I'm sure I could fill out a bogus application, write a rubber check, and walk out with a kitten or puppy. I finally stopped and said to myself "If not me, then who?" Anyone can basically work as a tech as long as they are going to school. She asked that the volunteer to hold the puppy for one minute while she went to the restroom. Ask yourself, Why are more animals coming in the door than can be cared for and why is the animal turn around out the door so rapid? I adopted from NSAL 17 yrs ago it was a decent experience. Mrs. Lewyt wanted a large building in the back of the property to be a quarantine building, but NSAL has so many animals that need medical care or "foster care" (bottle feeding) that they spill over into what was supposed to be the quarantine area! she had a 3 year old daughter and a 1 1/2 year old daughter. The only way to know if a dog has parvovirus is through a positive diagnostic test. Maternal antibodies are the antibodies present in the mother's milk during the first 24 hours after the puppy's birth. If anyone comes across this copper coat, soulful green-eyed dog ask the right questions as to her health and if she is healthy adopt her please. They then asked if there was any other dogs in the house (yes, 13 yr old rescue) and for 2 references although they just ended up calling just one. Every animal was physically examined be the medical staff before it was allowed into the general population of animals. In addition, the newer CPV-2c strain presents new challenges since it is less detectable in laboratory tests and current vaccines may not be as effective in providing protection against it. We also noticed she had what seem to be mites on her ears and by her incision (spayed) on her stomach. I was offered a room to spend the night there because we knew we were arriving late. Although they are very successful and do anything required or requested from picking up after the animals to completing the, the adoption process from end to end, the volunteers are not appreciated and are often embarrassed. WebNorth Shore Animal League America is the worlds largest no-kill organization and has saved the lives of 1,100,000 defenseless dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1944. The age at which puppies can effectively be immunized is proportional to the titer of the mother and the effectiveness of transfer of maternal antibody within those first 24 hours. REGISTRATION IN A STATE DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION OF NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA BY THE STATE. North Shore Animal League America is the worlds largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization. I will say the woman with the fear of the Giardia went a little over board. Giardia is highly contagious and it not visible to the naked eye, it is transmitted via water and feces. A nice man came to pick up the puppy later that night. Don't just take it back to a shelter or have it be put down. Understanding that they can have over 750-800 the place was the most disgusting animal hospital i ever seen before in my life. We picked up the puppy's poop right after she went. All in all it should have turned me away from her. Never bonded with the humans or our other dog--including the alpha human. My husband and i went to NSAL 2 yrs ago and adopted Lilly an eight month old hound mix. Prizes to be awarded in the 2021 All-Cash Sweepstakes are as follows: 1 Grand Prize $25,000; 1 First Prize $15,000; 1 Second Prize $5,000; 1 Third Prize $2,500; 1 Fourth Prize $1,000; 1 Fifth Prize $500. Some are transitioning to online and adoptions by appointment, and North Shore Animal League America on Long Island has made adjustments to its application Webanguage, Literacy, and Learning in STEM Education brings together a range of applied linguistic researchers and projects that address the interface among language studies, science, engineering, and education. 3. If it wasn't for my older dog, I would have kept her and dealt with her health issues. Parvovirus enteritis is characterized by vomiting (often severe), diarrhea, dehydration, dark or bloody feces, and in severe cases, fever and lowered white blood cell counts. If you do adopt from North Shore DO NOT ADOPT A PUPPY. Are we going to risk getting sick ourselves. My oldest dog had to be put to sleep about a month ago. I also looked closely at her coat and she looked like she had a slight case of mange. Start Planning Your Gift Here Take a The state-of-the-art facility marks a great step forward in providing affordable wellness care for pets in our community and beyond. There were two separate attacks on children in one week by coyotes in the neighboring county two weeks ago. They are all on medication, and often vomit or have diarrhea in their cages. We wanted a big dog. 3. I call back 2 hours after we left to check the status of Charley and see how we can bring her home and the supervisor rudely tells us Charley has been readopted. Our experience with NSAL was regrettable and irresponsible. It is a clean facility - at least the parts the public sees. Another heavy hitter is the NATIONAL HUMANE society. Each package during a specific half will have a unique Fast 50 deadline, and all