Baseball- Taylor VS Dobie (Varsity), 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM The Registration Department is hosting an English and Spanish session to help parents better navigate this system. . 3-ring notebook (2-inch rings or larger), such as Trapper Keeper with zipper; 5 regular folders with pockets and 3 holes; 3 composition books, any colors . The mission of Glenwood Middle School, as an inclusive educational community is to ensure that each . Secretary to the Assistant Principal @ O'Donnell Middle School (Internal employees must use the internal link to login & apply.) We look forward to seeing you at the start of the school year! . Schools . O'Donnell ISD Board of Trustee's were nominated as a Regional Nominee for the TASA's 2017 Outstanding School Board Award. %PDF-1.7 % Optional items HS students can bring for personal use: 2 boxes of #2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils please), 3 Large boxes of Kleenex (to be shared in the classroom), 2 packs of Hearing Aide Batteries (if needed- to be labeled and used only for your student), 1 pack of primary manuscript paper: ________________, 5 pocket 3-prong folders- different colors, 3-ring notebook (2-inch rings or larger), such as Trapper Keeper with zipper, 5 regular folders with pockets and 3 holes, 3 composition books, any colors (science, reading, math), 2 spiral bound notebook (1 writing, 1 science,), 500 sheets of notebook filler paper-WIDE RULED ONLY, no college ruled, 3 large erasers or 2 packages of pencil cap erasers, Dry erase markers and eraser for whiteboard, Graph paper (for math and science courses). Looking for discount school supplies? 2022-23 Lists of School Supplies K-12 PDF Kindergarten General School Supplies Face Mask 6 - Dry Erase Markers (fine point) 1 - Markers (8 pack washable) 2 - Meadow Ridge School Supply Lists. 1303 East Central Drive, Meridian, ID 83642. District Home. Plans for 2022-23 school year Planes para el ao escolar 2022-23 . Fax: 419.429.3764 Tmese el tiempo para revisar el documento del ao escolar 2022-23 mientras nos preparamos para lanzar con xito un nuevo ao escolar. While there may be some impulse purchases along the way, a back-to-school shopping checklist will help keep you and your child on track. Comments (-1) Donate To CMMS Library. Please have all supplies for the first day of school! Kang Chiao International School. It had been estimated prior to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine that there were approximately 17,000 foreign fighters in Ukraine. Items may need to be replenished if lost, used up, or damaged. 5th grade students at Krug just finished their yearly engineering challenge with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI). How longer recess fuels stronger child development. Sonova is an international company who specializes in the manufacturing of hearing aids. Room 10 School Supply List ~ 1 package of thick markers (10 count) ~ 1 package of Jumbo Crayola Crayons (8 count) ~ 1 package of 4 dry erase markers ~ Student scissors (blunt tip) ~ 2 glue sticks ~ 2 dozen sharpened pencils with erasers ~ 1 old sock (We will use it to wipe off our dry erase boards.) B. O'Donnell Middle School is a public school located in STOUGHTON, MA. We are here to provide the best learning experience for our PreK-5th grade students. Download the printable PDF version and use it as your go-to shopping checklist. School Supply Lists. %PDF-1.7 % Thank you to Ms. Axel, Ms. Rivers, Ms. Malik, and Ms. Molina! Rapid Run Middle School. Do not pull into the parking lot. Elementary Schools. Translate Translate . Sonova is an international company who specializes in the manufacturing of hearing aids. Supply packs will be shipped directly to the school in August. Search . Dismiss. turkey club sandwich nutrition Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. mountain view high school supply list. Gym Shorts Gym shirt Sweat Suit Socks and Sneakers Deodorant 95 0 obj <> endobj 119 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3207529765E9499BBE26CB33D3E0DF03>]/Index[95 46]/Info 94 0 R/Length 113/Prev 104704/Root 96 0 R/Size 141/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Please take the time to review the 2022-23 school year document as we prepare to successfully launch a new school year. Tel: (419) 425-8370. Stay Connected . Students will receive supply and material requests from their classroom teachers, based on course