Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote a letter to House and Senate leaders speaking of the measures taken in order to buy time until Congress could come to an agreement, but said that it is "critical that Congress act in a timely manner". But the U.S. sanctions would not prevent Li from holding official meetings with American officials, according to a State Department official. Roughly 6,400 U.S. troops alongside more than 1,500 Israeli troops participated in the exercise. The defendants were arrested on Saturday evening, and they will be presented this afternoon before Magistrate Judge Sarah L. Cave in Manhattan federal court. It is highly probable that one of the missiles fired by the Ukrainian missile defense unfortunately fell on our territory.". "The crime scene investigation has shown that there have been detonations near Nord Stream 1 and 2, within the Swedish economic zone, resulting in extensive damage to the gas pipelines," SAPO's statement said. According to AP news, Shai Akabas, director of economic policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center spoke to reporters and said, "this is not the time for panic, but its certainly a time for policymakers to begin negotiations in earnest., Most policymakers agree that we have a major fiscal challenge as a country, our debt is unsustainable. Read more, November 08, 2022 - Russia has been lamenting the sale of Alaska to the United States 155 years ago. The U.S. Treasury is currently implementing various accounting measures in order to buy time for congress to come up with an agreement on raising the debt limit. "We regard all this as an open, provocative instigation by the West and a raising of the stakes in the conflict, which will inevitably lead to greater casualties and a dangerous escalation," Zakharova stated. Additional information on recovery operations will be forthcoming. But beyond that I'm not going to go into the details. "I can confirm that the Department of Defense was tracking a high altitude object over Alaska airspace in the last 24 hours out. Read Full Article, White House Press Release: Kurt Campbell Call Regarding China, Taiwan - White House teleconference press release: On call with Kurt Campbell regarding China and Taiwan and the recent tensions that have arisen in the Taiwan Strait. "Following al-Zawahri's death, supporters of al- Qa'ida, or its affiliated terrorist organizations, may seek to attack U.S. facilities, personnel, or citizens," the State Department said. Im concerned about it. U.S. Military Decommissioned Another "Object" Over Lake Huron - LAKE HURON - The Michigan state representative Jack Bergman released a statement saying that he has been in contact with the Department of Defense, and that the U.S. military has "decommissioned" another "object" over Lake Huron. QUESTION: And then in terms of this global program, are the balloons that are spotted elsewhere in the world essentially similar to the one that was flying across the U.S.? Wang said, The wording on China in this joint statement smacks heavily of a zero-sum Cold War mentality and contains groundless smears and attacks on China". Today, the U.S.-Israel military partnership is stronger than it ever has been, and it continues to grow, stated Army Gen. Michael "Erik" Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command in a news release, while aboard the USS George H.W. We will also address the protection of our critical infrastructure. ADMIN. Forces, according to Iraqi military sources on Sunday, after which the US-led military coalition said it had carried out "an operational exercise", contradicting reports by the Iraqi military that it may have been hostile. Another report by Yonhap says that two missiles were fired, both short-range. It can be retracted and re-stored if the soldier decides against carrying out an attack on the target in question. The U.S. government continues to strongly advise U.S. citizens to avoid these areas. That is the required number to equip an entire Ukraine tank battalion. The injuries sustained by the service members were reported to be 'minor'. U.S. officials are still working out the details, but said that it would be under the upcoming Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative package providing "longer-range funding" for weapons and equipment to be purchased from commercial vendors, according to the AP report. And they have enough weapons for that. Was it -- did it crash? Kirby also said, "The way it was described to me was roughly the size of a small car as opposed to a payload that was like two or three buses sized," Kirby said. Our assessment is it does not. The city borders Akakale, Turkey. It is also to ensure that we have the fuel or the ammunition to existing systems. I'm not going to go into what those are. Civilian personnel, including dependents, require a passport. Also wanted to touch on the hearing on the Hill this morning, the former EUCOM commander calling the delay in shooting down the balloon a miscalculation and that it could be China trying to condition the U.S. to miscalculate in the future. Exactly what kind of measure, depends on the nature of the attack. Thank you! Gavrilov