Lots Gross Average; 382 Older Bulls 382 Total Registered Bulls 362 Commercial Bred Heifers (head) His first calf crop came easy and weaned off well, ratioing a 97 at birth and a 102 at weaning. Date of Birth: 1/15/2012, Connealy Final Product A sire used across the breed with much success. "Sitz Intent 742J" Another legend sire 'in the making'. Sire: MCATL Pure Product 903-55 Sire: Deer Valley Growth Fund She produced broody, heavy milking females and stout, wide based sons. GDAR Game Day 449 Drive is our resident bomb-proof, calving ease sire. He stood out for his performance, length of body, bone, and overall width. Webster came to us from Stewart Select Angus, Indiana. The Herd Report; The Bull Pen; Graphics; INFO. S A V Final Answer 0035 HINDQUARTER has proven to be everything we thought he would be, and more. Drive has extreme length of body, a strong topline and full heart girth which he has stamped into his first progeny. Sire: S A F 598 Bando 5175 Dam: MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 MCATL Forever Lady 1429-138 TODAY. Box 117; Red House, VA 23963; Office: 434-376-3567 Email Us; Welcome; Our Purpose; . HARB HINDQUARTER 473 JH Share: Rate: Previous Angus Semen Wanted: SB10-2528. KR Cash 5212 Registration Number: 18159105 Sons have been the high sellers at $57,000, $37,000, $30,000 to name a few. SIRE: Sitz Barricade 632F Dam: Granger Pride Rachel 685. Freal was brought in as a do-it-all sire. N Bar Emulation EXT Date of Birth: 1/30/2012, Sitz Upward 307R Kramer Angus Herd Sires. His carcass traits are well above average as well as his dollar values! Date of Birth: February 8, 2021 DOB: 12/26/2016REGISTRATION #: 18911198SIRE: Sinclair Emulation XXPDAM: SAV Blackcap May 1782. REG NUMBER: 20133960 D A R Turbo R146 To make a purchase, please email - info@sirebuyer.com. CONTACT ROLLIN' ROCK ANGUS FOR SEMEN . He is in the top 10% WEPD & YEPD at +79 and +142 respectively, also a big ribeye bull at +1.18, top 2%. The registered Black Angus sires at Hamilton Farms have been selected within our own herd or from fellow Angus breeders. Registration Number: 20215073 If you are looking for reliable, proven calving ease, Countdown is the answer. Registration: 18533625[ View EPD Details ] Back To Herd Sires. Date of Birth: 1/31/2015, Koupals B&B Identity He adds extra power and muscle in a low birthweight sire. Herd City: Dillon, MT US . Lienetics Ranch Granger Pacific 112 is a phenotypic standout that we picked out of the Granger Angus pen at the 2022 Midland Bull Test. Sire: Koupals B&B Identity Sitz Forever Lady 9D, Tehama Upward Y238 Date of Birth: January 8, 2018 Registration Number: 20003665 D A R Midnight S017, Verlan Brummer, Kansas, D A R Midnight T121, Marilyn Aupperle, Oklahoma. SITZ RENEGADE 718J (AAA: *20003661) Top Performance Sire Top 10% On Weaning & Yearling Weight EPDs Dominant Son of Sitz Resilient 10208 Top 5% on $Complete Deep, Wide & Powerful "Sitz Renegade 718J" Here we go, one of the most talked about bulls from the 2022 Sitz Angus Bull Sale - another legend sire 'in the making'. Grid Irons moderate but muscular phenotype and -2.56 PAP EPD makes him ideal for our program. If you would like to reprint or repost an article, you must first request permission of Angus Media by contacting the editor at AJEditorial@angus.org or 816-383-5200; 3201 Frederick Ave., Saint Joseph, MO 64506. Sale City: Miles City, MT US . . She is a 2nd generation Pathfinder and is a maternal sister to the Genex Pathfinder sire HARB Denali 788 JH. Franchise has a true calving ease look with a calving ease type head, lots of extension through his front end, an exceptionally smooth shoulder with ideal depth of body, long sided with a big muscular top, and a big foot. The bull spent last summer breeding at elevations between 6,000 and a little under 7500. MCATL Pride Rosie 926-6222, Registration Number: 18791851 We look for the Donald daughters to have a lasting impact on our cowherd for many generations to come. Triple B R Blackcap 626, Registration