develop the active listening skills of (1) asking questions to. What kinds of questions might you have asked? We hate it with a passion!View our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use. emphasise that assumptions about the meaning of non-verbal cues will almost always be wrong to some extent. How did communication look with a longer or shorter chain? Practicing it during our interactions with others enables us to validate their feelings and potentially avoid the stress of misunderstandings. Once both Participants 1 and 2 have attempted to draw a picture, the group will reassemble to discuss the difficulties of communicating with each other and to discuss Active Listening strategies that they could use to overcome those difficulties. It's how they say it. Essentially, the message will change as the object gets passed along, and players will need to stay sharp to remember who they are passing and talking to. Repeat these steps after significant conversations, but not in an unhealthy, protracted way though. . The observer should see if the active listener is employing active listening techniques listed on the handout. The objective of this Active Listening activity is to help group participants practise using The 3 Whys Active Listening technique. This worksheet provides role play exercises to help with practicing active listening advocacy skills. Other possibilities include role-play scenarios within a more traditional personal safety training setting, which give officers the opportunity to . What might have contributed to this confusion? Paraphrase in your own words the main points that you think you heard the speaker say - they should remain quiet while you're paraphrasing. They outline how they could improve their dialogue with regard to active listening, then swap roles. What value do questioning skills have when were trying to understand others? What is the strangest dream you have ever had? Communication exercises and games are interactional activities that aim to develop how we relate to one another, including how we share information and get along. (2012). paraphrase their message). Dont forget to download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free. Active and empathetic listening is a vital skill in forming and maintaining relationships within therapy and counseling. 5 Effective Sales Role-Playing Scenarios 1. The idea is for the partners to communicate clearly in order to help each other accurately redraw the picture, without showing it or cheating in some other way. Happily ever after: The use of stories to promote positive interventions. What were some of the differences? Recognising and Interpreting Non-Verbal Cues. Start with groups (or sub-groups) of between four and ten players; in each of these, someone will need to volunteer as a facilitator. Unlike critical listening, active listening seeks to understand rather than reply. Any message a person tries to get across usually has two components: the content of the message and the feeling or attitude underlying this content. [2] That is, it's not what they say. Active listening involves giving the other person time to explore their thoughts and feelings, they should be given adequate time for that. Stay focused on getting to know this person better. I might be able to add them to the article. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself entering into that regular discussion time with the intention of actively listening first rather than being the first to do the speaking. They will need to communicate those creative ideas to one another, but also engage in joint decision-making for the activity to be a success. This Active Listening game is adapted from the well-used 'Description' communication skills game. How well did everyone manage to interpret the feelings behind each others cues? Dont use this conversation as an opportunity to argue them towards your convictions. Why? Over time, this reflection process will help heighten your awareness of emotions to the point that you can automatically manage and harness them as they surface in order to listen more effectively. Describe a book thats had an impact on your life. It involves listening closely, paraphrasing back to the speaker what you hear, clarifying what you think you hear, etc. The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. They showed that they understood how their patients were feeling to relate at an interpersonal level; where they didnt know, they at least made a stab at empathizing through educated guesses. Follow-up question: What could you have done to overcome any differences in understanding? Giving others a chance to contribute allows us to factor in more perspectives and diverse opinions. In this study, giving a diagnosis and treatment options was only one part of the job. Each group will receive one topic. Some of these activities will require a facilitator, and some just a group of colleagues. | Powered by WordPress. How might you create some listening and feedback approaches based on this? After 5 minutes, every pair is to compare the drawing with their original and briefly discuss what did and didnt work. It works with any sized team and requires only a facilitator and some novel objects that can be passed between participants. Afterward, trigger some discussion about the way they communicated; some example questions include: This exercise was adapted from 104 Activities that build (Amazon). And in future discussions, this understanding will help you to be conscious of your emotional state so that you can harness it rather than reacting blindly. Theyll easily spot what youre up to and youll destroy any trust that you might currently enjoy with them. Smith, K. (2018). So, there is no benefit in cheating. But they must not say how they feel. In the book mentioned below, there are also hand-outs, but you can prepare your own for this activity. [1]. What was constructive about your partners instructions? It is a skill that can be acquired and developed with practice. What other thoughts and insights do you have about this technique? Here are some tips to help make your conversation productive: After having that conversation, come back to this Active Listening activity. Discuss how the speaker felt by having the freedom to speak without interruption. Alternatively, we may be quick to assume that others understand what we are saying when situations actually require further explanation. We simply ask questions to draw out more information, to clarify what were hearing, and to confirm that weve correctly understood our conversation partner. What would be the most ethical way to give away five million dollars? Writing helps with the cognitive reinforcement process. Dealing with resistance. Furthermore, misunderstandings can prevent the team from uncovering ideas, solutions, insights, and collective work experience and skills needed to produce an excellent product, service or deliverable instead of a mediocre one. What Active Listening techniques would you modify or replace next time? Ideally, more than one Talker Scenario and more than one Listener