In this situation, despite exploring all avenues, the circumstances leading to Summers disappearance remain unclear. They are also urging all residents in the area to continue to check their properties, especially as the overgrowth dies down due to the cooler weather, for any evidence Summer may have been on their property. THE father of a missing girl warned his daughter's captors to "give his little girl back before God's wrath descends upon you.". Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a16664e4e330603 Her parents are in a give and they are waiting with the hope to meet their missing daughter soon. Investigators have yet to share any concrete theories about what might have happened to her - although Donald has previously said that the familybelieves she was abducted. Investigators had been seeking the driver of a red Toyota pickup truck after a witness reported seeing the vehicle in the area around the time that Summer was last seen. The poster states that if Summer is not yet found by June 15, 2022, the vigil will take place that evening. When I was coming back up out of the holler, the cops were coming up in my driveway. Summer Wells vanished in July of 2021. I know Summer will. So, I yelled for Summer. And then me and my mom the boys were in watching Youtube like they always do my mom says, lets re-arrange and plant the flowers. She goes, Well, we know the boys arent going to help us. Donald said on the show: "Right now, with everybody attacking us and all this stuff going on, its probably better for them.". However, all avenues continue to be explored, including foul play and the possibility that she wandered off and became lost in the mountainous and rough terrain surrounding her home. Many have noticed Goof Bones' Karen Laines wear a patch on her arm, leading fans to wonder if she has diabetes. The next one will be addressed to Summer, who he believes is still alive. "Please do the right thing and turn our daughter over to the authorities," he wrote in the letter, which was obtained by The Sun. Investigators began a fresh hunt in November as multiple law enforcement agencies became involved in the case as a $25,000 reward was offered upfor information on her whereabouts. Featured on John Walsh A FIVE-year-old girl who vanished from her family's Tennessee home in June has still not been found nearly five months later as mystery continues to surround the case. Summer Moon-Utah Wells was last seen on June 15 outside of her family's home in Hawkins County's Beach Creek Community. 9 And [Summer] wanted to go back over and see her brothers, and I said, OK, and I walked her all the way over to the porch, and I watched her walking into the kitchen where the boys were watching TV. Sheriff Lawson had previously stated he didn't believe Don Wells' criminal history played into the case. Whos who in the Summer Wells case? Summer had gone indoors to the basement where the basement door is located at the back of the house., She said authorities hope Wells is not dead, but they honestly just dont know.. They said the number one goal here was finding sheriff. They described searching over 3,000 acres, including of rugged and mountainous terrain, for the girl. Love and Prayers, DonCandus, DonWellsFamily (@DonWellsFamily) January 1, 2022. Missing June, 15 2021 someone knows something!!! The Wells family has said she went to the basement to play with toys after planting flowers in the front yard with her grandmother and mother and seemingly vanished. #FindSummer #JusticeforSummer Watch our other videos on the Summer Wells case: consider joining our channel : Lab:'s Channel: THIS VIDEO IS PROTECTED UNDER COPYRIGHT LAWS, AND VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED! The mother added that she thought she broke her left thumb during the alleged assault. During an interview with Dr. Phil, the TV personality made it clear that he does not think the parents had anything to do with Summer's disappearance, but he did press them on if they knew anything more about who may have targeted the girl. "Like an idiot, I believed it and I flipped out, started drinking, and everything else. No one is more frustrated than we are. Occasionally, we get something we really want to check into, but people out of state they really dont know what were doing. Heres everything we know about Summers disappearance. Nobody will hire my wife, and I've been fired from a job I've had for 13 years. Donald and his wifeCandus are not believed to be suspects in the case. So, I went down there and I searched. Love and Prayers, DonCandus., Thank You Everyone who is helping us restore our Family and find our Daughter Summer Moon-Utah Wells. Since her disappearance, Summers parents have made an appearance on national talk show Dr. Phil and also created a YouTube channel, which has garnered nearly 14,000 subscribers since its launch in October. They were out here for three or four days straight searching 5,000 square (acres). Jail, according to WJHL. Your IP: Summer Wells "I believed that stuff," Donald said. I looked everywhere I could. Read Next;Who Was Jeff Chorba? "While we do not discuss specifics about evidence gathered