claimed that Western countries "forced" Germany to make the decision to transfer "armored vehicles" to Ukraine. During the joint live fire drills, fighter jets were deployed which fired at a target located off South Korea's western coast. Think you're a Top Gun at aircraft identification? Read Full Article, Private OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) Alerts & News. They hope to engage in cooperation, not confrontation. Secretary General, two questions. The FAA has ordered airlines to pause all domestic departures until 9 a.m. Eastern Time to allow the agency to validate the integrity of flight and safety information. Military alliance in spotlight as Russia tries to forbid Ukraine membership, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. "It was most likely a Russian-made missile, but this is all still under investigation at the moment. ASPR leads HHS in preparing the nation to respond to and recover from adverse health effects of emergencies, supporting communities ability to withstand adversity, strengthening health and response systems, and enhancing national health security. Some areas have increased risk. South Korea Considers Sharing Real-Time Radar Intel With Japan By End Of Year - SEOUL - (based on translation) South Korea has begun considering sharing real-time radar information along with missile tracking data with Japan, according to a report by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, which cited several government officials from the United States, Japan and South Korea. "We have communicated to them the seriousness with which we take this issue," the official said. Read more, August 01, 2022 - As Pelosi is expected to arrive in the Asia Pacific, growing concerns come from other countries who are in support of China instead of the United States and an independent Taiwan. This is the first of 8 monthly directives from me. CONSTANT 2. "So the president, I think, was accurately reflecting the fact that the stakes are very high right now.". Review your personal security plans. You've heard us talk in the past about the fact that this is a program that's been operated for several years. WHY IS RUSSIA INVADING UKRAINE? During Kirby's statement he said, "Wagner is a criminal organization that is committing widespread atrocities and human rights abuses". It is a matter for the US to make its latest announcement, and we respect that. Another shipment of kitchenware was found to contain smuggled pork and duck meat. The Associated Press has reported that three U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter publicly "suggested" that the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces and was intended to target a Russian missile. A Report by Dialogo Americas said that a military base in that location would allow China to "control the passage between the Atlantic and Pacific," as well as "monitor communications throughout the hemisphere," citing French news agency Intelligence Online. "Yesterday the Director of National Intelligence delivered to Congress the Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (now Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)) as required by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. Reconsider travel to Trinidad and Tobago due to crime. Read the Country Information page. DEFCON 4 is, in a sense, the default level of Defense Readiness Condition for specific military units at any one time. Read more, September 29, 2022 - North Korea has fired at least one more short-range ballistic missiles from the Sunchon region, according to the South Korean military. ", Chinese President Tells Military To Prepare For War Amid Tensions Over Taiwan - BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on Tuesday that China will be increasing the training of its military and preparation for war as the nation's security is increasingly unstable and uncertain. The comment was in reference to the Russian hypersonic missile boat that has been spotted sailing along the coast of Norway by the Norwegian Armed Forces. That would be absolutely the wrong signal to send". And maybe, with the nationalization of the property of people registered in unfriendly jurisdictions. The balloon did not pose a military or physical threat. Debt Clock Snapshot | Treasury Letter. It can take off and land back into the operator's hand. So thank you very much for joining us a little bit later in the day. "This exercise strengthens collective U.S.-Israeli readiness and improves the interoperability of both forces, thereby contributing to regional stability. "Since September especially our focus has been on standing up, for the fundamental freedoms of the Iranian people," he told reporters Wednesday. This is the DEFCON Warning System. QUESTION: Just a quick follow-up and then a separate question. And this was important before the invasion of Ukraine, it has become even more important after. QUESTION: Thank you for taking my question. The shipment was coming from Mexico and headed to Spain. And therefore we also stated a few years ago that hybrid and cyber attacks can trigger Article 5; it can constitute an armed attack against a NATO ally. First, our best assessment at the moment is that whatever the surveillance payload is on this balloon, it does not create significant value added over and above what the PRC is likely able to collect through things like satellites in Low Earth Orbit. "While it does signal support for sure, there is no military benefit in any way at all," he added, adding that the Biden administration might appear to consider deploying tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea if the request is made, but not actually deploy them. The Department uses these security messages to convey information about terrorist threats, security incidents, planned demonstrations, natural disasters, etc. The Department of State remains concerned about the continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations, and other violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests overseas. And we are exchanging best practices and have also agreed guidelines on the protection of critical infrastructure. The Department of State continues to advise that U.S. citizens not travel to Ukraine due to active armed conflict. You can find all sorts of deals to help lessen pesky PCS expenses. WebCOGCON ("continuity of government readiness condition") is a United States government readiness level, roughly analogous to the DEFCON alert state system, tracking the readiness of the government in the event of an emergency. Were you tracking it all over -- the way over the Pacific Ocean, or did you just start tracking it when it got close to Alaska? As was said at the top, instances of this activity have been observed over the past several years, including prior to this administration. U.S. Africa Command, alongside its partners, continues to take action to prevent this malicious terrorist group from planning and conducting attacks on civilians. Reconsider travel to Nigeria due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and maritime crime. The 369th Sustainment Brigade has deployed 260 Soldiers in Kuwait, supporting the 10,000 Army Soldiers of Task Force Spartan. Tweet 1 | Tweet 2. Are you aware of these delays and these reports, and whats your assessment? Putin is using the same strategy. "Ukrainian losses are probably over 100,000 dead or wounded. (a) All AMC aligned personnel with weapons qualifications will fire a clip into a 7-meter target with the full understanding that unrepentant lethality matters most. And moreover some analysts also said that Ukraine has nothing to do with Kerch Bridge, which was simply used as pretext for this strike. Defense officials have been discussing shooting it down, two U.S. officials and a senior defense official told NBC. We will implement strict export controls grounded in international cooperation while engaging closely in the exchange of views with the United States and other relevant countries," he stated. And, they need an enduring capability to deter and defend against Russian aggression over the long term," the president said. Even if it was a Russian-made missile, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Article 5 is not 'automatically triggered'. The United States, South Korea and Japan have begun "technical discussions" which involve the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, according to the Japanese paper which says that the plan is to accelerate talks with the aim of realizing the deal by the end of the year at the earliest. Read Full Article, Pentagon: U.S. In fact, neither side has ever announced that there would be a visit. He said that Russia is being threatened with arrests of assets of Russian citizens, as well as companies located outside of Russia. Nplate is used to treat radiation sickness during nuclear emergencies. They will be under the control of their battalion at Fort Hood and in Kuwait while they fly missions to support Army forces in the region. US Military B-52 Nuclear Capable Bombers Return To Base In United Kingdom - On August 18th US military B-52 nuclear-capable bombers returned to the 'RAF' Fairford US Air Force base in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom from the Minot Air Base in North Dakota. He also said, "we have not seen the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" and said "we have a direct threat of the use of nuclear weapons if in fact things continue down the path they are going". CHARLES MCGONIGAL is a former Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of FBIs Counterintelligence Division in New York, who retired in 2018. North American Aerospace Defense Command detected the object Sunday morning and has maintained visual and radar tracking of it. Read more, October 05, 2022 - After North Korea sent a missile flying over Japan, the United States has not only commenced joint live-fire missile drills with South Korea in the region, but is now sending nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan back to waters near the Korean Peninsula, according to officials at the U.S. Defense Department. Along with the tanks, the U.S. will be giving Ukraine the parts and equipment necessary to effectively repair and maintain these tanks on the battlefield, he said. In addition, in 2019, MCGONIGAL and SHESTAKOV worked on behalf of Deripaska