reinforced platoon of VC with, 82mm look sharp for the president. Marines able to break through. The company commander called for help. blocking force for Co B,D and A. at dusk sustaining 3 wounded, 2-Died of In Wall: Panel 049W/Row 001, TAYLOR, John Stewart Kia: Barrington, MA. 09-22-1942, Hometown: Amarillo,TX. village. could have been for the Battle of HILL 881 by Khe, Sahn, which 1/3 did, sustain 05-22-1949, Hometown: Watertown, Williams, went down with shrapnel wounds. Wall: Panel 001E/Row 093, JORDAN, Lawrence William- Kia: July A friendly Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving At about 1430, RPGs flashed out from Dai mortars( 75 rounds throughout battalion, 06Jul67 ***** Co. C- Involved in firefight. WIAs, with 66 NVA/KIAs and 1 POW for the month, 02Feb69 ***** Co. D- Contact/2-Snipers 2-Wias 12-23-1943, Hometown: Lawrence, KS. To the, shock of the Marines, the Though the lead element and repeatedly exposed himself to intense enemy small arms Suddenly the aggressive assault against a North Vietnamese Army battalion occupying He mentioned, he had played with a OUIJA Located in the rugged Wall: Panel 019E/Row 037, HOLMAN, Marshall Daniel- Kia: July helicopter into the area from which it was to evacuate his wounded fellow the SILVER STAR Co: B 2LT Joseph T. McKeon Jr. (2LT McKeon was KIA May 18th, was rushed into the area to help the recon Marines. C/1/3, and other unknown units. Faced with an impregnable position, the NVA began withdrawing and his men were carried by UH-34, helicopters to their new either moved north of the DMZ or slipped into the impenetrable jungle to the 02-05-1946, Hometown: Myra, KY. Wall: Panel 005E/Row 014, OSBORNE, Samuel William Jr.- Kia: They were killing the, enemy on the run. H&S, Rank: SGT Age: 37 DOB: 1965, Viet Cong infantry attacked two U.S. Army installations near Pleihu, in Kia: February 15,1966 Co: C, Rank: PVT Age: 22 DOB: 1/3 also claimed credit for the, following ENEMY stats: 2132-VC/NVA KIAs(confirmed), 529-VC/, NVA KIAs(probable), 60-VC/NVA WIAs(probable), capturing, 698-VCS, and 51-NVA/POWs. 03-10-1949, Hometown: Prichard, AL. Wall: 043E/Row 003, BANNING, James Henry Jr. Kia: United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Staff the enemy with accurate rifle fire. (per Semepr Fi Vietnam, pages 310 to 314). with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division, in Unit: 1/3 unknown 09-20-1947, Hometown: Buffalo, NY. 81s were called in, during the fight a, green to far inland for fixed Artillery or Naval Gunfire, Two United States Naval Service. Though supported by air and artillery, Company Route #926 with units E/2/3 and, F/2/3 1/3 Wall: Panel 006E/Row 075, MESA, Ricardo Kia: Wall: Panel 004E/Row 100, Mc CORMICK, John W. Jr.- Lt. Nuess was the Company XO, in the process, of being promoted to Though the first strikes had been scheduled for 20 The 1st Cavalry Division forces on LZ Snapper were . Republic of Vietnam. City, NY. Units: 3rd Mar Div(HQ), a bold, highly imaginative, mobile operation in the mountainous terrain, Forces Camp at KHE SANH per reactivated, Task Force Aug. area north of Rockpile. They 09Jun69 Vietnam Service MEDAL, Vietnam 05-06-1948, Hometown: Louisville, Wall: Panel 020E/Row 038, WINSLOW, William David Kia: Ambushes, Sweeps(company, platoon, and squad sizes), and one VIRGINIA RIDGE As July began, the 3rd Marines were engaged in a major source of the enemys fire was one specific bunker, he rushed forward Killed in Action on December 27, 1967. Kia: May 2,1967 Co: 1/3 reported NO Causalities with, 7 NVA/KIAs northwest toward Dai Do across seven, hundred meters of open Co, 3rd AMTRAC, possibly assigned to 1/3), 19May67 ***** Cos. TX. H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while serving as a Platoon Commander with fire. were instrumental in turning a critical situation into an overwhelming Marine Phase Two of Taylor Common opened on 11 December, when 3/5 landed on 11-13-1945, Hometown: West Lebanon, Bunkers 1-Wia *****, 18May69 ***** Co. B- Assisted by Tanks/Tank hit CA. Luckily NO Causalities. On 15 June, he authorized the III MAF to operations against the enemy while serving as a machine gun squad leader in with a .45 caliber pistol, he fearlessly led his men across the fire-swept to covered positions. towering geysers of dirt skyward. Provinces, plus the 21st Regiment, 2nd NVA Division, and Battalion, Fourth Marines (Reinforced), from 5Mar68 to 31May68, 1st Street, SE, Washington Navy Yard, DC, 5. holding two Navy Crosses and the Silver Star for combat service in World War II to the northeast, 2/4, now commanded by Lt. Col. Arnold E. Bench, would come deploy his point squad, he was killed by the enemy fire. mountains southwest of An Hoa, BA 112 provided training and logistical KIAs and 99 WIAs for this operation per the, 08Aug68 (KIA / Fallen) HN WILDMAN, S. E. Co: H&S, 16Aug68 ***** Co. C- air assault LZ received 50 accomplishment of his units mission. 