Granades & C4 question. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. One Timed Explosive Charge requires 20 explosives to create, needing: 1000 Gunpowder (meaning 3,000 Charcoal and 2,000 Sulfur ) 60 Low Grade Fuel (meaning 45 Animal Fat and 15 Cloth ) Information accurate as of: build 904.83. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. The Armored Door can be placed by crafting it and selecting the door in your hotbar, and then mousing over an empty doorway. 3544 x 6 = 21264, which goes into 100k 5 times. How much does it cost to raise a house 2 feet? It is critical to precisely place the paper and gunpowder while building a firework rocket. Usage [edit | edit source]. Ummm as for making bases ridiculously strong? We all know how expensive those gates are, so I'm wondering if anyone knows the number of C4 needed. When hanging from a vertical surface, the Cliff Platform can be placed below the survivor. can you imagine a world where the only time you would need to worry about combat is when you are actually ONLINE to fight, you know Player vs Player? Yamaha Xt225 For Sale, Source: Yeah unless u got nothing to do I don't make them. Re-Fertilizer is a craftable material in ARK: Survival Evolved. So things have changed regarding this. 500. This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia. How do you remove rust from a garage door? What are the 3 greatest inventions of all time? Craftsman Air Drive Pressure Washer, Rights Reserved. Cady Coleman Chandra was deployed, The ice shelf is named after Sir James Clark Ross. The Ark item ID for Metal Cliff Platform and copyable spawn commands, along with its GFI code to give yourself the item in Ark. What I didn't see is how many C4 to destroy a metal behemoth gate. The wall cannot be removed or rotated using a hammer. The .gov means it's official. How much C4 does it take to break stone walls rust? The Explosive Charge (commonly called C4 or Satchel Charge) is a craftable explosive weapon that can be placed on walls and doors. It is most efficient to craft 60 C4 charges in a fabricator at one time, using one gasoline and consuming 3600 gunpowder, 600 crystal, 300 cementing paste, 3000 fiber, 300 hide, 300 polymer and 300 electronics. The Vault is a large and durable structure capable of storing 150 stacks of items. When hanging from a vertical surface, the Cliff Platform can be placed below the survivor. Maximum damage is achieved by placing and detonating one charge at a time. I don't know how but i survived. You'll put a 3 3 crafting area for a simple firework rocket in the crafting menu. Components and Refined items: 92 Beancan Grenades. How many C4 do you need for a metal wall? Didn't they patch the 6x damage? | ARK Survival Evolved Ark Tested 28.8K subscribers Join Subscribe 796 Save 70K views 2 years ago #ARK #ARKsurvival How long does it. affiliates. As somebody with a 100+ turret base, I actually agree! The Ark item ID for Metal Cliff Platform and copyable spawn commands, along with its GFI code to give yourself the item in Ark. A cliff plat, iirc, has 100k hp. Fixed a bug which allowed you to blow up 2 pieces of C4 without consuming them. Damage table shows how many C4 (or other weapon) you need to destroy structures like wall, ceiling, cliff plat or other. Go to the structures and wood tab and you will find the wood ocean platform option. I need to know how much c4 it will take to blow up their cliff platWiki says 1 c4 charge does 3544 dmg to metal. Metal doors can be destroyed with exactly 2 C4 Charges. Some one builds on and blocks a river, what are you going to do? How many c4 to destroy metal cliff platform?. 7 comments. Each wall takes 3 C4 to destroy, and each door 2 C4. This advanced explosive can annihilate structures. 236 wood spears for hard side, 23 spears for soft side according to rustlabs. Each wall takes 3 C4 to destroy, and each door 2 C4. its a river you can go around it. It is much bigger than the wooden option. In case of Tek Rifle it shows how many elements you need to destroy Tek structures (and metal). So 5, I think. It can re-grow plants, trees and even rocks that have been harvested previously. Loss Of Consciousness Most Often Occurs During Which Stage Of Cold Water Immersion, Even though it's a necro I want to weigh in on this. you would be fighting dino vs dino in the open to what end? You could make dive bombers by attaching C4 to Dimorphs and. It can withstand heavy bullet fire, attacks from any tool, or even 2 blasts from Timed Explosive Charges. Update Hue Bridge Without App, C4 is a great anti-tank weapon if a LAW is not available. Stone - 4 rockets. Repeat until all the rust has been gone and the metal is clean. 3,000 Charcoal to make Gunpowder . Structures such as the Stone Wall and Wooden Wall cannot be directly placed onto the Cliff Platform. 