Learn About the Chesterfield Regional TIF, Historic and Landmark Preservation Committee. 11: Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex Chesterfield, MO : May 12-14: Get Directions. THREE of our Scott Scorpions Teams have won Division Championships for this 2018 Basketball Season!!! For full results click "Leagues", choose Men", click "Schedule". Mechanicsville man charged with 10 child porn counts, Virginia State Superintendent Jillian Balow resigns, Watch now: Richmond-area Eagles fans share excitement ahead of Super Bowl, Dan Snyder is under investigation over line of credit taken out by Commanders, Mike Rhoades after VCU clinched A-10 regular-season title, Lionel Messi named men's Player of the Year at the 2022 Best FIFA Awards. The Heart of America League (HFL) is excited to spotlight Kennedy Walker as the December Junior Player of the Month. Rick Melton - r.melton@pony.org - 336-420-3189 (Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia) West Region Baseball Division Director Lynford Lynch - l.lynch@pony.org - 724-344-6172 East Zone Girls Softball Tournament Links Search for a East Zone Girls Softball Tournament. Games will start at 8 am Friday October 24 with the last games being 3:30 pm on Sunday October 26, 2013. Gameplay Rules: USSSA, Date: June 30 July 2, 2023 Contact Us. Our new surface allows users with physical limitations as well as parents with wheeled strollers to better enjoy the playground with their friends. Kaylee Milner scored the team's run. Why Movieland says you have to be 17 to attend a movie after 7:30 p.m. Farmville native caught with 42 lbs of cocaine, $862K in drug money gets 17 years, Ashland dairy farm announces Farmview Creamery to help modernize business, Fired RPS employee sues school district, alleges misuse of federal funds, Norment, long among the most powerful in the Capitol, is retiring, Bezos 'ban' may speed up Commanders sale as league meeting looms. Use one of the payment options below to pay your tournament registration fees You have permission to edit this article. John Marshall boys basketball reclaims No. Games are played at Harry G. Daniel Park at Ironbridge near Chester Virginia. No gate fee and all game balls provided by tournament host The Chesterfield All-Stars are making their second consecutive appearance at the event, which is held in Greenville, N.C. Chesterfield is representing the U.S. Southeast region, as the event returns to its traditional global format after a two-year COVID pause. On 10/19, the Marquette varsity softball team won their neutral playoff game against Lindbergh (St. Louis, MO) by a score of 1-0. *The tournament will be a five game pool play format. All Classifications. Hotel Required No. $70.00. 14U (by invite only) 18U Premier, 11TH ANNUAL ST. LOUIS SOFTBALL SHOWCASE II Entry Deadline: May 21, 2023, See the website for details and to register. St. Pat's at the Park (All-Turf) - USSSA Fastpitch, Queens of the Lake (All-Turf) - USA Softball, Softball Hair Don't Care (All-Turf) - USSSA Fastpitch, Grand Slam at the Dam (All-Turf) - USSSA Fastpitch, DYLAN'S ARMY - JDRF / KIDS WITH COURAGE BENEFIT, MEMORIAL DAY INVITATIONAL 7-GAME GUARANTEE, Her Future is Bright - Neon Tourney (All-Turf) - USSSA Fastpitch, CARY FLANAGAN Memorial Regional Championship, 2023 SUMMER SERIES WEEK-LONG EXPERIENCE (MONDAY FRIDAY), KC METRO "B" CHAMPIONSHIPS (NO GATE FEES), Uncle's Sam Slugfest (All-Turf) - USA Softball. 12U (Futures) 18U Premier. Email us at stlplaysports@gmail.com and include your team name, age division and tournament dates Chesterfield had a strong pitching performance from Kaylee Hodges, who hit 60 mph on the radar gun as she struck out 11 batters. View pregame, in-game and post-game details from the Chesterfield (SC) vs. Piedmont (Monroe, NC) tournament softball game on Wed, 3/1/2023. Divisions: 10U 18U The Chesterfield Senior Softball Association is open to women 40+ and men 48+. Teams will play all three days. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @STLShowcase, 2023 St. Louis Softball Showcase Recruit Revolution. Refund Policy: Tournament canceled due to weather 50 percent. With 8,682+ events, 66,907+ teams, and over 1 million participants in softball and baseball, Perfect Game is one of the largest organizations in the world focused on growing Softball. Hotel Required No. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WWBT) - The Chesterfield Little League Softball team was defeated by Oklahoma in the Little League Softball World Series Championship game. The team is in the winners bracket at the Little League Softball World Series this week in Greenville, N.C., and defeated a team from Los Angeles 6-1 on Wednesday night. Official Facebook page for Chesterfield Little League in Chesterfield, VA. John Marshall boys basketball reclaims No. ON MY HEIRS OR ANYONE MAKING A CLAIM. The RVA Senior Softball Association is open to men 50+. All game balls provided by tournament host There will be a $10 00 per day or $15 for the weekend gate fee for this tournament All teams must be registered with FASA go to www playfasa com to register your team and to register for this tournament Register your team(s) for the desired events? PG Season Opener - All Turf. WVA. Chesterfields Catch 22 Miracle Field is a premiere baseball field for individuals with disabilities across the St. Louis region.A new addition is the renovated C, D, and E Quads which includes 12 synthetic infields. You do NOT have to be a resident of Chesterfield County to play. We are looking forward to an extremely competitive college recruiting exposure showcase with this added incentive. MORE ARTICLES. Leadership/Participation: Please indicate if you may be willing to serve CSSA in some capacity: (Checking the box only Champions in each age group will receive a direct berth to the World Series in Branson Mo or any National tournament of their choice Champions may bypass the Regional or State tournament I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF PVTreserves the right to change the format in order to complete the tournament. Softball Tournament/Showcase Age Divisions. Search for fastpitch softball tournaments around the United States. Once we receive your email we will apply the discount towards each of your tournament entries Email us at stlplaysports@gmail.com and include your team name, age division and tournament dates At the plate, Aaliyah Myers had three hits and Gigi Caranante had two. On Friday, Chesterfield County celebrated the Chesterfield Little League's 12U All-Star softball team after they made it to the Little League Watch Now: Related Video Please subscribe to keep reading. Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex Chesterfield, MO: Mar 31-Apr 2: Mar 31-Apr 2. Oakville Tigers. Eligibility 2023 Age Levels Venmo (save $10 on each entry) - Send payment to @stlplaysports and remember to include your team name, age and tournament dates Tournament Schedule. Chesterfield Seniors If you are interested in Senior Softball ____________________________ Questions: Butch Tiller (804) 378-2285 tilcomm@aol.com If you are new to the area, or if you are just looking to get on a team, we can put your name on this list for coaches to possibly call you. We may not play when the weather is nasty or the fields are not playable. Format: 6 Game Guarantee Two game played there will be no refund. To see if the games are on, call our always friendly Chesterfield Weather Hotline at 804-378-2285 after 4PM on the day of the game. Tournament Directors St. Louis Softball Showcase Kammie Walter led the team at the plate on Sunday with three hits. $70.00. Rings for 1st and 2nd place teams For the most part, all the girls have been playing together since T-ball.. A little mindless diversion (thanks Jack). Gameplay Rules: USSSA, Tournament format is 3GG bracket. 2021 Team Location: Chesterfield, Va. 2021 Regional Record: 4-1. JUMP TO FULL SCHEDULE BELOW Purple Bracket Asia-Pacific Region Canada Region Central Region Europe-Africa Region Mid-Atlantic Region Rookie Softball (ages 6-8) Minor Softball (ages 9-10) . The Chesterfield team representing the region at the Little League Softball World Series will play for third place on Monday. Chesterfields Little League All-Star softball team is ready for its turn in the national spotlight. Hedgesville Little League Hedgesville, W.V. All Day Event. The Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex (CVAC) is a 176 acre complex in the Valley consisting of 21 ball diamonds (including the all-inclusive Catch 22 Miracle Field and 16 synthetic infields), 10 multi-purpose fields (soccer, football, lacrosse and Ultimate Frisbee . Last years team also reached the Little League Softball World Series, though last year no international teams participated due to COVID. Tournament Game. The Chesterfield Little League Majors team recently won it's second consecutive Virginia State Little League Championship and are now on the hunt for another World Series bid. Parks Maintenance: 804-748-1624 Our Training League is great for girls ages 5-7. Contact Name Evan Beatty. Keep up with what's going on at Chesterfield Baseball & Softball Association. Payment Options: View the sports manual (PDF) . Thank you for your ongoing support and patience. The entertainment plaza is the perfect place to stay cool while watching your kids play or enjoy a glimpse of the Cardinals game on the big screen TV. . CBSA Baseball Leagues We offer baseball programs for boys ages 5-18. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. The game, which will start at 4 p.m., will be nationally televised by ESPN. This is a Tournament Location. The Athletic Section is also responsible for all field rentals for league, public, travel, tournament and tourism play. Chesterfield Little League's 12U All-Star softball team saw its summer-long, . Walker is a third basemen/shortstop and pitcher for Oklahoma Athletics Madden 2010. Rosters - Game/Team Form - Required 2023. Your Age Group Coordinator is your primary contact for any questions you may have about managing your CBSA team. Event Fact Sheet : Mustang 10U World Series Youngsville, LA July 28 to 31, 2023 Event Fact Sheet : Bronco 11U World Series Chesterfield, VA July 21 to 24, 2023 Event Fact Sheet : Bronco 12U World Series Laredo, TX . Completing this form will add you to the Look Who's Coming (scroll down), and will ensure you receive communication in the event divisions are close to selling out. I am 18 years of age or over, and I desire to participate in the CHESTERFIELD SENIOR SOFTBALL ASSOCATION (CSSA) adult sports HFL - Heart of America Fastpitch League; NEFL - Northeast Fastpitch League; PCFL - Pacific Coast Fastpitch League; RMFL - Rocky Mountain . Start Date / End Date 05-22-2020 to 05-25-2020. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Paypal (save $10 on each entry) - Send payment to stlplaysports@gmail.com and remember to include your team name, age and tournament dates, Date: June 26-30, 2023 Umpires provide game balls for 7U. Team Gate Fee $165, Tournament format is 2 pool games followed by single elimination with consolation bracket CBSA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist the interest of those who participate, at all skill levels. Unpaid tournament entries will have their discounts removed on Saturday February 11th. If you would like to participate in this years tournament, please fill out the application and return to the St. Louis Softball Showcase (Entry and Check). She posted an impressive .500 batting average and .500 OBP. Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, we strive to develop and promote individual. Chesterfield Valley Athletic CinChesterfield, MO. 5 Game Round Robin format no bracket play Divisions: 10U 18U 1 ranking in country. The Chesterfield Senior Softball Association is open to women 40+ and men 48+. Make entry fee payable to Semo Fastpitch and send to 1410 Margaret Cape Girardeau MO 63701 Tag (s): Fastpitch Fast Pitch Tournaments By State Virginia Richmond Tidewater Shenandoah Valley Charlottesville NOVA North Carolina Maryland New Jersey Pennsylvania South Carolina West Virginia. The Chesterfield Havok has Select Softball teams and Youth Travel Softball teams out of Chesterfield, Virginia. Chesterfield Baseball & Softball Association > Account Login Home Baseball Softball Tournaments REGISTER TODAY Account Login Account Login Existing Users Please Sign In Sign in Retrieve Password Create Account Don't have a user account? person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. The Chesterfield team representing the region at the Little League Softball World Series will play for third place on Monday. All teams that play in this tournament and play in the MIDWEST REGIONAL or the State tournament in their area will be qualified for the World Series in Branson Mo, See the website for details and to register. Subscribe to our Newsletter. If you are on an expected roster, please ask your manager to resend your invitation to register. Register and pay for 3 or more events by Friday February 10th and receive a $30 discount off each tournament entry fee. of the nearest official immediately. If you would like to participate in this year's tournament, please fill out the application and return to the St. Louis Softball Showcase with (Entry and Fee). Meet the 10 Participating Teams at the 2021 Little League Softball World Series August 3, 2021. In consideration of the acceptance of my application for registration in the Chesterfield Senior Softball Association (CSSA), I have and do hereby assume all risks connected to the Chesterfield Senior Softball Association activities. Ironbridge Fields Closed for Repairs - Co-Ed and Men's Leagues Seasons End. United States Fastpitch Association (USFA) www.usfastpitch.com. CYSA Registration Form 6U thru 18U - 2023- Required. Batting Practice HuStLe City Invitational -Presented by the St. Louis Chaos / USA Softball of St. Louis. Please subscribe to keep reading. In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the CHESTERFIELD SENIOR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, Leagues, Register your team(s) for the desired events? History; Aug 27 (Fri) 6:15 PM . 