3. In legacies there was a dream monster and it could do stuff to people in the dreams and they would feel it when they are awake too. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Can the white oak tree kill hope? Its always been able to kill Klaus, thats why he destroyed them all. But in season 5 of The Originals it was revealed that Klaus had secretly kept one, last stake. A spin-off of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals features the first family of vampires, the Mikaelsons. When he sacrifices Davina's life to save himself and his family from Lucien, he breaks a promise to Marcel, who has always felt like an outsider. hopemikaelson, elijahmikaelson. Later, Elena gives it back to Rebekah as a peace offering. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! However, due to Stefan's intervention, Klaus used the weapon on Mikael. From there, the password can be changed or removed and other settings can be changed to suit the hacker's need. In Ashes to Ashes, its bound form was ultimately destroyed along with the stake by Dahlia. At what speed does cruise control start working? Stefan gave Klaus one stake he had. Can the White Oak Ash Daggers neutralize them? Before Elijah, Kol and Finn could come to an understanding, Davina used her magic to put a curse on Finn. He emerges as the show's most powerful vampire and the biggest threat to Mikaelsons' survival. And the man that pretended to be a family friend, but actually hated us for an eternity, has turned himself into some creature. Later he gave him the last stake in his possession. However, it isn't a member of the family who is the most powerful. Elena can only imagine the look that must have been on her face. Alaric wielded the weapon in his fight with Damon before his death, giving Damon possession of the stake once Alaric was gone. The kiss was rough and had too much tongue. It was only under a death-thread that, Alaric, taken over by his darker persona, gave the stake to Esther. Drink deep but bewareWhat you broke is past repairAll your oaths you betray, your sacred vows you severAnd now you see that nothing lasts for always and foreverThree yet remain, two already crossedYet in one year's time, you'll all be lost As your family is undoneYou will seed the beast that is to come Alexis announces the prophecy in For the Next Millennium. can white oak stake kill marcel. The ultimate weapon for the ultimate hunter.Esther to Alaric in Do Not Go Gentle. Esther Mikaelsons magic or Emily Bennetts magic? But hope is a Tribrid, so her baseline strength without age could be higher. Full HD, EPG, it support android smart tv mag box, iptv m3u, iptv vlc, iptv smarters pro app, xtream iptv, smart iptv app etc. Now if you are thinking about the daggers, those use ash from the white oak and he isn't effected by those because they're made of silver. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. This was thought to have been the last remaining piece of White Oak, however, saplings of the tree remained and new stakes were made from the wood. The Tribrid (Hope) can only permanently die via Red Oak to the heart. Can the White Oak Stake kill Lucien and Marcel? Marcel is a Hybird who can kill Originals. In The Murder of One, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Elena, and Matt all took wooden stakes carved by Alaric, Stefan, and Damon, and tried to use them to kill Klaus. Finally semi omnipotence-So like being master of each magical power to the peak, strongest, fastest, etc. I am probably wrong, but I feel like if White Oak could kill Hope, that is the tree that would have grown, so I am guessing White Oak can't. However, when stabbed with the White Oak Stake, the flames produced will kill them. Related: The Originals: Why Marcel Hates Using His Real Name. The Originals focuses on the first family of virtually indestructible vampires, but Marcel Gerard is the strongest vampire on the series. It is capable of weakening Original vampires just like vampires with normal pieces of wood when struck non-fatally for example. However, it is Lucien Castle's serum the flips the balance of power between Klaus - the most powerful Original due to his combined vampire and werewolf bloodlines and diabolical personality - and his long-time frenemy, Marcellus "Marcel" Gerard. Can white oak stake kill Klaus? However, Mikael had recovered from the fight from pulling out Papa Tunde's Blade, the only Original vampire able to do so, and abducted Camille, taking possession of the stake again. In hindsight, a leveled-up version of the mystical white oak stake being the only weapon that can kill Hope should have been obvious. Therefore, we tried to help ourselves through diet, sport, natural remedies and little gestures made out of love.More . Sign up to receive weekly email updates about what's new on The Healthy Journal! Because when Dahlia exploded the stake, the ashes nearly killed the originals, so if the dagger is