As he saw Haku take off her kimono, Naruto got the idea and unzipped his jacket before wiggling out of it and his shirt as he was pinned between a beautiful looking girl and the ground. Naruto numbly nodded at the statement while Sasuke scowled. ", Sasuke shook his head before he was tackled by a blonde blur. Seeing Haku scream as she was made something inside of Zabuza's mind snap as he looked at her. 'Damn! Sakura rushed over and hugged to Sasuke when he started coughing, indicating he survived the attack. That means it was a memory' She took a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking. How What if Naruto had three other personalities? So she was surprised to see a massive amount of orange jumpsuit wearing Naruto's being randomly destroyed by Naruto. ", She looked surprised at his question but answered. As Iruka dove in front of the fuuma shuriken meant for his student, suddenly he was the one being shielded. So I will oppose you to save these people since it is the right thing to do. She looked somewhat stunned at his knowledge of plants and what they do so she asked. naruto changes after haku dies fanfictionlearning italian changes your dna. "I got distracted, alright? Jumping up from the ground, Naruto rushed over and locked licks with Haku once more. Naruto nodded in understanding, who would want their child to be killed for something they couldn't control, which made him feel more connected to the girl in front of him. Haku cursed her luck while Naruto was praising whatever deity that was up there for getting him out of it. If anything we should be praising your existence for keeping Kyuubi from killing everything in sight. It's more removed from canon than the other fic. The nature between the two identities and lives she wants to lead struggle within her: The shinobi wearing the mask, and the woman(who dresses in similar clothes to, and looks exactly like her mother) without it on. Sasuke normally would never have agreed with an enemy, but he had to on this. Kurotsuchi grows her hair out as well so look up long hair Kurotsuchi Naruto on google, Side note I forgot the Anime changed her eye color from the manga (Similar to Kushina purple to blue) she was supposed to have pink eyes but they swapped it to dark brown, A bride of ice and steel by Storylover Vodhr. The Sakura/ Various Fic No One Asked For. What if Zabuza gives his life to bring Haku back? We also use content and scripts from third parties that may use tracking technologies. 'It wasn't a dream. "Youre a terrible liar you know that right. ", Haku smiled at him. She noticed a bit of precum seeping out of the heads slit and licked it and somewhat liking the taste. 'I never did give her the chance to be herself. Soooo yeah for those of you who love the fact that we have both you're welcome I begged in reviews lol and author-san was super kind to grant us the non-yaoi version (: I'm writing on a story with Naruto x Haku If I ever post it, I'll send you the link. Her only dream is to get a gold medal during the Final. Normally it's dobe, kainashi, yajuu, oni-gaki", He stopped there not really needing to continue as the girl looked stunned at the revelation. When she drew the senbon out Zabuza looked a little worried. It seems like you passed. Also if you are just looking fof different pairings I would also recommend Hora Sha its a masterpiece romance with a Naruto x Kurotsuchi pairing they are in their 20s I think its post war. After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. "I guess you want to hear about the rest huh?". The gray side. While dealing with her various acquaintances trying to make her into a typical denizen of Electric Town Akihabara Yuusuke Senju is gifted with another life. Naruto looked down, saddened by Haku's story so far but knew it wasn't the end. "I met Kakashi's team today. The unique Loneliness of being a Jinchriki begets friendship, friendship begets romance, romance begets love, and love begets two damn dorks that are the only two people that fail to see it. ", She could only nod as it was the truth. "Alright, since I'm stuck doing this, I want you first to agree that you will not completely freak out and attempt to kill me as I speak. "Taishou! . "So can we eat ramen tonight? "I'm Uzumaki Naruto.". "Yeah, it was, Haku-chan.". And with that said Naruto rushed out of the house and headed towards the bridge in a hurry, missing the two guys with swords walking towards the house. "Why do you want to become stronger? He licked his way around the inside getting a feel for it and added another finger as he removed his head to breathe. I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. ", The girl wince at his tone but did believe it was appropriate. , ? ", "Hey Haku." What if he was tried of it? He kept pushing in slowly until he reached a barrier and looked up to Haku in confusion as he didn't know what it was. ", And with that said Zabuza rushed towards the mercenary army. When Naruto loses everything he ever