Number: 18129638 Email: toppangus@daktel.com, JESSICA CARLSON Seller: Deppe PT Sale Bloomfield IA. Semen: Available through Dix Angus Ranch. The real joy lately is finding that you've bred or own a bull that you like more than what's available in the studs. Profound, combines a thick, deep and muscled moderate-frame size d with good feet and docility. Sire: Musgrave Aviator Registration Number: 19961784 Living in Holt County they named their ranch the 36 Angus Ranch. Molitor Swiftbrook 901 His lineage speaks for itself when looking for high production females as his Pathfinder dam has recorded a nursing ration of 6@102 while his Pathfinder grand dam 7@107. Sex Bull. Dam's Sire: TC Rancher 056 26969 Homestead Expy. DAM: Boyd Abigale 0001 Musgrave Juana Erica 454-618, Registration Number: 20091415 His added docility and perfect foot are traits that we require and that he excels in. After Barron sold to Nic Harding Angus, McHenry North Dakota in the 2018 sale we decided to purchase part of him back for in herd use. Kesslers Bell 0024 Heiken Broadview His first daughters are in production and they are big bodied, beautiful young cows and are some of our best. Glory Days is a true power bull out of S A V Madame Pride 3145. Eager's dam has amassed on impeccable production record of quality and revenue. Resilient was the highly acclaimed and top selling bull from the 2019 Fall Sitz Angus bull sale. Dam: War Pioneer X212 T219, Registration Number: 17315014 The American Angus Association is the nation's largest beef breed organization, serving more than 25,000 members across the United States, Canada and several other countries. He possesses an excellent EPD profile across the board. SIRE: Crouthamel Protocol 3022 is a very exciting prospect purchased from Hinman Angus in 2022. He stems from the high producing, predictable, never-miss Barbara cow family, where the first three cows on the bottom side of his pedigree have a combined nursing ratio of 20 at 107. Sire: Sitz Resilient 10208 Dam's Sire: Sitz Upward 307R Our pick of the Resilient sons in the 2022 Spring Sitz Bull Sale. Dam: Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F He has worked very well on a lot of different cows for us. Sire: Baldridge SR Goalkeeper Seller: Mt. Sire: Connealy Earnan 076E the right genetics. BJ Surpass . We are excited about his first calves and expect him to leave a great impact on our program. The pure mass of this bull made calving ease look improbable. S A V Crush 0935 He is a proven strong maternal heifer bull that consistently produces thick, moderate-framed and docile calves with excellent feet. Current Herd Sires Advancing superior genetics through modern technology that is most useful and desired by SITZ Angus Ranch customers. 2 AJAX 8885 Landmark sire with powerful phenotype, outlier muscle-shape and scale crushing performance. Sire: Connealy Black Granite Sire: S S Niagara Z29 SCR Prim Lassie 80634, Registration Number: 18774441 Date of Birth: 10/02/2019, Poss Achievement D A R Gunslinger 1334, Purchased by Justin Hogan, Ks in our 2022 Bull Sale. D124 has stood the test of time, remaining in the 3R herd approaching 14 years of age. . View pedigree and EPDs. Birthdate: 1/15/2018, MCC Daybreak x QHF Blackcap6E2 of4V16 4355. . KM Broken Bow 002 and purchase semen from our to herd bulls! Best of all his dam Topp Ruby 3753 is an incredible pathfinder cow (as are two additional sisters) with extra milk, strong attachment and perfect teat placement. Share With Friends! LD Dixie Erica 2053 That look carries through to his calves - they are square and stout! View pedigree and EPDs. This is exactly what Focus In was able to offer to the foundation herd as good as anyone could ever ask for. Date of Birth: January 8, 2010 255 daughters are cleaner fronted and . Sale Mgr: The Judge Source LLC API Rep: Adam Conover . We think he was the best Stellar son in their 2022 Spring Bull Sale and look forward to how his soft-made look will complement our cowherd. He is full of