Receipts and electronic scanned images of your pass are NOT valid for use. I think something is going wrong. If you look closely at your VA disability rating and Benefit Summary, it should tell you whether you have a permanent disability or not. Keywords in the applicationresult of blindness or permanent disability. This one also comes with free camping/moorage and campsite reservations through the state system, watercraft launching, trailer dump and day-use entry, as well. active military not active veterans. On the flip side I always wondered why they had free Active Duty passes and not something for Veterans. I would gladly give up my benefits to get the last 5 years of my life back where as a 30 year old I cant drive or bathe myself. It may also be ordered through the USGS Online (with a $10 handling fee): The people whom are the the raters, have to be rated. Download the 1- and 5-Year Disability Pass Application ( PDF or Word Document ). for my legs, but was turned down (while in the U.S. Army, I had one bad jump from an airplane, fell off a telephone pole as a field wireman, and fell down a flight of stairs, all in the same month). Please contact a site directly if you have a question about pass acceptance and fees. I would like to know where are some of the places in Kansas that I can use this because I live in Kansas. I am a disabled Vet. Download the official NPS app before your next visit, A statement by a licensed physician (Statement must include that the individual has a PERMANENT disability, that it limits one or more aspects of their daily life, and the nature of those limitations. Bunch of cry babies crying over not having the same benefits as a disabled vet. The National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series provides various purchasing options for passes, while also offering a financial break to older adults and those with disabilities. Francis J. Fitzpatrick. Denver, CO 80225. Heaven knows the govt used, and often abused, some of the best years of our lives. Try going to Great Falls near McLean, just north of Tysons area. I went to the Grand Canyon in July of 2017. Need application for my HUSBAND disabled vet. Semper Fi! It can be ordered through the USGS by Mail (with a $10 handling fee):, For more information on the Access Pass, or other passes, check these Frequently Asked Questions: It is a National Memorial and they only charge for parking. or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. If hearing loss and tinnitus is not a disability, I do not know what is. Youd be surprised. Can anyone help. Most importantly, thanks to those who gave all, and their families who miss them every day. Available Add $80 Product to Cart About Your Annual Pass. Thanks to the VA, the Parks Service and our citizens. You will need to upload documentation, so prepare PDFs or pictures of your documents. They told me that Mt Rushmore was not a national park. My late husband qualified through loss of use of his kidney function. Dan Its a contract. Over 62: $20. Download a paper application from List of sites that issue the Access Pass: You also can mail in the form with proper supporting documents. So they tell me to mail in an application, which I really dont want to do, adding in more IDs, plus a $10 fee. He did peritoneal dialysis every day at home for 5 years before he died of his heart condition in Dec 2015. You buy those, but then they can get them stamped at each National Park/Site/Monument that you visit. Hey this is a great job on this but I think we can do better to include all veterans not just disabled veterns. Since, Channel Islands National Park is a non-fee charging park they do not issue the pass. What documentation do I need to show for proof of eligibility? Passes ordered online or through the mail will be delivered 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of documentation and processing payment. Review the Places to Get Interagency Passes to find a location. Thought it was a good idea at the time. For additional questions regarding the pass, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions. A free, lifetime pass - available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability). This is seems so misleading. If someone in your family qualifies, there are a couple of ways you can obtain this. Denver, CO 80225. A navy vietnam veteran. I was told at the visitor center that I had to be 100% disabled to qualify for the pass. Veterans who have been medically determined to have a disability are eligible for the Lifetime Access Passwith three options for obtaining the pass: First, Veterans with disability documentation can order the Access Pass online for a $10 processing fee which includes standard shipping. My email address is (redacted). I called a few places and we ended up going to a park rangers office in Indiana to get ours. Documentation required includes: Second, the Interagency Access Pass may be obtained through the mail. I am a widow of a Vietnam Veteran who died from his service connected disability. Yet I will help anyone and I care, anything else would constitute a jealousy or narcissistic behavior as that they arent entitled to what they get or have because to you you dont see any disability in them. The 10% disability rating mentioned in your email as qualifying for the free parks pass is not accurate per the personnel at the Baldwin Michigan District Forest Service office. (1-888-275-8747). Visit the Every Kid Outdoors website and get a paper pass. If you own an open-topped vehicle (jeep, motorcycle, etc.) Frequently Asked Questions about the Interagency Access Pass. You must also have documentation that you have a permanent disability, which could include:A statement signed by a licensed physician attesting that you have a permanent physical, mental, or sensory impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, and stating the nature of the impairment; or A document issued by a Federal agency, such as the Veteran's Administration, which attests that you have been medically determined to be eligible to receive Federal benefits as a result of blindness or permanent disability; orProof of receipt of Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI); or a document issued by a State agency such as the Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, which attests that you have been medically determined to be eligible to receive vocational rehabilitation agency benefits or services as a result of medically determined blindness or permanent disability. Second, if applying by mail, send a completed packet and $10 processing fee to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). At Federal recreation sites that don't have entrance stations you need to display your pass or show proof of pass ownership to compliance officers via one of the two following methods: HANGTAGS There are no more participation trophies in a #MAGA America. Because that makes to much sense. 1966 1970 Vietnam Era 100%. 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747) Sir I salute your comment and your thinking. Im going to stop in at the vsc before my appointment tomorrow and figure out why not. Why is it so hard for some of you to do that? A little-known benefit from the Interior Department gives military veterans with any disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs a free lifetime pass to national parks and other . Editors note: this blog was updated Sept. 30, 2020. To qualify for the Pass the disability must be permanent and limit one or more major life activities. 1967 to 1971 THANK YOU. I live near Manassas too. Click on the The Access Pass application form nit is a hyperlink to the form and the form has the directions and address. From the application.A document issued by a Federal agency, such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Administration, which attests that you have been medically determined to be eligible to receive Federal benefits as a result of blindness or permanent disability. Thanks Dave Martin. Misleading title on the email announcing free national park access, not mentioning it is for the disabled vets only, until we read the article. They no longer charge at this park, which seems they might want to again, at least for yearly passes to help pay for running the place. The article contained a link to a list of all the national parks by state. These include seniors, youth, volunteers, military and their families, and those with permanent disabilities. 1-888-ASK-USGS Submit all completed applications to: MAIL: Washington State Parks P.O. So Id appreciate you getting your facts straight. Why not make the national park pass available to ALL VETS,not just a select few, we ALL serviced,some in peace , some in combat zones. I wish you luck JJ. Proof of residency They cover the use of facilities and services at many day-use sites on US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands. I got mine on a trip to Phoenix in Nov 2015. Find a location to pick up this pass at a federal recreation site. What about widows of disabled veterans who are also disabled and on SS disability? I am the acting Business Manager for the Interagency Pass Program, including the lifetime Access Pass. Did anyone else notice that there are only 58 national parks in the USA? Anyone who doesnt want to pay the $10 processing fee, just go to a National Park or the Forrest Service Office near you its FREE there. What is the address you mail an application to? There findings, attitude and compassion is very cold and callus.They must be re- examined. Working veterans are expected to subsidize the elderly as it is, despite the elderly being the richest portion of the US population this is just insult added to injury, by politicians and bureaucrats trying to cozy up to greedy old voters. Quit complaining. . National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass or "Interagency" Pass Program? Visit, This will take you to the MyHealtheVet website, This will take you to the Suicide Prevention website, This will take you to the VA Find a Form page, This will take you to the VA Publications page, Disabled Veterans eligible for free National Park Service Lifetime Access Pass, America the Beautiful-the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands lifetime Access Pass,,,, Travis Mills Foundation seeks to help injured Veterans recalibrate, Veterans to Farmers determined to expand farming opportunities for women Veterans, Volunteers of America offers online program to help Veterans experiencing moral injury, Call TTY if you Thank you. Maine also has a free lifetime hunting and fishing license if you are a veteran and are at least 50% combat related disabled. is this the same as the Golden Age Passport. Jimmy E. Winberry (redacted). Box 42650 Ken and Bridgette at the Pfeifer Beach in Los Padres National Forest refused to honor my Veteran Pass. Step 1: Get a paper voucher by visiting the Every Kid Outdoors website and following the instructions. Transit time varies, and is dependent upon the service selected: USPS - typically 