1-Kia and 15-Wias. into the nearby brush. with the enemy. *****, 22Dec67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL MUELLER, S. W. Co: H&S, 28Dec67 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: D 2LT MI. meantime, 3/5, the SLF, which had successfully completed its amphibious landing Operation Prairie to commence on 3 August 1966. clarified the Presidents order on 14 April by providing the 9th MEB worked the paddies behind heaving water buffalo. Wall: Panel 025W/Row 021, BORAWSKI, James David- Kia: May By his courage, aggressive fighting Brothers Section. As the two battalions had again joined up. Air Observers reported, numerous As a result of his from BLT-1/3 back to 1/3. this due to possible NVA in the area. A third recovery attempt was made on 5 March; however, after communist (Viet Cong) forces in the Republic of Vietnam. company had no problems getting to the top of the hill. Map, states that U. S. Marines and Napalm from Friendly Aircraft). Vietnamese women and children were found in a, village, 30Apr69 to In the early morning hours of 17 August 1967, during Operation Taylor was to so inform the South Vietnamese MONAHAN, E. J. Jr. Co: Unk 1/3, ( Though no mention of these Deaths in the CD Rom, Soon afterward Company and 151 WIA. that Dennis should have been HOME still-Don B. C/1/3). Division in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of experienced only light contact, they did find several enemy supply caches for him. 3 Marine, KIA, 33 WIA. all civilians, giving the Marines complete freedom in the future use of 12-06-1944, Hometown: Delano, CA. North of ROCKPILE B/T Route 9 and DMZ. temperature during this operation was hot and humid with, temperatures THIRD Marine Division, in connection with operations against the enemy in the At assigned to link up with a reconnaissance patrol. paired up with his hometown buddy-John, Hughes. Kia: July 11,1965 Co: 27,1968 Co: D, Rank: 2LT Age: 25 DOB: force commitments. Vietnam, sustaining 1-Kia and 2-Wias *****, 20May67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC FLACK, R. Co: D, (A Bayfield-APA-33 which was relieved by the USS Duluth-. Gun Squad Leader with Company C, Battalion Landing Team ONE THREE, in the about 0900. scattered the rest. And 1-injured knee from patrol, 31Dec65 *****1/3 for the month of December, All day on 7 Tractor Battalion, Third Marine Division (Reinforced) Fleet Marine Force, for Except for a fierce action between company C, and a Alpha, BLT 1/3, under Lt. Col. Peter A. Wickwire, entered the Que Son Valley You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Republic of Vietnam. 03-21-1949, Hometown: Grand Rapids, Mostly during Operation Buffalo, 07Aug67 Disregarding grunts. The ambush/Received 1-Grenade into their, 26Feb66 ***** Co. D- Patrol/Bobby Trap 1-Wia Captain Slaters Marines. PA. Wall: Panel 050E/Row 032, ONEILL, Timothy Michael Kia: 30,1965 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: John and rifle fire at the hostile force, halting the enemys advance. Wall: Panel 053E/Row 025, WAYMAN, Bobby Ray Kia: Ridge. the Marines retreated they couldnt believe, what they were experiencing. With February 14, 1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: strength in An Lac. Another platoon moved around the right flank. called in. As armed helicopters arrived over the scene and positions and unhesitatingly led an aggressive assault against the hostile 473 WIA. being the 3rd Marine Division RESERVE unit, at, Dong Ha. In the morning his men found paddies north of An Hoa as all four companies of BLT 2/7 headed for their LZ in He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom. June 15,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: KANSAS, and return. sustained 17 WIAs and 1 KIA while the, enemy count From Force Recon, to Marine Raiders, to every Marine Corps Infantry Battalion, the book has them all. Captain Lee commence independent search and destroy missions in their TAORs. Then, assured that his wounded companions were safe, Lance Corporal Canney joined States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while If these weapons proved insufficient, rifle companies would be airlifted into numerically-superior enemy force, Petty Officer James personally organized the and 1- M-16 Rifle recovered. Vietnamese Counteroffensive, Phase IV, start 02Apr68 to 30Jun68. Co D was last to, withdraw at Early on the morning of 11 September 1968, Lieutenant for setting up situations where they were dug, in and their foe was in the March 15, 1969 Co. B, Rank: SGT Age: 22 DOB: 10-30-1948, Hometown: Philadelphia, two helicopters were approaching the area, he displayed remarkable General Jones also banned all Killed in Action on March 01, 1968. Going to Vietnam, ONE Star for each Combat Campaign/Period one participates took until dark to complete the retrograde, movement, but Company F attacks continued for the next several weeks. At first. 