Ready for Roundup 1963 He is known for his pin-up art and is regarded as one of the top pin-up artists of his time. A Neat Display 1953 Gil (Gilette) Elvgren (1914 - 1980) was active/lived in Illinois, Florida. In the matter of Trademark Registration Number(s) Many of his pin-ups were reproduced as nose art on military aircraft during World War II. This Doesn't Seem to Keep the Chap from My Lips 1948 (Down Boy!) As an example, we would recommend against anyone producing or selling a re-print of Elvgren artwork whether for card sets, lithographs, calendars, etc. Simone 1967 Gil Elvgren (1914-1980) is considered America's foremost vintage pin-up artist. A Live Wire 1937 Dow 1.41 0.71 ( Save 50%) Gil Elvgren Vintage pin up girl Postcard. See all past shows and fair booths. 1199 Forest Avenue, No. Virtually all of these hits (based on a random check of several pages) are related to the artist Gillette Elvgren, and his works of art. In 1937, Gil began painting calendar pin-ups for Louis F. Dow, one of America's leading publishing companies, during which time he created about 60 works on 28 X 22 canvas and distinguished them by a printed signature. A New Wrinkle 1961 Fit to Be Tied 1956 But too many cooks can spoil the broth, and too many doctors-gape!) Privacy Policy Designed using Unos. Patent and Trademark Office to grant said registrations. Gillette Elvgren was an American painter of pin-up girls, advertising and illustration. Tasteful Design 1960s In fact, the FBI is not in a position to take that sort of action and no one should be intimidated by his comments or statements on this topic. American Beauties (I Hope He Mrs. Me) 1949 Figures Don't Lie 1939 Dow Research 249 Gil Elvgren prices and auction results in Art. Lucky Dog (Dog Gone Robber) 1958 A Number to Remember 1955 yes, but possibly she's too good to be true.) Cooling Off (A Cool Number) 1958 Out of the Running (What a Heel!) When this is the case, do not pay a premium price for the item. Gil Elvgren HAWAIIAN PINUP Original Painting Pin-Up TIKI HULA ISLAND $3,455.00 $96.61 shipping or Best Offer 10 watching Gil ELVGREN Pinup DORIS DAY Original Painting UPSKIRT Pin-Up Stockings AIRPORT $2,500.00 Free shipping or Best Offer Sale! Cover, Girl! More often than not, less than one-quarter to one-third of the value rests with the framed object. Thus, the name Elvgren is most commonly used to describe works of art created by Gillette Elvgren as opposed to works of art created by others. When the Registrant claimed first use in interstate commerce of the Elvgren signatures, [00/00/1994 for Registration No. . Back in the Saddle (Close Pals)1946 Slip Off Shore 1944 Dow Your comment is ugly! Explaining the technique used and the distinctive touches he added to his illustrations he said he liked to create the feeling that, underneath all the surface charms, there was a delicious warmth of mischief behind the models eyes. What's Cooking? WOW! Blanket Coverage (And Now's the Time to See if Frozen Assets Can Be Thawed) 1952 However, and despite requests for information from which one might be able to ascertain the extent of his alleged contract rights, he has thus far failed to provide a copy of any such agreement or agreements when requested. Description Gil Elvgren (American, 1914-1980) Simone, 1967 Oil on canvas 30 x 24 inches (76.2 x 61.0 cm) Signed lower right This painting was reproduced as figure 478 in Gil Elvgren: All His Glamorous American Pin-Ups by Charles G. Martignette and Louis K. Meisel (Taschen, 1999). Sleepy Time Girl n.d. Dow Cover Girl (Clean Sweep) 1963 Date: 02/02/02 You may have been contacted by a man who is the proprietor of an art gallery in California. Although he has directed others to contact an attorney in Monterey, this attorney apparently did not advise him concerning his trademark applications. Save. We are the proud home of the Bunny Yeager archives. Works containing both the earlier printed version of Elvgren's signature and the later cursive "Elvgren" signature are reproduced, sold, traded and displayed. DAVIS AND SCHROEDER, Let's Eat Out 1967 Ruffled Feathers 1967 50% down - 50% on . Nobody Can Pinch Me! Preliminary, Lets Go Around Together Preliminary Sketch, Illustration Art: On The Road with Antiques Roadshow. 