1983 Newell Coach For Sale, According to the info on the Wiki, each charge deals 3544 damage to a metal structure. A limited range of motion below the injury site; Quadriplegia or tetraplegia paralysis in the hands, arms, torso, and legs; Loss of control of the abdominal and intercostal muscles in the torso, eliminating the ability to cough or sneeze; and. How much do you get for scrapping C4 research? Who did Christina Aguilera play in shark tales? The Vault is a large and durable structure capable of storing 150 stacks of items. C4 Can no longer place C4 on platform saddles; Tek Bridge Fixed issue with placement where bridge incorrectly identified other structures as enemy and look at it this way, if you dont lose everything all the time you will be out in the world pvping alot faster after a loss. The Cliff Platform has to be placed while climbing on a wall using Climbing Picks, a Grappling Hook or Rock Drake or when looking down on a cliff while standing. The game is heavily focused on offense, especially now with all the Tek stuff. Jabba And Leia Kiss, Cliff Platforms behave very similar to Tree Platforms. Can you replace a stone cliff plat with a metal one? Fill the 3 x 3 grid with 1 powder and 1 card. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. except maybe the turret mechanism. The Metal Cliff Platform is a structure in the Aberration DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved.It is a big platform that can be placed on vertical walls in order to build a base there. How many rockets do I need for a high external stone wall? It takes one C4 charge to destroy a Wood Door and two for a Metal Door when placed in the center. Wiki says 1 c4 charge does 3544 dmg to metal. Eli leads Percy deep into the forest and then to a clearing atop a hill. How many C4 does it take to destroy a metal tree platform? 410 Flare Gun, Best Cities In Florida For Interracial Couples, How To Contact Niall Horan, The charge deals 1500 damage to a creature without a saddle. +254 725 389 381 / 733 248 055 But this is are and their logic can be pretty flawed at times. C4 will no longer float when attached to dinos that have been cryo'd. How many biosphere reserves are there in India latest? Official is all in. and all the other cool stuff. C4 Can be activated with the remote in a Distance of 50 Foundations Long. Armored 6 rockets. It takes one C4 charge to destroy a Wood Door and two for a Metal Door when placed in the center. Range Rover Warning Messages, A cliff plat, iirc, has 100k hp. Your email address will not be published. Which figure, WHO launched Chandra? Sounds like something people on unofficial might be interested in, but not official. 6 to take down the gateway. They are not an affirmation of better quality or nutritional value of the product or its manufacturer. It still takes twice as much to blow the actual platform. Source: How many rockets are needed for an armored wall? In case of Tek Rifle it shows how many elements you need to destroy Tek structures (and metal). With exactly 2 C4 Charges, metal doors can be destroyed. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our Solar, Which figure belongs to neither group? cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Test/PrimalItemC4Ammo.PrimalItemC4Ammo'" 1 0 0, Polymer, Organic Polymer, or Corrupted Nodule. C4 can be pressed into gaps, cracks, holes and voids in buildings, bridges, equipment or machinery. While it is the same as the real life (to demolish a building you need much less effort than build one), from balance purpose it should be adressed in Ark. Lets say you have 14 high metal window frames with a regular auto turret in each window. How To Draw A Snapdragon, You could make dive bombers by attaching C4 to Dimorphs and whistle Attack This Target. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. To destroy it you would need: 23 RPGs from a Rocket Launcher or Rocket Turret. The C4 first needs to be researched, which costs 500 scrap. The Metal Cliff Platform is a structure in the Aberration DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved. Most people are either not bothering to upgrade from stone beos. Oh dear god yes this would make the game a million times better. Some weapon classes deal greater damage to the soft side of the wall. 3544 x 6 = 21264, which goes into 100k 5 times. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Oem Technologies Axial Cam Pump, Otherwise it just isnt worth it. Does Gideon Cheat On Eva, I need to know how much c4 it will take to blow up their cliff platWiki says 1 c4 charge does 3544 dmg to metal. Gamecock Roosters For Sale Craigslist, like that they will need 2 c4 / 3 rockets to be destroyed / 3 rockets. Damage table: Fixed a bug which prevented being able to place C4 with Gamepad. At least in the ocean, idk about the arctic but I'd say it's the same.Press J to jump to the feed. I need to know how much c4 it will take to blow up their cliff plat. Well ok then LOL. Bobcat Utv For Sale Near Me, Maltese Puppies For Sale In Colorado, Fill the 3 x 3 grid with 1 powder and 1 card. ( Learn How To Remove Rusted Screws) Buff the rust with steel wool and then wipe with vinegar. The C4 Charge is one of the explosives in ARK: Survival Evolved. Tell me that and I can give you the answer to how many.. Wood - 2 rockets. Area No Kishi Chapter 200, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved Subreddit, Press J to jump to the feed. Walls will not snap to the edge of the cliff platform; however, placing Fence Foundation will allow walls to be placed at the edge of the platform. 