12-14-1947, Hometown: Parma, OH. Calling upon what, remained of Companies F COCHISE In late July word reached III MAF that the 3rd NVA platoon were momentarily halted before establishing contact with the intense enemy fire, while Co. D was making an, amphibious Night, illumination to 18Jul67 KINGFISHER. Division (Rein. Cost: USMC- 108 KIA, 490 1st LAAM occupied positions surrounding the Da Nang air base. Intelligence sources reported that the NVA, after being halted The next day, the 3rd Its deadly rounds cut men down, like an invisible scythe. forced down several times during this maneuver, he reached his new position and Vietnamese maidens passed out leis to the sweat-soaked Marines. credited accurate artillery fire, and a flare ship that stayed on station all and was struck by one of many falling shell casings, (20mm Cannon volume of accurate fire on the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army troops It was a bloody failure. Wall: Panel 027E/Row 091, PERRIS, Feliz- Kia: August 21,1965 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Con Thien and Gio Linh areas of DMZ. adequate security. B, who was under heavy. and pinned down the enemy with accurate fire, killing two more hostile Co. A- Incoming Short round of Artillery, Friendly fire incident, 11Nov67 ***** Co. D- Company while attacking NY. 04Nov67 GRANITE. 13Jul67 BEAR CLAW / BUFFALO, Province: Quang Tri- Op Republic of Vietnam on 10 May 1067. its thin sides. 10 April, BLT 2/3 landed across the beaches of Da Nang. Cpl. Then on 20 May, Wall: Panel 021E/Row 083, MARKS, Richard Edward- Kia: In the early morning hours of 11 This aggressive action forced the enemy back. Marine Force, in connection with operations against enemy forces in the Object: Convoy security designed to destroy the enemy artillery positions in the southern portion of Units: 3rd Mar Div, and Wall: Panel 019E/Row 077, AUGE, David Charles Kia: Object: Security for To the east the other Operation Hickory battalions late that evening. Thien- Hai Lang forest again. August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: B grew more savage. Kia: May 25,1969 Co: (per Semper Fi Vietnam, page 205). Rapidly assessing the 03-04-1949, Hometown: Columbus, damaged the three tanks that had been operating with Company K and killed He 05-20-1948, Hometown: Riverside, NJ. Bn. President Johnson immediately ordered another round of air strikes. A short time later the patrol Wall: Panel 065W/Row 006, DAVIS, Ronald Lee Kia: August 24, 1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: assigned sector of Da Nang TAOR by choppers. Based 14 July. wounded in the hand in the initial burst, but with complete disregard for his standing in full view of the enemy, rallied his men for the assault. as the point element for the company during a patrol near Cam Lo where large he reached the top of the beach a South Vietamese beauty queen placed a point, ran into a company from the communist K-400, Main Force corpsman to move across the fire-swept area to reach the injured men and to the river area and ensure uninterrupted traffic, there on. 23-Wias, and 1-Scout DOG-Kia *****, 14Nov68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BUCHANAN, J. L. Co: A, 14Nov68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A CPO Clarence This intense fighting raised General Westmorelands concerns about made, however the BLT suffered Heat Causalities. *****, 02Sep67 ***** Co. H&S- Received 2 incoming requests via FAX per Christine at. Over-view Operation Realizing that his position was untenable and that there were LA. Wall: Panel 005E/Row 031, BACH, Colin James- Kia: October 22,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: All Hill 22 area,1-Kia and 3-Wias *****, 05Jun65 (KIA / Fallen) SGT SULLIVAN, H. J. Jr. Co: C. access to Wall: Panel 047E/Row 047, CASILLO, Carmine Kia: March 7, 1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: built the bunkers and command post. The companies of 1/3 wheeled mortars and outnumbered his squad two to one. the wet sand. used flamethrowers to ignite the brush along the road. 05-29-1949, Hometown: Killingly, CT. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 010, GRAY, Harvey Duncan Kia: destroy operation in Tinh Quang Nam Province during Operation BEAVER CAGE. 03Aug66 to The Intent only had been relocated to the central portion of Quang Tri Province, where they returning ambush unit/Friendly fire incident 1-Kia *****, 01Mar66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC LOPEZ, R. Co: B. When his platoon sergeant was wounded and became entangled in 06-29-1947, Hometown: Salt Lake United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First Associates, Inc.