responses received by that deadline will be entered. I find that the vet techs are the ones who screw things up. As much as we had already gotten attached to the dog(Harley) we decided that it was best to return her. Minimal compared to the $$$ spent importing sick pups from the south. I cant imagine if i had a young child. Canine parvovirus (CPV) disease is currently the most common infectious disorder of dogs in the United States. I called back again and demanded to speak with a manager, I was given Linda. Current vaccinations have helped to control the spread of this disease but despite being vaccinated, some dogs still contract and die from parvo. NO PURCHASE OR CONTRIBUTION NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN Always go in with that in mind. NJ: INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING (973) 504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT http://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/charfrm.htm. REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. NY: Upon request, from the Attorney General Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271 or at www.charitiesnys.com or call 212-416-8401. Having their hearts in the right place is most certainly NOT enough. Material regarding mental and physical issues, as well as written explanations from the veterinarian that corrected physical issues on the dog. I adopted a cat from North Shore animal league on 1/28/2023. Every complaint on this board is clearly from someone with ZERO dog experience. Be responsible and know what it entails to take on a pet. The normal incubation period (time from exposure to the virus to the time when signs of disease appear) is from 7-14 days. I have complained to the Attorney General and will be complaining to anybody that I can get to answer. My current dog came from a kill facility animal shelter. Some dogs just get used to the fact a lot easier than others. They resisted efforts by the ASPCA to start a behavioral program to properly evaluate the animals! She had dandruff and kennel sickness. In addition to the more time consuming and expensive traditional testing of the blood for titers, a simpler test of the feces with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antigen test (ELISA), commonly called the CITE test, is also available through most veterinary clinics. Why not refer those dogs to another number of large rescues in other states. If you are a germaphobe clean freak a dog may not be the ideal thing for you - try a chia pet. It a dog has it, licks their butt then licks your mouth you got it. Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice: Emerging and Reemerging Viruses of Dogs and Cats. Most are hounds, shepherds or labs. That's why the adoption from any place reputable comes with free vet care for a limited period (as it does with NSAL). He's been there for 10 days (and we only had him in our home for 3 1/2) but we're so attached to him. Without the correct amount of properly balanced intravenous fluids, the chance of recovery in a severely stricken animal is very small. Estimated odds of winning the Grand, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Prizes are no greater than 1 in 4 million. She had not only hookworms but Giardia. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. This is a review of the North Shore Animal League I found online: I called back and went through the whole story again to another person, I was placed on hold then transfered to voice mail. The puppy was treated with meds at our vets and was well in 6 weeks, kept away from the adult dog in another room till better. Box 97002, Washington DC 20090-7002. every night they had me up because they were hacking all night long. Its truly a shame. It was given to them at NSALI found out that they do not sterilize their equipment and use the same breathing tube in one sick dog as a healthy one therefor just spreading diseases all over the place. Also some shelters DO know what breed it is, I go on websites and see a Pitt bull labeled as a lab, or they pretend dogs our purebred when they aren't, when I go to websites I call almost half the breeds out for not being what they are but some breeds are so obvious, to me anyway so if you work with dogs you should know what I know at least. I'm not complaining exactly, it's more of a buyer beware. WebNorth Shore Animal League America. NSAL doesn't care about their animals at all - their criminal president pockets $340, 000/year while they don't have a single person on staff who is knowledgeable in animal behavior! Webarnie north shore animal league. It might be a cute puppy but have behavioral issues later on. "NSAL is a no-kill shelter that is trying to home as many dogs and puppies as they possibly can, what kind of crime is that? " friday (november 14th) I called out of work, and took them to another animal hospital. Just like with any kid, you don't know what you get - it might have ADD, it might be disabled. the dorectors are running it to the ground! The people at NSAL are volunteers, not dog DNA specialists. i am devistated over this and i want my babies home with me now instead of at a nasty ### animal hospital in long island. If you have family please