I know that very well! I am not a horrible mother, in fact I am a stay at home mother. She has now outgrown the reflux but has become a very fussy feeder.Her early months were very black for me, both myself and my husband would get very upset and frustrated when trying to feed her- me moreso I guess as I did it more. I can understand that your sons behavior is making you sad. I take care of her so nicely and to the best of efforts but she doesnt like me. What a tricky situation you are all in! If he wasnt a secure baby he wouldnt be able to bond with other people. We have not been physical with each other for 5 years, actually it only happened the once and I got pregnant. I am sure she wants the best for her daughter, i.e. thanks for listening to my views. She scratches me especially on the face near my eyes which really hurts she sometimes bites me or cries when i go near her and refuses any toys i might give her also she longer longer enjoys any of the songs i used to sing to her. Recently, she wasnt feeling well and was running a temperature and she only wanted daddy. This way, your daughter will get much more time close to you. I try to fix this by not responding to the kid and shouting at her and show her that I am bad. She cries for her grand mother. You sound so sad and worried and writing the first few months were black makes me suspect that you were (and maybe still are) suffering from a postpartum depression. I am the one who wants to take her to the class, playground and other fun places. Just 15 minutes of fun interaction. It hurts. Personally, I think reading books about child development and how to help your child in life can be very rewarding both to help one as a parent with becoming more confident and also to find ways to be able to discuss how to raise a child without it becoming angry or sensitive. Maybe I will have better luck with a second kid. It is absolutely not worth bringing a child into this world if you are not prepared to take care of it properly. According the U.S. Department of Labor, 37% of moms worked full time while 17% worked part time. As soon as I pass him to someone else he is quiet immediately. Instead of turning your relationship into a power struggle, (trying to make him say mommy, for example), be proud of how much you have helped him to grow already! That pretty much goes for any situation if he is facing both of us he goes to her. Everyone eeps telling me that he loves me and he did miss me but it doesnt feel like it. I am also one of the sad moms whose 17 month old daughter doesnt seem to like her mother. 1. my in-laws dun understand wen i tells them. Maybe worth trying for you too? Your toddler has been used to having mom all to themselves. Why he wont sleep with me, hold my hand, kiss me, hug me To make matters worse my mum died when I was 7 and my dad and 6 other sibblings have always rejected me as I was growig up, even to this day they dont have time for me. So chin up, even when its hard. Now, today is my sons 2nd birthday and Im delighted beyond words that my son is fully bonded with me and I truly feel like a real mother. Please help me!! and I'll see you tonight! well, its not. If possible, try to be at home alone with your daughter too. It will all work out, whether you stew or ruminate about any of it.". A scary thought! This can be incredibly painful and worrying for the parent not in favor, but in most cases this is part of the babys development process. (And by all means, get the same kind of time alone with your three year old too!). Theres even a song that we all sing together as a family since my husband left. I am a stay at home mom, I give her stimulation when she wants it by giving her tummy time or playtime with me or her bouncy. Sometimes I think having two woman caretakers might confuse her and therefore not recognize my role as a mother. Over the 2 years I have been in a terrible custody battle and its still going on right now. Recently, its really been getting to me. Even if hes holding her and I try to give her a kiss, she turns away and gets upset. Not that your girl has bonded too much with your mom; it is actually great that she feels safe with grandma too, but that you feel that you need to work on your relationship with your daughter, since you are away from home and work. I am so happy that my two main men have such a great relationship, but I want to share in it too! And hug your wife. Any parent who has been there can relate to your pain. i know i need to love her now but do feel so sad when she pushes away from me. However, since she was 8+months, she has been fighting me and does not want me to hold her when she sees her caretaker. i relly need some advise before i go crazy please :(. My partner is the light of his life. Face the baby outward in the baby carrier where she can see and become distracted. A lot of the time she sees were together and she wants to grab him and it pisses me of and if i say no or get upset she says he wants to come with me and she acts like Im making it a big deal we live in her house so she is around 24/7 so i try 2 get out but even if were gone all day as soon as he sees her he wants her or if i try 2 get him from her he doesnt wanna come 2 me..i think he thinks she is his mother she took him away from me so much he bonded more with her and i think that was her plan. We have tried EVERYTHING to get this baby to take a bottle. It might be worth trying too. everyday i am in tears..cant work ..cant sleep..no peace. Of course we can go the road of power struggles, but it wont help. There is a worker at her nursery who she is not keen on and she scratched her yesterday which puts me in the same category as her I guess. Hi all. Paula is right. Ive never hurt her and when I get frustrated with her I always sit her down and walk away and take a few breaths. Im ready to walk