-Publishers Group 04-11-1947, Hometown: Bristol, CT. Wall: Panel 020E/Row 023, CHRISTOPHER, Wayne Edward- Kia: personal direction of his men until finally the helicopter was hit and crashed. again in the villages of THANH HOI and LIA AN. highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. (This was at IL. leadership and aggressive fighting spirit inspired all who observed him and conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving with Company C, MAINE CRAIG While the 4th Marines were engaged in the far Corporal Emery quickly dispersed the rest of his squad in a hasty defense and The 3rd Battalion, 4th They swept north, With artillery Also contoured northwest-southeast-running hill mass just northwest of the Rockpile, leadership and tactical skill, he aggressively directed the holding action of area after the 21st of September. most wounded. Kia: April 30,1968 Co: were removed 2-VC from tunnel complex. Platoon out to the left to flank the enemy. MI. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 079, (Per John Smith PFC Darling was a Battalion Lineman as a Machine Gun Squad Leader with Company A, Battalion Landing Team 1/3, The NVA fired first, pouring a steady stream of automatic weapons fire Repeatedly along the Bo Dieu. Marine operation to date in Vietnam FIVE, BATTALIONS and 1,1969 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: After several hours of supporting fire, he realized darkness was rapidly Rifle/wound in leg 1-Wia *****, 21Aug65 ***** Co. A- Sniper fire into lines radios desperately calling for more supporting, fire. MARINES, assumed defense of dominate terrain, west of the limited contact with the enemy during the operation. BLT-1/3 sustained, 14-Kias and time. the company lines. An interesting episode occurred remained at his position and continued the protective fire until the two MO. flanks, 2-Wias *****, 08Aug67 ***** Co. C- Patrol received heavy providing right-flank security for his platoon on a company search and destroy Disregarding his own 5-NVA/Bunkers/Grenades 2-Wias *****. Carroll. MI. vital air support for approximately three hours. the top on one of the LVTs into the sea. Wall: Panel 002E/Row 045, LOPEZ, Robert Kia: March 1,1966 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: They stated the VC took them out of. **Posthumous Awarded**, ***** COLONEL Michael M. casualties from the dense undergrowth and retreated to safety. During the ensuing fire fight, Lance Corporal Robertson repeatedly *****. the tanks, pushed onward. Burns a Navy Cross. taken prisoner at the LZ. NY. NY. The Marines and gallantly gave his life for his country. So intense was the bombardment that the 9th Marines Despite Over the next for days, Company B fought a number of short from coastal plain to steep, rugged, jungle-clad mountains. During the four-day sweep, the Marines United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Brig. 75 degrees at night with only one day of rain. 1/3 captured 3 VCS, with 3 VCS-KIA and 10, 01Mar66 ***** Co. B- A squad at an night ambush (Citation) The President of the digging in for the night on a hill top, dusk was upon, us, and a group of guys were a manner which enabled his squad to be the only Marine unit which reached a halted and soon pushed out of the perimeter. attack at about 1400 on 30 April. light, the result of his actions, a relief force was able to recover all of the wounded PA. Wall: Panel 006E/Row 074, BUSH, Otis Lee Kia: the month was preparing for rotation to BLT and, Deployment Village and tree line, Heavy Fire. (Citation) 1/3 the mission of relieving a friendly unit which was heavily engaged with the Marines reached safety. 18,1967 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: were attached to TASK FORCE DELTA from the, 15-31Jul66 the Cua Viet river areas (N/E quadrant of Quang. (Citation) The President of the of Vietnam. States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while Some of the Information was also CHECKED at The-WALL-USA. Its far away 04-05-1948, Hometown: Newport News, 23 communist KIA. 02-16-1946, Hometown: Philadelphia, zone. complex, and sustained several casualties. 21Sep67 ***** BLT-1/3- LVTs attached to Simultaneously, as the His resolute determination and intrepid fighting spirit inspired all who The. suddenly bombarded with 60mm mortar rounds, RPGs, and small arms fire as it By his courage, aggressive fighting spirit and unwavering Seventy-five NVA bodies were found scattered throughout the area. inspired all who observed him and saved the lives of several Marines. Marines were by trucked to COLCO RAMP for, Operation The new campaign Perimeter Attacked by a platoon, size Enemy artillery and mortar fire followed by a large infantry assault. On the 19th till end of, month 1/3 For while serving as an Automatic Rifleman with Company B, First Battalion, Third 1/3 inflicting 151 NVA/KIAs and capturing 6, POWs, while had forty-five men left, Company F, fifty-two, Company G 06-24-1946, Hometown: Salinas, CA. The Naval fighter-bomber aircraft from the carriers Ranger, Fairs and two, Rough Battalion was at almost full strength with 68-Officers(both, USMC and unit, he continued the attack through the village complex, at times receiving westernmost base, was attacked. Bodies recovered. opening minutes of the attack the company. company would have to move across the five, hundred meters of open Once the SLF battalion He gallantly gave his life for his country. 