2023 PONY Girls Baseball World Series. * Managers must notify coordinator 24 hours before game. The win gives the team a day off, and Steve Myers said everybody has been loving their time at the event. $165 Team Gate Fee Thursday Night. Dec 12,2022 Spring registrations . Register your team(s) for the desired events? Dec 13. Any additional practice time(s) & locations will be determined by the coach. Tournaments, and all sports programs whether involving team or individual sports and related events and activities, the undersigned Who can play? RELEASEES or others and assume full responsibility for my participation. Activities. Youth Fastpitch tournament. Payment Options: Divisions: 10U 18U If you have any questions please send an email to Communications@STLSoftballshowcase.com (new email address) we will monitor the old email address for three months pat_paual965@sbcglobal.net. Kickoff Classic. mutation or variation thereof, does exist and it is impossible to eliminate the risk that I could become infected through contact with Varsity Girls: Win: 4 - 1 . Unpaid tournament entries will have their discounts removed on Saturday February 11th. Register and pay for 3 or more events by Friday February 10th and receive a $30 discount off each tournament entry fee. PG Midwest - Softball. MVP Series Tournament DateFriday, Apr 21 - Sunday, Apr 23, 2023 Age Groups 8U 10U 12U 14U Division/Level 8U C/Rec 10U B 10U C/Rec 12U B 12U C/Rec 14U B 14U C/Rec Cost Team Fee: $500 7U-8U Team Fee: $325 (Use code: 23Blast7U8U) LocationChesterfield Valley Athletic Complex 2022 - 2023 SEASON; 2021 - 2022 SEASON; 2020 - 2021 Season; About the HFL; Contact Us; Member Leagues. The girls lost to. Divisions: 10U 18U Check (save $10 on each entry) - Make check payable to "STLPlaySports" and send to Manchester Radiator, 811 2nd St, Manchester MO 63021 You can start with the basics such as age groups and date ranges or further narrow your search by competition level, guaranteed games and entry fee. Creating an account is easy and secure. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Independent Contractor (Newspaper Carrier), Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office ends affiliation with Reelz TV show 'On Patrol: Live', Former Virginia basketball coach Terry Holland dies after battling Alzheimer's, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years. Register and pay for 3 or more events by Friday February 10th and receive a $30 discount off each tournament entry fee. Kammie Walter (left) and Aaliyah Myers look at the challenge coin they each received during a ceremony honoring their team, Chesterfield Little League's 12U All-Star softball team, after they made it to the Little League Softball World Series championship game. Here you will find all of the softball tournaments taking place in the St Louis suburbs. Tournaments. Spring Co-ed League (Draft) Monday Night. The Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts Department received a Municipal Parks Grant to resurface the playground at the Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex. Still, Wednesday nights victory was particularly impressive as it came against one of the tournaments top teams. In the Manchester High School auditorium on Friday, Chesterfield County celebrated the Chesterfield Little Leagues 12U All-Star softball team making it to the Little League Softball World Series championship game. LIABILITY, HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT AND THAT IT IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT October 27-29, 2023 I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT THIS RELEASE IS BINDING For full results click "Leagues", choose "Co-ed"", click "Schedule". Pay online by credit card at USSSA.com Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex. Social Feed. Non-Resident Fee: $15.00, Email: ChesterfieldSeniorSoftball@gmail.com, Good Exercise, Good Friendships, Good Times. Man died Wednesday. Chesterfield Little League team wins first game at softball World Series, will play on ESPNU Friday night. Nov 08. We will always have weather. significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such hazard to the attention Use one of the payment options below to pay your tournament registration fees Chesterfield Valley Complex, F Quad, L, 0 . 2021 Little League Softball World Series - August 11-18. All States. Baseball/Softball Fields (7, lighted) Miracle League field (lighted) Picnic shelter; Playground (handicap-accessible) Restrooms; Tennis courts (6, lighted) . 69-year-old suffers stroke in his N.C. home; Realtor showing house leaves him there. 2022 VHSL Regional Softball Tournaments (Virginia) Class 6 Region A. James River Midlothian 1. St. Louis Softball Showcase is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of our athletes, guests, employees and the community. Finding the right softball tournament has never been easier with our industry leading search filters. 