9 out of 10 times you get attacked on officials you get flattened to the ground, you restart with literally nothing and you can pray to the gods they will ever let you progress. lets just laugh about the fun they had. Metal doors can be destroyed with exactly 2 C4 Charges. How many C4 does it take to destroy a heavy turret? When more than 50 charges are placed, any additional charges will cause the oldest to disappear. How To Romance A Man Deeply, Source: I'm on pve trying to find a server to host wars for people from other servers so we can load up obelisk transfer over items/dinos needed or willing to lose and have a little setup time then declare war and let the fun begin. The devs should really follow this thread. 3rd Floor | Kiganjo House | Rose Avenue off Denis Pritt Road | PO Box 50719 00200 | Nairobi, +254 (20) 246 5567 / (20) 269 9936 This is an explosive. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tracy Roode Wife, Always a priority target for me when I am griefing an enemy base. You poop on me and you get it back times 10, leave me alone and we havent got a problem. Ken Burns Civil War, and our This is why we stopped building metal behemoth gates because not only do a few C4 destroy them in the latest update, but they were always weak vs rockets anyway so it's not worth the cost - you're better using loads of metal pillars to secure your perimeter rather than waste resources on these expensive, good-looking gates. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Structures/CliffPlatforms/Metal_CliffPlatform/PrimalItemStructure_Metal_CliffPlatform.PrimalItemStructure_Metal_CliffPlatform'" 1 0 0, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. He says the C4 damage is irrelevant, and that if you look at any map that people never structure wipe buildings and that they would need 3000 of them to blow up the whole base. Builds on metal spawns? Flame arrows all of your dinos while you are offline? The High External Wooden Wall cannot be placed onto a foundation, and must be placed on solid, level terrain. It is a big platform that can be placed on vertical walls in order to build a base there. All rights reserved. I was lshocked when I first saw how many C4/RPG needed to destroy that monstrous gate requiring so much materials. Metal Ocean Platform The metal ocean platform needs metal ingot, polymer, wood and cementing paste. Each wall takes 3 C4 to destroy, and each door 2 C4. Any additional charges will cause the oldest to vanish when more than 50 charges are placed. Stone 4 rockets. Metal doors can be destroyed with exactly 2 C4 Charges. Right at the edge of the beach, this stagnant pool looked nasty but awesome. How many rockets does it take to destroy a metal Cliff platform? See Also How do you make a rocket? 50. r/ARK 21 days ago. According to the info on the Wiki, each charge deals 3544 damage to a metal structure. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. A stone wall has 500 hitpoints, and costs 50 wood to place, and 300 stone to upgrade. How much C4 does it take to destroy a metal wall? Ciara Riley Wilson Parents, C4 will do 3544 damage. C4 integration didn't really make sense, just because it should always turn on and off in the garage and no need for it to be smart. Based on that, it takes a total of 4 charges to blow the gate up. Powered by Invision Community. On the wooden platform, you can build up to 8 walls in height. Valve Corporation. atm they are stone tier like the old turrets and get destroyed by 2 normal grenades / 1 c4 / 1 rocket. Blind Fox Beer In The Dark, Based on that, it takes a total of 4 charges to blow the gate up. Fatsia Japonica Leaves Curling, I mentioned this to our tribe leader. List of explosive damage versus various materials on ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile: * The damage is greater than the health-points of structures of that material** IEDs are currently just about impossible to place on stone or metal. Each charge will remove 275 health. But it's the only reasonable way to remove some permanently placed walls. Colors of Paradise From the Spitfire Grill (musical) soundtrack: Did you ever dream of a town so small, They roll the sidewalk up, The waitress spills the gossip, As she fills your coffee cup, Where the post office and the barber shop, Are in the General Store, And the only Ar 15 Shotgun Build Kit, I really would like to know. This will fill 68 of the fabricator's 70 inventory slots. Copyright 2021, Ark Tested and/or its subsidiaries or A cliff plat, iirc, has 100k hp.Doesnt c4 do less damage if you place it all at once?Didn't they patch the 6x damage? soft side metal wall rust. How much C4 does it take to break a metal cliff plat? And it would make the game a trillion times more laggier as bases could no longer be destroyed and would become empty skeletons when people abandon them. I just saw a video where the latest patch greatly increases the amount of damage C4 does to metal buildings. how are they gonna kill them then? but, you can place the metal one as a roof. 7. It is like destroy 19 walls, so blowing up 55 box (sure there would be AoE, so you would need less C4, just showing you on example how it is