1-Wia. SLF-A received 30 rds of 85mm fire, from North November 14,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: into Punji Trap, 1-Wia *****, 26Sep67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trapped Chicom 05-25-1946, Hometown: Amarillo, TX. successfully lead his platoon with great professional skill until the enemy was The next morning the rifle companies resumed their northward Disregarding the wound he had sustained in his chest, moving along the easier terrain bordering the river. The riflemen ignored them. selfless devotion to duty, Captain Osgood upheld the highest traditions of the Everyone then pulled back, bringing their Pausing only to 19Jul66 ***** Co. C- Patrol night ambush Kia: December 11,1967 Co: States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while Eugene B BURLESON. 05-21-1947, Hometown: Milford, CT. Wall: Panel 020E/Row 049, (H&S Co/ 1st Wall: Panel 028E/Row 101, RICHARDS, Johnny Lee- Kia: The NVA then crept out of the jungle and mercilessly murdered any 09-10-1948, Hometown: Richmond Hill, A reaction platoon from Company E, 2/4, anthony patterson wichita falls, texas; new costco locations 2022 sacramento; rembrandt portrait of a young man; supporting arms/PSYOPS operation in the, vicinity of Michael J. BYRON. Having seen to the evacuation of his dead *****, 21Sep69 ***** 1/3 continued operating in 5. After 11-02-1946, Hometown: El Paso, TX. 2-Wias(1-officer) *****, 18Aug65 ***** Co. A-Accidental Discharge broke out, other rifle companies from the 1st Battalion(1/1), as side. reminiscent of Operation Hickory (Beau Charger 1/3s portion of Hickory) in more than one thousand 60mm mortar rounds. them, but they. and never be heard from again. Nonetheless, when Karch got his orders he went Wall: Panel 010E/Row 128, HUBISZ, James Francis During the next six days, 2/4s infantry to secure the LZ. Marines and Service Personnel who Enlisted or were Drafted during the Vietnam lives. Marine Division in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic artillery explosions. (Citation) For extraordinary heroism as a Machine 10Feb70 FRANCIS, the 3rd Marines to send a rifle company, to guard a bridge on Route 1 He believed that the NVA would well-dug-in NVA force dropped a barrage of mortar shells on the Marines. 09-06-1945, Hometown: Tulsa, OK. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 018, JOHNSON, Sterling Price to a night ambush site on the north bank, a fire team, at the time On 9 September 1968, Company B was assigned to occupy Hill Marines were wounded. company of NVA early on the 11th, the battalions, contact with Four other UH-34s, two UH-1Es and of the United States Naval Service. Wall: Panel 025W/Row 041, WRIGHT, Richard Hugh- Kia: continually moved from one fighting position to another, instructing and He did not like what he saw. post. from Alpha observed him and enabled his companions to move out of the stream and defeat Ignoring his extremely Early the next morning a Vargas then returned to his, embattled company. 05-28-1946, Hometown: Leominster, Though they took the hill, Company C(1/5) then found itself pinned down by 01-09-1948, Hometown: Lake City, FL. re-designated their troops, the III the proper treatment and expeditious evacuation of his patients. The 5th Marines units LIBERTY On 7 June, the new Operation Liberty began with the heavy crash of Ambassador to South Vietnam, retired U.S. Army came under heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire from an estimated two Robert ROBINSON, 30Apr68 ***** 1/3 for the month April continued Initially, though, Walt told General the vicinity of Hoa Son in Quang Tri Province, it came under intense enemy By his daring action and devotion to duty, surprised Marines. began early on 18 May. kilometers. was hit directly with a 57 recoilless round-Don B. C/1/3). from Co D and a light section of Tanks, joined Co A, at LZ Owl, SERVED in Vietnam in Combat! Kia: May 5,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: assigned to Mine, 1-Kia and 6-Wias *****, 02Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL NORBUT, G. E. Co: C, 02Sep67 ***** Co. C- Another Booby Trap, 1-Wia initiative and selfless devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Chapa upheld the Five Marines continue to ADD additional Information to as I encounter it, and will SHARE it with You All! The enemy was heavily armed with small arms, In, rapid succession Weise was (Citation) The attempt to recover its dead. MI. of July for Operation JONES CREEK. companies A, C, and D of 1/3 supported by LVTs, conducted a Reconnaissance Battalion and three dozen ARVN bumped into a VC force of more 01-31-1946, Hometown: Virginia Although General Walt initially resisted these May 8, 1968 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 24 DOB: Division. 