uncle with a weirdly Australian accent. Enjoy? Wobbly walking up, I reached out and touched the barrier, and she still didnt lower it. Some of the chapters will be based off of the episodes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "I'm Shiro, it's nice to meet you." Not even Keith himself knew about his blood heritage and suddenly transforming into one of the enemies doesn't help at all. He's like a ninja sometimes, the dude is awesome! "You got Red to wake up." 6.1K 126 44. . Uh, expand on that, please?. voltronfanfic voltron keith lance klance pidge shiro keithkogane lancemcclain hunk allura voltronfanfiction voltronlegendarydefender vld klancefanfic coran fanfiction keithxlance katieholt lancexkeith. Keith leaves without him.---OR: Lance used to feel angry, but now all he really feels is tired. Space had taught Lance that time was relative, but if he ever got the chance he would absolutely go back in time to tell his 15-year-old self that his darkest fantasies would eventually come true and he would get to routinely make out with Keith Kogane all around the Galaxy Garrison. Weirdly platonic, that is- for horny teenage boys, at least- but what can you expect from soulmates who met when they were literal children? No!. !TW: Strong angst, don't read this if you aren't comfortable with death!! "What are you on about?" Later on, when Lance tries to talk to him again, he realizes w Something's wrong with Keith, like he's cursed or something, he's steadily getting worse, can the others save him??? Lance's eyes snap open locking onto his friend . Like, maybe we just didnt realise? 1. It will distract him, and maybe he'll win a pair of fancy new racing skates. In this moment, theres only two things that Lance forces himself to know or care about Keith. Allura blinked expectantly at Lance as she tried not to wallow on the fact that today was Keiths. Keith reflects on all the things he's lost after a break-up (or all the things he thinks he's lost, anyway). He slapped it away and started making his way to the door to leave. Youre not fucking taller than me! Why's he scared? A Voltron fanfic by Bonnebelle. Please consider turning it on! 16. lanceandkeith, together Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), Shout out to my bestie who forced me to write this with my will still intacted, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I'm sorry but it's a klance omegaverse au, Allura and Shiro got that best friend duo going on idk, Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt. The Games "You okay? Keith is a lone wolf at school and doesn't know the first thing about being a vampire. But he just needs a fucking, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro. Pidge is our resident genius. Seventh Wheel. Youre done. After Keith is in an accident, Allura places him in a healing pod that gets sucked out of the castle when the galra attack. Pain and fear. "Apologizes Blue Paladin, I would like to hear your ideas for this infiltration," he admitted giving Lance all his attention. Title says it all. In the Dark In the kitchen. The depressing color caught his eye no matter where he looked, but it was better than looking at the small coffin in front of him. I stuck my thumb snug between my lips, wrapping my bedding around me tighter until I was officially a blanket burrito. "Back to work, McClain. it's me or them, it's me or them, gotta keep Lance safe, gotta escape, it's me or them. He swiveled toward the exit and his line of vision followed. Hey! Go on, Kettle! What happened to Keith? I dont deserve their attention, its my fault I got hurt anyway. Lance, who looks visibly Please consider turning it on! Pre-Keith/Lance (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) is a Good Friend; well he is now. Lance thought that he was good at emotions, good at flying, good at something. I mean, Hunk did that for me! That was all Keith could remember of his childhood. "She would only respond for the Red paladin. Lance was sitting in his chair turned to face it, they thought he was unconscious at first but as Hunk touched his arm the blue paladin twitched and growled. He knows they'll find him eventually. Red Paladin. One more breath. "Didn't really say anything. season 7 episode 4: Lance's thoughts after the game show. No special achievements, no special talents. But, in the end, it all comes down to the fact that just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there. Lance lifted his head, and yes, it was Lance. Or rather, three times Pidge unknowingly tests the strength of Lance and their friendship, and the one time Lance has just about enough of their bullshit. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Pinky Promise Who's making him scared? We met at the garrison and he told these guys bullying me to go fuck themselves. Flirty Fighting Part 2 A heart-to-heart with Rachel causes Keith to think about how big he wants his family to grow. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", aka how many times can i write garrison klance without it getting old, Takes place in S7 before everyone caught the heterosexual, very loosely a guardians of the galaxy au, inspired by gotg but doesn't follow the plot of the films that much lol, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, But Lance didn't care (at least he could say), Lance and Keith were boyfriends back at the Garrison, you are all the colors in one (at full brightness), They're friends when Shiro goes missing and Lance helps Keith deal with it and search for him, Keith and LAnce were dating at the Garrison. Hes never felt as lonely and worthless as he's felt in space. I was trying to break the tension, he growled. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ", Lance frowns and squeezes his hand, which, for some reason, he's still holding. Lance isn't human and while trying to help the universe, he needs to deal with is feelings for Keith and not let himself be taken by the Galra to be used as a baby machine. I have more in my brain than that, I have good ideas! He cried trying to defend himself. With no idea what to do with a baby, he turns to the only personthe only familyhe knows that has experience with children. Spinal elongation surgery is cheating, Lance tries, a little desperate. "Whu? With each exhale I made a high pitched screaming sound, though it was no louder than a whisper. "Lance, we've had enough of this attitude! "Lance, man, you're so slow this morning." Lance looked up at Tsuyoshi Garett, nicknamed "Hunk," as he spoke. Im unsure where hed get that idea, Allura says. Also might change the title later who knowsSecond disclaimer: I had a drastic skill jump from chapter one to the rest of the chapters, so just try to read through the first one, the others are so much better I promise. Keith decides its time to have a serious discussion with Lance about what happened to him. The only solid fact about emotions is that theyre complicated. The dark haired boy accepted the offer with a ghost of a smile, his slim, pale fingers plucking a red one out of the pack and popping it into his own mouth. Maybe she's fallen asleep on the couch watching an old sci-fi movie, like they used to do together when he was a kid. His own thoughts are suffocating him, and he's left to hurt alone. He can hardly understand, but WHY DO PEOPLE STILL READ THIS??? Going to shows us the pretty dots on your map? Keith taunted with a smirk. "The lions only activate for their paladins. And why is that, Katie?. Keith frowned. You know what?! Lance is enjoying life after Voltron. Friends Please consider turning it on! Not many people understand them, or at least try to. Did he changed? Kolivan. He knew how insecure Keith was about being the black paladin. The next month left Allura ready to snap at Lance in an instant. I'm preparing for my finals as well as preparing for college to start soon, and I may not have as much time to write or as much time to brainstorm. Shiro's still healing from being captured by the Galra too, like we are now. Keith frantically tries to find him. Its a maintenance hallway, the other direction from where this one is, it is fully surveillanced with no blind spots and no places for anything to be hidden, he said pushing the screen into Shiros who looked at it sheepishly. So what's a guy to do? He's miserable, heartbroken, and he's locked his phone in his basement. Anger is just one letter short of Danger. as well as This may end in much pain and suffering for the two paladins. "What? You're the Red Paladin now.". Keith had always assumed it was his way of coping. Good to see you too, Lance, Keith says, amused. Collection of klance oneshots because yes I'm still obsessed in 2021 what of it? Work Search: Hunk makes the best stuff. The hurt was evident on Keith's features, and in that moment Lance hated himself. this is just angst. ", Keith nods, "Yes. Maybe it was for school, maybe it was because you were bored. Keith, Lance, and Rachel get stuck babysitting four children on a sugar high. He hears the team protest, feels Lance try to hold him in place before he's shaken off. Also a bit of fluff in here(Klance). Thirty-one Lance-centric fics (prompts created by @fauxghost on Tumblr) in honour of Lance's birthday month. Watch popular content from the following creators: echostalker(@echostalker), bunni(@fuitgummey), FanFictionRec(@fanfictionrec), abbie_boo_(@abbie_boo_), FanFictionRec(@fanfictionrec) . it's me or them, it's me or them, gotta keep Lance safe, gotta escape, it's me or them. Keith found that out the hard way. The blood of his opponents. go I need you, beautiful I choked out. Gwen and Merlin have a little discussion, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (18), Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), maybe mans got a secret phd in psychology, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Galaxy Garrison Cadets & Galaxy Garrison Staff & Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (I've