5-10 business days I cant find an application for a Disabled Veteran lifetime National Park Pass. IT says IN BOLD where to send the completed application to. Thanks! Thank you all for your service, this program seems to have been designed for veterans with service connected disabilities . Last month they got three stamps. The Travis Mills Foundation (TMF) supports recalibrated Veterans and their families through various programs that help Veterans overcome physical and emotional obstacles, strengthen their families, and provide well-deserved rest and relaxation. People with disabilities interested in visiting national parks can benefit from the America the Beautiful Access Pass, a free, lifetime pass that is available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability). What is the address to send the application to? This pass is the same as senior citizen pass. To qualify for the pass, the disability must be permanent and limit one or more major life activities. or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. Steve, NOT ACCEPTEDNotice of Benefit Increase (SSDI), Image Bozkurt. USGS Dont remember the disability percentage required. Do I need this also. Many Veterans, with a service connected disability rating, are entering Federal recreation lands and national parks for free with anAmerica the Beautiful-the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands lifetime Access Passthrough an interagency partnership between the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation. Some examples of acceptable documentation include: Image Lighten up!!! USGS That is for the licensed physician statement. I got mine today at Johnsons Beach National Seashore, Perdido Key, FL Showed my VA card and that was it. When we tried to add the kidney failure we were told by several VSOs that we couldnt go above 100%. Provides entrance or access to pass owner and accompanying passengers in a single . The first place I tried to use it was Clear Creek in Bankhead Forrest in Alabama. Turns out the park service is hireing out third parties and the best they would give me is $9 off of camping there with my pass. May be obtained free in person at a federal recreation site. Gee sorry you arent disabled and living with daily pain so that you can get a free trip to the park. Who is eligible to get an Interagency Access Pass? Get it here: Give the pass to every honorably discharged veteran!!!! There is not an age requirement for this pass. California State Parks. For those who are already in a disability status the VA should issue the pass to them now, not like they do not have the records. You can obtain an Access Pass in person, with proper documentation, from a participating Federal recreation site or office. If you do visit National Parks and dont want to pay a $10.00 processing fee, then wait until you visit a National park and get it in person. Overview of the Annual Pass. Thanks for the pass Why should you receive the same benefits as those who served to retirement or have received a disability? The correct cost of this pass is $80. ATTN: Distinguished Veteran Pass Program. Price would have been quite a bit, but saw the post on the guard shack about this pass and got mine right there. Have an application mailed to you by calling (360) 902-8844, or the Washington Telecommunication Relay Service at (800) 833-6388. Is this pass still valid ? Yes. A locked padlock Life is not fair Im sure that most all of us that have served and were injured/disable would trade this pass for good health. Up to 100% of the Pass program's proceeds are used to improve and enhance visitor recreation services. Dan , this is shameful that they would disregard their own rules . If the DOD is not fulfilling the contract, get a lawyer or be thankful you served and the contract Fullfilled and complete. (redacted) ** Letter must denominate any disability percentage **, Image Thank you! Im filling out the application but its saying theres a $10 charge. Its my believe that the vets posting here are attempting to help one another. Just Fine unless the Fing VA doesnt take away your 38 yr old service connected disability rating. I was told as a child and I live up to it everyday Dont worry about anybody elses personal business, worry about yourself. An official website of the United States government. A park Ranger stated only fee charging parks will issue the pass and non-fee charging parks do not issue the pass. Where do they come from in background and lifestyle. I just asked the Ranger about Vet discounts, He asked if I was disabled, I said yes, I got my pass on the spot after I showed him my VA ID. Started fighting for service connected disability after 17 years separated from service. The Access Pass is a free, lifetime pass available to United States citizens or permanent residents, regardless of age, that have a permanent disabilitythat can be used at over 2,000 Federal recreation sites across the nation, including National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many National Forest lands. I am 100% disabled and I still donate money every time I enter a park. And the difference in a disabled that and a vet is for me anyway the vent goes out and he gets him another job and he works and he lives his life a disabled vet probably does not get to work as much as a a veteran. I did bring out my VA letter showing 100% disability. It will either have to be a note from a physician or notice that you are receiving SSDI income. Here is the link to the FAQs related to all interagency passes:, Link to sites that issue and accept the Access Pass:, If you have any questions, please contact me at or my colleague This ladys a total B. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Twice, I had filed for service connection with the V.A. Your desire not to apply for this pass is commendable in your own right, but for many others it may be a blessing. Its a great way to catalog family vacations, and the free pass makes it budget-friendly. Are passes available to disabled veterans or other . Some gave all, and dont have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of our country. Thank you for your service . When we went to the White House Easter Egg Roll, I learned that the South Lawn of the White House is actually a national park! To make it easier on veterans why not just issue the pass when the disability papers are sent to the veteran. If years later, the VA and Park Service agree that were eligible for and want to give us a free pass to see the most beautiful parts of the country that we served to protect, then why turn it down? Sacramento, CA 94296-0001. I displayed my retired military ID, my VA ID card and I asked her if she was having a bad day! VA has been hard on vets forever.Its about time they are examined inside and out and get real qualified Raters in the chairs of our rating system. We also collect the National Parks and State quartersbut we collect all of them in a folder, not just the ones we have visited. 30 10 =, How do you solve it? Ranger program for kids too. Golden Pass for over 62? A document issued by a state agency such as a vocational rehabilitation agency. It is a pass for ANY disabled citizen or permanent resident of the US. 6 years in the Marine Corps and nothing to show but a expired ID. Am I missing something? Yes you can send a check instead of putting a CC # on the form. I emailed the National Parks and they told me permanent disability. The Interagency Access Pass is part of the America the Beautiful The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass series and is available free for US citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Once pass is received, you may use passcard for reservations and applicable benefits. Cost: Free. Less than 1% of the US population are military veterans. You will be required to pay the applicableEntrance or Standard Amenity Fee(s). Have no problem doing it. There is a $10 processing fee. My younger brother was with me and we decided to drive up to the Grand Canyon. Many of If you need your pass sooner please visit a site near you that distributes passes: SITES THAT ISSUE PASSES, America the Beautiful - National Parks & Federal Recreational Lands Access Pass. Scroll Down- I bet most of the people who are eligible would trade with you. In the second paragraph above that reads: Many Veterans, with a service connected disability rating, are entering Federal parks for free with the Lifetime National Parks Access Pass from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Interesting, isnt it? Here is a printable list for you to use to plan your trip. I would like to have an application by mail. Step 1: Get a paper voucher by visiting the Every Kid Outdoors website and following the instructions. The Access Passes are even offered on Clear Creeks website. You have good days and you have bad days. I myself have been 100% connected from leaving the discharge shack, yet lest I judge or call out anybody else with a disability to deal with in their life. The second vehicle is subject to anentrance fee, or must have (or buy) a second pass. May be obtained free in person at a federal recreation site. Denver, CO 80225. Mail I mail the application packet with a check payment rather than filling out the credit card information? Why isnt Mt Rushmore a national park? You have to go to the National Park and present DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS ID CARD with annotations of your VA Disability Rating or your Award Letter outlining your Disability Rating. Go back to the last page $80.00. It might be the same, but many of our brothers and sitars not seniors yet. Get more resources at Mail-order applicants for the Access Pass must submit a completedpaper application, proof of residency and documentation of permanent disability (does not have to be100% disability), and pay the document processing fee of $10 to obtain a pass through the mail. And Veterans Natl. How they do it is that they charge you for parking. You can visit national parks website to find these. So if you are looking for travel tips, chances are theres a review on this blog, or feel free to contact me. Took the trip when living in FL for a NASCAR race and had an entire day free before. Rushmore is free to enter , you have to pay for parking . There are a number of passes available, many of them discounted or free for certain groups. Because I dont have a service connected disability, my status as a Veteran is less important than someone who unfortunately has a service connected disability. You should be able to go to any National Park and they should give it to you at the entrance. If you speak about the entire National Park System, which includes Monument, Memorials, Seashores, Lakeshores, Recreation Areas, Preserves, Historic Sites, Military Parks, etc, then there are 419. It is all national parks and monuments . Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. USGS Any discounts or anything? I showed her my lifetime pass, and she said You cannot use that here. It is ridiculous and disrespectful!! You pay a one time fee. Also in large print. 