Whenever you convert 1 clay into food using the Pottery or Potter, you receive 1 additional food. Each room of your clay hut costs you 3 clay and 2 reeds. Before scoring, return the 3 animals. If you pay another type of resource, e.g. Original Agricola player board with spaces to store resources. This card is passed to the left immediately when it has been played. You have to perform a regular action on the action space; fence building is optional. Joinery: 3 wood; Pottery: 3 clay; Basketmaker's Workshop: 2 reeds. This is the Revised Edition of Agricola, including its 5-6 players expansion. If you do not wish to pay the 1 food to buy the vegetables, the vegetable is returned to the general supply. Well, I eventually did and now have two sets of nearly identical games. But I digress As new expansion decks came out, things became complicated. When you play this card, you receive 2 building resources of your choice. This card cannot be played once all other players have 2 or more occupations (3 occupations in a 3-player game, 4 occupations in a 2-player game). In each harvest, the Stone Carver can convert up to 1 stone to 3 food. Immediately take 1 food from the general supply for each family member that has been born during the game so far, but no more than 6 food. You receive 2 food from the general supply in the field phase of each harvest. Pay 1 wood to every other player who has at least 1 fence. At the end of the game, if your pastures occupy 6/7/8/9+ farmyard spaces, you receive 1/2/3/4 bonus points. At least the Occupation spaces have words. The player with the most points wins. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you also receive 2 clay. In a solo game, this card is removed from the game after you play it. So herearemy thoughts on how they compare. If you use the Clay Deposit yourself, you do not need to have or to pay any food. the, If there is less than 2 wood on the action space, for example because of the. The deciding factor is the number of fenced spaces in the farmyard. Use a green arrow to show who currently has the card. When you play this card, you receive 1 cattle. Apart from the goat, you cannot hold any other animal in your home. When the Revised edition came out I held back, a little annoyed that I had already spent hundreds of dollars on my original copy and all of its expansions and goodies. because of the, Is activated even if you leave all the wood on the action space because of. When you play this card, you receive 1 forest tile that you must immediately place on an empty space in your farmyard. If you sow three or more fields, you do not get any additional goods. You can use this card once for every sowing action. You may not create an unconnected pasture in any other way with this card. I recentlyhad the opportunity to demo, teachand play the new (and improved) release of Agricola, now published in the U.S. by Mayfair Games. Whenever you use the "Plough 1 Field" action space, you may immediately afterward sow 1 grain or 1 vegetable. Lot easier for when you are playing with kiddos or family that arent as into board games. You can no longer keep animals in it. During the feeding phase of the harvest, you can use the Brewery to convert at most 1 grain to 3 food. The vegetable that you want to convert into 5 food may not be on a field; it must be taken from your personal supply. This expands your famyard by 2 spaces. When harvesting, you must immediately bake this field's harvested grain. For example, the (A) deck's 168 cards are found in the base game's box (48 cards) and the Artifex expansion (120 cards). You have a field phase (harvest phase 1) after each round, except that outside a regular harvest the. The food and fuel may not be in the form of raw resources like wood and grain. MSRP is $60. Once during the game, at any time, you can pay the number of food (0 to 5) remaining on the Styrian Oak to receive 6 wood from the supply. At the end of the game, all players who have the most plowed fields receive 3 bonus points each. The farmyard space counts as used, and can still be used as a pasture by fencing it. the. If you would have placed a number of your people after all other player's people anyway, e.g. It answers all the questions I had when I was new to Agricola and wanted to understand the relationships between the various decks and sub-decks and where the cards came from. If you have not knocked it over by the end of the game, it is worth 2 bonus points. If you repay part of the loan during the game, you may no longer repay the rest of the loan later in the game or before scoring. The animals that the Animal Tamer allows you to keep in the house replace the usually allowed 1 pet (so if you have 3 rooms, you can keep 3 animals in your home, not 4). [. You may replace the required reed with a total of 1 wood for any renovation or for each new room. At the end of the game, you only lose points for unused farmyard spaces and begging cards. All other players must and you may immediately convert one animal of their (your) choice to food. If you have to pay an odd number of wood, you can round up the number of stone you pay, e.g. The Sheepdog does not count as an animal, e.g. These are the Minor Improvement and Occupation decks included with the base Agricola game. I was always getting them confused. At the start of the work phase of each round, you can place 1 food from the general supply on an action space of your choice. for minor improvements, when scoring the, If you return this card to your hand, you may play it again later. This feature is only for US prices currently. You receive 1 additional wood whenever you use a person's action to take wood. The farmyard space cannot be used for anything else until the end of the game. Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. Add 2, 4, 6, 8 to the current round. Once during the game, when you use either the "Plough 1 Field" or "Plough Field and Sow" action space, you can plough 3 fields instead of 1. if you also have. This deck is an expansion deck containing additional Minor Improvements and Occupations and is meant to be mixed with all other (B) deck cards. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you receive 1 additional grain. or any other occupation or improvement to get reed. Place up to 3 food from your personal supply on this card. The stone on this card is not part of your personal supply. The Stone Oven and the Heating Stove swap places. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Food that you receive at the start of a round can be used to pay for an occupation. Place 2 reed, 3 wood, 3 clay, and 2 stone on rounds 7, 9, 11 and 13, respectively. The token is used as a family member disc. When another player places a family member that would give him goods, the action has no immediate effect. the, The Thatcher has no effect if the number of reeds required is already lowered to 0, e.g. resources at the start of the game or bonuses for fulfilling certain conditions). I was actually happy with my original hand before we drafted, something I havent ever experienced when playing the original Agricola. Add 5 and 9 to the number of the current round. Three times during the game (but at most once per round), you can place 1 vegetable from your personal supply on this card and receive 3 food in exchange. Whenever you use a person's action to take wood that is on an action space, you can leave 2 of that wood on the action space and receive 3 food in exchange. The order in which the "Plough Field and Sow" and "Family Growth without Room" action spaces enter the game is determined by the Chamberlain immediately when they are turned over. This card can hold up to 1 sheep, 1 wild boar and 1 cattle. Once per round, you may return 1 of your animals to the supply for a guest token, which you place this round as you would a family member. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Minor improvements are never adjacent to a farmyard space, unless the minor improvement itself contains farmyard spaces (e.g. Set Release Day Notification. At the start of these rounds, you receive the cattle. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you receive 1 additional grain. grain and 1 animal for 3 Bonus points. Only the food that is lying on the action space is doubled. Otherwise, the food is returned to the supply. You are allowed to pay stone for any other building resource. Whenever you build at least 1 fence, you also receive 1 stable which you must build immediately. For upgrading the Village Church to the Church, you receive 2 food. [, Is not activated when another player uses the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at one time because of the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at the start of a round, including those from the. Resources from the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games are also counted, and may activate the Farm Cart if there are additional resources on the space (e.g. for the requirements of other cards. It is now generally referred to as the "Z-Man Edition". All future pastures must border at least one existing pasture. The base game comes with only 48 Minors and 48 Occupations from both the (A) and (B) decks and are intended to be combined. At the start of a round, if you have no building resources, you may take 1 building resource from the general supply; if you have no food, you may take 1 food from the general supply. If you already have 5 family members, you can use the guest to play a round with 6 actions. [. You cannot use such an action space just to use this card if the action space contains no stone (e.g. The new family members are placed on top of the person that was placed on the building action space. and by the "Sheep, Wild Boar, or Cattle" action space in the 5-player game. During the feeding phase of each harvest, you may trade 1 vegetable for 1 of any type of animal that you already have in your farmyard. This works for all spaces that include a family growth action. Other building resources are wood, clay, and stone. Whenever another player sows one or more fields, you receive 1 grain in a 3-player game or 1 food in a 4 or 5 player game. Whenever you convert wild boar to food, you place the boar on this card. Only improvements and occupations that are open in front of you count. In the final harvest, you can exchange 3 fuel for 1 bonus point, or 5 fuel for 2 bonus points. Each time you use a ploughing action space, you may only use one card out of the ploughs and the. These food remain on the board even when the 3 additional food from the Village Well are distributed, and are distributed again if the Well is purchased a second time. You cannot use this farmyard space to hold anything, but it is counted as used, and is worth 1 additional bonus point at the end of the game. If you convert an animal yourself, you receive no advantage. If you are the first person to take reed in a round, you do not get any advantage from the Reed Buyer. for, Only the food that was lying on the action space can be used to buy stone. The deck is playable alone but it is best when mixed with EIK. You cannot exchange this card for a room and renovate to a clay hut with the same renovate action. Each player that uses the Water Mill must give you 1 of the food. At the end of each round, you can tithe up to 1 fuel to earn 1 bonus point. You immediately receive 2 food. Uwe Rosenberg chose just 48 Occupation cards and 48 Minor Improvement cards from among the gazillion hes created for the game since its inception. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional grain and 1 vegetable for 3 bonus points. SKU: LKGLOG0165. Is also activated if you take more resources. However, you must pay the food beforehand; you may not subtract it from the proceeds. This . You may keep up to 2 cattle on each unused space on your farmyard, to a maximum of 4 cattle. You cannot get more than 2 bonus points from this card. Pay 2 less clay to renovate to a clay hut, and pay 2 less stone to renovate to a stone house. For example, you can only use the action space "Family Growth and Minor Improvement" with your first person in the next round if you have 2 empty rooms. Two are for a card-less play variant. While I have a fondness for Agricola because it was the first worker placement game I ever played it and Space Alert provided my entree into the giant new world of designer games Ive also been heardto call Agricola migraine in a box. Whenever you use the most recent round card with one of your people, you receive 1 additional grain. Forest tiles need not be adjacent to one another. Immediately fence 1 farmyard space which contains a forest or moor tile. Collecting the food does not count as taking the "Fishing" action, and does not activate the, You can not take other resources that may be on the "Fishing" action space, e.g. for, Every grain that is moved from this field to your personal supply has to be baked, including when, Grain moved elsewhere (e.g. When you play this card, you receive 1 sheep. When you rebuild the fences, you must use the same number of fences. You do not have to use an action space to build a room with the Mason. Whenever another player plays an occupation, place 1 food from the supply on this card. Speaking of boards, the boards and tokens are as sturdy as ever. Sheep that are on the board because of the. Only wood that is taken directly from an action space is counted. You choose which animal goes on which space, but all the animals must be different. [. Whenever another player converts 1 or more animals into food, you receive 1 food from the general supply. In each extension, you may replace exactly 2 clay or 2 stone with 1 wood. Once you have built a clay hut, place 1 food on each remaining round space. Had you shuffled 12 cards in with 200 others, how many of the original 12 would have been dealt out? You can place 1 field tile on this card when you play it, to show that the plough may be used 1 more time. There are 14 game rounds occurring in 6 stages, with a Harvest at the end of each stage (after Rounds 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14). At any time, you may convert goods to food as follows: vegetable 2 food; sheep 1 food; wild boar 2 food; cattle 3 food. with the. to use the clay received in an action to renovate to a clay hut, in order to profit from an improvement such as the, The new room is free. The translation is based on (but not the same as) the translation by Melissa Rogerson. It cannot be used for anything else than paying for occupations. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you can choose to take twice as many food as is on the space. If you draw identical animals, the one you keep may be immediately converted into food with an appropriate improvement. Uwe Rosenberg is known for many other popular modern board. In the feeding phase of each harvest, you can convert up to 1 vegetable to 5 food. Immediately turn 1 of your occupations before you face down. You still have to take a minor improvement action to take the Pottery. Very slow interface compared to the other Agricola version The space must be unfenced before playing this card. Whenever you renovate your home, you may at the same time build 1 room. At the start of these rounds, you receive food. Once per round, you may exchange 2 food for a building resource of your choice. Whenever you use the "Fell Trees" special action or take at least 4 wood from an action space, you receive 1 additional wood. There was the Gamers' Deck (G), the World Championship Deck (WM), and a number themed decks such as the France Deck (FR) and Czech Republic Deck (CZ). If the most recent round card is "1 Stone", "1 Sheep", "1 Wild Boar", or "1 Cattle", and there are no animals on the space because another player took them earlier in the round, you cannot use that action in this round. Theyve already announced that a 5- to 6-player extension, expansions, and a lower price point Family Edition withoutcards,will be released later this year. The Cowherd is not activated by using this space. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each forest in your farmyard. When you play this card, you can immediately plough 1 field for each plough or Harrow that has been played by any player. If you already live in a clay hut or stone house, you use the Farm Steward for the first family growth action after you've played it. The Vineyard is not considered to be adjacent to any farmyard space or other card, regardless of its location, and does not benefit from the. (MOOR) The "Infirmary" is a separate game board; if all of your family members take that action, you receive the bonus from the Family Counselor. No one should have to work so hard to have fun. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive 1 additional wood for each of your farmyard spaces with a forest tile, up to a maximum of 3 wood. for the. This deck is an expansion deck containing additional Minor Improvements and Occupations and is meant to be mixed with all other (C) deck cards. AU $81.74 + AU $83.46 postage. to use the. If you sleep late and another player played Neutrality the previous round, both of you take alternating turns placing your people, in player order. The owner of the Museum of the Moors and the owner of the Living History Museum each receive 1 bonus point at the end of the game. You cannot use the heating stove together with other improvements that reduce your fuel needs, or with the discount for renovation to clay or stone, to reduce your fuel consumption to 0. These cards are also included in the Consul Dirigens deck. With this card, you can convert several animals and vegetables to food at the same time. You (and only you) can use these actions immediately; the other players must wait until the appropriate round. You receive the food when the space is no longer empty. Place 1 stone on each of the spaces for rounds 8, 10, 12, and 14. Is also activated by the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games and the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Food" in 4-player games, if you pay 1 food. When you play this card, you receive 1 vegetable. Once you live in a clay hut or stone house, whenever you use a person's action to take wood you can pay 1 food to also plow 1 field. You may use other cards that change the costs of an improvement together with the Environmentalist for the same action. The Giant Pumpkin does not count as a field, and is not harvested during the field phase of a harvest. Before paying 5 food, each player has the chance to convert goods to food. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Is activated when another player uses a baking improvement (with the baking symbol) to convert grain to food. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. Instead, there are simply 4 decks now: (A), (B), (C), (D). Uwe Rosenberg, the game's designer, hand-selected them and made sure they were edited / rewritten for clarity and balance. (MOOR) The Horse does not count as a horse, but horses can be the type of animal for which the Horse gives you points. Enable / Disable all experimental features; Replacement of CELEX identifiers by short titles - experimental feature. You can convert 1 grain to 3 food at any time. Card Drafting (90) Card Driven . Using the Clapper does not count as sowing. Includes 12 Minors and 12 Occupations. When counting forests, e.g. When you play this card, place one of your unbuilt fences upright on an unused farmyard space. We played the Revised Edition cards, with the goal of .More .More Play all Shuffle 1 1:51:45 Play-Agricola B-Deck Tournament Round. The room does not cost anything, but you must pay the cost shown on this card. Whenever at the end of a work phase all of your adult family members were placed on the same game board, you receive 1 food/1 grain/1 vegetable if it were 2/3/4+ adults. If you played more than one of the listed improvements, you still need only 6 fields. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread without using the Beehive Oven, you receive 1 additional food. Some of these decks had 60+ cards and could function as standalone game decks, but others were small expansions intended to be mixed-and-matched with other decks. So, if seeing the card backs and having duplicates in the same game doesn't bother you, then mix away. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each scoring category where you have scored the maximum 4 points. At the start of each round, place 2 wood on the card. . At the end of the game, you can discard up to 2 begging cards without losing points for them. This expansion adds them. Place 1 food each on the next 8 remaining round spaces. Want to try your hand at animal husbandry? You can only use the covered moor tiles once you have removed the forest tiles with the "Fell Trees" special action. If you take fences back from your farm, you don't get your wood back. Place 1 food from the general supply on each of the next 5 round spaces. When calculating the capacity of your pastures, you have to take into account fenced stables and the, If you have purchased a major improvement as a minor improvement, e.g. You may not exchange 1 wood or 1 clay for only 1 reed, or exchange 1 wood and 1 clay for 2 reeds. You can immediately place up to 2 field tiles on empty spaces in your farmyard---on the condition that neither tile borders any other field at the time when it is placed. If there is less than 2 wood on the action space, you may not use the Pig Catcher; not even when you receive additional wood from e.g. Whenever a player visits the Spielefest, he pays the owner of this card 1 food and receives 2 bonus points. If you use the Clay Digger yourself, you do not need to have or to pay any food. The "1 Cattle" action space is added in round 10 or 11. Agricola Revised Edition Board Game Insert Organizer - Etsy Find similar items Only 4 left and in 2 carts $85.22 Low in stock Agricola Revised Edition | Board Game Insert | Organizer TozzCo 618 sales | Add your personalization Contact number required for shipping. Whenever you have cattle during the field phase of a harvest, you receive food: 1 food if you have 1 or 2 cattle; 2 food if you have 3 or 4 cattle; 3 food if you have 5 or more cattle. Place 1 food on each remaining major improvement on the major improvements board. Choose up to 2 forest tiles, and place 1 additional forest tile on top of each of them. This activates e.g. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each room in your stone house. Whenever you build stables or fences, you may replace wood with the same amount of clay or stone. Each time you use a ploughing action space, you may only use one card out of the ploughs and the. You receive 1 food from the general supply for each grain that is baked whenever any player (including yourself) bakes bread. Both major and minor improvements count. builds a stable as well as a room, or plays an improvement as well as renovates, you cannot do that action as well. it does not activate the. The time has come for the king to decide who will be the heir.. Immediately look at the top 3 cards of the round card deck, and return them face down to the top of the deck, in any order you choose. The wine cellar does not count as a stable. The stable may be built inside or outside the fenced area. At the end of the game, you can pay 1 food each for any number of unused farmyard spaces. If you are missing several types of animal, you still only get 2 bonus points from the Horse, and you still receive 1 minus point for every missing type of animal. [. Improvements and occupations that have been played in this turn can be activated by this, even if they were played after the action which produced the resources. Whenever another player builds 5 or more fences, you receive 2 wood. Theme : Cave Mining and Farming : Cave Mining and Farming : Cave Mining and Farming : Cave Mining : Cave Mining : Animal Husbandry : Number of Cards Playing this card costs you an additional 4 food. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point each for your 5th and 6th vegetables. Whenever you play or buy an improvement, you can replace 1 building resource of your choice with 1 wood. The bonus point is also awarded for 4 fenced stables. You receive either 1 wood or 1 clay when you play this card. The person in the Reed Hut is not counted when checking if family growth is allowed. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point if you have 3 stables, or 2 bonus points if you have 4 stables. When you play this card, immediately plough 1 field. 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