1948 More specifically, it may be a violation of his trademarks to use either of the Elvgren signatures apart from the original or reproduction artwork, or to affix it to an object or print in some way other than in the manner in which the signature appeared in the original work. Best known for his pin-up paintings for Brown & Bigelow, Elvgren studied at the American Academy of Art. 1992 - first in elvgren and the retro pin-up revival! DESCRIPTION OF REGISTRANT'S REGISTRATION No. Gil Elvgren's Private Stock Hardcover - October 30, 2012 by Tony Nourmand (Editor), Gil Elvgren (Artist) 24 ratings Hardcover $239.95 5 Used from $160.95 2 New from $199.00 Read more Print length 192 pages Language English Publisher Reel Art Press Publication date October 30, 2012 Dimensions 9.06 x 9.06 inches ISBN-10 0957261055 ISBN-13 Hold Everything (Skirting the Issue) 1962 We know your time is valuable. Pretty Sharp 1970 Some Cute Tricks 1951 Gil Elvgren - Miss Sylvania - Preliminary at 1stDibs Log In Sign Up Furniture Lighting Decor & Gifts Art Jewelry & Watches Fashion World of 1stDibs Sale Auctions Sorry, we're currently experiencing technical difficulties. Fresh Lobster Dow repaint Many pin-ups were photographs of celebrities who were considered sex symbols. Elvgren painted his first calendar pin-up for Louis F. Dow in 1937. Elvgren models included Lola Albright, Arlene Dahl, Barbara Hale, Myrna Hanson, Kim Novak, and Donna Reed. These pin ups are easily recognizable because they are signed with a printed version of Elvgren's name, as opposed to his later cursive signature. Gil Elvgren was one of the most important pin-up and glamour artists of the twentieth century. Daniel J. Vancas RESPONDENT Confidentially, It Sticks; (Friends Can Help With Sticky Going) 1948 [Contact Us], Do You Think I No Too Much ? ERIC BAKRI BOUSTANI, Esq. Splendid View (Out to Sea) 1960 I've Been Spotted (Lasting Impression) 1956 Let's Go around Together 1948 1962 They could easily kindle a twinkle in anyones eye and often had one in their own. 1969 Double Exposure 1940 Dow Your Favorite 1957 Therefore, Petitioners allege that Registrant's registered mark does not function to identify Registrant's goods nor distinguish them from goods offered by others. Artist: Gil Elvgren Style: Realism Listed By: Dealer or Reseller Painting Surface: Canvas Medium: Oil on Canvas Date of Creation: 1950-1969 Size Type/Largest Dimension: 24X30 canvas Plus Custom Frame Features: Signed Signed? SPONSORED "Hi-Ho Silver" Vintage Style Elvgren PinUp Girl Poster Cowboy Rodeo Roping 16x20. Best Foot Forward (Feet First) 1958 (TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN APPROACHED AND/OR HARRASSED WITH CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR MONEY AND/OR CREDIT LINES BY AN INDIVIDUAL CLAIMING TO HAVE TRADEMARKED THE SIGNATURE OF THE GREAT PIN-UP ARTIST GIL ELVGREN). Wiggins, Pamela. 20. 1953 This painting is signed in the lower right corner with his later cursive signature. He graduated and joined the stable of artists at Chicagos most prestigious advertising agency, Stevens and Gross. Perfection (Appealing) 1940s Cute Pair Dow repaint Louis K. Meisel, Et Al, PETITIONERS vs. Fast Lass (A Winner) 1965 Explore over 425 Million sold for prices with item details and images. He was strongly influenced by the early "pretty girl" illustrators, such as Charles Dana Gibson, Andrew Loomis, and Howard Chandler Christy. IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD One for the Money 1954 Xzendor7 Fantasy Fractal Art Creations and Remastered Classical Art and Vintage Art Reproduction Canvas Prints Online, Xzendor7 Digital, Classical and Vintage Art, American Artists - Famous American Artists, Ruffled Feathers by Gil Elvgren Beauty And The Bird, Water Lilies (All Wet) by Gil Elvgren A Beauty In The Water, The Vault Is Closed by Gil Elvgren A Beauty and Her Cash, In For A Tanning by Gil Elvgren Beauty And The Naughty Doggie, The Inside Story by Gil Elvgren Beauties Inner Surprise, Black Mink by Gil Elvgren An Alluring Blonde, Senorita by Gil Elvgren A Beauty And Her Car, Aw Come On by Gil Elvgren The Beautiful Matador, Whos On The Line by Gil Elvgren Beauty On A Bar Stool, My Heart Shaped Loveseat by Gil Elvgren A Beauties Desire, Light Spear The Cyrineous Probe Fractal Art Composition, Trifilate AM Art Nouveau Fractal Abstract Artwork Beauty In The Nebula, Power Of Elvgren The All Seeing Fractal Art by Xzendor7 Strange Realm, Portrait of a Woman by Paul Burde A Beautiful and Elegant Work Of Art, Harriet Parker, Countess of Morley by Richard Buckner Elegance and Beauty, American Artists Famous American Artists, Austrian Artists Famous Austrian Artists, Hungarian Artists Famous Russian Artists, xzendor7 fine art reproductions reproduction, xzendor7 old masters vintage art reproductions, xzendor7 retouched classical art reproductions. Give us a few seconds and try loading this page again. The face is the personality. Knee-ding a Lift (The High Way) 1940 Dow Aw-Come On 1953 1.41 0.71 ( Save 50%) Gil Elvgren Vintage pin up girl Postcard. 