40% rating here. Is there some where I can go to find a list of recreation sites that are on the list for free access? I have been trying for several days to download the PDF application and keep getting the same response, Get ready for adventure: 450 000 km 2 of memories await! I appreciate you sharing information with your followers but ask that your links go directly to the USGS Store FAQs and/or specific information about the Access Pass. In the above paragraph that reads: I was told to try Shenandoah National Park near Front Royal, as they should always be open and available. Total BS on that one. The National Parks Disability Pass offers entrance to all the US National Parks, Forests, and monuments throughout the USA and neighboring territories. JJ I also suspect you should have been rated 100% under the Schedular ratings. does free pass also apply to the spouse of a 100% disabled vet who is deceased? It doesnt cost that much anyway. NOT ACCEPTED The ranger who issued it to me asked me nothing similar, only what I did in the service. Not $80 for seniors I went with my Dad. I will say though that from reading the article, it looks to me to be a lot easier to get it at a National Park. I think I had already heard something about it but never gave it much thought. You can get an Interagency Access Pass in person at a federal recreation site. DO NOT use this option if you need your pass in 15 days or less. The cost of the Annual Senior Pass is $20. Send your completed Application to: Questions: A document issued by a Federal agency, such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Administration, which attests that Dishonest Jerks! Yes. If lost or stolen, you'll need to apply for another one. For all those whining about this nice benefit, please just be happy that you are not disabled and try to be for your disabled comrades. Please note that Interagency Passes will not be available for immediate download or printing. Drove up to the gates to the Grand Canyon and the park lady says, thats not accurate. Who qualifies for the Annual Pass? The Access Pass admits the Pass owner and any passengers traveling with him/her in a non-commercial vehicle at per-vehicle fee areas or the Pass owner and three additional adults where per-person fees are charged. I am rated 100% disabled by the Veterans Administration. See for sites that issue the Access Pass. Good for entry into 400+ National Parks and over 2,000 recreation sites across the country, the Lifetime Access Pass is another way a grateful nation says thank you for the service and sacrifices of Veterans with disabilities. uh, I got my paperwork from the VA here and the VA website said that if I brought it.. Thanks, It must be an issue with your internet browser. The Access Pass admits the Pass . The email I got from VA news stated that this was free for disabled vets. Solve : * Good call! To obtain an Access pass through the mail, you must complete an application, provide a photocopy of proof of citizenship or residency, documentation of disability and pay the processing fee. His was free lifetime pass for over 62! After all, your disability is for 10%, not 100%. the VA sucks! The Pass is free and issued at the time of entry. I am a retired Marine Corp Veteran of 24 years service. Thank you for your very informative posting on the National park access pass. A free, lifetime pass - available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability) - that provides admittance to more than 2,000 recreation sites managed by five Federal agencies. A free, lifetime pass - available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability). A free, lifetime pass - available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability) - that provides admittance to more than 2,000 recreation sites managed by five Federal agencies. One pass covers the vehicle at sites that charge "per vehicle". I lost and eye and Im at 30%. Not so special. A typical admission fee to a national park can range from free to $30 plus. Ill be retiring soon, so any freebies I can get in my travels (as a ret vet w/ %-connection for my back) when I do call it a career will be very much welcome. You obviously didnt read the title OR the article, as it was clear through both who this was aimed at. how about I donate my pass to yall whining babies. You can learn more about these pass options below: Alternative Interagency Pass Options So why did they stop. The site says ( does not have to be 100% ). The Interagency Military Pass has been part of the America the Beautiful - The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series since 2012. Please upload identification that indicates that you are a citizen or permanent resident, such as a drivers license, passport, green card, or birth certificate. The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Annual Pass is a lifetime pass offered to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are permanently disabled, including children. I just feel they are uneducated about their S.O.P. Thanks in advance. The application cleared describes this and the applicant signs stating this are permanently disabled. Now, I love my NASCARhave been to dozens of races from Miami to Phoenix to NH and never miss one on TV..BUT that trip was worth the Grand Canyon ALONE! echo $arrContactInfo['con_position']; ?>, Have a Disability? they become veterans after they leave military service. 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