in an unsuccessful effort to have the sanctions against Deripaska lifted. Speaker Pelosi's Plane Touches Down In Taiwan - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was confirmed to have been on the aircraft heading toward the Island of Taiwan and has now landed safely. Read more, December 09, 2022 - The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the $858 billion defense bill which effectively removes the vaccine mandate for U.S. military personnel. Former Russian President Says Russia Should Station Hypersonic Missiles Near Washington D.C. - MOSCOW - Former Russian President Medvedev posted a message on the Twitter account to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that Russia should send its Zircon hypersonic missiles close to the Potomac River, which flows through Washington D.C. Why not shoot it down? Today we are present in the Indian and Atlantic oceans and soon we will be present in the Pacific Ocean. The United States has never been at DEFCON 1 at least not to the publics knowledge since the system began. West Virginia is one of six ballistic-missile submarines stationed at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, and is capable of carrying up to 20 submarine launched ballistic missiles with multiple warheads.". Big as a bus? Crimea is illegally annexed by Russia. The deputy secretary is finishing a two-day, four-state tour of the Midwest. Q: And just one last, you know, Montana's one of the three homes for our siloed nuclear weapons. So we do not doubt that this is a PRC balloon. Change the 'width' value to costomize the size percentage. The joint resolution that was submitted states: "To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for trafficking fentanyl or a fentanyl-related substance into the United States or carrying out other related activities that cause regional destabilization in the Western Hemisphere". Read more, February 12, 2023 - NORAD shoots down an unidentified object violating Canadian airspace over the Yukon with an F-22. DEFCON Warning System Digest Why are we at DEFCON Warning System Digest Roundtable. But also, of course, non-lethal support: fuel and winter clothing, and communications systems and a lot of different types of support. Iran has unveiled a new solid-fuel missile capable of 1,450 kilometers range. Follow Jordan Mendoza on Twitter:@jordan_mendoza5. Pelosi stated over Twitter upon landing: "Our delegations visit to Taiwan honors Americas unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwans vibrant Democracy. "I would also note that while we took all necessary steps to protect against the PRC surveillance balloon's collection of sensitive information, the surveillance balloon's overflight of U.S. territory was of intelligence value to us," the official said. WebBelow are the current live open source intelligence (OSINT) overall Defcon level status, and regional readiness alert estimates for each combatant command in the U.S. Military. 3 DEFCON 5 is the lowest state of readiness indicating minimal threat, whereas DEFCON 1 indicates maximum threat and Again, we remind members of the public, if you come across debris, please do not handle it, but call your local law enforcement to facilitate safe recovery. IPRAP permits importers to abandon small shipments containing IPR violations rather than having the agency seize the product. Read more, October 22, 2022 - The US Army's 101st Airborne Division which consists of about 4,700 soldiers has been deployed to Europe, on the border of Romania and Ukraine, for the first time since World War 2 (80 years ago). Read Full Article. "Secretary Austin has recommended this step because it will enhance Ukraine's capacity to defend its territory and achieve its strategic objective". Looks like is safe and legit. White House spokesperson Olivia Dalton said that the United States will be announcing additional security assistance to Ukraine "very soon". Global Times said that the US carrier strike group is "attempting to threaten China" but "actually have limited military significance" and that it "will only stir up tension in the region". Kurdistan Region's Ministry of Health, and Kurdistan24 news the Iranian drone, and missile attacks on the Kurdish opposition had killed nine people. "Red lines" are a thing of the past. There are no indications of any civilians hurt or otherwise affected. The Soldiers fly the CH-47F helicopter, the largest in the Armys inventory. GENERAL RYDER: No, completely discounted. "What I can say is that this exercise, the Russian exercise, is an annual exercise. We spent 2022 setting the foundation for victory. I have two brief questions. This breakthrough promises to usher in a new era of prosperity and stability in the Middle East and will provide vital energy to the people of the region and to the world. The company deployed to Afghanistan, where the heavy lift and high-altitude capabilities of the CH-47 were vital. Defcon levels are rated from 1 to 5. Defcon 5 is the least severe and Defcon 1 means total nuclear annihilation or all out nuclear war. Defcon 2 is the second most severe and this was reached during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Defcon 3 means