Rings and labret studs are your jewelry options for snake bites. Here are the piercings its safe for, how to use it, side effects to, Swelling, redness, bleeding, or bruising are typical after a new nose piercing, but a bump may be cause for concern. This is considered the final stretch in your tongue piercing healing process. You may feel some soreness in the days after your piercing, especially considering the placement. 7 days ago. (n.d.). Once you get home, Loheide recommends immediately changing out your toothbrush for a new one and using milder oral hygiene products. The wound may also bleed or ooze. A tongue piercing officially takes between six and eight weeks to completely heal. However, as with all piercings, theyre not totally without risk. Her work can be seen across the web on Backstage Magazine, Merry Jane, Vulture, and more. Look for a piercer who has a license, which means they were specially trained. You might have heard of snake eyes before. Bumps are. If ice cubes arent your thing, you can use a bag of frozen vegetables or soft ice pack to find relief. But there are some rare cases where surgery might be needed to drain an abscess or deal with any other complications, according to Dr Voigt. Including how much it will hurt, tips for proper aftercare, and why you should absolutely not get a snake eyes piercing. Healing time: About 3 months. While tongue rings do look cool, you may feel a little hesitant about piercing your tongue in comparison to the ear or even belly because, well, it is your tongue. True, these are potential hazards of piercing, but there are also simple steps that can be taken to avoid them. A horizontal is the most painful because its done in an area where the majority of the nerves are.. Once thats done, here are the next steps: For sure. Longer barbells allow for swelling, and should be used for new piercings and kept in until the piercing is healed, but after the healing process they should be replaced with shorter barbells to avoid damage to teeth and dental work or structures. Cozmo Faris is a professional piercer with more than 12 years of experience who teaches for the Association of Professional Piercers. Fortunately, tongue piercings tend to heal quickly, taking anywhere from four to eight weeks, according to Ilyas. If the break goes deep into yourtooth, you can lose it or need aroot canal to fix it. French kissing and oral sex are off-limits during this time. This may last until the tenth day or so, but it will eventually go down. Soak a clean cloth or sturdy paper towel with the solution. You can use mouthwash to rinse after a meal and as part of your normal oral care routine. You can eat almost anything youd like at this point. When a tongue piercing heals correctly, the body treats the wound like a scar. Adrienne Santos-Longhurst is a Canada-based freelance writer and author who has written extensively on all things health and lifestyle for more than a decade. Coffee may also have blood-thinning effects. Floss your teeth once a day. Your dentist can monitor for changes and help ensure that your piercing doesn't cause such damages.. Youll rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash to get rid of any bacteria. Infected tongue piercing. Dont put things in your mouth like pens and other things that carry bacteria. Your dentist can monitor for changes and help ensure that your piercing doesnt cause such damages. Refrain from using lipstick, lip gloss, and other lip products. 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The most common jewelry used is a ball-shaped piercing, with cone and cylindrical being far less common, says Ilyas. The most common piercing is the midline, which is also commonly called a vertical piercing. Just like it sounds, a tongue piercing is any tongue modification that pierces a needle and jewelry through the tongue. ), keep swelling down by sleeping with your head elevated, applying a cold compress, and letting ice chips dissolve in your mouth, talk too much when your piercings new (It can damage tissue and cause scarring. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Ready to get pierced? You can get a piercing on the inside of your mouth (intraoral) or the type that you can see outside of your mouth (perioral). As well, there may be some yellowish discharge from the piercing sites. Jewelry is made of surgical steel, solid gold, or platinum. Gargling with salt water can help clean the mouth and ease, Nipple and other piercings need careful treatment to prevent the development of an infection. Pain, tenderness, and drainage can be seen when the area is not properly cared for, says Ilyas. (2011). Here's everything you need to know about . This ensures the health of your piercing over the long term. There shouldnt be any crust left on the jewelry or around the hole. In addition to seeing a doctor, a person may wish to follow up with the piercer for painful or unusual symptoms. But keep the area clean while waiting for it to close. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. The most common is the midline piercing, a vertical piercing involving a needle going straight through at one point from top to bottom in the center of the tongue. For the first 5 days or so, swelling, light bleeding, and tenderness is normal. Youll need to call your doctor if you see signs of an infection or youre experiencing severe discomfort. Still, the amount of swelling shouldnt keep you from drinking water or talking. Watch out for signs of infection such as: American Academy of General Dentistry: "What Is an Oral Piercing? Davies L. (n.d.). A venom piercing is a vertical piercing on each side of the tongue. Soft, bland foods like applesauce and yogurt are preferred. Body piercings: Cleaning and healing. Typically, infected piercings are usually treated with antibiotics and the removal of jewellery, he explains. In short, this double lip piercing was created by acquiring Madonna and Monroe piercings at the same time. If you think youve developed an infection, your piercer isnt the right source for treatment. You want to look for 14 gauge (14G) tongue barbells with a wearable length of 5/8". Look for a piercer who has a license, which means they were specially trained. For your tongue piercing to properly heal, its imperative that you follow some basic guidelines. Your piercing professional will clean the area again. A person should see a doctor or healthcare provider if they experience any of these symptoms. Apply the tea bag to the inside of your elbow. ft split tongue. Most piercers recommend using a quarter teaspoon of iodine-free salt mixed in 8 ounces of warm water. What Is This Nose Piercing Bump and How Can I Get Rid of It? Redness or swelling that extends beyond the piercing site may be a sign of infection. Use it several times per day at first to encourage the healing process. Some hurt much more than others, and some may have longer healing times that can be uncomfortable for months. Even clear or white discharge is totally normal. Avoid sharing food and drinks to minimize the spread of infectious bacteria. Other early signs of infection include: persistent warmth . You may not want to use a warm compress if youre already experiencing uncomfortable warmth at the piercing site. Should you use ice or heat for pain? Tongue piercings normally do swell, but standard practice is to put in a bar that is long enough to accommodate the swelling, without being overly long, which represents extra danger to your teeth. More in comments. What Is This Bump on My Cartilage Piercing and What Should I Do? Youll also be asked to fill out some paperwork, including a waiver. The mouth is filled with virulent bacteria, so it is important to be cautious, agrees Ilyas. If the break goes deep into your, , uncontrolled bleeding, long-term infection,, People with certain conditions that might make it hard for the piercing to heal are particularly at risk for health problems. Repeat this process as many times as needed. But despite the location, the aftercare for tongue piercings is actually a lot easier (and a lot less painful) than some would expect. "Paired tongue piercings, aka venoms, are a lot more anatomy-dependent because those are placed closer to the major veins in your tongue," they explain. Combine 1 teaspoon of sea salt with 8 ounces of warm water. In fact, that's a good sign because your unique anatomy will dictate where you can and can't get pierced, and any reputable piercer will ensure to take that into account, Loheide shares. Many find the clamping more uncomfortable than the actual piercing. A whiteish-yellow film forms during healing and that + blue mouthwash= green. We've got the details on its benefits and how to use it. Though everyone's tongue is different, Loheide says if your tongue is too short or you have a tongue-tie which is basically when the webbing underneath your tongue comes almost or all the way to the tip a tongue piercing is probably not the best option for you. You may need to throw away any products that you use while the infection is active. clear or white discharge. The name . The swelling has gone down for the most part, but the top ball is nesting more than 30%, almost the entire ball can sit in the hole. Barbell: A barbell is, at the basic level, a metal bar with a small bead affixed on both ends; typically one is removable and one isnt. Bear in mind, though, that horizontal piercings will take longer than vertical ones. However, the healing process can take upward of. Now you can finally start shopping for tongue rings. However, proper aftercare and having an experienced piercing professional can significantly minimize risk. Youll still need to take precautions after the eight-week healing period, though. Once the time comes to remove the jewelry used for the piercing, its best to see your piercer. Brushing twice a day is just as important as flossing. Between deciding where you want it, finding your artist, and practicing good aftercare, a lot goes into getting a tattoo. In addition to causing further irritation, removing the jewelry may allow a newer piercing to close. Much of the bacteria is introduced by eating and drinking. tongue piercing nesting. Common sweetener erythritol tied to higher risk of stroke and heart attack, Gout: How metabolic syndrome may increase the risk, A new therapeutic target for the prevention of heart failure due to aortic stenosis, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system. The piercing professional will disinfect the skin around your lower lip. Davies L. (n.d.). Remove the tea bags and allow them to cool for about 30 seconds. Basically, any possible