Sabine De Brabandere, PhD, Science Buddies, Please log in or create a free account to view the full lesson or to leave a review, How to Make a Homopolar Motor - Science Experiment, Extract Iron from Cereal Science Project. At no cost to you, I make a commission for purchases made through the links or advertisements. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. These objects are all held in orbit around the sun by the suns strong gravity. The teacher should also review the unit outline, which is on page 2 of the journal. The next one, and the hottest of the eight planets, is Venus. The Suns gravity. Students could also focus on one aspect of all eight planets, such as their size or distance from the sun. I. Please note: Image is not to scale. 139 0 obj <>stream You do not have to follow the guide exactly. Review the class/ agenda with the students: Introductory Activity: What I Know About the Solar System introductory worksheet, Introduce: All About the Solar System Science Journals, Introductory Activity: What I Know About the Solar System Introductory Worksheet. Imagine that the solar system consisted ONLY of Jupiter, Mars, and Earth. Lesson Planning of Solar System Subject General Science Grade 5th Students` Learning Outcomes After studying this lesson, students will be able to: Describe the solar system and its planetary arrangement showing the position of the earth in our solar system. d) Appreciate the importance of the planets. Mercury takes 60 whole days to rotate once around its axis. The Sun is the most massive object in our solar system. It is mostly a big ball of gases, which includes hydrogen and helium. Derick what is the characteristics of Venus? Use any round or spherical item you have on hand (that is safe for students to handle). Mercury is only slightly larger than Earth's moon. Ask your students if they can name the planets. The teacher should teach the students the mnemonic: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto**, (Source:, Page 6: How Did the Solar System Form: The Nebular Theory, **This page is a cloze activity that is goes with the video The Nebular Theory**, (Source: Earth and Space Science Units and Lessons Grades for 7-9 Climate and Seasons Destination Mars Unit Earth Moon System Unit Planetology Unit Remote Sensing Unit Universe Unit Weather Unit Year of the Solar System Unit Some of the links within the lessons may take you off the NASA Summer of Innovation website. Questions that encompasses the objective: Think about the night sky. The teacher will use the magnet and a paperclip to show that the paper clip, The teacher will ask, Is the magnet attracted to the paperclip or is the paperclip attracted to the magnet?, Allow students time to think before accepting any answers. This material is intended for Grade 6 practice teaching. Students should be able to answer the following: Why are the planets kept in constant, predictable motion? The worksheets should be collected and kept with the teacher until the final lesson of the unit. The students will create a brochure describing the Solar System. Directions: The further away the planet is from the sun, the longer it takes that planet to orbit the sun. The thick atmosphere causes extreme greenhouse effect. These commissionshelp to pay for the costs of the site and enable it to remainfree for anyone who wants to use it. Now, lets have the first gas giant planet. Model the Distances between Planets in our Solar System. The lesson then provides students with a chart of the planets daily rotation times. "Solar System" Science Journal (Teacher Copy), Solar System Science Journal(Student Copy), Page 7: How Did the Solar System Form: The Nebular Theory, Video: The Nebular Theory by OHMS Science class videos. Alternatively, you could require students present during the second activity using PowerPoint or similar presentation software. You will find the lesson objectives, state standards, and the number of class sessions the lesson should take to complete in this area. ENGAGE: Before the lesson, gather household items such as a ping-pong ball, tennis ball, inflated balloon, grapefruit, glass marble, small pebble, etc. Why was a magnet used? It incorporates science, reading, writing, math, handwriting and art. Students will be able to recount the eight planets of the solar system. (5 minutes) Tell your students that they will be learning about the planets today. What could you use to represent Mercury? Explain the role of gravity in the solar system. The paragraph on the teacher notes page provides an extra bit of information or guidance as you prepare. Earth's moon). Rosmin, what is the characteristic of the planet Saturn? Our shrinking + expanding world Ever feel Science can be split up into several fields of study. This fact will be re-emphasized during the lesson. What is the most important content in this lesson? 1 0 obj Stars are heavenly bodies that is made up of hydrogen and helium atoms. Each pair will get a piece of cardstock or construction paper and crayons/markers/colored pencils. Very good! The Options for Lesson section provides several suggestions for alternative or additional things to do during the lesson. Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. Lesson Objectives and Overview: Solar System teaches students about the eight planets and other parts that compose our solar system. Use the blank lines on this page to write down any other ideas or thoughts you have before delivering the lesson to your students. The solar system is the system of objects that orbit the Sun directly (e.g. The students will then fill out the "What I Learned About the Solar System" worksheet. B. Help students choose to focus on one aspect of the solar system like comparing two planets, such as Mars and Earth, or comparing Jupiter to the sun. . You will likely not have space to lay the model planets out in the classroom, nor on the school grounds. Planets are not self-luminousthey do not emit light like the starsbut they can be seen in the sky because they reflect light emitted by other celestial objects. After having the Sun as center of the Solar System. A Look At Space, You Can Cross It Off Your Bucket List After Visiting, Egyptian Pyramids and Great Sphinx With Google Earth Tours, What Is It? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Saturn is the planet with the lowest density (0.7g/cm3), a density so low that it would float if placed in water! Once every fall and spring since 2000, Solar Week provides a week-long series of web-based educational classroom activities and games geared for upper-elementary, middle and high school students, with a focus on the Sun-Earth connection. Ask questions like: Which object is the heaviest? Otherwise, you can simply print out the applicable pages and keep this as reference for yourself when grading assignments. Saturn is the second biggest planet but has the lowest density. Uranus and Neptune are similar in size, with a radius of 4.0 and 3.9 times the radius of Earth, respectively. % From the schedule, teachers can make assignments in Google Classroom and view student progress on each assignment. The teacher will review the answers from the Our Solar System and Gravity handout. Venus has no moon. Project each page of the science journal onto the board either through a projector or PowerPoint presentation. class 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th-grade science lesson plan on the solar system, planets and stars free download. II. Fun & Easy Science Activities Your Kids Will Love! The distance from the planet to the Sun is different for each planet. How many galaxies in the known universe? ELABORATE: Now that students know something about how the planets compare to each other, have them research more about our solar system. Every lesson plan provides you with a classroom procedure page that outlines a step-by-step guide to follow. Give each student a What I Know About the Solar System worksheet. To test whether you understand our discussion for today. The teacher will begin the class by handing out the "What I Know About the Solar System" introductory worksheet. Give each student an All About the Solar System Science Journal. The Earth is the only planet that has water. What is the name of their poster going to be? Each student will get a journal that they will work in throughout the entire unit. To reach this lessons objective, students need to understand: The definitions to the terms: sun, planet, satellite, asteroid, comet, and meteor. 3. By now, youve heard of the term STEM. The names and order of the planets of the Solar System. The solar system has two types. Show the students the video: Solar System by Jessica Wimmer. Dwarf planets, like Pluto, fulfill the first two criteria, but not the last. It has a dark-colored storm called the Great Dark Spot. D. The less gravity an object has, the less gravity it will exert on another object. It also has atmosphere that supports and protects life. The orbital distance is often expressed in astronomical units (AU). Have students break into pairs or work with the same partner they did before. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Eight objects in the solar system qualify as planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Students will learn a little about other objects that float around in the solar system. <>>> We're going to dive into what space and earth sciences areand some of their Get project ideas and special offers delivered to your inbox. Lets have the third planet on our solar system. Teacher should employ a random way of calling on students if no volunteers are available. 2 0 obj Write the names of the eight planets on the board, telling students they are in order from smallest to largest (write: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter). The four large moons are called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Jupiter specifically is mostly helium, hydrogen, and water. The teacher will relate student knowledge to the demonstration at the beginning of class. Orbit: the path a planet takes to travel around the sun, Moon: a celestial object (object in space) that orbits another body in space, Asteroid belt: a belt of tons of asteroids that float between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, Asteroid: a space rock that scientists believe are leftover pieces of rock from the beginning of the solar system. The teacher should facilitate a discussion about the characteristics of each planet and each planets distance from the sun. One AU equals roughly the distance from the Sun to Earth, or 149,597,870,691 30meters. and Ms. Why does the larger magnet attract the smaller magnet? It is the brightest object in the sky aside from sun and moon. Neptune has 11 moons and the largest is the Triton, sir! One such suggestion is to have students use a multimedia presentation, such as PowerPoint, to present the information they researched for the second activity. Tape or glue to attach labels to the planets. Most of the suggestions relate to the activities specifically. The student understands the organization of our . 