there is an increase in force readiness above normal combat readiness. DEFCON 5Normal peacetime readiness DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures DEFCON 3Increase in force readiness above normal readiness DEFCON 2Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness. Read Full Article, US, South Korea, Japan Working Together To Ensure Taiwan's Self-Defense - WASHINGTON - US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said on October 26th that the United States will be cooperating with South Korea and Japan in order to ensure Taiwan's self-defense. Follow them. "We know as a matter of intelligence he has instructed the Peoples Liberation Army to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion.". Current information suggests that terrorist organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. interests in multiple regions across the globe. Although the air defense identification zone is not considered part of Alaskan airspace, it is closely monitored for the interest of national security. And can you walk us through how you observed it? From October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022, Cincinnati seized 6,084 shipments, putting them in fourth place nationwide, and specialists issued 9,130 Emergency Action Notifications (EANs), third place nationwide and the highest number of agriculture and biological seizures ever recorded at the port. There is no estimate for how long the recovery mission will take, the military official said, but the fact that it came down in such a shallow area should make recovery "fairly easy". Global News reported that "three security sources" told them of one or two more potential spy balloons exist, but the news agency said that they have no information on where the objects are located, or whether any decision has been made whether or not to shoot them down. Reissued with updates to health information and removal of natural disaster risk indicator. Read more, August 21, 2022 - On August 18th US military B-52 nuclear-capable bombers returned to the 'RAF' Fairford US Air Force base in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom from the Minot Air Base in North Dakota. I'm not going to go into all the details because I don't want to reveal sensitive information. Read more, November 06, 2022 - DoD authorizes the Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $600 million to Ukraine. As you highlight, we are aware that there have been four previous balloons that have gone over U.S. territory. FAA Releases Alert Reporting System Glitch That Caused Failure - UNITED STATES - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released an alert saying that it's working to restore its Notice to Air Missions System after it failed and caused an outage. They are giving up territory because they don't have the capabilities to stop the Ukrainian forces making advances. Read Full Article, British MI5 Addresses Threats From Iran, Russia, And China - The British MI5 Security Service addressed threats to the UK posed by Iran, Russia, and China and is expected to declare the Iranian IRGC a terrorist organization in the coming weeks. Congress is unable to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling. He added, What are they up to? "The balloon, which was being used by the PRC in an attempt to surveil strategic sites in the continental United States, was brought down above U.S. territorial waters," Austin said. Another significant seizure came disguised as a custom-made childs loveseat. Thank you. Be aware of your surroundings. Senior Defense Official Holds a Background Briefing on High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE transcript of a background briefing regarding the high-altitude surveillance balloon spotted hovering over mainland United States, having come from Alaska, through Canada and into the northern United States from Canada. Juniper Oak 23.2 integrated unmanned aerial vehicles, strategic bombers, jet fighters and precision fires. Read Full Article, US, UN Carry Out Inspections In Ukraine, Weapons Ending Up In Hands Of Criminals In Europe - The US military carried out onsite weapons inspections in Ukraine in order to make sure that weapons provided to Ukraine by the United States are not being diverted. Russia says, "there will be no general mobilization" but may be martial law. Those aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. Under such circumstances, the U.S. insists on using force, obviously overreacting and seriously violating international practice. U.S. China's Semiconductor Exports Decline, Increasing Possibility Of Taiwan Invasion - BEIJING - China's semiconductor exports are on the decline amidst the United States moving microchip manufacturing in-house, possibly making an invasion of Taiwan by China more appealing. Cincinnati has enjoyed nationwide and global success in developing relationships with other government agencies at all levels of law enforcement. Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.". It didn't enter US or Canadian airspace, it stayed in international airspace.". I will not go into it but the reality is that it doesn't change the nature of the attack. Pentagon spokesperson Brig. The RAF Fairford base is a forward operating base for the United States while carrying out missions with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies. A Russian Court and Government Interpreter Is Also Charged with Violating U.S. Sanctions on Russia. They are searching for debris, said a senior military official also speaking on background. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that evidence suggests the missile that landed in Przewodw was a 'single act' and that there is no evidence that there will be any further missiles shot into Poland. So they had these capabilities exactly when these attacks were planned. The USS George H.W. This authorization is the Biden Administrations twenty-first drawdown since August 2021. Over 120 lawmakers in the United States told the FAA that the NOTAMS system outage was "completely unacceptable" and asked for an explanation as to how this could happen. This means any flight not in the air already will not be allowed to depart. The subsequent investigation and search of the vehicle resulted in the seizure of 33 pounds of cocaine with an estimated street value of $448,500. 11 Countries Placed On Travel Advisory Page In Last 30 Days - 11 countries have been placed on the travel advisory page in the last 30 days, including Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Ecuador, Moldova, Nigeria, China, Taiwan, Samoa, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. CENTCOM Commander Embarks USS West Virginia Ballistic Missile Submarine - "On October 19th, General Michael "Erik Kurilla, commander of CENTCOM, conducted a visit aboard the USS West Virginia, a U.S. Navy Ohio-class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine at an undisclosed location at sea in international waters in the Arabian Sea. Furthermore, as Islamabad has been placed on a Red Alert citing security concerns while banning all public gatherings, the embassy is urging all Mission personnel to refrain from non-essential, unofficial travel in Islamabad throughout the holiday season. You may also subscribe to the DEFCON Warning System mailing list. The US-led coalition, in a contradicting statement said that it had carried out an operational exercisethat involved engaging an Unmanned Aerial System. Read Full Article, Another U.S. Congressional Delegation Is In Taiwan, Less Than Two Weeks After Pelosi - A five-member delegation, led by Senator Ed Markey (D) of Massachusetts, meeting in Taiwan to discuss security, economical, and trade topics, according to the American Institute in Taiwan. We have no time to prepare because it is up to them when they come". "On Taiwan, I guess I would say our assessment at CIA is that I wouldnt underestimate President Xis ambitions with regard to Taiwan. They are losing ground, they have lost the momentum, and then they had to revert to missile strikes and airstrikes in a way we saw yesterday and actually also today. Berlin adopted this decision on the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad, in which hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens died. When the South Korean President was asked about the report, he said "As I said the other day, there are diverse opinions across our nation and in the United States regarding extended deterrence, so I am listening to them carefully and looking carefully at various possibilities.". The report by Global Times said that the US carrier only "stirred up tensions" and had "limited military significance". View Fact Sheet. And has this ever happened before that you've seen either a Chinese surveillance balloon or another country's surveillance balloon over the United States, or is this the first time? During Tuesdays talks, the U.S. official told VOA that China also raised concerns about a potential visit to Taiwan by the new U.S. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. "Attacks of this kind place coalition forces and the civilian populace at risk and undermine the hard-earned stability and security of Syria and the region," said Col. Joe Buccino, CENTCOM spokesman. It is not an offensive threat to Russia," he said. I do n't want to reveal sensitive information. `` capabilities exactly when these attacks were.... Soldier decides against carrying out an operational exercisethat involved engaging an unmanned aerial vehicles, strategic bombers, jet and! Has unveiled a New solid-fuel missile capable of 1,450 kilometers range to Russia, '' the president, I,. Are probably over 100,000 dead or wounded with other government agencies at all levels law... The service members were reported to be 'minor ' but this is a Special. 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Two-Day, four-state tour of the past about the fact that the Department of defense readiness Condition for specific units! Joining us a little bit later in the Indian and Atlantic oceans soon.
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![Rosnąca liczba mieszkańców Tokio wobec depopulacji Japonii [przykładowa praca]](
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Streszczenie Japonia jest jednym z krajów o najwyższym współczynniku urbanizacji, sięgającym 93% a populacja Tokio urosła…