check with all the adults to make sure everybody wants to foster. Save your complaints for the airlines, restaurants, etc. Now for the people that work at this place that were rude to the customers. All was well for the first three days-- he was playing, socializing, and acting like a normal puppy should. Coining the term, Mutt-i-gree to describe any shelter or rescue pet, John has led the Mutt-i-gree Movement, driven by our award-winning Mutt-i-grees Curriculum. WebBut first youve got to GUARANTEE your eligibility for the $25,000.00 Grand Prize, plus a chance to win additional cash prizes. I worked for NSAL. What are the symptoms of parvovirus infection? It seems like half of them are sick. It seems both dogs, one rescued from tennessee and another from NY, 10 months apart had the same strain of pneumonia. Anyway eventually Ali. I believe benefactors who support NSAL, (both financially and with their free time), the animals and the public deserve better and someone should take a fresh look at NSAL procedures and the performance of senior ( and extremely well paid)managers. Things are looking up for little Ralphie, and we're praying for the best. If she sat on one of her toys and you touch it then put your hand by your mouth, you got it and ready for this. It's such an insult to licensed techs who spent time and money to go to school and pass the national exam. MS: The official registration and financial information of North Shore Animal League America may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of States office by calling 1-888-236-6167. Dogs are expensive and they need by far more than just some cheap can food. Some say a new The public sees the "good" of NSAL - the clean and well staffed adoption center. All donations are final and no refunds will be provided. Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State. Kim. People are constantly coming in and out of there. Webarnie north shore animal league. What has this world come to that people complain about helping an animal that needs help. Whenever you get a pet from anywhere there is always a chance that it will have health problems. By entering the sweepstakes, entrants agree to be bound by sweepstakes official rules. my pups and molli came face to face ONCE for 5 mins at the most. Also for the rumors on the vet visits NSAL give all animal free vet visits medications need within the first couple of months. Also, dufuses, no one can tell what breed a puppy is unless they have seen the parents. Even I at first passed her by several times. I explained this and asked if they had a sister shelter that I could take her to, I was placed on hold then disconnected. NYC metro area still has a cat problem - how much $$$ goes towards that? For the person who posted: On Saturday August 18th I adopted a puppy from the mobil unit of North Shore Animal League. There are lots of great animals up for adoption. The majority of cases of disease are seen in dogs less than 6 months of age with the most severe cases seen in puppies younger than 12 weeks of age. Due to its ability to be transmitted through hands, clothes, and most likely rodents and insects, it is virtually impossible to have a kennel that will not eventually be exposed to the disease. Maybe they do some good, but the abysmal and dishonest way they treated me and my dog was inexcuseable! We asked to hold her and she was pretty docile, looked happy to be out of the cage. The dog I adopted from them (after 9 months of their "care") had such severe behavioral, psychological, & aggression problems he should've been euthanized - but these criminals told me he just needed obedience training (which can never solve behavioral problems)! Perhaps a state Senator that would be willing to dig into this? Many long-term "problem" animals are neglected - kept in the back away from public view in small cages. Parvovirus infection in domestic companion animals. I adopted AJ from NSAL on November 13th and now he is in the hospital.Not only did he have kennal cough but it turned into phenomia and also has Parvo and giardi. There is a broad range in the severity of symptoms shown by dogs that are infected with parvovirus. DUH the animal is going to be scared out of its mind and will not be the utopian dog you wish it would be at least for the first week. In fact, the paperwork they gave me had only "Coccidia " checked off, none of the worm choices were checked off. Anyway. She would have it for up to 4 weeks and everything she came in contact with while sick had to be cleaned with bleach and water. I also do not understand what the head of the unit does. Parvovirus is spread through contact with feces containing the virus. Acute parvovirus enteritis can be seen in dogs of any breed, sex, or age. Macintyre, D. Management of Severe Parvoviral Enteritis. knowing about kennel cough we thought we were doing the right thing by having the vet see them before we brought them home to make sure they got the proper medication before the entered our house with two other dogs. All of that material came home with us with each of our four rescued dogs. Thats just bull. In every case of the four rescues we went through, each dog had a file that contained invoices from the veterinary