assignments and the student's schedule, during the first week of school. Discount school supplies are also often available at places like dollar stores or community thrift stores. Powered by Thrillshare, Preparing Todays Students for Tomorrows Challenges, Art Schools of Choice: (Chief Joseph, Pioneer and Christine Donnell). At the February 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting, WASD . Stoughton Public Schools ; Stoughton High School ; O'Donnell Middle School ; Dawe Elementary School ; Gibbons Elementary School ; Hansen Elementary School ; South Elementary School ; Wilkins Elementary School ; Hastings High School Dance - Crowd Pleasers Contest, 8:00 AM Schools . Tmese el tiempo para revisar el documento del ao escolar 2022-23 mientras nos preparamos para lanzar con xito un nuevo ao escolar. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Taipei, Taiwan. Below you will find lists for each grade level K-12. O'Donnell Middle School Theater - Performing Arts Production, Kerr High School Orchestra - Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, 10:00 AM hmo0O_Hym'dhR$;@!d>MAQF041A+$ Let's all celebrate our wonderful counselors! Please make appointments with your doctor or with the Health Dept. We welcome suggestions any time to help make our operation even better. ), Sturdy, supportive backpack (Some schools do not permit rolling backpacks because of space considerations, so check with your school before considering this option. hb```eQ eah``%#}MMk8& Q A1: 65LL@V3d00|fzk~='D;:ff`c*2 % The SHS departments have put together the following general list of items to help you prepare for the start of school. Tamkang Senior High School. Home of the Black Knights Stoughton Public Schools (MA) Main Menu . Grass Lake School Supply Lists. Baseball- Taylor VS Sterling (Varsity), 12:30 PM Title . High School, Grades 9-12. Sep. 17, 2021 Updated: Sep. 17, 2021 4:01 p.m. O'Donnell Middle School in the Alief ISD is one of the Houston-area schools targeted by the latest viral TikTok challenge, "devious licks" where . Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens soon with in-person registration events! Soccer(Girls)- Taylor VS Shadow Creek HS (Varsity), 7:30 PM Full Supply list will be handed out on the first day of school depending on what Teacher is on your schedule. All Rights Reserved. Delhi Middle School. *** _____ 8th Grade Math - Ms. Kilgore 1.5 inch or larger hard-back 3 ring binder 5 tabbed dividers 4 dozen #2 pencils for class work or mechanical pencils, but you must provide extra lead 914-295-5800 914-295-5977 Some middle schools ask that students use the college-ruled variety. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Please be advised that you are leaving the official Findlay City Schools website and materials found on these associated links are not approved or sanctioned by the school system. Glenridge School Supply Lists. Softball- Elsik VS Shadow Creek (Varsity), 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM NT$1,500. Skip to your age group: Back-To-School Supplies List For Elementary School Preschool; Elementary Schools; Middle Schools; Findlay High School; Student Handbooks. ~ a backpack O'Donnell Middle School 211 Cushing Street Stoughton, MA 02072 781-344-7002. This button displays the currently selected search type. Yearbook and Class Supply List Details) Graduate and Alumni Events (e.g. District-Wide Theater - UIL One Act Play Zone B Competition, 4:00 PM New Student Registration (Prospective Students Living in Alief), Limited Open Enrollment (Prospective Students Living Outside of Alief ISD), In-District Transfer Request Process and Form, Early Childhood Information (Pre-K and Kindergarten), How to Attend High Schools of Choice (AECHS, Kerr, Academies), How to Attend Center for Advanced Careers, Early Childhood (Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten), Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth Services, Home Access Center for Students and Parents, District Discipline Appeal Procedures and Form, District Student Handbook and Code of Conduct, Alief ISD Employee Health and Wellness Center Clinic, How to Become A Business/Community Partner, New Job Application System for Prospective Employees, Vacancies in Applicant Tracking (Internal Job Postings), Vacancies in Applicant Tracking (New Job Postings), Vacancies in Winocular (Old Job Postings), The Alief Communicator - 2022 Winter Edition, The Alief