arrangement of a vertical or horizontal piercing is possible on the tongue. You shouldnt have any pain or swelling at this stage, but you might find that certain foods irritate your tongue. This may lead to broken teeth, infections in the gums or teeth, and similar oral health problems. Always wash your hands before touching your piercing or the surrounding areas. Youll also want to ensure that any jewelry you select for your tongue piercing is of good quality. The Whole Truth - Tongue Piercing PiercingWithScott 99.6K subscribers Subscribe 14K 328K views 2 years ago LAS VEGAS ==Everything you need to know about the Tongue Piercing==How much does it. You can find plenty of examples across social media. Unfortunately, experts say that tongue piercings should only go vertically through the tongue because horizontal placement comes with a big risk of damage to the teeth and gum recession. If youre not sure, check with your piercing professional and have them do it for you. Toothpaste is unlikely to harm your tongue piercing, but make sure you rinse thoroughly. You shouldnt remove the jewelry during this time. It's a way to express your style, but it can be dangerous. Cartilage piercings heal from the outside in, which means that they may look healed on the outside long before the process is truly done. Just look to hashtags #tonguepiercing and #tonguepiercings on TikTok and Instagram, which have over 790 million views and 520,000 posts, respectively. Its also common to see slight swelling about two days into the healing process. You should also avoid peppers, chili powder, and other spices. Last medically reviewed on March 11, 2021. A surface piercingalso the least common type of tongue piercingis a horizontal piercing with a curved barbell. Srivastava JK, et al. Sometimes the swelling is even more than the piercer expected to account for though. But take care with spices, as these can irritate the wound. New research highlights the lack of oversight and regulation regarding the production of tattoo ink in the US and suggests some ingredients may carry, After getting a new tattoo, the outer layer of skin will typically appear healed within 2 to 3 weeks. Youre better off sticking with your cleansing and compress routine. For tongue piercings, barbells must be straight: "Any tongue piercing that would require a curved barbell just shouldn't be done in the first place," says Faris. At the minimum, you should wash your mouth two to three times a day with a sea salt rinse or non-alcohol mouthwash. Ashley Piercing Ashley Piercing Location: Theres also the horizontal tongue piercing, which runs the needle through the tongue from side to side instead of top to bottom. Chamomile has demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Remember, when shopping for you freshly healed piercing, quality matters. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Halloran L. (2015). Tongue piercings especially new ones are more prone to infections than other piercings because of all the bacteria in your mouth. Sometimes the signs of infection can be easy to confuse with irritation in piercings, especially if you're extra paranoid. This includes the tongue, lips, and cheeks. What material options are available for the jewelry? Keep this up until all symptoms subside and until your tongue piercing completely heals. Substances like aspirin, caffeine and alcohol can increase swelling, bleeding and pain; you should avoid them during the healing process. If you get a tongue piercing, the piercer will start with a larger "barbell" to give your tongue room to heal as it swells. A little bit of swelling is normal after all, your tongue now has a hole in it. Your piercer can help you make the right choice, but its important that you be informed as well. Colgate mentioned that an infected piercing will have prolonged healing symptoms as well as other symptoms, such as: Fever After that, you can remove the jewelry. How Long Does It Take a Tattoo to Fully Heal? Wait 24 hours. Topical creams and ointments can trap bacteria inside the piercing and make things worse. Any symptoms beyond this may be a sign of infection or a poor piercing job. While the tongue may seem like a sensitive spot to pierce, thanks to its responsiveness to tastes and touch, its actually a relatively low-pain placement choice. Pick a piercing shop that appears clean and well-run. In this case, start with a cold compress and switch to a warm compress as needed. Considering laser tattoo removal? It's the contrast of these two sensations that can make oral sex particularly arousing.". Then, theyll insert the jewelry and secure it before moving to the piercing on the other side. This can help prevent the bacteria in your mouth from spreading to and getting trapped inside your piercing. The cost can vary significantly depending on factors, like location, jewelry choice, and the piercing professionals experience level. Most of the time, your bump will, New research highlights the lack of oversight and regulation regarding the production of tattoo ink in the US and suggests some ingredients may carry, After getting a new tattoo, the outer layer of skin will typically appear healed within 2 to 3 weeks. Tonguepiercings also can put you at risk for bleeding andblood loss. You can chip yourteeth on it while you eat,sleep, talk, or chew on it. Considering laser tattoo removal? You can expect short-term symptoms likepain, swelling, and extrasaliva. You can also check out our Piercing Aftercare instructions and find a great selection of piercing care products. A professional piercer will be able to discuss risks and safety with you, but it is a good idea to be informed before you venture into a body piercing shop. To do so, stick out your tongue, grab the two beads on either side of the barbell, and twist until one comes off. Belly button piercings have a higher risk because they are difficult to, A look at infected tragus piercings, a condition where a small part of the ear develops an infection. Changing out a tongue piercing is completely possible, and in most cases, can be done by yourself at home. Some risk is par for the course any time you puncture tissue. This might cause redness, pain, swelling or a pus-like discharge after a piercing. We avoid using tertiary references. Most piercers recommend using a quarter teaspoon of iodine-free salt mixed in 8 ounces of warm water. A small amount of bleeding is normal, but consistent bleeding may signal a problem. See your piercer if your symptoms dont improve within two to three days, or if they worsen. Anything beyond that could be a sign of a problem, like an infection. Suck on ice or apply a cold compress | Cold compress. A tongue piercing is any body modification that involves piercing a piece of jewelry through the tongue. However, people with poor oral hygiene, weak immune systems, and mouth injuries may still be vulnerable to infection. mild heat or warmth. A labret stud is bar with a stud or similar adornment on one end and a flat plate on the other that sits against the inside of the lip. When it comes to new piercings, you can't do better than titanium jewelry. I got my tongue pierced 8 days ago. Avoid alcohol-based rinses. "I honestly compare it to accidentally biting your tongue while you're eating or taking a sip of your coffee when it's still too hot, which are unpleasant experiences, but it's not the end of the world," Loheide shares. When properly performed and properly cared for, most body piercings will typically heal fast with minimal discomfort, swelling and bleeding. On the other hand, Loheide says there are no strict rules as to what you can and can't eat because everyone is different. After your tongue has healed, take the jewelry out every night and brush it the way you brush your teeth. Not eat spicy, salty, or acidic foods and drinks. Proper aftercare techniques are crucial to the outcome of your tongue piercing. Bumps are. Tattoo aftercare starts as soon as your tattoo is done. Rinse your tongue or lip piercing after every meal or snack and before bed. Matheron E, et al. How do you treat an infected belly button piercing? Keep up with your salt rinses, and avoid extensive physical contact with others. Tongue piercings can increase your long-term risk of cuts, tooth trauma, and gum recession. The people who work in the shop have been vaccinated against. We've got answers to all your piercing pain-related Qs. There are. For example, he once had to perform emergency surgery on a patient because their tongue started to fill with blood and swell, leading them to choke. A pre-made saline solution is the easiest and most effective way to clean any piercing. We will send you an email to reset your password. Crucial to health, safety and comfort is proper placement of your body piercing. Prop your head up with a few pillows while sleeping. However, the advice of a piercer is not a substitute for a consultation with a doctor. It probably needs a longer bar or different kind of top. A piercing is essentially a scar, and it takes time for this scar to form. Why Titanium Jewelry Is Usually The Way to Go, Why Your New Piercing Needs a Sea Salt Soak, What's Really in Tattoo Ink? First, do a patch test to ensure youre not allergic to chamomile. When the swelling decreases, replace the jewelry with a shorter piece of jewelry. After a few days, the wound may also ooze a whitish or clear fluid. A tongue piercing creates a wound in one of the most bacteria-filled parts of the body: the mouth. You should avoid chewing on non-food items such as gum, pencils, fingernails, tobacco and sunglasses. [11] 2. Thankfully, the aftercare for tongue piercings isn't too complicated. New site, means new logins for some loyal customers. Some people even prefer to have their piercings nested and try to induce it themselves. The classic tongue piercing called a midline piercing, involves clamping the tongue with forceps then using a 14 gauge needle (for which I personally use a 5/8th barbell with a 3-to-4-millimeter ball) to pierce about halfway from the tip of your tongue to the frenulum linguae . Overall pain and swelling should be done by this point. Because the needle is just going through connective tissue rather than cartilage or skin, theres less of a "pain" feeling, and its considered fairly tolerable. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. "After about a week, the swelling will go down, and then the rest of the healing process is pretty easy," they share. Myers notes that on a scale of one to 10, most of her client's rate standard tongue piercings between a one to three, and paired tongue piercings a three to five. In fact, according to Byrdie, there are midline tongue piercings, horizontal piercings, frenulum linguae, and many more. Myers estimates that for a single tongue piercing, it will take about one to three months and three to five for paired piercings. The stakes seem higher and more dangerous should an infection occur. 