dipped in white oak ash, shouldn't it kill the original? In From a Cradle to a Grave, Mikael was resurrected and retrieved the white oak stake, ready to use it on Klaus. She wanted Alaric to use it to kill the rest of her children and wipe all vampires off of the face of the planet. However, Davina and Kol used magic to temporarily neutralize the stake of its power to kill, leaving Klaus desiccated like the effects of being stabbed with a White Oak Ash Dagger. She finds a full-out war between vampires and witches. The only known vampires who died with Finn are Sage and Troy. Alaric closed the coffin before the fire fully destroyed Klaus, unknowingly putting the fire out. Later, after entering Elijah's head to save his brother, Klaus provides the younger version of Elijah with a White Oak Stake which Elijah uses to kill his darker side, awakening from his coma. Later, after absorbing The Hollow, Klaus prepares to stake himself. He tells Sage that turning her was putting his passion over his morals and principles, which says it all. How much does it cost to build a house 450 sq ft? When plotting against Alaric, Elijah said that the stake is a real threat and that if Alaric could be disarmed, they stand a chance against him. Oak fi Rd y Gre St Dalcr os U rsit Church St St By res St St Hyndl St Burgh Hall St St ive Glas gow s Rd and odl Wo t Peel S Chancellor White St Gib r iv e t rsi St White St Un St Lawre nce . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. . When Esther augmented a stake with the protective magic of the Gilbert Ring, it had metal "veins" enveloping it around from the base. However, if the blade embedded in the heart of a Mikaelson is removed, they recover and resume their powers. That's the only thing that can kill him. It says that the White Oak Ash Dagger is a dagger dipped in white oak ash? This makes the transition unusual as regular vampires are turned as humans either through another vampire or into Originals through magic. The stake burnt down along with Mikael. and our Its like a highly powerful venomous snake biting another normal snake ( i guess). It is assumed their physical superiority is the result of their initial vampirism, though this is unconfirmed. For more information, please see our . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. While Elijah died only a few episodes later from Marcel's venom, Klaus was safe because his dynamic with Hope was so fragile and new. The white oak stake is needed to kill originals, she is not one because she was not created by the immortality spell. Hybrids (vampire/wolf) can die by getting their heart ripped out, decapitation, and extreme amounts of siphoning. Klaus eventually got almost all of them, save for three, and burnt them. During season 3, which aired at the same time as The Vampire Diaries season 7, Lucien replicates Esther's vampirism spell but adds the venom of the seven werewolf bloodlines. 0738719595, 9780738719597. Jeremy then took the stake from Kol's charred body and took ownership of the indestructible weapon. Using the dagger and white oak ash combination basically keeps the original dessicated until the dagger is removed from their heart (but it doesn't permanently kill them). The odds are the router's owner wouldn't notice that something was up (unless the password was changed, obviously). Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. And other vampires (not originals) live till theyre not staked on the heart or hearts and not ripped out? Unlike unlike the Original vampires, Alaric didn't share their weakness and survived the stabbing. My friend thinks Hope would be like a regular vampire but I think she will be like an Original. Mikael found them and interrupted their spell, hoping that it would make the stake work again. If klaus had a last remaining of white oak to kill himself in finale why didnt he used it on lucien after he become upgraded original. He tried to cut off Jeremy's arms and kill Elena, but during the fight, Kol was taken by surprise and Elena managed to grab the stake from his jacket. All hope was lost as they thought that there was no way to kill Klaus, but in Break On Through, Damon found out through Sage and Rebekah that a sapling of the original White Oak Tree was planted back in the same place and was cut down and used to make the Wickery Bridge. Would it even pass through their system. And when an original is stabbed with it, they don't die but are left desiccated? Alaric became an Enhanced Original Vampire through Esther's magic so he could kill her children with the last, and indestructible, White Oak Stake . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Which is a uniquely modern human Homo sapiens trait? Using a silver dagger dipped in the ashes of the white oak tree will cause the Original Vampires to be neutralized as long as the dagger remains within them; however, that type of dagger would not work on Klaus due to his werewolf side, and only a pure white oak stake could kill him. Klaus interfered in the spat and Kol fled with the stake. Because marcels venom was also mixed with white oak. In American Gothic, Klaus deduces that Silas never broke off the tip of the stake in him, but that Silas made Klaus think he did through an illusion. A prophecy was predicted about the Beast's rising by Alexis, Lucien Castle's prophetic witch, that explains the Beast will either be the product of the Mikaelson Family becoming undone, or be the reason the family falls. Klaus can be killed by the White Oak Stake just like the rest. Marcel drinks the serum and becomes an "enhanced vampire" able to kill an Original with one bite. However, Rebekah easily overpowers Damon but gets shot by the council. Before he got a chance to use it, however, he was stopped by Davina due to her magic tether she had put on him. In When The Saints Go Marching In, Hope stops Klaus from staking himself, and Klaus is ultimately convinced to give his loved ones a proper goodbye before he dies. Witches who possess a large amount of mystical energy are formidable foes. Heretics have not been shown to need daylight jewelry to walk in the sun. The only thing that can really kill an Original is a stake made of the actual white oak tree used to turn them, while a dagger dipped in the ash of the white oak can place them in a deathlike trance until the dagger is pulled out . The connection thwarted Their previous plan to kill him. The weapons effective against the Mikaelsons are a silver dagger dipped in White Oak ash (The exception is Klaus whose werewolf side enables him to heal from the silver.) As we know from The Originals S2 finale, white oak ash can kill the Originals if it remains in their body. I think white oak daggers can neutralize the beast although Marcel says he is indestructible, Yes because the ancestors used it to make the spell. Do they still live? Similarly, Marcel was also stronger than the Originals and Klaus, fighting them with ease. He claimed he was going to destroy it, but the weight of immortality was heavier then. . The Original vampires can only be killed with a white oak stake. Open in app; In Pictures of You, Rebekah gave the stake to Elijah, who gave it to Klaus. The show also explores the personal relationships the siblings forged with friends, lovers, and enemies throughout their 1,000-year existence. can take advantage and explain plots that simply disappeared from TO, such as the descendants of witches from other distant relatives of Ster and Dahlia? There are merely a few magic powers we have yet to see debut in tvdverse, I feel I say this every year but its true and to my knowledge they are: Multidimension transportation(without having to astral project), Super intelligence(can learn things fast and retain memories longer than most people), Invulnerability(people might confuse this with immortality but invulnerability is basically no weapon can scratch through skin, hair or even their insides, I guess this also extends to pain immunity), Body growth(from a microscopic being to the size of a skyscraper), Pure shapeshifting-unlike silas though this power can allow users to take form of others but cant retain memories of the person they are copying and also have to undergo painful transformation akin to a werewolf change, Magnetism to a degree the being can control the strongest and biggest metals to the users will, this probably wont happen as its just a weaker version of telekinesis), Mind reading-While we have seen people invade others thoughts, I dont think at any point we've seen someone read someone else's thoughts as their mind's voice. Because that little bullet may or may not have been enough. What if the white oak stake was in the dream could it kill them if it stabbed them? It neutralized Klaus as a normal stake would for the other Original vampires, but didn't set him fatally ablaze like it was supposed to. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Years after the destruction of the indestructible stake, Klaus revealed that he had possession of one last white oak stake, what he described as the last stake in existence. What to make for dinner when you're broke? The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. P.S:- Please assume that in all such events all the white oak wood present is transported out of our local group and there are no oak wood shrapnels anywhere where such events happen. If dipped in the ash of the White Oak Tree dating from the genesis of the vampire race and placed in the heart of any Original Vampire, they'll remain dead for as long as the dagger stays in. What if Hope she was stake by White Oak Stake? However, if they coated a regular stake with Marcel's Upgraded venom, could that have killed Klaus as well? - Kill with Wooden Stake. White Oak Ash Dagger Creation Spell: An enchantment placed upon silver daggers that allows them to subdue an Original vampire when mixed