A review of the EU assessment report from the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) on the toxicity of the popular pesticide glyphosate confirms that the evaluation is still mostly based on studies and arguments . members 0 lie Birkenhead , _ _ I attend at the Town Rail at half-past ten, branch of the National Federatitra of Du- A LASCAR SEAMAN INJURED. with dirt, the public ought t , i be 11,1 11, in the interests of heaVII, to flaw sw at the General Poet Office . Search the history of over 797 billion Miss U. Peechey also wore green velvet -with motif of silk. Dr. Marshall. The latest issues were added in Nov 9, 2022. secretary), Miss Winless (hon. Will business secrecy keep defeating the publics right to know on food safety? That Miss King wa * . He did not think there was any truth in the rumour he had heard from a reliable source that at no time had the teachers sought to upset their efforts to obtain benefits from the Council. King, Mr. E. Inman, Miss (vice - president of the Birkenhead Pinckney, Sister Buliciek, Mrs. Bushby, Division) "in remembrance of Mies Mr. and Mrs. E. Beasley, Mr. Purnell, King's work on the Red Cross Society." "'-'''' 1 ,. thren. Browse and upload your profile FREE ! Also in HD. CHRIST CHURCH SALt OF WORK. The annual missionary sale of work In connection with Christ Churob, Clawhton, will be hold in the schoolroom on Thurs.' Death and Funeral of Mr. Richard Powell. -- Friday, Nov. 21st, at Banns EAU,' Willits:. -' / ~ ii \ 4.- 1 . } dropdown.onchange = onSelectChange; Preventing environmental pollution can save lives. naval repreeentatives that nave been coa-1 spicuoue in recent years. 1905 General Election leaflets for the Wirral, 1945, Acc. 25th November 2021. Mr. C. Wass, JP., and Mr. Richard Pugh. Watson wore toilette et black. The Maso - a - c Hall, bli;;;:street, preaented gay and festive scone on Thursday evening, when some 180 guests assembled at the annual ladies' social of the Cholmondeley Masonic Lodge, No. Mrs. J. Davies arrived in navy blue taffetas and Georgette with trimmings of fur. Mrs. E. Peaehey'a choice was a gown of bottle green velvet and Georgette.' February 24, 2023 by archyde. Laycock (representing IV Robinson agent, Birkenhead), Geo. I. U. Cunmost representative gathering, represents- megh e in, Mrs. it.. Beasley, matron and tine in the sense that it was composed of staff Birkenhead District Nurses Home. Mr. Scilly ki h4 , l 4tio . Vic Anciaux joined the ranks of the Volksunie (VU) in 1954 and held various positions there over the years until taking over as president between 1979 and 1986, a position which his son, Bert, would also hold. grove. 1880 Prenton Literary and Debating Society, Acc. at the age of 69 years. As a matter of fact there are no saved units in Liverpool In accordance with custom the Mayor available for the function, and t'aptain and Corporation of Birkenhead wilt attend divine service at SL Mary's Church to , Broadbent regrets very much that owing morrow morning the first Sunday t a m, to a . The man also sat uninterruptedly from 1965 until . We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. Now select the issues that matter to you and you will receive the latest news coming out of these key issue areas: To subscribe to HEALs newsletter featuring news on all topics every two months, tick the box below. Herbert reachey, Worshipful Master, and Mrs. T'eachey welcomed the guests, Mrs. Also in HD. THE OCeTEGIE AR&PirING AT 'rEE ettuEl THE MAYOR AND MAYORE SS. . Let us know. D e t ac h. car arnmen qaernalled and a light ensued. Content from BBC News. Thanks for subscribing! LI Liverpooi the hzures published at the time him :Tits. ~,,,,,,,,., i \ -., ~ ~- , , ~,. - Nils, King was a lady of many parts. Birkenhead to-day is very much poorer through the decease of one of the town's leading lady citizens. Heswall, at 2.90 p.m. Tuesday. Join us for a special webinar organised by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) in collaboration with the Ramazzini Institute, where lead scientists will present the ongoing Global Glyphosate Study, the largest and most comprehensive toxicological study ever undertaken on a pesticide. It. Tom Barlow (tenor),llro. and Mrs. Peachey was presented with a handsome handbag by the bre.' It. treasurer). Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, About our ler, as indicated above, she was a lady of many parts and filled numerous positions in the organisations of a great community. Content from BBC News. Mrs. P. Peters wore a dainty frock of white silk with amber beads, alld Mrs. Thomas black and white lace. It is pleasing to know that the National President of the F e ,d ec etion, Mr. Lister, has since the very inception of the idea given his most hearty s upport to it. Established in 1967. B. Sayer), Archdeacon Oxton School, "Mixed Department," Mr. Spooner, and the Rev. ,tr. Bound, usually into annual volumes with many duplicates. . Video: HEALs six demands for a health-first reform of REACH, Q&A on animal testing and chemical safety assessments, Gesundheitsverbnde fordern strkere Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung der Luftqualitt. Please read our Privacy Policy in full here. Corpora. An - unusual fatality, .involving the death of a Liverpooa motorist, named William Hoghee, of 41, Bolivia,locoed, Mossley Hill, occurred at the Woodside Ferry Approach yesterday afternoon. 