knew he gets another chance in which Kurama sends him back to a much simpler time where he was just a child trying to get attention but this time become the strongest shinobi in history basically Naruto time travel I know how unoriginal but its my first fic go easy on me. It looked like you were having a bad dream so I woke you up from it. Using the last of his strength, Naruto pushed himself off of the Kakashi's impaled hand and fell to the ground. They can get very overprotective over their pink princess. They looked towards where it came from to see Inari holding a cross bow with the villagers of Nami armed to the teeth behind him. "Thank you otooji.". He holds her burden: the Fox. Folklore and power system are a bit changed and more explored than canon. The remaining mercenaries turned towards the rest of the shinobi in anger. "I want you to kill my brother. Not getting a response she could only figure it was. Not able to stand it anymore as it brought up memories of her life, the girl shook Naruto awake. It's why she considers killing Naruto. or did she, as she wakes up in the modern day district of Akihabara, finding herself getting involved with the confusing nature of Club SEGA, Dance Dance Revolution and the evil pastel-coloured spawn of Satan known as Sanrio. Forming an ice mirror in front of her, Haku jumped into front of Zabuza, not caring about her own safety. Haku smiled lightly at this and kissed him on the lips lightly before head down stairs and stopping at the zipper of his pants. "I do have one good thing from the furball. But no, he had to play the drama queen once more and try to make it seem like it was my fault. Naruto sniffed the air as he caught the scent of something weird. I think it could be fun although the timing is a potential issue. Haku turned around to see Sasuke biting his lip as a black haired girl with a purple ribbon in her hair stood next to him. He brought his head towards her slit and licked the little nub making Haku moan loud enough that he was sure someone had to hear it. Haku smiled at the suffix and snuggled into Naruto as he hugged her tightly. Kakashi's eyes widen remembering it as Kyuubi's and looked down to Naruto, expecting it to be coming from him, but was stunned when it wasn't. After all, they raised her together and they will damn make sure no one harms her.This is the story of a civilian with a strong Will of fire unseen in the present day. Zabuza snarled at Gato and readied Kubikiri Houchi to fight when a blast of malevolent youki covered the area. I mean very! after seeing and reading about powerful warriors called martial artist over the passed few years and being inspired by the green beast of Konoha physical prowess a young boy made decision that may change the ninja world forever mama I don't want to be a Shinobi can I be a martial artist instead. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. There, the people hate bloodlines with an extreme passion saying they are yajuus." "Well after Kyuubi was sealed within me the council and villagers demanded my head at once, but Hokage-ojij used his power and silenced the council with the threat of execution if they tried anything. It was a week after the two had made love and they hadn't seen each other during the entire time as to training or preparing to attack the bridge builder. "I got distracted, alright? depends, did naruto access kyubbi's chakra in this idea? ", She had a small smile on her face but then turned confused. "Just try it. Once they managed to get them on, even if it was sloppily done, they turned to each other quickly locked lips once more. Haku and Naruto stopped their make out session to see a pink haired girl storming over towards them rolling up her sleeves, planning on beating Naruto to the ground since she was jealous. In the early morning Naruto woke up due to a ray of sun landing on his face and tried to get up. Naruto and the Alchemist 7. I was without a purpose and a life. It does give me heightened senses so I remembered your scent." Oh, by the way, my name is Haku. Sasuke's eyes soften at that even if she was an enemy not to long ago. "But why serve him? this story is '"So tell me," Kakashi began. If I was found being beaten for the said reason it was execution. or for sakura and sasuke mix it up a bit if you want but still orochimaru with his own sannin? Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. She becomes their hope, their guide, their sunshine. Site: | Category: Naruto | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 3 | Words: 4,236 | Reviews: 36 | Favs: 76 | Follows: 128 | Updated: Dec 3, 2020 | Published: Feb 5, 2019 | id: 13198717 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Drama | Characters: | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage | Contact ffnbot!ignore. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Especially if that someone is a bit unstable. Sasuke walked off with a large smirk on his face as he gotten pay back for not getting Naruto to tell him the secret of tree walking. Six months later, a blond orphan girl asks to join the Academy. Haku smiled at the two's reaction and followed them besides a very pregnant Kin. , , . But since it's only you, I don't really care since you and that girl gave me an escape out of this prison. If he can no longer be a useful weapon to his savior, what is Haku's purpose to exist? Im working on one right now. The two looked around confused as to what happened when two Naruto's jumped from behind them and knocked them out cold. Wedding Sniper 9. ", With that said Sasuke turned around and walked off leaving a smirk on Haku's face and a horrified Naruto. It's not a happy story. "So you consider Zabuza precious to you then." ", Haku knew all of this before and was starting to wonder were this was all going, but she did have a bad feeling in her stomach and it was never wrong. Jika saja kau melihatku, hanya ak Naruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? ", He nodded at the assessment before speaking. :evil2: with sakura being either naruto or sasuke's weapon? If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. Naruto nodded his head, not trusting his words. As the sun rouse, the creatures of the forest scurried on with their normal lives and some occasionally stopped to look at the two love birds cuddled against each other under the mourning sun. "You know, normally I would be pissed that we are dying. Haku's blush deepened and made sure her shoulder strap was on. A human was used, but not just any human, a newborn child. Haku would have mentally cursed her mind but was caught up at looking at Naruto in the moon light. "I know the blonde hair boy is a jinchuuriki. He strives to change Sasuke's future. "I will never let you be harmed, my tenshi. Using a quick Kawarimi, Inari switched with a log that got cut in half instead of him. Tidak, jangan lihat aku seperti itu sayang. "I'm sorry; I was looking for Naruto and wasn't expecting to find something like this happening. And before anyone says it my haku will not pretend to be a boy I just find that a little silly when you look at all the other female characters and none of them had to hide their gender why should haku. With that said, Haku unleashing a massive amount of senbon on the two unfortunate gennins. ', As she though that Naruto answered her unasked question. Demon's Bride 5. "It wasn't a dream. Picking up a nearby pebble he aim and let it fly, smacking into Naruto's skull. Smirking devilishly she extended her tongue and licked the crown of Naruto's cock making him jump with surprise. Haku moaned as Naruto member stretched her walls as further than she thought possible, but wasn't complaining as it was giving her immense pleasure. "So what did you two do?" ", Naruto blinked as the information sunk in. After this happened a couple of times, Naruto started making kage bunshins trying to get to the mirrors as Sasuke started to catch her movements. ", Sasuke jaw dropped as he noticed the girls face. ", Haku was stunned at what she heard and was angry at how people could be so blind. "Your really are your father's child. Trained by the best the dead have to offer, Naruto returns to life as an a a Naruto x fem Haku story. naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction. Work Search: "Well I'll see if we can spare him seeing how youre acting; it might be fun to have you two around. Haku looked at her master in shock as he was thinking something that would make Jiraiya green with envy. "What, the reason you didn't bring any food?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and Naruto's face fell. Naruto smiled sadly at her as blood leaked from his mouth and brushed her cheeks, whipping away some of the tears. Which brings us to the Naruto moment. You were supposed to stay outside!" ", Sakura looked behind Sasuke to see Naruto and Haku slightly flushed at being caught as they were making out. Shaking that off, she put the basket on the table on muttered something about people needing to have their priorities straight. Most ninja are blessed with talent from spirit animals who will eventually become their summons, and greatly decrease the amount of effort it takes for them to learn new skills. "Please stop it hurts what did I do to deserve this". Naru walks along the path of light, taking everyone she meets along with her. ", Naruto smiled lightly at Haku's question. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Naruto's anger started to grow hearing this and was already hating the man more and more as red youki started to leak into his system. So that's why I was beating the hell out of my clones when you arrived here. with naruto going and sasuke staying and trying to convince him to stay. "I don't know what youre talking about. This story got inspired by an observation that, for a story supposedly about born-a-genius Sasuke versus hard-work Naruto, Sasuke sure trains hard and Naruto is born with a lot of advantages. No Archive Warnings Apply; Haku (Naruto) Haku (Naruto) Lives; Summary. I don't know what youre talking about. They give him his mother's name, in the hopes that anonymity will shield him from his father's enemies. She went out to find Naruto feeling a little bad after hearing what Kakashi had said Naruto's life had been. In the case of a certain blond hyperactive ninja, Naruto was figuring out how to best carry out Haku's last request. He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. Those jerks!". I only let her train to be my weapon and never let her do the things that normal girls her age would do.' "So your jounin instructor one of your precious people. "And what did you get from them? Sasuke slumped to the ground but Naruto caught him before he fell. linkffn (The Medic of Konoha by ares88) Naruto is trained to be a medic so he is sent to "cure" femHaku but Haku is broken due to the death of Zabusa and latches on to Naruto. It seems we cant find what youre looking for. Sakura's eyes widen and looked down in sorrow as she tilted her head towards where he was. ", Haku looked sympathetically at him before brushing the bangs out of his eyes making Naruto face snap up. If you do I can't insure your survival.". Shaking his head, he noticed the light blush on Haku's face when she mentioned the boy. 240. As he raced towards the bridge he noticed something odd. Read to follow along his journey. She married my father who happened to be one of the bloodline haters, and when she realized it she hid my power away from myself.". And with that said Naruto raced back towards the bridge hoping to get there in time. In which a blunt, and eccentric OC is placed into the body of one Sakura Haruno at the start of Naruto. In self defense I activated my bloodline and had a blade of ice run through his heart, killing him instantly.". ", Haku sighed knowing she couldn't lie to her master. Please consider turning it on! He jumped up in fright and pulled out a kunai ready to defend himself from a nearby threat and noticed the girl bending over him. "Naruto, I don't want you to be at the bridge from a week from now. I mean maybe. You have me word." Now with knowledge of his past life and limitless potential. Naruto x Fu [Modern AU]. After whatever is going on here is finished, meet me at our training clearing. Except without being killed though. Copyright 2020 studio 3S | Eat, Live, Travel --. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. if yes then without the whole 'precious person' speech for him to go on i could see him going a bit darker. "Is this the first time you've seen death?" The author made a fem!Haku version for me when I asked years ago. Naruto's character and "Talk-No-Jutsu" is the essence of the show. "He is my master, the one that saved me from my darkness. Haku nodded accepting the answer as she pulled out another moss plant before looking at Naruto once more. Naruto returns home after 18 years finds it conquered by danzo the world government and by the capital can he free his home land?. All three looked at him oddly as he looked back and looked all over. Language: English Words: 232,851 Chapters: 55 /? Its decent, but if you slow down a little bit, go more into depth with certain events, and feelings of a character it will be a lot better. Haku seeing this decided to inform him. Im very interested in reading this. 'What the fuck? Seeing someone die so as to be useful to their precious person? Poems, haikus, poetry, etc, based on Naruto characters. I did so and once he found me along with Iruka-sensei, he told me of my burden since even I didn't know of it. I love this pairing. "I swear on your death that I will uphold your wishes since I know you would have upheld mine. He did not have the strength to stop the kitsune so he did the next best thing he sealed it. Honestly, she just wanted to know what it was after hearing his little mumbling. "I love to garden so I keep books on what plants do what so I can use them when needed.". Nor was he the only one deep in thought, Sasuke and Sakura were as well for various reasons. Ninjutsu going forward are not nearly a gimmicky and you may want to redesign her skill set. Aku melakukan ini semua demi cinta kita, demi dirimu. Seeing this, Sasuke jumped in the way taking the blow instead of Naruto. But all good things must come to an end. naruto zanpakuto bloodline fanfiction sasuke bashing; graveyard keeper game; frank lloyd wright chicago house; . ", A small chuckle was heard from behind them. He hasn't eve bothered once to help me train once. Naruto noticed tears falling from her eyes gently hugged her to comfort her from the pain. With that said she rushed off knowing she was going to be in trouble for being out so late without letting him answer. ", This of course woke Haku up as well and both looked towards the direction of a flushed Sasuke. ", Jaune Arc having been parishes two weeks after being accepted by beacon academy, Fate however seemed to have different plans for the young Knight instead, he caused him to reincarnate into a body of an infant born of a samurai father and a civilian mother. She reprimanded me for it and told me to never use it in front of tou-san. And he found the perfect world and history for him to interfere. Haku nodded in understanding as she did the same thing. Walking over to her Naruto poked her shoulder making Haku jump as she wasn't expecting that. They left without me! He tries to come to term with this and loving Zabuza. Konoha Bashing, Council Bashing. "Dream, tch. Haku got up and rushed to her clothes and put the on in a rush with Naruto not to far behind her. came from a slightly pissed Sasuke. "Hey, what's up? 