I hope that the documentary opens peoples eyes and opens peoples minds., Avery, one of the subjects of 'Transhood,' with her mother Debi, Leena, whose later adolescence is documented in 'Transhood', What America's Richest Ski Town's Handling of COVID-19 Shows. And the parents of spirited four-year-old Phoenix believe their child is gender nonbinary due to their preferred play styles and self-referral as a girl-boy., While Leena commands your attention from the moment shes on screen, its the parents of the other three children who nearly steal the film as they candidly delve into the complications of raising trans children in a culture that invalidates their kids humanity. This boys father says early in the documentary, I dont really feel like Phoenix ever was a boy, only to say later, Theres a lot to it where I dont know if [Phoenixs mother] Molly or I made the right decisions., In another scene, the mother of 12-year-old Jay sobs because her insurance wont cover her sons hormone replacement shots. Its these scenes that help to normalize, for viewers, the transition process for children and young people, emphasizing that it is a social process first, during which they may alter their hairstyle, clothing or pronoun preference before considering medical changes. Clean your room. Self-destructive thoughts and actions took over. Why is encouraging children to be transgender not held to the same standard? Though it will no doubt draw ire from some, Transhood a new HBO documentary that premieres tonight at 9 p.m. ET/PTreally just wants viewers to know that transgender kids . There is not a lot of trans representation in media, so I knew I had to tell their stories." The documentary follows 12-year-old Jay, 15-year-old Leena, 7-year-old Avery and 4-year-old Phoenix. The other two, 7-year-old Avery (a boy who identifies as a girl) and 4-year-old Phoenix (the same) are not receiving hormone drugs but they are dressed in female clothing and referred to as girls. Every parent reading this should immediately stop and go watch HBOs Transhood (2020) documentary. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. By sharing personal realities of how gender expression is . It follows four so-called "trans" (a term loved by those who want to pigeonhole them) children for five years and describes what would seem impossible. The film raises controversial questions about parents' motives and secondary gains from an identity as a trans family. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You can unsubscribe any time. In a landmark case in the United Kingdom high court brought by two people treated as children at the nations sole gender clinic, Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), judges were surprised that GIDS did not track data about their patients, even while under their care. HBO unveiled a new trailer for Transhood on Friday, three weeks ahead of its premiere, introducing viewers to Jay, Avery, Leena and Phoenix, who range in age from 4 to 15 at the film's start . Transhood Leena at a modeling audition in "Transhood." In Transhood, director Sharon Liese documents the lives of Phoenix, Avery, Jay, and Leena, four transgender children and teenagers living in Kansas City, over the course of five years. The judges lambasted GIDS for not having any evidence showing the efficacy of their treatments and concluded that the evidence they presented to the court showed the treatment is as yet innovative and experimental.. A lopsided majority of voters oppose transgender medical treatment of children. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresseIP, Navigation et recherche lors de lutilisation des sites Web et applications Yahoo. LEENA SNOUBAR. Powered by Reelgood. Averys hair is dyed purple and pink. Its ruined my life and now everyone in this world is going to know. If a Christian couple had a son who came out as a homosexual and the parents response was to send him to a so-called straight camp, the establishment media and their progressive allies would have a field day plastering the couples faces nationwide, branding them as bigots and homophobes. The children featured in this film are ages 4, 7, 12, and 15! If you don . Equipped with more information about transitioning online, some teens may feelmore empowered than ever to strike out on their own, perhaps maintaining the belief their parents dont love them. children who believe they are the opposite sex. A young "transgender" child went off-script during the recent filming of a new documentary, warning liberals that switching genders has "ruined my life.". Leena, Phoenix, and Jay, ranging in age from 4 to 15) as they redefine "coming of age." . Also included is Avery, who was already quoted in the media at the age of 7 and appeared on the cover of National Geographic, among others. Transhood ended their coverage at five years, but I havent seen the big media documentary sharing the real-life stories from people at 10, 15, and 20 years after they go down this path. Parents may also find that some therapists are not on their side. Moody Jay, who began filming at age 12, is being raised by a struggling single mom while enjoying puppy love with a girlfriend who has no idea hes trans. All Rights Reserved. Filmed over five years in Kansas City, this documentary follows four kids - beginning at ages 4, 7, 12, and 15 - as they redefine "coming of age." These kids and their families reveal intimate realities of how gender is re-shaping the family next door in a never-before-told chronicling of growing up transgender in the heartland. What Parents Need to Know. As is the case with children who identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth, Phoenix had a social transition before puberty, changing aspects of his identity like pronouns and clothing. Scene from HBO's pro-trans documentary. 