but want to be there for my children & my girlfriend is due again in December with another little boy. To all that have posted their thoughts in regards to what I felt was complete rejection. I am not saying that it is easy, but I am saying that it is definitely part of being a parent to be rejected now and then. even when am not with her she plays with her grand mother or even neighbors. Hi everyone, This is even almost causing friction between mom and I because I try to spend time with my daughter anyway and she just screams and mom wants me to just leave her alone. It did not used to be this way she used to be very attached to me. My son is now 14 mos old and he is bonded to me. 11. I play with, love and nurture my 17 month old boy but he doesnt seem to care about me. It really upsets me because her dad or greatgrandmother can get her when she starts doing this to me and she is fine. I dont know why she it is getting upset at me and no one else. He is great with me on my own we play cuddle and take him to the park a lot. RIght now he is identifying with dad. Reclaim your motherhood of your child. Again research has shown that children who are picked up often, carried around if they ask for it, and so on, become secure enough to leave their parents arms faster than the children who are not allowed to be close to their parents. I dont work and both me and her dad at home with her. But I really found some comfort when I found this thread and read about other parents similar experiences. If you are even in the vicinity of your daughter when the nanny is there, she will scream for you and you alone. Dont worry. I am in a similar state..My daughter has chosen my husband and my MIL always over me..I had a C section and whenever she used to cry as a newborn my MIL would come and whisk her away..Dad was her all time fav cos he would sing to her in his deep voice..I comforted myself saying that it would all be fine but she is one year old now and I see no improvement..When she is crying, she doesnt want me.My MIL whisks her away and she stops crying in a sec..My MIL thinks I am not doing a good job as a mon and that erodes my confidence as a working woman and a mom..I regret having my baby sometimes even though she is the most beautiful angel in my eyes..I cry and I have a diary written for her to read when she becomes a mom..On the overall I dont feel like a mom..My daughter doesnt hug me..She doesnt call me Mama.She hugs her dad and grandma all the time and says even Apple and Papa..I guess I am just not meant to live!! It is very normal even with both parents at home, that only mom is accepted and that the child cries if left alone even for a moment. I think this situation just happens with postpartum mothers and makes a lot of sense. Our song hs never stoppd being sung even my hsband ws around. Paula, I saw in other posts you said 8 and 9 months are very sensitive times Will you please explain what you mean? First, identify why your baby might be refusing the bottle. I dont know if maybe he was picking up on my dark mood, my insecurities? Go swimming, play in the snow, go to the playground or just do something together that both of you enjoy. I clean up UNBELIEVABLY poopy diapers. I am very responsive with both. Take a bath the three of you, cuddle up together for a nighttime story and go out having fun together. I know that nobody is going to want to hear this but your relationship with your child might never be the same if you just ignore it. Then I have my daughter four years later, and she is the same way, and she was born vaginally, immediately placed skin to skin, and I never worked or was separated from her. I have a 2 year old daughter. I?m thinking to move away from his grandparent so that they can only visit from time to time, but I?m worried it will affect him. On weekends when where around my parents she wants nothing to do with me and just wants my parents. Mom gets into the bathtub, full of warm (not hot) water with baby. Your son loves you no less because he enjoys the company of his grandma. A lot of research has found the childs first 3 years to be the most important for bonding, so you still have a lot time. It has been 37 years and we are not close. At 9 mos I was in a lot of despair over the obvious lack of bonding between me and my son. I thought I was doing the best thing for myself and my daughter. Please help me out of this. I work very part time 3 days a week for a total of 16 hours. That does NOT mean that the baby doesnt love dad (or mom in your case), but simply that she is a developmental stage where she mainly can handle showing love to one person at the time. but when my wife is around, Im nobody, she wont come to me, no kisses or hugs, she will scream and cry for mum to hold her, especially if I pick her up. Take your baby for a casual walk. I am also the sole breadwinner in my family. Welcome to Easy Baby Life your one-stop shop for positive parenting tips and tools from pregnancy and on! I've tried Philips avent, pigeon and now using hegen. It kills me and its making me resent her so much. or something similar. What happened? tis always lead me n my husband to quarrel ..i cant slp goes i am really very very deep down crying n dying. A very sleepy baby may accept a bottle without even realizing it, so if your baby's resisting, try slipping in that target near the end of a nap, when she's still half asleep. It is great that they help you out, so that you can finish school, but the situation with your daughter is obviously breaking your heart. Fertility benefits increase loyalty, productivity, and fulfillment. What he really needs might be to have more fun and more time with his dad. So youve done great job. It really hurts. Honestly I dont know what to do and I am tired of my ex making me feel horrible each time he says she doesnt want to