6600 Whitepine Rd, Richmond, VA 23237. Powerstrike Fastpitch (USSSA) 4350 S Lee's Summit Rd Independence, Missouri 64055. The team, made up of 11- and 12-year-old girls, will face a team from Waco, Texas on Friday night, with the winning team advancing to Sundays semifinal round. Venmo (save $10 on each entry) - Send payment to @stlplaysports and remember to include your team name, age and tournament dates communicable diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19 or other medical conditions, diseases, or maladies, and/or any 70 minute pool, 75 minute finish the inning bracket play Teams outside of the Midwest region that have won their pool will work directly with PGF officials for accommodations to outside Regional Championship Qualifiers. acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that: I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE West . Teams will be seeded based on their points / power rating 5. Adult Sports E-mail is only monitored during normal business hours and any condition that requires a response during Select American Training CBSA: Chesterfield Baseball & Softball the premier youth baseball and softball organization 7-Game Season: August 20 - October 9, 2022. Team Directory; View Standings; Calendar; LOCAL NEWS. Stadium / Field Name Chesterfield Athletic Association Complex. Competition Level A , B. The tournament is open to the following divisions; 16U, 18U, level; A, Gold and Premier. Softball Uniform Orders; Softball Divisions. 1-0 (W) Marquette vs. Lindbergh. An Emmy Celebration. Please contact Candace Peerson at 573-300-4550 to help you set up reservations Managers will be given 12blackout dates to avoid conflicts. Virginia and Oklahoma will face off for the Little League Softball World Series championship at 5 p.m. Wednesday on ESPN. non-business hours should be reported to the police department at 537-3000. There are no other fields to accommodate us. Swing For A Cure Baseball Tournament. C/Rec divisions play Softball C/Rec Rules B divisions play Softball AB Rules Fees & Refund Policy Team Fee: $395 ($375 Early Bird by Aug 10, 2022) 8U Fee: $295 ($275 Early Bird by Aug 10, 2022) Registration closesAugust 31, 2022 or when capacity is reached No refunds after schedules have been run Eligibility . Little League treats them so well. Chesterfield Softball Tournament Fall Season Softball 8/26-27 Share Page: Location Chesterfield, MO . LittleLeague.org; Find a League; World Series; Search Menu . event (collectively, the "Releasees"), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to 1 talking about this. Good Exercise, Good Friendships, Good Times! You do NOT have to be a resident of Chesterfield County to play. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Registration Fee: $40.00 2017 Baseball Fall Classic - 13U. Age Group / Entry Fee 10U / $475 12U / $475 14U / $750 16U / $750. Friday nights game will start at 7 p.m. and be broadcast nationally on ESPNU. Use one of the payment options below to pay your tournament registration fees If you would like to reserve a field(s) for your next tournament, league, practice, camp, or birthday party, please visit the. Load Events. Check payments Next 12 Months. MVP Series Tournament Friday, April 21 - Sunday, April 23, 2023 Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex Must register and pay by February 1, 2023 for Early Bird Discount Registration Closes April 1, 2023 or when capacity is reached!! Pay online by credit card at USSSA.com Extra games will be available at a cost of $115 per game. Mailing Address: You have permission to edit this article. page. 2022 Fall League Format. Another said he wears the same shirt until the team loses. I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, waive and release and discharge any and all rights and claims for damages and/or losses which I may have against the Chesterfield Senior Softball Association, its officers, board members and/or agents, for any and all activities connected with the Chesterfield Senior Softball Association. Format: 4 Game Guarantee The celebration was held in the Manchester High School auditorium on Friday, Aug. 20, 2021. 2017 Baseball Fall Classic - 13U options: View the sports manual PDF. Heart of America League ( HFL ) is excited to spotlight Kennedy Walker as the December Junior Player of RELEASEES. Responsibility for my participation of our Scott Scorpions teams have won Division Championships for 2018. View Standings ; Calendar ; LOCAL NEWS Scott Scorpions teams have won Division Championships this! With physical limitations as well as parents with wheeled strollers to better the! 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