Protected Cargo Star Trek Fleet Command PvP Guide: Best Crews, Tips, and More, Is Star Trek Fleet Command Pay to Win? The Enterprise is an explorer, and as such is going to require a lot of gas to upgrade. Our Rewards program is up and going now! They are two of the best captains among the most famous Star Trek Fleet Command crew compositions . This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. | 22 July 2021, By Captain Epictetus (Moderator and all-time awesome commander). USS Enterprise Its going to feel like you never run out of shields. At low levels, the Botany Bay will likely be your biggest miner. A crew consists of non-player characters, each of which has unique skills and abilities. If mobile gaming is your passion and you want to get paid to create guides, youre in the right place. The Starfleet flagship, the USS Enterprise, is one in the line of iconic Constitution class starships. E.g. The TOS crew is bonkers if you have Marcus tiered up. This cookie is set by the provider Spotify. Yet, it was the most important one, for it launched a long history of space exploration. The 5of11 crew is a great all around crew for PvP and armadas. The Captains Maneuver is active only when the officer has the helm (middle slot). Each model in the class is fitted with the latest technology that the Federation has to offer. Rare. Understanding crew synergy can help give you a strong edge when planning out your ships crew. keep us on the air! By Star Trek Note: The Captains Maneuver does not change after an officer promotion. E.g. In that case, you can go with high level Cadet or Next Gen combinations. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. The Starfleet Flagship, the USS Enterprise, is one in the line of iconic Constitution class starships. Romulan officers are primarily focused on health and a combination of defense and offense. Base Stats: 4,000 to 32k @ T9 E.g. . Good conversation on the events and sentiment of the first part of this arc (still negative) but also getting back to our core mission, which is game education and teaching. Captain's Maneuver. The following crews are guidelines, and there are certainly a huge number of possibilites available, so never stop experimenting. STFC players can find these targets in the Klingon, Romulan, Federation star system, and in neutral space. Synergy boosting is only available between officers of the same group (e.g. For more information, see Scopelys Fan Content Policy. Owner/Creator Paramount Picturesand/orCBS Studios, READ LATER - DOWNLOAD THIS POST AS PDF >> CLICK HERE <<, Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated), Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command. The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the user's browser supports cookies. These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. Level 16: 10%Level 17: 10%Level 18: 11%Level 19: 11%Level 20: 12%, USS Enterprise Tier 4 Build TimeTime: 24d 7h 20mSeconds: 2,100,000 **, USS Enterprise Tier 4 Repair TimeTime: 1d 6h 33m 54sSeconds: 110,034 **, USS Enterprise Tier 4 Cargo CapacityBase: 39,370, USS Enterprise Tier 4 Protected Cargo CapacityBase: 695, Level 16: 15,000Level 17: 17,500Level 18: 19,500Level 19: 23,000Level 20: 25,000. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies, but opting out may have a negative effect on your browsing experience. Marla McGivers. When I got mine, it was even a big deal for my seven-year-old son, whose introduction to Star Trek has been this game. Captain: William T. RikerOfficer:James T. KirkOfficer: Spock. Keep in mind no one group is always best. This cookie is set by the Cookie Consent solution. So depending on which officers you have, what youre trying to accomplish, and your level, youre going to find a combination on this ship that works for you. Epic. - Answered. Augment officers are great for base raiding and attacking player stations. In the original drafts, the Roddenberrys hero ship was called the Yorktown.. Giving What Shes Got As long as the ship has Morale, the USS ENTERPRISE heals the Shield Health whenever it gets hit. Romulan officers are primarily focused on health and a combination of defense and offense. Dilithium 264B. | Privacy Policy. Everytime the ship gets it, he increases the defense of all officers on the bridge by N%. After Roddenberry approved the first model, an 11-foot model was constructed in December of 64 by Richard C. Datin, Jr., Mel Keys, and Vern Sion at Volmer Jensens model shop. (nerd) with battlelogs!2. This video focuses on a crew that's becoming more popular for big hostile hits for players and we break down why with some fun battlelogs here. Yuki also makes a great captain for your Enterprise, as her shield stripping will remove a portion of your opponents shields per round and again, in long battles, this will help you. In STFC, Alliance members can form an Armada group to defeat powerful enemies, however, each group must consist of 3 crew members. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. So if youre at level 1 going up against an Augur (which should be the ship to defeat the Enterprise), youre going to get hit four times in round one, so long as your ship has morale, youre going to get 20% of your shield back before the next round. The big Jerry Goldsmith theme played in my head as she emerged from the Shipyard. His ability provides a reduction in mitigation, which means that one of your attacks hit significantly harder, Initially, his ability percentage is low. Once you have broken through the enemies shield, you have to acquire resources as quickly and efficiently as possible. In order to make your ship stronger in Star Trek: Fleet Command, you will have to put the correct crew in it. Otto. The cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Youll need 180 of them a day (more if youve leveled up your rep past respected.). Unlike the uncommon and rare Tier 3 ships, you cant grind your way to a USS Enterprise per se. *Costs and time are base values only. I realize my nerd-sign is flashing here, but come on, this seems like its a big enough deal that it should get fixed in an update at some point. These phenomenal spacecraft have become the backbone of a rebuilding and reinvigorated Federation. Scopely is not affiliated with this content nor has it endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved it. Although there are various options, the best crew for base cracking is Khan as the captain, with Harrison, Honorguard Worf, or Fat Mudd. Base raiding becomes integral as you progress, especially if you want to progress fast in the game. Learn how your comment data is processed. Captain has two different officer types placed next to them that do not match their own type (e.g. If you are a low-level player, it is advisable that you use Gala, as it will reduce the critical damage your Alliance members take. A good USS Enterprise crew when taking on an Armada. More Officers can be divided into the following categories: The intuitive interpretation of these categories is that Epics are better than Rares, Rares are better than Uncommons, and Commons is at the bottom in terms of effectiveness. Command. These phenomenal spacecraft have become the backbone of a rebuilding and reinvigorated Federation. The Starfleet flagship, the USS Enterprise, is one in the line of iconic Constitution-class starships. There are currently three different factions within the STFC universe and each faction has primary, secondary, and tertiary focuses. . This is why leveling officers is important outside of just their abilities. As long as the ship has Morale, the USS Enterprise heals the Shield Health by 17% whenever it gets hit. The focal point of their abilities are to mitigate the attack of any station or ships defending it. This collection of Star Trek Fleet Command Hostile Drops that sorts each faction by the loot they drop so you can easily find out what system to farm specific materials from and what hostiles you need to pew-pew. Also, we recommend you use Captain Sylvia Tilly, Gabriel Lorca, and Khan Noonien Singh as a generic crew for standard ships like Valdore. . Enterprise NX-01. It doesnt mean that a crew with synergy bonus will always be better. The Captains Maneuver remains the same regardless of promotion. Each model in the class is fitted with the latest technology the Federation has to offer. If you are in an Eclipse Armada, it is recommended that you use Kirk, Spock and Khan. The Captains Maneuver can be boosted significantly through synergy. When placing faction officers on a ship, in most cases they will always tend to complement ships where the primary offensive or defensive focus are aligned. For its time, the Enterprise was the fastest ship in the fleet. Officer Ability. You might also want to go with an anti-faction officer like Krell or Mirek (anti-Federation), Yanagh, or Yuki (ant-Romulan), or LNar against Klingons. Click the plus icon to open up more information.The information will be constantly updated as updates come out. 4 Uncommon Explorer Parts 2.39M. Even though you can use any non-player character to be part of your Armada crew, some characters will perform better in the battle. The original three-foot demonstration model of the ship was built in November of 1964 by the Howard Anderson Company. The game has a huge list of different ships and characters from the Star Trek franchise and you will have to use them to fight against your opponents and explore the universe. Pan. Official Subreddit for all things Star Trek: Fleet Command, the newest MMORPG by Scopely. Officer bonuses can increase theattack(accuracy, shield pierce, armor pierce),defense(deflection, armor, dodge), andhealth(hull, shield) of your ship. These phenomenal spacecraft have become a backbone of a rebuilding and reinvigorated Federation. When you get yours, its going to be a big day. Some players may think that this setup is extremely basic, but it is one of the most used crew setups for Armada battles. Ability: + 5% restored to Sheild Health, while having Morale. Epictetus' Officer Guide in full, is kept current and is more in-depth. Given that the Enterprises ability will tend to get you in longer battles, Khan to increase your critical chances becomes a very good choice. Science Command Science), Captain has two officers of the same type next to them and also match their own type (e.g. Enterprise: The first officer is capt. In order to get additional ships and officers, you have to advance in the main story arc. Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. Total Cost: Tier 1 to 12. 2021 Scopely. More officers will probably be added in future updates. Keep in mind that it consists of 2 Epic Officers, and as such, lower level players might struggle when it comes to creating crews for Armadas. Important Tip: Dont fall for the trappings of officers that boost base ship stats. Beanakin 2 yr. ago. This is important because it will help you better understand how to coordinate officers with each other and what kind of ships to place them on. You should bear in mind that only players who joined the battle in the countdown, and who are within the Armada Hostiles radius, can participate in the attack. Tritanium 6.22T. 40 to 75 @ T9 It was his cover of the David Bowie song, Heroes, that appears in the Short Treks episode, Children of Mars. The Saladin has a 50 percent chance of attacking twice when Kuron is captain of the ship, but he should be replaced with Khan, Khan should be on all base cracking crews if he is unlocked. Each faction has a respective ability that can trigger, which will typically improve certain attributes of the ship or officers (shields, armor, weapons, attack, health, defense, etc.). Officers are an essential component of a ship, as the ship is nothing without its officers on the bridge and crew below the deck. Kras (Glory In The Kill officers) (science, any ship) (as Captain . Level 41: 22%Level 42: 23%Level 43: 23%Level 44: 24%Level 45: 25%, USS Enterprise Tier 9 Build TimeTime: 34d 12hSeconds: 2,980,800 **, USS Enterprise Tier 9 Repair TimeTime: 2d 23h 22m 42sSeconds: 84,162 **, USS Enterprise Tier 9 Cargo CapacityBase: 116,000, USS Enterprise Tier 9 Protected Cargo CapacityBase: 1,520, Level 41: 154,000Level 42: 161,000Level 43: 176,000Level 44: 183,000Level 45: 200,000, Captain: TOS James T. KirkOfficer: TOS Nyota UhuraOfficer: TOS Leonard McCoy. A good USS Enterprise crew when you expect to be attacked. Such as mining in hostile systems where there is a good chance of getting blown up and you need a sturdy ship or one with lots of protected cargo. Allegedly, epic characters are better than rares, rares are better than uncommon characters, and common characters are at the bottom in terms of effectiveness. The percentage boost to the maneuver will vary between officer to officer depending on what their maneuver does. In actuality, each type can be effective and it is entirely situational. A ship is nothing without the officers on the bridge and the crew below deck. STFC players can view which resources they have, and if you want, or need these resources, you can attack them. However, you can always try to make an unusual build with other officers. The Starfleet flagship, the USS Enterprise, is one in the line of iconic Constitution class starships. Each model in the class is fitted with the latest technology that the Federation has to offer. This is going to be your starting crew. Synergy is a bonus that can occur amongst the bridge officers when they are from the same group. After completing the introductory quests, you will have access to a space station, a ship, and a few officers. If youve got John Harrison, hell also be somewhat effective. (scroll down past the main officer table or use the table of content to see additional officer information.). Contribution by an ex "Phoenix Ravens" Alliance member, I believe both their own, also notes from the Epic "Epictetus"s Guide. Star Trek: Fleet Command is one of the greatest MMORTS games in the modern game industry and there are lots of cool features. A Command Officer paired with an Engineer and Science Officer. Details The focal point of their abilities is to end the fight as fast as possible. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Some crew members excel in harvesting resources, and others perform best when cracking a base. Whether @everyone comes to this video to find an easier way to hit Heavy Transports in capital systems, or to learn about unique ways to crew with officers, . As always, this answer depends what ship/officers you are fighting. And the most important thing in your crew should be synergy, and then it will become much more powerful. After a few days of fresh air and recharging we came back to a WONDERFUL show. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, Scopely, CBS Interactive, or any Star Trek franchise. All of that damage will now be going to your opponents hull. Klingon officers are primarily focused on attack and increased weapons damage. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. The USS Enterprise is a 3 Star, Epic Explorer Ship, and requires a Shipyard at lvl 34 in order to build it. Explorer, and as such is going to be attacked crew setups for Armada battles Google. Point of their abilities are to mitigate the attack of any station or ships defending it Command officer with..., so never stop experimenting that case, you can use any non-player character to be of. 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