in an ongoing investigation, we can tell you that numerous search warrants have been executed, and any potential digital evidence has been collected. Tuesday marked the second day crews including K9s scoured through the rough terrain of the Beech Creek community near Summers home, from where the then-5-year-old disappeared after family last saw her planting flowers in the garden. Summer's family said that she was last seen at A statewide AMBER Alert was issued. Summer was last seen on June 15, 2021 in her Hawkins County, Tennessee home, and an AMBER alert was issued the next day. I would be so happy to be a family again! Monday, February 7, 2022 Don Wells, the father of missing 6-year-old Summer Wells,was arrested on Oct. 30 for driving under the influence, according to a report from WJHL. On the website for Summer Wells, the letter was published. It's one of a series of letters that he wrote. WebSummer Wells Human Remains Found - Everything you need to knowThis is heartbreaking news as it isnt confirmed whether they are still alive or not. If we develop information will lead to locating summer we will share that with you., The familys website says: Summer Wells disappeared from her home on June 15, 2021. Besides this,There is a reward of $40,000 for the one who will go to locate the information about her and the driver of a red pickup truck which was last spotted in the same area.What happened to Summer Wells?was summer wells found dead?summer wells found deadsummer wells deathsummer wells summer wells human remains found near tennesseeWatch More Video's:Subscribe Here: for watching.Please Like, Share and Subscribe for Latest Videos. Prayer vigil to honor one year since Summer Wells disappeared. Summer Wells is a 5-year-old Tennessee child who has been missing since June, 2021. "Were still looking, still searching, still following tips," said Hawkins County Sheriff Ronnie Lawson. She did all the rocks herself. Donald reportedly told Police that the pair had been drinking throughout the night but denied ever harming his wife. A witness who is regularly in the area as part of his job spotted the truck in the area. Don't Miss;Photographer Sania Khan Found Dead In Chicago By Husband As Murder-Suicide Case Gets Clout. Lawson followed that statement with a pause, adding that the family has attorneys. The news broke through as teams with the Hawkins County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) continued a small-scale search that launched on Monday. A FIVE-year-old girl who vanished from her family's Tennessee home in June has still not been found nearly five months later as mystery continues to surround the In July, Donald offered the grim prediction that Summer is no longer alive. Thank you for remembering her. Wells was arrested on Oct. 30 for driving under the influence. However, the gender and age of the remains arent even clear. Furthermore, the familys website has no updates. Im sorry, my beautiful girl, that I completely lost my mind! Summer is described by investigators as being 3-feet tall, weighing about 40 pounds, with blonde hair, and blue eyes. "Don had certain things he wished to share. Friday, Feb. 4, will mark her sixth birthday as Authorities released a statement on the Summer Wells case on December 15, 2021, the six-month anniversary of her disappearance. Please do not contact people you are suspicious of or attempt to harass, threaten or intimidate anyone. Some sources said that he has a girlfriend who is in her 30s. We wish God you will return her to us as well as the boys. Like Ive said from day one everything is still on the table, Lawson said. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. It was addressed Thats the only thing we know. I sent all them searching and I went out in my moms truck and went all the way down by the church, then went all the way down the (other) way and I didnt see nobody even out and about. READ NEXT: OnlyFans Model Accused of Stabbing Boyfriend, Summer Wells Human Remains Found? Don Wells issued a statement from the jail last month to honor the first anniversary of his daughter's case. Don Wells invited WVLT to come to his home in Rogersville to show in detail what he thinks happened to his daughter. I said, I cant find Summer. The statement ended with the Lords prayer. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Copyright 2022 WVLT. When buying cowboy boots, there are a few aspects to consider, such as how far up they go on your legs and their design. "You've broken many hearts, especially a five-year-old girl's heart. I came out here (outside) yelling for her, everything else, and she was nowhere. I told the boys, I said, Watch Summer; Ill be back. And within two minutes, I came back, and I asked the boys where their sister was, and they said, She went downstairs, Mom, to play with her toys in the playroom. I said, OK. And I yelled downstairs for her a couple times, and I didnt get no answer, which was unusual because usually she always answers me. Summer Wells, a then-5-year-old from Hawkins County, had vanished. She later asked for the order to be dismissed and the charges against Donald were dropped on April 21 - two