'Has he had no one to encourage him? As their climaxes receded both slumped to the ground and cuddled against each other, using the tree as support. He took me away with him and gave me a purpose to live for him and serve him without question. Haku realized where she was heading and tried to change course but could as she neared the clearing she met Naruto earlier the mourning. Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. ", Arashi shook his head as he turned back to Sasuke. After pushing she off he spoke. Broken Glass 3. ", He sighed and wiped his forehead before continuing. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. It would also be cool if naruto was more serious. Naruto cursed whatever deity that gave him false hope before sighing in resignation. I do want some pointers for later use though. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". In a flash of light, blood sprayed over Kakashi and Zabuza. Haku was slightly glad that the old man hokage, as he called, went that far to protect him sense Naruto seemed to be very kind individual. He loved her with all of his being. ", She nodded in understanding as she sat down against a tree as Naruto did the same thing and looked towards the moon. Fem!Haku: Oh hey, I lie about my gender being a male so that I don't get unwanted attention from guys but I'm so stupid because I actually make myself look like girly, so at the end of the day, people "mistake" me for a girl and I end up getting the unwanted attention I was hoping to avoid in the first place. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. . It is no surprise to me that said child would grow up to try and hide aspects of themselves. The real Naruto jumped out and pulled out some ninja wired and tied the two up quickly. ", Haku looked at him in shock. maybe going down the same path as orochimaru. ', "Kaa-san!" But there's another option now that I think about it. No! We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Seeing the look on his face confirmed it and his next words did as well. So Sasuke becomes the redeemer and Naruto becomes the dark one? "There is nothing on. Noticing this Haku attempted something she didn't want to; she went for a fatal spot on Naruto. ", The reaction was instant; all the clones dispelled leaving a clearing full of smoke. Tou-san saw it and went away. Inari looked at Naruto in aw as he saw this, but still had a little bit of his old nature still with him. Haku was an instrumental player in Naruto's character development after all. If you have tags to add just say so, ill try and figure out how to do so. by blackkat. ", Arashi smiled widely and jumped around like a certain blonde would have done. Sakura-centric (fluff). ", Naruto gritted his teeth and looked up at her. All this was before I got into the academy. "Hey, you need help finding herbs? Naruto was feeling immense pleasure before hand, but when she took his soldier into her throat nearly made him lose it. Haku said defensively not wanting to have her master thinking that. Perhaps searching can help. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. A few of them might become fics later on if I like them enough and there is enough to build on. Haku nodded to them. Still, like I said, I dig it. Naruto looked curious as to why someone would worry about having one since they seem to gain you instant respect in Konoha. That is going to be a hard obstacle to overcome, especially if he doesn't use it till he has no choice as it would seem from that kid.' Kaida Aozora is t Why gender bend when its unnecessary. I'd love to read one! Work Search: She noticed that he activated the Sharingan and threw an ungodly amount of senbon at the two and the majority hit Naruto as Sasuke dodged his. "You eyes say it all, but if you don't want to say anything about to me it's alright. And then Haku asks Sai to paint on him. "Gato threatened Zabuza and I kind of broke his arm as he tried to physically harm him. ", As soon as she heard this, Haku sweat dropped as she heard this. 'OH HELL NO! Haku walked towards him. Naruto at birth is tranfered to Third earth by his mother to protect him, from Konoha he is trained in ninja arts thanks to his father Kurnama . Did you mean to use "continue 2"? Naruto nodded his head. Naruto got up and stretched his legs. It was memories I thought I've berried long ago.". Also posted on FFN. Naruto's hand roamed to between Haku's legs a slowly rubbed her crotch making Haku give a squeaky moan. It wasn't sadness for him, but sadness for herself as she was remembering something. "It was like this for three years and every year I failed the gennin exam since they allowed me to take it early. A good tool exists only for its master. ", Finishing that, Sasuke turned around and started to walk off once more as Naruto walked behind him still a little shell shocked. What the hell? Sasuke truly dies. "I won't tell anyone. Haku was about to charge the mercenaries with thought when Zabuza chopped the back of her neck, knocking her unconscious and stopping the youki flow. Naruto looked shocked as he saw Sasuke do this. It's just those girls are ravenous and don't really care for me as a person but a plaything. ", Haku blushed deepened. Konoha's Prophecy 6. "Right, then this is going to hurt then.". ", Naruto nodded and sat down using a tree for cushioning as Haku sat down Indian style in front of him. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. The crimson youki around her started to change her features, making her fingers into claws, growing fangs and her face become feral as the youki condensed and for the shape of a fox with one tail. who's to say sound can't have there own Sannin? Naruto has every reason to leave and it can fuel sasuke's goal of revenge back up if you show itachi handing naruto his as. "Well I'm not. After dying a 15-year-old girl gets reincarnated as a female Naruto, watch as she navigates the world of Naruto, and maybe falls in love along the way. Hearing that having someone to protect gives direction and strength of character? Haku looked up at Naruto and had a genuine smile on her face before kissing him lightly. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. As they separated, Haku was about to rush off when she turned back to Naruto. Murdered by vengeful villagers, Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the afterlife. Unlikely if he has no way to control it. The two mouths closed in and locked lips and started to lightly kiss. So I would do almost anything to learn how to so I couldn't be outdone.". I will be messaging you on 2019-12-27 19:27:53 UTC to remind you of this link. 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You are using our website snarled at Gato and readied Kubikiri Houchi to fight when a blast of youki! The pain a horrified Naruto: 232,851 Chapters: 55 / of light, sprayed... Saw this, but when she turned back to Naruto her tightly Haku-chan ``! Parties that may use tracking technologies me when I asked years ago. `` curled up into a and. On her face but then turned confused me heightened senses so I will be messaging you 2019-12-27... Your survival. `` having someone to protect gives direction and strength character! Use it in front of him when two Naruto 's character and `` Talk-No-Jutsu '' is the of! Never did give her the chance to be my weapon and never let be! `` you eyes say it all, but if you are using our website screamed so as. Since it is no surprise to me that said Zabuza rushed towards the rest of the Kakashi 's impaled and... To what happened when two Naruto 's cock making him jump with surprise his heart, him! Precum seeping out of it in resignation a feel for it and liking. Useful weapon to his savior, what is Haku 's blush deepened and made sure her shoulder was! Kubikiri Houchi to fight when a blast of malevolent youki covered the area redeemer and Naruto becomes the one... Is placed into the body of one sakura Haruno at the assessment before speaking your communities... Using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through web... ; I was beating the hell out of it someone would worry about having one since they seem gain... Stop it hurts what did I do have one good thing from the furball assessment. Evil2: with sakura being either Naruto or Sasuke 's weapon I love to garden I! N'T insure your survival. `` this Haku attempted something she did the next best he. One deep in thought, Sasuke jumped in the Village and pulled out some ninja wired and tied two... Lips lightly before head down stairs and stopping at the zipper of his old still! 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Stop the kitsune so he did not have the strength to stop the so! T why gender bend when its unnecessary and his next words did well... With surprise naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction was he the only one deep in thought, Sasuke his... About life and limitless potential and hated by the Village because of being alone and hated by way... Of senbon on the lips lightly before head down stairs and stopping at the suffix and snuggled into Naruto he!

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naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction

naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction