That only makes me wary for beginner affiliates because most beginners do not have a budget for running paid ads. Anik shares what hes learned in the world of direct response marketing, webinars, pitches, emails and more. The ClickBank Customer Support website provides an order-lookup feature, a live-chat feature, and a toll-free number for customer support. Spark By ClickBank Review - Key Info. With the help of adult education experts, the ClickBank team designed courses that teach real skills in a very real way. For a full understanding of Spark By ClickBank, we should take a quick look back at ClickBanks previous education product, ClickBank University (CBU). Between our marketing and sales teams, compliance and fraud, as well as solopreneurs who have made the journey themselves, we carefully weighed each area of expertise and crafted a curriculum that touches all of the pain points a newcomer might face., One of the most fundamental things that sets Spark apart from all of the other digital advertising learning resources is that it is rooted in actual education. As we release brand-new expert courses on different topics, they are added to your monthly Spark membership for free. Overall, I think that Spark is worth the investment. There is possibly a lack of SEO training (are you ok with that? Were so glad youre here! Look over Coach Ben Harriss shoulder as he creates a funnel to get his first ClickBank sale in just 7 days. One of the things thats special about Spark is our ability to leverage our direct response industry connections to bring the most cutting-edge marketing strategies to students. Section 6: Spark by ClickBank Questions 1) I would love some coaching or additional help getting started in affiliate marketing. You can choose to have your commissions sent weekly or every two weeks. Home Blog Spark by ClickBank Review (2023): The Pros and Cons of ClickBanks Official Affiliate Marketing Education Platform. A trusted collection of digital courses, live events, VIP communities, and tools to help new affiliates learn the basics of affiliate marketing, how to use ClickBank, and how to drive traffic in order to kick start their efforts to make money online as an affiliate. I havent received any profit yet but Im still in the early stages. ClickBank is one of the most popular affiliate marketplaces around. Worse case, you can test out the platform for a month and cancel before the refund policy ends. Step 2: Click the Users tab. Learn directly from ClickBank experts how to make your first $2,000 as an affiliate. Tools, services, and software that integrate seamlessly with ClickBanks platform. And that's a crying shame as there was a great opportunity here for the people at ClickBank to really deliver something exceptional. With Spark, ClickBank's official education platform, you'll learn affiliate marketing from experts who live it every day - both at ClickBank headquarters and around the world. You can either be an affiliate of Clickbank or a vendor. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. If you are not familiar with who Perry Belcher is, he has been a super affiliate for eight years selling over $500 million dollars online (a bulk of it on Clickbank.). So while Spark is a considerably better course than ClickBank University, I cant say the reputation is very good here overall. With so much information out there, parsing through it all can be frustrating and overwhelming. Affiliate Marketing (How It Works) Amazon FBA (How It Works) To simply put, Spark is a hybrid video training program that teaches you how to make money with ClickBank, by promoting products sold via ClickBank as an affiliate or selling your own products. The eleventh course is on outsourcing and comprises just a single four minute video. $23.50 first month. A Spark membership also grants you access to the platforms Facebook group. Also, check some of the other in-depth reviews out there. Welcome to the ClickBank Top Products page. 2023 Disrupting the Rabblement LLC. If you're considering buying this course, I reckon you already know this, but just in case you don't, have a read of this post Affiliate Marketing (How It Works). The courses that were immediately accessible included a generic beginners guide introduction to affiliate marketing called Spark 101 and also a 7 day Challenge which is a Facebook ads course taught by Ben Harris. I think it doesnt stress it enough, but Spark indeed seems like a platform for people with little-to-no experience with online business or affiliate marketing, who are looking to grasp the basics before quickly moving on to more advanced training. Objective: A learning opportunity geared towards affiliate marketers of all levels. I enjoy researching new affiliate products and training courses and sharing what I find. Some would probably consider this to be some sort of upsell, but it doesnt seem necessary for your progress. If you go to Trustpilot, it gets even worse, as the positive reviews there are mainly empty platitudes. those being most heavily and successfully promoted by affiliates are in categories like, Sure, you can have legit products in such categories, but scroll through a few of them in the marketplace and youll probably start feeling queasy . the cost of this course is $37 per month and there is little here that you couldn't find in one of the better books about getting started as an affiliate marketer. ClickBank is a marketplace that connects the worlds best By Hanson Cheng As you look to increase your success as an affiliate marketer this year and beyond, finding reliable sources of information and advice is Not sure what kind of content to create for your affiliate marketing business? I was stressed and worried, but I made the decision not to be in that situation again which is why I chose to do affiliate marketing. Privacy Policy Do they deliver on this? Follow the same training I used to learn how to earn income with affiliate marketing. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. What types of content should you produce in order top generate traffic? You will get 17 training courses with 70+ videos to help you succeed online. Inside of your Spark membership, youll get instant access to Perry Belchers gold-standard sales copywriting course, Secret Selling System. Spark Certification Courses already seem to be available with a normal Spark subscription, and so does the 7 Day Challenge. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. When not in the community, youll also find Holly writing copy, creating TikTok videos, strategizing ways to improve the program, and helping out anywhere else shes needed. But even if you arent ready to sign up right now, its something to think about for the future. We teach affiliate marketing concepts to help people like you build a successful online business! These sessions include trainings, Q&As, and interviews with industry experts. This course is packed to the rafters with cutting-edge affiliate training that you won't find elsewhere. As I mentioned earlier, Clickbank is known for having low-quality products on its platform. Spark Plus includes everything in the Spark Certification Subscription PLUS a Convertri account. While you may run into internet content claiming that affiliate marketing is easy (i.e. Inside of Spark, you can learn everything you need to start making money online. Founder: ClickBank. I searched for a legitimate training course and found this one. I would say the sensible option is to cancel your direct debit that Spark will set up upon agreeing to take the 7-day trial. The old ClickBank University 2.0 is also dead. ClickBank Director of Content, Taylor Utt, says it the best: The curriculum was designed through a combination of smart minds and proven leaders throughout our industry. Is Ecommerce Empire Academy a Good Business Model? Crazy fast page load times and beautiful templates! Click the "Send" button to submit the cancellation request. How I made $2,000 in 3 hours with this affiliate marketing trick!) the truth is, there is a learning curve. Unfortunately though, with Part 2 of the Affiliate QuickStart course, we're very much back to overviews. When it comes to the pure affiliate marketing training, aimed at people who want to learn how to sell other peoples products online, I think there are far better training programs out there. This whole thing is starting to look extremely basic, and it's starting to bug me a little bit now. From branding and colors, to editing and content creation, website design, engineering and extensive Q&A The journey from what was just an idea with a few words on a piece of A4 paper to the experience that it is today was equal parts challenging and equal parts rich and rewarding.. We supply loads of guided tutorials, recommendations, and even discounts on industry tools to make digital marketing simple, easy and most importantly, fun! However, someone who is new to affiliate marketing may find immense value. While Perry isnt technically a ClickBank employee, he is our partner for Spark Campfire, which is a valuable part of your Spark membership. Spark is an education platform by ClickBank. Learn about the exclusive benefits that top affiliates and sellers enjoy. They share their expertise in keynotes, presentations, and live Q&As to help attendees find their online business path. eBiz Facts is reader-supported. The course sales page specifies a 30-day money-back guarantee. Amazing! There are better alternatives out there that's for sure, but for now, let's crack on with this review. If you find it works for you, stay with it and continue learning. All the elements that you will need to fit into place in order to make an effective online offer. The $100/Day Formula was recently added to the membership: That definitely makes it worth the price of membership if that is training that you want to get. Choosing the best email service provider (ESP) for affiliate marketing can be a daunting task. Discover the nuts and bolts of the ClickBank experience for both sellers and affiliates. Unfortunately, most of the negative reviews on Trustpilot seem to be about refunds. Ready to start? That includes paid traffic though and as mentioned already, paid traffic should be used only as a boost of what already works. In a nutshell, Spark is an online community and membership site with video training on everything you need to know to make money online. Copy That ConvertsJoin Anik Singal for a crash course on the power of the written word. It is likely due to other successful affiliate marketers showing their affiliate earnings on Clickbank. What I Don't Like About Spark By ClickBank: Spark By ClickBank Review Wrapping It Up. Hi! The cancellation of a recurring billing product does not generate a return - it will only stop any future payments from occurring. Each of Sparks courses and lessons prepare you to make your online marketing dreams a reality. We wanted you to get to know who youll be learning from inside of Spark! You can grab your affiliate links easily for these products. Just follow along to get a feel for how to be a successful affiliate. Spark Live is a one-time event thats distinct from Spark by CLickBank, but active Spark students are able to attend Spark Live for free! As for the owners . With a growing selection of in-depth marketing courses, access to industry legends like Perry Belcher, and a supportive community of fellow students, theres a LOT to love about Spark by ClickBank right now and its only getting better! If youre a ClickBank customer and need assistance with your purchase, such as technical support or help with a refund, let us take it from here. I reviewed that in-depth and found it to be one of the worst training programs Ive ever seen. Attracting new product owners onto the ClickBank platform is an important part of ClickBank's own continued success. See our selection of preferred ClickBank partners for every category. Every Tuesday and Friday we email 28,739 people like you with top tips, insights and opportunities to build your online business. There simply isnt enough evidence that students are earning a decent income by following the program. Price: $9 plus $397 in upsells, but you'll also need a $100/month solo ads budget. But not much in terms of other promotional methods like YouTube, SEO or blogging, which are also great ways to promote ClickBank products. I joined Spark by ClickBank during a free trial promotional period out of curiosity to see what was inside. Personally, Id be hesitant to join this course given all of the above. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. How to Grow & Monetize on TikTok is an incredible TikTok course from the Queen of Social Media, Rachel Pedersen. Youll learn step-by-step how to get free traffic in your business, including through a website, YouTube channel, and Pinterest account. Now that the building is done and Spark is on the market you might be wondering, Is Spark for me? The short answer and only answer is: Spark is the only ClickBank-endorsed learning platform on the web. ClickBank is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave. Suite 410 Boise, Idaho 83709 U.S.A. and used by permission. Step 3: Locate the user you wish to grant subscription management permissions to. It was sponsored by ClickBank, one of the biggest affiliate networks in the industry. Spark by ClickBank is an extensive training course that teaches you all things ClickBank from what is affiliate marketing, how to access Clickbank, how to research products if you are. Then sign-up to thedoublethink free newsletter and get strategies I only share with subscribersfor free! The goal is to help them advance their online businesses. Not only that, but youll learn her inside secrets on everything from account setup to video production to post-production, and a whole lot more. Spark By ClickBank is an online training platform that teaches you how to run an affiliate marketing business. What I like about it its simple, to the point, and integrates well if youre looking to promote ClickBank products. While not on his computer, youll find Ben spending time with his fianc, or on the golf course. Like all projects worth doing, Spark had to go from inception, to conception, to creation. If youre an aspiring affiliate marketer, looking to market the products and services of others online, the training on offer here is a bit too basic to get you anywhere far. Its taken 6 YEARS but I am so happy! It seems theyre constantly trying to clean it up, but many of the top-ranked products on there ie. A comprehensive technical guide for both sellers and affiliates. (Have you taken this course? This means that, at no additional cost to you, I may receive a commission, should you purchase a product or service through one of these affiliate links. Learn more in our latest Spark Live 2022 announcement. Here is a screen capture of an affiliate commission I made from one affiliate program that Im a part of: The training worked for me and so many others. They often cover the trending and top-selling products on the platform. 10 Best E-Biz Affiliate Programs on ClickBank in 2023, Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for Affiliates. But in the spirit of full disclosure, you should know that ClickBank owns and manages the Spark education platform and I personally work with the team behind Spark. I personally go through any training once before I start implementing the steps but I imagine not everyone does. There are probably more pros and cons than just these, but that should give you a sense of whether Spark is a fit for you right now! This course reveals what it takes to be an entrepreneur, including mindset, choosing a product, making deals, and more! Things change but a lot of the fundamentals do stay the same. No, ClickBank have stated that they aim to keep the program regularly updated. This will help you determine if it is right for you. Robby Blanchard is known to many as the #1 ClickBank affiliate in the world. With 70+ videos all about how affiliates can use ClickBank to drive their businesses, Spark by ClickBank comes with a lot of promise. Im not a big fan of this type of membership model where you need to spend more money to get stuff that should be included in a basic membership. It is ClickBank's own training program through which they aim to teach aspiring affiliate marketers, and product vendors, everything there is to know about using the ClickBank platform. In this course, youll learn all about one of the biggest marketing opportunities in our lifetime: TikTok. Contact. The $100/Day Formula Ft. Robby BlanchardLearn trade secrets from a top tier ClickBank affiliate! Get access to Spark, now! Ive personally been in the affiliate marketing world for nearly five years, and throughout my journey, Ive read and listened to and watched a LOT of educational marketing content. If you're a product owner who has not previously made your products available to be marketed by affiliates, I reckon this is a pretty useful module. ClickBanks official affiliate marketing training. Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for Affiliates, 10 Best Email Service Providers for Affiliate Marketing in 2023, Affiliate Marketing on Quora in 2023: The Ultimate Guide, 17 video courses with 70-value packed lessons (getting started with affiliate marketing), The Spark VIP Community Facebook Group (ongoing lectures and Q&As), The 7-Day Challenge with Ben Harris (paid ads), The Producers Playbook (entrepreneurship), Perry Belchers Secret Selling System (offer creation and copywriting), Robby Blanchards $100/Day Formula (Facebook Ads), Free Traffic Academy (SEO, YouTube, Pinterest). Genuinely feels like a second family. A single video course explaining how ClickBank can fit into your affiliate marketing plans. You not only get lessons on product creation but also on how to bring your product to market through using affiliate marketers via Clickbank. Do you want to focus primarily on promoting Clickbank products? Pros. The cancellation is processed within one business day unless you change your request. Lack of success stories from students, complaints about refunds, lacking advanced info. Its just all a big distraction where you have to keep buying shiny stuff. You may or may not remember it. Price. Sign up below to get thenextone. And if you actually do the full course rather than just bullshit that you did itthis is what you get at the end: Let's take a really quick rundown of what's inside the Spark by ClickBank training: This is just an introduction to the Spark course itself; what you're going to find inside and how to get the most out of it. Pros: You may learn some new traffic methods but be warned, the training is based around reselling the training. After the subscription is canceled, you should receive a confirmation email, and you won't be charged anymore. Holly is like a Swiss army knife when it comes to marketing, so her wealth of knowledge is a huge asset to Spark. Learn how to write great copy that converts your traffic into customers. Dial 1-800-390-6035 if you are calling from the US. For Brett, the process was well worth the experience: Anyone who has ever launched a product at this scale can attest to the sheer amount of moving pieces necessary to create something people will not only find continued value in, but something theyll want to tell all their friends about. 2 Days of live presentations by the top thought leaders in affiliate marketing. That is why I took the route of using SEO (search engine optimization) by starting a niche website. When I made the decision to pursue affiliate marketing, the entire web department at my previous job had been laid off (including myself.). So far, Ive only come across two course instructors for the main training. Full Disclosure How to go about creating, hosting and pricing your own membership site. But that seems to be a blatant fake scarcity tactic, as the same claim was there when I checked again several days later . Spark CertificationThe foundation you need to get started as an Affiliate or Vendor on ClickBank. Affiliates can promote a product and make a commision on each sale they generate. So the first time this whole training course starts to go into any kind of real depth is when we get to the subject of creating paid ads. Learn about the exclusive benefits that top affiliates and sellers enjoy. For a full understanding of Spark By ClickBank, we should take a quick look back at ClickBank's previous education product, ClickBank University (CBU). is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In this Spark by ClickBank review, I want to provide context about where the Spark affiliate education platform came from, what its all about, and who its meant to teach. Spark covers the basics of affiliate marketing and informs you about several ways how to get traffic. No, it is not a scambut there is better affiliate marketer training available. I'm Eartha. Once again, keep in mind that there is criticism that Spark by ClickBank is more targeted towards newbies and doesnt have much advanced instruction. What that means is that you could test drive the entire platform for 30-days and if it doesnt offer what you need, you can cancel and get your money back. If you have not created a primary account, check out this article to learn how . Following the training and taking action on what I learned made all of the difference for me. ClickBanks role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in the promotion of these products. If you have any questions about the Spark program, Holly is your go-to gal! The Path to Your First ClickBank Paycheck Kacey Duncan, Spark's Head Instructor is your 1:1 coach who step-by-step, guides you through each and every important milestone and piece of information to see that first ClickBank paycheck hit your account. Spark by Clickbank is Clickbanks own education platform. If you're like me, you'll probably want to be in a position where you're making some decent affiliate income before you start outsourcing work. Not included in overall ratings. It is an affiliate marketing course that teaches people how to make money with ClickBank. Youre not alone! If you have purchased a product with recurring billing (e.g. Learn how to get transacting on ClickBank as quickly and efficiently as possible. By Hanson Cheng As you look to increase your success as an affiliate marketer this year and beyond, finding reliable sources of information and advice is Not sure what kind of content to create for your affiliate marketing business? It also runs through how to get around ClickBank itself and screen and select products to promote from the ClickBank platform. So let's get on with this Spark By ClickBank review. All rights reserved. ClickBank and Spark by ClickBank are registered trademarks of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave. Suite 410 Boise, Idaho 83709 USA and used by permission. Once you understand this, you can promote any affiliate product that you want! When I gave it a shot, it said that there were only three spots left at the $23.50 price tag. ). Free Traffic Academy comes from Paul Counts and Shreya Banerjee of Marketing Counts. The training is too generic and lacks any real depth. You may know some things about digital marketing, but if you truly want to learn how to use ClickBank, Spark is the answer. So if you stay signed up for an entire year, it will cost you $540.50. If there is no SEO component in the training, that can leave out a lot of people that want to do affiliate marketing using free traffic