Communicator - 2022 Spring Edition, The Alief Communicator - 2022 Summer Edition, The Alief Communicator - 2022 Fall Edition, The Alief Communicator - 2023 Winter Edition, AliefHUB! It enrolls 844 students in grades 1st through 12th. We also suggest buying a protective case if you have a Chromebook issued by the Stoughton Public Schools. Baseball- Taylor VS South Houston (Varsity), 6:00 PM Vickie O'Donnell Expand search. Copyright 2023 Findlay City Schools. Yes! Youngblood Intermediate School Choir - Spring Choir Concert, 3:00 PM Wilkins Elementary School. Each month, East Aurora High School (EAHS) students have the opportunity to meet with local community organizations and companies offering apprenticeships, internships and employment opportunities. Through the collection of pre-pandemic . SHS Student Supply List for 2022-2023 School Year. Taipei Adventist American School. Our students safety is our top priority please use Lime Street. A. Schools . A. 6.5 Special Services . Name: Health Services Letter 2022-2023 See vaccination information regarding the policy. School Supply List; Uniform Requirements; Bus Stop Search by Address; 1:1 Student Device Program; COVID-19 Positive Reporting Forms; School Hours; Gibbons Elementary School. Acesse o canal do YouTube. 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM O'Donnell Middle School Theater - Performing Arts Production. School supply lists for the 2022-23 school year can be found here for all District 131 schools. and picked up by 2:45 p.m. each day. Circuit Court Judges Visit Benavides 2.12.23. hbbd```b``Z"\ ,^`x0 }L`r6Ajim$}e@h%2U@"@y0 =z] endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 140 0 obj <>stream Diversity. Below are the recommended list of supplies for all Osceola County Public K-12 schools. Elementary School Supply List - Grades K-5. National School Counseling Week 2023 is Feb. 6-10, 2023. Both sessions will be held on Wednesday March 8th, Spanish is from 10:30 am -11:30 am and English is 12:00 pm-1:00 pm. Autumn Creek Elementary (Elementary #30) Attendance Boundaries, Lake Houston Watershed Project Based Learning, Financial Services Campus/Department Support, Pre-K & Kindergarten Pre-Registration 2022-2023. It is very dangerous having students run across the street in front of buses. It is recommended that for the first week of school, high school students bring with them a pen, pencil . early to avoid the beginning of year rush. Search online and off-season a little too late when everything is on sale or earlier in the year. Wesley Girls' High School, Taipei. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Join us for a virtual meeting to learn all about the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. Pencil sharpener (manual with a top to collect shavings), Ballpoint pens (Get a few red, purple or green ink ones, too, because some teachers have students do peer editing. School Supply Lists. (Ms. Estrada or Mr. Bell) Science: 3 ring binder, at least 1 " Marble composition notebook Paper grocery store bag for book cover P.E. Elementary School Supply List (2022-2023) Listas de tiles Escolares de Escuela Elemental. Highlighters. It has 12.1 students to every teacher. Baseball- Hastings VS Sam Rayburn (Varsity), 12:30 PM All other secondary campuses will provide a list of needed supplies for each class on the first day of school. Impact of COVID-19 on O'Donnell Middle School The coronavirus has had a profound impact on education in America. O'Donnell Middle School . It is recommended that for the first week of school, high school students bring with them a pen, pencil, notebook, headphones/ear buds and their school issued device. Phone 334-745-9726 | Fax 334-745-9730. Our students safety is our top priority please use Lime Street. Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom, Super Scientist : O'Donnell, Liam, Dominguez, Richard: Books Our goal every year at Donnell is to help make the school experience the most enjoyable and successful for each and every Donnell student. 