1. You can find this page online at: For the next activity, students will work with a partner to research a specific part of the solar system. This lesson is *or a *i*th grade. Models of the Solar System: Great Debate Activity - teacher facilitated, student performed role play Differentiation: Models of the Solar System Hands-on Sheet ["You Do"] - Can be used for remediation. x]P0+tlOnri!m)QVRC#9kiV`H3Hn1@g0nbp(J0Vv uNT8~nalvRk01_AF_weo^idE=jH_Q:}WCdeQdROBO`^9I,z|RLh` Again, the length of a day for other planets is not the same as it is for Earth, but the lesson compares each planets day using Earths time units. We will find why it is called as Suns Family as we go along with our discussion. Before we start our lesson. For Earth, it takes about 365 days to orbit the sun, which is why we consider one year to be 365 days long. (students will pick those scattered pieces of plastic and paper under their chair). All rights reserved. The teacher may guide/prompt students to the understanding that, Using the magnets, and working in pairs or triads, the students, Students should also use magnets of two different sizes to observe, Once students are done (after 5 minutes), they should reflect, What types of objects were attracted to the magnet? The teacher copy has bolded red and highlighted words. The students can use their science journal as a guide when creating the brochure. 4. Jupiters orbit is 11.8 years, Saturns is 29.6 years, and Uranus is 84.3 years. Have students remain in their groups and work together to choose an object to represent each planet and the sun. Privacy Policy. Some map apps allow you to download a map in advance, so students do not need internet access to use that map. You also need to ensure they have access to the internet or other sources for research purposes. Reconvene and discuss when the students are finished. endstream endobj startxref th The 8planet in our solar system is Neptune. . Class, what is the 6th planet? Then comes Earth, the planet with the highest average density (5.5g/cm3), followed by Mars. You should have around 10 items, with a large range between the smallest to largest. It provides the answers in red to make it easy to compare with students responses. Students can also draw a representation of how big they think a planet would be, or find another round object in the classroom (a globe, an eraser from a pencil, etc.). This amount of time is what we consider the length of a day. I will give you 5 minutes to finish your activity. C. The less gravity an object has, the more gravity it will exert on another object. It is one of the hottest planets. It gives energy to the plants to sustain life on Earth. ?-7:+3NZXrB bXQ"N1\ )1Dh]g|S/|mwPI329VQw]d6|~Mrc~"YY (z_cN\)Y?hA. The student understands the organization of our solar system and the relationships among the various bodies that comprise it. Justify how learning tasks are % Table 1 lists the radii and the orbital distances of the eight planets of the solar system. Want to make planning your childrens homeschool science school calendar simple? Last meeting, we have discussed about stars. 4: Seasons of the Sun: The Solar Cycle, You're Welcome Science: Galileo's Greatest Hits. It is also the hottest planet due to its atmosphere. Its gravity is less than half as strong as Earths. Clarification should be provided for any key term that is unfamiliar or confusing to the students**, **The teacher should review the names of the planets. endstream endobj 116 0 obj <>stream The student is expected to: (A) describe the physical properties, locations, and movements of the Sun, planets, Galilean moons, meteors . What is the relationship between gravity and mass? Time/Application The Solar System lesson plan has two pages of content. How does the relationship of size affect gravity? (the pupil will put Mercury on the model). Mars' radius is about half of Earth's radius. In learning about the solar system, students explore gravity; differences in the size, mass, and composition of planets and asteroids; orbits and how natural and manmade satellites work; and more. Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. Neptune has a giant storms and it is also the farthest planet. It is a dusty, cold planet, but might have inhabited some form of life long ago. It is considered as the twin planet of Earth due to its size and mass similar to the Earths. You all did. There are 19 words and descriptions in total. The teacher should review the journals with the students, allowing them to look through the journal for about a minute or two. Airek, what is the characteristic of the planet Mars? This lesson for late elementary students (grades 3 5) teaches about Earth and Space science using an inquiry approach. !E83HN!KbZKIQ?5fIl1@ 4I ("$V4%.kEamvyL]Hea/_FvLSul2LQAo4u O>\$u.~n.zM\6r;{IMQFyG-F?x. Step 4: EXTEND and DEEPEN. While, gas giant planets are made of primarily of gas, mostly hydrogen. It is one of the hottest planets. 4. Uranus spins in 17.1 hours, and Neptune takes 16 hours. Identify the member of the Solar System being described. Mark John Paul, what is the characteristic of Neptune? Your input is very much appreciated. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. %PDF-1.5 % Planets are celestial bodies distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun). O[|MR{M2\.#~GL.>}QLc32]NK`Vt]Y;)M,~$CMfq -/PdK2C54b4 2DXD27A-c!LV4z6,bY3lyDw 4.NK> 6 The surface of it appears reddish-yellow because of the iron oxide in the soil and dust that covers most of the planet. stream Write the observations on the board. Precious, please lead the prayer. Venus is the second closest planets to the Sun. - Upload Here. We can easily distinguish and understand that everything is different and has a unique characteristic. The outer planets also have rings that encircle them. It is all about the Solar System and its 8 planets. I am the third planet from the sun. Explain the relationship between mass and gravity. After the journal is reviewed, the teacher should show the students the video Solar System. All rights reserved. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. Very Good! hb```b``Nb`c`Pbb@ !V(G/,27vk50`n Rizza, please place Mercury on our model. Is that object also the biggest? Label the planets in the correct order. Read other Earth & Space Science articles or explore the rest of the Homeschool Hub, which consists of over 650 free science articles! Find earth science products and space educational supplies for labs and classrooms. The teachers copy of the journal has certain words/phrases that are bolded red and highlighted. Next is Venus, a planet with a radius of 6,052km, only slightly smaller than Earth. Science Projects > Earth & Space Projects > The Solar System: Lesson Plan. That means that it orbits the sun just over four times in a single year. They investigate the orbits of Earth and Mars by using cardboard and string. For example, to create a scale model of the eight planets, scaled so the radius of Earth is 1cm, you use a scale factor of 1 cm/6,378 km because 6,378km (the actual radius of Earth) multiplied by 1 cm/6,378 km (the scale factor) yields 1cm (the radius of the Earth model). It advises you to make this lesson as hands-on and creative as possible to fully engage students as they learn. Solar System explores the world around Earth, particularly the planets and the asteroid belt. Lesson Idea Name: Solar System Project Grade Level/Content Area: 4th grade. Give each pair a piece of cardstock or construction paper and crayons/markers/colored pencils. The students will be able to define the terms: sun, planet, dwarf planet, satellite, asteroid, comet, and meteor. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and contrast the physical attributes of stars and planets. It has an elliptical orbit. Georgia Content Standard(s) or GELDS Addressed: S4E1. The Sun is a huge ball of very hot gasses. Calculate the size of a model planet and its distance to the Sun when the actual measurements of the planet and the scale factor is given. 2021 Home Science Tools, All Rights Reserved |Privacy Policy |Terms & Conditions, How to Make Crystals: Grow Your Own Crystals, Weekly Lesson Plan Sheet for Homeschool Science, A Flyover Of Different Studies Of Science: Space and Earth. To prepare for the lesson, create labels for the eight planets, the sun, and the asteroid belt. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. 2023 Learn Bright. Calculate the scale factor when the actual measurements of the solar system and the model are given. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Write the name o the planet on each piece of card and clip the planets on to the string at following distances from one end. 0 English Language Learners will be supported in this lesson through data-based heterogeneous grouping, verbal and written repetition of new vocabulary words, and multiple representation of vocabulary words through printed images and video. Mercury is less than half the size of Earth. A year for Earth is not the same as a year for other planets in the solar system if a year equates to the time it takes a planet to completely orbit the sun. You are going to do a mini pageant representing the, Presentation Orderliness Audience Impact Total, (after 3minutes) We are now going to start, and Mars. Make sure the sun is 54.8 inches in diameter. 4 0 obj The distance from the Sun to a planet is not constant since the orbits are elliptical, but a circular orbit with the orbital distance as radius is a good approximation. One option that doesnt relate to the activities suggests making Step 16 of the classroom procedure guide a writing assignment rather than just a discussion point to wrap up the lesson plan. The worksheet lists the instructions and provides a number of data points that the students should include in their presentations. sun ( the %lanets ( their moons ( and other o&6ects li+e asteroids. They can use their index cards to help them remember the interesting facts they learned. Do you understand class? 2. Your students will make similar model planets. Planets are approximately spherical, and the equatorial radius is often used as a measure of their size. The next fourJupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptuneorbit farther away from the Sun; they are gaseous planets. (11) Earth and space. Next, the teacher will begin presenting the information on the Solar System. Earth Science Reading Comprehension: Weather and Solar System (5th-6th Grade) by Science Reading Comprehension with Chloe 4.6 (44) $2.75 PDF Using these clear and effective reading comprehension worksheets will help improve your students' understanding of science. (Source: Locate an area to do a scale model of planet distances from the sun, such as a large field near the school. In this bright world let us stay to see a soul of beauty whenever it is a rainy day or maybe a sunny day. endstream endobj 536 0 obj <>>>/Lang(en)/MarkInfo<>/Metadata 38 0 R/OpenAction 537 0 R/Outlines 50 0 R/Pages 533 0 R/StructTreeRoot 51 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 537 0 obj <> endobj 538 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Thumb 28 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 539 0 obj <>stream They will also learn the order of the planets and be able to compare and contrast them. Speaking of orbits, an orbit is the path a planet takes when traveling around the sun. Teach us Lord on how to love our parents always, respect our teachers and classmates and to be good the remaining days. Now, think about Earth. Some are very large and can be miles and miles across, but most asteroids are small. Check out the Space Weather Media Viewer, the Technology Through Time Series and a wealth of activities, information, and materials on the Sun-Earth Day 2009 web site. The guidelines on the classroom procedure pages explain when to hand out the worksheets to the class. They will then share with the class, or with a partner, some things they wrote down in theirWhat I Learned About the Solar System page. Your 2 minutes starts now. !^@[#1ESl`pkbua^_bLEI`f#+{-*91^ovhsR9+*l@Q]q8 mfMiC&e2V\g. What is the most important content in this lesson? Planet to orbit the sun as center of the term STEM hottest of the suggestions relate the... 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solar system lesson plans 6th grade pdf
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