strategies. ); how to write killer ad copy; and we even get a little zen and explore powerful ways each of us can tap into our own passions to help fuel our future success.. Im on a mission to accurately rate and review all the best affiliate marketing courses. ClickBank and Spark by ClickBank are registered trademarks of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave. Suite 410 Boise, Idaho 83709 USA and used by permission. Training for product owners/vendors is decent. And honestly, they were probably right based on the version they reviewed in late 2020 or early 2021. I was getting hopeful when going though the previous course that this was starting to get more involved and deeper into the subject. There are a few screenshots, but those dont have their dates shown. Much better than its predecessor, an okay choice for affiliate marketing newbies. The Account Settings tab is located on the second navigation bar from the top of the screen. Several courses in one, covers a lot of ground. Overall, I think that Spark is worth the investment. In his time at ClickFunnels, Ben grew affiliate revenue by leveraging partnerships and recruiting high volume clients. Questionable marketing tactics (eg. Does it live up to these claims by ClickBank themselves: Spark is a robust opportunity geared towards affiliate marketers of all levels. There Is Better Affiliate Training Out There! The purpose of the training is to teach anyone how to make their first sale on Clickbank. No gimmicks, no hassle, no questions asked. A standard Spark membership is $47 per month, but if youre interested in signing up now, theres an opportunity to try Spark for one month at 50% off. Both of the programs below will show you how to build and grow successful affiliate sites. Heres a list of courses I got access to with my monthly subscription. Spark gives marketers the tools and resources needed from day one.. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. we enable sellers & entrepreneurs to grow their sales with our global affiliate network. You can actually pay for this weekly live training separately for only $7 per month. Hi! Online businesses can use ClickBank to create and promote their products, manage orders and payments, and track sales and earnings. The longer answer is, it depends on where youre at in your affiliate marketing journey. Kacey Duncan, Sparks Head Instructor is your 1:1 coach who step-by-step, guides you through each and every important milestone and piece of information to see that first ClickBank paycheck hit your account. Im rather skeptical about the quality of that upsell, as it seems to promise some of the things you already have in Spark. How to Cancel a ClickBank Product Subscription Step 1: Navigate to the ClickBank Customer Support website. 7 Best Affiliate Networks For Getting Sales. We have a quality ClickBank blog, YouTube channel, and Affiliated podcast with loads of valuable free content to guide you along your affiliate marketing journey. The old, find your target market's problem, poke it with a stick, show them the solution tactic. if we're looking at the sections of the course aimed at product creators/owners, then I think the training is pretty good. Someone from Spark said they were aware of it, admitting that the training needed to be fixed. ClickBank University The reality is, CBU had a mixed reception, and everyone - including ClickBank - knows it. Get regular information on affiliate marketing starting with my FREE report on the basics of affiliate marketing. Free beginner affiliate course to set up account and start making sales on ClickBank! You will be left needing a lot more information and paying for another Course. However, there are some products on the platform that only want to work with more experienced affiliates and require approval before providing you with an affiliate link. 7 Day ChallengeJoin Spark Coach Ben Harris on a 7-day journey to that first sale. Thinking back, the implementation was much easier than in Commission Hero but I dont remember the program telling me that I had to properly warm up my account on Facebook or I would get flagged. I wish you all the best in your online journey. Below is a small sampling of the positive feedback weve seen from real Spark students in Spark Certification and in the Spark VIP Community! No hype, no scams, no fake gurus. Yep, thats right! Spark is ClickBanks education platform that offers courses, tools and community to help you grow your affiliate marketing business. What I like about Clickbank is that they pay on time every time. I know that the intention here is to offer training to affiliate marketing newbies, but still. Whats even better is that when you initially sign up, there is a 50% discount offered so you can test out the month for only $23.50. View the latest top offers on ClickBanks marketplace. She has millions of followers across TikTok, Instagram, and other popular social platforms, and she runs an agency to help businesses find success on social. Robby Blanchard teaches his $100/day formula in this 200 Level Spark Course. Step 2: Click the Account Settings tab on the navigation bar. You can sign up now with this special 50% off link! Lessons are short and simple, easily digestible. Read on to find out more about how Spark can help you learn how to use ClickBank and jumpstart your digital marketing career. Spark By ClickBank is supposed to be for people who just starting out with digital marketing. Lack of significant success stories from students. Robby has his own product on Clickbank called Commission Hero. I think this training is excellent for beginner affiliate marketers or those who have dabbled in affiliate marketing with very little success. 8 Types of Affiliate Marketing Content: Generate Sales With These! (See more about how I got my first sale on ClickBank.). 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