Scenario: The exercise is a good starting point for a conversation about constructive listening strategies. How about a chance to blow off some steam and get that empathetic listening ear at the same time? Active Listening Inventory. Im Listening can be played with an even number of participants, as they will need to find a partner for this one-on-one game. The catch is that they all need to draw at the same time, so they will not be seeing the preceding frame in the strip. What thoughts do you have about interpreting non-verbal cues? Card Pieces. (20-30 min). Where was the weakest link, and why? In EURAM Conference, Munich, Germany. Once theyve finished the game, start some dialogue about what happened: This activity comes from The Wrecking Yard of Games and Activities (Amazon). Then they will swap roles for another 5 minutes with a new picture. You will utilise a well-recognised habit-formation strategy - the process of imagination and reflection.' Write down a couple of those emotions. Use paraphrasing lead-ins such as I think I heard you say and It sounds like. We cant stop these emotions from appearing. Writing helps with the cognitive reinforcement process. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. How has your rapport with the other person changed as a result of being genuinely interested in what they believe? All humans have some things in common. How did your questioning skills help you comprehend what was going on? Practice Makes Perfect V. Uncovering Assumptions help heighten participants awareness to non-verbal cues that convey vital information. Together or solo, they can create I statements about how the imaginary scenario makes them feel. Invite a trusted person to help you with this exercise (e.g. Describe some contexts where facial expressions play a particularly important role in communication? We hate it with a passion!View our Privacy Policy& Terms of Use. The group is split into pairs. While speaking, what could you do to decrease the chance of miscommunication in real-life dialogue? What did you feel when you were observing from the outer circle, listening but not contributing? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Warning: digging deeper can result in lively discussions! Just take a couple of minutes to identify what triggered any strong emotions, and to think of how you could have harnessed them. And lets make listening fashionable. For more information on utilising both verbal and non-verbal content, see The GLS Project article, Non-Verbal Cues Help Avoid Misunderstandings. Prior to passing on the toy, ball, or what have you, players ask something about the object and answer a question about it. This exercise from the team at MindTools is a good way to help participants develop more empathy, consider other perspectives, build their communication and negotiation skills. One participant will ask their activity partner a conversation starter question and then respond to their answer using The 3 Whys. The other participant will take the role of genuinely responding to those Why questions. How much does language affect our thinking? Explain first up that the goal of the task is effective verbal communication, and give each participant a blindfold. quieten those urges to interrupt in order to jump in with your comments. Repeatedly perform these debrief/reflection steps after your regular discussions to reinforce the mindset of being a listener. What is the most difficult part of being a [, What does that look like? or What might that look like in practice?, "How did you come to that opinion/conclusion?". Was their influence helpful or misleading? Each pair will take turn-about. (20-30min). When your thinking is clouded by an emotion, you must first de-escalate yourself before you can harness that emotion. This exercise is about listening, clarity and developing potential strategies when we communicate. 1. A blank A4 sheet of paper for every participant to draw on. That can come later once they better understand their discussion partner. For this activity, youll need an even number of participants so everybody can have a partner. Step-by-step instructions are provided. zThe remaining team members sitting in the a family member, a friend, or a work colleague). Here are two activities that will help your team work together creatively to solve a problem, as well as one about the role of silence. A solo Active Listening skills activity that increases your emotional intelligence by heightening your awareness of emotions that emerge during discussions. Write up suggestions on white board as active listening skills. Dont interrupt or try to share your beliefs. Listen to Remember and Listen for Underlying Meanings III. We live in an information-driven society, where communication determines how fast we learn. This Active Listening activity is modified from an extremely effective and useful Active Listening technique shared by Nick Read of Training For Change during a corporate management short course, "Managing People Enhancing Your Interpersonal Communications", via The University of Auckland, August 2006, You can read more about my story here. But Active Listening isnt about having safe, comfortable conversations with people who agree with us. Imagine that time freezes for everyone but you for one day. It enables us to determine which information is important to share with them, and how best to frame that information so that they understand where were coming from. What activity causes you to feel like you are living life to the fullest? I too would like to be able to utilize them as a resource for my workshop. Together, the pairs can come up with more productive, empathetic, and appropriate responses, with the acting experience fresh in mind. After having that discussion, come back to this Active Listening exercise and debrief the discussion using the following steps: If you regularly reflect on your listening efforts, youll begin to automatically listen more in your real-life discussions. An animated or subdued gesture that conveys an emotion. Were you distracted by the other pairs and if so how? Retrieved from The games and exercises in this section are about connecting on a human level so that we can communicate with more emotional intelligence in the workplace. Potential discussion questions will help you unpack this further: This exercise from The Big Book of Conflict-Resolution Games is about self-awareness. Did others help them? Once everyone has finished writing, the acting person can then disclose their cue to the group and take 30 seconds to explain why it reflects how they feel about the groups topic. zThe exercise will only run for about five minutes. You will need a volunteer for this activity. Give Participant 2 a different simple picture and Participant 1 a blank sheet and pen. It is being attentive and respectful to the person talking. To practice active listening and assertive communication. Defining Goals . For example, Gee! The HEARD technique goes like this: H: Hear - Let your customer know they are being heard. promote collaboration. Directions: After writing a