225 Saved. Stepping Out (Stepping High) 1950s Vision of Beauty (Unveiling) 1947 The faces get changed! In short, and as one will see in greater detail below, An individual has overstated any trademark rights that he may have in the Elvgren signatures, and therefore, the alleged trademark rights in these signatures should be of little or no consequence to most. Mary Go Round Dow repaint . $27.22. Gentlemen Prefer . The High Sign 1942 Dow Sweet Sue (Peace Offering; Sweet Sioux) 1963 Featured below photographs of some of these models can be seen adjacent the final illustration. Petitioner 1 Gil Elvgren: The Complete Pin-Ups book by Louis K. Meisel Humor & Entertainment Books > Pop Culture Books ISBN: 1341229459 ISBN13: 9781341229459 Expositions On the Book of Psalms: Psalms 37-52 by Charles G. Martignette, Louis K. Meisel, Gil Elvgren See Customer Reviews Select Format Hardcover -- Paperback $9.29 - $10.39 Select Condition Like New Aiming to Please (Shoving Off) 1960 Rare Edition 1962 Cee Bee (To Hold) (Fascinating Figures) 1953 4. He painted his most famous work, Guernica (1937), in response to the Spanish Civil War; the totemic grisaille canvas remains a definitive work of anti-war art. Foil Proof n.d. Dow 1940 Dow Gillette Elvgren was an American painter of pin-up girls, advertising and illustration. Entonnoir Calibre 44 pour chargement revolver poudre noire. After graduation Elvgren joined the stable of artists at Stevens and Gross, Chicagos most prestigious advertising agency, and became a protg of the artist Haddon Sundblom. And thank you for sharing them in the first place. Perfect Form 1968 I Don't Mind the Ride . Daniel J. Vancas He ended by saying that he liked to create the feeling that, underneath all the surface charms, there was a delicious warmth of mischief behind the models eyes. Just for You (Sand Witch) 1961 1946 TV Spectacular 1959 Waiting for You (Proofs Wanted) 1955 Eye Catcher 1969 Find the Value of your Gil Elvgren collectibles. PETITIONERS' STANDING TO FILE Worth Crowing About 1954 Graduating during the Depression in 1936, Elvgren found employment at Stevens and Gross, a large Chicago advertising agency. Parting Company 1950 I doubt anyone would in fact care to buy anything with just the name on it. I've been searching for years to find out who the artist is with no luck . 11. (September checkups are the way to keep yourself in shape. Elvgren painted calendar illustrations for Brown & Bigelow from 1945 to 1972. Shaping Up (A Satisfied Customer) 1959 Gil Elvgren Laundry Pin Up Girl Wall Art Retro Poster Gifts Canvas Painting Poster Wall Art Decorative Picture Prints Modern Decor framed-unframed 08x12inch(20x30cm) $12.00 $ 12 . Cursive signature after that date. Teeter Taught Her (Well Balanced) 1944 Dow The Registrant has written to and harassed and threatened no fewer than 18 of Meisel's publishers and their distributors including but not limited to Random House, Taschen and Bud Plant. It's Up to You 1958 Up in Central Park 1950 The models are "ugly"? We Had a Little Falling Out 1946 This painting was probably done in the late 1940's. The model in this image has the typical Elvgren look, which is very similar to Elvgren's models that he used for his pin up calendar girls. Gillette Elvgren had been signing his works with the exact two signatures claimed as trademarks by the Registrant, on the exact same subject matter claimed by the Registrant, for more than fifty years previous to the Registrant's claim of first use. See Worthy 1944 Dow King of these illustrations, for me, is Gil Elvgren. )1952 Elvgren was a commercial success. Sailor Beware 1953 The website also use content and scripts from third parties that may use tracking technologies. Shell Game (Shell-Shocked) 1959 Bewitching 1956 1952 Printed signature until 1944. AS GROUNDS FOR THIS PETITION, IT IS ALLEGED THAT: Going Up 1955 Flowery Talk (Right Number) 1964 Around 1944, Gil was . Catching On Dow repaint photographers. Mimi (Sweet Dreams) (Waiting For You) 1956 After finishing high school, he studied at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. 1958 Registrant now claims a monopoly right of control for sales, past and present, from Petitioners and others in the industry, which is an attempt to use his fraudulently obtained trademark registration to demand licensing fees and control from something he cannot own, (namely, all artwork created by the artist Gillette Elvgren, which bears his signature, some of which is in the public domain) all to the damage of Petitioners and to the general public. Perfection 1948 Gil Elvgren was a prolific pin-up painter. Last Stand (Fare Maiden) 1961 GIL ELVGREN - FAST LASS Pin-Up ORIGINAL PAINTING 300SL RACE CAR PINUP SALE $2,750.00 Free shipping A Spicy Yarn 1952 These are three basic categories of Gillette Elvgren artwork available today- $12.95. Hanson, Dian. September 16, 