20. During President Donald Trumps tenure, various levels of government have enacted major changes impacting the rights of transgender people and LGBTQ people more broadly, including a declaration that requires schools in Connecticut to ban transgender students from participating in school sports and the rollback of an Obama-era federal rule that protected transgender people from discrimination by homeless shelters and other housing services. Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. When we started with Avery and her transition, we didnt feel like there was anywhere to turn to, we didnt know who to talk to or where to go, and we felt desperately lost, says Tom, Averys dad, during the film. It takes place over five years. Leena shrugs off their rejection with heartbreaking aplomb: Over the film's five-year timeline, alongside a world of physical changes, we see the subjects' skins thicken before our eyes. Avery, the 7-year-old, is very obviously used by his weird mother as a prop for her political activism. For starters, the subjects are children who cant possibly understand the long-term consequences of living as someone they arent. For 80-year-old Shirley, the most important thing is love. He is based in New York City and his favorite film is Pretty Woman.. For younger, more rambunctious subjects like Avery (7 at the beginning of filming in 2014) and the gender-fluid Phoenix (4), the camera often has to chase them, making it difficult to capture in a cohesive way how they personally explore their gender identity. When we abuse children psychologically in this way when we affirm them in this delusion that theyre born in the wrong body, we are making it far more difficult for them to embrace reality.. Follow. Here he tries to explain how he feels but she disregards it. Furthermore, the U.K. judges ruled that children younger than 16 lack the maturity to give informed consent to the experimental gender treatments that alter the body. Filmed over five years in Kansas City, Transhood chronicles the lives of four young people (aged 4, 7, 12, and 15 at the start of filming) and their families as they navigate growing up transgender in America's heartland. -style over five years, starting in 2015. follows four Kansas City families in various stages of this conversely agonizing and rewarding process. These young people and their families reveal the intimate realities of how they deal with the new era of social media, bathroom bills, gender expansion, and an often-changing . Were socialized to believe vanity is a harmful, even toxic, personality trait, but vanity can be a lifeline for marginalized people, helping to buoy self-confidence and the projection of power. Their pathos, however, doesnt always localize where youd expect. 'Transhood' is an empathetic look at four transgender and gender non-conformist kids of different ages, all based in Kansas City, as they go through life-altering changes and redefine "coming-of-age" with the help and support of their families, filmed during the course of five years. When her mom tries to wheedle her into appearing at yet another event, the little girl finally lashes out: I just dont even wanna have a book. Transhood is a film about four transgender kids over the span of five years. But over the years, we realized it wasn't., I honestly thought that we just had a flamboyant gay boy, she added. A young "transgender" child has gone off-script during the recent filming of a new documentary, saying that switching genders has "ruined my life." Avery, a biological male who lives his life as a girl, blasted his activist mother in the upcoming pro-transgender documentary entitled "Transhood.". A new HBO Max documentary, Transhood, follows for five years the lives of four Kansas City, Mo. You wonder if they are going to run or stay. Although Jay and Mildred, who was one of Jays first relationships, part ways after that scene in the film, Jay says Mildred contacted him after recently watching the film and told him how much she enjoyed it. Leena. , Sharing their most vulnerable moments, the parents reveal their ambivalence, doubts, and missteps as they themselves transform over time.. Transhood is a 2020 American documentary film directed and produced by Sharon Liese. Only girls would be loved, not boys was the underlying message of her affirmation of me in the purple dress. The book talks about a boy who made himself a dress and asserts the nonsensical notion that there are all sorts of ways to be a boy. With so much ground to cover, the scenes shortness can feel unsatisfying and even occasionally facile. Its ruined my life and now everyone in this world is going to know. Leena's family requested that their last names be withheld to protect their privacy. A pivotal moment in the film shows Jay and Bryce on the phone to Jays girlfriend Mildred, after photographs of Jay pre-transition circulate on social media. We need to stop pretending that doctors have scientific backing for their recommendations to transition children socially and medically. The trailer ignores the many young men and women who quit the transgender lifestyle. Modest Fashion Beauty Lifestyle Family , we watch moms and dads struggle with and also support their childrens transitions. Director Sharon Liese told Time magazine: People ask me, how do kids know when they are four years old? By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Such is the case with HBO's new documentary Transhood, which follows four transgender individuals Leena, Phoenix, Avery, . Grandmom Shirley hopes that people watch their story and it makes them more accepting" of others. Their emotional processing even feels, at times, more compelling than their childrens, perhaps because Lieses team edits the film around the parents rather explosive confessions. And as the years went on, we started to realize that there was something else involved., Around the age of 11 Leena began expressing herself as transgender, her mom said but not without some pushback from her parents. Her father Mike is a masculine, seemingly conservative, blue-collar type guy's guy, and his acceptance of his transgender daughter is obvious from the beginning of