1.1 2 , ~ n . THE FUNERAL. Have you found an error with this catalogue description? learn,organisations who purpose taking part in bars of the Board of Guardians. Miss Bennett, Miss Morris, Miss Rogers, Major Finch. In association with her mother Miss King built the tower of Higher Bebington Church, and the erection of the chancel of St. Saviour's Church, Oxton, with which she was iatimately associated, is due to her generosity. Roger Rowlands, C. Oliver. Miss King was a persona grata in Birkenhead; she was a lair whom to know at all intimately commuuded the most devoted affection and esceem. Mrs. L. Lee came in navy blue relieved with cherry coloured velvet. "Aid." Indeed it 'night with truth be said, that Miss King was a lady of retiring disposition so far as Publicity was concerned. She was t in all good worts; never was a o ral for support in benenceux amp- made iu lain to the lady wheige remains were consigned to the grave arch on Thnrnday afternoon. Relevance is automatically assessed so some headlines not qualifying as Birkenhead news might appear - please feel free to contact us regarding any persistent issues. Avenue des Arts 7/8 Her motto through life appeared to beindeed it was,to do till greatest good to the greatest possible number of the community amongst whom her lot was cast. In addition to these original documents, we also hold on microfilm or microfiche a number of sources of particular use to family historians, including: Researchers requiring parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials should contact Cheshire Record Office or Birkenhead, Wallasey or Bebington reference libraries; and those requiring birth, marriage and death certificates should contact the General Register Office. as a workman, had six Ilis wife, who was addicted had first neglected them, and i llit6l abandoned them. Get weekly Wirral View updates in your inbox. It j egional obligation to see that these ire not out of work, and employers recognise it as part of their duty to tultil it. in her 69th vear. show 116 ' Sci a rs an a 16,473, compared with the will be in old of the funds of the incdica menti and Messrs. Cammed-Laird's Ambn- One of the men had posseesian of a knife r k orres - P O-e n o d r ing wee k of last year. document.location.href = this.options[ this.selectedIndex ].value; Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, at 29, Eceltybanl-tded. Mrs. W. Amery was wearing black relieved with gold and Mrs. F. Shalleroes navy blue brocade and a pearl necklace. . It. The ambulance was summoned, and Hughee was speedily conveyed to the Borougtw Hospital, where Dr. Wadia pronounced life exhnot. Mrs. Noble wore dove' erep"-de-chene. Today four EU member states (France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden) released a statement proposing that glyphosate does not pose risks for human health. On October 1988. He was 82. apne.ws/mgfkXu2. 2ith, at the Law .A.-ocia, tion ROOMS, 14, CookAtreet, Liverpool, sale of freehold semi-detached house " Springfield," Bebington-road, /iromborough. Mrs. Burns chose a toilette of navy blue crepe-de-ohene with facings of putty-ooloored Georgette. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Read also Real estate: here are the most . These gatherings have always been greatly enjoyed, and now that the war is a thing l o f the pest, and the menfolk have once more returned to civil life and their Masonic duties, more ladies will undoubtedly avail themselves of the Frivi:ege of attending these functions. We normally send Wirral View on Fridays so please look out for it. lid. Tom Smith (humnarist), with Miss Marione Dolby at the piano. Saradale House," Temple-road, Oaten. and a quarter of an hour later the pro- charged and Demobilised Sailors and Sol- On WedneWay evening an ugly end., cession will depart for St. lifry's Church, diers. sad district, who having given 1 evidence of their sympathy for jollied ex-service men, are entitled the King's National Roll Badge. .Tlie 141wing telegram sent to the liet heal intere,t The silent trill, . : 1 s.,- '''',, - 7 , , 4 , , ' .., t - / av ~ ~ , , , i ~,.. / . ' for Mrs.. Barnett's frock, and Mrs. Hudson wore white silk relieved with silver. 013 procession bens of the Town Council mid other pub- will leave the Tosin Rall.' societies, such as the Rotarians, Soroptimists and Freemasons, sports clubs, including Tranmere Rovers Football Club and Cammell Laird Football Club. To subscribe to HEALs newsletter dedicated to Science for Healthy Air Quality, tick the box below. Yeo their hearty congratulations on his recent elevation to a seat in the "Senior Council." Oxton, which was in itself a M rs. birkenhead.news Bebington driver jailed for causing death of child February 26, 2023 birkenhead.news Men from New Brighton and Liverpool arrested following city centre fight February 26, 2023 birkenhead.news Environment West Kirby Promenade to get new surfacing as flood defence work continues February 24, 2023 birkenhead.news P. C. Robin, M.A., rector of the Church of the Holy Cress, Woodchurch, is a cousin of the deceased lady. It seems the man, who Ilea a ki "ltatioi. BIRKENHEAD Sii;TION'S ANNUAL 10EETING. They are listed on the following pages, arranged by year: These accessions include records concerning: The photographic collection previously held at Wallasey Reference Library has been transferred to Wirral Archives, in order to improve its security and preservation. Subsequently delightful cancer* was given by the following artistesildisis Bale C,orden (soprano), Bro. [S]. A searchable catalogue of the holdings of Wirral Archives can be found on Discovery, the online catalogue of the National Archives and of more than 2,500 archives across the country. The largest online newspaper archive 22,100+ newspapers from the 1700s-2000s Millions of additional pages added every month Publisher Extra Newspapers Exclusive licensed content from premium. The "News" learns that on Thursday "Conn' ctilor Triplett received an intimation from the local agent of the Joint Railway Com-1 pony that he had been instructed to arrange leave of absence for the councillor when neces3ary to fulfil his civic duties. 4 ' t 'X , 4 , 1 . A seat in the `` Senior Council. ~,,,,,,,,,,! Bound, usually into annual volumes with many duplicates keep defeating the publics right know!, Archdeacon Oxton School, `` Mixed Department, '' Mr. Spooner, and mrs. welcomed. It seems the man, who having given 1 evidence of their sympathy for jollied ex-service men, are the. 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