1997 Approximate date of completion follows. With the Greatest of Ease (In the Swing) 1959 A Peek-a-Knees 1939 Dow Foot Loose 1944 Dow Daisies Are Telling (Love Me, Love Me Not) 1955 You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. The primary copyrighted titles appear in alphabetical order. Elvgren moved constantly. Fascination 1952 . Many of his pin-ups were reproduced as nose art on military aircraft during World War II. Original Art from the Grand Age of American Illustration. On information and belief, Registrant's statements as to ownership, use, and knowledge of others using the same mark are intentionally false, and constitute perjury under 18 USC 1001. Promo poster for Gil Elvgren's Ladies of Naughty Nostalgia trading cards by Comic Images. Amusing Planet, 2022. Spotty Performance (Occupational Hazard)(Stemographer) 1962 2. Grapefruit Moon Gallery. 2,095,296 and 2,097,819 be canceled immediately, and that this Petition for Cancellation be sustained in favor of Petitioners, with costs and legal fees awarded, if appropriate, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of the PTO and the TTAB. He Almost Scared Me out of My Skin 1948 On the House 1958 On Her Toes! This is a large preliminary charcoal drawing by Gil Elvgren that was an alternative suggestion for a mid-1950s speciality advertising calendar for Brown & Bigelow's exclusive "Miss Sylvania" line for Sylvania electric. Fortunino Matania (1881 - 1963) was active/lived in Italy, United States. Measuring Up (Holding Out) 1961 It was around the end of the war that Brown and Bigelow, a firm that are still producing calendars to this day, approached Gil. Skirts Ahoy! Some Help! On information and belief, Petitioners further allege that Registrant's registration was obtained fraudulently in that in the formal application papers filed by Registrant, under oath pursuant to 18 USC 1001, states that to the best of his knowledge and belief no other person, firm, corporation, or association has the right to use the Elvgren mark in commerce. Nature Girl (Something for Netting?) Gil's girls: The seminal pin-up artist Post-depression America was in desperate need of a defining iconography that would lift it out of the black and white doldrums, and it came in the form of Gil Elvgren 's Technicolor fantasies of the American dream. Jill Needs Jack 1950 Riding High 1970 Fascination c1952 by American Painter Gil Elvgren (1914 - 1980); painter, illustrator and pin-up girl artist. No Stares (Corralled Beauty) 1940 Dow MacBook Pro 13.3" Retina, MacBook Air 13" Retina, MacBook Air 13.3"(2020, M1): 2560x1600 Captivating 1950s A Put-Up Job 1955 Pin-up Art of Gil Elvgren. To the best of the Petitioners' knowledge, the name and address of the current owner of the registration is Many of the Gillette Elvgren works that are still copyrighted are owned by Brown and Bigelow. By martinezArts. A Near Miss (Surprising Turn; Hose to Blame) 1960 A random search of the word "Elvgren" on the search engine showed 5,390 hits for web pages. Barnes & Nobel, 1999. On information and belief, said false statement was made with the intent to induce authorized agents of the US. Gil Elvgren - Comic Artist - The Most Popular Comic Art by Gil Elvgren HOME > RESOURCES > COMIC ARTISTS > E View New Art RSS Feed Gil Elvgren Most Popular Gil Elvgren Artwork View: Gil Elvgren - Bodygard study Posted By craig macmillan 13422 Views, 7 Comments Gil Elvgren - Hold Everything (Skirting the Issue) (1962) Posted By Gene P [See pages 22,23, 27 and 80 of the book "Gil Elvgren, All His Glamorous American Pin-Ups" incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit B] At Your Service 1962 18. In addition, during the 1940s and 1950s he illustrated stories for a host of magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post and Good Housekeeping. Since registering the "Elvgren" signatures in 1997, the Registrant has been continually harassing Meisel over the Registrant's claimed ownership of all rights to images created by the famous pinup artist Gil Elvgren which contained the signature "Elvgren". N'T Seem to Keep yourself in shape 1948 Gil Elvgren was an American painter of pin-up,! 1997 Approximate date of completion follows 1950s Vision of Beauty ( Unveiling ) 1947 the get... Were considered sex symbols 1958 on Her Toes signatures, [ gil elvgren signature for Registration No PinUp girl Poster Cowboy Roping... Running ( What a Heel! and too many cooks can spoil the broth, and Donna.... On the Road with Antiques Roadshow Wrinkle 1961 Fit to Be Tied 1956 But too many cooks spoil. Of Naughty Nostalgia trading cards by Comic Images Institute of Art 16, 1997 Approximate date of follows. 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