5th grade students at Krug just finished their yearly engineering challenge with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI). That is the first word that comes to m. Log-In for Students and Staff (Digital Resources), Enrollment Application (Pre-K to 12th Grade), Limited Open Enrollment for Prospective Students Living Outside of Alief ISD, SMART Tag Parent Portal (Parent Notification About Buses), Home Access Center Log-In for Students and Parents (Grades, Attendance), Schoology Log-In for Students and Staff (Assignments, Courses, and Groups), Schoology Log-In for Parents (Assignments, Courses, and Groups), Online New Student Registration Open for Current and Next School Year, Join Us for Our Annual Pre-K Preview Event (March 4), SAT Day for 11th Grade Students (March 1), Register for the Free Alief Family U Conference (March 25), Track(Girls)- Hastings VS Ronnie Bell JV relays (Varsity), Youngblood Intermediate School Choir - Spring Choir Concert, O'Donnell Middle School Theater - Performing Arts Production, Baseball- Hastings VS Mayde Creek (Varsity), Killough Middle School Theater - MOTOWN: A Black History Celebration, Baseball- Hastings VS South Houston (Varsity), Soccer(Girls)- Taylor VS Pearland HS (Varsity), Soccer(Boys)- Hastings VS Strake (Varsity), Soccer(Boys)- Taylor VS Pearland (Varsity), District-Wide Speech & Debate - Houston Debate City Championship, Hastings High School Dance - Crowd Pleasers Contest, Track(Boys)- Taylor VS Walter Heintschel Relays (Varsity), Track(Girls)- Elsik VS Walter Heintschel Relays (Varsity), Track(Girls)- Hastings VS Walter Heintschel Relays (Varsity), Baseball- Hastings VS Sam Rayburn (Varsity), Baseball- Taylor VS South Houston (Varsity), District-Wide Theater - UIL One Act Play Zone A Competition, Softball- Elsik VS Shadow Creek (Varsity), Cummings Elementary School Music - Second Grade Musical Showcase, District-Wide Theater - UIL One Act Play Zone B Competition, Track(Girls)- Hastings VS St. Agnes JV Relays (Varsity), Soccer(Girls)- Taylor VS Shadow Creek HS (Varsity), Limited Open Enrollment Registration Application (Prospective Students Living Outside of Alief ISD), Parents of Bus Riders: Create SMART Tag Parent Account, 1:1 Student Device Program: My School Bucks Account Creation, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Size: 94.3 KB. You can't go wrong with this shopping list of basic school supplies and smart tools to help keep your student organized. Students will receive supply and material requests from their classroom teachers, based on course assignments and the student's schedule, during the first week of school. The supply list for parents/guardians drastically decreased as we are . Teachers welcome the opportunity to discuss with families their is making it easier for you to better assess how COVID-19 has impacted your school. Cummings Elementary School Music - Second Grade Musical Showcase, 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM Do not pull into the parking lot. Grab best deals on school supply items including notebooks, pencil cases, highlighters, pencils, teacher decorations, geometry set, scissors, pocket dictionary, binder covers, staplers and more. Calculator or mobile phone with calculator. Alief ISD (@alief_proud) Instagram photos and videos, No Early Release for Middle Schools, High Schools, and Special Programs, 4:00 PM They have locations across the United States and one locally in Aurora. 2 pencils. q?0 | All children district-wide will have the opportunity to learn in English and Spanish. Translate Upcoming Events. Comments (-1) Twitter. 0. Always send in a note if you child has missed a day or will be leaving early. These links are independently managed World Wide Websites and are not affiliated with Findlay City Schools. Donnell Middle School; Glenwood Middle School; Bigelow Hill Elementary; . Graphing calculators, for example, are required in some middle and high school math classes. Findlay City Schools 1100 Broad Avenue Findlay, OH 45840 419.427.5488 419.425.8203 (fax) Hours: 7:30am-4:00pm Email Webmaster | Sitemap Organizing Class Reunions) . Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). They provide on-the-job training with Microsoft office 2011 for MAC. Local Employment Opportunities for Graduates. It is recommended that all students have a backpack, hand sanitizer, facial tissue, pencil box, AA batteries. Foreign fighters have travelled to fight in the conflict for a variety of reasons, such as far-left or far-right ideologues supporting their perceived . 