CGC HEALY EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR PATRICK ARMSTRONG Any members who are unable to access the shopping list via CG Portal shouldsubmit a help ticket to CGFIXIT. D1 INSP & INVEST BR (DPI) CDR ERIC RUNYON AIRSTA BARBERS PT OPERATIONS OFFICER CDR MARC MCDONNELL INTEL COORD CENTER EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR KAREN LEYDET RDML Shannon N. Gilreath (CG-PSC) NAME (UNIT) For Captain assignments only, all applicants must prepare and submit a one-page biography. D17 EXT AFFAIRS STAFF (DE) CDR (SEL) JESSE HOUCK (FR) CGC CONFIDENCE CDR THOMAS MARTIN PACAREA (PAC-094) MAR ADV IUU COMPACTS CDR ESTEVAN OLIVERA This is the primary method for members to communicate their assignment preferences. COMDT (CG-MLE-4) FSHRS/PROTECT SPEC CH CDR PATRICIA BENNETT OL-(CG-926)-DHS DDE-S&T ASST DEP DIR OTE CDR JAMES MILLER (EXT) The version and date will benoted at the top of the spreadsheet. OL-LANT JIATF S-KW DDE-INTEL OPS OFCR CDR (SEL) STEVEN WELCH (FR) O-3 positions occupied by an O-4 or O-4(sel) who will be TC in AY23 andO-3 positions occupied by an O-3 in-zone for O-4 TC in AY23. COMDT (CG-DCO-X) STRATEGIC ANALYST LCDR ERIC VRYHEID COMDT (CG-R82) RESOURCE MGMT DIV CH-FTS CDR JAROD ROSS (FLT/3YR) The U.S. Coast Guards Boating Safety Division (CG-BSX-2) is dedicated to reducing loss of life, injuries and property damage that occurs on U.S. Waterways by improving the knowledge, skill and abilities of recreational boaters. COMDT (CG-85) CG-85 DEPUTY CDR JUSTIN GORDON COMDT (CG-831) CG-831 DIV CH CDR PHIL GRANATI (3YR) Positions occupied by an incumbent officer . COMDT (CG-MER-3) INTERAG COORD DIV CH LCDR CLIFTON GRAHAM (FLT/1YR) CGCC USCYBERCOM DET DDE LCDR RAVEN HOLM COMDT (CG-9333) DEPUTY PRGM MGR CDR (SEL) THOMAS HOLLINBERGER (FR) ALCGPSC 108/21 - 2021 . COMDT (CG-791) DDE-DHS CYB POL TBD AIRSTA DETROIT OPERATIONS OFFICER CDR (SEL) JOHN SGARLATA (FR) Capt Pirone was born and raised in New York, right outside the Bronx. CGC THETIS CDR GAVIN GARCIA UNCLAS, ALCGPSC 010/22 LANTAREA (LANT-35) MARSEC/ENF SEC CH CDR BEAU POWERS 8/26/2021. SEC VIRGINIA PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR MATTHEW MESKUN Please click here for full message. uscg captain assignment panel 2022. LANTAREA (LANT-51) ASSIST IPS BR CH CDR JOHN GARR (FLT/2YR/EAD) MSU HOUMA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR KEVIN MCCORMACK (RR/2YR) Poulin will report for duty as the Coast Guard's vice commandant. Rear Admiral Vann recently completed an . The current version of DA will not notify the endorser of the request and does not allow late e-resume submission. FC (PTC) DET DDE-CGLO NAVY WRFR DEV CMD CDR (SEL) MEGAN DENNELLY (FR) C5ISC ASSET LOGS DIV C5ISC ALD COMPTR CDR KELLY DEUTERMANN 28 Feb - 04 Mar 22: Reserve Captain and Commander Assignment Panels.h. This includes senior officers (O5-O6) serving on long-term Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS) who desire a SELRES assignment following their release from active duty. 2022 - 2022 We are continuing our mission of building ecosystems to create authentic board diversity with the launch of our Black Corporate Board Readiness program. We will be a more adaptive and connected Coast Guard that generates sustained readiness, resilience and capability. SEC PUGET SND RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) JONATHAN LADYGA (FR/FLT/1YR) AnyeResumesubmitted prior toAugust 1, 2021 that the Coast Guard never removed his 2003 and 2004 marks from the database. SEC BUFFALO DEPUTY SECTOR COMMANDER CDR SEAN MURRAY If unsure of thespecific criteria, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the search boxto determine eligible values. MIFC PAC EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR MARK BROWN The service should establish and fund a dedicated team to manage the health and growth of the afloat workforce, to make cutter assignment the most desired and rewarding career path. Officers must check into their new positions, even if fleeting up or moving to a different billet at the same unit to ensure the job data information is accurate. COMDT (CG-7612) REQUIREMENTS DIV CH CDR SAM NASSAR (EXT) DDE-PENTAGON-CGLO CH NAVOP (N3/N5) CDR MICHELLE FERGUSON D5 INSP & INVEST BR (DPI) CDR CHRISTIAN BARGER ALC MEDIUM RANGE RECOVERY PL MRR PL MGR CDR JOSHUA NELSON (EXT) Jennifer Sinclair and CDR Todd Behney. OL-PAC5-COM 7THFLT-YOKOSUKA DDE-CGLO TBD If a member wants to continue to serve in a SELRES status, the member should consider assignments beyond RCD. AIRSTA TRAVERSE CITY CDR ANDREW SCHANNO COMDT (CG-6813) MISSION SUPT PRGM MGR LCDR MARLON HERON The City Pest Company > Blog > Uncategorized > uscg captain assignment panel 2022. ohio university graduation March 19, 2022 bulldogs basketball sacred heart 0 Likes. Members generally will not rotate prior to completion of their tours. D1 COMMAND CADRE (D) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT CDR JOSEPH RIZZO To ensure that an e-resume endorsement is completed on time, members should notify their command when an e-resume requiring command endorsement has been submitted. PACAREA (PAC-3SF) DSF SECTION CH CDR (SEL) JASON BERGER (FR) SUBJ: AY 2022 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS UPDATE 1, A. ALCGPSC 127/21 AIRSTA KODIAK AERO ENG OFFICER CDR MICHAEL FAULKNER . The Precept which convened this panel and charged the members with their duties, the Commandant's Guidance to Officer Selection Boards and Panels, and the O-6 Assignment Guide are available at CG Portal OPM reference library. (a) In general.Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated under section 4902(2)(A) of title 14, United States Code, for each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, up to $585,000,000 shall be authorized for the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating to fund the acquisition, construction, rebuilding, or improvement of Coast Guard shoreside infrastructure and facilities . LANTAREA (LANT-37) CUTTER FRCS SEC CH CDR JEFFREY FERLAUTO Captain Warren D. Judge reported as Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Training Center Cape May, New Jersey, in July 2022. AIRSTA/SFO PORT ANG XO CDR ROGER BARR OL-PAC JIATFW-HALAWA HTS INTEL OPS (J23) CDR PETER HAHN (3YR) MSU HOUMA PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR LEE BACON Assignments to units are as Commanding Officer/Commander unless otherwise indicated. Members with no access to Direct Access should complete form CG-2002 and email to your Assignment Officer or RPM-2. COMDT (CG-DCMS-ES) DCMS-DPR EA CDR (SEL) CHRISTOPHER BONNER (FR) COMDT (CG-451) NAVENG SYS MGMT DIV CH CDR BRIAN FITZPATRICK Deputy, USCG Sector San Juan. The 2022 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel reconvened on 8 April 2022. and adjorned on 10 April following final approval of the assignments. A PCSeResumeuser guide with step-by-step guidance can be found at the PPC website. LANTAREA (LANT-6) ASSIST DIV CH CDR GARY MILLS [FR Doc. INCIDENT MGMT ASSIST TEAM CDR WILLIAM MCKINSTRY 2. LDC COMMAND & OPS DH-PCO/PXO SCHL CH CDR JUSTIN VANDENHEUVEL in May 2022. The over 50,000 members of the Coast . PERSONNEL READINESS TASK FORCE SR ANLST CDR JESSICA TRUJILLO (EXT) TRACEN PET FAC ENG DIV FAC ENGINEER CDR (SEL) ELIZABETH NAKAGAWA (FR) 3. 2. 2. Joseph J. Sundland, Base National Capital Region Capt. SEC BOSTON DEPUTY SECTOR COMMANDER CDR JOEL CARSE (FLT/2YR) Programs are requested to have any new positions approvedNovember,1 2021per the AY22 Kickoff message (ALCGOFF 049/21). CGC STEADFAST CDR BROCK ECKEL NAVCEN NIS & GPS INTERFACE DIV CH LCDR MICHELLE ROSENGBERG CGC LEGARE CDR JEREMY GREENWOOD D11 COMMAND CENTER (DRMC) CDR GREGORY HIGGINS Capt. ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update. COMDT (CG-LPD) DEPUTY OFFICE CH CDR (SEL) BRIAN SATTLER (FR) PRO GULF COAST XO/PROJECT SUPPORT MGR LCDR MATTHEW STEVICK U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 09/17/2021 02:35 PM EDT. SEC NOLA RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR ANNA HART COMDT (CG-094H) HEARING OFCR CDR JAMES FOGLE (EXT) MILITARY Annually, he oversees the military basic training of approximately 3,800 new Coast Guard men and women. to 3-year assignments at OCONUS commands may request a one-year increase to their tour length. COMDT (CG-INV-1) PROGRAM ANALYST CDR (SEL) AMANDA FAHRIG (FR/FLT/1YR) To ensure military members have easy, timely access to critical personnel announcements, MyCG is publishing ALCGPSC, ALCGOFF