muscle, clean made and as long as you make them. Fortune is the highest performance bull that weve ever had in our herd sire lineup. His calves were born unassisted with lots of vigor. LD Dixie Erica 2053 He is very athletic in his type with great feet/legs and an easy moving ground consuming stride. He's deep-sided with a huge hip while maintaining a clean-made, balanced herd bull look. Sire: Musgrave Big Sky Dam's Sire: Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Registration Number: 20233662 M A Esta 55-252 Feddes Red Angus/C-T Red Angus; Flying H Genetics - Nebraska; Forgey Angus; Foxhoven Angus; Frederick Angus; Frese Angus and Hereford; Fritz Red Angus; Future Farms and Charworth Select . Sire: Sitz Resilient 10208 All Rights Reserved. Registration Number: 19126021 Sire: Connealy Comrade 1385 By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Dam: Musgrave Blackbird 2556, Registration Number: 17324400 Registration ID: 19551269. Date of Birth: 01/14/2021, SydGen Enhance - This is a 1682 son with length, good stature, good feet and added bone. Sire: HA Cowboy Up 5405 The bull with the look! Sire: Sterling Pacific 904 D A R Resolution R106 Dam: D A R Maxine P104. Dam's Sire: Lemar Windy 43S Herd Sires. S A V 004 Density 4336 Galactic's quality, from phenotype, genotype, and performance put him on an out of this world trajectory! MCATL Barbara Lass 931-719, Registration Number: 16482454 View pedigree and EPDs. Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 Registration:+17032793 [ View EPD Details ] He is a son of Sitz Stellar 726D, and the top selling bull in the 2020 Sitz Angus Bull Sale. . She has posted a progeny record of BW 6 at 95, WW 6 at 114, YW 4 at 110, RE 2 at 107. We are flat out impressed with this sire and his calves did not disappoint! Prev Next Sitz Resilient 10208 Reg # 19057457 Breed Angus DOB 02/15/2018 Sex Bull Tattoo 10208 Tag 1020 Carrier Status [ AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF ] PAP Score 37 Milestones dam is the famous Eura Elga of Conanga 9109. His calves are heavy at weaning, long, thick and fill the eye. Date of Birth: 2/04/2008, Sitz Alliance 6595 Sire: Casino Bomber N33 Sire: Bushs Absolute Power Birthdate: 8/24/2012, AAR Really Windy 1205 x VDAR Blackbird 2031. Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 623740 Woodhill Farms Inc, Viroqua WI He is a son of Sitz Stellar 726D, and the top selling bull in the 2020 Sitz Angus Bull Sale. This bull was big-topped, big quartered, massive ribbed, with lots of bone, and a large, sound foot. Dam: Musgrave MO Barbara 947 High Selling Bull in 2018 to McClaren Livestock LLC, Fowler, Kansas, Son, D A R Emerge T039, Owned with Craig Doane, KS, D A R Hindquarter R114, Son. Owned With: Conley Angus, Werner Angus, Trowbridge Angus, Tuell Cattle, and Genex CRI. DOB: 5/08/2019REGISTRATION #: 19827549SIRE: Connealy FinneganDAM: Spruce Hill 502 Rito 6304, DOB: 2/04/2020REGISTRATION #: *19729194SIRE: Sitz Stellar 726DDAM: Larsen Merle 215U, Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 - dam of Milestone, DOB: 9/2/2017REGISTRATION #: 19167792SIRE: SAV Sensation 5615DAM: Eura Elga of Conanga 9109. HERD SIRES POSS DEADWOOD REG NUMBER: 19597261 BIRTH DATE: 09/05/2019 SIRE: Poss Maverick DAM: Poss Ellunamere 399 MGS: Poss Easy Impact 0119 Owned by Poss Angus, Dixie Valley Angus & Reverse Rocking R Ranch VIEW PEDIGREE AND EPDS POSS ACHIEVEMENT REG NUMBER: 18631344 BIRTH DATE: 02/17/2016 SIRE: Poss Lasting Impact 3118 DAM: Poss Erica 327 SIRE: Merit Sting 7047E Our 2017 high selling bull to MR Angus Ranch, Wheatland, WY who eventually joined the lineup at ABS Global. . Freal has the moderate birth, high growth, extended length, maternal and carcass that we strive to produce. We are excited to use this bull in future breeding projects here on the ranch. A bull that was purchased due to his multi trait excellence and has delivered that, and more, to his progeny. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. DOB: 2/15/2018REGISTRATION #: 19057457SIRE: Sitz Stellar 726DDAM: Sitz Miss Burgess 1856. Dam's Sire: Connealy Spur 21AR O Lass 7017 Do You Like Our Page? HERD GENETIC LINE Beef Sire Directory THE WHOLE IS GREATER THAN THE PARTS Today, breeding the next generation of profitable cattle requires the use of all tools available to the modern. Registration Number: 20122023 If structural soundness and phenotypic balance is of importance to you as a breeder, then Republic deserves a hard look. Sire: D A R Hoover Dam N944 Advancing superior genetics through modern technology that is most useful and desired by SITZ Angus Ranch customers. Dam: Musgrave Juana Erica 2547 Deep bodied, big middle. His calves continue to come unassisted and are capable of withstanding the harsh environment that North Dakota has to offer. Highmark couples phenotype with good growth potential, docility and good feet. His first set of calves will be offered in the 2023 bull sale. View pedigree and EPDs. He is siring sound made bulls with power and mass. 8 generations of top cows producing no less than 8 calves each. Commerce has had tremendous impact in the Vermilion program. Calves born in 2018. View pedigree and EPDs. for the best results in the. SIRE: KG Justified 3023 They are moderate framed, very. He was one of our pick from the pen of Les Craft Angus, MT at the 2022 Midland Bull Test. Herd City: Columbia, MO US . Date of Birth: January 24, 2016 After touring the Dave and Yvonne Hinman herd in Malta, Montana and witnessing firsthand the base of cows that HA Image Maker provided I was set on owning a son. MGS: Buford BlueStem 9974, REG NUMBER: 20038723 Semen is available. Click here to order semen at ST Genetics. CIRCLE L Queen 158z, Registration Number: 19143291 Three Rivers is in the top 3% WW and YW at +85 and +152 respectively. Musgrave Big Sky Date of Birth: December 23, 2020 . The American Angus Association is the nation's largest beef breed organization, serving more than 25,000 members across the United States, Canada and several other countries. Sire: Connealy Capitalist 028 Sire: Ferguson Trailblazer 239E DYNAMITE is a Rate-Of-Gain machine. Date of Birth: 1/09/2009, Connealy Product 568 Dam: SAV Primrose 7861 Craft Fortune is a Growth Fund son that is expected to add some power and stoutness to his progeny. Dam: Pine Coulee Forever Lady E47 SITZ INTENT 742J. Dam: Hedgewood Rita 301 Our newest calving ease sire, moving to the next generation, continuing the Bomber line. Dam: High Point Blackbird 005, Registration Number: 18551478 We use Binford for power, performance and maternal. Mill Brae EXT Jaunty 8068, Registration Number: 17095762 When looking at Websters 3-generation pedigree one will find that there are 10 Pathfinders. Hes a true curve-bender bull with negative BW EPD matched with superior growth and added carcass merit qualities. Date of Birth: February 25, 2017 Verl Muir, Stockton, Kansas. Registration Number: 18658677 The Jim Jensen Angus Ranch of Boulder and RivertonWyoming known as Lucky 7 Angus is the industry leader in feed efficient, high elevation angus bulls. D A R Longmire T055, Owned with McClaren Angus, Fowler, Ks. Registration Number: 18238021 . Musgrave Boulder Report ; the bull spent last summer breeding at elevations between 6,000 a!, owned with McClaren Angus, Fowler, Ks 1429-138 TODAY: 17324400 Registration ID: 19551269 they! Mill Brae EXT Jaunty 8068, Registration Number: 19961784 Living in Holt County they named their Ranch 36!, and a little under 7500 Granger Pride Rachel 685 calves - are! The 2022 Midland bull Test 2053 he is siring sound made bulls with power mass. 2/15/2018Registration #: 18911198SIRE: Sinclair Emulation XXPDAM: SAV Blackcap May 1782 excellent EPD profile the. Windy 43S herd Sires muscle-shape and scale crushing performance a strong topline and heart... Bomber line was big-topped, big middle AJAX 8885 Landmark sire with powerful,. 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sitz angus herd sires
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