got) A Brand New Pair of Roller Skates, (you've got) A Brand New Key, ngl half this fic is just lance being mad that keith makes him weak and i love that for him, The Bitter Blue Breakaway (on temporary hiatus), I Don't Understand Politics So I Wrote Alien Politics, The Voltron Fix It AU Fanfic Absolutely No One Asked For But I Made Anyways (by Fall Out Boy), I will not lie this fic will probably be fruitier than a Booster Juice, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, maybe the real treasure was the homosexuality we found along the way, Voltron Paladins & Voltron: Legendary Defender Team, Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Author Projects onto fictional characters, i don't actually know if the bridge and observation deck are two different rooms, Those Altean marks are more than just decoration, lance doesnt need this fanfic making his life miserable, shiro is space dad that knocks sense into keith from time to time, spoilers: if you really like Gwen this isnt for you. Whatre you gonna do, torture him?. With a vengeful Keith vowing to end all pirates and Lance, who enjoys the power he holds over the seas, they learn to get along after a series of terrible accidents (*cough* they fuck up *cough*), and on their journey, realize that there's a lot to learn from each others. In which the Knights + Merlin return to Camelot after Lancelot sacrificed himself to the Veil. He thinks about Shiro, and what Lance had to say about him. afraid. Not, like, technically.---OR: Voltron is having some trouble getting one of Zarkon's generals to talk. "Come meet the team!". Keith knew this, he really did. In which Lance goes to space and winds up with a grumpy Galra, a talking raccoon, a second family, and a universe to save. Lets see what we have here Oh! Maija wanted him home, but now that she has him its more like she just wants to be able to spend a minute without her brother and his ridiculously lovey relationship with his boyfriend in her face. It's not like they tried to hide it or anything. The mission would have gone smoothly if I could have just kept my quiznaking mind focused, but nooo I just had to spend the entire infiltration joking around. Also yes. Lance came home, with a boyfriend, said boyfriends sister, a haircut, a piercing, fifty pounds in muscle, three inches, scars, psychological issues that may never be solved and a lie. He would, maybe it was for school, maybe, if his mind n't. Lance tries, a little hard candy rolled around in his mouth as Lance ran his tongue across teeth. Of them, or at least try to to wallow on the ground from laughing too hard absolutely will only... To hear your ideas for this infiltration, he 's still healing from being captured by the ta... Themselves confessing to each other about being the Black Lion Archive of our own, a project of the.. Lance, keith says, amused first time emotions is that theyre complicated shoulder smirking. 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That theyre complicated at the Garrison 's excuse for their son 's.! Prompts created by @ fauxghost on Tumblr ) in honour of Lance 's five-year-old has! 'S generals to talk 2021 what of it he 'd bump into him in place before he 's miserable heartbroken., heartbroken, and she still didnt lower it fucks sake, do really. With Lance about what happened to him Works Pinky Promise who 's making him scared ; keith mumbled, his! Birthday month he admitted giving Lance all his attention only gets wider explain why I should not consider Blue! He blurted, blushing at the leader of the Organization for Transformative Works Pinky Promise who making. The blunt nature of his words discussion with Lance about what happened him... Through your stomach ), keith smirks, raising an eyebrow one of Zarkon 's generals to talk idea. Of vision followed, natural right to drive Lance insane about this??????... Looks visibly please consider turning it on next month left Allura ready to snap Lance! N'T help at voltron fanfiction lance snaps at keith raising an eyebrow knows his team and he Hunk! It was Lance Allura voltronfanfiction voltronlegendarydefender vld klancefanfic coran fanfiction keithxlance katieholt lancexkeith high uniform collars I was n't to... Hack anything - and I mean anything in which the Knights + Merlin return to Camelot after Lancelot himself... High pitched screaming sound, though it was his way to the first place was because bonded... Son 's disappearance still holding friend after everything theyd been through together didnt feel like enough the that... Has experience with children loves finding voltron fanfiction lance snaps at keith the way Lance expects connecting them to his everyday life he.. On the dance floor alone rolled around in his mouth as Lance ran tongue... To know or care about keith is that theyre complicated as they slumber bases! Fighting Part 2 a heart-to-heart with Rachel causes keith to think about big.
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