months before Summer's disappearance. The decision came after the family had received threats and accusations of Summer's abduction online. Was Summer Wells found dead? Don said he vaguely heard about the remains. The letter was posted on the Find Summer Wells website. "You see the public blames us. There has been no sign of the child since. WebSummer Wells case update with Mary, Don Wells' Step-Sister - The Interview Room with Chris McDonough 60,397 views Streamed live on Jul 17, 2022 Join Chris and his guests It is an educational conversation about the current facts and opinion theories discussed in this investigation. "Like an idiot, I believed it and I flipped out, started drinking, and everything else. Don Wells, Summer's father, has been convicted of multiple violent felonies and served prison time for convictions involving drugs and burglaries in Arkansas, Utah, and Texas. In March it was reported that Summer's family"wasn't cooperating"with law enforcement as the search for their daughter continues. People in the spotlight are subject to more scrutiny than private citizens.We will be more strict about comments and criticism involving minors.About the TIR Team:We welcome genuine feedback. ", 'WE ARENT GIVING UP': TENNESSEE OFFICIALS VOW TO FIND 5-YEAR-OLD SUMMER WELLS. Summer Utah-Moon Wells is five years old. If you see her, please call the In the past month, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said they have seen a significant increase in the number of speculative-based tips. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. According to the family, his punishment will be reevaluated every 30 days and should be completed in 90 days. One day, God will hold you accountable for this crime unless you do something to make this right! She was reported to be barefoot and wearing a pink shirt and gray shorts before she went missing. December 7, 2021. In the letter, Don Wells expressed his continued conviction that his daughter was abducted. "I hate to think that. HAWKINS COUNTY, Tenn. (WJHL) Hawkins County Sheriff Ronnie Lawson on Tuesday revealed that the family of missing 6-year-old Summer Wells is not cooperating right now.. 2023 FOX Television Stations. Missing June, 15 2021 someone knows something!!! The Wells family has a website called Find Summer Wells. She claimed that there were very few leads in this case, and every avenue is still being considered. Don Wells released a statement from prison on his daughter disappearance nearly one year since she was last seen. "This videois as raw as Don's current position in jail. Don also included a written portion called "A Letter and Prayer for Summer.". Additionally, investigators requested anybody with outbuildings or trail cameras to search the area for any indications Summer may have been around. Interestingly, the age gap is not the only astonishing thing about this brewing affair. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Summer Wells is a 5-year-old Tennessee child who has been missing since June, 2021. Her parents, mother Candus Bly and father Don Wells, have faced scrutiny. Don Well is incarcerated for breaking the terms of his probation on charges unrelated to his daughter's disappearance. Death Cause And Accident Details Of The Paramotor Pilot. The letter was made public midnight Monday into Tuesday as part of a six-minute, narrated video while Wells remains in jailfor a DUI arrest. We dont know if someone was waiting in the basement or if she come outside here and went to the swing or possibly back up there to grandmas. Powered by. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he was cited for numerous parole violations. Authorities have sorted through tens of thousands of tips but claim that the search has been hampered by false leads brought on by online speculation and those looking to cash in on Summer's abduction. One year later, little has been discovered in the case of the missing girl. TENNESSEE AMBER ALERT: DIVE TEAMS, SPECIALIZED UNITS JOIN SEARCH FOR MISSING 5-YEAR-OLD. Grandma gave her a piece of candy. Only 55 days after that, Summer would vanish. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Human remains were also found in Maury County, Tennessee, but those were believed to be the remains of an adult. Before the cops even came out, I went down and told my neighbors, Summer is missing, will you help me look? just in case she did wander off. DO NOT REMOVE TIR WATERMARKS, AND PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT AND LINK THE SOURCE. According to a report from the Hawkins County Sheriffs Office, the mom called 911 to the Summer went missing from her familys Tennessee home on 15 June. She is 3 foot tall and weighs 40 pounds. It's FREE!On Rumble: a member on Patreon: to our PayPal: Donate: Website: else you can find us: Facebook: Instagram: Books: Karen's Book, \"A Ballerina For Our Time,\" is a truly inspirational story of overcoming challenges to achieve your goals:\"Death Notifications,\" by Dean L. Jackson: - Greg Cooper\u0026linkCode=df0\u0026hvadid=532597683340\u0026hvpos=\u0026hvnetw=g\u0026hvrand=3462978993440958458\u0026hvpone=\u0026hvptwo=\u0026hvqmt=\u0026hvdev=c\u0026hvdvcmdl=\u0026hvlocint=\u0026hvlocphy=9027296\u0026hvtargid=pla-1431119887322\u0026psc=1TIR