leave or having it written up in court papers thinking there is abuse. I get up with him in the middle of the night when Im so tired I could die. Tips for Going Back to Work After Baby and Easing into a Routine. should i stop my caregiver from sleeping next to her to maybe stop them from being too close? But 3 weeks ago I got hospitalized. And that is actually the key to your bonding. Ive actually read about spending the 15 minutes with your baby as Paula posted to Laura previously. The main reason is that at this age, children start attending school and they become more independent. My dad says its because she can feel who really loves her. I dont see this as an issue, but she is concerned that the kid does not like her anymore and could get worse by days. I hope what you said is true and its just a phase. Its even worse now I have split with the father as she never wants to come back to my house and now my son is starting to do the same becuase he has a new gf and they are the perfect family and im on my own, everything I do is never as good as whats at daddies house, we have them half the week each so its not like hes a weekend dad and they just pleased to see him. i am a younger mother who still lives with my mother. My son is fine with me round anyone else. I dont know how to explain this to him, I just wanted to say, its not my problembut on the other hand, i dont KNOW what the problem is either! Play games together with both her and her if needed. I believe our consistent schedule via the webcam n video call had paid off. Some moms return to work just a few weeks after having a baby, while others take up to a year (or longer) of maternity leave. And stop relying on your son showing his affection in any specific ways for you to feel loved and valuable. So worried he is forgeting about me. She wants to be with anyone else in the house except me. Paula, Stay At Home Mom Rejected By Baby hi my baby is 5 months old and still now she hasnt recognized me. I know, because Im starting to have this horrible fog lifted, that it IS true that somewhere in my childs heart and soul he knew/knows the intensity of my love for him, and all those thankless moments, all those times of carrying out a mundane parenting task feeling heartbroken do not go unnoticed on some deep cosmic level. At around 7-10 months many babies go through stages of separation anxiety and stranger anxiety, meaning that they are terrified to be left alone and/or meet strangers. One is of course that you and your wife need to start talking to each other on how to raise your child. Try to have a lot of skin contact with her. I thought my daughter was the only one to behave this way. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The situation must be painful for you. :) :) :). Its my first baby and this hurts sooo much inside seeing it happen everyday. When I drop her off at daycare she doesnt look twice. So the technology really helps when I have to wake up daddy in the middle of the night when she has a tummy ache and wantd 2 only hear her daddys voice 2 soothe her cries. Sep. 5, 2016. Take days of vacation or maternal leave, ask your mom to bring your daughter to your work for lunch, work from home, let go of as many of your chords as you can or do them together with your daughter, co-sleep with her, talk to her, bathe with her, sing to her. Try different positions 5. However, there is no way of telling ahead of time whether your baby will go happily from breast to bottle and back again. You are likely to mean total security for your daughter and maybe she just knows that you are there for her, so that she doesnt really need to be with you when exciting (in her mind) dad is there. baby rejecting mom after going back to work. Which just doesnt help at all! There are so many nights when I would cry myself to sleep from the heartbreak and helplessness that I feel. Toddler Rejecting Mom After New Baby. Here you go honey!. Yesterday, Xmas day, he passed the whole day following her everywhere! I work 6 days a week an Im home at nights but when he sees me he wont come to me and when I pick him up he throws his head back an starts to kick an screaming an he either runs to his mom or anyone else an its really killing me inside an it makes me feel he doesnt want me but like everybody else Im the only one that can put him to sleep an calm him down but its just hurts me that he doesnt want to be around me my heart is broken I been told it was a phase but I dont know bout that What can I do to want him to want me? I feel to so down at the min that Ive been thinking of running away and letting him have the kids while I start again somewhere else, they never want me anyways so doubt they would miss me (my son is now 4). will my daughter never love me or be close to me. I was disconnected from the baby during my whole pregnancy i was very depressed, but the second he was born i instantly fell in love and felt so ashamed that i felt the way i had. While maternity leave policies last 8-12 weeks, that would mean that at just 2-3 months in, new moms are returning to work with potentially undiagnosed postpartum anxiety or depression and may not know it. Stroke baby, talk to baby. In the morning, can you and your daughter get dressed together before you meet the others? dont get me wrong, she just doesnt seem to have any kind of attachment to me at all.it makes me feel worthlesssomeone replaceableis this something that will pass, or should I talk to her doctor? Recently my sis in law has come back after her long leave.. my son of 3 years has totally changed seeing his aunt.. since she is at home now, i leave my son with her when i am at work.. I am so devastated by this as I am worried it will affect our relationship long term? Make sure you spend as much time as possible with your daughter alone, or at least not together with your mother. I see you're still nervous. She is not a competitor and never will be only you are his mom! Whenever my fiance and I pick up my almost 3 year old daughter from her fathers she cries and clings to her father. Do a workday practice run and consider returning part-time at first if possible. He may be more accepting of it if he is not crazy hungry. My son loves anyone who will pick him up and carry him around and he seems to truly miss mommy when Im not there. Whereas, with her, he SCREAMS. And I really felt that it started to work almost immediately. Im the one that takes care of him all the time when he sick has a bad dreamect like today my husband went to work and he cried I went to pick him up he didnt want anything to do with me. An infection or poor breastfeeding latch issue removed the ability to nurse for a short period of time. this is just a phase. She is now my daughters god mother and I consider her a dear friend. My partner goes away and when I am on my own we have a perfect routine and daddy comes home, she hits me and pushes me away. I have never been away from her for more than 2 hours before this and now she doesnt even care to see me. Now, whenever I try to hug her or give her a little kiss, she pushes me away and says No Daddy! I did start a job a few months back, but I am with her during the day M-F, then when I work at night, my wife is home with her. Ive spent a fortune on psychotherapy and self- help groups, and I still suffer. I often wonder if day care would be a better option. I really dont know :-( hope it will change in future.. :-( A Big Hug goes to all those mummies and daddies who are in the same boat as me! I just want to know what is going on with my child and why she is acting out like this. Its a heartbreaking situation for which I cannot give an explanation When I go to pick up my baby from my in-laws, on one side I am looking forward to picking him up and see my baby but then I am always reluctant to open that door and find that he does not even have a smile for me and be faced with another big disappointment. Babies react in different ways when mom (or dad) suddenly starts working. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We dont know what happened while she was in the other state but I think she needs to have that bond with her mother. Your girl is acting this way because she loves you and needs you, not the opposite! I have to give her a bath, I have to brush her teeth, I have to feed her, I am the only to play with her and I am the one to read bed time stories. Even if its only by God and me I suppose. And one afternoon she suddenly started rejecting me. I feel very sad when this happens as I am already sitting in my home for her resigned from my job.She never wants to come to me. It ws daddy that can sooth her cries, it ws daddy that could make her listen 2 mummys encouragement. This could change any day. Pin it or frame it at a place where you can give a quick look. Best of luck. Your baby is enjoying the world around him and right now grandma is great fun. She wants Daddy all the time and will cry for him when he leaves the room even when I am in it. Disguise the bottle. Sorry bout the long script but Im just trying to explain how it is & how i feel. It will happen, if your baby is bonding with others s/he will bond with you. My partner has always spoilt her by carrying her around on his hip what seems like constantly, so when he comes in from work she is happy and smiley and wants him to cuddle her and pick her up and she wont even look my way! she just stared at him from top to bottom, puzzled how come daddy is not in the TV (our tv screen connected to the laptop). When toddlers reject their mothers, it's either one of the three reasons explained above. If you try to make a young toddler behave properly (i.e. The "opt out" revolution of high-earning women exiting the labor force to have babies, widely publicized in the early 2000s, may have been overstated. Its absolutely heartbreaking to me. In fact its more mummy than daddy, and my husband is a little bit jealous of this. Treat breastfeeding like dessert and offer the breast after your baby has had a bottle. After some time, if all adults involved really try to focus on what is best for the baby and put their personal feelings aside, things will eventually turn out well. It breaks my heart Ive cried many times!! Begin pumping ahead of time and build up a supply of frozen milk, if possible. my 13 month old is having the worth temper tandrums ever. If this has happened to you, you might be sad, worried, and frustrated. This is painful, really painful. However, I am so worried that my initial sadness has somehow rubbed off on him and he would rather be with anyone else but me. I do everything my mother does yet apparently I dont love her enough!! Yet our daughter still wants nothing to do with her except when its meal time. Running away like that is completely unacceptable. Her father does go out a lot with her on his days but I do not drive and all we do is stay at home. The answer is yes, although breastfeeding after returning to work is definitely trickier in some situations. Mothers, it & # x27 ; ll see you tonight and other fun places boy. Other fun places part time 3 days a week for a nighttime story and go out having together! If this has happened to you up together for a total of 16 hours years and we are close! Have such a great relationship, but i think having two woman caretakers confuse... Has happened to you only you are even in the snow, go to the kid and shouting at and! Has happened to you better luck with a second kid be very to!, and fulfillment you meet the others do feel so sad when she pushes me and! 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baby rejecting mom after going back to work

baby rejecting mom after going back to work