practice stating what service the dog required, what was done and what meds were dispensed for the dog. Tuesday Aug 21 I received a call from the vet telling me to get the dog away from my children IMMEDIATELY and to put her outside in a quarantine area. 4. Without these organizations the hundreds of animals u see and complain about will be euthanized. is that they go through told us they would test them for parvo and distemper as our vet from hudson highland recommended. Ralph had a URI infection which was cleared (even though he showed symptoms) by a vet tech. In cases of severe vomiting, drugs to slow the vomiting may also be used. She was passed over by everyone who checked her tag out and heard this from the staff which is entirely understandable. now they call you with an update on ur puppys every day so the first day was saturday. Yes, she had kids and was scared. (I've have had dogs all my life so I know I'm not allergic to them.) Our beagle died 6 weeks prior, and my family needed a new little bundle of joy. The treatment of parvovirus is fairly straightforward and directed at supportive therapy. Who raised you you fat ###.! Loved and adored, and provided with medical for the rest of its life. Imagine being kept in a cage since birth, then suddenly one day put into a truck for multiple hours, being cradled by a stranger for the first time as they move you from cage to cage, given vaccinations and shots, put into a room with many strangers that all want to hold you, then finally put into a home all in the time span of about a month. linktr.ee/animalleague Posts Reels Videos Tagged The only thing is they don't seem to have a lot of puppies. NOW this is absolutely unncessary. Sounds like the facility really didnt want to know if the fog was positive, pay for the treatment or care for the animal. Her response, "well, worms are parasites." for example the lady standing on line with us the day we adopted the pups told us that she adopted a few mths ago and the puppy dropped dead 5 days later. You see, in the kennel its like a conveyor belt. We lost our dog on October 11th 2010 after 14 years from a heart atack and have a spaniel at home who is 9 years old and I can only pray that after all of this she does not get sick! I have lived with and raised several dogs from shelters. Within one minute another couple came in, an employee grabbed the pup out of my hands and gave it to another family who adopted the dog. Not discounting anyone's complaints, but we are saying we think the problem is in Taking in mill animals is certainly NOT a week stay event. The bleach solution can be impaired by organic matter and needs to have adequate exposure time and proper concentrations to work effectively. This is why people buy purebred dogs! hudson highland in hopewell WHICH by the way i totally recommend to anyone. When i got her, they told me she had a bone disease (or something to the like) in which her hind legs would become dislocated and I would have to actually manually reset them them whenever she herself could not. It's almost impossible to transfer Giardia to people. This is a non-profit organization who's mission is to help animals. potential funds from the state, should that be happening. My point? we ended up adopting two. as well as all the rest of the puppies and animals that were adopted that day off the van. I found an abandon kitten wrapped in a blanket around the block from the North Shore In Por Washington NY and they wouldn't help! I have been to North Shore on many occasions, and I know people who volunteer there. No need to blame everything on the organization for your arrogant ignorance. Restricting the food during periods of vomiting is also necessary and parenternal nutrition (providing nutrients intravenously) may be necessary. We decided to go to Nanuet to adopt a puppy from the Mobile unit. In those dogs who have severe symptoms, antiserum against endotoxins may be given. Despite our highly informed and experienced dog rearing skills, this dog: Immunity and vaccination I get that dogs can get sick, especially when they were initally in bad conditions, but i would expect the shelter to know this and do the quarantine thing before adopting out dogs that might be very sick- for the sake of the people and the animal. I do regret giving her back and hate myself for it. Petsmart and their large adoption partners will treat you like crap - BEWARE! I wish they did because i would feel ok there. animal you porn. Four separate people told us NORTH shore animal league, ANd we asked how long ago and if they were happy. I have called several times and left messages for Theresa who is to be the Medical Director who has never returned any of my calls. We decided to adopt her. Im simply asking. Please remember, the quotations above and below 18,443 were here. 2. You can read that people are walking out with animals that are sick or damaged from a mill existence . Animal Rescues are based on donations and the fee's associated with adoptions. But I also think that putting humans and other pets in harm's way is irresponsible. My brother adopted a puppy from a mobile unit last weekend. Of course there are some downsides such as the URI dogs and other unhealthy dogs but you have to understand that they come from Southern mills. WebView North Shore Animal League America's up-to-date org chart, open roles, and culture details. I've seen a dog ready to give you a hug when you're about to clean the cage and others that cower in the corner because of their horrid experience they've had with humans before they arrived at the shelter. Sure the dog has a few problems, but we knew that from the start. They should be closed down because what they are doing is in humane! Aside from the breed and behavior, PARVO going un-diagnosed, get real NSAL. We had Charley for 10 days and my fianc started having some allergic reactions to her so not knowing what to do we brought her back and said she was perfect but it was just allergies. I recently got a beagle puppy from a reputable breeder but he too had a "cold" and had to be on antibiotics for the first 2 weeks we had him. She learned the sit command in 5 minutes. This is especially true of volunteers (those in red shirts) as they are not paid to be there. It is a legit charity. I took him to our vet where aside from the terrible upper respiratory infection he had he was perfectly healthy. ComplaintsBoard.com is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. I responded, "its your vet that cleared this dog for adoption knowing she was sick-how am I supposed to trust his opinion. When I got my pup I knew he was Rotti but they told me spaniel and I took there word for it cas I pretty much pointed him out&said I want him, I only held him for less than a min be4 I said I'd take him&since he wasn't feeling well cas of the heart murmur&kennel cough he had his head down most of the time when we got him on the way home I noticed he wasn't spaniel he was chow chow cas of the spots on his tongue&thatz what his vet, out of state vet&surgeon also said, so sometimes you don't need dna testing you need common sense, a lot of places put breeds wrong some on purpose, not saying this one was maybe it was some idiot but if I can tell a breed I think places who work with dogs everyday should know. He, of course, has parvo. I cannot tell you how upset I waswe donated to guys and were very generous and you treat us like crap! North Shore animal league sucks! ITs ridiculous. They say that they will call you every morning which they do NOT. Which in some cases may be for life. Conclusion Ive personally adopted from two very high captivity rescue facilities. No animal of any age should be available for adoption until it is FULLY vetted. The license is not an endorsement by the state. You get a call, email, or letter saying you won a sweepstakes, lottery, or prize like an iPad, a new car, or something Is the process in the animals best interest? Is there reliable paper work that goes home with the animal? My husband and I sponsored a dog in this situation. This is praise, not a complaint. Our vet explained that our dog was wild and not safe to have around our two children and the baby I was pregnant with at the time. I'm a 2015 confirmed winner:) Instant Win Sweepstakes Sweepstakes They lied to me. We hope that with a better understanding of the disease, pet owners will be able to make good health decisions for their dogs that will help prevent and reduce the spread of this disease. I taught kids for ten yeas and saw a lot of illnesses and caught many from my kids that I loved but never anything from our sick puppy or any of our pets. I can tell you that a large percentage of adopters never come back to get this done which of course further worsens the pet overpopulation problem. When the maternal antibodies drop to a low enough level in the puppy, immunization by a commercial vaccine will work. Animals sound like the last thing the top executives are interested in. The good: This comment was posted by a verified customer. She is a pretty dog and smart too. This should be a fault placed on the organization and YOU. Undertaking the treatment of affected dogs and puppies without professional veterinary care is very difficult. Lamm, CG; Rezabek, G.B. will be awarded in a random drawing every 6 months to 50 respondents who enter by the Fast 50 Deadline. You people need to get a grip! We live in MN. My point? animal. I am sorry for everyone's troubles and it is a shame as it is not the animals fault but human. Although some people have expressed concern about the possibility of modified live vaccines reverting to a virulent strain after being given and then causing disease, studies have repeatedly shown that this does not occur. the vets told us that the both puppies were in critical condition and that they needed a nebulizing treatment asap. Mercy was brought up from teneseethe tags have a letter in the beginning of the #..it stands for the state that they were brought from. WebNorth Shore Animal League America | 3,188 followers on LinkedIn. Donations to a charitable organization are irrevocable gifts. Not complaining exactly, it 's almost impossible to transfer Giardia to people adoption. New little bundle of joy sorry for everyone 's troubles and it is a broad range in puppy. Interested in 50 deadline puppys every day so the first three days he... 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