the doc. For the parents featured in Transhood, navigating their childs transition as a family is often uncharted territory. Children lack the maturity to consent to medical interventions. "I've known Leena since the day she was born and have taken care of her since she was two months old so I've seen lots of changes, Shirley told TODAY Parents. Slinky, fashionable and self-involved, Leena is an endearingly average teenage girl. When her mom tries to wheedle her into appearing at yet another event, the little girl finally lashes out: I just dont even wanna have a book. The Transhood trailer glosses over the tension in the four families caused by the transgender claims. Starting when I was four years old, my dad would drop me off at my maternal grandparents house after work on Friday so he and my mom could take off for weekends of camping and fishing. The film follows four families in Kansas City, all of which include a child who identifies as transgender. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. The drugs are not approved for this use and the outcomes are harmful. Like being a teenager is just hard enough on its own, Leena says during one scene. These children deserve far, far better. Thats how big this problem has become. Transhood rolls fluidly over the years, as the children grow into their bodies and gender expressions, consider hormone blockers and, for Leena, gender confirmation surgery. An interview thatPopsugarconducted last month with Averys mom, Debi, revealed that Avery became concerned with how open her family was at times., She would hear me talking to my husband and ask, Why are you having to go and tell so many people about trans kids, Mom? I responded, Well, because Im working with another school because that school isnt supporting a student, and I want that kid to have a chance, the mother said. (Of course, completely disobliging parents likely wouldnt let their child explore gender diversity at all, let alone allow a camera crew to record it for the whole world to see.) Ultimately, the film is as much a call to action to advocate for legislation protecting trans rights as it is a portrayal of the complexity of transgender lives. They do not. In any case, this appears to be a horrible case of child exploitation in the name of a political agenda that should make anyone who cares about personal liberty sick. Offering no narration, expert talking heads or text interstitials, Liese forgoes contextualizing the culture wars and instead lets her subjects speak for themselves. My first few years after surgery were exhilarating, but unhappiness steadily grew until I decide to detransition back to life as Walt around eight years later. Now 19, Leena is one of the subjects in "Transhood," a new HBO MAX documentary that profiles four transgender children and their families in the Kansas City area. 1.3m Followers, 937 Following, 2,160 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LEENA SNOUBAR (@withloveleena) withloveleena. Their feelings remain potent and tangible throughout: After all, kids are kids, no matter their upheavals. I often thought I was the only one who regretted going down this path. Filmed over five years, HBO documentary 'Transhood' chronicles four American families as they navigate childhood gender transition. The doctor administering the treatment appears taken aback, because, she says, Usually if something is medically necessary, insurance will cover it., To the contrary, the signs telling these parents that this is not okay are everywhere. The film follows four children, beginning at ages four, seven, twelve, and fifteen, as they "redefine coming-of-age". Its not unusual that kids know [that they are trans] when they are young, says Liese. My thoughts constantly revolved around how I could become a female. A study published earlier this year indicated that that if transgender youth have access to puberty blockers, their chances of suicide and mental health issues in both the immediate and long-term decline significantly. We already have evidence beyond common sense and life experience that shows transgendering children is child abuse. Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. . While their parents are supportive at first, once Phoenix de-transitions and begins identifying as a boy, their mother does a complete 180, calling transgender identity "a mental disorder.". "And in my generation, you didn't even say the word gay. Their pathos, however, doesnt always localize where youd expect. . Before the age of 12, he was severely bullied in school for having long hair and wearing clothing typically marketed to boys. Coming out to loved ones was what changed the discussion for same-sex marriage, but Transhood suggests that for transgender people and their families, it's only the painful start. Sharon Liese directs Transhood, a documentary that chronicles the lives of four young people and their families as they grow up transgender in the politically and religiously . Avery at one point says, Why do I have to grow up? Why arent we talking about that anymore? Starting in my teens, I drank alcohol excessively. Through the Institute, Liese met Jay and his mother Bryce, as well as Avery and her mother Debi, who was raised as a Southern Baptist conservative and never expected to become an advocate for LGBTQ rights. , she added hair and wearing clothing typically marketed to boys the same standard 1.3m,. Each month children who cant possibly understand the long-term consequences of living as someone they arent very obviously by... Ground to cover, the subjects are children who cant possibly understand the long-term consequences of living as someone arent... A flamboyant gay boy, she added as transgender withloveleena ) withloveleena prop for her political activism their. My life and now everyone in transhood leena social media world is going to know families they. They are trans ] when they are young, says Liese in my generation you... 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