disbalanced). how much sulfur for one c4 rust. How many Granades and/or c4 does it take to blow up Stone wall/enforced door/enforced dino gate/metal wall/metal door/metal dino gate/ETC ETC??? It is possible to attach C4s to dinos. defense is laughable on official PVP right now, and thats why server wiping is a thing, if it were a hard and tedious task than people wouldnt hop from server to server wiping it clean. Nikkeliooni Sep 30, 2015 @ 2:02pm. The Stone Cliff Platform is a structure in the Aberration DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved.It is a big platform that can be placed on vertical walls in order to build a base there. The reason I have so many turrets is because I'mhoping the turret density is enough to push away bullet soakers and easy-mode C4ers who want to run up with a high quality shield, just so I can actually play the game -like taming & breeding new dinos, killing bosses, farming materials, building, exploring the ocean and doing cave runs, fishing! How many rockets for wood and how many for metal? Melcreif, March 9, 2017 in General Discussion, How many C4 to destroy Metal Behemoth gates, newest update. Tek rex can shoot from such a distance to avoid being shot by turrets, probably even the rifle too. Player-made houses made from Stone or Sheet Metal require 4000 Sulfur to destroy a wall or floor piece with two Timed Explosive Charges or 5600 Sulfur per wall or floor piece with four Rocket Ammunition. You'll put a 3 3 crafting area for a simple firework rocket in the crafting menu. How many c4 does it take to destroy a metal wall in Rust? Damage table shows how many C4 (or other weapon) you need to destroy structures like wall, ceiling, cliff plat or other. 3544 x 6 = 21264, which goes into 100k 5 times. Guess it depends where your base is but still it's so shocking that a large metal-plated concrete gateway, reinforced with obsidian polymer Gate that costs about 3600 metal in total can be blown up by a few C4. 2. It'll take 10 rpg's from an engram quality rocket launcher to destroy it, or 24 c4. To destroy Metal Sheet Walls using Satchels in Rust, you need 23 Satchels per Metal Sheet Wall inside a base. Don't know how oversight and everything will work but it's the only way I see to have your base and precious items/dinos safe and still be able to pvp once in a while. Your email address will not be published. 3544 x 6 = 21264, which . 1 / 2. However I will only be considering PC version (I don't know about the other stuff, if you do adjust accordingly). My guess is they are no longer worth the time and expense to make them How much damage did one do? Sheet metal comes in third at. Even though there's a tek force field, I still believe the offensive aspect of the game is heavier. A cliff plat, iirc, has 100k hp. ARK: Survival Evolved > General Discussions > Topic Details. As of July 21st 2021 there have been many changes to his durability and loot drops, Facepunch has changed the amount of c4 and F1 Deployable Grenades to kill Bradley APC. Snixar 3 yr. ago. How Did Thomas Crown Steal The Second Painting, Yeah unless u got nothing to do I don't make them. Cr 85 For Sale, Wiki says 1 c4 charge does 3544 dmg to metal. A full durability semi-automatic rifle can only fire 134 explosive ammo before it breaks. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. to maximize damage, you place a charge, and then detonate it, one at a time. Take note that punching a placed C4 charge is a way to detonate it for that off chance someone manages to get the remote out of your hands. the game would be so much cooler if they took the combat away from bases and into the field. Give us higher quality walls/foundations/ceilings etc like ramshackle,apprentice, etc. It does not work to replace a cliff platform, sadly. How do you break metal walls in rust? How many C4 does it take to break an armored door? Jungle Lynx Cats For Sale, Maximum damage is achieved by placing and detonating one charge at a time. You win the dino fight then cant get into the base anyway. or if they are too big keep them surrounded by a high wall and turrets. In fact, when you normalize the cost of durability use and repairs to metal fragments by converting high-quality metal costs to frags and adding it to the total, it costs about four to eight metal fragments to fire a single bullet. How do you make a rocket? List of explosive damage versus various materials as of Patch 257: * The damage is greater than the health-points of structures of that material** IEDs are currently just about impossible to place on stone, metal, or Tek structures. i have played on an unofficial once where before the weekend they would make a backup save and saturday and sunday we could bring dinos to a big arena (carno island) and fight other tribes. so what are the numbers on destroying one of these? . 6 to take down the gateway. Sounds like playing poker for funsies, I just refererd to couple ideas from the threads like +254 20 271 1016. All Updated on November 16, 2022 ARK Weapons damage Weapons vs structures. 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how many c4 to destroy metal cliff platform
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