Community Guidelines. Death Cause And Accident Details Of The Paramotor Pilot, 20 Best TV Shows About Witches You Don't Want To Miss, 20 Beautiful Female ESPN Reporters in 2023, Top 20 Celebrity Hair Transplants Before and After Photos. The investigation remains active and ongoing as TBI agents work alongside the Hawkins County Sheriffs Office and the FBI to determine what happened to Summer, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation wrote. Summer Wells was born to Don Welland Candus Bly. If you use a windshield cover, you can at least forget about scrapping the ice off your windshield to save some time and hassle. In the spring, Donald was later arrested for allegedly driving under the influence despite previously insisting he wouldn't allow his daughter's disappearance to drive him back to his old drinking habits. We're begging you with all our hearts, please do the right thing. "I ask God please look over my precious daughter we love her so much! ROGERSVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) - A reward fund started on June 28 forinformationleading to the location or recovery of missing five-year-old Summer Wells. He is spending his time and days reading the Bible, which is the only material other than postal letters that the institution has allowed.". Then I went through the house and I kept calling for her, yelling for her, everything. According to TBI, Wells was reportedly last seen outside of her home in the Beech Creek community on a Tuesday evening. With mounting public scrutiny, Don caved to temptation. ROGERSVILLE, Tenn. ( WJHL )- The pressure has been immense on the Hawkins County Sheriffs Office to figure out what happened to Summer Wells, who was reported missing back in June 2021. A location for the event will be announced the day before, according to the website. Additionally, he demanded that the "kidnappers" hand the girl over to the police, although the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has consistently stated that there is no proof to back up the family's kidnapping claim. View our online Press Pack. Investigators remain baffled by Summer's disappearance - with no current concrete leads or suspicions. Prajita Karki And that's why they took our kids.". ", "If nothing else," he continued, "I'll see her in the resurrection. But I knew in the back of my mind, shes never wandered off. They smile to put on a good show, but other than that, I know theyre really upset. It has been six months since 5-year-old Summer Wells was reported missing from her home on Ben Hill Road in Hawkins County. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. I looked everywhere for you my beuitiful girl [sic]! On December 28, 2021, reported that, despite that discovery, investigators had no updates to share on the Summer Wells investigation. everything we know about Summers disappearance. Summer was reported missing from her home in the Beech Creek area of Hawkins County in June and the AMBER Alert for Summer Wells remains active. I love her with all my heart. Specialized units searched more than a thousand acres by foot and air. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Why don't you our little girl back before God's wrath descends on you. She comes out and she was planting flowers with us. What Summer Wells looks like. Summers mother, Candus Bly Wells, sent the following statement on Monday night regarding the search: I am very happy that they are still looking for my daughter Summer. The familys most recent update on Twitter reads, Thank You Everyone who is helping us restore our Family and find our Daughter Summer Moon-Utah Wells. Then I went all the way back in the holler as far as the truck can go and I didnt see nothing back in there, either. She did not walk back out that front door. The police and law enforcers are still working hard to find her. Her father was detained for having a pistol while intoxicated two months before Summer Wells went missing. Within 24 hours of that alarm, she said, investigators had hoped to have encouraging news. Summer Wells disappeared last June. I wish someone would give a crap about her life besides summers army! The six-minute video includes photos of Summer and her family before the little girlwent seemingly vanished. "And a lot of the stuff weve called on, weve already done several times.". Summer Wells is a 5-year-old Tennessee child who has been missing since June, 2021. We wish God you will return her to us as well as the boys. "I believed that stuff," Don said on the podcast. This one is definitely outside the norm. Many of the netizens are searching for this news as they want to know what has happened to Summer.A girl from Hawkins County, Tennessee. All rights reserved. He said Summer lives with her parents and three siblings at their home. If theyve got a walkie-talkie and their buck knife, they can go down through there. So, I just followed them up in here. She asked Grandma for a piece of candy. Summer Moon-Utah Wells is a 5 year old girl who was last seen on June 15, 2021 in Rogersville, Tennessee. Summers June 15, 2021 disappearance has gained attention worldwide, though numerous searches and thousands of tips have not led to any answers. He also reportedly said that a lot of people were coming to him and accusing him of various things regarding the disappearance of his daughter. He wrote a letter and prayer for Summer and shared it on a Youtube video posted on the familys website just after midnight. So, I ask God please look over my precious daughter. Two human remains that were found months ago in the rural town of Summer Wells have finally been identified as those of a mother and her young daughter. The case remains unsolved and weighs heavily on all those working to find answers. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Well, there isnt any such update about Summar as her search is still going on. On the sad anniversary of Summer's disappearance, Don shared a heartbreaking video that included a photo with Summer. The now 6-year-old Summer Wells went missing from her home in the Beech Creek community in Tennessee's Hawkins County at around 6:30 p.m. on June 15 in 2021. Because he was on probation at the time, the judge was compelled to send him to jail for breaking the terms of his probation even though the judge acknowledged that this was his first DUI offense. I mean, its just a waste of our time. The recent incident adds light to Summers family situation after Donald Wells appeared on a podcast called "Jay is 4 Justice" last year and admitted his sons had been removed from their home. missing 5-year-old northeast Tennessee girl. We searched everywhere we could possibly search. Parents of volleyball player who lost both legs speak out in court, Current boil water orders/advisories in the Heartland, Carbondale PD to receive an over $360,000 grant for technology improvements, Police: Woman taken into custody after two-vehicle collision involving parked car in Cape Girardeau, Complete KFVS12, Heartlands CW and Grit Schedules. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) - Don Wells, the father of missing six-year-old Summer Wells, released a statement from jail on Wednesday at midnight about his daughters disappearance. No, Shes Still Missing, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. We would also encourage the public to be cautious about donating to private individuals who claim to be working with law enforcement on this case. We the TBI, the FBI, my officers we have given 100% effort on this case. Weve been made aware of several individuals who appear to be using Summers disappearance for their own personal gain.. We dont know what happened to her, and its extremely frustratingits just heartbreaking, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokesperson Leslie Earhart said in a June 2021 press conference. He said the basement door at their home was typically left open or unlocked. I would be so happy to be a family again. Shell ask me to do something before she even goes and does it. Police said the driver could be a witness and asked them to come forward. She was last seen wearing gray pants and a pink shirt. "We're begging you with all our hearts, please do the right thing.". Criticize the message, not the messenger.If you call commenters derogatory names, your comment will be deleted. MUSIC Video Intro: Intensity by Dillan McDonough Live Intro: Dry Moonlight by Arc De Soleil Live Outro: Hawaii by Lil' Loca, Emmi Crowe Case Facts: Business Inquiries Only: This video is not intended to act as a means of proving or disproving anything related to the investigation or potential charges associated with the analysis. NO LIVE STREAMS ARE AUTHORIZED ON OTHER PLATFORMS OR ANY OTHER YOUTUBE CREATORS' CHANNEL WITHOUT EXPRESS LEGAL CONSENT OR PERMISSION FROM TIR, LLC AT ANY TIME! An AMBER Alert was issued for Summer the following day, and while investigators have not The driver of a red or maroon Toyota pickup truck with ladders in the back, which may have been in the region the night of Summer's abduction, was sought after by the authorities on June 26. The TBI previously expressed the very real possibility that Summer wandered off from her Beech Creek home nearly nine months ago. As officers were on route, dispatchers said they heard arguments in the background before the line went dead. ", Summer's three brothers were removed from the family home six weeks after she went missing, which Don confirmed during an appearance on a podcast called "Jay is 4 Justice.". These words are very fitting to exactly how Don is feeling and thinking during this season of his life, the description reads. He received just over a year sentence for the arrest on April 21, 2021. Days after that, Summer Wells website I 'll see her in the case our kids..... Online '' are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers ' Limited 's Standard and! Home nearly nine months ago investigators as being 3-feet tall, weighing about 40 pounds announced the before... On his daughter disappearance nearly one year later, little has been discovered in Beech! From a job I 've been fired from a job I 've been fired from a job I had. 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