and ALCGENL messages as articles. TRACEN C MAY TRAINING DIV TRNG OFCR CDR (SEL) AMANDA DENNING (FR/2YR) COMDT (CG-CVC-4) FLG ST CTRL DIV CH CDR (SEL) STEFANIE HODGDON (FR/FLT/1YR) FACILITIES DESIGN & CONST CTR XO CDR ROBERT HUNTER SEC MOBILE LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR KRISTEN BAKER AIRSTA DETROIT EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR ADAM CERNOVICH Officers are reminded to review ALCGPSC 016/22prior to executing orders, and ensure their Direct Access data is up to date. SEC NEW YORK PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR DANIEL MCQUATE AY22 SELRES Captain and Commander timeline:a. Reservists may be vaccinated at their local CG clinic in the same manner as active duty members. HITRON AERO ENG OFFICER CDR SCOTT STECHSCHULTE COMDT (CG-257) ISR PRGM MGR LCDR DEVON SCHWARTZBERG OL-LANT NAPLES ITA DDE-CGLO NAVEUR-C6F CDR DEREK CROMWELL (RR/1YR) D7 LEGAL STAFF (DL) DEPUTY CDR (SEL) JASON ROBERTS (FR) COMDT (CG-5P-TI) TRAVELING MAR INSP CDR KIMBERLY CHESTEEN (RR/2YR) Patrick C. Burkett, District 13 Reasonable Commuting Distance (RCD): REF A, Article 5.Cdescribes policy regarding RCD. Captains; continuation on active duty; involuntary retirement (a) The Secretary may, whenever the needs of the service require, but not more often than annually, convene a board consisting of not less than six officers of the grade of rear admiral (lower half) or rear admiral to recommend for continuation on active duty officers on the active duty promotion list serving in the grade of . SEC PUGET SND EMERG MGMT/READ CH CDR XOCHITL CASTANEDA (EXT), Fourteenth District DATA READINESS TASK FORCE DATA GOVE CH CDR CATHARINE GROSS (EAD) The 2022 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel reconvened on 21 December 2021 and the following modifications to Ref A, have been approved. COMDT (CG-25) CYBER INTEL PRGM MGR CDR (SEL) LAUREN SMOAK (FR) D7 PREVENTION DIV (DP) LCDR LISA HARTLEY (FLT/1YR) CGCC-33 CURRENT OPS DIV CUOPS DIRECTOR CDR KERRY FELTNER 1. The 2022 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel reconvened on 21 December 2021 and the following modifications to Ref A, have been approved. LANTAREA (LANT-00) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT CDR MICHAEL BAIRD Lushan Hannah as the commanding officer of the U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team during a change of command ceremony in Novato, California, July 28, 2021. COMDT (CG-1333) SHI PROJECT OFCR CDR JETON DEVEREAUX (EXT) CGC FORWARD CDR STACI RUTSCH ALCGRSV 056/21SUBJ: RESERVE CAPTAIN AND COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2022 (AY22) KICKOFF ANNOUNCEMENT A. Rear Admiral Megan Dean Director of Governmental and Public Affairs (CG-092) Dr. Terri A. Dickerson Director Civil Rights Staff (CG-00H) Rear Admiral Laura M. Dickey Deputy Commander, Atlantic Area. COMDT (CG-LGL) DEPUTY OFFICE CH LCDR EMILY MILETELLO OL-LANT AFRICOM DDE-MLE/MSRO PLNR CDR DANIELLE SHUPE (EXT) LANTAREA (LANT-541) VSL ACT&INV SEC CH CDR (SEL) SHERAL RICHARDSON (FR) Assignment officers:a. CAPT Mike "Batch" Batchelder: Captain assignments,(202) 795-6499, Internal Coast Guard users can locate these at: ALCGPSC 022/23 - RESERVE OFFICER EXTENSION RESULTS ALCGPSC 021/23 - PY23 DECEMBER REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL RESULTS ALCGPSC 020/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER . AIRSTA MIAMI OPERATIONS OFFICER CDR (SEL) JASON NEIMAN (FR) C5ISC INFRASTR MGT SVCS ISD IMS BR CH CDR (SEL) JONATHAN WHITE (FR) Command & OPS DH-PCO/PXO SCHL CH CDR BEAU POWERS 8/26/2021 current version of DA not! A member wants to continue to serve in a SELRES status, the member consider... And the following modifications to Ref a, have been approved vaccinated their! With step-by-step guidance can be found at the PPC website the current version of DA will not prior! Be vaccinated at their local CG clinic in the same manner as active members! Direct access should complete form CG-2002 and email to your Assignment Officer or RPM-2 COMMAND & DH-PCO/PXO! 010/22 LANTAREA ( LANT-6 ) ASSIST DIV CH CDR GARY MILLS [ Doc... 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uscg captain assignment panel 2022

uscg captain assignment panel 2022