2018 Bond @ CMMS November 6, 2018 2018 Bond Total: $992.6 million Total amount allocated for McAuliffe Middle School: $5,739,962* Telehealth Exams (Coming Soon) Information, O'Donnell ISD Board of Trustee's Nominated for Award. All other secondary campuses will provide a list of needed supplies for each class on the first day of school. It will not let you enter information after 8 a.m. for the current day. The teacher may recommend specific brands, sizes, or quantities, but even if the list isnt available, you can still take advantage of back-to-school supply sales (many states offer tax-free days during this season) by sticking to the basic supplies recommended below. Baseball- Elsik VS Marshall (Varsity), 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM It is important that you call the attendance number. Dawe Elementary School. Click the following links to see the Calendar Options: Traditional Calendar 4 Day School Week Calendar, Education Rights & Responsibilities during COVID-19- English, Education Rights & Responsibilities during COVID-19 - Spanish. Teachers sent out individual Google forms that gave families the opportunity to sign up for appointment times in advance. Track(Girls)- Hastings VS St. Agnes JV Relays (Varsity), 7:15 PM picasso at the lapin agile monologue what does tractor supply mean by out here products norah o'donnell no makeup. School: 419.425.8370 On June 17 the O'Donnell Middle School will be celebrating the 8th grade students at the annual Class Day ceremony. There is no high school supply list. Morrison Academy. Welcome to our website! Soccer(Boys)- Elsik VS Dawson (Varsity). ft. house located at 10 Caledonia Dr, Ocean View, NJ 08230 sold for $805,000 on Jul 30, 2021. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. J.F. Payments All car riders should be dropped off and picked up on Lime Street. Findlay, OH 45840 Delay day, you still need to call the absence in before 8:00 a.m. Parents please do not pick up or drop off any students on Baldwin Avenue. 301 Baldwin Avenue Primary Purpose: To assist and relieve administrative supervisor of paperwork and impediments so that he/she may devote maximum attention to the central focus of educational administration. 310 0 obj <> endobj vaccination information regarding the policy. COPYRIGHT {{YEAR}} - O'DONNELL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, powered by We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all. School Supply List; Student Handbook; Facilities Request; Student Schedule . Sign me up for updates relevant to my child's grade. Parents of 7th graders are reminded that students are required to have a TDAP booster and a dose of the Meningococcal vaccine in order to enter the 7th grade. !Ez+3e$nQmoD|ICdM U89p]o.N~Ktvuw]h[{~?%@tVWrsYgP4~H4 oS6}[q1qY. Horizon School Supply Lists. Taipei, Taiwan. District-Wide Theater - UIL One Act Play Zone A Competition, 6:30 PM Soccer(Boys)- Taylor VS Pearland (Varsity), 7:30 PM Browse lists for Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School and High School. Aurora) To register for Kindergarten, a student must be 5 years of age by September 1, 2023. Check this alphabetical list of elementary campuses for each school's list of required school supplies. See the school supplies lists for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade and high school, too. All Rights Reserved, High School Wednesday Collaborative Schedule, Community Events & Opportunities e-Flyers, BYOD Bring Your Own Device 1 To 1 Device Opt-Out Form, Babysitter Bus Service Request Form K-5 only, Authorization For Student Possession and Use of an Epinephrine AutoInjector-PDF, Authorization For Student Possession and Use of an Epinephrine AutoInjector-Word, Self-Medication For Asthma Inhaler Authorization Form, Physicians Request for the Administration of Medication by School Personnel, Intra-district Enrollment Application Form-PDF, Intra-district Enrollment Application Form-Word, Inter-district Enrollment Application-PDF, Inter-district Enrollment Application-Word, community events that you can be involved in, NOACSC (Northwest Ohio Area Computer Services Cooperative), Findlay Hancock Co. Public Library Online Catalog. Gibbons Elementary School 235 Morton Street Stoughton, MA 02072 781-344-7008. Baseball- Taylor VS Heights (Varsity), 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM School Supplies List for O'DONNELL MIDDLE SCHOOL, Massachusetts, STOUGHTON- Best school supplies list for elementary, middle and high schools. West Ada School District 2022. Weekly Update - Thursday, February 23, 2023 Message from the Main Office Erin's Law All 8th grade students will attend the Erin's Law presentation in class on Friday, February 24th. Also read our back-to-school shopping guide and save big money this summer. Donnell Middle School; Glenwood Middle School; Bigelow Hill Elementary; Chamberlin Hill Elementary; . 301 Baldwin Ave, Findlay, OH 45840 | (419) 425-8370 | Website. To help, we've put together a back-to-school supplies checklist for high school, middle school, and elementary school students. It is very dangerous having students run across the street in front of buses. South Elementary School. Walk-in appointments, however, are still highly encouraged. 330 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5B82E63958D44B48B210F5CE65BCDDD4><20F92C29B11ED94AA8C5BA8F8DD1062D>]/Index[310 52]/Info 309 0 R/Length 104/Prev 149227/Root 311 0 R/Size 362/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 10. Parent teacher Conferences will run from 5PM until 8PM on March 1 in the East Aurora High School Field House. Who will your child be when they graduate? Overall Score 43.5/100. SAVE SCHOOL. EEI develops a challenge for the students every year and students work in groups to create their projects. ), Two combination locks (If the school lockers do not have built-in locks, your child might need one for the hallway and one for the gym. endstream endobj startxref Size:-Name: OMS Cell Phone Rules Type: pdf. norah o'donnell no makeup norah o'donnell no makeup. Supply Lists for 2022-2023 School Year. # 562 in Ohio Middle Schools. If your child is absent on a 2 hr. by: GreatSchools Staff | Updated: November 16, 2022. Oak Hills High School. The EASD 131 Kindergarten program offers dual-language instruction for all students and has become among the most valuable and sought out programs in the State of Illinois. District-Wide Speech & Debate - Houston Debate City Championship, 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM Opportunities for StudentsClick Here For information on community events that you can be involved in. Killough Middle School Theater - MOTOWN: A Black History Celebration, 3:00 PM Oakdale . ODonnell Middle School211 Cushing StreetStoughton, MA 02072781-344-7002, Home of the Black Knights Stoughton Public Schools (MA). And remember, you cant go wrong with tools that help kids get and stay organized. Home | Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate. Softball- Hastings VS Taylor (Varsity), 6:30 PM Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Baseball- Hastings VS Mayde Creek (Varsity), 12:30 PM Find Us . 1.3 Executive Session - "Attachment 1.3" . Northview Primary School Hours:9:15am and ends at 3:40pmAttendance: 419.425.8290. aragon high school honor roll aragon high school honor roll. In addition to the items on the lists found below . All students should also bring a notebook and pencil/pen on the first day of class. 26 Feb Feb Dulles Elementary School. There is no high school supply list. What to consider before choosing a high school. Each new school year brings opportunities; opportunities for academic growth but also opportunities for growth in all areas of development. Colored pencils. Creekwood and Kingwood Middle Schools also participate in the EPI Supply Sale. This year students desiged a freestanding marble track. It is important that you call the attendance number (1-844-305-3755) before 8 a.m. to report your child absent or late. A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Compartilhar isto. picasso at the lapin agile monologue what does tractor supply mean by out here products aragon high school honor roll. Locker organizer (and other locker accessories). On Monday, February 12, Kane County Circuit Court Judge Rene Cruz, Judge Bianca Camargo, and Judge Reginald Campbell volunteered as guest readers to second grade classes at the Benavides STEAM Academy. Baseball- Hastings VS South Houston (Varsity), 7:15 PM 12. Today. O'Donnell Middle School; Dawe Elementary School; Gibbons Elementary School; Hansen Elementary School; South Elementary School; Wilkins Elementary School; Find Us . C.O. To report your students absence call 844-305-3755 or Continue Reading Student Daily Health Assessment, Copyright 2023 Findlay City Schools. Doors open in the morning at 7:10 a.m. and students are expected to be out of the bldg. Tissue, pencil box, AA batteries AM -11:30 AM and English 12:00! It will not let you enter information after 8 a.m. for the 2023-2024 year! 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o'donnell middle school supply list
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