11. Because tongue piercings have an "automatic healing" function, they are prone to closing quickly. Here's what to expect. (2012). Dont scrub or prod, as this will cause irritation. Thankfully, the aftercare for tongue piercings isn't too complicated. Although the bulk of your aftercare takes place within the first couple of weeks, youll need to stay on top of daily cleanings until the piercing has completely healed. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. A certain amount of "nesting" with the jewelry sinking into the tissue is to be expected. You use your tongue on a daily basis, whether it be for eating or talking, so youll certainly feel a bit of pain as your tongue heals while you use it. You followed all the advice and youre tongue piercing healed. But everyones different, so its hard to say just how much. Tongue piercings can increase your long-term risk of cuts, tooth trauma, and gum recession. The not-so-inconspicuous piercing can be appealing whether you're a first-timer or a piercing enthusiast looking for a daring addition to your collection. Apply a tea bag to each side of the hole for up to 10 minutes. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. To avoid this, regularly clean your tongue piercing with an antimicrobial or antibacterial mouth rinse. A properly performed oral piercing will take only seconds to complete, with minimal discomfort and bleeding. With vertical piercings, you'll have a straight barbell in the middle of your tongue. A snake bites piercing is a double lip piercing that sits near the outer corners of the lower lips edge. Once you leave the shop, you'll need to make sure your piercing heals and doesn't get infected. You can expect a tiny scar over each piercing site once the tissue grows in. "But when you're piercing horizontally, you're actually pinning those muscles together, and that can cause a lot of damage." Severe pain, long-term swelling, trouble talking, and eating difficulties are not normal, but they are treatable. It also helps reduce the risk of complications. Isabelle has been contributing to Byrdie since 2020. This can help prevent food and other irritants from getting stuck around the jewelry. And in some people withheart disease, bacteria can lead to a condition that can damage yourheart valves. Avoid open-mouth kissing and oral sex to reduce the transfer of bacteria and saliva. However, they shouldnt replace your saline cleansing routine. Wash your hands before touching your mouth to prevent the spread of germs. In terms of pain, on a scale of 1 to 10, Yeld says it's "about a 4 for the standard midline vertical piercing.". Based on these factors, a snake bites piercing typically costs between $60 and $120. Considering laser tattoo removal? Steep a chamomile tea bag in warm water for two to three minutes. "Tongue piercings are a great way to add some decoration to your mouth, as they sit like a pearl inside a clam, and your options for jewelry are limitless," says Sydney, Australia-based piercer Samantha Josephine. The jewelry is pushed through behind the needle to complete the piercing process. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help treat the infection and prevent its spread. Right after your appointment, expect your tongue to be a bit swollen and painful for about one to two weeks, according to Loheide. Gently brush the jewelry with a clean toothbrush regularly to avoid plaque build up. Yourmouth is filled with bacteria that can lead to infection and swelling. Most infections are mild, however, and a doctor can easily treat them with oral antibiotics. We avoid using tertiary references. There are a few other things you should take into consideration for healing lip piercings as well. Theyll use a clamp to pull your bottom lip down and away from your teeth and gums. Body piercing: Complications and prevention of health risks. Ultimately, try to not go overboard with your piercing aftercare, because that could potentially case more irritation. In fact, Josephine says that the clamps tend to be more uncomfortable than the piercing itself. While this is true, our saliva actually contains naturally occurring antimicrobials that get rid of the potentially harmful toxins that may enter. The needle is placed in a sealed container after it's used. ), be careful when you eat (Avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods, as well as hot foods and drinks. "Things that you wouldn't [want on] a paper cut, basically, you don't want to eat the first few weeks of a tongue piercing, because it will cause serious discomfort," she says. A properly positioned tongue piercing will be on the mid-line of your tongue (right in the middle), and placed approximately 3/4-inch back from the tip, and will likely be pierced on a diagonal with the top leaning back slightly, allowing the top ball to lean away from your teeth. It can be dangerous tongue piercing nesting the advice of a piercer who has a license, which they... 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