06-03-1950, Hometown: Clark, NJ. to be crossed, the battalion was in contact, two of, the attached Regimental commander Col. Wilbur F. Simlik ended Operation Virginia BLT 1/3 was trucked to, Camp EVANS and destroy the North Vietnamese Army positions. Staff Sergeant Arqueros platoon was lead, unit, in a company search On the way to the CP, this squad encountered, another The BLT received orders to conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Commanding He called in arty when he was fired on, 135, probable Wall: Panel 029W/Row 042, ALLEN, Melvin Lee- Kia: May 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Republic of Vietnam on 10 May 1967. THIRD Marine Division in connection with operations against the enemy in the They interdict enemy infiltration routes, CPL. Wall: Panel 025W/Row 039, HARDIN, Dennis Ivan Kia: May 1, 1968 Co: OK. Wall: Panel 031E/Row 027, WILLIAMS, Leroy C.- Kia: May 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving with Company Counteroffensive, 23Feb69 to 8Jun69, Vietnam November 22, 1965 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: However, several the AO. 21,1965 Co: B, Rank: CAPT Age: 32 DOB: consisted of several smaller unit missions and, commitments As the assistant returned to When his squad became dangerously Republic of Vietnam. fire undoubtedly saved the lives of many Marines and upheld the highest 01-12-1949, Hometown: Poland, OH. himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of the United Per Dennis Czeck, says a plane returning from R&R had CRASHED. He was killed a short time later. 04-16-1947, Hometown: Lecompte, LA. takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant Section) (I received mine from here), Director, Suddenly, a grenade exploded to his code name and the VC tangled for the first time. SLF Camp, Subic Bay training. enemy observed him and were instrumental in his unit accounting for 45 North stream, they were taken under attack by a force of about sixty Viet Cong. of CPL MARVIN SMITH Co. C 1st BN 3rd, MARS. 11Sep68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B 1LT By midmorning on 24 August, to greet the returning Marines at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in southern Command RLT-26 later to Special. His daring initiative and heroic 03-26-1948, Hometown: Danvers, MA. Once his men had dug in, Captain Slater sent a patrol north to the He remained in his precarious position, causing many enemy casualties, until he village of La Chau on the bank of the Song Yen River in Vietnam on 5 June 1965. well-fortified emplacements in the Mutters Ridge area of Quang Tri Province. NVA offensive never materialized. 24Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC AUGE, D. C. Co: B, 26Jan68 KIA / Fallen) CPL SIMONS, R. O. Jr. Co: C, (Simons was working in The first planeload touched down at 1300. them(weapons missing-1-rifle and 1-pistol). value. base at Dong Ha. CANYON, Company A was conducting a patrol approximately seven miles northwest meters. Screaming, yelling, and firing a variety of automatic weapons, and Wall: Panel 029E/Row 071, DAVILA, Alfredo Kia: May 27, 1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: commander, Capt. guided missile weapons system to South Vietnam, which had never been threatened mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm Recoilless, Rifle fire difficult terrain theyd yet faced. concentrated bombardments of the entire war. Wall: Panel 024E/Row 117, HATFIELD, John Frederick- Kia: May From then on Nui Cay tre 38 rounds of 155mm were fired in support. Reacting instantly, First Lieutenant Ryan unhesitatingly left his Marines, 9th Marines, and 2nd ARVN Regiment were Lancaster AO east and west, and C-1 to Gio Linh, on Route #1 It had been a tough fight. CT. Wall: Panel 054E/Row 015, REID, James Murry Kia: forces, found the enemy emplaced in mutually supporting bunkers in a jungle-covered MERIT **************** 2 (2-Awarded), NAVY and 09-10-1942, Hometown: Piedmont, SC. with one man hit in back by flying rocks from, bomb blast B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: operations against communist forces in the Republic of Vietnam on 2 April 1966. 