with the ash of the White Oak Tree. Davina and Kol were magically blocking the stake's power so it wouldn't kill Klaus. White oak stakes are traditionally used in folklore as a weapon against vampires and other supernatural creatures. Support The Healthy Journal! Talismans: Bennett Talisman Esther's Talisman Freya's Talisman Qetsiyah's Talisman, Enchanted Objects: Freya's Dagger Gilbert Device Excalibur The Golden Arrow Illusion Ring Mystic Falls Founders Bell The Phoenix Sword Project Pandora Labyrinthine Bracelet White Oak Ash Daggers. Freyadevelops an antidote during season 4, but the scales are still tipped in Marcel's favor. What happens to the last white oak bullet? Eventually, Elijah got the last white oak bullet on The Originals , forcing him to face his own immortality. fic: cast your lot . 5 Can Klaus be killed by the white oak stake? The show is set in New Orleans and follows the Mikaelsons, particularly Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah, as they deal with family drama and threats from supernatural foes. If you are to kill all of my children, I will need to bind the protective magic in your ring to the stake, thus rendering the white oak indestructible. - Kill with Electrical Impulse. Ok we all know that the last bullet was used to make the serum but what if michael stored a white oak stake some where or the ash from season 3 when Dhalia tried to kill all the originals what if that ash is still there. Whose magic was actually protecting it? In Behind the Black Horizon, Lucien is turned into the first of two Upgraded Original vampires by a reverse engineered and modified version of Esther's Original vampire spell. A stake forged from White Oak is one of two ways to put down a Mikaelson vampire for good. Hope would be dead permanently by White Oak Stake since white oak ash silver dagger affected temporarily since silver it heals her and golden dagger doesn't. 1 note Jul 20th, 2022. Now if you are thinking about the daggers, those use ash from the white oak and he isnt effected by those because theyre made of silver. Perhaps its like a plot device to accentuate the Beasts power over the Originals and Klaus himself and how Lucien and Marcel can kill them, but they totally could of went with something different such as a new strain of venom that isnt from a werewolf and was created from dark magic that has similar power levels of the White Oak Stake, which would of made way more sense correct? They should all be fully capable of fighting off multiple strains of werewolf venom at once as they have possible been bitten by most werewolves from the bloodlines the seven strains of werewolf venom came from right? Say that there is no oak left we all know that marcel is a walking original killer and his blood can not cure his bite which means he is not immune to his own bite Klaus is Immune to Wolf toxen Becuase his blood is immune.If any one else believes these things please share your opinion Did any one else hate Marcel As Soon as he bit Elijah And In Into the Wild, Elena tries to kill Rebekah with the white oak stake before Rebekah pushes her back. In Night Has A Thousand Eyes, Mikael is killed by Klaus to get Viking ash, knowing this, Mikael allows himself to be killed as there is likely no time to find more elsewhere. Crowley remained in his tent, and on the same evening wrote a letter printed in The Pioneer on September 11, 1905, from which the following is an extract: "As it was I could do nothing more than send out Reymond on the forlorn hope. Privacy Policy. What magic powers do u want to see the gods have the most? Locator Spell: A simple spell in which the casting witch will receive a vision of the object or person's location. Originals can only permanently die via a white oak stake piercing their heart (and in TO, by Lucien or Marcel's beast venom). A stake forged from White Oak is one of two ways to put down a Mikaelson vampire for good. However, it could also mean that after everything and everyone regarding the Mikaelson Family has fallen, the Beast will rise from the ashes. Can Klaus be killed by the white oak stake? Both instances, they were originally regular vampires before transitioning into Upgraded Original vampires. Mikael and Damon allied and he entrusted Damon with the stake, but in a strange turn of events, Mikael was killed with his stake by Klaus and it burnt to ashes along with his body. Had he lived, fueled by an evil spirit, he would have been unstoppable. he met his untimely death. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Privacy Policy. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. finn mikaelson, marcel gerard; species: witch; fc: stella maeve; unnammed. Damon attempted killing of Klaus while Mikael distracted him. In my opinion, I dont think its been explained properly as the only thing we know is that its a combination of all seven strains of werewolf venom that ends up killing them, but that doesnt make much sense because its possible for some point in the thousands of years the Originals have been alive, to have been encountered and fought werewolves from more than one bloodlines and been bitten by more than one. Mikael usually kept it on his person but also had hidden it when necessary, to avoid being staked himself. Support Most iptv box. The stake comes from an ancient White Oak Tree during the time of the genesis of the vampire race. Debunked "If Upgraded Original Vampire would be human normal vampires" First off, Upgraded Original is not an Original Vampire. To finally kill him they used Davina's Ancestral Spirit to gain access to the magic that created him and after reversing the Immortality Spell they killed him. By the series finaleof The Originals, his lust for power, much like the power he previously enjoyed, fades. He wielded it as he tracked her down to the cemetery. Jennifer has been working as a freelance writer for eight years, contributing to BuddyTV, TVRage, Hidden Remote, Gossip On This, and PopMatters. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In Asia, willow is believed to have power over the dead. Plus where are they going to get more white oak? In Le Grand Guignol, Klaus revealed that he had been keeping the stake inside of a statue inside of the compound, retrieving it so he could kill Rebekah after he had found out about her betrayal in the early 20th century. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sitting on the bench next to his brother, Elijah snaps the white oak stake into two pieces, telling his brother, "I intend to die by your side." At first, Klaus doesn't understand his brother's . Marcel's blood mixed with the Hollow's magic is a deadly combination as well. As we know when Hope dies she will become a Full Tribrid. Dahlia made Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah inhale it, so would it need to be inhaled and remain in their lungs to be lethal? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Spinoff of the Trinity the first vampires created by the Originals. Thus the stakes made from its wood were legendary for being the only weapons that could kill an Original. When the Original vampires confront Dahlia as she is about to kill Freya, she destroyed the stake and turned it into dust to incapacitate and attempt to kill the Original vampires. In Growing Pains, Damon tried to kill Rebekah with the white oak stake because she killed Elena. Thanks . He held the white oak stake and began his crusade against vampires. My answer to this theory is that the white oak stake can actually kill Tribird Hope. The final stake was then hidden by Alaric. Mikael attacked Klaus with the stake in a vicious attempt to finally kill him and nearly managed to do so before being stabbed with Papa Tunde's blade in a blindsided attack from Klaus. Alternatively, using the target's blood and a map can be used to ascertain a more . Who will kill Marcel? In Ashes to Ashes, Freya suggests using the stake to kill a daggered Klaus to kill Dahlia as they were still linked. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Alaric used the stake when he was hunting down Klaus' desiccated body and stabbed him, setting him ablaze and seemingly killing him. When confronted by his son, Elijah, he drew the stake and attacked him, managing to pierce him with the tip of it before being forced to leave by Davina. Freya finds the stake using a locator spell and is about to use it when Klaus wakes up and stops her. Or just make them sick until it passes through their system? Elijah saw fatherhood as the only way for Klaus to receive what he had lacked his entire life -- unconditional love. The Scarlet Witch continued to crave more powerful sacrifices from beings created and tainted by powerful magic, including both Christopher and Marcel. and our So yes the stakes and daggers can kill the beast, I think so and they could of because Klaus kept a little white oak for all his life so he could of at least tried I have no clue why they didnt try. In Red Door, shortly after defeating Mikael, Klaus turned over the stake to Camille to ensure that he would not kill Mikael permanently with it. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Appreciated! The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". A Healthy Journal was born out of passion, the passion for food, but mainly for a healthy life. Before they did so, however, Mikael carved a stake out of this wood just in case he would need to kill a member or members of his family, and after his wife's murder, he decided to kill Klaus with it. He never had the stake. Our fleet of vehicles and cranes deliver your chosen product to you safely and swiftly. So by that logic, people actually had a way of killing the Originals the entire time (people with the daggers and accompanying white oak ash, of course) right? As for your witch friend, Lucy, well, she can try all she wants to uncloak you but I take it by the fact she left town that she thinks she'll do better checking all the places that mean something to you. And if that's the threat, then she doesn't have anything to fear. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. . 1 Why can the white oak stake kill Klaus? Marcel may be able to be killed by a white oak stake, I meant a regular stake wouldn't work anymore, but Hope is suppose to be above him. Such as French, German, Germany, Portugal, Portuguese, Sweden, Swedish, Spain, Spanish, UK etc Traduo Context Corretor Sinnimos Conjugao. If we go back to season 3, episode 22, Marcel was ready to kill him but Klaus and Rebekah distracted him to use Papa Tunde. Camille, though, had already removed the stake from Klaus' body, saving him. I mean the ash Dahlia created was made from a white oak stake, which is what the daggers originally used with the silver daggers to put them to sleep. Voici un petit aperu de ce qui se passe sur la page Facebook de Music In Belgium.. Cette page ne se contente pas de relayer les articles publis sur le site, elle sert aussi donner un petit coup de pouce des artistes peu ou pas assez connus en partageant leurs clips, dans l'espoir que vous serez nombreuses et nombreux avoir envie de les dcouvrir. One notable difference between the Upgraded Originals and other Originals is that the former don't seem to require human blood to complete the transition from one form to another. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. So would a white oak stake kill a non-original Vampire? Actually it is the source of their immortality otherwise they wouldn't have needed it for the spell. In a world where TVD ended with Season 3 and Mystic Falls and the Originals came to a truce, word comes that someone in New Orleans has a white oak stake and no one can get hol In The Tale of Two Wolves, Klaus reveals that he had kept a White Oak Stake hidden and a secret for decades. . In Before Sunset, Alaric attacked Rebekah at the high school where, with the combined efforts of her and Caroline, they succeeded in stabbing Alaric with the stake. Mean interactions - fighting: - Kill with Holy Water. One reason for the Originals' longevity is that they are impervious to the threats that kill other vampires such as Stefan and Damon Salvatore. In When The Saints Go Marching In, he and Elijah stake each other with half of the stake, killing each other and the Hollow. Physically superior Original vampires incorporated with a bite infused with seven strains of werewolf venom. At no point in the series is it stated that the venom contains white oak. Witches who possess a large amount of mystical energy are formidable foes. What is the youngest you can adopt a child in UK? Kol, whose spirit had been brought back from The Other Side before it's collapse, was put into the body of a witch named Kaleb by his mother. Locator spells allow witches to discern the location of an object or person anywhere in the world. In After School Special, Caroline carried the stake while looking for Rebekah after she had been undaggered by April. Can the White Oak Ash Daggers neutralize them? Or at least, the two main characters at the center of The Vampire Diaries spinoff series are. Say that there is no oak left we all know that marcel is a walking original killer and his blood can not cure his bite which means he is not immune to his own bite Klaus is Immune to Wolf toxen Becuase his blood is immune.If any one else believes these things please share your opinion Did any one else hate Marcel As Soon as he bit Elijah And Especially when he stabbed Klaus with Papa Tundes Blade Just the look on Niklauses Face made me hate him i want Klaus to kill him i doubt he will Marcel is like a son to him Klaus would die before he killed marcel but Freya Or Elijah They may be the ones to kill him we all know what freya will do for her family and that Elijah and Marcel dont have the best relation ship, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Receive what he had lacked his entire life -- unconditional love diet, sport, natural and... Object or person anywhere in the heart of a Mikaelson vampire for good wielded. 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Its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a bite infused with seven strains werewolf! When Klaus wakes up and stops her to face his own immortality receive what he had lacked his entire --., its bound form was ultimately destroyed along with the white oak bullet on the Healthy Journal can... Product to you safely and swiftly unknowingly putting the fire out used her magic to put a curse Finn!: witch ; fc: stella maeve ; unnammed at no point in the dream it... Turning her was putting his passion over his morals and principles, which says it all, his for! Extreme amounts of siphoning before his death, giving Damon possession of the vampire Diaries Wiki is Dagger...
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