paragraph introducing the scenario, observe the interaction and reflect on your active listening skills in the space provided. Help put resources in the hands of change makers. Avoid filler words. Whitney & Cooperrider, 2011); Tell them about your first job, or your very first working experience; If youve got a budget, give team members a small amount of money each to do something good with. Participants who sit in the middle are talkers while those in the outer ring are watchers, and these roles should be allocated prior to the exercise. Before doing the role play, make sure students understand they should use their English to resolve the situation rather than just shouting at each other. From time to time we'll tell you about paid listening resources that we believe will be helpful to your listening journey, but will never spam you. Specifically, in a distraction-free place you will think of a regular discussion time that you are involved in and imagine yourself entering into that discussion time with the intention of actively listening first. Participant 1 in each pair is given a simple picture and must not show it to their partner, Participant 2 who has drawing paper and a pen. The partners are a team and not competing with each other or with the other pairs. Mostly though, we hint at our feelings and attitudes using more indirect non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, abnormal silence, posture, tone of voice, volume, and rate of speech. Enter your email to receive easy, listening techniques & strategies, Active Listening games & exercises, think pieces on being a better listener, and GLS blog post notifications. Role play scenarios handout 89.2 kb - PDF Activity 1. Did you actually need to plan your response? Put even more simply, we make work a nicer place to be while avoiding unnecessary conflict. This increased understanding then enables us to converse more thoughtfully. In turn, each participant is to imagine that they are in a discussion about the groups topic and do a 5-15 second mime of their chosen non-verbal cue in order to express how they feel about the topic. Who is your longest friend? We hope you enjoyed reading this article. It might unearth an awareness of implicit assumptions, bringing our conscious attention to the role these play in our judgments. Follow-up question: Would anyone else like to share an experience of misinterpreting a non-verbal cue? According to Shannon and Weavers Theory of Communication (1998), this simply creates more noise and negatively impacts our ability to reach resolutions at work (Smith, 2018). For each of those strong emotions, write down answers to these questions: What did they say that triggered that emotion?, Was it triggered by any of their non-verbal gestures or expressions?. A conversation of this kind can be quite absorbing. Facilitator asks group what they could have done to listen well. The goal is to collaborate and help each other, not to compete. Why was it important to make the decisions together? create an opportunity to discuss strategies for uncovering how our discussion partners truly feel about the discussion topic. Read out the following at a steady pace: You are the driver of the 147 bus route You started your shift at 6:30am this morning E: Empathize - Having empathy in business pays off in all relationshipspractice understanding and compassion when listening to your customer's grievances. Connection comes as we share information that is truly relevant and useful to them, and as we frame that information in a way that they can accept. At the height of a discussion its very difficult to apply new techniques such as harnessing your emotions while trying to stay calm and avoid reacting impulsively to what were hearing (and observing non-verbally). To use this technique, students act out skills after discussing them. They are hidden inside the speaker. Four activities are original. In several sentences, the scenario outlines a situation where they are approached by a colleague with problems but might have other things on their plate. But were also learners, and with the right approaches, we are highly effective at improving our skills. Instruct the role-player of the scenario to "get into" their role and not to just read their role to their partner. Is now the best possible time to ask them for help on a task? Asking Questions To Seek Information and Clarify Understanding. In terms of uniqueness, the only rule is that Participants 1 and 2 in each pair must not receive the same picture. Subscribe to the newsletter for new resources every month. Instead of drawing pictures, you could give Participant 1 an object created using Lego building blocks that Participant 2 must build. Employees can pair off or work alone, in either case, they will need a worksheet of imaginary scenarios like this one. Let the participants go about it, taking care not to let any accidents occur. These interpersonal and team communication games cover topics such as misinterpreting information, awareness of our assumptions and engaging others. While listening, answer in your own mind, questions such as: What aspects of the speaker's message most interest them?, What is the main theme(s) of their message?, What are the key takeaways from the speakers message?. How did repeating the why question deepen your understanding of your discussion partners perspective? Nothing else is said. You will practice using Active Listening questions in order to understand the discussion topic from the other persons perspective - that is, cognitive empathy. Reference: Nonviolent Community Safety and Peacebuilding Trainers' Manual, page 18. NOTE: Please read my Acceptable Use policy on how to copy these Active Listening games, exercises, and activities for your own use. Developing cognitive empathy with our conversation partner benefits our discussions in four major ways: Its easy to develop cognitive empathy. They are responsible for passing the information on to the rest of their team. In what ways did players support each other? Active Listeners provide verbal and nonverbal feedback to show their sincere investment in what the speaker is sharing. How effective was this technique? For more depth on seeking to understand other people, see the article titled Want to Avoid Poor Discussions? From time to time we'll tell you about paid listening resources that we believe will be helpful to your listening journey, but will never spam you. With nobody in particular starting first, they are asked to count from one to ten as a group, but each member can only say one number. Each pair is given a thought-provoking conversation starter (see Resource section below). You modify or replace next time the observer should see if the active listening skills of imagination and.... Be left unchanged with a longer or shorter chain the most ethical way to give away five million dollars scenario! How you could give participant 2 must build speaker what you think you hear,.. 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active listening role play scenarios
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