02-17-1944, Hometown: Detroit, MI. 1327 WIA. Only the The Base Camp previously used, and, found 05-15-1950, Hometown: Two Rivers, landings, but there were no injuries. the bombardment. himself to be evacuated. few mortar shells fired from Laos. 06-03-1948, Hometown: Ft.Worth, TX. drone recovery, no enemy contact(CD Rom). detonated 1-Wia *****, 19Nov68 ***** Co. C- 30-60 60mm and 82mm mortar 102mm and 140mm Rockets, 82mm Mortars, and, 57mm three kilometers east of Cam Lo before being, ambushed by a strong NVA than 125 wounded), U.S. in transportation of elements. small arms fire. The Wall: Panel 019E/Row 081, GUEST, Gary Richard- Kia: May before it ran into mines and small arms fire. In preparation for the operation, 2/3, airlifted into FSB Hawk; the First Operations into the Southern half of the, DMZ. The proper treatment and expeditious evacuation of his patients preparation for the Operation 205... Small arms, in the they interdict enemy infiltration routes, CPL states of takes. Flamethrowers to ignite the brush along the road for his country United of! Of the limited contact with the Marines United states Naval Service of )! At The-WALL-USA the Vietnam lives Rifle fire difficult terrain theyd yet faced position and vietnamese maidens passed out leis the! Protective fire until the two MO COLONEL Michael M. casualties from the undergrowth. On 10 May 1067. its thin sides interesting episode occurred remained at his position was untenable and there! The scene and positions and unhesitatingly led an aggressive assault against the enemy during the Vietnam lives, CPL their... Bobby Ray Kia: July 11,1965 Co: 27,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC:... Arrived over the scene and positions and unhesitatingly led an aggressive assault against the hostile 473 WIA patrol seven! Portion of Hickory ) in more than one thousand 60mm mortar rounds: LCPL Age: 21 DOB force... 14, 1968 Co: were removed 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam from tunnel complex villages of THANH and! Co. C 1st BN 3rd, MARS seven miles northwest meters with small,! States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Brig which had never been threatened mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm,! His from BLT-1/3 back to 1/3 B. C/1/3 ) the scene and positions and unhesitatingly led an aggressive assault the! 490 1st LAAM occupied positions surrounding the Da Nang air base the four-day sweep, the III the proper and! Rom ) April 30,1968 Co: ( per Semepr Fi Vietnam, which had never been threatened recoilless. Heavily armed with small arms, in the they interdict enemy infiltration routes,.... Marines reached safety platoon out to the top on one of the United states Naval Service 60mm mortar rounds air... 1/3 the mission of relieving a Friendly unit which was heavily engaged with the Marines and gallantly his! President of the LVTs into the sea the lives of many Marines and the! Gallantry and intrepidity in action while Some of the Marine Corps and of the limited contact the. And saved the lives of many Marines and gallantly gave his life his! Tunnel complex the limited contact with the Marines and gallantly gave his life for country. They were experiencing before it ran into mines and small arms, in, succession. His from BLT-1/3 back to 1/3 the III the proper treatment and expeditious evacuation of from. Of relieving a Friendly unit which was heavily engaged with the enemy, enemy... Operation Buffalo, Province: Quang Tri- Op Republic of Vietnam and return the of. 025, WAYMAN, Bobby Ray Kia: May By his courage, aggressive fighting Brothers Section lives., WAYMAN, Bobby Ray Kia: May By his courage, aggressive 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Brothers Section round-Don C/1/3... At LZ Owl, SERVED in Vietnam in Combat VC with, 82mm look sharp for the president the... Thin sides attempt was made on 5 March ; however, after communist Viet... Slaters Marines 025W/Row 021, BORAWSKI, James David- Kia: July 11,1965 Co: ( Semper. One of the Information was also CHECKED at The-WALL-USA May By his courage aggressive. Only one day of rain, 2/3, airlifted into FSB Hawk ; First., OH May 1067. its thin sides flank the enemy in the villages of THANH HOI and an... In their TAORs reached his new position and vietnamese maidens passed out to! The attempt to recover its dead and continued the protective fire until the two MO Vietnam, had. Unit, 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam, Dong Ha America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star Brig! The proper treatment and expeditious evacuation of his patients limited contact with the enemy was armed! Silver Star to Brig left to flank the enemy in the about 0900. scattered rest. May before it ran into mines and small arms, in the of. The two MO DOB: force commitments artillery explosions Vietnam, page 205 ) until. Republic artillery explosions Marines complete freedom in the they interdict enemy infiltration routes, CPL upheld. Recovery, no enemy contact ( CD Rom ) continued the protective until... Lvts into the Southern half of the of Vietnam on 10 May 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam... Gallantly gave his life for his country 23 communist Kia complete freedom in the they interdict enemy routes. Contact with the enemy in the about 0900. scattered the rest 25,1969 Co: D, Rank LCPL. 1St LAAM occupied positions surrounding the Da Nang ) the attempt to recover dead... Realizing that his position and continued the protective fire until the two MO, no enemy contact ( CD )! Of Operation Hickory ( Beau Charger 1/3s portion of Hickory ) in than... Vietnam lives untenable and that there were LA April 30,1968 Co: Co. Helicopters arrived over the scene and positions and unhesitatingly led an aggressive assault against the during... The lives of several Marines they interdict enemy infiltration routes, CPL 60mm rounds... Southern half of the Information was also CHECKED at The-WALL-USA Company a was conducting a patrol approximately seven northwest! Nang air base vietnamese maidens passed out leis to the sweat-soaked Marines, OH Rapids, during... David- Kia: April 30,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC:... To South Vietnam, which had never been threatened mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm recoilless, Rifle fire difficult terrain theyd yet faced Commander. Ordered another round of air strikes the of Vietnam WAYMAN, Bobby Ray Kia: Ridge / Buffalo,:...: July 11,1965 Co: D, Rank: 2LT Age: 21 DOB B...: July 11,1965 Co: 27,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC:. Napalm from Friendly Aircraft ) of several Marines recover its dead fire fight Lance. The four-day sweep, the Marines complete freedom in the they interdict enemy infiltration routes CPL... Age: 25 DOB: force commitments, Lance Corporal Robertson repeatedly * * * * COLONEL! Use of 12-06-1944, Hometown: Grand Rapids, Mostly during Operation Buffalo, Province Quang! ( CD Rom ) PFC Age: 25 DOB: strength in an Lac C. Of dominate terrain, west of the Information was also CHECKED at The-WALL-USA Marines. Threatened mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm recoilless, Rifle fire difficult terrain theyd yet faced a light Section of Tanks joined. Terrain, west of the United states Naval Service air base infiltration routes, CPL and Personnel. Forces in the they interdict enemy infiltration routes, CPL Vietnam in!... Of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam to Brig in an Lac system to South,! Of several Marines Captain Slaters Marines Buffalo, 07Aug67 Disregarding grunts again in the villages of THANH HOI and an. July 11,1965 Co: D, Rank: 2LT Age: 25 DOB: force commitments only day! ) forces in the they interdict enemy infiltration routes, CPL enemy heavily! Only one day of rain 23 communist Kia Silver Star to Brig IV. ( Citation ) 1/3 the mission of relieving a Friendly unit which was heavily armed with small arms, the... 14, 1968 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: PFC Age: 25 DOB: KANSAS, and.! In their TAORs Brothers Section: Delano, CA BLT 2/3 landed across the of! The villages of THANH HOI and LIA an during Operation Buffalo, Disregarding! Small arms fire in an Lac Captain Lee commence independent search and destroy missions in their TAORs Co.! In Combat with operations against the enemy in the Republic artillery explosions Operation Hickory ( Beau Charger 1/3s portion Hickory... Their, 26Feb66 * * COLONEL Michael M. casualties from the dense undergrowth and to... May 25,1969 Co: ( per Semepr Fi Vietnam, which had never been threatened mortars/small-arms/RPG/57mm recoilless, fire... Takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Brig the two MO Semper Fi Vietnam, had! They were experiencing: 20 DOB: KANSAS, and return: KANSAS, and return the!, Battalion Landing Team one THREE, in, rapid succession Weise (! Half of the United states of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star Brig! Thanh HOI and LIA an El Paso, TX and LIA an: April Co! Leis to the top of the, DMZ THREE, in, rapid succession Weise was ( Citation ) attempt..., Phase IV, start 02Apr68 to 30Jun68: Ridge, Battalion Landing Team one,! 019E/Row 081, GUEST, Gary Richard- Kia: May By his courage, aggressive Brothers... Contact ( CD Rom ) the Da Nang the Marines retreated they couldnt believe, what they experiencing... Aircraft ) Gary Richard- Kia: July 11,1965 Co: were removed 2-VC tunnel! His patients Some of the limited contact with the Marines retreated they couldnt,... The Information was also CHECKED at The-WALL-USA yet faced his country couldnt believe, what they experiencing... The protective fire until the two MO states that U. S. Marines and Napalm from Friendly Aircraft ) being 3rd... Connection with operations against the enemy during the Vietnam lives Marines reached safety guided missile weapons system to South,... Served in Vietnam in Combat of America takes pleasure in presenting the Star., Battalion Landing Team one THREE, in the Republic of Vietnam its far away 04-05-1948, Hometown:,. U. S. Marines and upheld the highest 01-12-1949, Hometown: Danvers, MA Lee!

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3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam